AMS China Exchange Program
Ky and Yu-Fen Fan Fund Travel Grants

The China Exchange Program grants support research collaboration between mathematicians located in U.S./Canada and China.


The purpose of these grants is to support travel of mathematical scientists at institutions in the U.S. or Canada on visits to research colleagues in China and to support travel of (generally, less senior) mathematical scientists from China to the U.S. or Canada for visits with U.S. or Canadian research colleagues at U.S. or Canadian institutions.

Application Timeline

Applications for the AMS China Exchange Program are currently being accepted on from November 27, 2024 - March 31, 2025 (11:59 p.m. ET). 

Apply to the AMS China Exchange Program


For applications from U.S. or Canadian institutions: 

  • Applications must be completed by either 
    • the individual or one of the individuals with whom the Chinese visitor is expected to collaborate or 
    • the chair or head of the sponsoring department 
  • If the applicant is not the chair or head of the sponsoring department, the applicant must prepare to upload a letter form the chair or head of the sponsoring department verifying that they 
    • are aware of the proposed visit and application to the travel grant program and
    • approve of the proposed budget, including any cost sharing

For applications from Chinese institutions: 

  • Applications must be completed by the chair or head of the sponsoring department that will host the U.S. or Canadian visitors

Application Requirements 

Applications will only be accepted through Applications must be in English and contain the following information 

  • Name and mailing address of the sponsoring (applying) department 
  • Name and email address of the head or chair of the sponsoring department 
  • For each potential visitor: 
    • Name, email, and mailing address 
    • Current institution, position held, and area of mathematical research 
  • A list of faculty at your institution with whom you believe the visitor(s) would collaborate 
  • Approximate dates and length of visit(s) 
  • A budget specification including the amount of funds being requested 
  • A statement of research to be conducted during the visit 

Additionally, all applications must include the curriculum vitae for each potential visitor. 

For application from U.S. or Canadian institutions, if the applicant is not the chair or head of the sponsoring department, the application must also include a letter from the chair or head of the sponsoring department.

Application Evaluation

In the case of U.S. or Canadian travelers, preference will be given to eminent mathematicians whose visit will have a positive impact on the mathematical research community in China. In the case of Chinese travelers, preference will be given to scientists in the beginning stages of their research careers.

For the 2025-2026 academic year, the application will be open from November 27, 2024, through March 31, 2025 (11:59 p.m. ET). Awards should be announced in May 2025. If an application is accepted by the selection panel, an award letter will be issued to the applicant. The award letter will explain the final reporting requirements (brief reports after the visit takes place), and will offer departments the option to receive the funds either before or after the travel takes place.  Departments are responsible for paying or reimbursing the visitor's expenses; the AMS does not pay visitors directly.

Award Guidelines

Each year, \$10,000 is awarded in travel funds. Most recently, funds have been equally distributed to 2-3 awardees that each receive \$2,500 - $5,000. For U.S. or Canadian institutions who apply and receive funding, \$1000 will be set aside from the total award and given to the Chinese home institution of the visitor, in lieu of honorarium. In the case of multiple visitors, the amount should be divided equally. For Chinese institutions that apply and receive funding to host U.S. or Canadian visitors, \$250 will be set aside to make a special award to one outstanding undergraduate student in the names of Ky and Yu-Fen Fan. 

Award funds should be used primarily for costs associated with visits, such as travel and subsistence costs. Funds from this program may not to be used specifically to support conference attendance, but trips may sometimes be combined with conference attendance. Virtual collaborations will be considered. No institutional overhead or indirect costs will be covered with these award funds. 

It is expected that the host institution will provide some type of additional support for the travel or subsistence of the visitor to ensure a stay of suitable length.

Additionally, for Chinese institutions hosting U.S. or Canadian visitors, a portion of the total award of up to US$1000 may be used by the institution for the purchase of publications, especially for books and back issues of journals.


Contact AMS Programs staff.