Disproof of a conjecture by Rademacher on partial fractions

By Michael Drmota and Stefan Gerhold


In his book Topics in Analytic Number Theory (1973), Hans Rademacher considered the generating function of integer partitions into at most parts and conjectured certain limits for the coefficients of its partial fraction decomposition. We carry out an asymptotic analysis that disproves this conjecture, thus confirming recent observations of Sills and Zeilberger (Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 19 (2013)), who gave strong numerical evidence against the conjecture.

1. Introduction

In his book Topics in Analytic Number Theory Reference 13, Hans Rademacher gave a partial fraction decomposition of the partition generating function . He conjectured that the decomposition of the generating function of partitions into at most  parts (equivalently, into parts from ),

is consistent with it in the sense that the coefficients  converge for to the coefficients of the decomposition of the unrestricted generating function. Despite attracting the attention of several authors Reference 1Reference 3Reference 5Reference 10, the conjecture has been open at least since the early 1960s, when Rademacher mentioned it in a lecture. See Sills and Zeilberger Reference 15 for some further historical remarks. The latter paper presents a recurrence for ; the values computed by it do not seem to show convergence, but rather oscillating and unbounded behavior. It is well known, though, that there are number-theoretic problems where the true asymptotics are numerically visible only for very large values. See, e.g., Section 2 of Reference 7 for an example. The present note rigorously confirms the main observation from Reference 15, i.e., we disprove Rademacher’s conjecture.⁠Footnote1 To formulate our main result, recall the definition of the dilogarithm function: , . Define as the solution of


It is important to note that Cormac O’Sullivan has disproved Rademacher’s conjecture independently from us, as announced in his paper Reference 11, with a different approach. More precisely, he proved that there exist such that does not converge (personal communication), whereas our method proves directly a conjectural relation from Reference 11, (Conjecture 6.2) – with a slightly worse error term.

(It is easy to show that there is a unique root within, say, distance of the numerical value given above.) Furthermore, define , where

Theorem 1.

For any integer , we have the asymptotics

where , and  is a bounded function with period , given by

Note that the number under the first radical sign is real and positive. The period  of the oscillations is roughly , as observed by Sills and Zeilberger Reference 15. It is independent of , as is the exponential growth order . Moreover, Sills and Zeilberger found that the successive peaks seem to grow exponentially with a factor around . The (asymptotically) true factor is . Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the quality of the approximation, which seems to be better for than for . Note also that the exponent of  in the error estimate of Equation 3 can certainly be improved.

In principle, it should be possible to extend our approach from to general . Moreover, a natural conjecture is that the period of  is a transcendental number. While there is some literature on transcendence of polylogarithm values (see, e.g., Reference 8), we are not aware of any result that would imply this.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we appeal to the Cauchy integral representation of and find an asymptotic approximation for its integrand by a Mellin transform approach. The new integrand is analysed in Section 3 by the saddle point method. Section 4 completes the proof of Theorem 1 by adding estimates in regions where the asymptotic approximation for the integrand has to be modified or is invalid. In the conclusion, we comment on the error term in Equation 3, and on possible future work.

2. Mellin transform asymptotics

Since the are the Laurent coefficients of at , we can express them by Cauchy’s formula:

where . If we substitute and define

this becomes

Here, the radius of the integration circle may be any member of . We wish to replace the integrand  by an asymptotic approximation, derived by Mellin transform asymptotics. We do the analysis for , since the factor  in

suggests that the contribution of the left half-circle dominates the integral Equation 5; a rigorous argument is given in Section 4. To take the Mellin transform of w.r.t. , we have to interpolate between integral values of . We therefore rewrite the logarithm of the product in Equation 4 as follows:

Now we can compute the Mellin transform of  w.r.t. , for :

Recall that the polylogarithm is defined for and by . For the integral evaluation used in the third equality, see Titchmarsh Reference 16, p. 18; it already appears in Riemann’s original memoir Reference 14. By the Mellin inversion formula Reference 6, can be recovered by

We now move the integration line to the right and collect residues. To estimate the resulting integral (and justify Mellin inversion), we first establish a uniform bound on for large. Note that Pickard Reference 12 studied asymptotics of for and , and wrote that “little is known about behavior in the -plane except along and near the line .”

Lemma 2.

Suppose that is bounded, bounded away from  and , for some , and . Then, for fixed and , we have


We use the representation

due to Jonquière Reference 9, where

is the Hurwitz zeta function. First we show some simple estimates for this function. Suppose that and that . Since

and , we obtain

for bounded with and bounded away from zero. If , on the other hand, we use the bound in Equation 10 to conclude

Analogous bounds hold for . To apply them to Equation 9, note that

in the specified range of . For the desired estimate, it now suffices to observe that , that the factor is , and that we have

by Stirling’s formula.

We can now find the asymptotics of  (and thus of ) by shifting the integration in Equation 8 to the right, where turns out to be a suitable choice. The polylogarithm is an entire function of . Moreover, has a simple pole at , and has simple poles at the non-negative integers. Because of the factor , the transform Equation 7 has a double pole at , which results in a logarithmic term in the asymptotics of . For fixed , the analysis would be entirely straightforward, but we need some uniformity w.r.t. the integration variable .

Lemma 3.

For , the function defined in Equation 4 has the representation

where  is given by

The function  is


uniformly if , is bounded away from , and ,


uniformly if is bounded, bounded away from  and , , and .


We shift the integration in Equation 8 to . The residues of Equation 7 at , , and are straightforward to compute and yield

Together with the definition of in Equation 5, we obtain Equation 11. Except for the integral, it is very easy to see that all terms in Equation 12 satisfy the bounds stated in (i) and (ii). Note that

in both cases (i) and (ii), and that

is bounded, since is bounded away from 1. To estimate the integral in Equation 12, we use the following well-known equations, resp. estimates, for and ( is treated by conjugation):

For Equation 15 and Equation 16, see Titchmarsh Reference 16, p. 95. In case (i), we have

by the triangle inequality and the analyticity of the polylogarithm in the unit disk. Since , we see from Equation 13 and Equation 14 that the integrand has an exponentially decaying factor . The integral is thus .

In case (ii), the decay of the exponential bound slows down as  increases, because may approach , and we must also take into account the powers of  in the estimates Equation 13Equation 16 and Lemma 2. The boundedness of  guarantees that in Equation 13 stays bounded, and that for . We can thus bound the integral in Equation 12 by a constant multiple of

Note that the powers of in Equation 14 and Equation 15 cancel, and that Equation 16 and Lemma 2 show that the term in parentheses in Equation 7 is .

Lemma 3 suggests the approximate integral representation

where  from Equation 11 has been replaced by zero, except the term , which was retained for better accuracy. Recall that the right half-circle is negligible, as mentioned above and proved in Section 4. Even for small , the fit is very good for ; see Figure 3.

3. Saddle point asymptotics

We now proceed by a saddle point analysis of the integral Equation 5, using the approximation of the integrand provided by Lemma 3. According to this lemma, the factor dominates the integrand in Equation 5. Equating its derivative to zero, we obtain the saddle point  defined in Equation 1. The argument of its axis is (see Reference 4)

and is thus the direction of steepest descent. By symmetry, the conjugate is a saddle point, too, and its direction of steepest descent is . We now deform the integration

circle as follows (see Figure 4): In the right half-plane, we stay with a half-circle, of radius . In the left half-plane, we connect the point with the point by a straight line. We then proceed by a line through the saddle point , up to a point . A vertical line then connects this point to the real axis, to , and so must be

Around the saddle point, we identify a range of width , delimited by the points

In the lower half-plane, the contour is defined symmetrically. We refer to the line from to to the (upper) central part of the contour, as it gives the dominant contribution to the integral (in the upper half-plane). Note that is just a little bit less than . To make the third-order term in the local expansion of the integrand negligible, we must have . It is convenient to make the central part as large as possible, though, because this causes faster decrease (as ) of at and , which in turn makes it easier to beat the estimate for  from Lemma 3. (For details, see the tail estimate in Lemma 4 below.)

Part (i) of Lemma 3 provides the local expansion in the central range, where , :

(Note that the expansion was simplified by using the defining equation Equation 1 of .) The constant

in the second order term is real and positive. Since

with exponentially decaying error term, the saddle point integral has the asymptotics

The integral over the lower saddle point segment is

and thus the contribution of both saddle points to the integral Equation 5 is

By Equation 19, we see that this gives the right hand side of Equation 3.

To see that the two small line segments containing the saddle points  resp.  capture the asymptotics of the full integral Equation 5, we have to show that the remaining part of the contour in Figure 4 is negligible. By conjugation, it clearly suffices to consider the upper half-plane. We begin with the part that, additionally, lies in the half-plane . In the next section, we show that the integral over the remaining part tends exponentially to zero.

Lemma 4.

We begin with the first integral in Equation 20. By part (ii) of Lemma 3, satisfies

there. It is straightforward to verify that the function

increases as moves along the contour from to . By Equation 18, we can therefore bound the first integral in Equation 20 by

where the length of the contour was absorbed into the . The second integral in Equation 20 can be estimated analogously, by part (i) of Lemma 3. The function Equation 21 decreases only eventually as moves from  to , but it is nowhere larger than at , which suffices.

Finally, we bound the last integral in Equation 20. The function from Equation 12 is here, by part (i) of Lemma 3. The factor is , and is . The dilogarithm is , hence , and so

As the integral of from  to  grows only polynomially, the last integral in Equation 20 is , and we are done.

4. Estimates close to the imaginary axis and in the right half-plane

In the preceding section, we gave an asymptotic evaluation of the integral Equation 5, where the contour was deformed as in Figure 4, and . We now show that the remaining part of the contour is negligible. Close to the imaginary axis, where , we are outside of the validity region of the Mellin transform asymptotics of Lemma 3. We thus estimate the integrand in Equation 5 directly.

Lemma 5.

For defined at the beginning of Section 3, we have


For simplicity, we assume that lies on a horizontal line, so that ; this is justified, because the monotonicity used in the proof of Lemma 4 persists if we adjust the contour like this in a small neighborhood of . It thus suffices to show that

uniformly for and , because all other factors in Equation 5 grow subexponentially. A simple calculation yields

We divide the product Equation 22 into and . In the latter range, we have , and thus

Now grows subexponentially and can be ignored (by rounding up the exponential factor we finally obtain slightly). The remaining product

can be treated by Euler’s summation formula. We have, with

The term is clearly . Since , the last integral can be estimated by

The main integral in Equation 26 can be done in closed form (with Mathematica, e.g.):

From this we easily deduce


Inserting all this into Equation 25 yields

and therefore (without forgetting the factor  in Equation 24)

Now we treat the range . For this we prove an appropriate inequality. Noting that is positive, and using truncated Taylor series three times, we obtain

This can be bounded from below by

The latter fact is a polynomial inequality with polynomial constraints, and can be established by cylindrical algebraic decomposition Reference 2, e.g., with Mathematica. Note that the form of Equation 28 was guessed from a Taylor expansion of Equation 23 for . From Equation 23 and Equation 28 we have the estimate

for large. Now multiply Equation 27 and Equation 29 to get the result.

Finally, we estimate the integral over the right half-circle in Equation 5, which completes the proof of Theorem 1. By the reflection formula Equation 6, we can recycle part of the analysis from the left half-plane.

Lemma 6.

First consider the range . All factors in front of the products in Equation 4 and Equation 6 grow at most subexponentially, and so this part of the integral is by Equation 6 and Equation 22.

On the other hand, for , the proof of Lemma 3 shows that the product in Equation 6 satisfies

The function

increases as  moves on the arc from to and then decreases until . Close to the imaginary axis, where , we thus have the bound

obtained by inserting . Taking into account the subexponential factors, this portion of the integral is . If , i.e., is bounded away from the imaginary axis, we get help from the factor in Equation 6. It is bounded by its absolute value at , and thus not larger than . Since

as found by plugging in , the integral for is .

5. Conclusion

The error term that we obtained in Equation 3 can be improved a bit by considering more terms of the local expansion Equation 18 of  in the saddle point analysis. Getting the correct order of the error term, i.e., the next term in the asymptotic expansion of , needs some work, though. As only the first term on the right hand side of Equation 11 was used to define the saddle point , the logarithmic terms in Equation 11 contribute a non-vanishing first order term to the expansion Equation 18. To improve it, we need to replace  by a better approximation of the actual saddle point of the whole integrand . But then, the tail estimate in Lemma 4 becomes more involved, because not only the width, but also the location of the saddle point segment depends on .

Perhaps more importantly, we comment on possible future work. Recall that Rademacher’s conjecture essentially says that the operations of limit and partial fraction decomposition commute in the present setting. While our result refutes the conjecture, it does not clarify the relation between the partial fraction decompositions of and . It would be surprising if there was none at all. Maybe there is a summation method that yields convergence. According to numerical evidence, Cesàro summation does not seem to be appropriate.


The authors thank the referee for a careful reading of the manuscript and for valuable remarks.


Figure 1.

The numbers (black) and the approximation Equation 3 (gray), for .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 2.

The numbers (black) and the approximation Equation 3 (gray), for .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 3.

The numbers (black) and the approximation Equation 17 (gray), for .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 4.

The new integration contour, passing through the saddle point . The (upper) dominating part lies between and . Angles and distances have been modified for better visibility.

Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Theorem 1.

For any integer , we have the asymptotics

where , and  is a bounded function with period , given by

Equation (4)
Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Equation (7)
Equation (8)
Lemma 2.

Suppose that is bounded, bounded away from  and , for some , and . Then, for fixed and , we have

Equation (9)
Equation (10)
Lemma 3.

For , the function defined in Equation 4 has the representation

where  is given by

The function  is


uniformly if , is bounded away from , and ,


uniformly if is bounded, bounded away from  and , , and .

Equations (13), (14), (15), (16)
Equation (17)
Equation (18)
Equation (19)
Lemma 4.
Equation (21)
Equation (22)
Equation (23)
Equation (24)
Equation (25)
Equation (26)
Equation (27)
Equation (28)
Equation (29)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11P82 (Analytic theory of partitions), 41A60 (Asymptotic approximations, asymptotic expansions)
  • Integer partitions
  • partial fraction decomposition
  • Mellin transform
  • polylogarithm
  • saddle point asymptotics
Author Information
Michael Drmota
Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8–10/105-1, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Stefan Gerhold
Institute of Mathematical Methods in Economics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8–10/105-1, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Additional Notes

The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grants P 24880-N25 (second author), resp. F5002 (first author).

Communicated by
Matthew A. Papanikolas
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 11, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00014-6
  • MathSciNet Review: 3280294
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3280294}{article}{ author={Drmota, Michael}, author={Gerhold, Stefan}, title={Disproof of a conjecture by Rademacher on partial fractions}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={1}, number={11}, date={2014}, pages={121-134}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3280294}, doi={10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00014-6}, }


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