The density of primes dividing a term in the Somos-5 sequence

By Bryant Davis, Rebecca Kotsonis, and Jeremy Rouse


The Somos-5 sequence is defined by and for . We relate the arithmetic of the Somos-5 sequence to the elliptic curve and use properties of Galois representations attached to to prove the density of primes dividing some term in the Somos-5 sequence is equal to .

1. Introduction and statement of results

There are many results in number theory that relate to a determination of the primes dividing some particular sequence. For example, it is well known that if is a prime number, then divides some term of the Fibonacci sequence, defined by , , and for . Students in elementary number theory learn that a prime divides a number of the form if and only if or .

In 1966, Hasse proved in Reference 4 that if is the number of primes so that for some , then

Note that a prime number divides if and only if has even order in .

A related result is the following. The Lucas numbers are defined by , and for . In 1985, Lagarias proved (see Reference 9 and Reference 10) that the density of primes dividing some Lucas number is . Given a prime number , let be the smallest integer so that . A prime divides for some if and only if is even. In Reference 2, Paul Cubre and the third author prove a conjecture of Bruckman and Anderson on the density of primes for which , for an arbitrary positive integer .

In the early 1980s, Michael Somos discovered integer-valued non-linear recurrence sequences. The Somos- sequence is defined by and

for . Despite the fact that division is involved in the definition of the Somos sequences, the values are integral for . Fomin and Zelevinsky Reference 3 show that the introduction of parameters into the recurrence results in the being Laurent polynomials in those parameters. Also, Speyer Reference 15 gave a combinatorial interpretation of the Somos sequences in terms of the number of perfect matchings in a family of graphs.

Somos-4 and Somos-5 type sequences are also connected with the arithmetic of elliptic curves (a connection made quite explicit by A. N. W. Hone in Reference 5, and Reference 6). If is the th term in the Somos-4 sequence, and , then the denominator of the -coordinate of is equal to . It follows from this that if and only if reduces to the identity in , and so a prime divides a term in the Somos-4 sequence if and only if has odd order. In Reference 8, Rafe Jones and the third author prove that the density of primes dividing some term of the Somos-4 sequence is . The goal of the present paper is to prove an analogous result for the Somos-5 sequence.

Let denote the number of primes so that divides some term in the Somos-5 sequence. We have the following table of data:

Our main result is the following.

Theorem 1.

We have

The Somos-5 sequence is related to the coordinates of rational points on the elliptic curve . This curve has and generators are (of infinite order) and (of order ). We have (see Lemma 3) that

It follows that a prime divides a term in the Somos-5 sequence if and only if the reduction of modulo is in . Another way of stating this is the following: there is a -isogeny , where and

The kernel of is . Letting we show (see Theorem 4) that a prime of good reduction divides some term in the Somos-5 sequence if and only if the order of in is twice that of in .

A result of Pink (see Proposition 3.2 on page 284 of Reference 11) shows that the -adic valuation of the order of a point can be determined from a suitable Galois representation attached to an elliptic curve. For a positive integer , we let be the field obtained by adjoining to the and coordinates of all points with . There is a Galois representation and we relate the power of dividing the order of in to , where is a Frobenius automorphism at in . Using the isogeny we are able to relate and , obtaining a criterion that indicates when divides some term in the Somos-5 sequence. We then determine the image of for all .

Once the image of is known, the problem of computing the fraction of elements in the image with the desired properties is quite a difficult one. We introduce a new and simple method for computing this fraction and apply it to prove Theorem 1.

2. Background

If is an elliptic curve given in the form , the set has the structure of an abelian group. Specifically, if , let be the third point of intersection between and the line through and . We define . The multiplication by map on an elliptic curve has degree , and so if is an elliptic curve and , then there are points so that .

If is a finite extension, let denote the ring of algebraic integers in . A prime ramifies in if and some , where the are distinct prime ideals of .

Suppose is Galois, is a prime number that does not ramify in , and . For each , there is a unique element for which

for all . This element is called the Artin symbol of and is denoted . If , and are conjugate in and is a conjugacy class in .

The key tool we will use in the proof of Theorem 1 is the Chebotarev density theorem.

Theorem 2 (Reference 7, page 143).

If is a conjugacy class, then

Roughly speaking, each element of arises as equally often.

Let be the set of points of order dividing on . Then is Galois and is isomorphic to a subgroup of . Moreover, Proposition V.2.3 of Reference 13 implies that if is a Frobenius automorphism at some prime above and is the usual mod Galois representation, then and . Another useful fact is the following. If is a number field, is a prime ideal in above , and is not the identity, then does not reduce to the identity in . This is a consequence of Proposition VII.3.1 of Reference 13.

We will construct Galois representations attached to elliptic curves with images in . Elements of such a group can be thought of either as pairs , where is a row vector, and , or as matrices , where and . In the former notation, the group operation is given by

3. Connection between the Somos-5 sequence and

Lemma 3.

Define and on . For all , we have the following relationship between the Somos-5 sequence and :


We will prove this by strong induction. A straightforward calculation shows that the base cases and are true. For simplicity’s sake, we will denote , , , , , , , and . Our inductive hypothesis is that

We will now compute .

To find the and coordinates of , we add to . If is the slope and is the -intercept, the line between and is with and . Substituting this into the equation for , we find the -coordinate of to be . A straightforward but lengthy inductive calculation shows that if

then for all . Also, holds (by Proposition 2.8 in Hone’s paper Reference 6). Since , we know that . Therefore, we know that .

Denote the -coordinate of as . We compute that . Using that , we find that . Therefore, it is evident that

Let be given by and let . We have a -isogeny given by

The elliptic curves and each have conductor . The next result classifies the primes of good reduction that divide a term in the Somos-5 sequence.

Theorem 4.

If is a prime of good reduction that divides a term in the Somos-5 sequence, the order of in is twice the order of in . Otherwise, their orders are the same.


If divides a term in our sequence, say , we know from our previous lemma that the denominators are divisible by . Therefore, modulo , . The point has order 2, so adding to both sides we know that . Therefore, we can deduce that . We have (see Section 3.4 of Reference 14). Therefore, if is restricted to the subgroup generated by , we have . Since , by the first isomorphism theorem for groups, . It follows that .

Alternatively, assume does not divide a term in the Somos-5 sequence. So, there is no such that modulo , which implies that . Therefore, the kernel of restricted to is and so .

It is easy to see that and each divide terms in the Somos-5 sequence, and the proof above can be modified to handle the case of . In particular, divides a term in the Somos-5 sequence if and only if . Since has non-split multiplicative reduction at , we have an isomorphism (by Proposition III.2.5 of Reference 13). The image of in has order . Thus, has odd order and so cannot be contained in it. Thus, does not divide any term in the Somos-5 sequence.

4. Galois representations

Denote by the set of points on with order dividing . Denote as the field obtained by adjoining to all and coordinates of points with . For a prime that is unramified in , let for some prime ideal above . Given a basis for , for any such , we have . Also, and . Define the map by where and . Let be given by . In a similar way, we let be the field obtained by adjoining to the and coordinates of points with and from this construct .

Let and let be the field obtained by adjoining all and coordinates of points in to . Then the only primes that ramify in are those that divide and those where has bad reduction (see Proposition VIII.1.5(b) in Reference 13).

Note that, if is unramified, there are multiple primes above which could result in different matrices and . However, properties we consider of these and do not depend on the specific choice of . The map depends on the choice of basis for , we choose this basis as described below in Theorem 7.

Let be a point with . We say that is an preimage of under multiplication by 2. Let be a prime with , or , , and . Assume that . This implies that .

Theorem 5.

Assume the notation above. Then has odd order in if and only if is in the image of .


First, assume is in the image of . This means that for some row vector with coordinates in . If this is true for , define . Then . Since is an extension of , we can consider the reductions, modulo , of , , and , namely , , , and . Since , we have that has the property that .

If is odd, then is necessarily odd. On the other hand, if is even, then every multiplication of by 2 cuts the order by a factor of 2 until we arrive at a point of odd order. Since , the power of 2 dividing is also less than , and so is odd.

Conversely, assume that is odd. Let be the multiplicative inverse of modulo and define . Then and so we have , where and is its reduction in , where is a finite extension.

It follows that for some . Hence if we set , then there is a Frobenius automorphism for which for any prime ideal above .

We claim that (as elements of ). Note that and reduces to the identity modulo . Since reduction is injective on torsion points of order coprime to the characteristic, and is odd, it follows that . It follows that if , then , which implies that is in the image of .

The following corollary is immediate.

Corollary 6.

Let be the smallest positive integer so that for some with entries in . Then is the highest power of 2 dividing .

The following theorem gives a convenient choice of basis for and .

Theorem 7.

Given a positive integer , there are points that generate and points that generate so that and . These points also satisfy the relations:


We will prove this by induction. Recall that is the isogeny with ker where . Let be the dual isogeny, and note that . Base Case: Let . We want to find to generate and to generate so that and . We set , and choose to be any non-identity point in other than . We set and choose to be any non-identity point in other than . Note that .

Inductive Hypothesis: Assume and so that , , and . Moreover, .

Since , we have that . Hence, we can choose so that . Then . We choose so that . Note that and so . Now we pick so that and define .

By our Inductive Hypothesis, . This implies that , which in turn implies that . Let . Then, . Because , , where is the highest power of dividing , it follows that either and are both even, or they are both odd. If and are odd, then but , which is a contradiction. If and are even, then . It follows that , which gives that .

Now we show that , by way of showing that . We have shown that , and so . We want to show that .

If , then . So, . Since is odd, has order dividing . Hence, has order dividing . We can then see that

which is a contradiction. This implies that is an index subgroup of of order , and so . This proves the desired claim.

Recall the maps and , defined at the beginning of this section. In Reference 12, an algorithm is given to compute the image of the -adic Galois representation . Running this algorithm shows that the image of (up to conjugacy) is the index 6 subgroup of generated by , , and . Moreover, the subgroup generated by the aforementioned matrices is the unique conjugate that corresponds to the basis chosen in Theorem 7.

Theorem 8.

If where , then if and only if .


We will show that and if and only if .

Let be a point in so that . We pick a basis according to Theorem 7. We have , where .

Let be the usual isogeny and note that . Thus, . It follows that if and only if . A straightforward computation shows that the coordinates of generate . It follows that if and only if .

Finally, suppose that is the Artin symbol associated to a prime ideal above a rational prime . By properties of the Weil pairing (see Reference 13, Section III.8), we have that , and that . Since , it follows easily that and hence if and only if .

For , define to be the subgroup of whose elements are ordered pairs where , the reduction of is in the group generated by , , and , and if and only if or . By Theorem 8 and the discussion preceeding it, we know that the image of is contained in .

We now aim to show that the image of is for . By Reference 13 (page 105), if we have an elliptic curve , the division polynomial is determined recursively by:

We then define and as follows:

If , then and are relatively prime. This also implies that, for ,

Lemma 9.

The map has image .


The curve is isomorphic to . The isomorphism that takes to takes to .

We use division polynomials to construct a polynomial whose roots are the -coordinates of points on so that . By the above formulas, . Since ,

will yield the equation with roots that satisfy our requirement. This is a degree polynomial. By using Magma to compute the Galois group of , we find the order to be . A simple calculation shows that has order and since splits in , we have that .

To show that the image of is , we will consider the Frattini subgroup of . This is the intersection of all maximal subgroups of . Since is a -group, every maximal subgroup is normal and has index . It follows from this that if , then .

Lemma 10.

For , contains all pairs such that and .


We begin by observing that for , . We prove the result by backwards induction on .

Inductive Hypothesis: contains all pairs . Write for some , and let . If , then a straightforward calculation shows that . So, . Therefore, for ,

By the induction hypothesis, , and so .

So, for , all pairs . We will now construct , compute , and show that . A computation with Magma shows that

We then construct and then obtained by reducing the entries modulo . We check that has order and this proves the desired claim about .

Now, observe that if , then and so , and so contains all pairs with . Finally, for any matrix , we have

and this proves the desired claim.

Finally, we determine the image.

Theorem 11.

The map has image for all .


If not, the image of is contained in a maximal subgroup of . Lemma 10 implies that contains the kernel of the map from , and so the image of must lie in a maximal subgroup of . This contradicts Lemma 9, and shows the image is .

Now, we indicate the relationship between and . Let . If is chosen so , then

Applying to these equations, we have

where on . Using the relations from Theorem 7, we have that and . This gives

Thus, , where and .

Let be a vector-matrix pair in . Suppose that is the smallest non-negative integer so that is in the image of . Thus there are integers and (not necessarily unique) so that , where and are the first and second rows of .

Lemma 12.

Assume that . If , then and .


The assumption on implies that has order dividing . However, if , then is an element of . If or , then this element has order , which is a contradiction.

The above lemma makes it so we can speak of and unambigously. We now have the following result.

Theorem 13.

Assume the notation above. Let be the smallest positive integer so that is in the image of . If , then if and only if is even.


Let and be the first two rows of . A straightforward calculation shows that if , then . If is even, then it follows that and so .

Conversely, if , then and so . We have then that

So if we have . If there is a vector with so that , then is in the kernel of . However, the order of is and this contradicts the condition on the determinant. This proves the desired result.

5. Proof of Theorem 1

Theorem 4 states that a prime divides a term in the Somos-5 sequence if and only if the order of is different from the order of . Recall that , the power of two dividing the order of , is the smallest positive integer such that , and is the power of two dividing the order of .

For the remainder of the argument, we will consider elements of as matrices and consider as the matrix . We let and define , , and . We define to be the set of matrices with entries in whose third column is zero. We will use to denote the highest power of dividing for . If , we will interpret to have an undefined value, but we will declare the inequality to be true.

Suppose that . We have if and only if , where , , and . We know that if and only if is even. Solving the equation using Cramer’s rule gives that and . Assuming that is even and implies that must be odd. (If and are both even, then , which contradicts the definition of .) The fact that is odd, together with implies that . Moreover, since the power of dividing must be higher than that of it follows that . Conversely, if and , then and is even. Therefore, our goal is the counting of elements of with and . For an , define

Roughly speaking, is the fraction of matrices in with the property that implies that divides a term of the Somos-5 sequence.

Theorem 14.

We have

Before we start the proof, we need some lemmas. The first is straightforward, and we omit its proof.

Lemma 15.

If , then the number of pairs with is , where if , we take .

Lemma 16.

The number of matrices with is .


We count quadruples with . By Lemma 15, this number is equal to

which can easily be shown to equal .

Proof of Theorem 14.

For , let and have the property that for some prime ideal with . Assume that is unramified in and has good reduction at . Let be the matrix corresponding to , and , and be the corresponding minors of . Then one of three alternatives occurs:

(a) , and a higher power of divides both and .

In this situation (the good case), previous results ensure that the order of in is twice the order of in , and hence divides some term in the Somos-5 sequence.

(b) One of or is not congruent to mod and the power of dividing is equal to or higher than for or .

In this situation (the bad case), previous results ensure that the order of in is equal to the order of in and does not divide any term in the Somos-5 sequence.

(c) .

In this situation (the inconclusive case), we do not have enough information to determine if divides a term in the Somos-5 sequence or not.

Fix and choose a large enough so that both of the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) , and

(ii) the fraction of elements in with is less than . (A matrix has determinant if and only if its reduction modulo has determinant . Thus, by Lemma 16, there are such matrices. Thus, the fraction of such is as .)

Let be the collection of “good” elements of and let be the collection of “good or inconclusive” elements.

By the statements above, we have that


By the Chebotarev density theorem, we have

and the same with .

Let be the number of primes that either ramify in or for which has bad reduction. Then there is a constant so that if , then


It follows from these inequalities that for , then

This proves that

Our goal is now to compute . To do this, we will develop rules to compute for any matrix whose third column is zero. Observe that .

Also, if all the entires in are even, then . This allows us to reduce to matrices where at least one entry is odd. If is the zero matrix, we have

It follows that .

In order to determine , it is necessary to consider a matrix

and examine the behavior of matrices with . We refer to these as ‘lifts’ of . We define , and to be functions defined on a matrix , given by , and .

Theorem 17.

Let and and suppose .


If or is odd, then .


If and are both even, but one of , , or is odd, then .


Consider to be a lift of mod and write

Assume that is odd and and . From this, we get that and . We then find that . It follows that none of the lifts of have and so . A similar argument applies in the case that is odd.

Suppose now that and are both even. In this case, write

where . If , and are the values of , , and associated to , then

Suppose that or is odd. Then the map given by is surjective. It follows that of the lifts of , one quarter have equal to each of , , and . Moreover, if , then we must have . This is because if is odd, then , and . Plugging these into gives . Since is even, it follows that . A similar argument shows that if is odd. As a consequence, of the lifts of , have , have and . For these, we have . The remainder have . It follows that

Applying the above argument repeatedly gives

Using the bound , noting that the sum contains terms, and taking the limit as yields that .

The case when or is odd is very similar. In that case, one can show that the lifts have divided equally between and , and that implies that . Again, one quarter of the lifts have and , and .

Let be the zero matrix. We have that . Of the non-zero matrices in we find that have odd and and even, while have or odd. Of the remaining , there are that have or odd, and the remaining have and both even. It follows that

(Note that in the denominator of we have .)

For each of the non-identity elements of , we divide by the highest power of dividing all of the elements, say . In cases, we have and . For each of these, .

In cases, we have or and not all of , and are congruent to modulo . For each of these, .

In cases, we have and and are both even. In each of these cases, by Theorem 17.

In the remaining cases, we have and one of or is odd. By Theorem 17, .

It follows that

This concludes the proof of Theorem 1.


The first and second authors thank the Wake Forest Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Center for financial support. The authors used Magma Reference 1 version 2.20-6 for computations. The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for an especially thorough report with a number of suggestions that have improved the paper.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.

We have

Lemma 3.

Define and on . For all , we have the following relationship between the Somos-5 sequence and :

Theorem 4.

If is a prime of good reduction that divides a term in the Somos-5 sequence, the order of in is twice the order of in . Otherwise, their orders are the same.

Theorem 7.

Given a positive integer , there are points that generate and points that generate so that and . These points also satisfy the relations:

Theorem 8.

If where , then if and only if .

Lemma 9.

The map has image .

Lemma 10.

For , contains all pairs such that and .

Theorem 14.

We have

Lemma 15.

If , then the number of pairs with is , where if , we take .

Lemma 16.

The number of matrices with is .

Theorem 17.

Let and and suppose .


If or is odd, then .


If and are both even, but one of , , or is odd, then .


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Show rawAMSref \bib{SilvermanAndTate}{book}{ author={Silverman, Joseph H.}, author={Tate, John}, title={Rational points on elliptic curves}, series={Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics}, publisher={Springer-Verlag, New York}, date={1992}, pages={x+281}, isbn={0-387-97825-9}, review={\MR {1171452}}, doi={10.1007/978-1-4757-4252-7}, }
Reference [15]
David E. Speyer, Perfect matchings and the octahedron recurrence, J. Algebraic Combin. 25 (2007), no. 3, 309–348, DOI 10.1007/s10801-006-0039-y. MR2317336,
Show rawAMSref \bib{SP}{article}{ author={Speyer, David E.}, title={Perfect matchings and the octahedron recurrence}, journal={J. Algebraic Combin.}, volume={25}, date={2007}, number={3}, pages={309--348}, issn={0925-9899}, review={\MR {2317336}}, doi={10.1007/s10801-006-0039-y}, }

Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11G05 (Elliptic curves over global fields)
Secondary: 11F80 (Galois representations)
Author Information
Bryant Davis
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
Address at time of publication: Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
Rebecca Kotsonis
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
Jeremy Rouse
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
Communicated by
Matthew A. Papanikolas
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 4, Issue 2, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2017 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/26
  • MathSciNet Review: 3681974
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3681974}{article}{ author={Davis, Bryant}, author={Kotsonis, Rebecca}, author={Rouse, Jeremy}, title={The density of primes dividing a term in the Somos-5 sequence}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={4}, number={2}, date={2017}, pages={5-20}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3681974}, doi={10.1090/bproc/26}, }


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