When is an automatic set an additive basis?

By Jason Bell, Kathryn Hare, and Jeffrey Shallit


We characterize those -automatic sets of natural numbers that form an additive basis for the natural numbers, and we show that this characterization is effective. In addition, we give an algorithm to determine the smallest such that forms an additive basis of order , if it exists.

1. Introduction

One of the principal problems of additive number theory is to determine, given a set , whether there exists a constant such that every natural number (respectively, every sufficiently large natural number) can be written as a sum of at most members of (see, e.g., Reference 23). If such a exists, we say that is an additive basis (resp., an asymptotic additive basis) of order for .

Variants of this problem date back to antiquity, with Diophantus asking whether every natural number could be expressed as a sum of four squares. More generally, Waring’s problem asks whether the set of -th powers forms an additive basis for the natural numbers, which was ultimately answered in the affirmative by Hilbert Reference 23, Chapter 3. The problem of finding bounds on the number of -th powers required to express all natural numbers and all sufficiently large natural numbers, as well as whether restricted subsets of -th powers form additive bases, continues to be an active area of research Reference 30Reference 31Reference 32.

Independent of Hilbert’s work on Waring’s problem, the famed Goldbach conjecture asks whether every even positive integer can be expressed as the sum of at most two prime numbers. If true, this would then imply that every sufficiently large natural number is the sum of at most three prime numbers. Vinogradov Reference 23, Chapter 8 has shown that every sufficiently large natural number can be expressed as the sum of at most four prime numbers, and so the set of prime numbers is an asymptotic additive basis for the natural numbers.

From these classical beginnings, a general theory of additive bases has since emerged, and the problem of whether given sets of natural numbers form additive bases (or asymptotic additive bases) has been considered for many classes of sets.

If one adopts a computational point of view, subsets of natural numbers can be divided into two classes: computable sets (i.e., sets that can be produced using a Turing machine) and those sets that lie outside the realm of classical computation. Historically, the explicitly given sets for which the problem of being an additive basis has been considered are computable, and a natural problem is to classify the computable subsets of the natural numbers that form additive bases. However, a classical theorem of Kreisel, Lacombe, and Shoenfield Reference 16 implies that the question of whether a given computable subset of forms an additive basis is, in general, recursively unsolvable. Even for relatively simple sets, the problem seems intractable, as it applies to many sets of natural numbers, such as the set of twin primes, for which it is still open as to whether it is infinite, let alone whether it is an additive basis, which heuristics indicate should be the case Reference 33. Thus it is of interest to identify some classes of sets for which the problem is decidable.

One mechanism for producing computable sets is to fix a natural number and consider natural numbers in terms of their base- expansions. A set of natural numbers can then be regarded as a sublanguage of the collection of words over the alphabet . In this setting, there is a coarse hierarchy, formulated by Chomsky, that roughly divides complexity into four nested classes: recursively enumerable languages (those that are produced using Turing machines); context-sensitive languages (those produced using linear-bounded non-deterministic Turing machines); context-free languages (those produced using pushdown automata); and regular languages (those produced using finite-state automata). The simplest of these four classes is the collection of regular languages. When one uses a regular sublanguage of the collection of words over , the corresponding collection of natural numbers one obtains is called a -automatic set (see, for example, Reference 2).

In this paper we completely characterize those -automatic sets of natural numbers that form an additive basis or an asymptotic additive basis. In the case of a -automatic set of natural numbers, there is a well-understood dichotomy: either is for some natural number or there is a real number such that (see Section 2 and specifically Corollary 2.7 for details). In the case where is asymptotically bounded by a power of , we say that is sparse. Our first main result is the following theorem (see Theorem 4.1 and the remarks that follow).

Theorem 1.1.

Let be a natural number and let be a -automatic subset of . Then forms an asymptotic additive basis for if and only if the following conditions both hold:


is not sparse;



Moreover, if is a non-sparse set and , then there exist effectively computable constants and such that every natural number greater than or equal to can be expressed as the sum of at most elements of .

We note that a necessary condition for a set to be an additive basis is that be in . If is not sparse and and , then is an additive basis, and these conditions are necessary. We give explicit upper bounds on and in terms of the number of states in the minimal automaton that accepts the set , and we show that these bounds are in some sense the correct form for the type of bounds one expects to hold in general. An interesting feature of our proof is that it uses results dealing with sums of Cantor sets obtained by the second-named author in work with Cabrelli and Molter Reference 7.

Our second main result is the following.

Theorem 1.2.

Let be a natural number and let be a -automatic subset of . There is an algorithm that determines whether the conditions of Theorem 1.1 hold and, if so, also determines the smallest possible in that theorem and the corresponding smallest possible .

The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we recall some of the basic concepts from the theory of regular languages and automatic sets, including the notion of a sparse automatic set, which play a key role in the statement of Theorem 1.1. In Section 3 we give some of the necessary background on Cantor sets and prove a key lemma involving these sets. In Section 4 we prove a strengthening of Theorem 1.1 (see Theorem 4.1) that gives explicit bounds on and appearing in the statement of the theorem. In Section 5, we give an algorithm that allows one to find optimal bounds for given automatic sets, and in Section 6, we give some examples to illustrate the usage of our algorithm.

For other recent results connecting additive number theory and formal language theory, see Reference 15Reference 19Reference 24Reference 25.

2. Basics

We are concerned with words and numbers. A word is a finite string of symbols over a finite alphabet . If is a word, then denotes its length (the number of symbols in it). The empty word is the unique word of length , and it is denoted by .

The canonical base- expansion of a natural number is the unique word over the alphabet representing in base , without leading zeros, starting with the most significant digit. It is denoted . Thus, for example, . If is a word, possibly with leading zeros, then denotes the integer that represents in base .

A language is a set of words. Three important languages are


, the set of all finite words over the alphabet ;


, the set of words of length ; and


, the set of words of length .

Given a set , we write for the language of canonical base- expansions of elements of .

There is an ambiguity that arises from the direction in which base- expansions are read by an automaton. In this article we always assume that these expansions are read starting with the least significant digit.

We recall the standard asymptotic notation for functions from to :

means that there exist constants , such that for ;

means that there exist constants , such that for ;

means that and .

Given a language defined over an alphabet , its growth function is defined to be , the number of words in of length . If there exists a real number such that for infinitely many , then we say that has exponential growth. If there exists a constant such that , then we say that has polynomial growth.

A deterministic finite automaton or DFA is a quintuple , where is a finite non-empty set of states, is the input alphabet, is the initial state, is a set of final states, and is the transition function. The function can be extended to in the obvious way. The language accepted by is defined to be . A language is said to be regular if there is a DFA accepting it Reference 13.

A non-deterministic finite automaton or NFA is like a DFA, except that the transition function maps to . A word is accepted if some path labeled causes the NFA to move from the initial state to a final state.

We now state three well-known results about the growth functions of regular languages. These lemmas follow by combining the results in, e.g., Reference 9Reference 10Reference 14Reference 28Reference 29.

Lemma 2.1.

Let be a regular language. Then has either polynomial or exponential growth.

Define , the number of words of length .

Lemma 2.2.

Let be a regular language. The following are equivalent:


is of polynomial growth;


there exists an integer such that ;


is the finite union of languages of the form for words , ;


there exist a constant and words such that .

Lemma 2.3.

Let be a regular language, accepted by a DFA or NFA . The following are equivalent:


is of exponential growth;


there exists a real number such that ;


there exists a state of and words such that and , and ;


there exist words with such that ;


there exist words with and such that .

We will also need the following result, which appears to be new.

Lemma 2.4.

In Lemma 2.3(e), the words can be taken to obey the following inequalities: and , where is the number of states in the smallest DFA or NFA accepting .


Consider those quadruples of words satisfying the conditions of Lemma 2.3(c), namely, that there is a state of such that , and , and . We can choose and minimal so that no state is encountered more than once via the paths and through labeled and , respectively. Thus without loss of generality we can assume .

Next, among all such , assume is a shortest non-empty word and is a shortest non-empty word paired with . Consider the set of states encountered when going from to via the path labeled . If some state (other than ) is encountered twice or more, this means there is a loop we can cut out and find a shorter non-empty word with . By minimality of the length of , we must have that commutes with all words such that . In particular, commutes with and . Since the collection of words that commute with a non-trivial word consists of powers of a common word Reference 18, Proposition 1.3.2, we see that if this were the case, then and would commute, a contradiction. Thus . By construction . If is a proper prefix of , then we have for some non-empty word with , and since , we have . Cancelling on the left gives . But this contradicts minimality of the length of .

Thus has some prefix with such that and is not a prefix of . Let . If , then we have , and , since is not a prefix of . Thus in this case, by minimality of , we have and so . Thus we may assume that . Then . Let be the label of a shortest path from to . Then since by removing loops, we may assume the path visits no state more than once and it does not revisit . Observe that and . Moreover, since is not a prefix of . Thus, by the minimality of , we have .

Thus we can assume that and . Setting , , , and gives the desired inequalities.

Remark 2.5.

The bound in Lemma 2.4 is optimal. For example, consider an NFA with states connected in a directed cycle with transitions labeled by . Add a directed edge labeled from back to . Then the smallest words obeying the conditions are of length and of length . Then and and .

Theorem 2.6.

Given a regular language represented by a DFA or NFA, we can decide in linear time whether the language has polynomial or exponential growth.


See, for example, Reference 9.

Now let us change focus to sets of integers. Given a subset we define

If there exists an integer such that , then we say that is sparse. Otherwise we say is non-sparse.

Then the corollary below follows immediately from the above results.

Corollary 2.7.

Let be an integer and let be a -automatic subset of . Then is non-sparse iff there exists a real number such that .

Given sets of real numbers, we let denote the set

Furthermore, we let ; this is called the -fold sum of . We let . Note that and denote, respectively, the set of numbers that can be written as a sum of at most elements of and those that can be written as a sum of exactly elements of . Finally, if is a set of real numbers and is a real number, then .

3. Sums of Cantor sets

In this section, we quickly recall the basic notions we will make use of concerning Cantor sets. Specifically, we will be dealing with central Cantor sets, which we now define. Let be a sequence of real numbers in the half-open interval . Given real numbers , we define a collection of closed intervals , where each , inductively as follows. We begin with . Having defined for all binary words of length at most , given a word of length , we write with and . If , we define to be the closed interval uniquely defined by having the same left endpoint as and satisfying . If , we define to be the closed interval uniquely defined by having the same right endpoint as and satisfying . We then take to be the union of the as ranges over words of length . It is straightforward to see that

and the intersection of these sets is called the central Cantor set associated with the ratios and initial interval . The associated real numbers are called the associated ratios of dissection, and in the case when there is a fixed such that for every , we simply call the ratio of dissection. A key example is the classical “middle thirds” Cantor set, which is the central Cantor set with ratio of dissection and initial interval .

Let be a natural number and let with and . In particular, and are non-empty. We define to be the collection of real numbers whose base- expansion is of the form with each . For example, when , is the empty word, , and , is the usual Cantor set. A key lemma used in our considerations rests on a result of Cabrelli, the second-named author, and Molter Reference 7, which says that a set formed by taking the sum of elements from a Cantor set with a fixed ratio of dissection is equal to an interval when is sufficiently large. We use this result to prove the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1.

Let and be natural numbers and let with and . Suppose that and . Then every real number can be expressed as a sum of at most elements from .


Let and write , , and . Define

We may assume without loss of generality that . Consider the compact set , the numbers whose base- expansion is of the form where . The two contractions and clearly map into ; hence contains . We claim that this containment is in fact an equality. To see this, let be a real number with base- expansion with . Then is mapped to under and to under . In particular, if and if .

Next, consider , the set obtained by beginning with the non-trivial interval where and and forming the central Cantor set with ratio of dissection .

Then also has the property that . Indeed, the set that arises at level in the Cantor set construction is the union of the images of under the -fold compositions , where for . Then is simply the intersection of the for .

Since there is a unique non-empty compact set with the above invariance property under the two contractions and , we must have . Thus has a central Cantor set construction with ratio of dissection . It now follows from Reference 7, Proposition 2.2 that the -fold sum equals the interval whenever .

The set is equal to . Observe that if then and the -fold sum of is simply the interval . Thus for all , contains the non-trivial interval where . The intervals and overlap whenever

which occurs precisely when . Since and , we see that for , the intervals and overlap. Thus

Consequently, we have that the interval is contained in the union of the -fold sums of with whenever is such that . Since we see that we can take . This proves that every number in can be expressed as a sum of at most elements from .

4. The first main result

In this section we prove the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a natural number and let be a non-sparse -automatic subset of with . Then there exist effectively computable natural numbers and such that every natural number can be expressed as a sum of at most elements from . Moreover, if the minimal DFA accepting has states, then and .

Remark 4.2.

We note that the non-sparse and gcd hypotheses on are, in fact, necessary to obtain the conclusion of the statement of the theorem.

If , then every sum of elements of is divisible by .

On the other hand, if is a sparse -automatic set, then for some . In particular, there is some such that for all there are at most elements of that are . Thus there are at most elements of smaller than that can be written as the sum of elements of . Hence there are at most elements of smaller than that can be written as the sum of at most elements of . But this is , which for large is smaller than .

This remark combined with Theorem 4.1 easily gives Theorem 1.1.

Remark 4.3.

The bounds in Theorem 4.1 are close to optimal. If one considers the set of all natural numbers whose base- expansion has digits, for and (mod ), then the minimal DFA accepting has size . On the other hand, every element of has size at least . So for each natural number the interval has size at most . Thus cannot be expressed as a sum of fewer than elements of for .

Before we prove Theorem 4.1, we need some auxiliary results. We recall that a subset of the natural numbers is -syndetic for a natural number if implies that there exists such that . If is -syndetic for some , we say that is syndetic.

Proposition 4.4.

Let be a natural number and let be a non-sparse -automatic subset of the natural numbers whose minimal accepting DFA has states. If is the set of all numbers that can be written as a sum of at most elements of , then for each there exists such that . In particular, is -syndetic.


Since is non-sparse, by Lemma 2.4 we have that there exist words with and , such that contains . Let and . By Lemma 3.1, taking , each can be expressed as a sum of at most elements from .

Now let be real numbers. Suppose that is a natural number with base- expansion (and ) with . We let denote the -adic rational number with base- expansion . Then for , the number has base- expansion

and so by Lemma 3.1 there exist and such that .

Let be a positive integer and let denote the set of -adic rationals whose base- expansions are of the form with and let denote the length of . Observe that given we have that there is a natural number such that whenever and there exists such that . In particular, there exist such that for .


Observe that for and so is a sum of at most elements of . By construction it is at a distance of at most from . Since can take any value in and since , we see that we can find an element in that is at a distance of at most from . Finally, since and , we obtain the desired result.

Before proving Theorem 4.1 we need two final results about automatic sets.

Lemma 4.5.

Let , and suppose is a -automatic set whose minimal accepting DFA has states. If , then there exist distinct integers , all less than , such that .


If , there is nothing to prove, so we may assume that . Let denote the smallest natural number such that and let . In particular, . By assumption, . We claim that . We write , where and with dividing a power of .

We first consider the case when . Let be such that . Then since if this is not the case then there is some prime that divides both , , and , and so would divide and , which is a contradiction. Then notice that contains and contains no natural number smaller than , since if for some , then and so . But this is impossible, because if is a prime that divides (and consequently ), then it must divide , which we have shown cannot occur. Notice that must have a minimal accepting DFA with at most states. But it is straightforward to see that a non-empty set whose minimal accepting DFA has at most states must contain an element of size at most and so .

Next consider the case when , so . We let denote the base- expansion of . We claim that . To see this, suppose that and let for . Then since the minimal DFA accepting has states we see there exist with such that . Also, since each has a minimal accepting DFA with at most states and each is non-empty, we have that there is some least element with . Observe that and so divides . Moreover, for all with we have . Thus since and are relatively prime, we see that is non-empty and contained in a single arithmetic progression of difference , but is not in this arithmetic progression.

But now we have that with and so is contained in a single arithmetic progression mod . On the other hand, is non-empty and contained in a single arithmetic progression mod , and by the above remarks, is not in this progression, a contradiction. Thus we see that and so .

Lemma 4.6.

Let , let and be natural numbers, and let be a -automatic set with whose minimal accepting DFA has states. If is the set of elements that can be expressed as a sum of at most elements of , then there is some such that contains .


From Lemma 4.5 we know there exist with such that .

It follows from a result of Borosh and Treybig Reference 4, Theorem 1 that there exist integers with such that .

Now let and consider the number . For each we have that is a non-negative integer linear combination of and for . Thus we see that if is the set of integers that can be expressed as at most elements of , then contains , where . Since , we obtain the desired result.

We are now ready for the proof of our first main result.

Proof of Theorem 4.1.

Let be the size of the minimal accepting DFA for . By Proposition 4.4 if is the set of elements that can be expressed as the sum of at most elements of , then is -syndetic. Let . By assumption , and so by Lemma 4.6 there is some and some natural number such that each element from can be expressed as a sum of at most elements of . Then let denote the smallest natural number in . Since and the minimal DFA for has size at most , we see that .

We claim that every natural number that is greater than can be expressed as a sum of at most elements of . To see this, suppose, in order to get a contradiction, that this is false. Then there is some smallest natural number that cannot be expressed as a sum of at most elements of . Observe that ; since is syndetic and , there is some with . Thus for some . Since is a sum of at most elements of and is the sum of at most elements of , we see that is the sum of at most elements of , contradicting our assumption that has no such representation. The result follows.

5. An algorithm

In this section, we prove Theorem 1.2, giving an algorithm to find the smallest number (if it exists) such that is an asymptotic additive basis (resp., additive basis) of order for the natural numbers, where is a -automatic set of natural numbers. We use the fact that there is an algorithm for deciding the truth of first-order propositions (involving and ) about automatic sequences Reference 1Reference 6Reference 8.

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

From Theorem 4.1 and Remark 4.2, we know that forms an asymptotic additive basis of order , for some , if and only if is non-sparse and has gcd . This sparsity criterion can be tested using Lemma 2.1. The condition can be tested as follows: compute the smallest non-zero member of , if it exists. Then must be a divisor of . For each divisor of , form the assertion

and check it using the algorithm for first-order predicates mentioned above. (Note that for each invocation is actually a constant, so that actually is shorthand for , which uses addition and not multiplication.) The largest such equals .

Once passes these two tests, we can test if is an asymptotic additive basis of order by writing and checking the predicate

which says every sufficiently large integer is the sum of elements of . We do this for until the smallest such is found. This algorithm is guaranteed to terminate in light of Theorem 4.1.

Finally, once is known, the optimal in Equation 5.2 can be determined as follows by writing the predicate in Equation 5.2 together with the assertion that is the smallest such integer. Using the decision procedure mentioned above, one can effectively create a DFA accepting , which can then be read off from the transitions of the DFA.

To test if is an additive basis of order , we need, in addition to the non-sparseness of and , the condition , which is easily checked. If passes these tests, we then write and check the predicate

which says every integer is the sum of elements of . We do this for until the least such is found.

Remark 5.1.

The same kind of idea can be used to test if every element of (or every sufficiently large element) is the sum of distinct elements of a -automatic set . For example, if , we would have to add the additional condition that

We can also test if every element is uniquely representable as a sum of elements of . Similarly, we can count the number of representations of as a sum of elements of . It follows from Reference 8 that, for -automatic sets , the function is -regular and one can give an explicit representation for it.

6. Examples

In this section, we give some examples that illustrate the power of the algorithm provided in the preceding section.

Example 6.1.

Let be the -automatic set of Cantor numbers

that is, those natural numbers (including ) whose base- expansions consist of only the digits and . Then every even number is the sum of exactly two elements of . To see this, consider an even natural number . Write , choosing the base- expansions of and digit-by-digit as follows:


if the digit of is , choose for the corresponding digit in both and ;


if the digit of is , choose for the corresponding digit in and for the corresponding digit in ;


if the digit of is 0, choose for the corresponding digit in both and .

Then gives the desired representation.

Example 6.2.

Let be the -automatic set of “evil” numbers

that is, those natural numbers (including ) for which the sum of the binary digits is even (see, e.g., Reference 3, p. 431). Then every integer other than is the sum of three elements of . In fact, every integer except is the sum of two elements of .

Example 6.3.

Let be the -automatic set

where is the Golay-Rudin-Shapiro function Reference 11Reference 12Reference 26Reference 27. Then every integer except is the sum of two elements of .

Example 6.4.

Let be the -automatic set

of integers representable in base using only the digits and . See, for example, Reference 5Reference 20. Then every natural number is representable as the sum of three elements of . In fact, even more is true: every natural number is uniquely representable as the sum of one element chosen from and one element chosen from .

All these examples can be proved “automatically” by the Walnut theorem-proving software Reference 22. On a laptop each proof is completed within 21 milliseconds.

7. Concluding remarks

It is natural to ask if our results can be extended to -context-free sets Reference 17Reference 21. In this more general setting, however, Theorem 1.1 no longer holds. The following example was shown to the third author by a participant of the Knuth 80 conference held in January 2018 in Piteå, Sweden.

Example 7.1.

Let and consider the set

It is easy to see that this set is -context-free. Furthermore, we have .

However, to represent numbers of the form with elements of we need at least summands, because adding together elements of in decreasing order introduces at most two additional ’s in the high order bits with each additional summand. One bit can derive from the block at the beginning, and the other can derive from a carry from the least significant digits.

So cannot have an asymptotic basis of any finite order, even though it has the right density.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1.

Let be a natural number and let be a -automatic subset of . Then forms an asymptotic additive basis for if and only if the following conditions both hold:


is not sparse;



Moreover, if is a non-sparse set and , then there exist effectively computable constants and such that every natural number greater than or equal to can be expressed as the sum of at most elements of .

Theorem 1.2.

Let be a natural number and let be a -automatic subset of . There is an algorithm that determines whether the conditions of Theorem 1.1 hold and, if so, also determines the smallest possible in that theorem and the corresponding smallest possible .

Lemma 2.1.

Let be a regular language. Then has either polynomial or exponential growth.

Lemma 2.3.

Let be a regular language, accepted by a DFA or NFA . The following are equivalent:


is of exponential growth;


there exists a real number such that ;


there exists a state of and words such that and , and ;


there exist words with such that ;


there exist words with and such that .

Lemma 2.4.

In Lemma 2.3(e), the words can be taken to obey the following inequalities: and , where is the number of states in the smallest DFA or NFA accepting .

Corollary 2.7.

Let be an integer and let be a -automatic subset of . Then is non-sparse iff there exists a real number such that .

Lemma 3.1.

Let and be natural numbers and let with and . Suppose that and . Then every real number can be expressed as a sum of at most elements from .

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a natural number and let be a non-sparse -automatic subset of with . Then there exist effectively computable natural numbers and such that every natural number can be expressed as a sum of at most elements from . Moreover, if the minimal DFA accepting has states, then and .

Remark 4.2.

We note that the non-sparse and gcd hypotheses on are, in fact, necessary to obtain the conclusion of the statement of the theorem.

If , then every sum of elements of is divisible by .

On the other hand, if is a sparse -automatic set, then for some . In particular, there is some such that for all there are at most elements of that are . Thus there are at most elements of smaller than that can be written as the sum of elements of . Hence there are at most elements of smaller than that can be written as the sum of at most elements of . But this is , which for large is smaller than .

Proposition 4.4.

Let be a natural number and let be a non-sparse -automatic subset of the natural numbers whose minimal accepting DFA has states. If is the set of all numbers that can be written as a sum of at most elements of , then for each there exists such that . In particular, is -syndetic.

Lemma 4.5.

Let , and suppose is a -automatic set whose minimal accepting DFA has states. If , then there exist distinct integers , all less than , such that .

Lemma 4.6.

Let , let and be natural numbers, and let be a -automatic set with whose minimal accepting DFA has states. If is the set of elements that can be expressed as a sum of at most elements of , then there is some such that contains .

Equation (5.2)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 11B13 (Additive bases, including sumsets)
Secondary: 11B85 (Automata sequences), 68Q45 (Formal languages and automata), 28A80 (Fractals)
  • Additive basis
  • automatic set
  • finite-state automaton
  • Cantor sets
Author Information
Jason Bell
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Kathryn Hare
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Jeffrey Shallit
School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Additional Notes

Research of the first author was supported by NSERC Grant 2016-03632.

Research of the second author was supported by NSERC Grant 2016-03719.

Rsearch of the third author was supported by NSERC Grant 105829/2013.

Communicated by
Matthew A. Papanikolas
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 5, Issue 6, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2018 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/37
  • MathSciNet Review: 3835513
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3835513}{article}{ author={Bell, Jason}, author={Hare, Kathryn}, author={Shallit, Jeffrey}, title={When is an automatic set an additive basis?}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={5}, number={6}, date={2018}, pages={50-63}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3835513}, doi={10.1090/bproc/37}, }


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