Conformal and CR mappings on Carnot groups

By Michael G. Cowling, Ji Li, Alessandro Ottazzi, and Qingyan Wu


We consider a class of stratified groups with a CR structure and a compatible control distance. For these Lie groups we show that the space of conformal maps coincide with the space of CR and anti-CR diffeomorphisms. Furthermore, we prove that on products of such groups, all CR and anti-CR maps are product maps, up to a permutation isomorphism, and affine in each component. As examples, we consider free groups on two generators, and show that these admit very simple polynomial embeddings in that induce their CR structure.

1. Introduction

In this article, we consider the interplay between metric and complex geometry on some model manifolds. This is the first outcome of a larger project which aims to develop a unified theory of conformal and CR structures on the one hand, and to define explicit polynomial embeddings of certain CR manifolds into on the other. This kind of embedding is what permits the detailed analysis of the operator carried out by Stein and his collaborators since the 1970s (see Reference 6). The analogy between CR and conformal geometry is well documented in the case of CR manifolds of hypersurface-type, see, e.g., Reference 7Reference 10Reference 11Reference 12Reference 13Reference 14Reference 17. The easiest and perhaps the most studied example in this setting is that of the Heisenberg group, taken with its sub-Riemannian structure. Here we will focus on those CR manifolds that are stratified groups and that admit a control metric compatible with the CR structure in a suitable sense.

The class of stratified groups that we consider have a particular algebraic structure, which we call tight. These are the indecomposable examples that mimic the Heisenberg group, in the sense that the metric and algebraic structures are very closely tied together. It turns out that the only tight stratified groups are either Heisenberg groups or groups whose Lie algebras have two generators (Corollary 3.2). Tight groups may be endowed with an abstract CR structure. We will show that the space of CR and anti-CR automorphisms coincides with the space of conformal maps with respect to a compatible control metric (Theorem 3.3). Hence, we consider the problem of realising our spaces as embedded manifolds. The fact that these groups embed as CR submanifolds of for appropriate is a consequence of Reference 1; see also Reference 9. We will find explicit embeddings in the cases of free Lie groups with two generators and step at most (Theorem 4.1). Further, we will show that, on products of tight groups, all CR maps are product maps, up to a permutation isomorphism, and are affine in each component, that is, the composition of a translation with a group automorphism (Theorem 5.5). In order to achieve this, we first show that differentiable quasiconformal mappings on product stratified groups are product mappings, up to an automorphic permutation (Theorem 5.1). The last result is a minor variation of Reference 19, Theorem 1.1.

Here is what follows. In Section 2, we establish the definitions and properties of Carnot groups and conformal mappings that will be used throughout this paper. In Section 3, we introduce CR structures on stratified groups and define a compatible metric when the groups are tight. In this section we prove one of our main results, Theorem 3.3, and we ask whether we can see these CR groups as boundaries of domains in some . This is equivalent to constructing explicit embeddings in some , which is in turn equivalent to solving a system of differential equations. In Section 4 we find the explicit embeddings for the case of free nilpotent groups with two generators up to step , by solving the differential equations of the previous section. Finally, in Section 5.5, we prove our result about product groups, Theorem 5.5, which is a consequence of Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 5.3.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we define stratified Lie algebras and Lie groups, and show how to put sub-Riemannian structures on these. We also define the Pansu derivative and consider quasiconformal mappings for these structures.

2.1. Stratified Lie algebras

A Lie algebra is said to be stratified of step if

where when , while and ; this implies that is nilpotent. We assume that is at least to avoid degenerate cases.

We write for the canonical projection of onto , for the centre of , and for the group of automorphisms of . In particular, for each , the dilation is defined to be .

For a linear map of , preserving all the subspaces of the stratification is equivalent to commuting with dilations, and to having a block-diagonal matrix representation. We call such maps strata-preserving. We write for the subset of of strata-preserving automorphisms; these are determined by their action on . A stratified Lie algebra is said to be totally nonabelian if . If is totally nonabelian, then has a finest direct sum decomposition (see Reference 5, Theorem 2.3):

where the are nontrivial totally nonabelian stratified Lie algebras that commute pairwise, with the additional property that, given any direct sum decomposition of into ideals, the set may be partitioned into disjoint subsets , …, such that

When , we write if and only if there is a strata-preserving isomorphism from to ; then is an equivalence relation. For each equivalence class and each , choose a stratified Lie algebra isomorphic to , and a strata-preserving isomorphism from to , whose inverse we write as .

When lies in , the group of permutations of that preserve the equivalence classes of , define by first setting

for all and all , and then extending this definition to by linearity. It is well known and easy to check that the map embeds in . We denote the image by .

2.2. Stratified Lie groups

Let be a stratified Lie group of step . This means that is connected and simply connected, and its Lie algebra is stratified with layers. The identity of is written

Since is nilpotent, connected, and simply connected, the exponential map is a bijection from to , with inverse . In particular, if is a basis of , we may write every point of as , which we denote by and call exponential coordinates of the first kind. We also write for the automorphism of given by . The differential is a one-to-one correspondence between automorphisms of and of , and . We denote by the group of automorphisms of , and by the subgroup of automorphisms that commute with dilations.

A stratified connected simply connected Lie group is called totally nonabelian or a direct product if its Lie algebra is totally nonabelian or a Lie algebra direct sum. The finest direct product decomposition of the group is that associated to the finest direct sum decomposition of the Lie algebra.

First, we state and prove a preliminary lemma.

Lemma 2.1.

Suppose that is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group, with an orthonormal basis for its Lie algebra. Let be the power series of the function (extended to by continuity), which converges in the ball with centre and radius . Then the left-invariant vector field corresponding to , evaluated at in , is given in exponential coordinates of the first kind by

where the sum terminates when is sufficiently large as is nilpotent.


The derivative of the exponential map at is given by

(see, for example, Reference 15, Theorem 2.14.3), and the series terminates because is nilpotent.

The coefficients may be determined inductively from the condition

and we find that

In a stratified group , more can be said. We say that a function on is homogeneous of degree if , and a differential operator on is homogeneous of degree (which may be negative) if is homogeneous of degree whenever is homogeneous of degree . We write and for these degrees.

If , then the associated vector field is homogeneous of degree . If we take a basis of , where each belongs to some , and use exponential coordinates of the first kind on , that is, we write

then the coordinate function is homogeneous of degree . A vector field that is homogeneous of degree is a linear combination of the left-invariant vector fields , …, , with coefficients that are homogeneous functions, and .

2.3. The Pansu differential

We denote by the left translation by in , that is, for all . The subbundle of the tangent bundle given by is called the horizontal distribution. We write for an arbitrary nonempty connected open subset of . The differential of a differentiable map is written . We recall that a continuous map is Pansu differentiable at if the limit

converges, uniformly for in compact subsets of , to a strata-preserving homomorphism of , written . If is Pansu differentiable at , then is a Lie algebra homomorphism, written , and

exists, uniformly for in compact subsets of . We call the Pansu derivative and the Pansu differential of at . By construction, both and commute with dilations, and so in particular, is a strata-preserving Lie algebra homomorphism.

Note that if is a strata-preserving automorphism of , then its Pansu derivative coincides with at every point, and its Pansu differential coincides with the Lie differential at every point. Thus our notation is a little different from the standard Lie theory notation, but is not ambiguous.

2.4. The sub-Riemannian distance

We fix a scalar product on , and we define a left-invariant Riemannian metric on the horizontal distribution by the formula

for all and all . This gives rise to a left-invariant sub-Riemannian or Carnot–Carathéodory distance function on . To define this, we first say that a smooth curve is horizontal if for every . Then we define the distance between points and by

where in the infimum we take all horizontal curves such that and . The distance function is homogeneous, symmetric, and left-invariant, that is,

in particular, . The stratified group , equipped with the distance , is known as a Carnot group.

2.5. Quasiconformal automorphisms and maps

We write for the unit sphere in a normed vector space .

Suppose that . We say that is -quasiconformal if and only if

Of course, every is -quasiconformal for sufficiently large .

Suppose that . In a Carnot group, the distortion of a map at a point and at scale is defined by

The map is -quasiconformal in if

and is quasiconformal if it is -quasiconformal for some .

If the map is , then it is -quasiconformal in if and only if its Pansu differential is -quasiconformal at all . It is known that -quasiconformal maps on Carnot groups and on some sub-Riemannian manifolds are smooth (see Reference 2Reference 3); such maps are also known as conformal maps.

3. CR stratified groups and Carnot groups

In this section, we consider CR structures on stratified groups and Carnot groups; we consider an example with an illustrious history, and construct many new examples of Carnot groups as boundaries of domains.

3.1. CR stratified groups

Let be a stratified group such that and let be the integer such that . We define an almost complex structure on to be a linear isomorphism such that and

for all . A stratified group equipped with such a mapping is said to be a CR stratified group of type . Let . It is easy to check that Equation 3.1 is equivalent to being abelian in the complexification of .

We say that is a CR automorphism or an anti-CR automorphism if

equivalently, or , where denotes the linear extension of to . Notice that the inverse of a CR automorphism is also a CR automorphism. A diffeomorphism between domains in is a CR mapping or an anti-CR mapping if and only if its Pansu differential is a CR automorphism or an anti-CR automorphism for every . In this section we will study the structure and the CR diffeomorphisms of CR stratified groups. In particular, we will show that, for a class of these groups, the space of conformal maps with respect to a compatible metric coincides with the space of CR maps. Last but not least, we will show some explicit embeddings of CR stratified groups into via a CR diffeomorphism.

3.2. Tight groups

We say that a stratified group is tight if is totally nonabelian, its finest direct product decomposition has only one factor, and . Equivalently,


It is straightforward to check that the space , defined by

satisfies . So tight stratified groups are CR with respect to the almost complex structure determined by the requirements that and for every , …, .

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a tight CR stratified group. If , then is central, that is, when , …, .


We argue by contradiction. Suppose that for some . Renumbering if necessary, we may assume that . Then . However, by the Jacobi identity and Equation 3.2,

which gives a contradiction. We may show that similarly.

Corollary 3.2.

Let be a tight CR stratified group with . Then exactly one of the following holds:


and ,


, and . In this case is the Heisenberg algebra of dimension .

When is tight, we consider the element uniquely defined by and for all , and the left-invariant one-form such that . Then the bilinear form

is a scalar product on for which is an orthonormal basis. Moreover, is compatible with , in the sense that

We define a Carnot group structure on using the left-invariant metric on the horizontal subbundle that coincides with at the identity.

Theorem 3.3.

Let be a tight stratified group with the Carnot distance determined by . Let be a homeomorphism from a connected open subset of onto its image. Then is -quasiconformal if and only if is CR or anti-CR.


We say that is conformal if

or, equivalently, if for some . Here denotes the transpose with respect to . It is well known that is -quasiconformal if and only if is conformal for every Reference 3. Therefore, it is enough to show that every conformal automorphism is a CR or anti-CR automorphism, and vice versa. Since is tight, either or is the Heisenberg group of dimension . It is straightforward to show in both cases that for all , the condition is equivalent to or .

The theorem above holds for every left-invariant metric that is compatible with the CR structure. Indeed, let be any scalar product on with the property that

Then there is such that . The compatibility condition and the definition of imply that , which in turn implies that or . Therefore induces a CR or anti-CR automorphism of , and so by Theorem 3.3 the left-invariant metrics with respect to and are conformally equivalent.

3.3. CR embeddings of tight groups

We are now deriving a system of equations whose solutions, if they exist, yield explicit CR embeddings of tight groups into that generalise those considered by Nagel and Stein; our embeddings are more closely related to work of Andreotti and Hill Reference 1, and generalise work of the fourth-named author and her collaborators Reference 16Reference 17. As the Heisenberg groups are well understood, we concentrate on the case where and is nontrivial. Our construction involves several steps.

First, extend an orthonormal basis of to a basis of , where we choose the from the iterated commutators of and in order to first span , then , and so on. We then extend the inner product on to an inner product on so that our basis is orthonormal. We use exponential coordinates of the first kind, and take an element of to be

By Lemma 2.1, the left-invariant vector field corresponding to an element of is given in these coordinates by

where , , and is equal to

The functions are polynomials of bounded degree, since the series above has finitely many nonzero terms, and are homogeneous if is homogeneous. In particular,


Now we seek to map into the surface

where the are homogeneous polynomials of positive degree, using the map , defined by taking equal to

The map is evidently a embedding, and lies on the surface. In the obvious extension of our coordinate system, the differential of satisfies

We identify with , where and . When we do this, our embedding is a CR embedding if and only if the complex vector field on maps to a vector field tangent to the surface in . Now

and this is a vector field if and only if the coefficient of is times the coefficient of for all , that is,

or equivalently,

This is a nontrivial system of differential equations, and we do not know whether it can be solved in general. There are certainly many examples where this is possible, for instance, if is filiform—see Reference 16Reference 18. In the next section, we will consider the case of free nilpotent Lie groups with two generators and use an alternative coordinate system to solve Equation 3.4 for the case when these Lie groups have step at most .

If the stratified group is not tight, there is no obvious canonical choice of a compatible Carnot structure. Hence the extent to which we can generalise our study of the interplay between conformal and CR structures in the general case is unclear.

4. Free nilpotent Lie groups

In this section we focus on solving the system of equations Equation 3.4 in the tight case, that is, for free nilpotent Lie groups whose Lie algebra has two generators and step at least . We introduce some further notation, that in some cases will replace that of the previous sections. Denote by the free nilpotent Lie algebra of step with two generators, and let . Recall that is the biggest nilpotent Lie algebra of step generated by iterated brackets of two generators and . The elements in the linear span of

where are vectors in , are said to have length at most . We now recall the recursive definition of the Hall basis Reference 8 for . Each element in the basis is a monomial in the generators. The generators and are elements of the basis and of length . Assume that we have defined basis elements of lengths , …, and that they are simply ordered in such a way that if . If and , and , then is a basis element of length if:


and are basis elements and , and


if , then .

Number the basis elements using this ordering, i.e., , , , etc. Consider a basis element as a bracket in the lower order basis elements, , where . If we repeat this process with , we get , where by the Hall basis conditions. Continuing in this fashion, we end up with

where and when . Since this expansion involves brackets, we shall write and define . This process naturally associates a multi-index to each Hall basis element , defined by . Note that for , . Let be coordinates in . For every , we define the monomial by

where and , if . Notice that . It will be convenient to represent the bracket Equation 4.1 by the vector . We stress that any one of the formula Equation 4.1 for , the vector , or the monomial , uniquely describes the other two.

The vector fields

generate the Lie algebra . We now rewrite Equation 3.4 using these vector fields as generators. Thus, we look for polynomials solving

for every . Since is a monomial, the first equation integrates to

where and . We substitute this in the second equation to obtain

Since when , it follows that is the only term that does not depend on , so it is zero, and . Hence for a free nilpotent Lie algebra with two generators, the system Equation 3.4 can be solved if we can find such that

for all . We now solve this system of equations for free Lie algebras up to step .

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step at most . Then the system of equations Equation 4.2 admits a solution of the form

for some . In particular, if , then .

Vice versa, if , then there is such that does not solve Equation 4.2.

For a free nilpotent Lie algebra with two generators, we may represent the monomials by the vector . We stress that this vector is not the same as . Vice versa, in order for such a vector to represent a nonzero monomial , it must be that represents a basis vector higher than and with . Using these rules, we may easily construct all vectors for a given step. For example, if the step is 2, we only have the monomial , corresponding to the vector . In step 3, we have to add two more monomials, , and , corresponding to the vectors and . We write all vectors and monomials up to step 8 in Table 1.

Theorem 4.1 will be a consequence of the following three lemmas.

Lemma 4.2.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step at most . Then for all ,

for some .


We say that has height if . Observe that is homogeneous of degree . It follows that, if , then it is homogeneous of the same degree as . If this is the case, for our statement to be true, it must be that . Moreover, can only be nonzero if . Using these observations, the claim readily follows by inspecting Table 1.

Lemma 4.3.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step at most . Then for every ,

for some . In particular, if , then .


Given , we study the action of on the associated vector . If for all , then and we are done. Otherwise, let be the smallest integer such that . Then the action of replaces the th entry with , and more precisely,

If represents a monomial for some , then we are done. By inspecting Table 1, this always occurs except for the vectors , and , which represent the monomials , and . In these cases,

and, similarly, and .

Lemma 4.4.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step . Then there is for which is not a solution of Equation 4.2 for every .


When , consider the monomial , corresponding to the vector . A direct computation shows that every solution of Equation 4.2 for this monomial contains for some .

Proof of Theorem 4.1.

In view of Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3, if we may rewrite the equation Equation 4.2 as

for some constants . Then is a solution. If , then Equation 4.2 becomes

for some constants . Hence is a solution. A quadratic solution can be found in the same way for and .

Theorem 4.1 suggests that all free tight groups can be embedded into by means of polynomial functions. The pattern that these polynomials follow is at the moment unknown to the authors. For example, we find linear solutions for groups up to step 5 and then again at step 7, whereas quadratic solutions are only sufficient up to step 8. However, our result gives an algorithm for finding these embeddings for anyone to use and that we plan to implement for MAPLE. Hopefully, this will provide us with enough examples to look again at the global picture.

5. Products

We say that a mapping on is affine if it is the composition of a left translation with an element in .

Theorem 5.1.

Suppose that is a totally nonabelian Carnot group, with finest direct product decomposition , where . Let be a quasiconformal map. Then is composed of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product bi-Lipschitz map.


We write either or for a typical element of .

The Pansu differential of a global quasiconformal mapping is continuous, and hence its component is constant. This is an automorphism of and by conjugation with the exponential may be considered as an automorphism of , and is therefore quasiconformal. By composing with the inverse of this automorphism if necessary, we may assume that the Pansu differential of is a product automorphism (see Reference 5, Corollary 3.4).

If we take a horizontal curve in one of the factors , then is again a horizontal curve, whose Pansu derivative is , and so moves in the factor and is fixed in the other factors. The groups mutually commute, and it follows immediately that is a product map: we may find maps such that

The Pansu differential is also a product map:

If is -quasiconformal, it follows immediately that when ,

for all . Define

for all , and now fix such that . Then, when ,

Fix different from . Since

it follows that

Since is not constant, , and now each map is bi-Lipschitz, and, by considering horizontal curves, we conclude that

as required.

Remark 5.2.

The argument above shows that if is defined in a domain in , then is locally a product mapping. Of course, this does not imply that is a product mapping, unless is a product domain. However, if is -quasiconformal, then stronger conclusions do hold.

Corollary 5.3.

Suppose that is a totally nonabelian Carnot group, with finest direct product decomposition , where . Let be a -quasiconformal map from a domain in onto its image. Then is the restriction to of the composition of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product affine map.


By Reference 3, is smooth. By Reference 4, Theorem 4.1, is an affine map. In particular, extends analytically to a conformal map on all of . By Theorem 5.1, it follows that is is the composition of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product map.

Remark 5.4.

We recall that if is the Heisenberg group , then conformal maps on a domain in are restrictions of the action of an element of Reference 12. However, if is the product of Heisenberg groups where , then most elements in do not induce conformal maps on domains in . Indeed, from the previous corollary, conformal maps are affine in this case.

5.1. CR mappings on product groups

Theorem 5.5.

Suppose that is a totally nonabelian Carnot group, with finest direct product decomposition , where . Suppose that is tight when , …, . Let be a CR mapping. Then is the composition of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product CR mapping.


By Theorem 3.3, for tight Carnot groups CR and anti-CR diffeomorphisms are the same as conformal mappings. The conclusion now follows from Corollary 5.3.


Table 1.

Monomials up to step .

, ,
, , ,
, , , ,
, , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mathematical Fragments

Lemma 2.1.

Suppose that is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group, with an orthonormal basis for its Lie algebra. Let be the power series of the function (extended to by continuity), which converges in the ball with centre and radius . Then the left-invariant vector field corresponding to , evaluated at in , is given in exponential coordinates of the first kind by

where the sum terminates when is sufficiently large as is nilpotent.

Equation (3.1)
Equation (3.2)
Corollary 3.2.

Let be a tight CR stratified group with . Then exactly one of the following holds:


and ,


, and . In this case is the Heisenberg algebra of dimension .

Theorem 3.3.

Let be a tight stratified group with the Carnot distance determined by . Let be a homeomorphism from a connected open subset of onto its image. Then is -quasiconformal if and only if is CR or anti-CR.

Equation (3.4)
Equation (4.1)
Equation (4.2)
Theorem 4.1.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step at most . Then the system of equations Equation 4.2 admits a solution of the form

for some . In particular, if , then .

Vice versa, if , then there is such that does not solve Equation 4.2.

Lemma 4.2.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step at most . Then for all ,

for some .

Lemma 4.3.

Let be a free nilpotent Lie algebra of step at most . Then for every ,

for some . In particular, if , then .

Theorem 5.1.

Suppose that is a totally nonabelian Carnot group, with finest direct product decomposition , where . Let be a quasiconformal map. Then is composed of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product bi-Lipschitz map.

Corollary 5.3.

Suppose that is a totally nonabelian Carnot group, with finest direct product decomposition , where . Let be a -quasiconformal map from a domain in onto its image. Then is the restriction to of the composition of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product affine map.

Theorem 5.5.

Suppose that is a totally nonabelian Carnot group, with finest direct product decomposition , where . Suppose that is tight when , …, . Let be a CR mapping. Then is the composition of a group automorphism that permutes the groups and a product CR mapping.


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 22E25 (Nilpotent and solvable Lie groups)
Secondary: 30L10 (Quasiconformal mappings in metric spaces), 32V15 (CR manifolds as boundaries of domains), 35R03 (Partial differential equations on Heisenberg groups, Lie groups, Carnot groups, etc.), 53C23 (Global geometric and topological methods ; differential geometric analysis on metric spaces)
  • Carnot groups
  • CR mappings
  • quasiconformal mappings
  • conformal mappings
Author Information
Michael G. Cowling
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney 2052, Australia
Ji Li
Department of Mathematics, Macquarie University NSW 2109, Australia
Alessandro Ottazzi
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney 2052, Australia
Qingyan Wu
Department of Mathematics, Linyi University, Shandong, 276005, People’s Republic of China
Additional Notes

The first and third authors were supported by the Australian Research Council, through grant DP170103025.

The second author was supported by the Australian Research Council, through grant DP 170101060.

The fourth author was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China, through Grants 11671185 and 11701250, and by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, through Grants ZR2018LA002 and ZR2019YQ04.

Communicated by
Jeremy Tyson
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/48
  • MathSciNet Review: 4127910
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4127910}{article}{ author={Cowling, Michael}, author={Li, Ji}, author={Ottazzi, Alessandro}, author={Wu, Qingyan}, title={Conformal and CR mappings on Carnot groups}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={6}, date={2020}, pages={67-81}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4127910}, doi={10.1090/bproc/48}, }


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