Topological factors of rank-one subshifts

By Su Gao and Caleb Ziegler


We study topological factors of rank-one subshifts and prove that those factors that are themselves subshifts are either finite or isomorphic to the original rank-one subshifts. Thus, we completely characterize the subshift factors of rank-one subshifts.

1. Introduction and definitions

In 1965, Chacon Reference 5 introduced the concept of rank-one measure-preserving transformations and constructed the first examples. Since then, rank-one transformations have come up often as important examples and counterexamples in ergodic theory and have been studied extensively by many researchers. Ferenczi Reference 10 was a comprehensive survey summarizing many results and systematically studying several different definitions of rank-one transformations that had appeared in the literature. Many rank-one transformations could be shown to satisfy each of the different definitions. However, the constructive symbolic definition seemed to behave somewhat differently from the other definitions, which led to further research from the perspective of symbolic and topological dynamics, such as in Reference 2, Reference 8, and Reference 9.

Because the constructive symbolic definition works with a shift space, it was natural to study systems coming from the constructive symbolic definition in the setting of topological dynamics. This led to the definition of rank-one subshifts, which was first studied by the first author and Hill in Reference 11, where they gave a characterization for the topological isomorphism relation of rank-one subshifts based on the cutting and spacer parameters. In Reference 12 the current authors studied the topological mixing properties of rank-one subshifts. Because the concept of rank-one subshifts came from rank-one transformations, the study of their topological dynamical properties is often motivated by their ergodic-theoretic counterparts which tend to have a long history. For example, the motivation for the original rank-one transformation constructed by Chacon Reference 5 was to build a measure preserving transformation that is weakly mixing but not mixing. Mixing properties of rank-one transformations were also studied in, e.g., Reference 1, Reference 3, Reference 4, Reference 6, Reference 7, and Reference 13. In Reference 12 we also completely characterized the maximal equicontinuous factors of rank-one subshifts and showed that they can only be finite.

For some readers it might be worth noting that there is another, different notion of rank in topological dynamics, as in the context of finite rank Bratteli–Vershik diagrams. In that context a rank-one Bratteli–Vershik diagram would give rise to an odometer, whereas a rank-one subshift as we define below cannot be an odometer unless it is finite.

In this paper we continue to study the topological dynamical properties of rank-one subshifts. The focus of this paper is the topological factors of rank-one subshifts which are themselves subshifts. We provide a complete characterization as follows.


Let be a rank-one subshift and be a subshift. Suppose that is a topological factor of . Then either is finite or is isomorphic to .

We conjecture that the theorem is still true if we drop the assumption that the factor is itself a subshift.

In this paper, by a subshift we mean a topological dynamical system where is a closed invariant subset of some for a positive integer , and is the shift map defined by . Since the shift map is uniformly defined, we sometimes suppress mentioning the shift map and refer to the subshift as .

Fixing a sequence of integers and a sequence of non-negative integers, we define a rank-one sequence of binary words by setting and

Note that each is a word that starts and ends with , and each is an initial segment of . This allows us to define a infinite rank-one word and a rank-one subshift

The sequence is called the cutting parameter and the doubly-indexed sequence is called the spacer parameter of the rank-one subshift .

When the spacer parameter of a rank-one subshift is bounded, is a minimal dynamical system, that is, for all , the orbit is dense in . When the spacer parameter is unbounded, will contain a unique fixed point , that is, the constant 1 element. In this case, for every , the orbit of is dense in .

Our proof of the main theorem will be split into two cases, according to whether the spacer parameter is bounded. The proofs of the two cases will be presented in Sections 3 and 4. In the case of unbounded spacer parameter, we show a slightly stronger statement that either the factor is trivial (one-element system) or isomorphic to the original rank-one subshift.

2. Preliminaries

If is a rank-one sequence, then any subsequence of that starts with as the first term is also a rank-one sequence and gives rise to the same rank-one subshift. This is because, given any , one can write in the format of Equation 1 in terms of with appropriately modified cutting and spacer parameters. We call this procedure of extracting subsequences of a rank-one sequence telescoping. It is clear that telescoping changes the cutting and spacer parameters but does not change the boundedness of the spacer parameter.

We will fix some notation to use in the rest of the paper. If are integers we let denote the set of integers in between (and including) and . For a finite word we let denote the length of , and think of as a function with domain . If , we let denote the word of length where for .

Let be a subshift of and be a subshift of for some integer . Assume is a factor map, that is, is surjective and continuous, and for all ,

It is well-known that, due to the compactness of and , there is a sliding block code inducing , that is, there exist integers and , and a partition of , , such that for all , , and ,

Intuitively, the block of in between (and including) coordinates and completely determines at coordinate . Note that the is an isomorphism from to itself, and thus we may assume without loss of generality that . Let . Then we have

In other words, at coordinate is completely determined by the block of of length in between coordinates and .

3. Bounded spacer parameters

Throughout this section we assume is a rank-one subshift of with bounded spacer parameter. In other words, , where the infinite rank-one word is given by a rank-one sequence , which in turn is determined by a cutting parameter and spacer parameter . Let be a bound for the spacer parameter. That is, for all and , we have .

Let be a subshift of for some integer . Assume is a factor map from onto . Let be the sliding block code corresponding to . Assume that the sliding block code has window size , that is, for any , , and ,

By telescoping, we may assume . For each , let be the block of length obtained from the application of the sliding block code to , that is, for ,

For each , let be the block of length obtained from the application of the sliding block code to . Then we have that, for all ,

Now suppose . Proposition 2.29 of Reference 11 states that, for any , can be written uniquely as

where for . Recall that these occurrences of are called expected occurrences of . It follows that can be written as

Since is minimal when it has bounded spacer parameter, it follows that is also minimal. From now on we assume that is not finite. Our objective is to show that the factor map is indeed a topological isomorphism. In order to do this, it suffices to show that is one-to-one, as is a closed map given that and are compact.

Toward a contradiction, we assume that there are distinct with . Fix such . Since and each has a unique decomposition in the form Equation 2, we have with such that has an expected occurrence of at coordinate and has an expected occurrence of at . To see this, note first that there must be such that has an expected occurrence of at coordinate while does not, since otherwise . Let have an expected occurrence of at coordinate while does not. Suppose further that does not have an expected occurrence of at for any . Then for an interval of length there is no expected occurrence of . This violates Equation 2.

Without loss of generality, we may assume . Moreover, the expected occurrence of in at coordinate is followed by a spacer and then followed by another expected occurrence of . Similarly, the expected occurrence of in at coordinate is followed by a spacer and then followed by another expected occurrence of . Without loss of generality, we may assume . This is because, if , then instead of considering the expected occurrence of at in and that at in , which we call the first expected occurrences of , we may consider the second expected occurrences of which follow the spacers specified above, and note that the difference of their beginning coordinates will still be . If the spacers following them are of different lengths, then we are done. Otherwise, we can repeat and consider the next expected occurrences of in and . By repeating, we may thus find expected occurrences of in and respectively which satisfy the assumption that the spacers following them are of different lengths. If we fail to find such expected occurrences of to the right of the first expected occurrences of , we may in a similar fashion search for expected occurrences that satisfy the assumption to the left of the first expected occurrences. If finally we fail to find such occurrences on both sides of the first expected occurrences, then we have that

and so

This means that is periodic, and so is finite, a contradiction.

For the rest of the proof, we fix and such that


has an expected occurrence of at , followed by a spacer , followed by another expected occurrence of at ;


has an expected occurrence of at , followed by a spacer , followed by another expected occurrence of at ;



Let . Then we have


has an occurrence of at , followed by an occurrence of , followed by another occurrence of at ;


has an occurrence of at , followed by an occurrence of , followed by another occurrence of at .

Since , the two occurrences of in which occur at and overlap for at least coordinates.

We use the following concept and general lemma.

Definition 3.1.

Let be a finite string and . Suppose where . We say that has period (or is a period for ) if is an initial segment of and is an initial segment of .

Lemma 3.2.

Let be a finite word and . Suppose occurs at both coordinates and in some sufficiently long string . Then is a period for .


Since occurs at in , we have . If , we have that is an initial segment of , and so is a period of . Otherwise, , we have that is an initial segment of the occurrence of at . Considering the occurrence of at , we have that . It follows that . Now, if , we have that is an initial segment of , and so is a period of . Otherwise, the lemma is proved by repeating this argument.

Applying Lemma 3.2 to the occurrences of at and , we obtain that is a period of . Again, applying Lemma 3.2 to the occurrences of at and , we obtain that is also a period of .

If either or , then we conclude that has a period . Otherwise, let and . Then . Also . Let . Then . Since is a period of , is an initial segment of . Since is also a period of , we also have that occurs at coordinate in . Applying Lemma 3.2 to the occurrences of at coordinates and in , we obtain that is a period of . In other words, is a period of . In all cases we have that for some , has a period .

By telescoping, we may assume that , and it follows that has a period . Again by telescoping, we may assume that there is such that for all sufficiently large , has a period . It then follows that has period , and that is finite, a contradiction.

We have thus proved

Theorem 3.3.

Let be a rank-one subshift with bounded spacer parameter and let be a subshift. Suppose is a topological factor of . Then either is finite or else is isomorphic to .

4. Unbounded spacer parameters

In this section we prove

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a rank-one subshift with unbounded spacer parameter and let be a subshift. Suppose is a topological factor of . Then either is trivial (that is, a singleton) or else is isomorphic to .

The rest of this section is devoted to a proof of Theorem 4.1. Throughout this section we assume is a rank-one subshift of with unbounded spacer parameter. We continue to use , and , respectively, to denote the cutting parameter, the space parameter, and the induced rank-one sequence.

We first analyze the forms of elements of as bi-infinite words. In particular, we identify all elements of with an infinite string of 1s. First, and is a unique fixed point. Next, we recall Lemma 3.12 of Reference 11, which states that, given any , there is a unique so that has a first occurrence of at coordinate (i.e., and for all ); similarly, there is also a unique so that has a last occurrence of at coordinate (i.e., and for all ). Recall that is the infinite rank-one word which has each as its initial segment. For each , define

Then is of the form with the occurrence of starting at coordinate . It is easy to verify that , and therefore it is the unique with a first occurrence of at coordinate .

To describe the unique so that has a last occurrence of at coordinate , we consider a dual infinite rank-one word . To define , note that each is also an end segment of . This allows us to take a dual limit and obtain , where has all as its end segment. More formally, we can define as an infinite word with domain , where for each ,

for any such that . Then for any , define

Then is the unique with the last occurrence of at coordinate . Each is of the form .

In summary, the set

consists precisely of all elements of which contain an infinite string of 1s. If , then again by Proposition 2.29 of Reference 11, for any , can be written uniquely as

where for . Once again these occurrences of are called expected occurrences of .

Let be a subshift of for some integer . Assume that is not a singleton. Assume is a factor map from onto . We will show that is a topological isomorphism. Again, it suffices to show that is one-to-one.

Let be the sliding block code corresponding to . Assume that the sliding block code has window size , that is, for any , , and ,

Applying the sliding block code to , we obtain a constant element of as . Without loss of generality, we assume . Thus, for any , an application of the sliding block code to the string results in the string .

By telescoping, we may assume . For each , let be the block of length obtained from the application of the sliding block code to , that is, for ,

It is clear that each is an initial segment as well as an end segment of . We let be the infinite word taken as a limit of , that is, so that every is an initial segment of . Similarly, let be the dual limit of , that is, is an infinite word with domain so that every is an end segment of . Then each is of the form and each is of the form .

Note that for every , every finite subword of is a subword of for some . It follows that, for every , every finite subword of is a subword of for some . This implies that cannot be constant for all , or else would be a singleton. By telescoping, we may assume is not constant. Without loss of generality, we may assume contains an occurrence of .

Let be the first occurrence of 0 in and be the last occurrence of in . Then has its first occurrence of at and has its last occurrence of at . This implies that is one-to-one. For any , contains infinitely many s in both directions. Thus . To finish our proof, it remains to show that is one-to-one.

For this we use the following lemma.

Lemma 4.2.

Let . Let be such that for any , any spacer of length in between expected occurrences of in occurs at the same position as a spacer of the same length in between expected occurrences of in . Then .


First note that, since has unbounded spacer parameter, there are spacers of length in between expected occurrences of in . By telescoping, we can assume such spacers occur in , that is, for some , . Let enumerate all such that . Note that can be uniquely written as a concatenation of expected occurrences of with spacers in between:

where for . Expanding the expression using

we obtain the unique expression of as a concatenation of expected occurrences of with spacers in between, as follows:

where for all . Without loss of generality, assume that in the above expression Equation 4 is a spacer in between expected occurrences of in . Then we have, for all , . Furthermore, we have that for any and ,

Thus, all spacers in the above expression Equation 4, except for those corresponding to , exhibit a periodic structure with period . In contrast, the spacers for do not exhibit a periodic structure with period , since their lenghs are unbounded. Among all the spacers demonstrated in Equation 4, the ones with lengths correspond to for all and some .

Now all these observations about hold similarly for . In particular, if we similarly express as

with for , there are also exactly many periodic classes of spacers with and one aperiodic class of spacers.

By our assumption, any spacer of length in Equation 4 occurs at the same position as a spacer of the same length in Equation 5. Thus the spacers in Equation 4 corresponding to must align with the corresponding spacers in Equation 5. It follows that any expected occurrence of in occurs at the same position as an expected occurrence of in . By Proposition 2.29 of Reference 11, we conclude that .

We are now ready to show that is one-to-one. Let and assume that . Consider a subword of of the form where . An application of the sliding block code to results in a word of the form

for some words and with . Therefore, whenever occurs in , there is an occurrence of in at the same position.

Let . We now verify that the condition for Lemma 4.2 holds for and . For this, suppose and occurs in at position , with both ocurrences of expected. As discussed above, there is an occurrence of in at position . Since , we get an occurrence of in at the same position. Note that there are at least many consecutive 1s in . It follows that the occurrence of in must be induced by an occurrence of in where . To see this, assume and that an occurrence of induces . Then an application of the sliding block code gives an occurrence of at each of the occurrences of . Since contains at least one occurrence of , the number of consecutive 1s is bounded by , a contradiction.

Since , an application of the sliding block code yields . We claim . To see this, we consider four cases depending on whether and whether . We only argue for the case in which both and , and the other cases are similar. In this case both and contain occurrences of symbols other than 1. It is clear that the number of consecutive 1s in and in would be different if .

We have seen that the occurrence of in is uniquely determined by an occurrence of in . Thus, for every occurrence of a spacer of length in , there is an occurrence of a spacer of the same length at the same position in . By Lemma 4.2, .

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Equation (2)
Lemma 3.2.

Let be a finite word and . Suppose occurs at both coordinates and in some sufficiently long string . Then is a period for .

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a rank-one subshift with unbounded spacer parameter and let be a subshift. Suppose is a topological factor of . Then either is trivial (that is, a singleton) or else is isomorphic to .

Lemma 4.2.

Let . Let be such that for any , any spacer of length in between expected occurrences of in occurs at the same position as a spacer of the same length in between expected occurrences of in . Then .

Equation (4)
Equation (5)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 37B10 (Symbolic dynamics)
  • Rank-one subshift
  • factor
  • isomorphism
Author Information
Su Gao
Department of Mathematics, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311430, Denton, Texas 76203
Caleb Ziegler
2150 Vine Street, Denver, Colorado 80205
Additional Notes

The first author acknowledges the US NSF grants DMS-1201290 and DMS-1800323 for the support of his research.

Some results in this paper appeared as a part of the second author’s Ph.D. dissertation Reference 14 submitted to the University of North Texas in 2018.

Communicated by
Nimish Shah
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 10, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/55
  • MathSciNet Review: 4160279
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4160279}{article}{ author={Gao, Su}, author={Ziegler, Caleb}, title={Topological factors of rank-one subshifts}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={10}, date={2020}, pages={118-126}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4160279}, doi={10.1090/bproc/55}, }


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