Interpolation in model spaces

By Pamela Gorkin and Brett D. Wick


In this paper we consider interpolation in model spaces, with a Blaschke product. We study unions of interpolating sequences for two sequences that are far from each other in the pseudohyperbolic metric as well as two sequences that are close to each other in the pseudohyperbolic metric. The paper concludes with a discussion of the behavior of Frostman sequences under perturbations.

1. Introduction

Let denote the space of bounded analytic functions and let denote the Hardy space of functions on the unit circle satisfying

A sequence of points in is interpolating for , if for every bounded sequence of complex numbers, there is a function with for all . A Blaschke product with zero sequence is called an interpolating Blaschke product if its zero sequence is an interpolating sequence for . Carleson’s theorem tells us that the Blaschke product is interpolating if and only if there exists with

The main goal of this paper is to study unions of interpolating sequences that are near and far from each other in the setting of the model space with a Blaschke product.

To set the context for our work requires some notation: For an inner function , let , where denotes the set of functions with complex conjugate in . We let , and we let

where denotes the space of functions of bounded mean oscillation on the unit circle.

For a sequence of points in the open unit disk satisfying the Blaschke condition , we consider Blaschke products, or functions of the form

(Here, as in the future, we interpret if .) We are particularly interested in Blaschke products for which the zero sequence is an interpolating sequence for .

In Reference 5, Dyakonov proved the following:

Theorem 1.1 (Reference 5).

Suppose that is an sequence and is an interpolating Blaschke product with zeros . In order that there exist a function for which for all , it is necessary and sufficient that

Note that Theorem 1.1 assumes only that can be interpolated to a particular sequence ; in particular, one satisfying the conditions of equation Equation 1.

In this paper, we combine Dyakonov’s techniques with those of Kenneth Hoffman to obtain further results about interpolation in .

To discuss these results, we need a measure of separation of points in the open unit disk . The natural metrics are the hyperbolic or pseudohyperbolic distances. We begin with the latter. Let

denote the pseudohyperbolic distance between two points and in .

If and are two sequences of points in and we assume that we can interpolate to any sequence and to any sequence then, using Hoffman’s results, it is not difficult to show that -separation of and implies that we can interpolate an (ordered) union of the sequences to any sequence. For ease of notation, we will primarily consider the union defined by alternating points of the sequences.

In this paper, we first consider the case when the sequences and are “far from each other”: We show (Theorem 3.1) that if can be interpolated to in and can be interpolated to in , then the union of the two sequences can be interpolated to the union of and (in the appropriate order) in if the sequences and are -separated; that is, there exists a constant such that for all and . Using Theorem 1.1 allows us to rephrase this as a statement about a series like the one appearing in equation Equation 1.

We then consider two -separated sequences and that are “near each other”; that is, with the property that there exists with for all . In this case, we show that the modified statement of Proposition 2.1 is true for sequences in model spaces (Theorem 4.2); that is, if is interpolating for and the two sequences are near each other, then is interpolating for .

From this result, we obtain some information about (uniform) Frostman Blaschke products. Recall that a sequence in satisfies the Frostman condition if and only if

As a consequence of Vinogradov’s work Reference 14, it follows that an -interpolating sequence is Frostman if and only if it is interpolating for . This can also be seen by considering Theorem 1.1 and using the following: In Reference 4, Section 3, Cohn shows that an interpolating sequence is a Frostman sequence if and only if

Our paper concludes with a fact about (uniform) Frostman Blaschke products that we have not seen in the literature. Recall that a Frostman Blaschke product is a Blaschke product with zeros that satisfy the Frostman condition Equation 2. An example of such a Blaschke product appears in Reference 9 (or Reference 2, p. 130) and is given by

In general, it is not easy to check that something is a Frostman Blaschke product. Vasyunin has shown that if is a uniform Frostman Blaschke product with zeros , then , but this is not a characterization. For generalizations of this as well as more discussion see Reference 1. Here, we show that if you start with a uniform Frostman Blaschke product and move the zeros, but not too far pseudo-hyperbolically speaking, then the resulting Blaschke product is also a uniform Blaschke product. In view of the difficulty of proving something is a Frostman Blaschke product, this result could be useful. We accomplish this by using Dyakonov’s methods and result to conclude that as long as we move the zeros of a Frostman Blaschke product within a fixed pseudohyperbolic radius of the original zeros, the resulting Blaschke product will remain a Frostman Blaschke product.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we collect all the necessary background and estimates that play a role in the proofs in later sections. We first recall the fact that if points are close to an interpolating sequence, then they are interpolating as well.

Proposition 2.1 (Reference 6, p. 305).

Let be an interpolating sequence for and a -separated sequence with

for all , then is an interpolating sequence for .

This proposition is an exercise in Reference 6. For a proof, see Reference 10, Theorem 27.33. Using the same notation as above, we will need the following estimate that appears in the proof:

Recall that for two points and in , the pseudohyperbolic distance is and the hyperbolic metric is given by

In what follows, we will consider two interpolating sequences and that are -separated or far from each other; that is, with the property that there exists with

We then consider sequences that are near each other in the sense that there exists with for all . In this case, we have the following estimates that we will refer to later. Let be chosen with . Suppose that for all . Then . Let and apply (Reference 15, Proposition 4.5) to obtain for each and ,


and a similar inequality holds with replaced by .

Our work relies on Dyakonov’s proof techniques, which rely on the following two results of W. Cohn. The convergence below is taken in the weak- topology of , and it also converges in . Thus, the convergence also holds on compact subsets of .

Lemma 2.2 (Reference 3, Lemma 3.1).

Given an interpolating Blaschke product with zeros , the general form of a function is

where .

Lemma 2.3 (Reference 4, Corollary 3.2).

Let be an interpolating Blaschke product with zeros and let . Then if and only if .

Another key ingredient in our proofs are the following three theorems from Kenneth Hoffman’s seminal paper, which we recall here.

Lemma 2.4 (Hoffman’s Lemma, Reference 7, Reference 6, p. 395).

Suppose that is an interpolating Blaschke product with zeros and

Then there exist with and with satisfying

such that

is the union of pairwise disjoint domains with and

Let denote the maximal ideal space of or the set of non-zero multiplicative linear functionals on . Identifying points of with point evaluation, we may think of as contained in . Carleson’s Corona Theorem tells us that is dense in the space in the weak- topology. The maximal ideal space breaks down into analytic disks called Gleason parts. These may be a single point, in which case we call them trivial, or they may be true analytic disks, in which case we call them nontrivial. It is a consequence of Hoffman’s work that points in the closure of an interpolating sequence are nontrivial. (See Reference 7, Theorem 4.3.)

Theorem 2.5 (Reference 7, Theorem 5.3).

Let be a Blaschke product and let be a point of for which . Then either has a zero of infinite order at or else lies in the closure of an interpolating subsequence of the zero sequence of .

In the same paper of Hoffman, Reference 7, Theorem 5.4, shows that an interpolating Blaschke product cannot have a zero of infinite order. Therefore, if is an interpolating Blaschke product and , then must lie in the closure of the zero sequence of .

Theorem 2.6 (Hoffman’s Theorem).

A necessary and sufficient condition that a point of the maximal ideal space lie in a nontrivial part is the following: If and are subsets of the disk and if belongs to the closure of each set, then the hyperbolic distance from to is zero.

As a result of Hoffman’s theorem we show that, if is interpolating for and is interpolating for and the distance between the two sequences is positive, then (see Corollary 2.7) is bounded below on and is bounded below on . This is known, but for future use we isolate this as a corollary to Theorem 2.6.

Corollary 2.7.

Let and be two interpolating sequences for with corresponding Blaschke products and , respectively. Suppose further that the -distance between the two sequences satisfies

Then there exists such that


If not, we may suppose that . Therefore, there exists a subsequence of with . Let be a point in the closure of the set . Then . By the aforementioned work of Hoffman, lies in the closure of the zeros of , namely the closure of . On the other hand, lies in the closure of , by the choice of . By Theorem 2.6 the hyperbolic distance between the two sets must be zero. But since the pseudohyperbolic distance between the two is bounded away from zero, this is impossible.

3. Sequences that are far from each other

In this section, we will consider unions of finitely many interpolating sequences defined in the following manner: Let and be sequences. Define to be the sequence where

For simplicity of presentation, we have defined the sequence via this simple “every-other” interlacing. It is clear that from the proof techniques that one could interlace the sequences and in other ways. Interlacing in other more exotic ways would necessitate the introduction of additional more complicated notation and to present the ideas most clearly we have chosen to use only these simple process described here.

In what follows, for a Blaschke product with zeros , let

and let . (We interpret if .)

If we wish to interpolate (as defined in equation Equation 7) to the sequence and we know that is interpolating for and is interpolating for , and both and are bounded below over all , then we can interpolate to and with and , respectively. So will do the interpolation. However, if we don’t know that we can do the interpolation to every bounded sequence, then we need to combine Dyakonov and Hoffman’s work to obtain a result.

Theorem 3.1.

Let and be interpolating Blaschke products with zeros and respectively, satisfying . If can be interpolated to in and can be interpolated to in , then can be interpolated to in .


By Hoffman’s theorem the sequence is interpolating for and is interpolating. Note that

and, similarly, . Corollary 2.7 also implies that there exists such that . We define for , , , …, by

Then . Let be defined by

and use Lemma 2.2, the fact that is interpolating, and to conclude that . In particular, .

Now for almost every , we have

For the first summand and almost every ,

The summation converges in and each summand is in , so the function also lies in . Therefore

The same computations, with appropriate adjustments, hold for the second summand. Therefore,

Note that the equality

also holds in .

Now from Equation 8 , , and

But we assume there exists with for all , and therefore . It follows that

But since and and have no common zeros, we see that must divide . Thus, we have for some . Thus . Note also that implies that . So,

Therefore, . The same computations show that . Therefore , which implies the result.

From Theorem 1.1 we have the following:

Corollary 3.2.

Let , , , and be as in Theorem 3.1 and let , where and are the zeros of and , respectively. If

where .

4. Sequences that are near each other

In the introduction to the paper, we mentioned (see Proposition 2.1) that if is an interpolating sequence for and is a -separated sequence with for all , then is interpolating for . Here we consider the same result for .

Proposition 4.1.

If is interpolating for , then there is a constant such that for every .


Define by . Then is a bounded linear operator that maps surjectively onto . Note that is also injective, because implies . But implies that . The desired result now follows from the open mapping theorem (or, more specifically, the bounded inverse theorem).

We now prove that when points in an interpolating sequence for can be moved pseudohyperbolically, as long as they are not moved too far, the new sequence will be interpolating for if the original was.

Theorem 4.2.

Let be a Blaschke product and suppose that its zero sequence, , is an interpolating sequence for . Let be the constant in Proposition 4.1, and suppose that is a sequence of distinct points with . Then is interpolating for .


Without loss of generality we may assume . Let . Choose with for all . If necessary, divide by a constant to assume that we can choose with norm at most one. Then, by Schwarz’s lemma, for all we have


for all .

So, using our assumptions, for all we have

Now is interpolating for , so we may choose so that for all . By Proposition 4.1, we know that

Therefore, by Schwarz’s lemma,

Consequently, for all we have

Now we choose with



Now by Schwarz’s lemma we have

and consequently

Continuing in this way, we assume we have chosen , …, with


We choose with

Now we have chosen so that and . Letting we obtain with the property that for each

Thus and does the interpolation.

5. Frostman Blaschke products and sequences that are near each other

Tolokonnikov Reference 13 showed that Frostman Blaschke products are always a finite product of interpolating Blaschke products, Reference 12. In view of this, if we start with two sequences and with for all and a Frostman sequence, then we can write as a finite union of interpolating sequences and, as long as is -separated, the corresponding subsequences of will also be interpolating, by Proposition 2.1. For this reason, we can reduce our discussion to Frostman sequences that are interpolating for .

Proposition 5.1.

Let be a sequence of points in . If is an integer for which is a Frostman sequence, then is a Frostman sequence.


Consider the function on the unit circle. Then is continuous and therefore bounded. Thus, is finite and the result follows.

We turn to the main theorem of this section, which says that if we begin moving points of a Frostman sequence, as long as we don’t move the sequence too far pseudohyperbolically, the new sequence will be interpolating for , where is the Blaschke product corresponding to the new sequence.

Theorem 5.2.

Let . Let be an interpolating Frostman sequence and let be a -separated sequence with for all . Then is a Frostman sequence.


Using Proposition 2.1 and Equation 4 we know that for all and ,

Since and , it follows that

A computation shows that

Since all of this also holds with the roles of and interchanged, there are positive constants and such that

Now and we know that every pseudohyperbolic disk is a Euclidean disk (see Reference 6, Chapter 1). If we rotate the disk by , where (interpreting if ), we do not change pseudohyperbolic distances; that is, for and ,

So, . Now we use the fact that the pseudohyperbolic disk is a Euclidean disk centered at the real number

with radius

Since , there are finitely many for which and finitely many corresponding . If we show that the Blaschke product with zeros is a Frostman Blaschke product, then Proposition 5.1 implies that the Blaschke product with zeros is also a Frostman Blaschke product. Thus, we may assume that, for all . we have and .

The assumption that , implies that is not in for all such , and therefore is not in the Euclidean disk . Since , and is a Euclidean disk with center on the positive real line, all points in have modulus greater than . A computation shows that

Since we assume that we have .

Thus, . So


Thus, for we have

for all and we note that is a constant depending on but independent of . Similarly, since , we may interchange the roles of and above to see that , where is a constant depending only on (and, hence, only on ).

From the work above, we see that ; that is, there are positive constants and independent of with

Now, for all and all (see Reference 6, p. 4)


Simplifying, we have


But by assumption for all , so

By equation Equation 12, we have

Therefore, for all

So there is a positive constant , independent of , such that for all

Choose and let . Then

Since this holds for all , combining Equation 11 and Equation 13, we see that there is a constant such that for all ,

Thus, if is Frostman, so is and since this holds with the roles of and reversed, we have Frostman if and only if is Frostman.

We note that the proof can be slightly shortened by using the characterization of Frostman sequences due to Cohn that appears in Equation 3. Since we can also obtain it directly, we prefer to do so.

Theorem 5.2 should be compared with that of Matheson and Ross Reference 9 who showed that every Frostman shift of a Frostman Blaschke product is Frostman; that is, if we start with a Frostman Blaschke product and we consider where , then is still a Frostman Blaschke product. We may think of this as saying that if we move the zeros of a Frostman Blaschke product in a systematic way (namely, to the places at which the Blaschke product assumes the value ), the resulting product is still Frostman. Their proof is based on a result of Tolokonnikov Reference 12 (that is itself based on a result of Pekarski Reference 11) and a theorem of Hrus̆c̆ëv and Vinogradov, Reference 8.

Corollary 5.3.

Let and be -separated sequences with . Let and be the corresponding Blaschke products. Then is interpolating for if and only if is interpolating for .


Suppose first that is interpolating for . Since is then interpolating for and is -separated with , it follows from Proposition 2.1 that is interpolating for . Similarly, the same is true if we interchange the roles of and . The result now follows from Hrus̆c̆ëv and Vingogradov’s work. (See also Reference 5, (1.12).)

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1 (Reference 5).

Suppose that is an sequence and is an interpolating Blaschke product with zeros . In order that there exist a function for which for all , it is necessary and sufficient that

Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Proposition 2.1 (Reference 6, p. 305).

Let be an interpolating sequence for and a -separated sequence with

for all , then is an interpolating sequence for .

Equation (4)
Lemma 2.2 (Reference 3, Lemma 3.1).

Given an interpolating Blaschke product with zeros , the general form of a function is

where .

Theorem 2.6 (Hoffman’s Theorem).

A necessary and sufficient condition that a point of the maximal ideal space lie in a nontrivial part is the following: If and are subsets of the disk and if belongs to the closure of each set, then the hyperbolic distance from to is zero.

Corollary 2.7.

Let and be two interpolating sequences for with corresponding Blaschke products and , respectively. Suppose further that the -distance between the two sequences satisfies

Then there exists such that

Equation (7)
Theorem 3.1.

Let and be interpolating Blaschke products with zeros and respectively, satisfying . If can be interpolated to in and can be interpolated to in , then can be interpolated to in .

Equation (8)
Proposition 4.1.

If is interpolating for , then there is a constant such that for every .

Theorem 4.2.

Let be a Blaschke product and suppose that its zero sequence, , is an interpolating sequence for . Let be the constant in Proposition 4.1, and suppose that is a sequence of distinct points with . Then is interpolating for .

Proposition 5.1.

Let be a sequence of points in . If is an integer for which is a Frostman sequence, then is a Frostman sequence.

Theorem 5.2.

Let . Let be an interpolating Frostman sequence and let be a -separated sequence with for all . Then is a Frostman sequence.

Equation (11)
Equation (12)
Equation (13)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 30H05 (Spaces of bounded analytic functions of one complex variable)
Secondary: 30J10 (Blaschke products), 46J15 (Banach algebras of differentiable or analytic functions, -spaces)
  • Hardy space
  • model space
  • Blaschke product
  • interpolation
Author Information
Pamela Gorkin
Department of Mathematics, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837
Brett D. Wick
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63130
Additional Notes

Since August 2018, the first author has been serving as a Program Director in the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, and as a component of this position, she received support from NSF for research, which included work on this paper.

The second author’s research was supported in part by NSF grants DMS-1800057 and DMS-1560955, as well as ARC DP190100970.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Communicated by
Javad Mashreghi
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 15, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/59
  • MathSciNet Review: 4173817
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4173817}{article}{ author={Gorkin, Pamela}, author={Wick, Brett}, title={Interpolation in model spaces}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={15}, date={2020}, pages={170-182}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4173817}, doi={10.1090/bproc/59}, }


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