A characterization of for which spaces are distinguished and its applications

By Jerzy Ka╠зkol and Arkady Leiderman


We prove that the locally convex space of continuous real-valued functions on a Tychonoff space equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence is distinguished if and only if is a -space in the sense of Knight in [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 339 (1993), pp. 45тАУ60]. As an application of this characterization theorem we obtain the following results:


If is a ─Мech-complete (in particular, compact) space such that is distinguished, then is scattered.


For every separable compact space of the IsbellтАУMr├│wka type , the space is distinguished.


If is the compact space of ordinals , then is not distinguished.

We observe that the existence of an uncountable separable metrizable space such that is distinguished, is independent of ZFC. We also explore the question to which extent the class of -spaces is invariant under basic topological operations.

1. Introduction

Following J. Dieudonn├й and L. Schwartz Reference 9 a locally convex space (lcs) is called distinguished if every bounded subset of the bidual of in the weak-topology is contained in the closure of the weak-topology of some bounded subset of . Equivalently, a lcs is distinguished if and only if the strong dual of (i.e. the topological dual of endowed with the strong topology) is barrelled, (see Reference 19, 8.7.1). A. Grothendieck Reference 17 proved that a metrizable lcs is distinguished if and only if its strong dual is bornological. We refer the reader to survey articles Reference 6 and Reference 7 which present several more modern results about distinguished metrizable and Fr├йchet lcs.

Throughout the article, all topological spaces are assumed to be Tychonoff and infinite. By and we mean the spaces of all real-valued continuous functions on a Tychonoff space endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence and the compact-open topology, respectively. By a bounded set in a topological vector space (in particular, ) we understand any set which is absorbed by every -neighbourhood.

For spaces we proved in Reference 14 the following theorem (the equivalence has been obtained in Reference 12).

Theorem 1.1.

For a Tychonoff space , the following conditions are equivalent:


is distinguished.


is a large subspace of , i.e. for every bounded set in there exists a bounded set in such that .


For every there is a bounded set such that .


The strong dual of the space carries the finest locally convex topology.

Several examples of with(out) distinguished property have been provided in papers Reference 12, Reference 13 and Reference 14. The aim of this research is to continue our initial work on distinguished spaces .

The following concept plays a key role in our paper. We show its applicability for the studying of distinguished spaces .

Definition 1.2 (Reference 21).

A topological space is said to be a -space if for every decreasing sequence of subsets of with empty intersection, there is a decreasing sequence consisting of open subsets of , also with empty intersection, and such that for every .

We should mention that R. W. Knight Reference 21 called all topological spaces satisfying the above Definition 1.2 by -sets. The original definition of a -set of the real line is due to G. M. Reed and E. K. van Douwen (see Reference 28). In this paper, for general topological spaces satisfying Definition 1.2 we reserve the term -space. The class of all -spaces is denoted by .

One of the main results of our paper, Theorem 2.1 says that is a -space if and only if is a distinguished space. This characterization theorem has been applied systematically for obtaining a range of results from our paper.

Our main result in Section 3 states that a ─Мech-complete (in particular, compact) must be scattered. A very natural question arises about what those scattered compact spaces are. In view of Theorem 2.1, it is known that a Corson compact belongs to the class if and only if is a scattered Eberlein compact space Reference 14. With the help of Theorems 2.1 and 3.8 we show that the class contains also all separable compact spaces of the IsbellтАУMr├│wka type. Nevertheless, as we demonstrate in Section 3, there are compact scattered spaces (for example, the compact space ).

Section 4 deals with the questions about metrizable spaces . We notice that every -scattered metrizable space belongs to the class . For separable metrizable spaces , our analysis reveals a tight connection between distinguished and well-known set-theoretic problems about special subsets of the real line . We observe that the existence of an uncountable separable metrizable space such that is distinguished is independent of ZFC and it is equivalent to the existence of a separable countably paracompact nonnormal Moore space. We refer readers to Reference 24 for the history of the normal Moore problem.

In Section 5 we study whether the class is invariant under the basic topological operations: subspaces, (quotient) continuous images, finite/countable unions and finite products. We pose several new open problems.

2. Characterization theorem

In this section we provide a characterization of distinguished spaces in terms of topological properties of the space . For the readerтАЩs convenience we recall some relevant terminology.


A disjoint cover of is called a partition of .


A collection of sets is called an expansion of a collection of sets in if for every index .


A collection of sets is called point-finite if no point belongs to infinitely many -s.

Theorem 2.1.

For a Tychonoff space , the following conditions are equivalent:


is distinguished.


Any countable partition of admits a point-finite open expansion in .


Any countable disjoint collection of subsets of admits a point-finite open expansion in .


is a -space.


Observe that every collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of , can be extended to a partition by adding a single set . If the obtained partition admits a point-finite open expansion in , then removing one open set we get a point-finite open expansion of the original disjoint collection. This shows evidently the equivalence (2) (3).

Assume now that (3) holds. Let be a decreasing sequence subsets of with empty intersection. Define for each . By assumption, a disjoint collection admits a point-finite open expansion in . Then is an open decreasing expansion in with empty intersection. This proves the implication (3) (4).

Next we show (4) (2). Let be any countable partition of . Define and . Then for every , the sequence is decreasing and its intersection is empty. Assuming (4), we find an open decreasing expansion of in such that . For every there is such that for each , it means that is a point-finite expansion of in . This finishes the proof (3) (4) (2) (3).

Now we prove the implication (1) (2). Let be any countable partition of . Fix any function which satisfies the following conditions: for each and every the value of is greater than . By assumption, there is a bounded subset of such that . Hence, for every and every point , there exists such that . But is a continuous function, therefore there is an open neighbourhood of such that for every . We define an open set as follows: . Evidently, for each . If we assume that the open expansion is not point-finite, then there exists a point such that there are infinitely many numbers with for some . This means that , which contradicts the boundedness of .

It remains to prove (2) (1). By Theorem 1.1, we need to show that for every mapping there is a bounded set such that . If there exists a constant such that , then we take . It is easy to see that is as required.

Let be unbounded. Denote by and for each non-zero . Define by the rule: if then for every . So, . Put for each . Note that some sets might happen to be empty, but the collection is a partition of with countably many nonempty -s. By our assumption, there exists a point-finite open expansion of the partition . Define by . Obviously, . Finally, we define . Then , because for every finite subset there is a function such that . Indeed, given a finite subset , let be the family of pairwise disjoint open sets such that for every . For each , fix a continuous function such that and is equal to the constant value on the closed set . One can verify that is as required.


Below we present a straightforward application of Theorem 2.1.

Corollary 2.2 (Reference 14).

Let be any subspace of . If belongs to the class , then also belongs to the class .


If is any collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of and there exists a point-finite open expansion in , then obviously is a point-finite expansion consisting of the sets relatively open in . It remains to apply Theorem 2.1.


The last result can be reversed, assuming that is finite.

Proposition 2.3.

Let be a subspace of such that is finite. If belongs to the class , then belongs to as well.


Let be any countable collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of . Denote by the set of those such that . There might be only finitely many -s which intersect the finite set , hence is finite. If , then we simply declare that is equal to . Consider the subcollection . It is a countable collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of . Since , by Theorem 2.1, there is a point-finite open expansion in . Observe that is open in , therefore all those -s remain open in . Bringing all -s of both sorts together we obtain a point-finite open expansion in . Finally, , by Theorem 2.1.

Remark 2.4.

The following applicable concept has been re-introduced in Reference 14. A family of subsets of a Tychonoff space is called a scant cover for if each is an open neighbourhood of and for each the set is finite.тБаFootnote1


The referee kindly informed the authors that this notion also is known in the literature under the name the point-finite neighbourhood assignment.


Our Theorem 2.1 generalizes one of the results obtained in Reference 14 stating that if admits a scant cover then is distinguished. Indeed, let be any collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of . Define . It is easily seen that is a point-finite open expansion in , by definition of a scant cover. Applying Theorem 2.1, we conclude that is distinguished.

3. Applications to compact spaces

First we recall a few definitions and facts (probably well-known) which will be used in the sequel. A space is said to be scattered if every nonempty subset of has an isolated point in . Denote by the set of all non-isolated (in ) points of . For ordinal numbers , the -th derivative of a topological space is defined by transfinite induction as follows.

;тАЙ ;тАЙ for limit ordinals .

For a scattered space , the smallest ordinal such that is called the scattered height of and is denoted by . For instance, is discrete if and only if .

The following classical theorem is due to A. Pe┼Вczy┼Дski and Z. Semadeni.

Theorem 3.1 (Reference 29, Theorem 8.5.4).

A compact space is scattered if and only if there is no continuous mapping of onto the segment .

A continuous surjection is called irreducible (see Reference 29, Definition 7.1.11) if for every closed subset of the condition implies .

Proposition 3.2 (Reference 29, Proposition 7.1.13).

Let be a compact space and let be a continuous surjection. Then there exists a closed subset of such that and the restriction is irreducible.

Proposition 3.3 (Reference 29, Proposition 25.2.1).

Let be a compact space and let be a continuous surjection. Then is irreducible if and only if whenever and is dense in , then is dense in .

Recall that a Tychonoff space is ─Мech-complete if is a -set in some (equivalently, any) compactification of , (see Reference 10, 3.9.1). It is well known that every locally compact space and every completely metrizable space is ─Мech-complete. Next statement resolves an open question posed in Reference 14.

Theorem 3.4.

Every ─Мech-complete (in particular, compact) -space is scattered.

Step 1 ( is compact).

On the contrary, assume that is not scattered. First, by Theorem 3.1, there is a continuous mapping from onto the segment . Second, by Proposition 3.2, there exists a closed subset of such that and the restriction is irreducible. Since the compact space also belongs to , by Corollary 2.2. For simplicity, without loss of generality we may assume that is itself and is irreducible.

Let be a partition of into dense sets. Put , and for all . Then all sets are dense in by Proposition 3.3 and the intersection is empty. Every compact space is a Baire space, i.e. the Baire category theorem holds in , hence if is any open expansion of , then the intersection is dense in . In view of our Theorem 2.1 this conclusion contradicts the assumption , and the proof follows.

Step 2 ( is any ─Мech-complete space).

By the first step we deduce that every compact subset of is scattered. But any ─Мech-complete space is scattered if and only if every compact subset of is scattered. A detailed proof of this probably folklore statement can be found in Reference 30.тЦа

Proposition 3.5.

If is a first-countable compact space, then if and only if is countable.


If , then is scattered, by Theorem 3.4. By the classical theorem of S. Mazurkiewicz and W. Sierpi┼Дski Reference 29, Theorem 8.6.10, a first-countable compact space is scattered if and only if it is countable. This proves (i) (ii). The converse is known Reference 14 and follows from the fact that any countable space admits a scant cover. Indeed, define . Then the family is a scant cover of . Now it suffices to mention Remark 2.4.

Remark 3.6.

Theorem 3.4 extends also a well-known result of B. Knaster and K. Urbanik stating that every countable ─Мech-complete space is scattered Reference 20. It is easy to see that a countable Baire space contains a dense subset of isolated points, but in general does not have to be scattered. We donтАЩt know whether every Baire -space must have isolated points.

Recall that an Eberlein compact is a compact space homeomorphic to a subset of a Banach space with the weak topology. A compact space is said to be a Corson compact space if it can be embedded in a -product of the real lines. Every Eberlein compact is Corson, but not vice versa. However, every scattered Corson compact space is a scattered Eberlein compact space Reference 1.

Theorem 3.7 (Reference 14).

A Corson compact space belongs to the class if and only if is a scattered Eberlein compact space.

Bearing in mind Theorem 3.4, to show Theorem 3.7 it suffices to use the fact that every scattered Eberlein compact space admits a scant cover (the latter follows from the proof of Reference 5, Lemma 1.1) and then apply Remark 2.4.

Being motivated by the previous results one can ask if there exist scattered compact spaces which are not Eberlein compact. The next question is also crucial: Does a compact scattered space exist? Below we answer both questions positively.

We need the following somewhat technical

Theorem 3.8.

Let be a space such that




is an open subset of .


both and belong to the class .

Then also belongs to the class .


By assumption, , where each is closed in . Let be any countable collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of . Our target is to define open sets , in such a way that the collection is point-finite. We decompose the sets , where and . By Theorem 2.1, the collection expands to a point-finite open collection in . The set is open in , therefore are open in as well.

Now we consider the disjoint collection in . By assumption, , therefore applying Theorem 2.1 once more, we find a point-finite expansion in consisting of sets which are open in . Every set is a trace of some set , which is open in , i.e. , and every is open in . We refine the sets by the formula . Since all sets are closed in , the sets remain open in . Since all sets are disjoint with , the collection remains to be an expansion of . Furthermore, the collection is point-finite, because is point-finite, and every point belongs to some , hence for every . Finally, we define . The collection is a point-finite open expansion of , and the proof is complete.


This yields the following

Corollary 3.9.

Let be any separable scattered space such that its scattered height is equal to 2. Then .


The structure of is the following. , where is a countable dense in set consisting of isolated in points and consists of all accumulation points. Moreover, the space with the topology induced from is discrete. All conditions of Theorem 3.8 are satisfied, and the result follows.


Our first example will be the one-point compactification of an IsbellтАУMr├│wka space . We recall the construction and basic properties of . Let be an almost disjoint family of subsets of the set of natural numbers and let be the set equipped with the topology defined as follows. For each , the singleton is open, and for each , a base of neighbourhoods of is the collection of all sets of the form , where and . The space is then a first-countable separable locally compact Tychonoff space. If is a maximal almost disjoint (MAD) family, then the corresponding IsbellтАУMr├│wka space would be in addition pseudocompact. (Readers are advised to consult Reference 18 which surveys various topological properties of these spaces).

Theorem 3.10.

There exists a separable scattered compact space with the following properties:


The scattered height of is equal to 3.




is not an Eberlein compact space.


Let be any uncountable almost disjoint (in particular, MAD) family of subsets of and let be the corresponding first-countable separable locally compact IsbellтАУMr├│wka space . It is easy to see that satisfies the assumptions of Corollary 3.9. Hence, . Now, denote by the one-point compactification of the separable locally compact space . Then the scattered height of is equal to 3. Note that by Proposition 2.3. Moreover, is not an Eberlein compact space, since every separable Eberlein compact space is metrizable, while is metrizable if and only if is countable.


Now we show that there do exist scattered compact spaces which are not in the class . We will use the classical Pressing Down Lemma. Let be the set of all countable ordinals equipped with the order topology. For simplicity, we identify with . A subset of is called a stationary subset if has nonempty intersection with every closed and unbounded set in . A mapping is called regressive if for each . The proof of the following fundamental statement can be found for instance in Reference 22.

Theorem 3.11 (Pressing Down Lemma).

Let be a regressive mapping, where is a stationary subset of . Then for some , is a stationary subset of .

It is known that there are plenty of stationary subsets of . In particular, every stationary set can be partitioned into countably many pairwise disjoint stationary sets Reference 22. Note that is a scattered locally compact and first-countable space. Next statement resolves an open question posed in Reference 14.

Theorem 3.12.

The compact scattered space is not in the class .


It suffices to show that does not belong to the class . Assume, on the contrary, that . Denote by the set of all countable limit ordinals. Evidently, is a closed unbounded set in . Take any representation of as the union of countably many pairwise disjoint stationary sets . By Theorem 2.1, there exists a point-finite open expansion in .

For every there is an ordinal such that . In fact, for every we can define a regressive mapping by the formula: . Since is a stationary set for every , we can apply to the Pressing Down Lemma. Hence, for each there are a countable ordinal and an uncountable subset with the following property: for every . Denote . Because all are unbounded, for all natural we have an ordinal such that and . This implies that for every . However, a collection is point-finite. The obtained contradiction finishes the proof.


The function space is called Asplund if every separable vector subspace of isomorphic to a Banach space, has the separable dual.

Proposition 3.13.

If , then the space is Asplund. The converse conclusion fails in general.


Let be the family of all compact subset of . By the assumption and Corollary 2.2, each belongs to the class . Clearly, is isomorphic to a linear subspace of the product of Banach spaces . Assume that is a separable vector subspace of isomorphic to a Banach space. Observe that is isomorphic to a subspace of the finite product for and . Indeed, let be the unit (bounded) ball of the normed space . Then there exists a finite set such that , where are balls in spaces , , and are natural projections from onto . Let be the (continuous) projection from onto . Then is an injective continuous and open map from onto . The injectivity of follows from the fact that is a bounded neighbourhood of zero in . It is easy to see that the image is an open neighbourhood of zero in . On the other hand, is isomorphic to the space and the compact space is scattered. By the classical Reference 11, Theorem 12.29 must have the separable dual . Hence, is Asplund. The converse fails, as Theorem 3.12 shows for .


Since every infinite compact scattered space contains a nontrivial converging sequence, for such the Banach space is not a Grothendieck space, (see Reference 8).

Corollary 3.14.

If is an infinite compact and , then the Banach space is not a Grothendieck space. The converse fails, as applies.

For non-scattered spaces Theorem 3.4 implies immediately the following

Corollary 3.15.

If is a non-scattered space, the Stone-─Мech compactification is not in the class .

Proposition 3.16.

Let , where is any infinite discrete space. Then is not in the class .


does not have isolated points for any infinite discrete space .


It is known that is the Stone-─Мech compactification of . We showed that . Also, for any infinite discrete space . Every scattered Eberlein compact space belongs to the class by Theorem 3.7; however, no Eberlein compact can be the Stone-─Мech compactification for any proper subset of by the PreissтАУSimon theorem (see Reference 2, Theorem IV.5.8). All of these facts provide a motivation for the following result.

Example 3.17.

There exists an IsbellтАУMr├│wka space which is almost compact in the sense that the one-point compactification of coincides with (see Reference 18, Theorem 8.6.1). Define . Then , by Theorem 3.10.

4. Metrizable spaces

In this section we try to describe constructively the structure of nontrivial metrizable spaces . Note first that every scattered metrizable is in the class since every such space homeomorphically embeds into a scattered Eberlein compact Reference 3, and then Theorem 3.7 and Corollary 2.2 apply. We extend this result as follows.

A topological space is said to be -scattered if can be represented as a countable union of scattered subspaces and is called strongly -discrete if it is a union of countably many of its closed discrete subspaces. Strongly -discreteness of implies that is -scattered, for any topological space. For metrizable , by the classical result of A. H. Stone Reference 31, these two properties are equivalent.

Proposition 4.1.

Any -scattered metrizable space belongs to the class .


In view of aforementioned equivalence, every subset of is . If every subset of is , then . This fact apparently is well-known (see also a comment after Claim 4.2). For the sake of completeness we include a direct argument. We show that satisfies the condition (2) of Theorem 2.1. Let be any countable disjoint partition of . Denote , where each is closed in . Define open sets as follows: and for . Then is a point-finite open expansion of in .


A metrizable space is called an absolutely analytic if is homeomorphic to a Souslin subspace of a complete metric space (of an arbitrary weight), i.e. is expressible as , where each is a closed subset of . It is known that every absolutely analytic metrizable space (in particular, every Borel subspace of a complete metric space) either contains a homeomorphic copy of the Cantor set or it is strongly -discrete. Therefore, for absolutely analytic metrizable space the converse is true: implies that is strongly -discrete Reference 14.

However, the last structural result can not be proved in general for all (separable) metrizable spaces without extra set-theoretic assumptions. Let us recall several definitions of special subsets of the real line (see Reference 23, Reference 28).


A -set is a subset of such that each subset of is , or, equivalently, each subset of is in .


A -set is a subset of such that each countable is in .


A -set is a subset of such that for every decreasing sequence subsets of with empty intersection there is a decreasing expansion consisting of open subsets of with empty intersection.

Claim 4.2.

The existence of an uncountable separable metrizable -space is equivalent to the existence of an uncountable -set.


Note that every separable metrizable space homeomorphically embeds into a Polish space and the latter space is a one-to-one continuous image of the set of irrationals . Therefore, if is an uncountable separable metrizable space, then there exist an uncountable set and a one-to-one continuous mapping from onto . It is easy to see that is a -set provided is a -space.


Note that in the original definition of a -set, G. M. Reed used -sets instead of open sets and E. van Douwen observed that these two versions are equivalent Reference 28. From the original definition it is obvious that each -set must be a -set. The fact that every -set is a -set is known as well. K. Kuratowski showed that in ZFC there exist uncountable -sets. The existence of an uncountable -set is one of the fundamental set-theoretical problems considered by many authors. F. Hausdorff showed that the cardinality of an uncountable -set has to be strictly smaller than the continuum , so in models of ZFC plus the Continuum Hypothesis (CH) there are no uncountable -sets. Let us outline several of the most relevant known facts.

(1) MartinтАЩs Axiom plus the negation of the Continuum Hypothesis (MA CH) implies that every subset of cardinality less than is a -set (see Reference 16).

(2) It is consistent that there is a -set such that its square is not a -set Reference 15.

(3) The existence of an uncountable -set is equivalent to the existence of an uncountable strong -set, i.e. a -set all finite powers of which are -sets Reference 26.

(4) No -set can have cardinality Reference 27. Hence, under MA, every subset of that is a -set is also a -set. Recently we proved the following claim: If has a countable network and , then is not distinguished Reference 14. In view of our Theorem 2.1 this fact means that no -space with a countable network can have cardinality .тБаFootnote2


The referee kindly informed the authors that the last result can be derived easily from the actual argument of Reference 27.


(5) It is consistent that there exists a -set that is not a -set Reference 21. Of course, there are plenty of nonmetrizable -spaces with non- subsets, in ZFC.

(6) An uncountable -set exists if and only if there exists a separable countably paracompact nonnormal Moore space (see Reference 33 and Reference 27).

Summarizing, the following conclusion is an immediate consequence of our Theorem 2.1 and the known facts about -sets listed above.

Corollary 4.3.

The existence of an uncountable separable metrizable space such that is distinguished, is independent of ZFC.


There exists an uncountable separable metrizable space such that is distinguished, if and only if there exists a separable countably paracompact nonnormal Moore space.

5. Basic operations in and open problems

In this section we consider the question whether the class is invariant under the following basic topological operations: subspaces, continuous images, quotient continuous images, finite/countable unions, finite products.

1. Subspaces. Trivial because of Corollary 2.2.

2. (Quotient) continuous images. Evidently, every topological space is a continuous image of a discrete one. The following assertion in fact has been remarked for the first time in Reference 25.

Proposition 5.1 (Reference 25).

There exists in ZFC a MAD family on such that the corresponding IsbellтАУMr├│wka space admits a continuous mapping onto the closed interval .

Detailed constructions of such MAD families can be found in Reference 4, Reference 32.

Thus, the class is not invariant under continuous images even for first-countable separable locally compact spaces. However, a continuous mapping in Proposition 5.1 cannot be quotient.

Proposition 5.2.

Every quotient continuous image of any IsbellтАУMr├│wka space is a -space.


We observe that by construction any IsbellтАУMr├│wka space satisfies the following property: every subset of is closed in and is obviously countable. Let be the image of under a quotient continuous mapping . We show that enjoys the same property. Indeed, denote by the image and put . Evidently, is at most countable and for every subset of the preimage is closed in as a subset of , therefore is closed in . It follows that is -set space, i.e. every subset of is . We noticed in the proof of Proposition 4.1 that the latter property implies that .


Note also that the class of scattered Eberlein compact spaces preserves continuous images. We were unable to resolve the following major open problem.

Problem 5.3.

Let be any compact -space and be a continuous image of . Is a -space?

Even a more general question is open.

Problem 5.4.

Let be any -space and be a quotient continuous image of . Is a -space?

Towards a solution of these problems we obtained several partial positive results.

Proposition 5.5.

Let be any -space and be a quotient continuous surjection with only finitely many nontrivial fibers. Then is also a -space.


By assumption, there exists a closed subset such that is finite and is a one-to-one mapping. Both sets and are open in and , respectively. Since is a quotient continuous mapping, it is easy to see that is a homeomorphism. is a -space, hence is also a -space. Finally, is a -space, by Proposition 2.3.

Proposition 5.6.

Let be any -space and be a closed continuous surjection with finite fibers. Then is also a -space.


Let be a partition of . By assumption, the partition admits a point-finite open expansion in . Clearly, are closed sets in . Define for each . We have that is an open expansion of in . It remains to verify that the family is point-finite. Indeed, let be any point. Each point in the fiber belongs to a finite number of sets . Since the fiber is finite, is contained only in a finite number of sets which finishes the proof.


3. Finite/countable unions.

Proposition 5.7.

Assume that is a finite union of closed subsets , where each belongs to the class . Then also belongs to . In particular, a finite union of compact -spaces is also a -space.


Denote by the discrete finite union of -spaces . Obviously, is a -space which admits a natural closed continuous mapping onto . Since all fibers of this mapping are finite, the result follows from Proposition 5.6.


We recall a definition of the Michael line. The Michael line is the refinement of the real line obtained by isolating all irrational points. So, can be represented as a countable disjoint union of singletons (rationals) and an open discrete set. Nevertheless, the Michael line is not in Reference 14. This example and Proposition 5.7 justify the following

Problem 5.8.

Let be a countable union of compact subspaces such that each belongs to the class . Does belong to the class ?

4. Finite products. We already mentioned earlier that the existence of a -set such that its square is not a -set, is consistent with ZFC.

Problem 5.9.

Is the existence of a -set such that its square is not a -set, consistent with ZFC?

It is known that the finite product of scattered Eberlein compact spaces is a scattered Eberlein compact.

Problem 5.10.

Let be the product of two compact spaces and such that each belongs to the class . Does belong to the class ?

Our last problem is inspired by Theorem 3.10.

Problem 5.11.

Let be any scattered compact space with a finite scattered height. Does belong to the class ?


The authors thank Michael Hru┼б├бk for useful information about IsbellтАУMr├│wka spaces.

The authors acknowledge and thank the referee who did a very thorough job and made a number of very useful corrections, remarks and suggestions. In particular, the referee corrected our argument in the original proof of the implication (2) (1) in Theorem 2.1 and suggested a shorter and simpler way to prove Theorem 3.4. Also, the idea of the proof of Propositions 5.6 and 5.7 is due to the referee. Furthermore, from the refereeтАЩs report we learned some facts about -sets which led to significant improvements in the exposition.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1.

For a Tychonoff space , the following conditions are equivalent:


is distinguished.


is a large subspace of , i.e. for every bounded set in there exists a bounded set in such that .


For every there is a bounded set such that .


The strong dual of the space carries the finest locally convex topology.

Definition 1.2 (Reference 21).

A topological space is said to be a -space if for every decreasing sequence of subsets of with empty intersection, there is a decreasing sequence consisting of open subsets of , also with empty intersection, and such that for every .

Theorem 2.1.

For a Tychonoff space , the following conditions are equivalent:


is distinguished.


Any countable partition of admits a point-finite open expansion in .


Any countable disjoint collection of subsets of admits a point-finite open expansion in .


is a -space.

Corollary 2.2 (Reference 14).

Let be any subspace of . If belongs to the class , then also belongs to the class .

Proposition 2.3.

Let be a subspace of such that is finite. If belongs to the class , then belongs to as well.

Remark 2.4.

The following applicable concept has been re-introduced in Reference 14. A family of subsets of a Tychonoff space is called a scant cover for if each is an open neighbourhood of and for each the set is finite.тБаFootnote1


The referee kindly informed the authors that this notion also is known in the literature under the name the point-finite neighbourhood assignment.


Our Theorem 2.1 generalizes one of the results obtained in Reference 14 stating that if admits a scant cover then is distinguished. Indeed, let be any collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of . Define . It is easily seen that is a point-finite open expansion in , by definition of a scant cover. Applying Theorem 2.1, we conclude that is distinguished.

Theorem 3.1 (Reference 29, Theorem 8.5.4).

A compact space is scattered if and only if there is no continuous mapping of onto the segment .

Proposition 3.2 (Reference 29, Proposition 7.1.13).

Let be a compact space and let be a continuous surjection. Then there exists a closed subset of such that and the restriction is irreducible.

Proposition 3.3 (Reference 29, Proposition 25.2.1).

Let be a compact space and let be a continuous surjection. Then is irreducible if and only if whenever and is dense in , then is dense in .

Theorem 3.4.

Every ─Мech-complete (in particular, compact) -space is scattered.

Theorem 3.7 (Reference 14).

A Corson compact space belongs to the class if and only if is a scattered Eberlein compact space.

Theorem 3.8.

Let be a space such that




is an open subset of .


both and belong to the class .

Then also belongs to the class .

Corollary 3.9.

Let be any separable scattered space such that its scattered height is equal to 2. Then .

Theorem 3.10.

There exists a separable scattered compact space with the following properties:


The scattered height of is equal to 3.




is not an Eberlein compact space.

Theorem 3.12.

The compact scattered space is not in the class .

Proposition 4.1.

Any -scattered metrizable space belongs to the class .

Claim 4.2.

The existence of an uncountable separable metrizable -space is equivalent to the existence of an uncountable -set.

Proposition 5.1 (Reference 25).

There exists in ZFC a MAD family on such that the corresponding IsbellтАУMr├│wka space admits a continuous mapping onto the closed interval .

Proposition 5.6.

Let be any -space and be a closed continuous surjection with finite fibers. Then is also a -space.

Proposition 5.7.

Assume that is a finite union of closed subsets , where each belongs to the class . Then also belongs to . In particular, a finite union of compact -spaces is also a -space.


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 54C35 (Function spaces in general topology), 54G12 (Scattered spaces), 54H05 (Descriptive set theory (topological aspects of Borel, analytic, projective, etc. sets)), 46A03 (General theory of locally convex spaces)
  • Distinguished locally convex space
  • scattered compact space
  • -set
  • IsbellтАУMr├│wka space
Author Information
Jerzy Ka╠зkol
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, A. Mickiewicz University, 61-614 Pozna┼Д, Poland; and Institute of Mathematics Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Arkady Leiderman
Department of Mathematics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Additional Notes

The research for the first-named author was supported by the GA─МR project 20-22230L and RVO: 67985840. He also thanks the Center For Advanced Studies in Mathematics of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev for financial support during his visit in 2019.

Communicated by
Heike Mildenberger
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 8, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/76
  • MathSciNet Review: 4214339
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4214339}{article}{ author={K\c akol, Jerzy}, author={Leiderman, Arkady}, title={A characterization of $X$ for which spaces $C_p(X)$ are distinguished and its applications}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={8}, date={2021}, pages={86-99}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4214339}, doi={10.1090/bproc/76}, }


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