A note on finiteness properties of graphs of groups

By Frédéric Haglund and Daniel T. Wise


We show that if is of type , and splits as a finite graph of groups, then the vertex groups are of type if the edge groups are of type .

1. Introduction

Definition 1.1.

A group is if is of an aspherical complex whose -skeleton is compact. Equivalently, is if it acts freely and cocompactly on an -connected -complex. See Reference Geo08, Sec 7.2.

Every group is since -connected just means nonempty. means finitely generated, and means finitely presented.

The purpose of this note is to explain the following which is proven in Theorem 5.1:

Theorem 1.2.

Let split as a finite graph of groups with edge groups. If is then each vertex group is .

For , Theorem 1.2 is the following. It is obtained in Reference DD89 but the idea goes back to Stallings’ binding ties Reference Sta65, and the theorem is surely older.

Theorem 1.3.

Let be a finitely generated group that splits as a graph of groups. If each edge group is finitely generated then each vertex group is finitely generated.

For , Theorem 1.2 is the following:

Theorem 1.4.

Let be a finitely presented group that splits as a graph of groups. If each edge group is finitely presented then each vertex group is finitely presented.

Theorem 1.4 appears to be a “folk theorem”. Dunwoody suggested to us that it could be obtained by applying Reference DD89, Thm VI.4.4 followed by a folding sequence Reference BF91. There is a proof of it by Guirardel-Levitt who obtained a more powerful version relating to relative properties Reference GL17, Prop 4.9.

Theorem 1.2 is the converse to the following classical statement, which holds since a graph of spaces with -injective attaching maps is a . See Theorem 2.3.

Theorem 1.5.

Let split as a finite graph of groups with edge groups. If each is then is .

Remark 1.6.

Theorem 1.2 holds with the word “finite” removed. Indeed, if a finitely generated group splits as a graph of groups then for each vertex of there is a finite subgraph containing such that map induces an isomorphism between the fundamental groups of graphs of groups.

In contrast, Theorem 1.5 fails to hold with “finite” removed. For instance, a free group of infinite rank splits as an infinite graph of trivial groups.

2. Examples and a problem

There are many examples illustrating the failure of for the vertex or edge groups of an group that splits as a graph of groups. The most highly studied examples arise in the course of studying finiteness properties of the subgroup arising from a short exact sequence:

In this case, can be thought of as an HNN extension where the edge and vertex groups are copies of .

There are many examples where is but fails to be . Stallings and then Bieri Reference Sta63Reference Bie81 understood the motivating case where and the homomorphism sends the generators of each factor to the generators of . Remarkably, while is , the subgroup is but not . This led to the Morse theory of Bestina-Brady providing a plethora of similar examples Reference BB97.

In fact, in this context, it is difficult for to be without , as explained by Bieri Reference Bie81.

Example 2.1.

The groups above provide examples of groups that split as an HNN extension with an edge group but where the vertex group is not . There are likewise amalgamated free products such that is but and are not . Indeed has this property. For, we may express as . Note that is (a trivial instance of Theorem 1.5) but not by Theorem 1.2 since isn’t. To verify the amalgamated product, consider the splitting of as a graph of groups whose underlying graph has edges that are each joined to vertices . Let and , and let and but . We can choose the inclusions of and into so that the subgraph of groups over yields . The subgraphs over and yield the groups , and the subgraph over yields . Thus the splitting of as yields as claimed.

Example 2.2.

Let be a subgroup (of a free group) that is not finitely generated. Let be the double of along . Then is finitely generated and splits as an amalgamated product where each vertex group is finitely generated but the edge group is not finitely generated. Note that is not f.p. since is not finitely generated (see Theorem 1.5). One can likewise produce doubles of the same type where and are but is not .

The following is a weak form of Reference Geo08, Thm 7.3.1:

Theorem 2.3.

Let act cocompactly on an -connected complex. Suppose that for each , if stabilizes a cell then fixes it pointwise. If the stabilizer of each cell is then is .

In parallel with Theorem 1.2 but generalizing from trees to CAT(0) cube complexes, we propose two formulations of a converse which we believe are equivalent:

Conjecture 2.4.

Let be and suppose acts cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complex. Then each vertex stabilizer is provided the stabilizer of each -cube is for .

Conjecture 2.5.

Let be and suppose acts cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complex. Then each vertex stabilizer is provided the stabilizers of hyperplanes of each codimension are .

Conjecture 2.5 relates to results about quasiconvexity of the vertex groups obtaining stronger conclusions with geometric hypotheses Reference BW13Reference HR17Reference GM18.

The following shows that assuming all codimension-1 hyperplane stabilizers are does not ensure that vertex stabilizers are .

Example 2.6.

Let . Let be the homomorphism induced by and . Let be the homomorphism induced by and . Let be the product homomorphism . Composing with the standard action of on we obtain an action of on which we view as a CAT(0) square complex.

The stabilizer of any point (and hence of 0-cubes and squares) equals . The stabilizers of the hyperplanes in the two directions are equal to and .

We claim that and are finitely generated but is not finitely generated. Indeed, and . However, is the kernel of the homomorphism sending and to the generator , and thus not finitely generated Reference Mol68.

3. Background

Choose a generator of . The Hurewicz homomorphism is defined by viewing any based -sphere as an -cycle via .

We use the following form of the Hurewicz Theorem Reference Hat02, Thm 4.32:

Theorem 3.1.

If is -connected and then for and is an isomorphism.

Let be a hemisphere containing the basepoint , and let represent a generator of . The relative Hurewicz homomorphism is defined by viewing any relative based -sphere as an -cycle via . We use the following relative form of the Hurewicz Theorem Reference Hat02, Thm 4.37 adapted to the simpler case where is simply-connected (to ensure injectivity of ).

Theorem 3.2.

For , if is -connected and is simply-connected and nonempty, then for and is an isomorphism.

Remark 3.3.

The -connectivity of holds precisely when for and if . Note that is -connected when both and are -connected. For details on -connectivity, see Reference Hat02, pp.346.

For low dimensions we use that path connectivity is detected by , as well as the following well-known statement Reference Hat02, Thm 2A.1:

Theorem 3.4.

If is path connected then is a surjection.

The following statement will also be crucial Reference Geo08, Thm 8.2.1:

Theorem 3.5.

Let be with . If acts freely and cocompactly on an -complex that is -connected then we can add finitely many -orbits of -cells to obtain an -cocompact free action on an -connected complex.

4. Useless tree definitions and useful subtree lemmas

Definition 4.1 (Trees).

Let be a tree. We let denote its barycentric subdivision. The original vertices of are called -vertices of , and we sometimes refer to edges of as half-edges of . The barycenter of an edge of is denoted by . For each -vertex of , let be the union of and the closed half-edges adjacent to . When the intersection is either empty or consists of the barycenter of an edge joining . Thus is isomorphic to the nerve of the covering of .

Definition 4.2 (Trees of complexes).

As we will be working with -equivariant maps from complexes to trees, we delineate the framework that we work in. A tree of complexes is a complex and a map such that the resulting map is cellular and surjects onto the vertices of .

For each -vertex , let . For each -edge , let . The subcomplexes and are the vertex spaces and edge spaces of .

With this viewpoint, letting , the vertex spaces of are the stars and the edge spaces of are the barycenters . Hence the map maps vertex spaces to vertex spaces and edge spaces to edge spaces (possibly not surjectively when is not connected).

Our seemingly artificial requirement that is surjective on vertices allows us to naturally recover from as the nerve of the covering by vertex spaces.

Finally, as is -equivariant and surjective on vertices we have and for each vertex and edge of .

Definition 4.3 (Footprint).

Let be a cellular map. Let be a nontrivial -chain in . The footprint of is the smallest subtree of containing all images of -cells of . (We use the -cells of with a nonzero coefficient and ignore orientations.)

We likewise define the footprint of a combinatorial path in .

A footprint is finite. Its complexity is the number of -vertices in . A -leaf is a -vertex of that is incident with exactly one -edge in .

Lemma 4.4 (-arboricide).

Let split as a tree of complexes. Suppose each edge space is -connected and each vertex space is -connected.

Let . Then we can add finitely many -balls to the vertex and edge spaces to obtain such that maps to under .


We will prove the result by induction on the complexity of the footprint of the cycle . We focus on the cases and together. We turn to the case at the end. That proof is essentially the same but is stripped of the interesting algebraic topology, and the reader may wish to consider that case first.

When the complexity is 0, the footprint is the midpoint of an edge . By Theorem 3.1, as is -connected is represented by an -sphere, and we attach an -ball to fill it. The analogous statement holds for using Theorem 3.4.

When the complexity is 1 the footprint consists of a vertex and possibly some half edges, the argument is similar: By Theorem 3.1 or Theorem 3.4, as is -connected is represented by an -sphere, and we attach an -ball to fill it.

Otherwise, has a vertex that is incident with a single edge . Then where is the part of the -chain in and is an -chain consisting of a sum of oriented -cells outside of .

Note that is -connected (for ) since and are. By Theorem 3.2, the element is the image of a relative ball . By -connectedness of , the -sphere in bounds an -ball in . We attach an -ball whose boundary is . Now is homologous to in the space with the added balls. Finally, the footprint of has fewer -vertices than the footprint of does, and so either or its complexity is smaller.

We now consider the case where . When the footprint of is the midpoint of an edge , we can add -balls to whose endpoints agree with the cancelling oriented points of (here is where we use reduced homology). And we can likewise do the same when the footprint of contains a single vertex . Otherwise, the footprint contains a vertex with a single edge , we let where consists of the oriented 0-cells of that lie in . As is -connected (i.e. nonempty), we let be a -cell. We then attach -balls joining and . Then in of the space obtained by adding these -balls as before. But either or the complexity of the footprint of is strictly smaller.

Lemma 4.5 (-arboricide).

Let split as a tree of complexes. Suppose each edge space is connected and each vertex space is connected.

Let be a map from a circle to . Then we can add finitely many -balls to the vertex and edge spaces to obtain such that is null-homotopic in .


By homotoping, we may assume that is a combinatorial path to .

We will prove the result by induction on the complexity of the footprint of . Suppose the complexity is at most 1. If consists of the the midpoint of an edge then we attach a 2-cell to along . Likewise, if contains a single -vertex then we attach a 2-cell to along .

When the complexity is , the path has one or more “backtracks” which shall organize a decrease of complexity. A backtrack of consists of a subpath where maps to a single vertex space but do not map to , and the initial and terminal points of map to vertices in an edge space . By connectivity of , there is a combinatorial path from to . This enables us to push as follows: We attach a disk to with attached along the cycle . Letting , in the presence of , the cycle is homotopic to and has fewer backtracks. Repeating this process finitely many times, we arrive at a cycle with a smaller footprint in .

5. Main result

In this section we prove our main result expressed in terms of actions on trees instead of graphs of groups.

Theorem 5.1.

Let act cocompactly and without inversions on a tree . Suppose is and each edge group is . Then there is a free action of on an -dimensional complex and a -equivariant cellular map such that:


is -cocompact.


is -connected.


each is -connected.


Consequently: each is -connected.

Corollary 5.2.

is for each vertex .


The free action of on is cocompact by Conclusion 1. Hence the result follows by Conclusion 4 as .

Before proceeding to the main part of the proof, we explain the final consequence:

Proof that 234.

The -acyclicity of holds for as follows: Let where . Note that where varies over the edges at . Exactness of

shows that since for we have an injection . When , the image of in intersects trivially so is injective. Indeed, where the final homomorphism is an isomorphism since each maps to a distinct component of as is a tree of spaces.

-injectivity of is a standard consequence of -injectivity of each , that is, the vertex groups in a graph of groups embed since the edge groups embed. Indeed, consider a closed combinatorial path . Since is 1-connected, there is a disk diagram , which we can assume to be combinatorial. The preimage of each provides a subdiagram that can be replaced by a diagram in since is 1-connected. We thus obtain a disk diagram for lying entirely in .

Finally, -connectivity of holds since for and if as in Remark 3.3.

Main proof of Theorem 5.1.

We prove the asserted statement by induction on .

The base case where holds as follows: Let and be representatives of -orbits of the vertices and barycenters of edges of . Let where acts by . The map is given by which is -equivariant. Observe that is surjective on the vertices of . The -cocompactness and nonemptyness properties are immediate.

Suppose holds. Note that if and each is then and each is . Thus there exists a free cocompact action of on an -complex and a -equivariant map such that is -connected and each and is -connected and in particular, nonempty.

By Theorem 3.5 we can add finitely many -orbits of -cells to the edge spaces so that each edge space is now -connected. Let denote the resulting -complex with -equivariant map . Note that remains -connected since we have only added -balls. Note that .

By Theorem 3.5, there are finitely many -orbits of -balls to add to to obtain an -connected complex.

A key point here is that if we attach them we might not obtain a -equivariant map to . We shall therefore kill each using a collection of balls that are added within vertex spaces as follows:

For , Lemma 4.5 provides a finite collection of -balls such that is nullhomotopic in . For , regard as a -cycle (which is reduced if ). Lemma 4.4 now provides a finite collection of -balls such that maps to in .

Let . Then in . Thus . For it follows that is connected. For , Theorem 3.2 implies that is -connected. For it follows that is 1-connected as above.

A map exists since the -balls are attached along boundaries that lie within vertex spaces. The -cocompactness of holds since only finitely many -orbits of balls where added. Each edge space is unchanged and hence -connected.


We are grateful to Ross Geoghegan for a helpful comment.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.2.

Let split as a finite graph of groups with edge groups. If is then each vertex group is .

Theorem 1.4.

Let be a finitely presented group that splits as a graph of groups. If each edge group is finitely presented then each vertex group is finitely presented.

Theorem 1.5.

Let split as a finite graph of groups with edge groups. If each is then is .

Theorem 2.3.

Let act cocompactly on an -connected complex. Suppose that for each , if stabilizes a cell then fixes it pointwise. If the stabilizer of each cell is then is .

Conjecture 2.5.

Let be and suppose acts cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complex. Then each vertex stabilizer is provided the stabilizers of hyperplanes of each codimension are .

Theorem 3.1.

If is -connected and then for and is an isomorphism.

Theorem 3.2.

For , if is -connected and is simply-connected and nonempty, then for and is an isomorphism.

Remark 3.3.

The -connectivity of holds precisely when for and if . Note that is -connected when both and are -connected. For details on -connectivity, see Reference Hat02, pp.346.

Theorem 3.4.

If is path connected then is a surjection.

Theorem 3.5.

Let be with . If acts freely and cocompactly on an -complex that is -connected then we can add finitely many -orbits of -cells to obtain an -cocompact free action on an -connected complex.

Lemma 4.4 (-arboricide).

Let split as a tree of complexes. Suppose each edge space is -connected and each vertex space is -connected.

Let . Then we can add finitely many -balls to the vertex and edge spaces to obtain such that maps to under .

Lemma 4.5 (-arboricide).

Let split as a tree of complexes. Suppose each edge space is connected and each vertex space is connected.

Let be a map from a circle to . Then we can add finitely many -balls to the vertex and edge spaces to obtain such that is null-homotopic in .

Theorem 5.1.

Let act cocompactly and without inversions on a tree . Suppose is and each edge group is . Then there is a free action of on an -dimensional complex and a -equivariant cellular map such that:


is -cocompact.


is -connected.


each is -connected.


Consequently: each is -connected.


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 20J06 (Cohomology of groups), 20E08 (Groups acting on trees)
  • Finiteness properties
  • graphs of groups.
Author Information
Frédéric Haglund
Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France
Daniel T. Wise
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 0B9
Additional Notes

This research was supported by NSERC.

Communicated by
David Futer
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 11, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/81
  • MathSciNet Review: 4234060
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4234060}{article}{ author={Haglund, Fr\'ed\'eric}, author={Wise, Daniel}, title={A note on finiteness properties of graphs of groups}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={11}, date={2021}, pages={121-128}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4234060}, doi={10.1090/bproc/81}, }


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