Generator functions and their applications

By Emmanuel Grenier and Toan T. Nguyen


We had introduced so called generators functions to precisely follow the regularity of analytic solutions of Navier-Stokes equations earlier (see Grenier and Nguyen [Ann. PDE 5 (2019)]. In this short note, we give a short presentation of these generator functions and use them to construct analytic solutions to classical evolution equations, which provides an alternative way to the use of the classical abstract Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem (see Asano [Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 64 (1988), pp. 102–105], Baouendi and Goulaouic [Comm. Partial Differential Equations 2 (1977), pp. 1151–1162], Caflisch [Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 23 (1990), pp. 495–500], Nirenberg [J. Differential Geom. 6 (1972), pp. 561–576], Safonov [Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 48 (1995), pp. 629–637]).

1. Introduction

The general abstract Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem has been intensively used to construct analytic solutions to various evolution partial differential equations, including first order hyperbolic and parabolic equations, or Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. We refer for instance to Asano Reference 1, Baouendi and Goulaouic Reference 2, Caflisch Reference 6, Nirenberg Reference 16, Safonov Reference 17, among others. In this short note, we use generators functions as introduced in Reference 8 to obtain existence results for these equations. The results in this paper are not new, but show the versatility and simplicity of use of these generator functions. We believe that the approach could be used on many other equations and provide easy ways to obtain analytic solutions, including those at the large time, and to investigate instabilities.

Let us first introduce generator functions in the particular case of a periodic function on and , . For , we introduce the generator function defined by

in which denotes the Fourier transform of with respect to . If is analytic in , is only defined for small enough , up to the analyticity radius of . The results in this note also apply to the case when , with which the above summation is replaced by the integral over . In applications, we may also introduce generator functions depending on multi-variables that correspond to the analyticity radius of in , respectively; see, for instance, Reference 8 for the case of boundary layers on the half space .

First note that generator functions are non negative, and that all their derivatives are non negative and non decreasing in . Moreover generator functions have very nice properties with respect to algebraic operations and differentiation. Namely they “commute” with the product, the sum and the differentiation, making their use very versatile.

Lemma 1.1.

For any , there hold the following properties

for all .


Let and be the Fourier transform of and , respectively. It follows that

for . For , we compute

which is the second inequality. The first and third identities follow directly from the definition. The last inequality is a direct consequence of

The use of generator functions are not limited to polynomial operations. Namely, we have

Lemma 1.2.

Let be analytic functions

with some convergence radius . Then, for any function , provided , there holds


First, using the algebra Equation 1.3, we have

Multiplying the inequality by and summing over give the lemma.

2. An analyticity framework

In this section, we present our analyticity framework to construct analytic solutions via generator functions defined as in Equation 1.1. The main point of the approach is that if satisfies a non linear partial differential equation then satisfies a transport differential inequality; see Equation 2.7. This inequality describes in an acute way how the radius of analyticity shrinks as time goes on, and allows to get analytic bounds on , and in particular to bound all its derivatives at the same time.

To precise the framework, we consider the following general system of evolution equations

for a vector valued function , with , , and . We assume that the function satisfies

for some constant and some analytic functions . For instance, may be a quadratic polynomial in and , in which case , or more generally, may be of the form , for which (see Lemma 1.2). Note that we do not make any assumption on the hyperbolicity of the system Equation 2.1.

We shall construct solutions in the function space defined by

Theorem 2.1.

Let and be in . Then the Cauchy problem Equation 2.1 with initial data has a unique solution in for positive times as long as remains positive, being some large positive constant depending on .


We shall construct solutions via the standard approximation. First, we let be the projection of the first Fourier modes; namely

Let be a solution to the following regularized equations

with initial data for all . As the right hand side consists of only a finite number of Fourier modes, this equation is in fact an ordinary differential equation. Hence there exists a unique solution , defined for small enough. It suffices to prove that is a Cauchy sequence in , as long as remains positive.

The Fourier coefficients of the solution to Equation 2.1 satisfy

where denotes the Fourier coefficient if , and zero, if otherwise. We therefore get

By definition, we note that

Thus, using the assumption Equation 2.2, we obtain the following Hopf-type differential inequality

in which is independent of . For convenience, we set

The previous inequality yields

which is a differential inequality that we will now exploit in order to bound and all its derivatives. Note that is a finite sum and is therefore defined for all . As goes to , converges to , which is defined for .

As usual with analytic solutions, the domain of analyticity shrinks with time, hence we introduce

for , where will be determined later. It follows that satisfies

Note that is defined for any . In the limit we focus on .

We will choose in such a way that the characteristics of Equation 2.9 are outgoing on , namely such that at , (which is always satisfied) and such that at , . At , we choose and thus

which is well-defined on . Set

We will focus on times such that for and . We choose

Observe that on , as long as , . On such a time interval, Equation 2.9 is a nonlinear transport equation with a source term and with outgoing characteristics at and . As a consequence, we have


Classical arguments then lead to the fact that is bounded away from , namely there exists some such that for any , and such that for any . This implies that

for any and any . Thus is uniformly bounded in for all . As a consequence, and all its derivatives of all orders are uniformly bounded in . Up to the extraction of a subsequence, and all its derivatives converge uniformly, towards some function , solution of Equation 2.1. Moreover, classical arguments show that for any , which ends the proof of the theorem.

3. Euler equations

In this section, we apply the previous framework to construct analytic solutions to incompressible Euler equations on or , . Namely, we consider

on (the case is treated similarly). Again, the existence result is classical (see, for instance, Reference 3Reference 4Reference 12Reference 13). The function space is defined in Equation 2.3. We have

Theorem 3.1.

Let and be a divergence-free vector field in . Then the Cauchy problem Equation 3.1 with initial data has a solution in for positive times as long as remains positive, being a constant depending on .


Introduce the Leray projector , projection onto the divergence-free vector space. In Fourier coefficients, is an matrix with entries

In particular, is bounded, uniformly in . Taking the Leray projection of Equation 3.1, we obtain

which falls into the previous abstract framework. It remains to check the assumption Equation 2.2. Indeed, using Equation 1.2 and the uniform boundedness of in , we compute

Note that the divergence-free condition is invariant under Equation 3.2. Thus, applying the abstract framework introduced in the previous section to the evolution equation Equation 3.2, we obtain Theorem 3.1.

Remark 3.2.

Note that there is no hyperbolicity assumption made in the first order evolution equation Equation 2.1, which may in particular be illposed in Sobolev spaces. The abstract framework can also be applied to a variety of other physical relevant models (e.g., Reference 7Reference 11) that arise in a singular limit of Euler equations, Navier-Stokes equations, and Vlasov-Poisson systems.

4. Comments on other applications

In this section, we briefly highlight two recent applications to the use of generator functions to capture the instability of boundary layers Reference 8 and prove the nonlinear Landau damping Reference 9Reference 10, both of which have a different flavor from the previous short time existence theory. These applications Reference 8Reference 9Reference 10 are a version of the large time Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem. The use of generator functions allows us to control all the derivatives uniformly in the small viscosity limit or in the large time limit. In particular, the work Reference 9 provides an elementary proof of the nonlinear Landau damping that was first obtained by Mouhot and Villani Reference 15 for analytic data and by Bedrossian, Masmoudi, and Mouhot Reference 5 for Gevrey data.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Lemma 1.1.

For any , there hold the following properties

for all .

Lemma 1.2.

Let be analytic functions

with some convergence radius . Then, for any function , provided , there holds

Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.3)
Equation (2.7)
Equation (2.9)
Equation (3.1)
Theorem 3.1.

Let and be a divergence-free vector field in . Then the Cauchy problem Equation 3.1 with initial data has a solution in for positive times as long as remains positive, being a constant depending on .

Equation (3.2)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 35A10 (Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorems), 35A20 (Analyticity in context of PDEs), 35Q35 (PDEs in connection with fluid mechanics), 35Q83 (Vlasov equations)
Author Information
Emmanuel Grenier
Equipe Projet Inria NUMED, INRIA Rhône Alpes, Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées., UMR 5669, CNRS et École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46, allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
Toan T. Nguyen
Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania 16803
Additional Notes

The second author’s research was partly supported by the NSF under grant DMS-1764119, an AMS Centennial fellowship, and a Simons fellowship.

Communicated by
Catherine Sulem
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 20, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/91
  • MathSciNet Review: 4302152
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4302152}{article}{ author={Grenier, Emmanuel}, author={Nguyen, Toan}, title={Generator functions and their applications}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={20}, date={2021}, pages={245-251}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4302152}, doi={10.1090/bproc/91}, }


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