Basic properties of for which the space is distinguished

By Jerzy Ka╠зkol and Arkady Leiderman


In our paper [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 8 (2021), pp. 86тАУ99] we showed that a Tychonoff space is a -space (in the sense of R. W. Knight [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 339 (1993), pp. 45тАУ60], G. M. Reed [Fund. Math. 110 (1980), pp. 145тАУ152]) if and only if the locally convex space is distinguished. Continuing this research, we investigate whether the class of -spaces is invariant under the basic topological operations.

We prove that if and is a continuous surjection such that is an -set in for every closed set , then also . As a consequence, if is a countable union of closed subspaces such that each , then also . In particular, -product of any family of scattered Eberlein compact spaces is a -space and the product of a -space with a countable space is a -space. Our results give answers to several open problems posed by us [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 8 (2021), pp. 86тАУ99].

Let be a continuous linear surjection. We observe that admits an extension to a linear continuous operator from onto and deduce that is a -space whenever is. Similarly, assuming that and are metrizable spaces, we show that is a -set whenever is.

Making use of obtained results, we provide a very short proof for the claim that every compact -space has countable tightness. As a consequence, under Proper Forcing Axiom every compact -space is sequential.

In the article we pose a dozen open questions.

1. Introduction

Throughout the article, all topological spaces are assumed to be Tychonoff. By we mean the space of all real-valued continuous functions on a Tychonoff space endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence.

Definition 1.1 (Reference 18, Reference 20).

A topological space is said to be a -space if for every decreasing sequence of subsets of with empty intersection, there is a decreasing sequence consisting of open subsets of , also with empty intersection, and such that for every .

The class of all -spaces is denoted by . Let us point out that the original definition of a -set , where denotes the real line, is due to G. M. Reed and E. K. van Douwen (see Reference 29). -sets of reals have been used and investigated thoroughly in the study of two of the most basic and central constructions in general topology: the MooreтАУNemytskii plane and the Pixley-Roy topology. Denote by the subspace of the MooreтАУNemytskii plane, which is obtained by using only a subset of the -axis. G. M. Reed observed that is countably paracompact if and only if is a -set Reference 29.

For a separable metrizable space , denote by the hyperspace of finite subsets of endowed with the Pixley-Roy topology. D. J. Lutzer proved that if is a strong -set, i.e. every finite power is a -set, then is countably paracompact Reference 25. H. Tanaka proved the converse statement: if is countably paracompact, then is a strong -set Reference 30. Also, the work Reference 30 deals with the analogous questions for general (not necessarily separable) metrizable spaces.

A set of reals is called a -set if each subset of is , or, equivalently, each subset of is in . The existence of uncountable -sets is independent of ZFC. Every -set is a -set, but consistently the converse is not true (see Reference 20). More details about -sets and -sets can be found in Reference 13, Reference 20. Of course, there are plenty of nonmetrizable -spaces with non- subsets, in ZFC Reference 18.

We could not find a single paper devoted to investigation of the general topological -spaces. Quite recently the authors have shown that the notion of -spaces plays a key role in the study of distinguished -spaces Reference 18.

Theorem 1.2 (Reference 18).

For a Tychonoff space , the following conditions are equivalent:


is distinguished.


Any countable disjoint collection of subsets of admits a point-finite open expansion in .


is a -space.

We should mention that independently and simultaneously an analogous description of distinguished -spaces (but formulated in different terms) appeared in Reference 11.

By a bounded set in a topological vector space we understand any set which is absorbed by every -neighbourhood. Following J. Dieudonn├й and L. Schwartz Reference 8 a locally convex space (lcs) is called distinguished if every bounded subset of the bidual of in the weak-topology is contained in the closure of the weak-topology of some bounded subset of . Equivalently, a lcs is distinguished if and only if the strong dual of (i.e. the topological dual of endowed with the strong topology) is barrelled. A. Grothendieck Reference 16 proved that a metrizable lcs is distinguished if and only if its strong dual is bornological. Recall that the strong topology on is the topology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets of .

Denote by the dual of , i.e. the linear space of all continuous linear functionals on , endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence. Basic properties of are described thoroughly in Reference 1. By we denote the strong dual of , i.e. the space endowed with the strong topology . Note also that for a vector space the finest locally convex topology of is generated by the family of all absolutely convex and absorbing subsets of which form a base of neighbourhoods of zero for the topology .

The following main characterization theorem has been proved to be instrumental in the study of distinguished lcs .

Theorem 1.3 (Reference 12, Reference 10).

For a Tychonoff space the following assertions are equivalent:


is distinguished, i.e. its strong dual is a barrelled space.


For each there is a bounded with .


The strong topology of the strong dual of is the finest locally convex topology on .

Naturally, aforementioned crucial Theorem 1.2 has been proved in Reference 18 with the help of Theorem 1.3. In this paper, Theorem 1.3 has been applied effectively again for the proof of Theorem 3.1, the main result of Section 3.

Our aim is to continue the research about topological -spaces originated in our paper Reference 18. We obtain results in two directions. First, in Section 2 we investigate whether the class is invariant under the basic topological operations, including continuous images, closed continuous images, countable unions and finite products. What do we know about continuous images of -spaces?

Proposition 1.4 (Reference 18).

There exists in ZFC a MAD family on such that the corresponding IsbellтАУMr├│wka space admits a continuous mapping onto the closed interval .

Thus, the class is not invariant under continuous images even for first-countable separable locally compact pseudocompact spaces. The following result has been proved in our paper Reference 18.

Proposition 1.5 (Reference 18).

Let be any -space and be a closed continuous surjection with finite fibers. Then is also a -space.

Shortly after the paper Reference 18 was published, V. Tkachuk Reference 31 observed that the proof of Proposition 1.5 in fact does not use the last restriction about finiteness of fibers. So, Proposition 1.5 is valid without unnecessary assumption of finiteness of fibers and the class is invariant under closed continuous images. As an immediate consequence, V. Tkachuk Reference 31 noticed that we have a positive answer to Problem 5.3 posed in Reference 18: any continuous image of a compact -space is also a -space.

In this paper we generalize Proposition 1.5 as follows: Let be any -space and be a continuous surjection such that is an -set in for every closed set ; then is also a -space (Theorem 2.1). It is interesting to note that the proof of Theorem 2.1 is obtained by absolutely elementary arguments.

We say that a topological space is -closed discrete if , where each is a closed and discrete subset of . It is easy to see that every -closed discrete space is in . A straightforward application of Theorem 2.1 gives a far-reaching generalization of this fact: Assume that is a countable union of closed subsets , where each ; then also (Proposition 2.2). As a corollary we solve in the affirmative Problem 5.8 posed in Reference 18: a countable union of compact -spaces is also a -space. In particular, -product of any family consisting of scattered Eberlein compact spaces is a -space. Another consequence says that the product of a -space with a -closed discrete space (in particular, a countable space) is a -space. Remark that the general question whether the class is invariant under finite products remains open. It is worthwhile mentioning that we do need an assumption on finite fibers for the following тАЬreverseтАЭ version of Proposition 1.5: Let be a continuous surjection with finite fibers; then implies that also (Proposition 2.12).

Following A. V. ArkhangelтАЩskii Reference 2, we say that a space is -dominated (-dominated, -dominated) by a space if can be mapped linearly and continuously (uniformly continuously, continuously, respectively) onto . There are many topological properties which are invariant under defined above relations, and there are many which are not. The main goal of Section 3 is to study the following question: Which topological properties related to being a -space are preserved by the relation of -dominance?

We show that the class of Tychonoff spaces is invariant under the relation of -dominance, equivalently, the class of distinguished -spaces is invariant under the operation of taking continuous linear images (Theorem 3.1). For the readerтАЩs benefit, aiming to emphasize a big potential in this research area, we present two different proofs of Theorem 3.1. The first proof is based on item (2) of Theorem 1.3 and invokes a new observation about extensions of linear continuous surjections between -spaces. The second proof uses the language of dualities and is based on item (3) of Theorem 1.3. As an easy consequence of our approach, we obtain that inside the class of subsets of , -sets are invariant under the relation of -dominance (Corollary 3.5). What makes the proof of Corollary 3.5 surprising is the fact that it does not depend on the question whether the square of a -set remains a -set. We prove also that such topological properties as -scattered, -discrete, Eberlein compact, scattered Eberlein compact are preserved by the relation of -dominance.

The last Section 4 is devoted to the study of compact/countably compact -spaces. It has been shown in Reference 23 that every compact -space has countable tightness. Relying on Proposition 1.5, we provide a very short proof of this assertion. As a consequence, under Proper Forcing Axiom (PFA) every compact -space is sequential. In Reference 18 we proved that every compact -space is scattered, i.e. every subset of has an isolated (in ) point. Making use of Proposition 1.5 again, in Theorem 4.7 we generalize this result for countably compact -spaces, in ZFC.

In order to better understand the boundaries of the class one should search for new examples and counter-examples. Another recent relevant paper Reference 23 is devoted to the following question: under what conditions (1) tree topologies; (2) -spaces built on maximal almost disjoint families of countable sets; (3) ladder system spaces do belong to the class ? Note that there are compact scattered spaces (for example, the compact space ) Reference 18. A stronger result has been obtained in Reference 23: there exists a compact scattered space such that the scattered height of is finite, and yet . Thus, Problem 5.11 from Reference 18 has been solved negatively in Reference 23.

Our notations are standard, the reader is advised to consult with the monographs Reference 1 and Reference 9 for the notions which are not explicitly defined in the text. In the article we pose a dozen open questions.

2. Continuous images, unions and products of -spaces

Theorem 2.1.

Let be a -space and be a continuous surjection such that is an -set in for every closed set . Then is also a -space.


Assume that is any decreasing sequence of subsets of with empty intersection. Then is a decreasing sequence of subsets of and . By assumption, there is a decreasing sequence of open sets such that for each and . Define for each . We have that for each . Indeed, for every ; hence which means that . Note that ; therefore because

Clearly, the sets are closed, the sets are in ; hence the sets are in .

It appears that we can refine the sets further and construct another decreasing sequence consisting of open sets such that for each and . This claim in fact should be attributed to E. K. van Douwen (see Reference 29, page 150). Because the real argument has not been provided in Reference 29, for the sake of completeness we include the proof. Denote by open subsets of such that and for every . Since the sequence is decreasing, by induction over upper index without loss of generality we may assume also that for every . We declare now that , . It is clear that and each is an open set. We show that the intersection of all sets is empty. Indeed, let be any element of . There exists such that ; hence there exists such that . Fix any . Then which implies that . Finally, and the proof is complete.

Proposition 2.2.

Assume that is a countable union of closed subsets , where each belongs to the class . Then also belongs to . In particular, a countable union of compact -spaces is also a -space.


Denote by the free topological union of the spaces . It is easy to see that , by Theorem 1.2. The space admits a natural continuous mapping onto . Since is an -set in for every closed set , we deduce that , by Theorem 2.1.


Thus, we have a positive solution of Problem 5.8 posed in Reference 18.

Corollary 2.3.

Let be a -compact -space and be a continuous image of . Then also is a -space.

Thus, we have a positive solution of Problem 5.3 posed in Reference 18.

Corollary 2.4.

-Product of any family consisting of scattered Eberlein compact spaces is a -space.


-Product is a countable union of -products, where -product includes elements of the product whose support consists of at most points, . Every -product of scattered Eberlein compact spaces is again a scattered Eberlein compact; therefore it is a -space Reference 12. It remains to apply Proposition 2.2.

Corollary 2.5.

Let be a Lindel├╢f subspace of a -product of any family consisting of scattered Eberlein compact spaces and be a continuous image of . Then also is a -space.


is equal to the countable union of its closed subspaces , where is the intersection of with -product. Every Lindel├╢f subspace of a scattered Eberlein compact is necessarily -compact, by a recent result of V. Tkachuk Reference 35. Finally, is a -space by Corollary 2.3.

Corollary 2.6.

Let be a Lindel├╢f ─Мech-complete -space and be a continuous image of . Then also is a -space.


Any Cech-complete -space is scattered Reference 18. Now we use the well-known fact stating that every Lindel├╢f ─Мech-complete scattered space is -compact (see Reference 3, Theorem 4.5) and we finish the proof again by Corollary 2.3.


We donтАЩt know answers to the following problems.

Problem 2.7.

Let be any Lindel├╢f subspace of a compact -space. Is a -compact space?

In the case that the answer to Problem 2.7 is negative we can ask

Problem 2.8.

Let be any Lindel├╢f subspace of a compact -space and be a continuous image of . Is a -space?

We have a partial positive result for products of -spaces.

Corollary 2.9.

Let be the product of a -space with a -closed discrete space (in particular, a countable space) . Then also is a -space.


Let , where each is a closed and discrete subset of . Denote by . It is clear that each is closed in and . We get that is a countable union of closed -spaces , so Proposition 2.2 applies.


Next statement formally is more general than Proposition 2.2.

Proposition 2.10.

Assume that is covered by a -locally finite family of closed subsets , where every belongs to . Then also belongs to .


The union of a locally finite family of closed subsets of is closed in Reference 9. Now remind the following fact Reference 7, Theorem 2.7. Suppose that is a topological property preserved under closed mappings and is a locally finite closed cover of with each satisfying . If the free topological sum satisfies then so does . It suffices to say that satisfies property if and apply Proposition 2.2.

Remark 2.11.

Proposition 2.2 is not valid without assuming that all pieces in the union are closed. Let be the Michael line which is the refinement of the real line obtained by isolating all irrational points. Clearly, can be represented as a countable disjoint union of singletons (rationals) and an open discrete set. Nevertheless, the Michael line is not in Reference 12.

Now we consider a question of тАЬreversingтАЭ of Proposition 1.5. It is evident that if is a continuous one-to-one mapping from onto and is a -space, then is also a -space. The following more general result has been conjectured by V. Tkachuk Reference 31 and below we provide a straightforward argument.

Proposition 2.12.

Let be a continuous finite-to-one surjective mapping. If is a -space, then is also a -space.


Let be any decreasing sequence of subsets of with empty intersection. Denote by . Then is a decreasing sequence of subsets of with empty intersection. Indeed, for every the fiber is finite; hence there is such that which means that . By assumption, there is a decreasing sequence of open sets in , such that for each and . Define for each . Clearly, a decreasing sequence of open in sets, is as required.


We donтАЩt know under which conditions the latter Proposition 2.12 can be generalized for the mappings with countable fibers.

3. -spaces vs. properties of spaces

Our main goal here is to study the following question: Which topological properties related to being a -space are preserved by the relation of -dominance?

The class of all distinguished lcs does not preserve continuous linear images. To see this it suffices to consider the identical mapping from the Banach space onto . Below we show that the class of Tychonoff spaces is invariant under the relation of -dominance; equivalently, the class of distinguished -spaces is invariant under the operation of taking continuous linear images.

Theorem 3.1.

Assume that is -dominated by . If is a -space, then also is a -space.

For the readerтАЩs benefit, we present two different proofs of Theorem 3.1: topological and analytical ones. In order to present the first proof, we start with the following simple lemma. Surprisingly, we were unable to find its formulation in any monograph cited in the references. By this reason we include its complete proof which relies on several extreme properties of the Tychonoff product .

Lemma 3.2.

Let and be two sets and let and be dense vector subspaces of and , respectively. Assume that is a continuous linear surjection between lcs and . Then admits a continuous linear surjective (unique) extension


Let us list all well-known properties of we are going to use.

Property 1.

Every closed vector subspace of is complemented in and the quotient is linearly homeomorphic to the product for some set Reference 28, Corollary 2.6.5, Theorem 2.6.4.

Property 2.

The product topology on is minimal, i.e. does not admit a weaker Hausdorff locally convex topology Reference 28, Corollary 2.6.5(i).

Property 3.

fulfills the extension property, i.e. if is a vector subspace of a lcs , then every continuous linear mapping admits a continuous linear extension Reference 27, Theorem 10.1.2 (a).

By Property 3, there exists a continuous linear extension of such that . We prove that is a surjective mapping. Denote by the injective mapping associated with the quotient mapping , where is the kernel of and . By Property 1, the space is linearly homeomorphic to the product for some set . So we may assume that is a continuous linear bijection from onto a dense subspace of . This implies that on there exists a stronger locally convex topology such that is linearly homeomorphic with . However, by Property 2, does not admit a weaker Hausdorff locally convex topology; hence is isomorphic to the complete lcs . Finally, is closed in and then is a surjection.

First Proof.

Let be a continuous linear surjection. Denote by the extension of which is supplied by Lemma 3.2. By Theorem 1.2, is distinguished and we can apply item (2) of Theorem 1.3. Take arbitrary . There exists with . Then there exists a bounded set such that . We define . It is easy to see that is bounded and which means that is distinguished; equivalently, is a -space, by Theorem 1.2.

Second Proof.

If is a continuous linear surjection, then by Reference 26, Proposition 23.30, Lemma 23.31, the adjoint mapping is continuous and injective, where and are the strong topologies on the duals and , respectively. Denote by . Endow with the induced topology . Since is a continuous linear bijection, the sets , where run over all absolutely convex neighbourhoods of zero in , form a base of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of zero for a locally convex topology on such that and is a linear homeomorphism. Since is distinguished by Theorem 1.2, the topology is the finest locally convex topology, by item (3) of Theorem 1.3. The property of having the finest locally convex topology is inherited by vector subspaces, so the induced topology is the finest locally convex one. Then is the finest locally convex topology, so is of the same type on . Hence is distinguished, by Theorem 1.3; equivalently, is a -space, by Theorem 1.2.


If is homeomorphic to a retract of for some cardinal , then is discrete Reference 33, Problem 500. Nevertheless, there exists a continuous mapping from onto Reference 33, Problem 486. Several open problems have been posed in the following direction: Suppose that a dense subspace of is a тАЬniceтАЭ (not necessarily linear) continuous image of , for some cardinal ; must be discrete Reference 32, Section 4.2? Lemma 3.2 implies immediately.

Corollary 3.3.

Let a dense subspace of be a continuous linear image of , for some cardinal . Then is discrete.

For simplicity, a topological space is called a -space if each subset of is , or, equivalently, each subset of is in .

Theorem 3.4.

Let and be normal spaces and assume that is -dominated by . If is a -space, then also is a -space.


Normal is a -space if and only is strongly splittable, i.e. for every there exists a sequence such that in , by Reference 34, Problems 445, 447. Let be a continuous linear surjection. Denote by the extension of which is supplied by Lemma 3.2. Take arbitrary . There exists with . Then there exists a sequence converging to in . We define . It is easy to see that converges to in .

Corollary 3.5.

Let and be metrizable spaces (in particular, subsets of ) and assume that is -dominated by . If is a -set, then also is a -set.

Remark 3.6.

Note that Theorems 3.1 and 3.4, and Corollary 3.5 are valid under a weaker assumption that a dense subspace of is a continuous linear image of .

A space is called -scattered (-discrete) if every is scattered (discrete, respectively).

Proposition 3.7.

Assume that is -dominated by . If is -scattered (-discrete), then also is -scattered (-discrete, respectively).


Our argument is a modification of the proof of Reference 22, Theorem 3.4 and is based on an analysis of the dual spaces (see also Reference 19, Proposition 2.1). Recall that for a Tychonoff space , denotes the dual space, that is, the space of all continuous linear functionals on endowed with the pointwise convergence topology. For each natural consider the subspace of formed by all words of the reduced length precisely . It is known that is homeomorphic to a subspace of the Tychonoff product , where . Let be a continuous linear surjection. The adjoint mapping embeds into . Therefore, can be represented as a countable union of subspaces , such that each is homeomorphic to a subspace of for some .

Consider the projection of each of the above pieces to the second factor . The surjectivity of the linear mapping implies that is a finite-to-one mapping. Evidently, is scattered/discrete provided is. Since is continuous, for every isolated point its finite fiber consists of points isolated in and the claim follows.


The following question remained open.

Problem 3.8.

Let be -dominated by a scattered space . Must be scattered?

Below we answer Problem 3.8 positively in several particularly interesting cases with the help of the properties of -spaces.

Proposition 3.9.

Let and be metrizable spaces and assume that is -dominated by . If is scattered, then also is scattered.


If is metrizable and scattered, then is a -space by Reference 18, Proposition 4.1. Hence by Theorem 3.1 the space is a -space. From another hand, every metrizable and scattered space is completely metrizable, by Reference 14, Corollary 2.2. A metrizable space is -dominated by a completely metrizable space ; therefore is completely metrizable by the main result of Reference 4. Finally, is a ─Мech-complete -space, and is scattered applying Reference 18, Theorem 3.4.


If and both are compact spaces and there is a continuous mapping from onto , then is Eberlein whenever is (see Reference 1, Theorem IV.1.7), and is Corson whenever is (see Reference 1, Theorem IV.3.1). Our next statement is a combination of a few known results, while we apply Theorem 3.1 in order to obtain the scatteredness of a target space.

Proposition 3.10.

Assume that is -dominated by .


If is an Eberlein compact, then also is an Eberlein compact.


If is a scattered Eberlein compact, then also is a scattered Eberlein compact.


(1) The space contains a dense -compact subspace, by Reference 1, Theorem IV.1.7; hence satisfies the same property and consequently, contains a compact subset which separates points of . On the other hand, is pseudocompact by the result of V. Uspenskii (see Reference 2). By means of evaluation mapping we define a continuous injective mapping . Denote by . Then is a pseudocompact subspace of . Applying Reference 1, Theorem IV.5.5 we get that is an Eberlein compact. We showed that the pseudocompact space is mapped by a continuous injective mapping onto the Eberlein compact . However, the mapping must be a homeomorphism, by Reference 1, Theorem IV.5.11, and the result follows.

(2) Every scattered Eberlein compact is a -space, by Reference 18, Theorem 3.7. Hence by Theorem 3.1, is a -space. We conclude that is scattered, by Reference 18, Theorem 3.4.

Remark 3.11.

Proposition 3.10(1) is not valid for Corson compact spaces. E. Reznichenko showed that there exists a compact space with the following properties (see Reference 1, Reference 34, Problem 222):


is a -analytic space, i.e. is a Talagrand (hence, Corson) compact;


there is such that is pseudocompact and is the Stone-─Мech compactification of .

Evidently, the restriction mapping projects continuously onto .

Remark 3.12.

The assumption of linearity of continuous surjection between function spaces, even for compact spaces and , cannot be dropped in the main Theorem 3.1 and its corollaries above. Let be any non-scattered metrizable compact, for instance . Denote by the convergent sequence. Using the argument presented in Reference 21, Proposition 5.4, one can construct a continuous surjective mapping from onto (see also Reference 19, Remark 3.4).

Problem 3.13.

Assume that is -dominated by . Is it true that is a -space provided is a -space?

Theorem 3.1 may suggest also the following questions. Below stands for the space of all real-valued continuous functions on a Tychonoff space endowed with the compact-open topology.

Problem 3.14.

Assume that and are Tychonoff spaces and there exists a continuous linear surjection from onto . Is it true that is a -space provided is a -space?

In case when the answer to Problem 3.14 is negative one can pose the following

Problem 3.15.

Find scattered compact spaces and such that but and there exists a continuous linear surjection from the Banach space onto the Banach space .

Surely, for such and a continuous linear surjection from onto does not exist, by Theorem 3.1. Notice also that in Problem 3.15 cannot be an Eberlein compact, since otherwise would be a scattered Eberlein compact; hence would be in the class .

Proposition 3.16.

Let be a ─Мech-complete Lindel├╢f space. Then the following assertions are equivalent.


is scattered.


is -scattered.


is a Fr├йchet-Urysohn space.


The implication (2) (1) follows from the well-known fact that every closed subspace of satisfies Baire category theorem. The equivalence (1) (3) has been proved already in Reference 15, Corollary 2.12.

Corollary 3.17.

Let be a ─Мech-complete Lindel├╢f space. If , then is a Fr├йchet-Urysohn space.

Let us call a lcs hereditarily distinguished if every closed linear subspace of is distinguished. It is known that even a Fr├йchet distinguished lcs can contain a closed non-distinguished subspace. The only hereditarily distinguished -spaces we are aware of are the products of reals . Note that if is a continuous mapping from a compact -space onto , then the adjoint mapping identifies with a closed linear subspace of , and this closed copy of is again distinguished. Our last problem is inspired by this observation.

Problem 3.18.

Does there exist an infinite compact space such that is hereditarily distinguished? More specifically, let be the one-point compactification of an infinite discrete space. Is hereditarily distinguished?

4. Compact -spaces and PFA

A topological space has countable tightness if for each and for each , there is a countable such that . A topological space is a sequential space if is a sequentially closed set implying that is closed. The set is a sequentially closed set if a countable sequence converges to implying that . Every sequential space is countably tight. A topological space is called -bounded if the closure of every countable subset of is compact. is called pseudocompact if every continuous function defined on is bounded. Evidently, every -bounded space is countably compact, and every countably compact space is pseudocompact. The space of countable ordinals is an example of an -bounded space which is not compact. A continuous mapping is called perfect if it is closed and is compact for each .

Theorem 4.1.

Every -bounded -space is compact.


Assume that is a counter-example to the claim. Then, by a result of D. Burke and G. Gruenhage Reference 17, Lemma 1, contains a subset which is a perfect preimage of the ordinal space . We conclude that a -space can be mapped by a continuous closed mapping onto . By our Proposition 1.5 this would mean that ; however, the opposite is true Reference 18. The obtained contradiction finishes the proof.


It has been shown in Reference 23 that every compact -space has countable tightness. Essentially the same argument as in Theorem 4.1 provides a very short proof of this assertion.

Theorem 4.2 (Reference 23).

Every compact -space has countable tightness.


A compact space has countable tightness if and only if it does not contain a perfect preimage of (see Reference 5). We argue again that every -space satisfies this property.


A very natural question arises whether Theorems 4.1 and 4.2 can be generalized for countably compact spaces. A positive answer follows from the Proper Forcing Axiom (PFA), due to the celebrated results of Z. Balogh Reference 5 (see also Reference 6).

Theorem 4.3 (PFA).

Every countably compact -space is compact.


Every countably compact -space has countable tightness.


Every countably compact -space (hence, every compact -space) is sequential.

Problem 4.4.

Is it possible to obtain the results of Theorem 4.3 in ZFC alone?

Note that all known examples of compact -spaces are -discrete. However, we donтАЩt know if it is always the case.

Problem 4.5.

Let be a compact -space. Is a -discrete space?

A closely related question to the last problem is the following one: When is a -space scattered? As we have been mentioned earlier every ─Мech-complete -space (in particular, every compact -space) is scattered Reference 18.

Example 4.6.

There exists a Baire countable space which is not scattered. Fix in the real line a countable dense subset consisting of irrationals. Let be the union of the rationals with . Equip with the topology inherited from the Michael line . Then is a countable space containing a copy of ; therefore is a non-scattered -space. is Baire since it contains a dense discrete subspace.

Despite Problem 4.4 the following result does not require extra set-theoretic assumptions.

Theorem 4.7.

Every countably compact -space is scattered.


On the contrary, assume that a countably compact space is not scattered. Every countably compact space is pseudocompact; therefore there exists a closed subset and a continuous surjective mapping from onto the closed interval , by Reference 24, Proposition 5.5. Every closed subset of is a countably compact space, its continuous image is a countably compact subset of ; therefore is compact. We conclude that is a closed continuous mapping from onto . This evidently contradicts Theorem 2.1, since .


The proof above fails if we assume only that is a pseudocompact (and non-normal) space, in view of Proposition 1.4.

Problem 4.8.

Let be a pseudocompact -space. Is it true that is scattered?

Note that a positive answer to Problem 4.8 would imply that a Tychonoff space is scattered provided it is -dominated by a compact -space.


The authors thank Witold Marciszewski for the useful information about Corson and Eberlein compact spaces. The authors acknowledge and thank Vladimir Tkachuk for the most stimulating letters Reference 31.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.2 (Reference 18).

For a Tychonoff space , the following conditions are equivalent:


is distinguished.


Any countable disjoint collection of subsets of admits a point-finite open expansion in .


is a -space.

Theorem 1.3 (Reference 12, Reference 10).

For a Tychonoff space the following assertions are equivalent:


is distinguished, i.e. its strong dual is a barrelled space.


For each there is a bounded with .


The strong topology of the strong dual of is the finest locally convex topology on .

Proposition 1.4 (Reference 18).

There exists in ZFC a MAD family on such that the corresponding IsbellтАУMr├│wka space admits a continuous mapping onto the closed interval .

Proposition 1.5 (Reference 18).

Let be any -space and be a closed continuous surjection with finite fibers. Then is also a -space.

Theorem 2.1.

Let be a -space and be a continuous surjection such that is an -set in for every closed set . Then is also a -space.

Proposition 2.2.

Assume that is a countable union of closed subsets , where each belongs to the class . Then also belongs to . In particular, a countable union of compact -spaces is also a -space.

Corollary 2.3.

Let be a -compact -space and be a continuous image of . Then also is a -space.

Problem 2.7.

Let be any Lindel├╢f subspace of a compact -space. Is a -compact space?

Proposition 2.12.

Let be a continuous finite-to-one surjective mapping. If is a -space, then is also a -space.

Theorem 3.1.

Assume that is -dominated by . If is a -space, then also is a -space.

Lemma 3.2.

Let and be two sets and let and be dense vector subspaces of and , respectively. Assume that is a continuous linear surjection between lcs and . Then admits a continuous linear surjective (unique) extension

Property 1.

Every closed vector subspace of is complemented in and the quotient is linearly homeomorphic to the product for some set Reference 28, Corollary 2.6.5, Theorem 2.6.4.

Property 2.

The product topology on is minimal, i.e. does not admit a weaker Hausdorff locally convex topology Reference 28, Corollary 2.6.5(i).

Property 3.

fulfills the extension property, i.e. if is a vector subspace of a lcs , then every continuous linear mapping admits a continuous linear extension Reference 27, Theorem 10.1.2 (a).

Theorem 3.4.

Let and be normal spaces and assume that is -dominated by . If is a -space, then also is a -space.

Corollary 3.5.

Let and be metrizable spaces (in particular, subsets of ) and assume that is -dominated by . If is a -set, then also is a -set.

Problem 3.8.

Let be -dominated by a scattered space . Must be scattered?

Proposition 3.10.

Assume that is -dominated by .


If is an Eberlein compact, then also is an Eberlein compact.


If is a scattered Eberlein compact, then also is a scattered Eberlein compact.

Problem 3.14.

Assume that and are Tychonoff spaces and there exists a continuous linear surjection from onto . Is it true that is a -space provided is a -space?

Problem 3.15.

Find scattered compact spaces and such that but and there exists a continuous linear surjection from the Banach space onto the Banach space .

Theorem 4.1.

Every -bounded -space is compact.

Theorem 4.2 (Reference 23).

Every compact -space has countable tightness.

Theorem 4.3 (PFA).

Every countably compact -space is compact.


Every countably compact -space has countable tightness.


Every countably compact -space (hence, every compact -space) is sequential.

Problem 4.4.

Is it possible to obtain the results of Theorem 4.3 in ZFC alone?

Theorem 4.7.

Every countably compact -space is scattered.

Problem 4.8.

Let be a pseudocompact -space. Is it true that is scattered?


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 54C35 (Function spaces in general topology), 54G12 (Scattered spaces), 54H05 (Descriptive set theory (topological aspects of Borel, analytic, projective, etc. sets)), 46A03 (General theory of locally convex spaces)
  • Distinguished locally convex space
  • -set
  • closed mapping
  • scattered space
Author Information
Jerzy Ka╠зkol
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, A. Mickiewicz University, 61-614 Pozna┼Д, Poland; and Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Arkady Leiderman
Department of Mathematics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Additional Notes

The research for the first author was supported by the GA─МR project 20-22230L and RVO: 67985840. He was also supported by the Center for Advanced Studies in Mathematics of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev for financial support during his visit in 2019.

Communicated by
Vera Fischer
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 22, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/95
  • MathSciNet Review: 4316069
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4316069}{article}{ author={K\c akol, Jerzy}, author={Leiderman, Arkady}, title={Basic properties of $X$ for which the space $C_p(X)$ is distinguished}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={22}, date={2021}, pages={267-280}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4316069}, doi={10.1090/bproc/95}, }


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