The fundamental solution to on quadric manifolds – Part 1. General formulas

By Albert Boggess and Andrew Raich


This paper is the first of a three part series in which we explore geometric and analytic properties of the Kohn Laplacian and its inverse on general quadric submanifolds of . In this paper, we present a streamlined calculation for a general integral formula for the complex Green operator and the projection onto the nullspace of . The main application of our formulas is the critical case of codimension two quadrics in where we discuss the known solvability and hypoellipticity criteria of Peloso and Ricci [J. Funct. Anal. 203 (2003), pp. 321–355] We also provide examples to show that our formulas yield explicit calculations in some well-known cases: the Heisenberg group and a Cartesian product of Heisenberg groups.

1. Introduction

The goal of this paper is to present an explicit integral formula for the complex Green operator and the projection onto the null space of the Kohn Laplacian on quadric submanifolds of . Our result generalizes the formula of Reference BR13 from the specific case of codimension quadrics in to the general case of arbitrary and , and we also prove a formula for the complex Green operator when it is only a relative inverse of the Kohn Laplacian and not a full inverse. Additionally, the new proof is significantly simpler and uses our calculation of the -heat kernel on general quadrics Reference BR11. We then provide several applications of our formula to the case of codimension quadrics in and provide context for how this case fits into the solvability/hypoellipticity framework of Peloso and Ricci Reference PR03. We also provide a calculation of the complex Green operator in several instances when it is only a relative fundamental solution: on the Heisenberg group on functions and -forms, and on the Cartesian product of Heisenberg groups at the top degree. We conclude with a computation of the Szegö projection on the Cartesian product of Heisenberg groups.

This paper is the first of a series where we explore the geometry and analysis of the Kohn Laplacian and its (relative) inverse, the complex Green operator, on quadric submanifolds in . The -equation, , governs the behavior of boundary values of holomorphic functions, and the -operator is a naturally occurring, nonconstant coefficient, nonelliptic operator. Solving the equation has been tantalizing mathematicians for the better part of fifty years, and while much is known for solvability/regularity in and other spaces (especially ) for hypersurface type CR manifolds, there has been much less work done to determine the structure of the complex Green operator, denoted by , especially on non-hypersurface type CR manifolds. The problem is that the techniques used to solve the equation are functional analytic in nature and therefore nonconstructive. Consequently, to have any hope of finding an explicit solution, we need additional structure on the CR manifold. From our perspective, the gold standard for results in this area is the calculation by Folland and Stein Reference FS74 in which they find a beautiful, closed form expression for on the Heisenberg group.

In the decades following Reference FS74, mathematicians developed machinery to solve the -heat equation (or the heat equation associated to the sub-Laplacian) on certain Lie groups. From the formulas for the heat equations, in principle, it is only a matter of integrating the time variable out to recover the formula for . The first results for the heat equation were for the sub-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group by Hulanicki Reference Hul76 and Gaveau Reference Gav77. More results followed in a similar vein, and the vast majority rely on the group Fourier transform and Hermite functions Reference PR03Reference BR09Reference BR11Reference YZ08Reference CCT06Reference BGG96Reference BGG00Reference Eld09. The problem with these techniques is that the formulas that they generate for the heat kernel are only given up to a partial Fourier transform that is uncomputable in practice. Consequently, any information giving precise size estimates or asymptotics, let alone a formula in the spirit of Folland and Stein, is absent.

A quadric submanifold is a CR manifold of the form

where is a sesquilinear form (i.e., ). The fundamental solution to or the sub-Laplacian on quadrics has been studied by many authors, including Reference BG88Reference BGG96Reference BR09Reference BR13Reference CCT06Reference FS74Reference PR03. See also Part II of the series Reference BR20, in which we find useable sufficient conditions for a map between quadrics to be a -preserving Lie group isomorphism as well as establish a framework for which appropriate derivatives of the complex Green operator are continuous in and -Sobolev spaces (and hence are hypoelliptic). We apply the general results to codimension quadrics in .

There are two higher codimension papers that need mentioning. First, in Reference NRS01, Nagel et al. analyze and its geometry in the special class of decoupled quadrics where . However, many of the interesting cases do not fall into this category. Second, Raich and Tinker compute the Szegö kernel for the polynomial model

where is a smooth function satisfying , and the constants , …, are nonzero Reference RT15. The authors write an explicit formula for the Szegö kernel based on an integral formula of Nagel Reference Nag86 and show that there are significant blowups off of the diagonal. Raich and Tinker evaluate all of the integrals in the case . That is, the CR manifold is a quadric, but this case is very special because the tangent space (at each point) has only one complex direction, so every degree is either top or bottom. These are often the exceptional cases and can give misleading intuition.

Associated to each quadric is the Levi form and for each , the directional Levi form in the direction is where is the usual dot product without conjugation. For each , there is an matrix so that

and we identify the eigenvalues of with the eigenvalues of the matrix . Here, the designates the Hermitian transpose.

The outline of the remainder of the paper is as follows: In Section 2, we record the main result for general quadrics and provide additional context. In Section 3, we discuss the CR geometry and Lie group structure of a general quadric. In Section 4, we prove the main result, and we devote Section 5 to explicit examples.

2. Results and discussion

Under the projection given by , we may identify a quadric with . The projection induces both a CR structure and Lie group structure on , and we denote this Lie group by (or ). Thus the projection is a CR isomorphism and we refer to the pushforwards and pullbacks of objects from to without changing the notation.

2.1. The main result – general formulas for the solution of on quadrics

To state the main result, we need to introduce some notation. For each , let , …, be the eigenvalues of (or equivalently, the Hermitian symmetric matrix, ) and , …, be an orthonormal set of eigenvectors. This means

Let , then and . If is expressed in terms of the unit eigenvectors of , then is given by

where is the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors, , , and represents matrix multiplication with written as a column vector. Note that the corresponding orthonormal basis of -covectors for this basis is

where is written as a column vector of -forms and the superscript stands for transpose. It is a fact that the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and hence depend smoothly on . However, while the dependence of the eigenvalues is continuous (in fact Lipschitz) in , the eigenvectors may only be functions of bounded variation (SBV) in Reference Rai11, Theorem 9.6.

Let . For each , we will need to express , in terms of for . We have

where are the appropriate minor determinants of . Note that if , then the above sum only has one term and . Additionally, when , and the sum Equation 3 does not appear.

Denote by the number of nonzero eigenvalues of . For each -tuple , set


Remark 2.1.

If , then is a Zariski open set and hence carries full Lebesgue measure. In particular, if one of the sets is nonempty, then . When , we arrange our eigenvalues so that and write and .

Definition 2.2.

Given an index in , we say that a current is a fundamental solution to on forms spanned by if .

acts on smooth forms with compact support by componentwise convolution with respect to the group structure on , that is, if , then . Thus if is a smooth form with compact support, then . In cases where has a nontrivial kernel, we let be the projection (Szegö) operator onto this kernel and we say that is a relative fundamental solution if holds for all compactly supported forms spanned by . On quadrics, never has closed range in so the complex Green operator cannot be continuous in . As a consequence, we can only discuss a relative inverse and not the relative inverse. However, a relative inverse is called canonical if its output is orthogonal to whenever it belongs to .

We can now state our main result.

Theorem 2.3.

Suppose is a quadric CR submanifold of given by Equation 1 with associated projection . Assume the associated heat kernels, in (10) for all are jointly integrable in the variables and . Fix .


If for all , then the fundamental solution to on forms spanned by is given by



If for at least one , then orthogonal projection onto the applied to forms spanned by is given by convolution with the -form:

In the case , is the Szegö kernel.


If for at least one , then the canonical relative fundamental solution to given by applied to forms spanned by is given by


In all cases, the integrals converge absolutely.

Remark 2.4.

In many of the most important cases, the functions and formulas from the theorem simplify. There are several cases when this simplifcation occurs. The first is when or . The second is when the orthonormal basis is independent of . This independence happens both when (the hypersurface type case) and in the sum of squares case considered by Nagel, Ricci, and Stein Reference NRS01, discussed in Section 1.

Remark 2.5.

It is a straightforward exercise to recover the classical complex Green operator on the Heisenberg group from Equation 4 Reference BR13. Additionally, Reference BR13, Theorem 2 is now a simple and immediate application of Equation 4.

2.2. Solvability, hypoellipticity, and

In Reference PR03, Peloso and Ricci say that


is solvable if given any smooth -form on with compact support, there exists a -current on so that ;


is hypoelliptic if given any -current on , is smooth on any open set on which is smooth.

Peloso and Ricci are able to characterize solvability and hypoellipticity of .

Theorem 2.6 (Reference PR03).

Let , resp., , be the number of positive, resp., negative eigenvalues of . Then


is solvable on -forms if and only if there does not exist for which and .


is hypoelliptic on -forms if and only if there does not exist for which and .

Remark 2.7.

The condition is equivalent to the nontriviality of and is easy to check. By combining the solvability criteria of Reference PR03 (Theorem 2.6) and the formula for the -heat kernel from Reference BR11 (Theorem 3.1), it must be the case that (see Equation 10) as and solvability is equivalent . The latter statement follows from the fact the condition in part (1) of Theorem 2.6 is an open condition, that is, when solvability fails, is a (union of) cones, at least one of which will be open and hence has nonzero measure.

3. The Kohn Laplacian on quadrics

For a discussion of the group theoretic properties of , please see Reference BR11 or Reference PR03. By definition, the operator is defined on forms as without reference to any particular coordinate system. However in order to do computations, we need formulas for with respect to carefully chosen coordinates.

For , let be the real vector field given by the directional derivative in the direction of . Then the right invariant vector field at an arbitrary corresponding to is given by

Let be the vector in which corresponds to in (where ). The CR structure on is then spanned by vectors of the form:


Let , …, be any orthonormal basis for . Let , , and let , be the right invariant CR vector fields defined above (which are also the left invariant vector fields for the group structure with replaced by ). A -form can be expressed as . An explicit formula for on quadrics is written down by Peloso and Ricci Reference PR03 (see also Reference BR11) which takes the following form: if is a -form, then


If , then is zero unless , in which case

where is the unique element not in and is the unique element not in and is the number of indices between and . The notation indicates the dependency of this differential operator on the particular orthonormal basis chosen and the resulting basis (i.e., , …, ) and the associated dual basis of -forms (i.e., , …, ).

Note that if , then is quite simple since it is a linear combination over of derivatives. In the next section, we will use the coordinates derived from the basis , …, used in Section 2, and we will see that we can ignore the when .

3.1. Fourier transform of

Since the quadric defining equations are independent of , we can use the Fourier transform in the -variables:

In the case that is a function of , we use the notation to denote the partial Fourier transform of in the -variables. We transform via the Fourier transform and consider the fundamental solution to the heat operator in the transformed variables. We then use the coordinates relative to the basis chosen in Section 2 for the -variable in with . Thus, plays two roles - first as the Fourier transform variable and second, as the label for the coordinates relative to the basis which diagonalizes . Also note that the operation of Fourier transform in and the operation of expressing in terms of the coordinates are interchangeable (i.e., these operations commute).

For a general orthonormal basis , let be the partial Fourier transform in of the sub-Laplacian . When , we have (from Reference BR11):

where is the ordinary Laplacian in coordinates.

Also note that

Using Equation 2, we conclude that the Fourier transform of is

when (i.e., when ). The significance of this calculation is that the partial Fourier transform of (expressed in global coordinates) is incorporated into the operators .

Next, we recall the heat kernel and Szegö kernel for the heat equation. Let be the “heat kernel”, i.e., the solution to the following boundary value problem:

where is the Dirac-delta function centered at the origin in the variables. Let be the Szegö kernel which represents orthogonal projection of onto the kernel of . Note that the tilde over the and indicates that these terms are functions rather than differential forms. By contrast, and in Theorem 2.3 do not have tildes and they are differential -forms.

Theorem 3.1 (Reference BR11).

Let be a given multiindex of length and fix a nonzero and . Then


The heat kernel which solves the above boundary value problem is


If , then the projection onto is given by

otherwise .


The connection between the fundamental solution to the heat equation and the canonical relative fundamental solution to , denoted by , is given as follows:

In particular,

Both of the kernels and act on via a twisted convolution, , where , as defined in Reference BR11, Section 5.4, but this plays no role here.

Let denote the inverse Fourier transform in - that is, if is an integrable function of , then

Now we can formulate our relative solution to and Szegö kernel in terms of the inverse Fourier transform.

Proposition 3.2.

For a given index , the relative fundamental solution to applied to a form spanned by given by is

Moreover, the orthogonal projection onto the applied to forms spanned by is given by convolution with the -form


With the definitions of and given by Equation 14 and Equation 15, respectively, we shall show . On the transform side, we have

where the function is the constant function which is 1 in the coordinates. Now take the inverse Fourier transform (in ) of both sides. The left side becomes and then use the fact that and we obtain

as desired.

4. A new derivation of the integral formula – Proof of Theorem 2.3

Proof of Theorem 2.3.

We first assume the Szegö kernel is zero, that is, for all . Consequently, it follows from Equation 12 that . To prepare for the calculation of , we use polar coordinates and write where belongs to the unit sphere and . We observe


We now recover from Equation 14 by computing the inverse Fourier transform using polar coordinates ().

where is the surface volume form on the unit sphere in . Since is assumed to be jointly integrable in the variables and , we can integrate the variables in any order.

Let in the -integral and so and the oriented -limits of integration become to . We obtain


We now perform the -integral by using the following formula:

which concludes the proof for Equation 4.

Repeating this argument for the Szegö kernel using Equation 15, we have

which concludes the proof for Equation 5.

Finally, if , then using Equation 14 and Equation 12

The second set of integrals is virtually identical to what we computed earlier and we get


For the first set of integrals, we observe that

This completes the proof of Equation 6.

That the convergence of the resulting integrals is absolute follows from a straightforward Taylor expansion argument around and , the only possible points where the integrand appears to blow up.

5. Examples

We analyze three examples in this section, all of which fall into the cases discussed in Remark 2.4 so the formulas from Theorem 2.3 are slightly simpler. We discuss codimension quadrics in when , the Heisenberg group (so ), and the product the Heisenberg groups (so we fall into the sum of squares case).

5.1. Codimension quadrics in

When , we wrote down the formulas for in the case of three canonical examples Reference BR13:




These examples are canonical in the sense that any quadric in whose Levi form has image which is not contained in a one-dimensional cone is biholomorphic to one of these three examples (see Reference Bog91). Additionally, these three examples perfectly demonstrate the three possibilities for solvability/hypoellipticity of on quadrics.

The quadric is simply a Cartesian product of Heisenberg groups and both solvability and hypoellipticity are impossible for any degree. In this case,

so the eigenvalues of are and , so

For , it follows from Peloso and Ricci Reference PR03 that solvability and hypoellipticity occur for forms if and only if or . In this case,

which gives us eigenvalues , so that for all , . Additionally, we showed that the complex Green operator is given by (group) convolution with respect to the kernel

where is a constant Reference BR13, Theorem 3.

For , is solvable if and only if or and is never hypoelliptic. In this case,

so that the eigenvalues are . Thus with the degenerate values occurring when . In Corollary 5.1, we give a more useful formula for on Reference BR13. The analysis of the operator is extremely complicated and delicate and is the subject of a later work in the series Reference BR. We must mention the paper of Nagel, Ricci, and Stein which analyzes estimates on a class of higher codimension quadrics in which depend only on , Reference NRS01. However, their result applies to neither nor for these quadrics cannot be described in this manner.

5.2. Example .

Let . As defined in Section 1,

Here, , and for , we easily compute , . The function satisfies both and , though we will concentrate on the case (the case for is similar). Since , and so and (except when or which is a set of measure zero). We obtain


We first wrote this formula in Reference BR13. We wish to express it in a more useful and computable form which we will use in Reference BR.

We let which gives . We also let

and obtain

where is for and for . Also the interval corresponds to the oriented interval and the interval corresponds to . In Theorem 2.3, the point is expressed in terms of the eigenvectors of . To this end, we set


We then obtain Corollary 5.1 to Theorem 2.3:

Corollary 5.1.

The fundamental solution to for on functions is given by convolution with the kernel

This formula is the launching point for Reference BR.

5.3. The Heisenberg group

Denote the Heisenberg group . The Kohn Laplacian has a nontrivial kernel in the case that or . The calculation for these two cases is identical and we prove the details in the case . A derivation of a related formula from the classical methods appears in Reference Ste93, pp.615-617. We set

for all and and assume that the logarithm is defined via the principal branch.

Theorem 5.2.

On the Heisenberg group ,


The relative fundamental solution to on functions is given by the integration kernel


The relative fundamental solution to on -forms is given by the integration kernel

Remark 5.3.

Up to a function in , our formula appears to be the complex conjugate of the formula in Reference Ste93, Chapter XIII, Equation (51). This is a consequence of the fact that our computations are taken with respect to right invariant vector fields and not left invariant vector fields.


For a discussion regarding the consequences of the existence of a relative fundamental solution, we again refer the reader to Reference Ste93, Chapter XIII, Section 4.2. It is easy to see that the convolution with a Schwartz function will be an object in and hence orthogonal to .


Since , the Szegö kernel has support which means (suppressing )

Equation Equation 6 yields

Set and for , (so ). The reason that we introduce is that a logarithm appears in the integral, and is not well defined with the principal branch if . By introducing , it is immediate that for any

and by sending , we obtain as in Equation 17. Ignoring the constants, we compute

For the second integral, we change variables and compute


A geometric series argument shows that


Thus, if we set to equal the right hand side of Equation 18 except with replaced by , then stays away from the branch cut and

This function is continuous in , thus we may send and obtain the theorem.

5.4. The Cartesian product of Heisenberg groups

In contrast to the explicit computability of the Heisenberg group case, if

, and , then is the first quadrant and from Theorem 2.3, we have


On the other hand, using Equation 5, we compute the Szegö kernel


The authors would like to express their sincere appreciation for the detailed review from the referee and the excellent editorial comments from Harold Boas.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Theorem 2.3.

Suppose is a quadric CR submanifold of given by Equation 1 with associated projection . Assume the associated heat kernels, in (10) for all are jointly integrable in the variables and . Fix .


If for all , then the fundamental solution to on forms spanned by is given by



If for at least one , then orthogonal projection onto the applied to forms spanned by is given by convolution with the -form:

In the case , is the Szegö kernel.


If for at least one , then the canonical relative fundamental solution to given by applied to forms spanned by is given by


In all cases, the integrals converge absolutely.

Remark 2.4.

In many of the most important cases, the functions and formulas from the theorem simplify. There are several cases when this simplifcation occurs. The first is when or . The second is when the orthonormal basis is independent of . This independence happens both when (the hypersurface type case) and in the sum of squares case considered by Nagel, Ricci, and Stein Reference NRS01, discussed in Section 1.

Theorem 2.6 (Reference PR03).

Let , resp., , be the number of positive, resp., negative eigenvalues of . Then


is solvable on -forms if and only if there does not exist for which and .


is hypoelliptic on -forms if and only if there does not exist for which and .

Equation (7)
Equation (8)
Theorem 3.1 (Reference BR11).

Let be a given multiindex of length and fix a nonzero and . Then


The heat kernel which solves the above boundary value problem is


If , then the projection onto is given by

otherwise .


The connection between the fundamental solution to the heat equation and the canonical relative fundamental solution to , denoted by , is given as follows:

In particular,

Proposition 3.2.

For a given index , the relative fundamental solution to applied to a form spanned by given by is

Moreover, the orthogonal projection onto the applied to forms spanned by is given by convolution with the -form

Corollary 5.1.

The fundamental solution to for on functions is given by convolution with the kernel

Equation (17)
Equation (18)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 32W10 ( and -Neumann operators), 35R03 (PDEs on Heisenberg groups, Lie groups, Carnot groups, etc.), 32V20 (Analysis on CR manifolds), 42B37 (Harmonic analysis and PDEs), 43A80 (Analysis on other specific Lie groups)
  • Quadric submanifolds
  • tangential Cauchy-Riemann operator
  • complex Green operator
  • Szegö kernel
  • Szegö projection
  • fundamental solution
  • Heisenberg group
Author Information
Albert Boggess
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University, Physical Sciences Building A-Wing Rm. 216, 901 S. Palm Walk, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1804
Andrew Raich
Department of Mathematical Sciences, 1 University of Arkansas, SCEN 327, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Additional Notes

This work was supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (707123, ASR).

Communicated by
Harold P. Boas
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 9, Issue 19, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2022 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bproc/77
  • MathSciNet Review: 4411634
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4411634}{article}{ author={Boggess, Albert}, author={Raich, Andrew}, title={The fundamental solution to $\Box_b$ on quadric manifolds -- Part 1. General formulas}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={9}, number={19}, date={2022}, pages={186-203}, issn={2330-1511}, review={4411634}, doi={10.1090/bproc/77}, }


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