Gorenstein categories, singular equivalences and finite generation of cohomology rings in recollements

By Chrysostomos Psaroudakis, Øystein Skartsæterhagen, and Øyvind Solberg


Given an artin algebra with an idempotent element we compare the algebras and with respect to Gorensteinness, singularity categories and the finite generation condition for the Hochschild cohomology. In particular, we identify assumptions on the idempotent element which ensure that is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein, that the singularity categories of and are equivalent and that holds for if and only if holds for . We approach the problem by using recollements of abelian categories and we prove the results concerning Gorensteinness and singularity categories in this general setting. The results are applied to stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules and classes of triangular matrix algebras and quotients of path algebras.

1. Introduction

This paper deals with Gorenstein algebras and categories, singularity categories and a finiteness condition ensuring existence of a useful theory of support for modules over finite dimensional algebras. First we give some background and indicate how these subjects are linked for us. Then we discuss the common framework for our investigations and give a sample of the main results in the paper. Finally we describe the structure of the paper. For related work see Green–Madsen–Marcos Reference 34 and Nagase Reference 47. In Subsection 8.4, we compare our results to those of Nagase.

For a group algebra of a finite group over a field there is a theory of support varieties of modules introduced by Jon Carlson in the seminal paper Reference 13. This theory has proven useful and powerful, where the support of a module is defined in terms of the maximal ideal spectrum of the group cohomology ring . Crucial facts here are that the group cohomology ring is graded commutative and noetherian, and for any finitely generated -module , the Yoneda algebra is a finitely generated module over the group cohomology ring (see Reference 29Reference 31Reference 62). For a finitely generated -module the support variety is defined as the variety associated to the annihilator ideal of the action of the group cohomology ring on . This construction is based on the Hopf algebra structure of the group algebra , and until recently a theory of support was not available for finite dimensional algebras in general.

Snashall and Solberg Reference 59 have extended the theory of support varieties from group algebras to finite dimensional algebras by replacing the group cohomology with the Hochschild cohomology ring of the algebra. Whenever similar properties as for group algebras are satisfied, that is, (i) the Hochschild cohomology ring is noetherian and (ii) all Yoneda algebras for a finitely generated -module are finitely generated modules over the Hochschild cohomology ring, then many of the same results as for group algebras of finite groups are still true when is a selfinjective algebra Reference 26. The above set of conditions is referred to as (see Reference 26Reference 60).

Triangulated categories of singularities or for simplicity singularity categories have been introduced and studied by Buchweitz Reference 12, under the name stable derived categories, and later they have been considered by Orlov Reference 50. For an algebraic variety , Orlov introduced the singularity category of , as the Verdier quotient , where is the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on and is the full subcategory consisting of perfect complexes on . The singularity category captures many geometric properties of . For instance, if the variety is smooth, then the singularity category is trivial but this is not true in general Reference 50. It should be noted that the singularity category is not only related to the study of the singularities of a given variety but is also related to the Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture due to Kontsevich Reference 42. For more information we refer to Reference 50Reference 51Reference 52.

Similarly, the singularity category over a noetherian ring is defined Reference 12 to be the Verdier quotient of the bounded derived category of the finitely generated -modules by the full subcategory of perfect complexes and is denoted by

In this case the singularity category can be viewed as a categorical measure of the singularities of the spectrum . Moreover, by a fundamental result of Buchweitz Reference 12, and independently by Happel Reference 37, the singularity category of a Gorenstein ring is equivalent to the stable category of (maximal) Cohen–Macaulay modules , where the latter is well known to be a triangulated category Reference 38. Note that this equivalence generalizes the well known equivalence between the singularity category of a selfinjective algebra and the stable module category, a result due to Rickard Reference 56. If there exists a triangle equivalence between the singularity categories of two rings and , then such an equivalence is called a singular equivalence between and . Singular equivalences were introduced by Chen, who studied singularity categories of non-Gorenstein algebras and investigated when there is a singular equivalence between certain extensions of rings Reference 15Reference 17Reference 19Reference 20.

Next, from the perspective of support varieties, we describe some links between the above topics. Support varieties for using the Hochschild cohomology ring of were considered in Reference 60 for a finite dimensional algebra over a field , where all the perfect complexes were shown to have trivial support variety. Hence the theory of support via the Hochschild cohomology ring naturally only says something about the Verdier quotient – the singularity category. Furthermore, in Reference 65, Hochschild (co)homology is discussed in connection with a particular class of singular equivalences.

To have an interesting theory of support, the finiteness condition is pivotal. When is satisfied for an algebra , then is Gorenstein Reference 26, Proposition 1.2, or equivalently, is a Gorenstein category.

As we pointed out above, when is Gorenstein, then by Buchweitz–Happel the singularity category is triangle equivalent to , the stable category of Cohen–Macaulay modules. When is a selfinjective algebra, then is selfinjective and is a tensor triangulated category with as a tensor identity. Let be the full subcategory of consisting of all bimodules which are projective as a left and as a right -module. Then is also a tensor triangulated category with tensor identity . The strictly positive part of the graded endomorphism ring

of the tensor identity in is isomorphic to the strictly positive part of the Hochschild cohomology ring of . This is the relevant part for the theory of support varieties via the Hochschild cohomology ring. In addition is a tensor triangulated category acting on the triangulated category , and we can consider a theory of support varieties for based on the framework described in the forthcoming paper Reference 11. Therefore the singularity category of the enveloping algebra encodes the geometric object for support varieties of modules and complexes over the algebra .

Next we describe the categorical framework for our work. There has recently been a lot of interest around recollements of abelian (and triangulated) categories. These are exact sequences of abelian categories

where both the inclusion functor and the quotient functor have left and right adjoints. They have been introduced by Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne Reference 8 first in the context of triangulated categories in their study of derived categories of sheaves on singular spaces.

Properties of recollements of abelian categories were studied by Franjou and Pirashvili in Reference 32, motivated by the MacPherson–Vilonen construction for the category of perverse sheaves Reference 45, and recently homological properties of recollements of abelian and triangulated categories have also been studied in Reference 54. Recollements of abelian categories were used by Cline, Parshall and Scott in the context of representation theory (see Reference 24Reference 53), and later Kuhn used recollements in his study of polynomial functors (see Reference 44). Recently, recollements of triangulated categories have appeared in the work of Angeleri Hügel, Koenig and Liu in connection with tilting theory, homological conjectures and stratifications of derived categories of rings (see Reference 1Reference 2Reference 3Reference 4). Also, Chen and Xi have investigated recollements in relation with tilting theory Reference 21 and algebraic K-theory Reference 22Reference 23. Furthermore, Han Reference 35 has studied the relations between recollements of derived categories of algebras, smoothness and Hochschild cohomology of algebras.

It should be noted that module recollements, i.e. recollements of abelian categories whose terms are categories of modules, appear quite naturally in various settings. For instance any idempotent element in a ring induces a recollement situation between the module categories over the rings , and . In fact recollements of module categories are now well understood since every such recollement is equivalent, in an appropriate sense, to one induced by an idempotent element Reference 55.

We want to compare the condition for Hochschild cohomology, Gorensteinness and the singularity categories of two algebras. Our aim in this paper is to present a common context where we can compare these properties for an algebra and , where is an idempotent of . This is achieved using recollements of abelian categories. To summarize our main results we introduce the following notion. Given a functor between abelian categories, the functor is called an eventually homological isomorphism if there is an integer such that for every pair of objects and in , and every , there is an isomorphism

of abelian groups (the isomorphism is not necessarily induced by the functor ). Our main results, stated in the context of artin algebras, are summarized in the following theorem. The four parts of the theorem are proved in Corollary 3.12, Corollary 5.4, Corollary 4.7 and Theorem 7.10, respectively. More general versions of the first three parts, in the setting of abelian categories, are given in Corollary 3.6 and Proposition 3.7, Theorem 5.2 and Theorem 4.3.

Main Theorem.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring and let be an idempotent element of . Let be the functor given by multiplication by . Consider the following conditions:

Then the following hold.


The following are equivalent:


and hold.


and hold.


The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and if and only if conditions and hold.


Assume that is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that is an eventually homological isomorphism. Assume also that is a field and that is a semisimple -module (for instance, this is true if is algebraically closed). Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Now we describe the contents of the paper section by section. In Section 2, we recall notions and results on recollements of abelian categories and Hochschild cohomology that are used throughout the paper.

In Section 3, we study extension groups in a recollement of abelian categories . More precisely, we investigate when the exact functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. It turns out that the answer to this problem is closely related to the characterization given in Reference 54 of when the functor induces isomorphisms between extension groups in all degrees below some bound . In Corollary 3.6 and Proposition 3.7 we give sufficient and necessary conditions, respectively, for the functor to be an eventually homological isomorphism. We specialize these results to recollements of artin algebras and characterize when the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism in Corollary 3.12. The results of this section are used in Section 4 and Section 7.

In Section 4, we study Gorenstein categories, introduced by Beligiannis and Reiten Reference 9. Assuming that we have an eventually homological isomorphism between abelian categories, we investigate when Gorensteinness is transferred between and . Among other things, we prove that if is an essentially surjective eventually homological isomorphism, then is Gorenstein if and only if is (see Theorem 4.3). We apply this to recollements of abelian categories and recollements of module categories.

In Section 5, we investigate singularity categories, in the sense of Buchweitz Reference 12 and Orlov Reference 50, in a recollement of abelian categories. In fact, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the quotient functor to induce a triangle equivalence between the singularity categories of and ; see Theorem 5.2. This result generalizes earlier results by Chen Reference 15. We obtain the results of Chen in Corollary 5.4 by applying Theorem 5.2 to rings with idempotents. Finally, for an artin algebra with an idempotent element , we give a sufficient condition for the stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules of and to be triangle equivalent; see Corollary 5.6.

In Section 6 and Section 7, which form a unit, we investigate the finite generation condition for the Hochschild cohomology of a finite dimensional algebra over a field. In particular, in Section 6 we show how we can compare the condition for two different algebras. This is achieved by showing, for two graded rings and graded modules over them, that if we have isomorphisms in all but finitely many degrees, then the noetherian property of the rings and the finite generation of the modules is preserved; see Propositions 6.3 and 6.4. In Section 7, we use this result to show that holds for a finite dimensional algebra over a field if and only if holds for the algebra , where is an idempotent element of which satisfies certain assumptions (see Theorem 7.10). As part of this, we show that under the same assumptions, the Hochschild cohomology rings of and are the same in almost all degrees (Proposition 7.9).

The final Section 8 is devoted to examples and applications of our main results. We first discuss conditions of the Main Theorem. Then we consider some special cases where these conditions are related, and provide an interpretation for quotients of path algebras. Then we apply our results to triangular matrix algebras. For a triangular matrix algebra , we compare to the algebras and with respect to the condition, Gorensteinness and singularity categories. In particular, we recover a result by Chen Reference 15 concerning the singularity categories of and . Finally, we compare our results to those of Nagase Reference 47.

Conventions and notation

For a ring we usually work with left -modules and the corresponding category is denoted by . The full subcategory of finitely presented -modules is denoted by . Our additive categories are assumed to have finite direct sums and our subcategories are assumed to be closed under isomorphisms and direct summands. The Jacobson radical of a ring is denoted by . By a module over an artin algebra , we mean a finitely presented (generated) left -module.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we recall notions and results on recollements of abelian categories and Hochschild cohomology.

2.1. Recollements of abelian categories

In this subsection we recall the definition of a recollement situation in the context of abelian categories (see for instance Reference 32Reference 36Reference 44), we fix notation and recall some well known properties of recollements which are used later in the paper. We also include our basic source of examples of recollements. For an additive functor between additive categories, the essential image of is denoted by and the kernel of is denoted by .

Definition 2.1.

A recollement situation between abelian categories and is a diagram

henceforth denoted by , satisfying the following conditions:


is an adjoint triple.


is an adjoint triple.


The functors , and are fully faithful.



In the next result we collect some basic properties of a recollement situation of abelian categories that can be derived easily from Definition 2.1. For more details, see Reference 32Reference 54.

Proposition 2.2.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories. Then the following hold.


The functors and are exact.


The compositions , and are zero.


The functor is essentially surjective.


The units of the adjoint pairs and and the counits of the adjoint pairs and are isomorphisms:


The functors and preserve projective objects and the functors and preserve injective objects.


The functor induces an equivalence between and the Serre subcategory of . Moreover, is a localizing and colocalizing subcategory of and there is an equivalence of categories .


For every in there are and in such that the units and counits of the adjunctions induce the following exact sequences:


Throughout the paper, we apply our results to recollements of module categories, and in particular to recollements of module categories over artin algebras as described in the following example.

Example 2.3.

Let be an artin -algebra, where is a commutative artin ring, and let be an idempotent element in .


We have the following recollement of abelian categories:

The functor can also be described as follows: . We write for the ideal of generated by the idempotent element . Then every left -module is annihilated by and thus the category is the kernel of the functor .


Let be the enveloping algebra of . The element is an idempotent element of . Therefore as above we have the following recollement of abelian categories:

Note that as -algebras.

Remark 2.4.

As in Example 2.3, any idempotent element in a ring induces a recollement situation between the module categories over the rings , and . This should be considered as the universal example for recollements of abelian categories whose terms are categories of modules. Indeed, in Reference 55 it is proved that any recollement of module categories is equivalent, in an appropriate sense, to one induced by an idempotent element.

2.2. Hochschild cohomology rings

We briefly explain the terminology we need regarding Hochschild cohomology and the finite generation condition , and recall some important results. For a more detailed exposition of these topics, see sections 2–5 of Reference 60.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring . We define the Hochschild cohomology ring of by

This is a graded -algebra with multiplication given by Yoneda product. Hochschild cohomology was originally defined by Hochschild in Reference 39, using the bar resolution. It was shown in Reference 14, IX, §6 that our definition coincides with the original definition when is projective over .

Gerstenhaber showed in Reference 33 that the Hochschild cohomology ring as originally defined is graded commutative. This implies that the Hochschild cohomology ring as defined above is graded commutative when is projective over . The following more general result was shown in Reference 59, Theorem 1.1 (see also Reference 61, which proves graded commutativity of several cohomology theories in a uniform way).

Theorem 2.5.

Let be an algebra over a commutative ring such that is flat as a module over . Then the Hochschild cohomology ring is graded commutative.

To describe the finite generation condition , we first need to define a -module structure on the direct sum of all extension groups of a -module with itself (for more details about this module structure, see Reference 59). Assume that is flat as a -module, and let be a -module. The direct sum

of all extension groups of with itself is a graded -algebra with multiplication given by Yoneda product. We give it a graded -module structure by the graded ring homomorphism

which is defined in the following way. Any homogeneous element of positive degree in can be represented by an exact sequence

of -modules, where every is projective. Tensoring this sequence throughout with gives an exact sequence

of -modules (the exactness of this sequence follows from the facts that is flat as a -module and that the modules are projective -modules). Using the isomorphism , we get an exact sequence of -modules starting and ending in ; we define to be the element of represented by this sequence. For elements of degree zero in , the map is defined by tensoring with and using the identification .

In Reference 26, Erdmann–Holloway–Snashall–Solberg–Taillefer identified certain assumptions about an algebra , which are sufficient in order for the theory of support varieties to have good properties. They called these assumptions Fg1 and Fg2. We say that an algebra satisfies if it satisfies both Fg1 and Fg2. We use the following definition of , which is equivalent (by Reference 60, Proposition 5.7) to the definition of Fg1 and Fg2 given in Reference 26.

Definition 2.6.

Let be an algebra over a commutative ring such that is flat as a module over . We say that satisfies the condition if the following is true:


The ring is noetherian.


The -module is finitely generated.

The following result states that in our definition of we could have replaced part (ii) by the same requirement for all -modules. It can be proved in a similar way as Reference 26, Proposition 1.4.

Theorem 2.7.

If an artin algebra satisfies the condition, then is a finitely generated -module for every -module .

We end this section by describing a connection between the condition and Gorensteinness.

Theorem 2.8 (Reference 26, Theorem 1.5 (a)).

If an artin algebra satisfies the condition, then is Gorenstein.

3. Eventually homological isomorphisms in recollements

Given a functor between abelian categories and an integer , the functor is called a -homological isomorphism if there is a group isomorphism

for every pair of objects and in , and every . Note that we do not require these isomorphisms to be induced by the functor . If is a -homological isomorphism for some , then it is an eventually homological isomorphism. In this section, we investigate when the functor in a recollement

of abelian categories is an eventually homological isomorphism.

The functor induces maps

of extension groups for all objects and in and for every . With one argument fixed and the other one varying over all objects we study when these maps are isomorphisms in almost all degrees, that is, for every degree greater than some bound (see Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 3.5). We use this to find two sets of sufficient conditions for the functor to be an eventually homological isomorphism (Corollary 3.6), and we find a partial converse (Proposition 3.7). Finally, we specialize these results to artin algebras, using the recollement of Example 2.3 (i). In particular, we characterize when the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism (Corollary 3.12).

These results are used in Section 4 for comparing Gorensteinness of the categories in a recollement, and in Section 7 for comparing the condition of the algebras and , where is an idempotent in .

We start by fixing some notation. For an injective coresolution of in , we say that the image of the morphism is an -th cosyzygy of , and we denote it by . Dually, if is a projective resolution of in , then we say that the kernel of the morphism is an -th syzygy of , and we denote it by . Also, if is a class of objects in , then the right orthogonal subcategory of is denoted by and the left orthogonal subcategory of is denoted by .

We now describe precisely how the maps Equation 3.1 induced by the functor in a recollement are defined. Let and be abelian categories and let be an additive exact functor. If

is an exact sequence in , then we denote by the exact sequence

in . It is clear that this operation commutes with Yoneda product; that is, if and are composable exact sequences in , then . For every pair of objects and in and every nonnegative integer , we define a group homomorphism


For an object in , the direct sum is a graded ring with multiplication given by Yoneda product, and taking the maps in all degrees gives a graded ring homomorphism

Remark 3.1.

We explain briefly why the maps and defined above are homomorphisms.


Since the functor is exact, it preserves pullbacks and pushouts. Thus the map preserves the Baer sum between two extensions.


For checking that the map is a graded ring homomorphism, the only nontrivial case to consider is the product of a morphism and an extension. For this case, we again use that the functor preserves pullbacks and pushouts.

We now consider the maps

induced by the functor in a recollement, where we let one argument be fixed and the other vary over all objects of . In Reference 54, the first author studied when these maps are isomorphisms for all degrees up to some bound , that is, for . This immediately leads to a description of when these maps are isomorphisms in all degrees, which we state as the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2 (Reference 54, Propositions 3.3 and 3.4, Theorem 3.10).

Let be a recollement of abelian categories and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Let be an object in .


The following statements are equivalent:


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every nonnegative integer .


The object has a projective resolution of the form

where is a projective object in .


for every and .


for every and .


The following statements are equivalent:


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every nonnegative integer .


The object has an injective coresolution of the form

where is an injective object in .


for every and .


for every and .

The above theorem describes when the maps induced by the functor are isomorphisms in all degrees . Our aim in this section is to give a similar description of when these maps are isomorphisms in almost all degrees. The basic idea is to translate the conditions in the above theorem to similar conditions stated for almost all degrees, and show the equivalence of these conditions by using the above theorem and dimension shifting. In order for this to work, however, we need to modify the conditions somewhat. We obtain Theorem 3.4 which is stated below and generalizes parts of Theorem 3.2 (i) (and the dual Theorem 3.5 which generalizes parts of Theorem 3.2 (ii)). In order to prove the theorem, we need a general version of dimension shifting as stated in the following lemma.

Lemma 3.3.

Let be an abelian category, let be an integer, and let

be an exact sequence in with for every . Then for every and , the map given by is an isomorphism:

Now we are ready to show our characterization of when the functor in a recollement induces isomorphisms of extension groups in almost all degrees.

Theorem 3.4.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Consider the following statements for an object of and two integers and :


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every integer .


The object has a projective resolution of the form

where each is a projective object in .


for every and , and there exists an -th syzygy of lying in .


for every and , and there exists an -th syzygy of lying in .

We have the following relations between these statements:




If for every projective object in , then .


(i) By dimension shift, statement (c) is equivalent to

and statement (d) is equivalent to

where in both cases is a suitably chosen -th syzygy of . The equivalence of statements (b), (c) and (d) now follows from the equivalence of (b), (c) and (d) in Theorem 3.2 (i).

(ii) Let

be the beginning of the chosen projective resolution of , where is the -th syzygy of . Consider the following group homomorphisms:

Here, the maps and are isomorphisms by Lemma 3.3. Note that for we use the fact that for every projective object in . The map is an isomorphism by Theorem 3.2 (i). Thus, we have an isomorphism

for every and . We want to show that this is the same map as . We consider an element , and follow it through the maps Equation 3.2. We then get the following elements:

This shows that our isomorphism takes any element to the element . Thus, our isomorphism is .

Dually to the above theorem, we have the following generalization of some of the implications in Theorem 3.2 (ii).

Theorem 3.5.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Consider the following statements for an object of and two integers and :


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every integer .


The object has an injective coresolution of the form

where each is a projective object in .


for every and , and there exists an -th cosyzygy of lying in .


for every and , and there exists an -th cosyzygy of lying in .

We have the following relations between these statements:




If for every injective object in , then .

In the above results, we fixed an object of the category , and considered the maps or for all objects in . With certain conditions on the object , we found that these maps are isomorphisms for almost all degrees . We now describe some conditions on the recollement which are sufficient to ensure that the maps are isomorphisms in almost all degrees for all objects and of , in other words, that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. These conditions are given in the following corollary, which follows directly from Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 3.5.

Corollary 3.6.

Let be a recollement and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Let and be two integers. Assume that one of the following conditions holds:



Every object of has an -th syzygy which lies in .




Every object of has an -th cosyzygy which lies in .


Then the functor is an -homological isomorphism, and in particular the map

is an isomorphism for all objects and of and for every .

We now show a partial converse of the above result.

Proposition 3.7.

Let be a recollement and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Assume that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then the following hold:





In particular, if is a -homological isomorphism for a nonnegative integer , then each of the above dimensions is bounded by .


Let be an object of . For every in and , we get

since by Proposition 2.2, and thus . The proof of is similar.

Let be a projective object of . For every in and , we get

since by Proposition 2.2, and thus . The proof of is similar.

Remark 3.8.

Recall from Reference 54 that , which appears in statement above, is called the -relative global dimension of , and denoted by .

We close this section by interpreting Theorem 3.4, Theorem 3.5 and Corollary 3.6 for artin algebras. To this end, for an artin algebra and an idempotent element, we denote by

the quotient functor of the recollement ; see Example 2.3.

We first need the following well known observation.

Lemma 3.9.

Let be an artin algebra, let be a -module and let be a simple -module. Then for every we have:

where is the -th syzygy in a minimal projective resolution of , and is the -th cosyzygy in a minimal injective coresolution of .

We also need the next easy result whose proof is left to the reader.

Lemma 3.10.

Let be an artin algebra and let be an idempotent element of .

Then the following inequalities hold:


, for every .


, for every .

The following is a consequence of Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 3.5 for artin algebras.

Corollary 3.11.

Let be an artin algebra, let be an idempotent element in and let and be integers.


Let be a -module such that for every . Assume that . Then the map

is an isomorphism for every -module , and for every integer .


Let be a -module such that for every . Assume that . Then the map

is an isomorphism for every -module , and for every integer .


(i) Consider the recollement of Example 2.3. Since every simple -module is also simple as a -module it follows from Lemma 3.9 that

This implies that for every -module since every module has a finite composition series. Then the result is a consequence of Theorem 3.4.

(ii) The result follows similarly as in (i), using Theorem 3.5 and the second isomorphism of Lemma 3.9.

As an immediate consequence of the above results we have the following characterization of when the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. This constitutes the first part of the Main Theorem presented in the Introduction.

Corollary 3.12.

Let be an artin algebra and let be an idempotent element in . The following are equivalent:


There is an integer such that for every pair of -modules and , and every , the map

is an isomorphism.


The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


and .


and .

In particular, if the functor is a -homological isomorphism, then each of the dimensions in (iii) and (iv) are at most . The bound in (i) is bounded by the sum of the dimensions occurring in (iii), and also bounded by the sum of the dimensions occurring in (iv).


The implications (ii) (iii) and (ii) (iv) follow from Proposition 3.7. The implications (iii) (i) and (iv) (i) follow from Corollary 3.11.

The above corollary shows that being an eventually homological isomorphism is equivalent to the two conditions and , and also equivalent to the two conditions and . In Subsection 8.1, we give examples showing that no other pair of the four conditions implies that is an eventually homological isomorphism.

4. Gorenstein categories and eventually homological isomorphisms

Our aim in this section is to study Gorenstein categories, introduced by Beligiannis–Reiten Reference 9. The main objective is to study when a functor between abelian categories preserves Gorensteinness. A central property here is whether the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. We prove that for an essentially surjective eventually homological isomorphism , then is Gorenstein if and only if is. The results are applied to recollements of abelian categories, and recollements of module categories.

We start by briefly recalling the notion of Gorenstein categories introduced in Reference 9. Let be an abelian category with enough projective and injective objects. We consider the following invariants associated to

Then we have the following notion of Gorensteinness for abelian categories.

Definition 4.1 (Reference 9).

An abelian category with enough projective and injective objects is called Gorenstein if and .

Note that the above notion is a common generalization of Gorensteinness in the commutative and in the noncommutative setting. We refer to Reference 9, Chapter VII for a thorough discussion on Gorenstein categories and connections with Cohen–Macaulay objects and cotorsion pairs.

We start with the following useful observation whose direct proof is left to the reader.

Lemma 4.2.

Let be an abelian category with enough projective and injective objects and let be an object of .


If , then .


If , then .

In the main result of this section we study eventually homological isomorphisms between abelian categories with enough projective and injective objects. In particular we show that an essentially surjective eventually homological isomorphism preserves Gorensteinness. This is a general version of the third part of the Main Theorem presented in the Introduction.

Theorem 4.3.

Let be a functor, where and are abelian categories with enough projective and injective objects, and let be a nonnegative integer. Consider the following four statements:

We have the following.


If is a -homological isomorphism, then (a) holds.


If is an essentially surjective -homological isomorphism, then (a) and (b) hold.


If (a) and (b) hold, then (c) holds.


If (a) and (b) hold and is essentially surjective, then (c) and (d) hold.

In particular, we obtain the following.


If is an essentially surjective eventually homological isomorphism, then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


If is an eventually homological isomorphism and (b) holds, then being Gorenstein implies that is Gorenstein.


We first assume that is an essentially surjective -homological isomorphism and show the inequality ; the other inequalities in parts (i) and (ii) are proved similarly. The inequality clearly holds if has infinite projective dimension. Assume that has finite projective dimension, and let . For any object in , there is an object in with , since the functor is essentially surjective. By using that is a -homological isomorphism, we get

This means that we have , and therefore .

We now assume that (a) and (b) hold and is essentially surjective, and show the inequality ; the other inequalities in parts (iii) and (iv) are proved similarly. Let be an injective object of . Since is essentially surjective, we can choose an object in such that . By (a), the object has finite injective dimension, and then by Lemma 4.2, its projective dimension is at most . Using (b), we get

Since this holds for any injective object in , we have .

Parts (v) and (vi) follow by combining parts (i)–(iv).

Now we return to the setting of a recollement . We use Theorem 4.3 to study the functors and with respect to Gorensteinness.

Corollary 4.4.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories.


Assume that the categories and have enough projective and injective objects, and that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that the category has enough projective and injective objects, and that we have either

If is Gorenstein, then is Gorenstein.


Part (i) follows directly from Theorem 4.3 (v), noting that is essentially surjective by Proposition 2.2.

We now show part (ii). By Proposition 2.2 (iv) and (v), has enough projective and injective objects since does (see Reference 54, Remark 2.5).

It follows from Reference 54, Proposition 4.15 (or its dual) that the functor is a homological embedding, i.e. the map is an isomorphism for all objects and in and every . In particular, this means that is a -homological isomorphism. By Theorem 4.3 (i), we have

for every object in .

We show that . Let be an injective object in . By assumption, we have , and then by the first inequality in Equation 4.1 and Lemma 4.2, we have

Hence we have . By a similar argument, we have . The result follows.

In a recollement we have seen that the implications (i) Gorenstein if and only if Gorenstein and (ii) Gorenstein implies Gorenstein hold under various additional assumptions. It is then natural to ask if the categories and being Gorenstein could imply that is Gorenstein. The next example shows that this is not true in general.

Example 4.5.

Let be a field and consider the algebra . Then from the triangular matrix algebra

we have the recollement of module categories , where and are Gorenstein categories but is not Gorenstein. We refer to Reference 15, Example 4.3 (2) for more details about the algebra .

Recall from Reference 9 that a ring is called left Gorenstein if the category of left -modules is a Gorenstein category. Applying Corollary 4.4 to the module recollement from Example 2.3, we have the following result.

Corollary 4.6.

Let be a ring and an idempotent element of .


If the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism, then the ring is left Gorenstein if and only if the ring is left Gorenstein.


Assume that we have either

If the ring is left Gorenstein, then the ring is left Gorenstein.

Recall that an artin algebra is called Gorenstein if and (see Reference 5Reference 6). Note that is a Gorenstein category if and only if is a Gorenstein algebra. We close this section with the following consequence for artin algebras, whose first part constitutes the third part of the Main Theorem presented in the Introduction.

Corollary 4.7.

Let be an artin algebra and an idempotent element of .


Assume that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then the algebra is Gorenstein if and only if the algebra is Gorenstein.


Assume that we have either

If the algebra is Gorenstein, then the algebra is Gorenstein.

5. Singular equivalences in recollements

Our purpose in this section is to study singularity categories, in the sense of Buchweitz Reference 12 and Orlov Reference 50, in a recollement of abelian categories . In particular we are interested in finding necessary and sufficient conditions such that the singularity categories of and are triangle equivalent. We start by recalling some well known facts about singularity categories.

Let be an abelian category with enough projective objects. We denote by the derived category of bounded complexes of objects of and by the homotopy category of bounded complexes of projective objects of . Then the singularity category of (Reference 12Reference 50) is defined to be the Verdier quotient:

See Reference 18 for a discussion of more general quotients of by , where is a selforthogonal subcategory of .

It is well known that the singularity category carries a unique triangulated structure such that the quotient functor is triangulated; see Reference 43Reference 49Reference 63. Recall that the objects of the singularity category are the objects of the bounded derived category , the morphisms between two objects are equivalence classes of fractions such that the cone of the morphism belongs to and the exact triangles in are all the triangles which are isomorphic to images of exact triangles of via the quotient functor . Note that a complex is zero in if and only if . Following Chen Reference 19Reference 20, we say that two abelian categories and are singularly equivalent if there is a triangle equivalence between the singularity categories and . This triangle equivalence is called a singular equivalence between and .

To proceed further we need the following well known result for exact triangles in derived categories. For a complex in an abelian category we denote by the truncation complex , and by the -th homology of .

Lemma 5.1.

Let be an abelian category and let be a complex in . Then we have the following triangle in

Now we are ready to prove the main result of this section which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the quotient functor to induce a triangle equivalence between the singularity categories of and . This is a general version of the second part of the Main Theorem presented in the Introduction.

Theorem 5.2.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories. Then the following statements are equivalent:


We have and for every and .


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and


(i) (ii) First note that we have a well defined derived functor since the quotient functor is exact. Also the recollement situation implies that is an exact sequence of abelian categories; see Proposition 2.2. Then it follows from Reference 46, Theorem 3.2 (see also Reference 40) that is an exact sequence of triangulated categories, where is the full subcategory of consisting of complexes whose homology lie in . Hence is a quotient functor, i.e. . Next we claim that . Let . Suppose first that is concentrated in degree zero, so we deal with a projective object of . Since the object has finite projective dimension it follows that there is a quasi-isomorphism , where is a projective resolution of . Then the object [0] is isomorphic with in and therefore . Now let . Then we have the triangle and if we apply the functor we infer that since is a triangulated subcategory. Continuing inductively on the length of the complex we infer that the object lies in and so our claim follows. Then since the triangulated functor annihilates it follows that factors uniquely through via a triangulated functor , that is the following diagram is commutative:

Next we show that in . Since the projective dimension of is finite for all in , it follows that in . Let be an object of . Assume first that is concentrated in degree zero. Hence we deal with an object such that for some , and therefore our claim follows. Now consider a complex

where and lie in . From Lemma 5.1 we have the triangles


in . Then from the second triangle it follows that and therefore from the first triangle we get that . Continuing inductively on the length of the complex , we infer that in . Using this we can form the quotient , and then we have the following exact commutative diagram:

We show that the functor is an equivalence, where we denote it by . First from the above commutative diagram and since there is an equivalence , it follows that the functor is fully faithful. Let be an object of . Each is a projective object in and from Proposition 2.2 we have with . Then the complex is such that . This implies that the functor is essentially surjective. Hence the functor is an equivalence.

In conclusion, from the above exact commutative diagram we infer that the singularity categories of and are triangle equivalent.

(ii) (i) Suppose that there is a triangle equivalence . Let be a projective object of . Then and . Thus the object has finite projective dimension. Let and consider the object of . Then from Proposition 2.2 we have . Since is an equivalence, the object is zero in , and therefore . We infer that has finite projective dimension.

Remark 5.3.

If the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism, then statement (i) in Theorem 5.2 is true by Proposition 3.7. Thus Theorem 5.2 in particular says that if the functor in a recollement is an eventually homological isomorphism, then it induces a singular equivalence between and . Example 5.5 below shows that the converse does not hold.

Note that statement (i) in Theorem 5.2 only states that each object of the form or has finite projective dimension, and not that there exists a finite bound for the projective dimensions of all such objects. In other words, the supremums

(which are used in other parts of the paper) may be infinite even if statement (i) is true.

Applying Theorem 5.2 to the recollement of module categories (see Example 2.3), we have the following consequence due to Chen; see Reference 15, Theorem 2.1 and Reference 16, Corollary 3.3. Note that our version is somewhat stronger; the difference is that Chen takes as an assumption instead of including it in one of the equivalent statements. This result constitutes the second part of the Main Theorem presented in the Introduction.

Corollary 5.4.

Let be a left Noetherian ring and an idempotent element of . Then the following statements are equivalent:


For every -module we have , and .


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and

Now we give an example where the functor induces a singular equivalence, but is not an eventually homological isomorphism.

Example 5.5.

We recycle the algebra from Example 4.5, that is, let be the triangular matrix algebra

where is a field. We have the recollement of module categories , with as the chosen idempotent. Then as -modules, which implies that all -modules are projective as -modules. Furthermore, as -modules. Then it follows from Corollary 5.4 that the functor induces a singular equivalence between and . However, condition in Corollary 3.12 is not satisfied, hence is not an eventually homological isomorphism.

The algebra is a Gorenstein algebra, but the algebra is not Gorenstein. This example therefore shows that singular equivalences do not in general preserve Gorensteinness.

We end this section with an application to stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules. Let be a Gorenstein artin algebra. We denote by the category of (maximal) Cohen–Macaulay modules defined as follows:

Then it is known that the stable category modulo projectives is a triangulated category (see Reference 38), and moreover there is a triangle equivalence between the singularity category and the stable category ; see Reference 12, Theorem 4.4.1 and Reference 37, Theorem 4.6. As a consequence of Corollary 3.12, Corollary 4.7 and Corollary 5.4 we get the following.

Corollary 5.6.

Let be a Gorenstein artin algebra and an idempotent element of . Assume that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then there is a triangle equivalence between the stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules of and :

6. Finite generation of cohomology rings

In this section, we describe a way to compare the condition (see Definition 2.6) for two different algebras. This is used in the next section for the algebras and , where is a finite dimensional algebra over a field and is an idempotent in .

Let and be two artin algebras over a commutative ring , and assume that they are flat as -modules. Let and . Assume that we have graded ring isomorphisms and making the diagram

commute, where the maps and are defined in Subsection 2.2. Then it is clear that for is exactly the same as for , since all the relevant data for the condition is exactly the same for the two algebras.

However, we can come to the same conclusion even if the homology groups for and are different in some degrees, as long as they are the same in all but finitely many degrees. In other words, if the maps and above are just graded ring homomorphisms such that and are group isomorphisms for almost all degrees , then the condition holds for if and only if it holds for . The goal of this section is to show this.

We first prove the result in a more general setting, where we replace the rings in Equation 6.1 by arbitrary graded rings satisfying appropriate assumptions. This is done in Proposition 6.3, after we have shown a part of the result (corresponding to part (i) of the condition) in Proposition 6.2. Finally, we state the result for in Proposition 6.4.

We now introduce some terminology and notation which is used in this section and the next. By graded ring we always mean a ring of the form

graded over the nonnegative integers. We denote the set of nonnegative integers by . If is a graded ring and a nonnegative integer, we use the notation for the graded ideal

in . We use the term rng for a “ring without identity”, that is, an object which satisfies all the axioms for a ring except having a multiplicative identity element.

We use the following characterization of noetherianness for graded rings.

Theorem 6.1.

Let be a graded ring. Then is noetherian if and only if it satisfies the ascending chain condition on graded ideals.


This follows directly from Reference 48, Theorem 5.4.7.

We now begin the main work of this section by showing that an isomorphism in all but finitely many degrees between two sufficiently nice graded rings preserves noetherianness. This implies that such a map between Hochschild cohomology rings preserves part (i) of the condition, and thus gives one half of the result we want.

Proposition 6.2.

Let and be graded rings. Assume that and are noetherian, that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules, and that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules. Let be a nonnegative integer, and assume that there exists an isomorphism of graded rngs. Then is noetherian if and only if is noetherian.


We prove (by showing the contrapositive) that is left noetherian if is left noetherian. The corresponding result with right noetherian is proved in the same way. This gives one of the implications we need. The opposite implication is proved in the same way by interchanging and and using instead of .

Assume that is not left noetherian. Let

be an infinite strictly ascending sequence of graded left ideals in (this is possible by Theorem 6.1). For every index in this sequence, we can write the ideal as a direct sum

of abelian groups, where is the degree part of . For any degree , we can make an ascending sequence

of -submodules of by taking the degree part of each ideal in . But is a noetherian -module (since is noetherian and is a finitely generated -module), and hence this sequence must stabilize at some point. Let be the point where it stabilizes, that is, the smallest integer such that for every .

We now define two functions and . For , we define

For , we define as the smallest number such that

These functions have the following interpretation. For a degree , the number is the index in the sequence where the ideals in the sequence have stabilized up to degree . For an index , the number is the lowest degree at which there is a difference from the ideal to the ideal .

We now define a sequence of indices and a sequence of degrees by

We observe that for every positive integer , we have

We now construct a sequence of graded left ideals in . For every nonnegative integer , we choose an element

(this is possible because ). Note that the degree of is , which is greater than . We then define to be the left ideal of generated by the set

We let be the sequence of these ideals:

We want to show that each inclusion here is strict. This means that we must show, for every positive integer , that is not an element of .

We show this by contradiction. Assume that there is a such that . Then we can write as a sum

where each is an element of . Since and every are homogeneous elements, we can choose every to be homogeneous. For each , we have that if is nonzero, then its degree is

Thus is either zero or in the image of . We use this to find corresponding elements in . Let, for each ,

Now we have

Applying gives

Since we have for every , this means that . This is a contradiction, since is chosen so that it does not lie in .

We have shown that the sequence is a strictly ascending sequence of graded left ideals in . Thus is not left noetherian.

We now complete the picture by considering two graded rings and a graded module over each ring, and showing that isomorphisms in all but finitely many degrees preserve both noetherianness of the rings and finite generation of the modules (given that certain assumptions are satisfied).

Proposition 6.3.

Let and be graded rings, and a graded ring homomorphism. View as a graded left -module with scalar multiplication given by . Assume that is noetherian, that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules, and that every is finitely generated as a left -module.

Similarly, let and be graded rings, and a graded ring homomorphism. View as a graded left -module with scalar multiplication given by . Assume that is noetherian, that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules, and that every is finitely generated as a left -module.

Assume that there are graded rng isomorphisms and (for some nonnegative integer ) such that the diagram

commutes. Then the following two conditions are equivalent.


is noetherian and is finitely generated as a left -module.


is noetherian and is finitely generated as a left -module.


We prove that condition (i) implies condition (ii). The opposite implication is proved in exactly the same way by using and instead of and .

Assume that condition (i) holds. Then by Proposition 6.2, is noetherian. We need to show that is finitely generated as a left -module.

We begin with choosing generating sets for things we know to be finitely generated. Note that the ideal of is finitely generated, since is noetherian. Let be a finite homogeneous generating set for . Let be a finite homogeneous generating set for as a left -module. For every , let be a finite generating set for as a left -module.


be the maximal degrees of elements in our chosen generating sets for and , respectively. Let

Define the set to be

We want to show that generates as a left -module.

Let be the -submodule of generated by . It is clear that contains every homogeneous element of with degree at most . Let be a homogeneous element with . Let . We can write as a sum

where every is a homogeneous nonzero element of and every is an element of the generating set for . For every , we have

Thus lies in the ideal , so we can write it as a sum

where every is a homogeneous nonzero element of , and every is an element of the generating set for . For every , we have

Now we can write the element as

If we have for some terms in the sum, we ignore these terms. For every pair , we have

This means that when applying to a term in the above sum for , we have

Using this, we can write our element of in the following way:

For every pair , we have

so lies in the module generated by . Thus also lies in . Since every homogeneous element of lies in , we have , and hence is finitely generated.

Finally, we apply the above result to the rings which are involved in the condition, and obtain the main result of this section.

Proposition 6.4.

Let and be artin algebras over a commutative ring , and assume that they are flat as -modules. Let and be -modules, and let and be -modules, such that and . Let be some nonnegative integer, and assume that there are graded rng isomorphisms , , and making the following two diagrams commute:

Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .


We first check that the conditions on the graded rings in Proposition 6.3 are satisfied in this case. For every degree , we have that , and are finitely generated as -modules. Therefore, they are also finitely generated as -modules. The ring is noetherian since it is an artin algebra. Similarly, we see that , and are finitely generated -modules, and that the ring is noetherian.

Assume that satisfies . Then is noetherian, and by Theorem 2.7, is a finitely generated -module. By applying Proposition 6.3 to the commutative diagram with and , we see that satisfies .

The opposite inclusion is proved in the same way by using the other commutative diagram.

7. Finite generation of cohomology rings in module recollements

We now investigate the relationship between the condition (see Definition 2.6) for an algebra and the algebra , where is an idempotent of . We show that, given some conditions on the idempotent , the algebra satisfies if and only if the algebra satisfies . We prove this result only for finite dimensional algebras over a field, and not more general artin algebras.

Throughout this section, we let be a field, a finite dimensional -algebra and an idempotent in . We denote by and the exact functors

These functors fit into the recollements described in Example 2.3.

For a -module , we can construct the diagram

where the maps and are defined in Subsection 2.2, and the maps and are defined in Section 3. We show that this diagram commutes, and that under certain conditions on , the vertical maps are isomorphisms in almost all degrees. We then use Proposition 6.4 to show that satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Let us consider what kind of conditions we need to put on the choice of the idempotent . From Corollary 3.12, we know that the map in the above diagram is an isomorphism in all but finitely many degrees if the two dimensions

are finite, or, equivalently, that the two dimensions

are finite. We show (given an additional technical assumption about the algebra ) that this is in fact also sufficient for the map to be an isomorphism in all but finitely many degrees.

This section is structured as follows. The first part considers the commutativity of the above diagram, concluding with Proposition 7.2. The second part considers when the map is an isomorphism in high degrees, concluding with Proposition 7.9. Finally, the main result of this section is stated as Theorem 7.10.

We now show that the above diagram is commutative. The maps and are defined by using tensor functors. It is convenient to have short names for these functors. For every -module , we define and to be the tensor functors

Together with the functors and from above, these functors fit into the following diagram of categories and functors:

We begin by showing that the two possible compositions of maps from upper left to lower right in this diagram are related by a natural transformation.

Lemma 7.1.

For every -module , there is a natural transformation .


Note that we have

for every -module . We define the maps of the natural transformation by

for an element of . This gives well defined maps since . It is easy to check that the compositions and are equal for a homomorphism of -modules, so is a natural transformation.

We are now able to show that the diagrams we consider are commutative.

Proposition 7.2.

For any -module , the following diagram of graded rings commutes:


We show that the result holds in the positive degrees of the graded rings and graded ring homomorphisms in the diagram. Showing that it also holds in degree zero can be done in a similar way, by looking at elements given by homomorphisms instead of extensions.

Let and be the natural isomorphisms

given by multiplication.

Consider, for some positive integer , an element which is represented by the exact sequence

where each is a projective -module. We apply the compositions of maps and to , and show that we get the same result in both cases.

We first consider the map . If we apply the functor to , then we get the exact sequence

of -modules, and we have that . Since the objects are not necessarily projective, we may need to find a different representative of the element in order to apply the map . We construct the following commutative diagram with exact rows, where each is a projective -module and the bottom row is :

Note that both rows represent the same element in . Applying the functor to this diagram gives the two lower rows in the following commutative diagram of -modules, where the two upper rows are exact:

The top row in this diagram is a representative for the element .

We now consider the map . Applying the functor to the exact sequence gives the top row in the following commutative diagram of -modules with exact rows, where the bottom row is a representative of the element :

Finally, we use the natural transformation from Lemma 7.1 to combine the two above diagrams into the following commutative diagram of -modules:

It is easy to check that the composition of maps along the leftmost column is the identity map on , and the same holds for the composition of maps along the rightmost column. Thus the top and bottom rows in this diagram represent the same element in . Since the top row is a representative of the element and the bottom row is a representative of the element , this means that .

We thank the referee for pointing out an alternative proof of Proposition 7.2, which we sketch next.

Alternative proof of Proposition 7.2.

Consider the following diagram of functors between derived categories:

Proposition 7.2 really amounts, starting with a morphism in

with , to showing that the images with the two different compositions in the above diagram coincide in

Let be a morphism in , which we represent as

where is a projective resolution of over .

The image of the composition via the upper right corner is

since as a sequence of right -modules splits.

The image of the composition via the lower left corner we compute in two steps. The image of the first functor is:

Let be a projective resolution of as a -module. Since is a quasi-isomorphism, there exists a homomorphism of chain complexes such that we have the following commutative diagram:

The image of the functor is computed applying to the lower roof in the above diagram, and we obtain the following diagram:

From this we can construct the following commutative diagram:

where the extreme vertical morphisms are isomorphisms and is a quasi-isomorphism (since as a sequence of right -modules splits). This shows that the two images of in are the same.

Having shown that our diagrams are commutative, we now move on to describing when the map is an isomorphism in almost all degrees. For this, we use Corollary 3.11 (i) on the algebras and and the -module . We let denote the element of , so that we can write the algebra more simply as . Note that Corollary 3.11 uses a recollement situation; in this case, the recollement is like the one in Example 2.3 (ii).

In order to use Corollary 3.11 (i) in this situation, we need to show the following:

We show the first of these conditions in Lemma 7.4, and the second one in Lemma 7.8 (here we need an additional technical assumption on to be able to describe the simple modules over ), and finally tie it together in Proposition 7.9, where we show that is an isomorphism in sufficiently high degrees.

First, we show how the projective dimension of the tensor product is related to the projective dimensions of and , when and are modules over -algebras. In particular, the following result implies that if a left and a right -module and both have finite projective dimension, then their tensor product has finite projective dimension as a -module.

Lemma 7.3.

Let and be -algebras, and let be a -module and a -module. If has finite projective dimension as a -module and has finite projective dimension as a -module, then has finite projective dimension as a -module, and


Assume that and . Then we have finite projective resolutions

of and , respectively. Let and denote the corresponding deleted resolutions. Consider the tensor product

of the complexes and . This is a bounded complex of projective ()-modules. We want to show that it is in fact a deleted projective resolution of the -module , which completes the proof.

We need to show that the complex is exact in all positive degrees and has homology in degree zero. Let us temporarily forget the - and -structures, and view as a complex of right -modules, as a complex of left -modules, and as a complex of abelian groups. Then by the Künneth formula for homology (see Reference 57, Corollary 11.29), we have an isomorphism

of abelian groups, given by , for and . Observe that preserves a -module structure. Thus, is a -module isomorphism, and we get

This means that the complex is a deleted projective resolution of the -module . Since the complex is zero in all degrees above , we get

and the proof is complete.

Using the above result, we find that the assumptions we make about the left and right -modules and having finite projective dimension imply the first condition we need for applying Corollary 3.11 (i), namely that the -module has finite projective dimension. We state this as the following result.

Lemma 7.4.

We have the following inequality:


Note that is isomorphic to as left -modules and that the rings and are isomorphic. By using these isomorphisms and Lemma 7.3, we get that

Now we show how we get the second condition needed for applying Corollary 3.11 (i). We begin with a general result which relates extension groups over to extension groups over .

Lemma 7.5.

Let and be -modules. Let be the duality . Then

for every nonnegative integer .


This follows from Reference 14, Corollary 4.4, Chapter IX by using the isomorphism of -modules.

Furthermore, we need to be able to describe the simple -modules in terms of simple -modules. It is reasonable to expect that taking the tensor product

should produce all the simple -modules. This is, however, not true for all finite dimensional algebras, as Example 7.7 shows. The following result describes when it is true.

Lemma 7.6.

We have an isomorphism

of -modules if and only if the -module

is semisimple.


It is easy to show that

as -modules, and that the ideal of is nilpotent. This means that if is a semisimple -module, then it is isomorphic to . The opposite implication is obvious.

Now we give an example showing that is not necessarily semisimple for a finite dimensional algebra over a field .

Example 7.7.

Let be the field of rational functions in one indeterminant over , and let be the -dimensional -algebra . Then is a field, so that . The element satisfies . Hence is a nilpotent nonzero ideal in , and therefore is not semisimple.

We assume that is semisimple whenever we need it. In particular, this assumption is included in the main result at the end of this section. Note that this assumption is satisfied in many cases, for example if is separable as a -algebra (by Reference 25, Corollary 7.8 (i)), if is algebraically closed (this can be shown by using the Wedderburn–Artin Theorem), or if is a quotient of a path algebra by an admissible ideal.

Now we can show how to get the second condition we need for applying Corollary 3.11 (i).

Lemma 7.8.

Assume that is a semisimple -module, and that we have



By Lemma 7.6, every simple -module is a direct summand of a module of the form for some simple -modules and , where is the duality . If neither of the modules or is annihilated by the ideal , then we have

which means that no nonzero direct summand of the -module is a -module.

Let be an integer such that

In order to prove the result, it is sufficient to show that for every simple -module . By the above reasoning, every such is a direct summand of a module for some simple -modules and , where at least one of and is annihilated by and is thus a simple -module. Using Lemma 7.5, we get

since we have or . It follows that .

The following result summarizes the above work and shows that, with the assumptions we have indicated for the algebra and the idempotent , the functor gives isomorphisms in almost all degrees .

Proposition 7.9.

Assume that is a semisimple -module, and that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then the map

is an isomorphism for every -module and every integer such that

In particular, we have isomorphisms

for almost all degrees .


We use Corollary 3.11 (i) on the algebra , the idempotent and the -module . Let and be the integers


Note that and are finite by Corollary 3.12. By Lemma 7.8, we have

and by Lemma 7.4, we have

Now the result follows from Corollary 3.11 (i) by noting that is the same algebra as and that our functor is the same as the functor given by left multiplication with the idempotent .

Finally, we conclude this section by showing that the assumptions we have indicated imply that holds for if and only if holds for . The following theorem is the main result of this section and constitutes the fourth part of the Main Theorem presented in the Introduction.

Theorem 7.10.

Let be a finite dimensional algebra over a field , and let be an idempotent in . Assume that is a semisimple -module, and that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .


For every -module , we can make a diagram

of graded rings and graded ring homomorphisms. This diagram commutes by Proposition 7.2, and the maps and are isomorphisms in almost all degrees by Proposition 7.9 and Corollary 3.12, respectively.

Since we have such diagrams for every -module and the functor is essentially surjective (see Proposition 2.2), we can make one diagram with and another with . Then, by Proposition 6.4, it follows that satisfies if and only if satisfies .

8. Applications and examples

In this section we provide applications of our Main Theorem (stated in the Introduction), and examples illustrating its use. For ease of reference, we restate the Main Theorem here.

Theorem 8.1.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring and let be an idempotent element of . Let be the functor given by multiplication by . Consider the following conditions:

Then the following hold.


The following are equivalent:


and hold.


and hold.


The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and if and only if conditions and hold.


Assume that is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that is an eventually homological isomorphism, that is a field and that is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

This section is divided into four subsections. In the first subsection, we discuss dependencies between conditions in Theorem 8.1. In the second subsection, we consider some cases where these conditions are related. As a consequence, we find sufficient conditions, stated in terms of the quiver and relations, for applying Theorem 8.1 to a quotient of a path algebra. In the third subsection, we apply Theorem 8.1 to the class of triangular matrix algebras. In the last subsection, we compare our work to that of Nagase in Reference 47.

8.1. Conditions in the Main Theorem

The first part of Theorem 8.1 says that if conditions and hold, or conditions and hold, then all four of these conditions hold, and the functor is an essentially homological isomorphism. We now give examples which show that assuming any other combination of two of the conditions is not sufficient to get the same conclusion.

Our first example shows that conditions and do not imply conditions and .

Example 8.2.

Let be a field. Let the -algebra be given by the following quiver and relations:

Let . Then as -modules. We have and , which means that holds and does not hold. Furthermore, we have as algebras, as left -modules, where is the simple -module, and as right -modules. We therefore have and , which means that does not hold, while holds.

By considering the opposite algebra of the algebra in the above example, we see that conditions and do not imply conditions and .

The next example shows that conditions and do not imply conditions and .

Example 8.3.

Let be a field. Let the -algebra be given by the following quiver and relations:

Let . Let be the simple -module associated to the vertex . Conditions and are satisfied since and , respectively. Conditions and are not satisfied, since and .

Finally, the next example shows that conditions and do not imply conditions and .

Example 8.4.

Let , which is Example 2.3 from Reference 37. Let . Then , so both and are satisfied. However and . Hence and are not satisfied.

We have now seen that in general, there are no more relations between conditions than that described in Theorem 8.1. In the next subsection, we consider some special cases where there are more relations between the conditions.

8.2. Algebras with ordered simples

In this subsection, we apply Theorem 8.1 to cases where there exists a total order of the simple -modules with the property that

for every pair and of simple -modules. With this assumption, we show that we have the implications and between the conditions in Theorem 8.1. We then consider some special cases where such orderings appear.

We need the following preliminary results.

Lemma 8.5.

Let be an artin algebra, let be a -module with minimal projective resolution , and let be a simple -module. Then, for every nonnegative integer , we have if and only if the projective cover of is not a direct summand of .

Lemma 8.6.

Let be an artin algebra, and let be an idempotent in . Let be a simple -module which is not annihilated by the ideal , and let be the projective cover of . Then is a projective -module.


We have

so there exists a nonzero morphism . Decomposing the idempotent into a sum of orthogonal primitive idempotents gives a decomposition of into indecomposable projective modules. For some , we must then have a nonzero morphism . Since is simple, this means that is its projective cover. Since , we get

Therefore is a projective -module.

Now we show that the conditions of Theorem 8.1 are related when we have an ordering of the simple -modules.

Proposition 8.7.

Let be an artin algebra, and let be an idempotent in . Assume that there is a total order on the simple -modules satisfying condition Equation 8.1. Then we have the following implications between the conditions of Theorem 8.1:





In particular, we have that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism if and only if conditions and hold.


We show the second implication; the first can be shown in a similar way. The last claim follows directly from these two implications by Theorem 8.1 (i).

Assume that holds, that is, every -module has finite projective dimension as a -module. We want to show that holds, that is, the -module has finite projective dimension.

As in Section 7, we let be the exact functor given by multiplication with . Then what we need to show is that has finite projective dimension as a -module.

Let be all the simple -modules (up to isomorphism), ordered by the total order . Let be all the other simple -modules (up to isomorphism). Let be the projective cover of (considered as a -module) and the projective cover of , for every and . These are all the indecomposable projective -modules up to isomorphism, so it is sufficient to show that and have finite projective dimension as -modules for every and .

For each of the modules , we have that is a projective -module by Lemma 8.6. We need to check that has finite projective dimension for every .

Consider the module . By our assumptions, every simple -module has finite projective dimension over . Let

be a minimal projective resolution of . Applying the functor to this sequence gives the exact sequence

of -modules, since . Since we have for every , it follows from Lemma 8.5 that the only indecomposable projective -modules which can occur as direct summands of the modules are the modules . Since we know that these are mapped to projective modules by , the sequence Equation 8.2 is a projective resolution of the -module .

We continue inductively. For every , we apply the functor to a minimal projective resolution

and obtain the sequence

of -modules. Each of the modules has only the indecomposable projective modules as direct summands. Therefore (by the induction assumption), all the modules have finite projective dimension, and thus the module has finite projective dimension.

By combining Theorem 8.1 with Proposition 8.7, we get the following result.

Corollary 8.8.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring , and let be an idempotent in . Assume that there is a total order on the simple -modules satisfying condition Equation 8.1. Then the following hold, where , , and refer to the conditions in Theorem 8.1.


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and if and only if holds.


Assume that and hold. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that and hold, that is a field and is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

We now consider special cases of conditions and where the dimensions are not only finite, but at most one. We show that if one of these dimensions is at most one, then we have an ordering of the simple -modules as assumed in Proposition 8.7 and Corollary 8.8.

Lemma 8.9.

Let be an artin algebra, and let be an idempotent in . Assume that we have either

Then there exists a total order on the simple -modules satisfying condition Equation 8.1.


Assume that holds (the proof using is similar). Let be all the simple -modules (up to isomorphism), and let be their projective covers as -modules, such that for every . Assume that we have ordered these by increasing length of the projective covers, that is,

For any , the module has a projective resolution of the form

Since the module has shorter length than the module , it cannot have any of the modules as direct summands. Then Lemma 8.5 implies that for .

By using Proposition 8.7, Lemma 8.9 and Theorem 8.1, we have the following.

Corollary 8.10.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring , and let be an idempotent in . Then the following hold, where , , and refer to the conditions in Theorem 8.1, and and refer to the conditions in Lemma 8.9.


If holds, then the functor induces a singular equivalence between and .


Assume either that and hold, or that and hold. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume either that and hold, or that and hold. Furthermore, assume that is a field and is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

For the following results, we let be a quotient of a path algebra, where is a field, is a quiver, and is a minimal set of relations in generating an admissible ideal .

First we describe how conditions and can be interpreted for quotients of path algebras. The result follows directly from Reference 10, Corollary, Section 1.1.

Lemma 8.11.

Let be the simple -module corresponding to a vertex in the quiver .


We have if and only if no relation starts in the vertex .


We have if and only if no relation ends in the vertex .

As a consequence of Lemma 8.11 and Corollary 8.10, we get the following results for path algebras.

Corollary 8.12.

Let be a quotient of a path algebra as above. Choose some vertices in where no relations start, and let be the sum of all vertices except these. Then the functor induces a singular equivalence between and

Corollary 8.13.

Let be a quotient of a path algebra as above. Choose some vertices in where no relations start and no relations end, and let be the sum of all vertices except these. Then the following hold:


is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


satisfies if and only if satisfies .

We apply the above result in the following example.

Example 8.14.

Let be the quiver with relations given by

for some integers and . Let , and let (the only vertex where a relation starts and ends). Then , so satisfies by Reference 27Reference 28. By Corollary 8.13, the algebra also satisfies . By Corollary 8.12, the algebras and are singularly equivalent. See Reference 59 for a general discussion of the Hochschild cohomology ring of the path algebra modulo one relation.

8.3. Triangular matrix algebras

Let and be two artin algebras over a commutative ring , and let be a --bimodule such that is finitely generated over , and acts centrally on . Then we have the artin triangular matrix algebra

where the addition and the multiplication are given by the ordinary operations on matrices.

The module category of has a well known description; see Reference 7Reference 30. In fact, a module over is described as a triple , where is a -module, is a -module and is a -homomorphism. A morphism between two triples and is a pair of homomorphisms , where and , such that the following diagram commutes:

We define the following functors:


The functor is defined on -modules by and given a -homomorphism then .


The functor is defined on -modules by and given a -homomorphism then . Similarly we define the functor .


The functor is defined on -modules by and given a -homomorphism then . Similarly we define the functor .


The functor is defined by on -modules and given a -homomorphism then .

Then from Example 2.3 (see also Reference 54, Example 2.12), using the idempotent elements and , we have the following recollements of abelian categories:


The functors and are induced from the adjoint pairs and , respectively; see Reference 54, Remark 2.3 for more details.

We want to use Theorem 8.1 to compare the triangular matrix algebra with the algebras and . First consider the case where we compare with . We then take the idempotent in the theorem to be , and we can reformulate conditions , , and as follows:

The functor sends every -module to a -module with finite injective dimension.

The functor sends every projective -module to a -module with finite projective dimension.

The functor sends every -module to a -module with finite projective dimension.

The functor sends every injective -module to a -module with finite injective dimension.

By interchanging and , we get a similar reformulation of the conditions for the case where we compare with .

The next result clarifies when the above hold for the recollement Equation 8.4 of a triangular matrix algebra .

Lemma 8.15.

Let be a triangular matrix algebra. The following hold.


If , then the functor sends projective -modules to -modules of finite projective dimension.


The functor preserves injectives.


Assume that . Then for every -module .


Assume that and . Then we have for all -modules .


(i) It is known (see Reference 7) that the indecomposable projective -modules are of the forms , where is an indecomposable projective -module, and , where is an indecomposable projective -module. Hence it is enough to consider modules of these forms. We have , and since it follows that .

(ii) Since is an adjoint pair and is exact it follows that the functor preserves injectives.

(iii) Let be a finite injective resolution of a -module . Then applying the functor we get the exact sequence , where every is an injective -module since we have the adjoint pair and is exact. Hence the injective dimension of is finite.

(iv) This follows from Reference 58, Lemma 2.4, which says that, if , then a -module has finite projective dimension if and only if the projective dimensions of and are finite.

Using now the recollement Equation 8.3 we have the following dual result of Lemma 8.15. The proof is left to the reader.

Lemma 8.16.

Let be a triangular matrix algebra. The following hold.


The functor preserves projectives.


If , then the functor sends injective -modules to -modules of finite injective dimension.


Assume that . Then for every -module .


Assume that and . Then for every -module we have .

As a consequence of Lemma 8.15 and Theorem 8.1 we have the following result. For similar characterizations with (ii) see Reference 64.

Corollary 8.17.

Let be an artin triangular matrix algebra over a commutative ring such that and . Then the following hold.


The singularity categories of and are triangle equivalent:


is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that is a field and that is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Remark 8.18.

The algebra being semisimple (as required in part (iii) above) can be shown to be equivalent to the following three algebras being semisimple: , and .

We also have the following consequence, obtained now from Lemma 8.16 and Theorem 8.1. Note that in the first statement we recover a theorem by Chen Reference 15.

Corollary 8.19.

Let be an artin triangular matrix algebra over a commutative ring .


Reference 15, Theorem 4.1 Assume that . Then there is a triangle equivalence:


Assume that and . Then the following hold.


is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that is a field and that is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

From the above corollaries and the classical result of Buchweitz–Happel (see the text before Corollary 5.6) we have the following result for stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules.

Corollary 8.20.

Let be an artin triangular matrix algebra.


Reference 15, Corollary 4.2 Assume that and is Gorenstein. Then there is a triangle equivalence:


Assume that and . If is Gorenstein, then there is a triangle equivalence between the stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules of and :


Assume that and . If is Gorenstein, then there is a triangle equivalence between the stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules of and :

8.4. Comparison to work by Nagase

In this subsection we recall a result of Hiroshi Nagase Reference 47 and relate his set of assumptions to ours.

In Reference 47 Hiroshi Nagase proves the following result.

Proposition 8.21.

Let be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field with a stratifying ideal for an idempotent in . Suppose . Then we have


as graded algebras, where .


satisfies if and only if so does .


is Gorenstein if and only if so is .

This work is based on the paper Reference 41, where stratifying ideals in a finite dimensional algebra were used to show that the Hochschild cohomology groups of and are isomorphic in almost all degrees.

We start by giving an example of a recollement , where the ideal is not a stratifying ideal but it satisfies our conditions from Theorem 7.10.

Example 8.22.

Let be the quiver with relations given by

and . Let for some field , and let . We want to study the relationship between and . Let denote the simple -module associated to the vertex for . Then , , and . Furthermore, the left and right -modules and have finite projective dimension (they are projective) as -modules. Hence, according to Theorem 7.10 satisfies if and only if does. We infer from this that satisfies . Moreover, the Hochschild cohomology groups of and are isomorphic in almost all degrees by Proposition 7.9.

We claim that is not a stratifying ideal. Recall that is stratifying if (i) the multiplication map is an isomorphism and (ii) for . Using that as a right -module, direct computations show that has dimension , while has dimension . Consequently is not a stratifying ideal in . However, the condition (ii) is satisfied since is a projective -module.

Next we show that, when is a stratifying ideal, then the property is equivalent to the functor being an eventually homological isomorphism. We thank Hiroshi Nagase for pointing out that (a) implies (b) in the second part of the following result. This led to a much better understanding of the conditions occurring in the main results.

Lemma 8.23.

Let be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field .


Assume that and . Then .


Assume that is a stratifying ideal in . Then the following are equivalent.




The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


(i) For two primitive idempotents and in , we have that

Then, if or occurs in , then this homomorphism set is zero. Consequently we infer that the composition factors of are direct summands of the semisimple module . By Lemma 7.3 is finite, hence the claim follows.

(ii) By Corollary 3.12 and part (i), statement (b) implies (a).

Conversely, assume (a). For and any -modules and we have that

Using the isomorphism in the proof of Proposition 3.3 in Reference 41,

we obtain that

for all -modules and . Since , we obtain the isomorphism

for all and all -modules and . Hence is an eventually homological isomorphism.

The following result gives a characterization of condition when is a stratifying ideal.

Lemma 8.24.

Let be an artin algebra and an idempotent in . Assume that is a stratifying ideal in . Then we have if and only if and . Moreover, if holds, then holds.


Assume that . It is clear that if and only if . Since as a -module is filtered in simple modules occurring as direct summands in , we infer that by the property . Since is a stratifying ideal in , we have that

for all and all modules and in . Using the above isomorphism and property again, we obtain that for all in . Hence .

Assume conversely that and . From Reference 54, Theorem we have a finite projective resolution , where are projective -modules. Then applying the exact functor , it follows from Proposition 2.2 that the sequence is exact. We infer that , since . Since and , we have that . We infer that holds.

The last claim follows immediately from the above.


This paper was written during a postdoc period of the first author at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim) funded by NFR Storforsk grant no. 167130. The first author would like to thank his co-authors, Idun Reiten and all the members of the Algebra group for the warm hospitality and the excellent working conditions. The authors are grateful for the comments from Hiroshi Nagase on a preliminary version of this paper, which led to a much better understanding of the conditions occurring in the Main Theorem. We also thank the referee for her/his useful comments and remarks.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. Main Theorem.
    2. Conventions and notation
  3. 2. Preliminaries
    1. 2.1. Recollements of abelian categories
    2. Definition 2.1.
    3. Proposition 2.2.
    4. Example 2.3.
    5. 2.2. Hochschild cohomology rings
    6. Theorem 2.5.
    7. Definition 2.6.
    8. Theorem 2.7.
    9. Theorem 2.8 (26, Theorem 1.5 (a)).
  4. 3. Eventually homological isomorphisms in recollements
    1. Theorem 3.2 (54, Propositions 3.3 and 3.4, Theorem 3.10).
    2. Lemma 3.3.
    3. Theorem 3.4.
    4. Theorem 3.5.
    5. Corollary 3.6.
    6. Proposition 3.7.
    7. Lemma 3.9.
    8. Lemma 3.10.
    9. Corollary 3.11.
    10. Corollary 3.12.
  5. 4. Gorenstein categories and eventually homological isomorphisms
    1. Definition 4.1 (9).
    2. Lemma 4.2.
    3. Theorem 4.3.
    4. Corollary 4.4.
    5. Example 4.5.
    6. Corollary 4.6.
    7. Corollary 4.7.
  6. 5. Singular equivalences in recollements
    1. Lemma 5.1.
    2. Theorem 5.2.
    3. Corollary 5.4.
    4. Example 5.5.
    5. Corollary 5.6.
  7. 6. Finite generation of cohomology rings
    1. Theorem 6.1.
    2. Proposition 6.2.
    3. Proposition 6.3.
    4. Proposition 6.4.
  8. 7. Finite generation of cohomology rings in module recollements
    1. Lemma 7.1.
    2. Proposition 7.2.
    3. Lemma 7.3.
    4. Lemma 7.4.
    5. Lemma 7.5.
    6. Lemma 7.6.
    7. Example 7.7.
    8. Lemma 7.8.
    9. Proposition 7.9.
    10. Theorem 7.10.
  9. 8. Applications and examples
    1. Theorem 8.1.
    2. 8.1. Conditions in the Main Theorem
    3. Example 8.2.
    4. Example 8.3.
    5. Example 8.4.
    6. 8.2. Algebras with ordered simples
    7. Lemma 8.5.
    8. Lemma 8.6.
    9. Proposition 8.7.
    10. Corollary 8.8.
    11. Lemma 8.9.
    12. Corollary 8.10.
    13. Lemma 8.11.
    14. Corollary 8.12.
    15. Corollary 8.13.
    16. Example 8.14.
    17. 8.3. Triangular matrix algebras
    18. Lemma 8.15.
    19. Lemma 8.16.
    20. Corollary 8.17.
    21. Corollary 8.19.
    22. Corollary 8.20.
    23. 8.4. Comparison to work by Nagase
    24. Proposition 8.21.
    25. Example 8.22.
    26. Lemma 8.23.
    27. Lemma 8.24.
  10. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Definition 2.1.

A recollement situation between abelian categories and is a diagram

henceforth denoted by , satisfying the following conditions:


is an adjoint triple.


is an adjoint triple.


The functors , and are fully faithful.



Proposition 2.2.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories. Then the following hold.


The functors and are exact.


The compositions , and are zero.


The functor is essentially surjective.


The units of the adjoint pairs and and the counits of the adjoint pairs and are isomorphisms:


The functors and preserve projective objects and the functors and preserve injective objects.


The functor induces an equivalence between and the Serre subcategory of . Moreover, is a localizing and colocalizing subcategory of and there is an equivalence of categories .


For every in there are and in such that the units and counits of the adjunctions induce the following exact sequences:


Example 2.3.

Let be an artin -algebra, where is a commutative artin ring, and let be an idempotent element in .


We have the following recollement of abelian categories:

The functor can also be described as follows: . We write for the ideal of generated by the idempotent element . Then every left -module is annihilated by and thus the category is the kernel of the functor .


Let be the enveloping algebra of . The element is an idempotent element of . Therefore as above we have the following recollement of abelian categories:

Note that as -algebras.

Definition 2.6.

Let be an algebra over a commutative ring such that is flat as a module over . We say that satisfies the condition if the following is true:


The ring is noetherian.


The -module is finitely generated.

Theorem 2.7.

If an artin algebra satisfies the condition, then is a finitely generated -module for every -module .

Equation (3.1)
Theorem 3.2 (Reference 54, Propositions 3.3 and 3.4, Theorem 3.10).

Let be a recollement of abelian categories and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Let be an object in .


The following statements are equivalent:


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every nonnegative integer .


The object has a projective resolution of the form

where is a projective object in .


for every and .


for every and .


The following statements are equivalent:


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every nonnegative integer .


The object has an injective coresolution of the form

where is an injective object in .


for every and .


for every and .

Lemma 3.3.

Let be an abelian category, let be an integer, and let

be an exact sequence in with for every . Then for every and , the map given by is an isomorphism:

Theorem 3.4.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Consider the following statements for an object of and two integers and :


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every integer .


The object has a projective resolution of the form

where each is a projective object in .


for every and , and there exists an -th syzygy of lying in .


for every and , and there exists an -th syzygy of lying in .

We have the following relations between these statements:




If for every projective object in , then .

Equation (3.2)
Theorem 3.5.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Consider the following statements for an object of and two integers and :


The map is an isomorphism for every object in and every integer .


The object has an injective coresolution of the form

where each is a projective object in .


for every and , and there exists an -th cosyzygy of lying in .


for every and , and there exists an -th cosyzygy of lying in .

We have the following relations between these statements:




If for every injective object in , then .

Corollary 3.6.

Let be a recollement and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Let and be two integers. Assume that one of the following conditions holds:



Every object of has an -th syzygy which lies in .




Every object of has an -th cosyzygy which lies in .


Then the functor is an -homological isomorphism, and in particular the map

is an isomorphism for all objects and of and for every .

Proposition 3.7.

Let be a recollement and assume that and have enough projective and injective objects. Assume that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then the following hold:





In particular, if is a -homological isomorphism for a nonnegative integer , then each of the above dimensions is bounded by .

Lemma 3.9.

Let be an artin algebra, let be a -module and let be a simple -module. Then for every we have:

where is the -th syzygy in a minimal projective resolution of , and is the -th cosyzygy in a minimal injective coresolution of .

Corollary 3.11.

Let be an artin algebra, let be an idempotent element in and let and be integers.


Let be a -module such that for every . Assume that . Then the map

is an isomorphism for every -module , and for every integer .


Let be a -module such that for every . Assume that . Then the map

is an isomorphism for every -module , and for every integer .

Corollary 3.12.

Let be an artin algebra and let be an idempotent element in . The following are equivalent:


There is an integer such that for every pair of -modules and , and every , the map

is an isomorphism.


The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


and .


and .

In particular, if the functor is a -homological isomorphism, then each of the dimensions in (iii) and (iv) are at most . The bound in (i) is bounded by the sum of the dimensions occurring in (iii), and also bounded by the sum of the dimensions occurring in (iv).

Lemma 4.2.

Let be an abelian category with enough projective and injective objects and let be an object of .


If , then .


If , then .

Theorem 4.3.

Let be a functor, where and are abelian categories with enough projective and injective objects, and let be a nonnegative integer. Consider the following four statements:

We have the following.


If is a -homological isomorphism, then (a) holds.


If is an essentially surjective -homological isomorphism, then (a) and (b) hold.


If (a) and (b) hold, then (c) holds.


If (a) and (b) hold and is essentially surjective, then (c) and (d) hold.

In particular, we obtain the following.


If is an essentially surjective eventually homological isomorphism, then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


If is an eventually homological isomorphism and (b) holds, then being Gorenstein implies that is Gorenstein.

Corollary 4.4.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories.


Assume that the categories and have enough projective and injective objects, and that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that the category has enough projective and injective objects, and that we have either

If is Gorenstein, then is Gorenstein.

Equation (4.1)
Example 4.5.

Let be a field and consider the algebra . Then from the triangular matrix algebra

we have the recollement of module categories , where and are Gorenstein categories but is not Gorenstein. We refer to Reference 15, Example 4.3 (2) for more details about the algebra .

Corollary 4.7.

Let be an artin algebra and an idempotent element of .


Assume that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then the algebra is Gorenstein if and only if the algebra is Gorenstein.


Assume that we have either

If the algebra is Gorenstein, then the algebra is Gorenstein.

Lemma 5.1.

Let be an abelian category and let be a complex in . Then we have the following triangle in

Theorem 5.2.

Let be a recollement of abelian categories. Then the following statements are equivalent:


We have and for every and .


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and

Corollary 5.4.

Let be a left Noetherian ring and an idempotent element of . Then the following statements are equivalent:


For every -module we have , and .


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and

Example 5.5.

We recycle the algebra from Example 4.5, that is, let be the triangular matrix algebra

where is a field. We have the recollement of module categories , with as the chosen idempotent. Then as -modules, which implies that all -modules are projective as -modules. Furthermore, as -modules. Then it follows from Corollary 5.4 that the functor induces a singular equivalence between and . However, condition in Corollary 3.12 is not satisfied, hence is not an eventually homological isomorphism.

The algebra is a Gorenstein algebra, but the algebra is not Gorenstein. This example therefore shows that singular equivalences do not in general preserve Gorensteinness.

Corollary 5.6.

Let be a Gorenstein artin algebra and an idempotent element of . Assume that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then there is a triangle equivalence between the stable categories of Cohen–Macaulay modules of and :

Equation (6.1)
Theorem 6.1.

Let be a graded ring. Then is noetherian if and only if it satisfies the ascending chain condition on graded ideals.

Proposition 6.2.

Let and be graded rings. Assume that and are noetherian, that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules, and that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules. Let be a nonnegative integer, and assume that there exists an isomorphism of graded rngs. Then is noetherian if and only if is noetherian.

Proposition 6.3.

Let and be graded rings, and a graded ring homomorphism. View as a graded left -module with scalar multiplication given by . Assume that is noetherian, that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules, and that every is finitely generated as a left -module.

Similarly, let and be graded rings, and a graded ring homomorphism. View as a graded left -module with scalar multiplication given by . Assume that is noetherian, that every is finitely generated as left and as right -modules, and that every is finitely generated as a left -module.

Assume that there are graded rng isomorphisms and (for some nonnegative integer ) such that the diagram

commutes. Then the following two conditions are equivalent.


is noetherian and is finitely generated as a left -module.


is noetherian and is finitely generated as a left -module.

Proposition 6.4.

Let and be artin algebras over a commutative ring , and assume that they are flat as -modules. Let and be -modules, and let and be -modules, such that and . Let be some nonnegative integer, and assume that there are graded rng isomorphisms , , and making the following two diagrams commute:

Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Lemma 7.1.

For every -module , there is a natural transformation .

Proposition 7.2.

For any -module , the following diagram of graded rings commutes:

Lemma 7.3.

Let and be -algebras, and let be a -module and a -module. If has finite projective dimension as a -module and has finite projective dimension as a -module, then has finite projective dimension as a -module, and

Lemma 7.4.

We have the following inequality:

Lemma 7.5.

Let and be -modules. Let be the duality . Then

for every nonnegative integer .

Lemma 7.6.

We have an isomorphism

of -modules if and only if the -module

is semisimple.

Example 7.7.

Let be the field of rational functions in one indeterminant over , and let be the -dimensional -algebra . Then is a field, so that . The element satisfies . Hence is a nilpotent nonzero ideal in , and therefore is not semisimple.

Lemma 7.8.

Assume that is a semisimple -module, and that we have


Proposition 7.9.

Assume that is a semisimple -module, and that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then the map

is an isomorphism for every -module and every integer such that

In particular, we have isomorphisms

for almost all degrees .

Theorem 7.10.

Let be a finite dimensional algebra over a field , and let be an idempotent in . Assume that is a semisimple -module, and that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Theorem 8.1.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring and let be an idempotent element of . Let be the functor given by multiplication by . Consider the following conditions:

Then the following hold.


The following are equivalent:


and hold.


and hold.


The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and if and only if conditions and hold.


Assume that is an eventually homological isomorphism. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that is an eventually homological isomorphism, that is a field and that is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Equation (8.1)
Lemma 8.5.

Let be an artin algebra, let be a -module with minimal projective resolution , and let be a simple -module. Then, for every nonnegative integer , we have if and only if the projective cover of is not a direct summand of .

Lemma 8.6.

Let be an artin algebra, and let be an idempotent in . Let be a simple -module which is not annihilated by the ideal , and let be the projective cover of . Then is a projective -module.

Proposition 8.7.

Let be an artin algebra, and let be an idempotent in . Assume that there is a total order on the simple -modules satisfying condition Equation 8.1. Then we have the following implications between the conditions of Theorem 8.1:





In particular, we have that the functor is an eventually homological isomorphism if and only if conditions and hold.

Equation (8.2)
Corollary 8.8.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring , and let be an idempotent in . Assume that there is a total order on the simple -modules satisfying condition Equation 8.1. Then the following hold, where , , and refer to the conditions in Theorem 8.1.


The functor induces a singular equivalence between and if and only if holds.


Assume that and hold. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume that and hold, that is a field and is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Lemma 8.9.

Let be an artin algebra, and let be an idempotent in . Assume that we have either

Then there exists a total order on the simple -modules satisfying condition Equation 8.1.

Corollary 8.10.

Let be an artin algebra over a commutative ring , and let be an idempotent in . Then the following hold, where , , and refer to the conditions in Theorem 8.1, and and refer to the conditions in Lemma 8.9.


If holds, then the functor induces a singular equivalence between and .


Assume either that and hold, or that and hold. Then is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


Assume either that and hold, or that and hold. Furthermore, assume that is a field and is a semisimple -module. Then satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Lemma 8.11.

Let be the simple -module corresponding to a vertex in the quiver .


We have if and only if no relation starts in the vertex .


We have if and only if no relation ends in the vertex .

Corollary 8.12.

Let be a quotient of a path algebra as above. Choose some vertices in where no relations start, and let be the sum of all vertices except these. Then the functor induces a singular equivalence between and

Corollary 8.13.

Let be a quotient of a path algebra as above. Choose some vertices in where no relations start and no relations end, and let be the sum of all vertices except these. Then the following hold:


is Gorenstein if and only if is Gorenstein.


satisfies if and only if satisfies .

Equation (8.3)
Equation (8.4)
Lemma 8.15.

Let be a triangular matrix algebra. The following hold.


If , then the functor sends projective -modules to -modules of finite projective dimension.


The functor preserves injectives.


Assume that . Then for every -module .


Assume that and . Then we have for all -modules .

Lemma 8.16.

Let be a triangular matrix algebra. The following hold.


The functor preserves projectives.


If , then the functor sends injective -modules to -modules of finite injective dimension.


Assume that . Then for every -module .


Assume that and . Then for every -module we have .

Lemma 8.23.

Let be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field .


Assume that and . Then .


Assume that is a stratifying ideal in . Then the following are equivalent.




The functor is an eventually homological isomorphism.


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 18Exx (Abelian categories), 18E30 (Derived categories, triangulated categories), 16E30 (Homological functors on modules), 16E40 (homology of rings and algebras (e.g. Hochschild, cyclic, dihedral, etc.)), 16E65 (Homological conditions on rings)
Secondary: 16E10 (Homological dimension), 16Gxx (Representation theory of rings and algebras), 16G50 (Cohen-Macaulay modules)
  • Recollements of abelian categories
  • finite generation condition
  • Hochschild cohomology
  • Gorenstein categories
  • Gorenstein artin algebras
  • singularity categories
  • Cohen–Macaulay modules
  • triangular matrix algebras
  • path algebras
Author Information
Chrysostomos Psaroudakis
Institutt for Matematiske fag, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Address at time of publication: Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Øystein Skartsæterhagen
Institutt for Matematiske fag, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Øyvind Solberg
Institutt for Matematiske fag, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 3, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S2330-0000-2014-00004-6
  • MathSciNet Review: 3274657
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3274657}{article}{ author={Psaroudakis, Chrysostomos}, author={Skarts\ae terhagen, \O ystein}, author={Solberg, \O yvind}, title={Gorenstein categories, singular equivalences and finite generation of cohomology rings in recollements}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={1}, number={3}, date={2014}, pages={45-95}, issn={2330-0000}, review={3274657}, doi={10.1090/S2330-0000-2014-00004-6}, }


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