On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of a C-algebra and

By Francisco J. Fernández-Polo and Antonio M. Peralta

Dedicated to the memory of Professor Joseph Diestel


Given two complex Hilbert spaces and , let and denote the unit spheres of the C-algebras and of all bounded linear operators on and , respectively. We prove that every surjective isometry admits an extension to a surjective complex linear or conjugate linear isometry . This provides a positive answer to Tingley’s problem in the setting of spaces.

1. Introduction

Let and be normed spaces, whose unit spheres are denoted by and , respectively. Suppose is a surjective real linear isometry. The restriction defines a surjective isometry. The so-called Tingley’s problem, named after the contribution of D. Tingley Reference 36, asks if every surjective isometry arises in this way, or equivalently, if every surjective isometry admits an extension to a surjective real linear isometry . Tingley’s achievements show that, for finite dimensional normed spaces and , every surjective isometry satisfies for every (see Reference 36, THEOREM on page 377).

A solution to Tingley’s problem has been pursued by many researchers during the last thirty years. Positive answers to Tingley’s problem have been established for spaces with (see Reference 7Reference 8Reference 10 and Reference 11), spaces, where is a -finite measure space and (compare Reference 29Reference 30 and Reference 31), and spaces (see Reference 37). Tingley’s problem also admits a positive solution in the case of finite dimensional polyhedral Banach spaces (see Reference 21). The reader is referred to the surveys Reference 12 and Reference 38 for additional details.

In the non-commutative setting, Tingley’s problem has been solved for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two finite dimensional C-algebras (see Reference 34) and for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two finite von Neumann algebras Reference 35. A more recent contribution solves Tingley’s problem for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of spaces, of compact linear operators on a complex Hilbert space , or more generally, for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two compact C-algebras Reference 25, Theorem 3.14. The novelties in Reference 25 are based on the application of techniques of JB-triples, and in the above-referenced paper Tingley’s problem is also solved for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two weakly compact JB-triples of rank greater than or equal to 5. In Reference 17 we establish a complete solution to Tingley’s problem for arbitrary weakly compact JB-triples. A solution to Tingley’s problem for spaces of trace class operators is presented in Reference 18.

Tingley’s problem for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two spaces seems to be the last frontier in the studies on Tingley’s problem. This paper is devoted to providing a complete solution in this case.

The results in Reference 17Reference 25Reference 34 are based, among other techniques, on those theorems describing the (maximal) norm closed proper faces of the closed unit ball of a C-algebra (see Reference 2) or of a JB-triple (see Reference 13). Throughout the paper, the closed unit ball of a normed space will be denoted by . It is shown in Reference 17Reference 25Reference 34 that, for a compact C-algebra (respectively, a weakly compact JB-triple ), the norm closed faces of are determined by finite rank partial isometries in (respectively, by finite rank tripotents in ). However, for a general C-algebra the maximal proper faces of are determined by minimal partial isometries in (see Section 2 for more details). This is a serious obstacle which makes invalid the arguments in Reference 17Reference 25 in the case of .

To avoid the difficulties mentioned in the previous paragraph, our first geometric result shows that a surjective isometry from the unit sphere of a C-algebra onto the unit sphere of maps minimal partial isometries in into minimal partial isometries in (see Theorem 2.5). Apart from the just commented geometric tools, our arguments are based on techniques of functional analysis and linear algebra. In our main result we prove that, given two complex Hilbert spaces and , every surjective isometry admits an extension to a surjective complex linear or conjugate linear isometry (see Theorem 3.2). In the final result we show that the same conclusion remains true when spaces are replaced by -sums of spaces (see Theorem 3.4). The next natural question beyond these conclusions is whether Tingley’s problem admits or not a positive answer for Cartan factors and atomic JBW-triples.

It should be remarked here that the solution to Tingley’s problem for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of -spaces in Reference 17Reference 25 and the solution presented in this note for surjective isometries between the unit spheres of -spaces are completely independent results.

2. Surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two C-algebras

In this section we carry out a study of the geometric properties of those surjective isometries between the unit spheres of two C-algebras with special interest on C-algebras of the form . We begin by gathering some technical results and concepts needed for later purposes.

Proposition 2.1 (Reference 3, Lemma 5.1 and Reference 32, Lemma 3.5).

Let , be Banach spaces, and let be a surjective isometry. Then is a maximal convex subset of if and only if is that of . Then is a maximal proper (norm-closed) face of if and only if is a maximal proper (norm-closed) face of .

An interesting generalization of the Mazur-Ulam theorem was established by P. Mankiewicz in Reference 22, who proved that, given two convex bodies and , every surjective isometry from onto can be uniquely extended to an affine isometry from onto . Consequently, every surjective isometry between the closed unit balls of two Banach spaces and extends uniquely to a real linear isometric isomorphism from into .

Let and be two elements in a C-algebra . We recall that and are orthogonal ( for short) if . Symmetric elements in are orthogonal if and only if their product is zero.

For each element in a C-algebra , the symbol will denote the element . Throughout this note, for each , will denote the spectrum of the element . We observe that , for every . Let be the polar decomposition of in , where is a partial isometry in , which, in general, does not belong to (compare Reference 27). It is further known that is the range projection of ( for short), and for each with the element (see Reference 1, Lemma 2.1).

Proposition 2.1 points out the importance of an appropriate description of the maximal proper faces of the closed unit ball of a C-algebra . A complete study was established by C. A. Akemann and G. K. Pedersen in Reference 2. When is a von Neumann algebra, weak-closed faces in were originally determined by C. M. Edwards and G. T. Rüttimann in Reference 14, who proved that general weak-closed faces in have the form

for some partial isometry in . Actually, the mapping is an anti-order isomorphism from the complete lattice of partial isometries in onto the complete lattice of weak-closed faces of , where the partial order in the set of partial isometries of is given by if and only if (see Reference 14, Theorem 4.6).

However, partial isometries in a general C-algebra are not enough to determine all the norm-closed faces in , even more after recalling the existence of C-algebras containing no partial isometries. In the general case, certain partial isometries in the second dual, , are required to determine the facial structure of . We recall that a projection in is called open if is weak-dense in (see Reference 24, §3.11 and Reference 28, §III.6). A projection is said to be closed if is open. A closed projection is compact if for some positive norm-one element . A partial isometry belongs locally to if is a compact projection and there exists a norm-one element in satisfying (compare Reference 2, Remark 4.7).

It is shown in Reference 2, Lemma 4.8 and Remark 4.11 that “the partial isometries that belong locally to are obtained by taking an element in with norm 1 and polar decomposition (in ), and then letting for some compact projection contained in the spectral projection of corresponding to the eigenvalue 1”.

It should be noted that a partial isometry in belongs locally to if and only if it is compact in the sense introduced by C. M. Edwards and G. T. Rüttimann in Reference 15, Theorem 5.1.

The facial structure of the unit ball of a C-algebra is completely described by the following result due to C. A. Akemann and G. K. Pedersen.

Theorem 2.2 (Reference 2, Theorem 4.10).

Let be a C-algebra. The norm-closed faces of the unit ball of have the form

for some partial isometry in belonging locally to . Actually, the mapping is an anti-order isomorphism from the complete lattice of partial isometries in belonging locally to onto the complete lattice of norm-closed faces of .

A non-zero partial isometry in a C-algebra is called minimal if (equivalently, ) is a minimal projection in , that is, By Kadison’s transitivity theorem minimal partial isometries in belong locally to , and hence every maximal proper face of the unit ball of a C-algebra is of the form

for a unique minimal partial isometry in (compare Reference 2, Remark 5.4 and Corollary 5.5).

Our main goal in this section is to show that a surjective isometry between the unit spheres of two C-algebras maps minimal partial isometries into minimal partial isometries. In a first step we shall show that, for each minimal partial isometry in , 1 is isolated in the spectrum of .

Theorem 2.3.

Let and be C-algebras, and suppose that is a surjective isometry. Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Then is isolated in the spectrum of .


Since also is a minimal partial isometry in and belongs (locally) to , the set is a maximal proper face of . Applying Proposition 2.1 and Theorem 2.2 we deduce the existence of a minimal partial isometry in such that

Since we have .

Arguing by contradiction, we assume that is not isolated in . Let denote the polar decomposition of .

By assumptions we can find satisfying . Let us consider the functions and in the unit sphere of given by

We set and . Obviously, and are positive elements in satisfying Since


it follows that

Let and . Since is an isometry we deduce that


We recall that, from Equation 1, where satisfies , which proves that . Let denote the (unique) partial isometry appearing in the polar decomposition of . Since is the partial isometry in the polar decomposition of , , and , it follows that with . We also know that , and hence a simple application of the continuous functional calculus (having in mind that ) shows that , with . We therefore have

which implies that and consequently (see Equation 1).

We claim that

The element has norm . Suppose that is a family of complex Hilbert spaces and is an isometric -homomorphism with weak-dense range (we can consider, for example, the atomic representation of Reference 24, 4.3.7, where the family is precisely the set of all pure states of and is the direct sum of all the irreducible representations associated with the pure states Reference 24, Theorem 3.13.2). For each , let denote the projection of onto and let . Clearly, is a -homomorphism with weak-dense range. Since is a minimal partial isometry, there exists a unique such that is a non-zero (minimal) partial isometry and , for every . We also know that , and thus

Let be the polar decomposition of in . Take . Since , we can find a minimal projection with in satisfying and


The element is a minimal partial isometry in .

We observe that and are not orthogonal. Otherwise, , and hence which, by Equation 5, implies that

which is impossible.

Therefore, and are two minimal partial isometries in which are not orthogonal. They must be of the form and for suitable with . Let us consider two orthonormal systems and such that

where , , , , It is easy to check that , and .

For each , let be the unique extreme point of the unit ball defined by (). We shall also consider , defined by (). Each is supported by , while is supported by .

Clearly, the identity

holds, and similarly we have

where for all . We also know that and thus , for a suitable with . We deduce from Equation 4 that

which proves

Now, the equality implies that

and since , we have

Let us observe that and . Therefore

which proves the claim in Equation 3.

Finally, since we can write

and we deduce from Equation 3 that

leading to the desired contradiction.

In the problem of dealing with maximal faces of the unit ball of a C-algebra we need to handle minimal partial isometries in (compare Theorem 2.2). We now present a technical result, which will be used later to facilitate the arguments depending on the facial structure of .

Lemma 2.4.

Let be a C-algebra. The following statements hold:


Every minimal projection in is orthogonal to all minimal projections in .


Every minimal partial isometry in is orthogonal to all minimal partial isometries in .


Suppose is a minimal projection in . Let denote a minimal projection in . Arguing by contradiction we assume that .

As in the proof of Theorem 2.3 let be an isometric -homomorphism with weak-dense range, where is a family of complex Hilbert spaces (consider, for example, the atomic representation of Reference 24, 4.3.7). By the weak-density of in and the separate weak-continuity of the product of every von Neumann algebra, is a minimal projection in . Clearly, the images of the mappings and () are contained in suitable Hilbert spaces. It follows that the left and right multiplication operators and by on factors through a Hilbert space, and thus they are weakly compact (compare Reference 6). Consequently, the spaces , , and are all reflexive. Applying the Krein-Šmulian theorem we deduce that , , and are weak-closed in , showing that


We now recall a useful matricial representation theorem. Let denote the C-subalgebra of generated by and . Since and are minimal projections in , Theorem 1.3 in Reference 26 (see also Reference 23, §3) assures the existence of and a -isomorphism such that and Since we know that . Clearly, and . Then

By linearity which is impossible.


Suppose now that is a minimal partial isometry in and is a minimal partial isometry in . We shall first show that . Indeed, since every minimal partial isometry in belongs locally to (compare Kadison’s transitivity theorem and Reference 2, Remark 5.4 and Corollary 5.5), there exists a norm element satisfying . If (respectively, ) lies in , then (respectively, ) which is impossible.

We have therefore shown that are minimal projections, while are minimal projections in . It follows from (a) that . Finally, the identities and prove that .

We are now in position to show that a surjective isometry between the unit spheres of two C-algebras maps minimal partial isometries to minimal partial isometries.

Theorem 2.5.

Let be a C-algebra, and let be a complex Hilbert space. Suppose that is a surjective isometry. Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Then is a minimal partial isometry in . Moreover, there exists a surjective real linear isometry

such that

In particular the restriction of to the face is a real affine function.


Arguing as in the beginning of the proof of Theorem 2.3, the set

is a maximal proper face of , and thus, by Proposition 2.1 and Theorem 2.2, there exists a minimal partial isometry in such that

We claim that . Suppose, on the contrary that .

Theorem 2.3 implies that 1 is an isolated point in , and hence the function belongs to . Let denote the polar decomposition of . An application of the continuous functional calculus proves that is a partial isometry in Furthermore, since , we deduce that and

(compare the arguments in the proof of Equation 2).

In we can always find a minimal partial isometry satisfying

Since, by assumptions , Lemma 2.4 implies that ,

and hence, by Equation 7 we get

By hypothesis,

where is a minimal partial isometry in . Proposition 2.2 in Reference 17 proves that

By construction , and by Equation 8,

and consequently . Having in mind that

we get

We deduce from Equation 6 that , and thus which leads to

and hence to a contradiction. Therefore, , and

We can argue now as in the proof of Reference 25, Proposition 3.1 to conclude. We insert a short argument here for completeness reasons. We have established that

Let denote the translation with respect to , that is, . The mapping is a surjective isometry from onto . Mankiewicz’s theorem (see Reference 22) implies the existence of a surjective real linear isometry such that and hence

In particular, .

For the final statement we simply write

as a composition of real affine functions.

The next technical lemma is obtained with basic techniques of linear algebra.

Lemma 2.6.

Let be a complex Hilbert space, and let , , and be minimal partial isometries in satisfying , ,

Then and .


Since , by multiplying the identities and on the left by we get

which shows that . Multiplying by on the right we prove . We have therefore shown that .

Applying that and we get , where and are orthogonal rank projections. Thus, , and by minimality . We can similarly prove Finally,

and the rest is clear.

Next, we shall establish several consequences of the above theorem.

Theorem 2.7.

Let be a surjective isometry where and are complex Hilbert spaces with dimension greater than or equal to . Then the following statements hold:


For each minimal partial isometry in , the mapping

given by Theorem 2.5 is complex linear or conjugate linear.


For each minimal partial isometry in we have and . Furthermore, is weak-continuous and for every minimal partial isometry .


For each minimal partial isometry in the equality holds for every partial isometry .


Let be mutually orthogonal non-zero partial isometries in , and let be positive real numbers with and for all . Then


For each minimal partial isometry in we have for every .


For each partial isometry in the element is a partial isometry.


Suppose are mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries in ; then for every .


Suppose are mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries in ; then exactly one of the following statements holds:


The mappings and are complex linear.


The mappings and are conjugate linear.


Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Suppose that

is the surjective real linear isometry given by Theorem 2.5. Having in mind that and are Cartan factors of type 1 and rank , Proposition 2.6 in Reference 5 assures that is complex linear or conjugate linear.


We keep the notation in (a). By Theorem 2.5 and are minimal partial isometries. By assumptions , and hence by Reference 25, Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5 or Reference 17, Proposition 2.2 we have . Let be the surjective real linear isometries given by Theorem 2.5. Lemma 2.5 in Reference 5 proves that and both are weak-continuous, while Reference 5, Proposition 2.6 implies that and preserve products of the form ().

By the hypothesis on , we can find another minimal partial isometry . Since , applying Theorem 2.5 we deduce that


where and are minimal partial isometries with , , and . It follows from Lemma 2.6 above that , and

We have also shown that for every minimal partial isometry . That is, and are surjective complex linear or conjugate linear surjective isometries between Cartan factors of type 1 and rank . Since and coincide on minimal partial isometries, we deduce by linearity that and both are complex linear or conjugate linear and coincide on finite linear combinations of mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries. Finally, since coincides with the weak-closed span of its minimal tripotents, we conclude that .


Let be a non-zero partial isometry in . Take a minimal partial isometry such that . We set . Applying Theorem 2.5 and (b) we get

which proves (c).


Let be mutually orthogonal non-zero partial isometries in , and let be positive real numbers with . Pick again a minimal partial isometry such that . Theorem 2.5 proves that


Since elements in can be approximated in norm by finite real linear combinations of mutually orthogonal partial isometries in (see Reference 20, Lemma 3.11), and and are isometries, we derive from (c) and (d) that for every .


Let be a partial isometry in . As before, let be a minimal partial isometry in satisfying , with . Having in mind that is a surjective real linear isometry between spaces isometrically isomorphic to and , Theorem 5.1 in Reference 4 assures that preserves triple products of the form and thus is a partial isometry. By Theorem 2.5, we get

is the sum of two orthogonal partial isometries in , and then is a partial isometry.


Suppose are mutually orthogonal partial isometries in . Let us pick a non-zero . The equality holds by (e), and by linearity .

Finally statement (h) follows straightforwardly from (a) and (g) because the dimensions of and are greater than or equal to 3.

3. Synthesis of a surjective real linear isometry

In order to produce a real linear extension of our surjective isometry between spaces, the next identity principle, which generalizes Reference 25, Proposition 3.9, will play a central role.

Proposition 3.1.

Let and be complex Hilbert spaces. Suppose that is a surjective isometry, and is a weak-continuous real linear operator such that , for every minimal partial isometry in . Then and coincide on .


Take a minimal partial isometry in . By Theorem 2.7(b) and the hypothesis , for every minimal partial isometry in . Finite real linear combinations of mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries in are weak-dense in , we therefore deduce from the weak-continuity of and that on .

Pick a non-zero partial isometry in , and a minimal partial isometry such that By Theorem 2.5, the hypothesis and what we have proved in the first paragraph we obtain

We have thus established that for every partial isometry in . Repeating the arguments in the proof of Theorem 2.7(e) we conclude that and coincide on .

We have developed enough tools to prove our main result.

Theorem 3.2.

Let and be complex Hilbert spaces. Suppose that is a surjective isometry. Then there exists a surjective complex linear or conjugate linear surjective isometry satisfying , for every .


By Riesz’s lemma is finite dimensional if and only if is. When and are finite dimensional, the desired conclusion follows from Reference 33 or Reference 34.

We assume now that and are infinite dimensional. We shall apply the technique in Reference 25, Theorem 3.13 to define our real linear isometry. Let , and be three minimal projections in . Given , let denote the surjective real linear isometry given by Theorem 2.5.

By Theorem 2.7(b) and (h), the operators , , and are weak-continuous, and they are all complex linear or conjugate linear. We assume that we are in the first case (the second case produces a conjugate linear map).

We can mimic the construction done in Reference 25, Theorem 3.13 with the appropriate adaptations via the stronger properties developed in Section 2. Clearly, admits the following decomposition:

We define a mapping given by

The mapping is well defined, complex linear, and weak-continuous thanks to the uniqueness of the above decomposition and the linearity and weak-continuity of the mappings , , and (compare Theorem 2.7(b)).

We shall conclude the proof by applying Proposition 3.1. For this purpose we shall show that

Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Since there exists a minimal projection satisfying . The relations of orthogonality imply that

Equivalently, the elements all belong to By definition, Theorem 2.7(g), and the previous observation we get

which proves Equation 9 and finishes the arguments.

We are now in position to extend Theorem 3.2 for -sums of spaces. In the proof presented here we revise the arguments in the proof of Reference 25, Theorem 3.12 and we insert the appropriate modifications.

Since Proposition 2.1, Theorems 2.2 and 2.3, and Lemma 2.4 are valid for general Banach spaces and general C-algebras, respectively, the proof of Theorem 2.5 can be literally applied to prove the following result.

Theorem 3.3.

Let be a family of complex Hilbert spaces, let be a C-algebra, and suppose that is a surjective isometry. Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Then is a minimal partial isometry in , and there exists a surjective real linear isometry

such that

In particular, the restriction of to the face is a real affine function.

It should be noted here that statements (a) and (h) in Theorem 2.7 need not be true when and are replaced with von Neumann algebras of the form and , respectively. However, this obstacle will be avoided in the proof of our last result with an appropriate version of Theorem 2.7.

Theorem 3.4.

Let and be two families of complex Hilbert spaces. Suppose is a surjective isometry. Then there exists a surjective real linear isometry satisfying .


To simplify the notation, set and . If , we can pick two different subindexes and in . Let and be minimal projections, and for let

be the surjective real linear isometry given by Theorem 3.3.

Let us observe that we can write , where and . The symbol will stand for the projection of onto . The mapping , is well defined, real linear and continuous. Lemma 2.13 in Reference 16 proves that and (and hence ) are weak-continuous.

We shall prove next that for each minimal partial isometry

Take a minimal partial isometry in . We deduce from the structure of and the minimality of the existence of a unique index in such that is a minimal partial isometry in . Therefore,

and precisely one of the next statements holds:


if ;


if ;


if , where and are complex Hilbert spaces of dimension larger than or equal to 2.

A similar decomposition holds for . Arguing as in the proof of Reference 5, Theorem 3.1, we can deduce, via Reference 5, Propositions 1.1 and 2.6, that preserves triple products. In particular, for each the surjective real linear isometry preserves triple products. Therefore, preserves (minimal) partial isometries and orthogonality among elements in their respective domains (because, by Reference 19, page 18, in if and only if ).

Let , and , where for a complex Hilbert space , denotes the C-algebra of all compact operators on . Clearly, and are compact C-algebras. Let be an arbitrary minimal partial isometry in . Theorem 3.3 assures that and are minimal partial isometries in . So, and belong to . By hypothesis, we have , and thus Lemma 3.5 in Reference 25 implies that

which combined with the minimality of proves that

We claim that

Indeed, every minimal partial isometry in lies in or in . If (respectively, in ) we have (respectively, ) by definition.

Suppose first that . By Theorem 3.3 and Equation 11 we know that and are minimal partial isometries in . Let denote the surjective real linear isometry given by Theorem 3.3. We know from the just quoted theorem and Equation 12 that


Adding the last two identities we get . Since and are minimal partial isometries with , a new application of Reference 25, Lemma 3.5 implies that , and thus , as claimed.

If , similar arguments can be applied to show that


which implies that . Since and are minimal partial isometries with , it follows from Reference 25, Lemma 3.5 that , and . This finishes the proof of the claim in Equation 13.

On the other hand, let and be minimal partial isometries in with . The elements and are minimal partial isometries (compare Equation 11), and we deduce from Theorem 3.3, Equation 12, and Equation 13 that

which implies that (that is, ), and then (just apply Reference 25, Lemma 3.5).

We have shown that for each minimal partial isometry in we have Furthermore, if is another minimal partial isometry with , then . Let be an arbitrary partial isometry in , and let us find a minimal partial isometry such that . It is known that , where is a family of mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries in with for every . By Theorem 3.3 and the weak-continuity of and we have

That is, for every partial isometry in . We have further shown that for every pair of partial isometries in with and minimal.

We can now argue as in the proof of Theorem 2.7(d) to show that

for every set of mutually orthogonal non-zero partial isometries in , and in with and for all . Indeed, pick a minimal partial isometry such that , where , by replacing with we can always assume that is minimal. By Theorem 3.3 and the above properties we have

Since every element in can be approximated in norm by finite real linear combinations of mutually orthogonal partial isometries in (see Reference 20, Lemma 3.11), we derive from the above properties that for every .

If we can apply the above arguments to . Finally, if we assume that , then the desired statement follows from Theorem 3.2.


The authors were partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund project no. MTM2014-58984-P and Junta de Andalucía grant FQM375.

The authors are very grateful to the anonymous referee for pointing out a gap in the original proof of Theorem 3.4 and some other valuable suggestions to improve the final version of this paper.

Mathematical Fragments

Proposition 2.1 (Reference 3, Lemma 5.1 and Reference 32, Lemma 3.5).

Let , be Banach spaces, and let be a surjective isometry. Then is a maximal convex subset of if and only if is that of . Then is a maximal proper (norm-closed) face of if and only if is a maximal proper (norm-closed) face of .

Theorem 2.2 (Reference 2, Theorem 4.10).

Let be a C-algebra. The norm-closed faces of the unit ball of have the form

for some partial isometry in belonging locally to . Actually, the mapping is an anti-order isomorphism from the complete lattice of partial isometries in belonging locally to onto the complete lattice of norm-closed faces of .

Theorem 2.3.

Let and be C-algebras, and suppose that is a surjective isometry. Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Then is isolated in the spectrum of .

Equation (1)
Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Equation (4)
Equation (5)
Lemma 2.4.

Let be a C-algebra. The following statements hold:


Every minimal projection in is orthogonal to all minimal projections in .


Every minimal partial isometry in is orthogonal to all minimal partial isometries in .

Theorem 2.5.

Let be a C-algebra, and let be a complex Hilbert space. Suppose that is a surjective isometry. Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Then is a minimal partial isometry in . Moreover, there exists a surjective real linear isometry

such that

In particular the restriction of to the face is a real affine function.

Equation (6)
Equation (7)
Equation (8)
Lemma 2.6.

Let be a complex Hilbert space, and let , , and be minimal partial isometries in satisfying , ,

Then and .

Theorem 2.7.

Let be a surjective isometry where and are complex Hilbert spaces with dimension greater than or equal to . Then the following statements hold:


For each minimal partial isometry in , the mapping

given by Theorem 2.5 is complex linear or conjugate linear.


For each minimal partial isometry in we have and . Furthermore, is weak-continuous and for every minimal partial isometry .


For each minimal partial isometry in the equality holds for every partial isometry .


Let be mutually orthogonal non-zero partial isometries in , and let be positive real numbers with and for all . Then


For each minimal partial isometry in we have for every .


For each partial isometry in the element is a partial isometry.


Suppose are mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries in ; then for every .


Suppose are mutually orthogonal minimal partial isometries in ; then exactly one of the following statements holds:


The mappings and are complex linear.


The mappings and are conjugate linear.

Proposition 3.1.

Let and be complex Hilbert spaces. Suppose that is a surjective isometry, and is a weak-continuous real linear operator such that , for every minimal partial isometry in . Then and coincide on .

Theorem 3.2.

Let and be complex Hilbert spaces. Suppose that is a surjective isometry. Then there exists a surjective complex linear or conjugate linear surjective isometry satisfying , for every .

Equation (9)
Theorem 3.3.

Let be a family of complex Hilbert spaces, let be a C-algebra, and suppose that is a surjective isometry. Let be a minimal partial isometry in . Then is a minimal partial isometry in , and there exists a surjective real linear isometry

such that

In particular, the restriction of to the face is a real affine function.

Theorem 3.4.

Let and be two families of complex Hilbert spaces. Suppose is a surjective isometry. Then there exists a surjective real linear isometry satisfying .

Equation (11)
Equation (12)
Equation (13)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 47B49 (Transformers, preservers)
Secondary: 46A22 (Theorems of Hahn-Banach type; extension and lifting of functionals and operators), 46B20 (Geometry and structure of normed linear spaces), 46B04 (Isometric theory of Banach spaces), 46A16 (Not locally convex spaces), 46E40 (Spaces of vector- and operator-valued functions)
  • Tingley’s problem
  • extension of isometries
  • C-algebras
  • .
Author Information
Francisco J. Fernández-Polo
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
Antonio M. Peralta
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 5, Issue 3, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2018 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/21
  • MathSciNet Review: 3766398
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3766398}{article}{ author={Fern\'andez-Polo, Francisco}, author={Peralta, Antonio}, title={On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of a C$^*$-algebra and $B(H)$}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={5}, number={3}, date={2018}, pages={63-80}, issn={2330-0000}, review={3766398}, doi={10.1090/btran/21}, }


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