Partial data inverse problem with potentials

By Francis J. Chung and Leo Tzou


We construct an explicit Green’s function for the conjugated Laplacian , which lets us control our solutions on roughly half of the boundary. We apply the Green’s function to solve a partial data inverse problem for the Schrödinger equation with potential . Separately, we also use this Green’s function to derive Carleman estimates similar to the ones in Kenig-Ruiz-Sogge [Duke Math. J. 55 (1987), pp. 329–347], but for functions with support up to part of the boundary. Unlike many previous results, we did not obtain the partial data result from the boundary Carleman estimate—rather, both results stem from the same explicit construction of the Green’s function. This explicit Green’s function has potential future applications in obtaining direct numerical reconstruction algorithms for partial data Calderón problems which is presently only accessible with full data [Inverse Problems 27 (2011)].

1. Introduction

In this article we give an explicit construction of a “Dirichlet Green’s function” for the conjugated Laplacian on a bounded smooth domain for . We apply the Green’s function to solve the longstanding partial data Calderón problem with unbounded Schrödinger potential in for .

Let () be a smooth domain contained in with outward pointing normal along the boundary and let be a unit vector. Define

and let be an open neighbourhood containing and be an open neighbourhood containing . We make the additional assumption that in the coordinate system given by , the complements of and are disjoint unions of an open subset of so that the components of the disjoint union are compactly contained in the graph for some smooth function .

If zero is not an eigenvalue of the operator , then gives rise to a well-defined Dirichlet-to-Neumann map

(We refer the reader to the appendix of Reference 13 for the definition of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for .) We have the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1.

Let be such that for all . Then .

To date this is the only partial data Calderón problem result for unbounded potentials. The integrability assumption that is optimal in the context of well-posedness theory for the Dirichlet problem for potentials; is also the optimal Lebesgue space for the strong unique continuation principle to hold (see Reference 17 for more).

Using a well-known argument Theorem 1.1 leads directly to identifying scalar conductivities from partial data. This comes from the fact that if and . One can then proceed as in Corollary 0.2 of Reference 3 to show the following.

Corollary 1.2.

Let be the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map of the conductivity operator for scalar conductivities . The operator acting on uniquely determines provided that one knows and .

Note that there are conductivities in which are not contained in the cases considered by Reference 23. In fact, since but not in this result allows one to consider partial data problems for some conductivities which are not Lipschitz. So even in the special case of the conductivity equation this gives a new result.

Traditionally the study of partial data problems are limited to bounded potentials due to their reliance on Carleman estimates on bounded domains. We circumvent this difficulty by constructing instead an explicit (conjugated) Green’s function which has good estimates in addition to desirable boundary conditions. Let be a unit vector and let be an open subset which is compactly contained in . If , we have the following theorem, proved by an explicit construction via heat flow.

Theorem 1.3.

Suppose is sufficently small. Then there exists an operator which satisfies

and the estimates

Furthermore, for all , and .

This Green’s function possesses several new features which makes it of potential use for studying a broad range of questions. First, note that in addition to desirable asymptotic and estimates, this Green’s function also allows us to impose the Dirichlet boundary condition on . Secondly, we will see that its construction is by explicit integral kernels in contrast to the functional analysis based approach of Reference 3Reference 21Reference 29. The combination of these two features can inspire future progress in numerical algorithms for partial data reconstruction which are currently only available in the full data case Reference 1Reference 11. Furthermore, this Green’s function gives new Carleman estimates which may be of interest on their own (see Theorem 1.4 and the ensuing discussions).

We will provide some brief historical context for Theorems 1.1 and 1.3. The construction of the Green’s function for the conjugated Laplace operator was established by Sylvester-Uhlmann Reference 33 using Fourier multipliers with characteristic sets. They proved an estimate for their Green’s function and used it to solve the Calderón problem in dimensions for bounded potentials. Chanillo in Reference 4 showed that the Sylvester-Uhlmann Green’s function also satisfies an estimate by applying using the result of Kenig-Ruiz-Sogge Reference 20. This allowed Chanillo to solve the inverse Schrödinger problem with full data for small potentials in the Fefferman-Phong class (which contains ). Related full data results were also proved by Lavine-Nachman Reference 24 and Dos Santos Ferreira-Kenig-Salo Reference 13. We will follow some of the techniques developed by these authors in Section 7.1.

The drawback to the Fourier multiplier construction of the Green’s function is that boundary conditions cannot be imposed. Bukhgeim-Uhlmann Reference 3 and Kenig-Sjöstrand-Uhlmann Reference 21 found a way to use Carleman estimates to overcome this problem and prove results for the Calderón problem with partial boundary data. Due to its versatility and robustness, this technique has since become the standard tool for solving partial data elliptic inverse problems. The review article Reference 19 contains an excellent overview of recent work in partial data Calderón-type problems; examples for other elliptic inverse problems can be found in Reference 31, Reference 32, Reference 22, Reference 9, and Reference 8.

This standard technique turns out to be insufficient for our purpose. The Carleman estimates in these papers are typically proved via an integration-by-parts procedure so that boundary conditions can be kept in check. The limitation of this approach is that only -type estimates can be derived; none of the available techniques adapt well to setting for functions with boundary conditions. Thus for , there are no partial data results for the Calderón problem for Schrödinger equations—although using a different method Reference 23 obtained a partial data result for low regularity conductivity equations.

The Reference 3Reference 21 approach has the additional drawback that the Green’s function one “constructs” is an abstract object arising from general statements in functional analysis, like the Hahn-Banach or Riesz representation theorems. This makes partial data reconstruction procedures like the ones in Reference 29 much more difficult to implement in a concrete setting than equivalent ones like Reference 28 for full data.

The Green’s function we construct in Theorem 1.3 has the explicit representation of the Fourier multiplier Green’s function of Sylvester-Uhlmann while at the same time allowing the boundary control of the existing methods. Due to its explicit representation as a parametrix, one can easily deduce -type estimates as well as -type estimates. In a forthcoming article the authors intend to apply the Green’s function constructed here to the problem of reconstruction. One expects that in the context of computational algorithms this Green’s function would open the door to direct inversion methods for partial data Calderón problems in which is parallel to the full data case examined in Reference 1Reference 10Reference 11Reference 12.

Theorem 1.3 also directly implies the following boundary Carleman estimates for the conjugated Laplacian. Let denote the semiclassical Sobolev space. Define to be the space of functions with vanishing trace along and let be its dual.

Theorem 1.4.

Let be a function which vanishes along and . One then has the Carleman estimates

for all sufficiently small.

Remark 1.5.

A modification of the argument presented here can also yield a boundary term of on the left side of the inequality.

The inequality differs from other Carleman estimates like the ones in Kenig-Ruiz-Sogge Reference 20 in that it allows for with nontrivial boundary conditions. The solution to the inverse problem does not use Theorem 1.4. We only state the theorem here because it may be of interest to those studying unique continuations in the future. To see why traditional methods do not yield the type of Carleman estimates we obtain with boundary terms, the reader can compare our approach to Reference 2Reference 20Reference 25Reference 26Reference 27.

In the remainder of the introduction we give a brief exposition of our approach to the proof of Theorem 1.3. The key observation is that there is a global DO factorization of the conjugated Laplacian into an elliptic operator resembling a heat flow and a first-order operator which has the same characteristic set as . One can then construct an inverse for (and thus ) with Dirichlet boundary conditions by solving the heat flow with zero initial condition.

This way of factoring is in the spirit of Reference 5. However, in our case the factorization is global and occurs on the level of symbols so there will be error terms and they pose a challenge in the construction of the parametrix. As such this necessitates a modified factorization which differs from that of Reference 5 (see Equation 4.7 and the discussions which follow) to obtain the suitable estimates for the remainders of the parametrix.

This article is organized in the following way. In Section 2 we develop a DO calculus which is compatible with our symbol class–proofs are given in the appendix. In Section 3 we invert a heat flow in the context of this DO calculus and solve the Dirichlet problem for this heat flow. In Section 4 we restate some facts about the Sylvester-Uhlmann Green’s function in the semiclassical setting and derive a factorization for the operator involving the heat operator described in the previous section. In Section 5 we use this factorization to construct a parametrix with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and in Section 6 we turn the parametrix into a Dirichlet Green’s function and prove Theorem 1.4. Section 7 is devoted to proving Theorem 1.1 using complex geometric optics solutions constructed with the help of .

2. Elementary semiclassical DO theory

We collect a set of facts about semiclassical pseudodifferential operators and also use this opportunity to establish some notation and conventions which we will use throughout. Proofs are contained in the appendix.

2.1. Mixed Sobolev spaces

In this article we define the semiclassical Sobolev spaces with the norm

For it turns out that this definition is equivalent to the one involving derivatives:

(Hereafter we will drop the “scl” subscript: unless otherwise stated, all of our Sobolev spaces will be semiclassical.) Choose coordinates on , with and , and let be the corresponding coordinates on the cotangent space. An immediate consequence of the norm equivalence stated above is that is a multiplier from . Indeed,

Now define the mixed Sobolev norms for by

and use these to define the mixed norm spaces . For convenience we will drop the and in this notation and use the convention that the first superscript of denotes multiplication by and the second denotes multiplication by .

With this definition we have that for ,

Indeed, one can write

and use the fact that is a multiplier on by Equation 2.2 and that

2.2. Tangential calculus

We denote the Hörmander symbols by . We also consider symbols in the class . We say that belongs to for if

for all multi-indices and . In this article we will work with product symbols of the form where and for . Observe that if , then derivatives with respect to either or are a finite sum of symbols in :

We begin with the following Calderón-Vaillancourt-type estimate for (classical) DO with symbols in which can be obtained by following the argument of Theorem 9.7 in Reference 34.

Proposition 2.1.

i) Let be a symbol in . Then for all

where is the seminorm defined by and depends on the dimension only.ii) Denote by to be the smallest integer for which Equation 2.6 holds. Let be a symbol in . Then for all


The estimate Equation 2.6 is Theorem 9.7 of Reference 34. For Equation 2.7 we observe that if , then there exists a sequence such that for . For we can conclude by using Equation 2.6 that is a Cauchy sequence in and therefore in . On the other hand, by standard estimates in . Therefore . Applying estimate Equation 2.6 to and taking the limit we have Equation 2.7.

Note that in there is a relation between classical and semiclassical quantization of a symbol given by

where is defined by and for ( denotes the classical Fourier transform). This identity combined with estimate Equation 2.6 and Equation 2.7 gives us a semiclassical version of Calderón-Vaillancourt: for all , sufficiently small, and

For symbols in , we have the following mapping properties.

Proposition 2.2.

If and , then

with norm uniformly bounded in .

In addition, we have the following compositional calculus result.

Proposition 2.3.

If and , then

where .

For proofs of Propositions 2.2 and 2.3, see the appendix.

Remark 2.4.

We have omitted stating the mapping properties on spaces since and the calculus for these symbols on weighted Sobolev spaces are well documented. See for example Reference 30, Prop 2.2 for these results and for definition of weighted semiclassical Sobolev spaces.

3. Heat flow

Define coordinates on and let denote the upper half space . Let , and define the semiclassical pseudodifferential operator

on . It follows by considering the and direction separately and applying the semiclassical Calderón-Vaillancourt theorem that is a bounded operator for . As we will see in the following section, one of the factors of the conjugated Laplacian has this form. In this section we will prove some basic facts about the existence and mapping properties of the inverse of such an operator. This extends the theory explained in Reference 6.

To obtain an inverse, we will assume that obeys the ellipticity condition

uniformly in for some constants . This ensures that the principal symbol

is uniformly elliptic. We will also assume a finiteness condition on : that there exists such that for

We need an extra condition to ensure that the symbol is in the suitable calculus. We assume that there exists a first-order symbol with compact characteristic set, such that is supported in , and

where is a second-order polynomial in with compact characteristic set and .

The reason why we need this extra assumption is that is not in the class (for example if , then differentiating multiple times in does not yield additonal decay in the direction). However, if is identically on a neighbourhood containing the characteristic sets of and , then we can derive the following expansion:

Since is identically one on the characteristic set of , it follows is a symbol in , and so

Using the fact that is elliptic on support of we can expand for all

Substituting this representation for into Equation 3.4 we have

where we are using to represent a symbol from the class . Now

and the same holds for



Meanwhile , so we can use Equation 3.5 in conjunction with Proposition 2.2 to get that

The operator also turns out to have desirable support properties.

Lemma 3.1.

If is supported only in , then has trace zero along and vanishes identically on the set .


For , we can write

where is the semiclassical Fourier transform. We can write out the Fourier transform in the variable to get

Now we can use the residue theorem to evaluate the integral explicitly. For we need to take a semicircular contour in the lower half plane. Since by assumption Equation 3.2 is positive this contour yields no residue. For we take a semicircular contour in the upper half plane. In this case the contour contains a pole at . Therefore we get

For , the lemma follows immediately from this representation. The lemma follows for general by Equation 3.6 and density.

Henceforth we will refer to the support property given in Lemma 3.1 as “preserving support in the direction”.

We can turn into a proper inverse. We first prove a composition-type lemma for the operator .

Lemma 3.2.

Let . Then

where and map with norm bounded by a constant independent of . Furthermore, the commutator



The expansion Equation 3.5 allows us to write as the span of elements in

We can therefore apply Proposition 2.3 to each term to obtain


Using expansion Equation 3.5 again we see that is a symbol in the span of

Therefore, it maps by Proposition 2.2 and the fact that . To obtain the commutator statement, we can repeat the argument for the composition .

Now we can use to build a proper inverse which preserves support in the direction. More generally the inversion can still be carried out even if is perturbed by a small tangential operator .

Proposition 3.3.

Suppose obeys the same finiteness condition Equation 3.3 as , and consider the operator

For sufficiently small there exists an inverse of the form

where .

Furthermore, preserves support in the direction. The same holds for acting on spaces.


We write

We can apply Proposition 2.3 to the first term, using the expansion Equation 3.5 for , and Lemma 3.2 to the second and third terms to obtain


and Using expansion Equation 3.5 again we see that is a symbol in the span of

Therefore, it maps by Proposition 2.2 and the fact that .

Observe that in equation Equation 3.7 since is a differential operator in the direction, it preserves support in the direction when acting on . The operator preserves support in by Lemma 3.1 and thus the left side preserves support in the direction. We may conclude from this that the right side preserves support as well and in particular preserves support. This means that inverting the right side by Neumann series preserves support in the direction.

One final consequence of the structure of we obtained in Proposition 3.3 is the following disjoint support property.

Lemma 3.4.

Let be the indicator function for and . Then for all ,

The analogous estimate holds as a map from weighted Sobolev spaces.


Let be a smooth cutoff function which is identically one on and identically zero on an open set containing . Then

Therefore it suffices to show that

From Proposition 3.3, we have that

where is given by the Neumann series

Therefore, by Equation 3.6 we can write

where is bounded uniformly in . Using this expression for it suffices to show that

with norm bounded by . We will only show Equation 3.9 for the principal part and leave the lower-order term, which can be written out explicitly using Equation 3.8, to the reader. By using Equation 3.5 we see that the symbol belongs to

We will only show Equation 3.9 for and the others are treated in the same way. Suppose and , by Proposition 2.3 we see that

where by Equation 2.4.

Since is a function of only, it commutes with operators from , and thus estimating with and amounts to estimating terms of the form . Standard disjoint support properties of DO then give the desired estimates.

4. Green’s functions on

The purpose of this discussion is to find a way to invert

with a suitable boundary condition and good estimates. We begin with the operator on given by the Fourier multiplier . We give a semiclassical formulation of an estimate established in Sylvester-Uhlmann Reference 33.

Lemma 4.1.

The Fourier multiplier maps for with norm bounded by .


Consider the multiplier given by . By the result of Reference 33,

Observe that . Since shifting in the Fourier coordinate is equivalent to multiplying by a complex linear phase,

and the proof is complete.

It turns out that the Fourier multiplier also satisfies estimates for and . We state below the semiclassical formulation of a result by Kenig-Ruiz-Sogge Reference 20 and Chanillo Reference 4.

Lemma 4.2.

The Fourier multiplier satisfies the estimate

for all .

In order to deal with domains with nonflat boundaries we will “flatten” boundary pieces by a coordinate change of the type

where is a smooth function which is constant outside of a compact set. Under this change of variables, the differential operator defined by

can be written explicitly as

where and for convenience we will later denote by as it is in the semiclassical limit. The next proposition concerns the Green’s function for . More specifically we define by

which is equivalent to conjugating by the operator given by pulling back by .

Proposition 4.3.

The Green’s function satisfies and has the bounds

Furthermore, we can split such that is a DO with symbol in and


The fact that Id comes directly from the definition of and .

Since it suffices to prove the estimates for and show that can be split into . Once this is done the corresponding statements for follow via conjugation by the diffeomorphism whose Jacobian is identity outside of a compact set.

By Lemmas 4.2 and 4.1 the operator satisfies with norm and with norm.

The multiplier of is constant coefficient so one can write where

where , with identically in the ball of radius and identically on the support of . Everything commutes in the above identity since they are all constant coefficient Fourier multipliers.

Since the characteristic set of is disjoint from the support of , the operator is a DO with symbol in .

The mapping properties of come from the mapping properties of and the fact that has a compactly supported symbol.

The explicit representation of in Equation 4.2 shows that its characteristic set lies in the sphere , and so in particular if is multiplied by a Fourier side cutoff function supported away from that sphere, the resulting operator is well behaved. The following lemma makes this somewhat more precise.

Lemma 4.4.

Let be a smooth symbol with support compactly contained in . Then for some .


By the construction in Proposition 4.3,

with . We compute

where is the pull-back symbol. By the composition formula in Proposition 2.3,

where is the push-forward symbol. Observe that since is a constant coefficient, . Since vanishes in an open neighbourhood of , the symbol

belongs to .

4.1. Modified factorization

To add boundary determination to the Green’s function, we want to take advantage of the fact that factors into two parts, one of which is elliptic and resembles the operator described in Section 3.

Indeed, the symbol of which appears in Equation 4.2 factors formally as

where . Note that the second factor here is elliptic. The problem is that the square root is not smooth at its branch cut, so this does not give a proper factorization at the operator level. The obvious thing to do is to take a smooth approximation to the square root, but for our purposes we will require something more subtle.

We take the branch of the square root that has nonnegative real part, and seek to avoid the branch cut, which happens when the argument of the square root lies on the negative real axis. From examination of the square root, we see that this occurs when and . By ensuring that avoids this set, we can guarantee that the argument of the square root stays away from the branch cut.

Thus let be a constant such that for all and let be a smooth function in such that for and . Introduce a second cutoff such that it is identically on but . Observe that for sufficiently small

Since the branch cut of the square root occurs when

it follows that for in the support of and sufficiently small, the function

stays uniformly away from the branch cut of the square root. As such we may define

and factor

with . Here the and are defined by

Observe that the support of is compactly contained in the interior of the set where .

We now quantize Equation 4.5 to see that

where , and and are the operators with symbols and , respectively. Observe that the term in the composition formula for is killed by one of the terms in Equation 4.5.

Although this decomposition still gives us an error, the symbol vanishes when . In particular it vanishes on the characteristic set of which is by Equation 4.2. We use this observation to show that behaves one order of better than expected.

Lemma 4.5.

Let denote . The operator is of the form

with and

Here the notation indicates that the norm of the operator from to is bounded by .


We use the fact that takes value zero on the characteristic set of . First write

for some . Note that

for some compactly supported smooth function which is identically on the ball of radius . This means that

From Proposition 4.3 where is the Fourier multiplier . We compute the portion of this operator

where is the pulled-back symbol of . Compose using symbol calculus to yield

where .

We claim that can be written as the sum of a DO with symbol in and a part containing the characteristic set

Inserting this into Equation 4.8 would give us the lemma.

We verify our claim. Observe that

where . Now if for some and is uniformly bounded. Therefore if

Since the characteristic set of the Fourier multiplier is compactly contained in this set, let be a cutoff which is supported in this set and let be in a neighbourhood of the characteristic set and define

We now write as a sum of two operators

The second expression is DO of order since vanishes identically near the characteristic set of and is therefore a compactly supported smooth multiplier.

It remains to establish Equation 4.9 for the part containing the characteristic set given by

Since vanishes identically on the support of and is a constant coefficient Fourier multiplier, it follows from Equation 4.10 that

Note since is a differential operator, proving Equation 4.9 amounts to proving estimates for the operators

Crucially, these are both bounded Fourier multipliers with compact support and therefore map for all with norm . Therefore

with norm .

Moving on to the estimate we write where is identically on the support of . The estimate is then a result of the estimate and the fact that by Sobolev embedding. Therefore

5. Parametrices on the half space

In this section we construct parametrices for on the upper half space which give a vanishing trace on the boundary. By a change of variables, we will later use these to build the Green’s function of Theorem 1.3. Because the factoring in Equation 4.7 contains a large error term at small frequencies, we will perform two separate constructions—one for the large frequency case (on ) and one for the small frequency case (on ). We split the two frequency cases by using the cutoff function defined above equation Equation 4.3.

5.1. Parametrix for at large frequency

Let be the Green’s function from Proposition 4.3, and where is defined as in Proposition 3.3. Let be a smooth bounded open subset of the upper half space (with possibly a portion of the boundary intersecting ). We show that the operator

is a suitable parametrix for the operator in at large frequencies.

We begin by showing that has mapping properties like those of .

Proposition 5.1.

The map satisfies, for ,

Furthermore, with for all .


The weighted Sobolev norms come as a direct consequence of the mapping properties of and the fact that , has symbols in .

For the mapping property from , we split following Propostion 4.3 and observe

The above diagrams also show that for all by omitting the last Sobolev embedding. The trace property then comes from the definition of and Proposition 3.3.

In the following statement we denote to be the indicator function of . If we use the notation to denote its trivial extension to a function in .

Proposition 5.2.

Let be a bounded domain with . Denote by the indicator function of . Then is a parametrix at large frequencies with vanishing trace on the boundary of the upper half space, in the sense that for all ,


where and have the estimates


We compute in the sense of distributions on acting on . Using Equation 4.7 we have

The first term requires some care. Applying this operator to functions and testing it against yields

The operator is a DO in the direction but it is only a differential operator in the direction. Therefore the support does not spread in the direction. The operator is an operator only in the direction and therefore does not spread support in the direction. As such vanishes in an open neighbourhood containing the closure of the lower half space and therefore for all and ,

Therefore we may continue our computation:

At this juncture we invoke the factorization Equation 4.7 again and plug the relation

into the first term. Since , we get for all ,

as a distribution on (i.e., integrating against functions in ) where

Lemma 5.3.

The last term of Equation 5.2 can be estimated by

where , , and .

Lemma 5.4.

The operator from Equation 5.3 can be written as where

Lemma 5.5.

The operator from equation Equation 5.4 maps with norm while with norm .

We leave the proofs of these lemmas until the end of the section.

The remainder terms in Equation 5.2 can now be estimated using Lemmas 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 to show that, when tested against ,

where and have the estimates

The trace property of the operator on is a result of Proposition 5.1. Note that the bounds in Proposition 5.2 are unweighted because of the conjugation with indicator functions of .

Proof of Lemma 5.3.

We have

Some care will be needed in treating the term involving hitting . We are only considering the expressions as maps to distributions on , so for all and ,

Here we used the fact that for some and the tangential operator commutes with the indicator function of the upper half space.

Combining the two expressions we obtain

We decompose in Equation 5.5 into its DO part and its characteristic part as stated in Proposition 4.3. The DO part of Equation 5.5 is a bounded map from with a gain in obtained from the commutator. Therefore, the part containing the DO belongs to the bin.

For the part containing the characteristic set, we expand as

where is chosen to be identically in a neighbourhood compactly containing the support of but . By disjoint support, and both belong to . Since and , the last two terms in the above expression for can be sorted into the bin.

The only thing remaining is to treat the terms on the support of . We will treat the first term and the second term is dealt with in the same manner. We claim that modulo errors in the bin we can commute so that it appears next to :

Since vanishes identically near , Lemma 4.4 asserts that,

for some and therefore

This proves the lemma up to verifying Equation 5.6.

It only remains to verify Equation 5.6 by checking that all the commutator terms with can be sorted into the bin by using Proposition 3.3, Lemma 3.2, and Proposition 2.3 in conjunction with the mapping properties of given by Proposition 4.3. We only write out explicitly the argument for commuting with as it is slightly more challenging than the others. First, observe that by Proposition 3.3

where and take and with the inverse given by Neumann series. Therefore

Standard calculus for commutators then allows us to commute with and to obtain

We can commute with with no commutator since is an operator in the direction only. Commuting with using the standard commutator calculus then gives us Equation 5.6.

Proof of Lemma 5.4.

We begin with the term in Equation 5.3. By Lemma 4.5,

with and

By Proposition 4.3, the third term of Equation 5.7 can be written as

where is a DO with symbol in . Therefore Equation 5.7 becomes



We see then that the first and second terms belong to the bin while the third and fourth terms belong to the bin.

We proceed next with the term of Equation 5.3:

In the above calculation we commuted and since only acts in the direction.

The first term above can be handled using Equation 5.8—note that there is enough regularity so that applying presents no difficulty. For the first commutator term of Equation 5.9, Lemma 3.2 and Proposition 3.3 show that for some

Therefore, splitting into its characteristic part and its DO part as in Proposition 4.3 we have


and so belongs to the bin. For the characteristic part


and therefore belongs to the bin.

For the term, splitting into its characteristic part and its DO part we have

Therefore belongs to the bin. For the characteristic part, behaves like

and therefore belongs to bin.

Proof of Lemma 5.5.

The terms involving can be estimated directly using the estimates for and in Propositions 4.3 and 5.1. The terms involving can be estimated by observing that since is chosen to be identically in a neighbourhood of the support of , the operator

5.2. Parametrix for at small frequency

Here we want to look for a parametrix for at low frequencies. We begin by defining to be the symbol of :

Thanks to the fact that is chosen to be disjoint from the characteristic set of we may define

The following proposition says that inverts at small frequencies, up to an error.

Proposition 5.6.

is a bounded operator for all . Moreover, for all .

for some bounded uniformly in .


We want to use the symbol calculus developed in Section 2. However, we have the complication that is not a proper symbol, because of the zeros of . Therefore it is not immediately evident that lies in the symbol class , as we would want.

We can remedy this by writing

where is a smooth cutoff function supported only for , and identically one in the ball .

Now note that by Equation 4.3, is properly elliptic on the support of , and therefore . Moreover, since the characteristic set of lies well inside the set where , we have that .

Therefore can be understood as the sum of two operators, one of which is in the symbol class and the other of which is in the symbol class . Then Proposition 2.2 asserts that is a bounded operator and Proposition 2.3 asserts that

as we wanted.

It turns out that our small frequency parametrix preserves support in the direction.

Proposition 5.7.

Suppose , with , and is contained in the closure of . Then both and are contained in , where is the operator from Proposition 5.6. In particular, if .


Let . Then

We split the integral on the right into and variables and get

Consider the inner integral

For fixed and , we can write the Fourier transform of in the variable explicitly to get

Suppose now that is contained in so that the integral over in Equation 5.11 is only taken over . We want to show that Equation 5.11 vanishes when . This is done by showing that the inner integral of Equation 5.11 vanishes if and . We do this by using residue calculus.

To evaluate the integral of Equation 5.11 when and we should take a contour on the lower half plane. The integral vanishes if we can verify that the zeros of as a polynomial in for values of on all belong to the upper half plane.

Factoring as a quadratic function in , we have


and the square root is defined by choosing angles between . With this choice we see that has a positive imaginary part when is sufficiently small.

We will now argue that the same holds for for on the support of . Note that is compactly supported so this clearly holds for small and outside the support of . Define by

and one easily sees that if and only if

Let to be a small neighbourhood containing . On the connected set , is a continuous function if is small enough. If the imaginary part of vanishes on , then by an appropriate choice of the factor in Equation 5.12 can be made to vanish. But is elliptic on support of by Equation 4.3 so the imaginary part of cannot vanish on the support of . On the other hand, by choosing small enough we will have that the imaginary part of takes on positive value somewhere on . By connectedness the imaginary part of must be positive everywhere on .

Meanwhile on the function takes on value sufficiently close to . Therefore by our chosen branch of the square root, has small real part. So has positive imaginary part on here as well.

We are now able to conclude, at least in the case when is supported in , that

Now from Proposition 5.6 we have

and it follows from the trace theorem that for any fixed ,

If is supported in the closure of , we can approximate it with functions supported in . The trace property Equation 5.14 then allows us to conclude

for . This shows that has the desired support property. The support property for then follows from writing

and noting that every operator on the left hand side of this equation has the desired support property.

6. Dirichlet Green’s function and Carleman estimates

6.1. Green’s function for single graph domains

By combining Sections 5.1 and 5.2 we see that is a parametrix for the operator in the domain . As one expects, this parametrix can be modified into a Green’s function.

In this section we consider domains with a component of the boundary which coincides with the graph of a function. In particular, let be a bounded domain in , and suppose such that lies in the set with a portion of the boundary lying on the graph . Denote by the change of variable . Set and to be the image of and under this change of variables.

Proposition 6.1.

There exists a Green’s function which satisfies the relation

for all and is of the form

with obeying the estimates

The Green’s function satisfies the estimates

Furthermore, for all and .


Change coordinates so that and let be the pulled-back conjugated Laplacian described in Equation 4.2. All equalities below are in the sense of distributions in . By Propositions 5.2 and 5.6, for any ,

with and mapping with no loss in while

Let denote the inverse of by Neumann series. Then in we have

with while . Therefore, for all the Neumann series

is well-defined and the series converge in . Then we have the operator is a right inverse of in . Define by

Direct computation verifies that this is a Green’s function in the original coordinates.

For verifying the estimates of and its trace along it is more convenient to work with the operator and deduce the analogous properties for . We first check that for all and that the trace vanishes on .

By Proposition 5.1 the operator maps into has vanishing trace on . By Proposition 5.6 is an element of which vanishes in if is supported only on the closure of . Therefore we conclude that has trace zero on for all and thus has vanishing trace on .

To verify the mapping properties of write

Since , inserting an function would yield, by Propositions 5.1 and 5.6, an function with a loss of in the first term and no loss in the second. For mappings from we only need to concern ourselves with the first term since the Neumann sum maps with no loss in and we can refer to the estimate for .

To analyze the mapping properties of the first term of Equation 6.1 observe that due to Propositions 5.1 and 5.6,


This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.3 in the case when lies in a single graph. In the next section we move on to the general case where is a disjoint union of graphs.

6.2. Proof of Theorem 1.3-Dirichlet Green’s function

To prove Theorem 1.3, we first develop the necessary tools for gluing together Green’s functions. Let be a bounded domain and let be a subset of which coincides with the graph of a smooth compactly supported function . Without loss of generality we may assume that there is an open neighbourhood of for which lies in the set , and that

Then is an open subset of the boundary such that and compact subsets of are strictly above the graph .

Let be supported inside with near . We can arrange that . We can also arrange for the derivatives of to have the following support property:

In this setting choose an open subset which contains as a part of its boundary and whose closure contains the support of . Set to be the Green’s function constructed in Proposition 6.1 for the domain with vanishing trace on . We may then define


Note that is not defined on the portion of that lies below the graph of , but this point is rendered moot when we multiply by . Observe that by Proposition 6.1 one has the trace identity

Lemma 6.2.

One has the estimates

With this lemma we are in a position to construct a general Green’s function for the on a general domain . Let be a unit vector and let be compactly contained in . Without loss of generality we may assume as before that . Assume in addition that as a union of its connected components each of which lies in the graph of for some smooth compactly supported function . For each construct and as earlier. One then, by Equation 6.4, has that

Furthermore by Lemma 6.2, with

Note that as before we can invert by Neumann series since gets mapped by to with no loss and the Neumann series converge in . Theorem 1.3 is now complete by the estimates of Equation 6.3, Lemma 4.1, and Lemma 4.2. All that remains is to give a proof of Lemma 6.2.

Proof of Lemma 6.2.

By Proposition 6.1, is by construction a right inverse for in , and is supported only on , so as distributions on . Meanwhile is an honest right inverse for on , so as distributions on . Therefore as distributions on ,

To analyze this term we will change coordinates by and mark the pushed-forward domains, functions, and operators with a tilde. Then by the push-forward expression for the operator stated in Proposition 6.1, the right side of Equation 6.5 is


Computing the commutator explicitly in conjunction with the operator estimates in Propositions 5.6 and 5.1 we have that


Returning to Equation 6.6, we see that has the desired estimates, so it remains only to analyze the first term of Equation 6.6

Since we are only doing the computation as distributions on , the first-order differential operator commutes with the indicator function , and we have

Now maps to with no loss of ’s, and to . Meanwhile the commutator maps to with the gain of , so the term involving has the desired behaviour. Therefore the only term of difficulty is

By Equation 6.2 the term is a first-order differential operator whose coefficients are supported in . This allows us to apply Lemma 3.4 to obtain the estimate

Inserting this estimate back into Equation 6.7 and splitting by using Proposition 4.3 we see that

Therefore we see that every term in Equation 6.6 has the desired form.

6.3. Carleman estimates

The Carleman estimates in Theorem 1.4 now follow from the existence of the Green’s function .

Proof of Theorem 1.4.

Let be a function which vanishes along and , and let . Integrating by parts, we have

with the boundary terms vanishing because of the boundary conditions on and the boundary behaviour of . Equation Equation 6.8 implies that


Applying the boundedness results for and taking the supremum over completes the proof.

7. Complex geometrical optics and the inverse problem

Let , and be an open subset of the boundary compactly contained in where denotes the normal vector. Assume in addition that in coordinates given by that is the disjoint union of open subsets such that is the graph of . By Theorem 1.3 there exists a Green’s function for with vanishing trace on and

7.1. Semiclassical solvability

Let be a unit vector and let be as before. We have the following solvability result, resembling the one in Reference 24 (see the explanation of this method in Reference 13), but with an additional term.

Proposition 7.1.

Let with , and let . For all with , there exists a solution of

with estimates and .


We try solutions of the form for with . Supposing this can be accomplished, then using ,

where for any we decompose with and . Therefore,

by taking and using that .

For the norm, observe that

The mapping property of from then gives the result.

We now show that we can indeed construct such a . Inserting the ansatz into Equation 7.1 and writing for some we see that it suffices to construct solving the integral equation

with . Observe that the right side is in norm due to the fact that so it suffices to show that is bounded by as and invert by Neumann series. Indeed, writing we have

Each of the three pieces have the following mapping properties:

Therefore we have that as .

7.2. Ansatz for the Schrödinger equation

We briefly summarize the ansatz construction procedure given in Reference 21; see also the explanation in Reference 5. Let and be linear functions satisfying . If is an open subset of the boundary satisfying for all , we first look to construct a solution to

with and . By the fact that for all , we can apply Borel’s lemma to construct such that

Since we are working with linear weights we will need a slightly more general -dependent phase function than . Let be a fixed vector which is orthogonal to both and , and let be a linear function defined by where

is a vector of length . Observe that in this setting the linear function still solves the eikonal equation

We now construct supported close to such that

Using the fact that and with we see that this amounts to solving the transport equation

Taking advantage of the fact that we can again solve the iterative equation and use Borel’s lemma to construct supported in an arbitrarily small neighbourhood of satisfying this approximate equation. We have therefore constructed solving Equation 7.3.

By the fact that we have, by choosing the support of sufficiently small, that on . By analyzing separately the case when and we have that Equation 7.3 becomes

By the fact that and we have

where with and for all as .

This discussion allows us to construct the suitable CGO for solving our inverse problem. Indeed, let and be two unit vectors which are mutually orthogonal. Define and . Let be another vector satisfying and define where is as in Equation 7.2. Construct so that Equation 7.4 is satisfied. Applying Proposition 7.1 to Equation 7.4 proves the following.

Proposition 7.2.

Let and be two unit vectors which are mutually orthogonal. Let be an open subset compactly contained in . For all there exists solutions to

of the form

with , pointwise in as . The remainder satisfies the estimates and as .

7.3. Recovering the coefficients

In this section we prove Theorem 1.1. Let be a unit vector sufficiently close to such that there exists an open set such that

Let be any vector orthogonal to and choose a third vector of unit length which is perpendicular to both and .

By Theorem 7.2 there exists solutions solving

of the form

where .

Since are solutions belonging to and vanishing on and respectively, we have the following boundary integral identity (see Lemma A.1 of Reference 13):

Inserting the expressions for gives

where . The function and

by Equation 7.4. Therefore, terms . For the terms involving , we note that for all we may split where while . Then, using the fact that ,

where . By the estimates on given in Proposition 7.2 we have that and . Therefore, the limit

for all and therefore the limit vanishes. The terms can be estimated the same way. For the last term, we again decompose, for all , . The integral is then estimated by

The norms of stay uniformly bounded while the norms vanish when . Therefore the limit

for all and therefore vanishes.

This means that for all which are orthogonal to . Note that varying in a small neighbourhood does not change the fact that lies in the set , and so the construction in Proposition 7.2 still applies. Then varying in a small neighbourhood and using the analyticity of the Fourier transform for compactly supported we have that .

8. Appendix

Here we will provide proofs for Propositions 2.2 and 2.3 from Section 2.

Proposition 8.1.

Let be in or for some large depending only on the dimension. If then

is uniformly bounded in .


If , then so we may directly appeal to Equation 2.8. So we only need to treat the case when .

It suffices to show that for with and one can write

with . The last term takes by Equation 2.8. The first term is a composition of an operator taking (leaving the direction untouched) and an operator from by Equation 2.8. The middle term involves sums of derivatives with . This means we can inductively apply Equation 8.1 until we land in and apply Equation 2.8.

To derive Equation 8.1 simply use the standard methods as in Reference 35. First we have that


Standard computation then yields that

where has the explicit representation

To verify that , note that if then

Combined with a in the denominator and using Peetre’s inequality we have

Differentiating and passing the derivative under the integral using Lebesgue theory shows that .

Composition of two DO operators in this class can be described by the composition calculus

with the remainder explicitly computed as

for all . This leads to the following statement about the remainder term of the composition.

Lemma 8.2.

Let and ; then one has


norm independent of .


We have that

where is given by Equation 8.2. By taking large enough in Equation 8.2 we see that

where for each , is a symbol of the form

Since and we may write and where

We see then that for each the symbol is a sum of finitely many (depending on the choice of ) terms of the form


If is chosen to be sufficiently large, one has by Peetre’s inequality


The constant is independent of , , , and . The analogous conclusion can be made if or . Therefore we conclude that, as a function of , Equation 8.4 is a symbol in whose seminorms are uniformly bounded in , , , and . Since is a finite sum of these objects, we may apply Proposition 8.1 to obtain

if is chosen large enough. Choosing in Equation 8.3 we get that

The composition formula given by Lemma 8.2 in conjunction with the mapping property asserted in Proposition 8.1 also allows us to deduce Proposition 2.2 by composition with suitable powers of .

Proposition 8.3 (Proposition 2.2).

If and , then

with norm uniformly bounded in .


Since pre-composition by amounts to multiplication of symbols without remainders, it suffices to show that symbols take . Indeed, by Lemma 8.2 we have that

where and .

Now we turn to the proof of Proposition 2.3.

Proposition 8.4 (Proposition 2.3).

If and , then

where .


The proof goes along the same idea as Lemma 8.2 except that to show the boundedness of the remainder in the mixed Sobolev norms one uses Proposition 2.2.

We have that

where is given by Equation 8.2. By taking large enough in Equation 8.2 we see that

where for each , is a symbol of the form

We may then proceed as in the proof of Lemma 8.2 to conclude that for sufficiently large, is a finite sum of symbols in whose seminorms are uniformly bounded in . We can now use Proposition 2.2 to conclude that

with norm uniformly bounded independent of . Choosing in Equation 8.5 we get that

and the proof is complete.


The authors would like to thank the organizers of the Program on Inverse Problems at the Institut Henri Poincaré, where this project began. We would also like to thank Henrik Shahgholian of KTH and Yishao Zhou of Stockholm University for their hospitality during the summer of 2016. In addition, we would like to thank Boaz Haberman for several helpful discussions, and Sagun Chanillo for helping to explain the proof of Lemma 4.2.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1.

Let be such that for all . Then .

Theorem 1.3.

Suppose is sufficently small. Then there exists an operator which satisfies

and the estimates

Furthermore, for all , and .

Theorem 1.4.

Let be a function which vanishes along and . One then has the Carleman estimates

for all sufficiently small.

Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.4)
Proposition 2.1.

i) Let be a symbol in . Then for all

where is the seminorm defined by and depends on the dimension only.ii) Denote by to be the smallest integer for which 2.6 holds. Let be a symbol in . Then for all

Equation (2.8)
Proposition 2.2.

If and , then

with norm uniformly bounded in .

Proposition 2.3.

If and , then

where .

Equation (3.2)
Equation (3.3)
Equation (3.4)
Equation (3.5)
Equation (3.6)
Lemma 3.1.

If is supported only in , then has trace zero along and vanishes identically on the set .

Lemma 3.2.

Let . Then

where and map with norm bounded by a constant independent of . Furthermore, the commutator


Proposition 3.3.

Suppose obeys the same finiteness condition Equation 3.3 as , and consider the operator

For sufficiently small there exists an inverse of the form

where .

Furthermore, preserves support in the direction. The same holds for acting on spaces.

Equation (3.7)
Equation (3.8)
Lemma 3.4.

Let be the indicator function for and . Then for all ,

The analogous estimate holds as a map from weighted Sobolev spaces.

Equation (3.9)
Lemma 4.1.

The Fourier multiplier maps for with norm bounded by .

Lemma 4.2.

The Fourier multiplier satisfies the estimate

for all .

Equation (4.2)
Proposition 4.3.

The Green’s function satisfies and has the bounds

Furthermore, we can split such that is a DO with symbol in and

Lemma 4.4.

Let be a smooth symbol with support compactly contained in . Then for some .

Equation (4.3)
Equation (4.5)
Equation (4.7)
Lemma 4.5.

Let denote . The operator is of the form

with and

Equation (4.8)
Equation (4.9)
Equation (4.10)
Proposition 5.1.

The map satisfies, for ,

Furthermore, with for all .

Proposition 5.2.

Let be a bounded domain with . Denote by the indicator function of . Then is a parametrix at large frequencies with vanishing trace on the boundary of the upper half space, in the sense that for all ,


where and have the estimates

Equation (5.2)
Equation (5.3)
Equation (5.4)
Lemma 5.3.

The last term of Equation 5.2 can be estimated by

where , , and .

Lemma 5.4.

The operator from Equation 5.3 can be written as where

Lemma 5.5.

The operator from equation Equation 5.4 maps with norm while with norm .

Equation (5.5)
Equation (5.6)
Equation (5.7)
Equation (5.8)
Equation (5.9)
Proposition 5.6.

is a bounded operator for all . Moreover, for all .

for some bounded uniformly in .

Equation (5.11)
Equation (5.12)
Equation (5.14)
Proposition 6.1.

There exists a Green’s function which satisfies the relation

for all and is of the form

with obeying the estimates

The Green’s function satisfies the estimates

Furthermore, for all and .

Equation (6.1)
Equation (6.2)
Equation (6.3)
Equation (6.4)
Lemma 6.2.

One has the estimates

Equation (6.5)
Equation (6.6)
Equation (6.7)
Equation (6.8)
Proposition 7.1.

Let with , and let . For all with , there exists a solution of

with estimates and .

Equation (7.2)
Equation (7.3)
Equation (7.4)
Proposition 7.2.

Let and be two unit vectors which are mutually orthogonal. Let be an open subset compactly contained in . For all there exists solutions to

of the form

with , pointwise in as . The remainder satisfies the estimates and as .

Proposition 8.1.

Let be in or for some large depending only on the dimension. If then

is uniformly bounded in .

Equation (8.1)
Equation (8.2)
Lemma 8.2.

Let and ; then one has


norm independent of .

Equation (8.3)
Equation (8.4)
Equation (8.5)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 35R30 (Inverse problems)
  • Inverse problems
  • partial data
  • Calderón problem
  • Carleman estimate
  • Green’s function
Author Information
Francis J. Chung
Department of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Leo Tzou
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Additional Notes

The second author was supported by ARC DP190103302 and ARC DP190103451.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 4, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/39
  • MathSciNet Review: 4147582
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4147582}{article}{ author={Chung, Francis}, author={Tzou, Leo}, title={Partial data inverse problem with $L^{n/2}$ potentials}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={4}, date={2020}, pages={97-132}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4147582}, doi={10.1090/btran/39}, }


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