A unipotent circle action on -adic modular forms

By Sean Howe


Following a suggestion of Peter Scholze, we construct an action of on the Katz moduli problem, a profinite-├йtale cover of the ordinary locus of the -adic modular curve whose ring of functions is SerreтАЩs space of -adic modular functions. This action is a local, -adic analog of a global, archimedean action of the circle group on the lattice-unstable locus of the modular curve over . To construct the -action, we descend a moduli-theoretic action of a larger group on the (big) ordinary Igusa variety of Caraiani-Scholze. We compute the action explicitly on local expansions and find it is given by a simple multiplication of the cuspidal and Serre-Tate coordinates ; along the way we also prove a natural generalization of DworkтАЩs equation for extensions of by valid over a non-Artinian base. Finally, we give a direct argument (without appealing to local expansions) to show that the action of integrates the differential operator coming from the Gauss-Manin connection and unit root splitting, and explain an application to Eisenstein measures and -adic -functions.

1. Introduction and analogy

In this work, following a suggestion of Peter Scholze, we descend the unipotent quasi-isogeny action on a component Caraiani-ScholzeтАЩs Reference 1, Section 4 ordinary (big) Igusa formal scheme for to construct an action of the formal -adic torus on the Katz moduli problem over the ordinary locus. Suitably interpreted, this action is a local, -adic analog of the global, archimedean phenomena whereby the horizontal translation action of on the complex upper half plane descends to an action of on the image of in the complex modular curve.

The space of functions on the Katz moduli problem that are holomorphic at the cusps is equal to the completion of classical modular forms for the -expansion topology (SerreтАЩs space of -adic modular functionsтБаFootnote1). Thus we may think of our -action as a unipotent circle action on -adic modular functions. The analogy with the archimedean circle action is stronger than one might first guess, and leads, e.g., to interesting representation-theoretic consequences.


In the body of this text, we reserve the term -adic modular forms for those -adic modular functions with a weight, i.e. that transform via a character under the -action.


After constructing the -action, we study its properties and interaction with other classical notions in the -adic theory of modular curves and modular forms such as the unit root splitting, DworkтАЩs equation , the differential operator , GouveaтАЩs twisting measure, and KatzтАЩs Eisenstein measures.

We highlight one application to explain the significance of this construction: via -adic Fourier theory, the -action is equivalent to the -adic interpolation of powers of polynomials in the differential operator . This allows us to introduce a twisting direction into any -adic family of modular forms. In particular, when applied to Eisenstein series, it allows the construction of certain two-variable -adic -functions studied by Katz Reference 9 starting from single-variable Eisenstein families. A key advantage of this method is that we construct the -action and then relate it to differential operators obtained from the Gauss-Manin connection without ever using a cuspidal or Serre-Tate ordinary local expansion. In particular, our method will generalize to the -adic interpolation of certain differential operators constructed by Eischen and Mantovan Reference 4 on the -ordinary locus of more general PEL Shimura varieties (where local expansions are unavailable or difficult to work with) into actions of Lubin-Tate formal groups.

In the present work we have focused on exploring the ramifications of the existence of a large quasi-isogeny action on the Caraiani-Scholze Igusa formal scheme for the classical space of Katz/Serre -adic modular functions. In a sequel Reference 6, we study the action of the quasi-isogeny group on the space of functions on the big Igusa formal scheme itself as a natural space of -adic automorphic forms in the context of the -adic Langlands program. Ordinary -adic modular forms (in the sense of Hida) play an important role in this study, and in Reference 6 we also explain how HidaтАЩs finiteness and classicality theorems for ordinary -adic modular forms can be understood from this perspective.

1.1. An archimedean circle action

Before stating our results, we explain the analogous archimedean circle action more carefully; this will help to motivate and clarify the -adic constructions that follow. Consider the complex manifold

Two important observations about follow immediately from Equation


Modular forms of level (for any ) restrict to -invariant functions , and thus induce holomorphic functions on .


The action of by horizontal translation on descends to a (real analytic) action of the circle group on . This action integrates the vector field .

We can decompose any holomorphic function on according to this -action uniquely as a Fourier series

In other words, the space of functions on is a Fr├йchet completion of the direct sum of the character spaces for the -action, with each character appearing exactly once.

1.1.1. Fourier coefficients and representation theory

The Fourier coefficients of classical modular forms play an important role in the global automorphic representation theory for . In particular, for a Hecke eigenform, the constant coefficient is non-vanishing if and only if the corresponding global automorphic representation is globally induced (i.e. the modular form is Eisenstein). Suitably interpreted, the constant term is a functional that realizes the induction. The non-constant coefficients, on the other hand, are Whittaker functionals.

1.1.2. The slope formalism on metrized tori

While the construction of above may at first seem ad hoc, it has a natural moduli interpretation, which we explain now. The key point is to use the slope formalism for metrized tori, or, equivalently, lattices, as explained, e.g., in CasselmanтАЩs survey Reference 2.

A metrized torus is a finite-dimensional torus (compact real abelian Lie group) together with a translation invariant metric, or, equivalently, a positive definite inner product on . There is a natural slope formalism on metrized tori: the rank function is dimension, and the degree function is given by

If a two-dimensional metrized torus is unstable (i.e. not semistable), then it contains a unique circle of shortest length.

If is an elliptic curve, the underlying real manifold of is a two-dimensional metrized torus when equipped with the metric coming from the canonical principal polarization.

Example 1.1.3.

Consider the usual fundamental domain

for the action of on . For , let

We compute the values of for which is semistable: the metric induced by the principal polarization is identified with times the metric induced by the identity

and the standard metric on . Semistability is preserved by scaling the metric, so we may eliminate the scaling and consider just the metric induced by the standard metric on . The length of a shortest circle in is equal to the length of a shortest vector in , which is . The area of the entire torus , on the other hand, is . Thus, the slope of the full torus is , while the smallest slope of a circle inside is . We conclude that for , is semistable when , and otherwise is unstable with shortest circle given by

1.1.4. Moduli of unstable elliptic curves

Using the slope formalism, we may consider the moduli space of unstable elliptic curves equipped with a trivialization of the shortest circle, . From Example 1.1.3, we find that this space is naturally identified with . In this moduli interpretation, the space is the cover where the trivialization of the shortest circle is extended to an oriented trivialization . From the moduli perspective, the fact that we can evaluate modular forms to obtain functions on comes from two facts:


Given a point of , there is a unique holomorphic differential whose pullback to along the trivialization of the shortest circle integrates to . Thus, the modular sheaf is canonically trivialized over , and modular forms can be evaluated along this trivialization.


Using the polarization, the trivialization of the shortest circle also gives rise to a trivialization of the quotient torus , so that is equipped with the structure of an extension of real tori

The basis for the torsion on then gives rise to a canonical -level structure on for any level .

1.1.5. de Rham cohomology

Consider the extension structure Equation on the universal elliptic curve over . The global section of the de Rham cohomology of is flat, so we obtain via pullback of a canonical flat section over . Moreover, because the image of in under pullback is (by definition) , which is flat, we find that is in the span of . Thus, is a holomorphic differential form on .

For the elliptic curve as in Example 1.1.3, if we denote by and the natural basis elements for and by and the dual basis, we find that , and , so that

In particular, the -action integrates the vector field dual to .

1.2. Statement of results

In this section we state our main results.

1.2.1. Dictionary

As we introduce the objects appearing in the local, -adic theory, it may be helpful to keep in mind the following dictionary for our analogy with the global, archimedean story:

Global, archimedean Local, -adic
as a metrized torus The -divisible group
Unstable two-dimensionalmetrized torus Ordinary height two -divisible group
The shortest circle in The formal group
Trivialization of the shortest circle Trivialization of the formal group
, , , ,
Canonical level structure Canonical arithmetic level structure
The Katz formal scheme
The (polarized) Igusa formal scheme of Caraiani-Scholze
Action of on Action of on
Action of on Action of the universal cover of on
Fourier series Sheaf over
Constant term Fiber at 0
Eisenstein series Ordinary -adic modular form

1.2.2. The Katz moduli problem and -adic modular forms

For a -adically complete ring, let be the category of -algebras in which is nilpotent. We consider the Katz moduli problem on classifying, over , triples

where is an elliptic curve up to prime-to- isogeny, is a trivialization of the formal group of ,

and is a trivialization of the adelic prime-to- Tate module.

By work of Katz Reference 8, the moduli problem is represented by a -adic formal scheme

where is a -adically complete flat (torsion-free) -algebra. For a -adically complete -algebra, we write

so that

There is a natural moduli action of on , where acts by composition with , and acts by composition with . For a continuous character of with values in , the eigenspace is a natural space of -adic modular forms of weight .

In particular, classical modular forms of integral weight and prime-to- level over (interpreted using sections of the standard integral model of the modular sheaf and curve) are embedded -equivariantly (up to a twist) in this space for the character . Concretely, a classical modular form of prime-to- level and weight gives rise to an element of by evaluating on the triple

Here is the universal triple parameterized by the identity map on and is an invariant differential form on . In other words, the modular sheaf on is trivialized by the canonical section

which allows us to evaluate classical modular forms after pullback to .

1.2.3. de Rham cohomology

We write

for the universal elliptic curve up-to-prime-to--isogeny. We have the relative de Rham cohomology

equipped with Hodge filtration

and Gauss-Manin connection .

Note that the moduli problem classified by is equivalent to the moduli problem classifying triples where and are as before, and is a trivialization of the prime-to- Tate module

all considered up to isomorphism of . Using this equivalence, we obtain a well-defined Weil pairing on , and combining this with the trivialization , we obtain the structure of an extension

This is analogous to the archimedean extension Equation In particular, we obtain an extension of Dieudonn├й crystals

which we view as an extension of vector bundles with connection on . The sub-bundle is the unit root filtration, and it has a canonical basis element . If we identify with via the crystalline-de Rham comparison, then the Hodge filtration splits the extension of vector bundles and the image of in is flat. So, and give a basis for such that is lower nilpotent, and thus determined by a single differential form

By the theory of Kodaira-Spencer, the differential form is non-vanishing, and thus admits a dual vector field such that .

1.2.4. The -action.

Our main result, Theorem A below, shows that the vector field can be integrated to an action of on , and explains how this action interacts with the action of To state it, we will need the unramified determinant character defined by

Theorem A.

There is an action of on whose derivative is the vector field defined above. Moreover, this action combines with the action of to give an action of

where the semidirect product is formed with the respect to the conjugation action

Remark 1.2.5.

The -action of Theorem A is uniquely determined by the condition that it integrates . We note that acts as the derivation on cuspidal -expansions; however, in our proof we construct the action and prove it integrates without using cuspidal (or Serre-Tate) -expansions, which is an important point for future generalizations.

The key observation in the construction of this -action and subsequent computations is that we may work on a very ramified cover, a component of the (big) Igusa formal scheme of Caraiani-Scholze Reference 1, Section 4, where the extension structure Equation extends to a trivialization of the -divisible group

At the price of the ramification, life is simplified on this cover: for example, computations with the crystalline connection are reduced to computing the crystalline realization of maps . Most importantly, the obvious action of automorphisms of on this cover extends to an action of a much larger group of quasi-isogenies.

This quasi-isogeny group contains a very large unipotent subgroup, the quasi-isogenies from to , or, the universal cover in the language of Scholze-Weinstein Reference 16. The action of this large group of quasi-isogenies is the ultimate source of the -action on . Indeed: is the quotient by the subgroup of isomorphisms, i.e. the Tate module , and thus picks up a residual action of

Remark 1.2.6.

The action of a larger group of quasi-isogenies on this cover is a natural characteristic analog of the prime-to-characteristic phenomenon where, when full level is added at , there is an isogeny moduli interpretation that gives an action of extending the action of in the isomorphism moduli interpretation. Rigidifying in characteristic using isomorphisms to an ordinary -divisible group provides both more and less structure than when : on the one hand, the isogeny group is solvable, and thus appears more like the subgroup of upper triangular matrices, but on the other hand the unipotent subgroup has a much richer structure than any groups that appear when . If we instead rigidified using a height two formal group, we would obtain a super-singular Igusa variety, which has more in common with the case (the isogeny action is by the invertible elements of the non-split quaternion algebra over ); in Reference 7 we use this structure to compare -adic modular forms and continuous -adic automorphic forms on the quaternion algebra ramified at and .

Remark 1.2.7.

In this remark we explain a connection to perfectoid modular curves. The generic fiber of the big Igusa formal scheme is a twist of a component of the perfectoid ordinary locus over . This component admits a natural action of the group of upper triangular matrices

which is identified over with an action of on the generic fiber of the big Igusa formal scheme.

Using this, the action of the -power roots of unity , an infinite discrete set inside of the open ball , on functions on the generic fiber of can be identified with the action of the natural Hecke operators on the invariants under

in functions on this component of the perfectoid ordinary locus. Thus, the -action extends the obvious action of to an action of a much larger group. We will not use this connection to perfectoid modular curves in the present work, however, it will play an important role in Reference 6.

1.2.8. Local expansions

An important aspect of our proof of Theorem A is that we make no appeal to local expansions at cusps or ordinary points, so that our approach is well-suited for generalization to other PEL Igusa varieties. After proving Theorem A, however, we also give a direct computation of the action on local expansions: we find that at ordinary points the action is given by multiplication of a Serre-Tate coordinate, and at the cusps it is given by multiplication of the inverse of the standard cuspidal coordinate .

1.2.9. DworkтАЩs equation

While developing some of the machinery used to compute the local expansions of the -action, and using the same philosophy of base change to a very ramified cover, we also give a new proof of DworkтАЩs equation on the formal deformation space of over which is valid for a larger family of Kummer -divisible groups (which include not only the deformations of over Artinian -algebras, but also, e.g., the -divisible group of the Tate curve, and other interesting groups when the base is not Artinian). These results can be found in Section 3.

1.2.10. Other constructions

This action can be constructed in at least three other ways, two of which have been discussed previously in the literature:


After preparing an earlier version of this article, we learned that Gouvea Reference 5, III.6.2 had already some time ago constructed a twisting measure equivalent to our -action (interpreted as an algebra action via -adic Fourier theory as described in 1.2.11 below). In 7.2 we recall GouveaтАЩs construction and explain how it can be rephrased as an alternate construction of the -action via the exotic isomorphisms of Katz Reference 9, 5.6. GouveaтАЩs construction has the advantage of using only classical ideas, but is conceptually more opaque. In particular, we note that the interaction of the -action with the prime-to- group action (equivalently, Hecke operators away from ) is considerably clarified by our construction.


While the current version of this article was under review, we learned that our -action is also a special case of a result of Liu-Zhang-Zhang Reference 13, Proposition 2.3.5, who gave a construction of a Lubin-Tate action on more general Shimura curves by using the Baer sum of extensions. There are some issues with the proof as written in loc. cit. because of a mistake in the statement of Serre-Tate theory Reference 13, Theorem B.1.1 over rings where is nilpotent (where one must allow for unipotent quasi-isogenies as well as isomorphisms, consider e.g. the base ). The connection between these two constructions will be elaborated further in future work of the author constructing actions on -ordinary Igusa varieties.


The simplest and most opaque approach is to build the -action algebraically starting with the differential operator and the -expansion principle; we explain this in Remark 1.2.12 below.

1.2.11. The algebra action

Via -adic Fourier theory, the action of described in Theorem A is equivalent to an action of on . This action admits a particularly simple description on cuspidal -expansions: acts as multiplication by on the coefficient of (cf. Theorem 7.1.1). As remarked above, the existence of this algebra action was first established by Gouvea Reference 5, Corollary III.6.8, who interpreted it as a twisting measure.

From this perspective, the action of the monomial function is by the derivation (recall ), and thus we may view our -action as interpolating the differential operators into an algebra action. In Section 8 we adopt this perspective to reinterpret some results of Katz Reference 9 on two-variable Eisenstein measures.

Remark 1.2.12.

In fact, we can construct the -action by applying the -expansion principle Reference 9, 5.2 to complete the action of polynomials in on to an action of . Note that polynomials are not dense , so the -expansion principle needed here says not just that the -expansion map is injective, but also that the cokernel is flat over .

In order to use this method, one must first show that the operator on -expansions preserves the space of -adic modular forms (instead of deducing this by differentiating the -action). One way this can be done is by showing it is the effect on -expansions of the differential operator dual to the image of under the Kodaira-Spencer isomorphism, which can be verified by a computation over , as explained by Katz Reference 9, 5.8.

1.2.13. Ordinary -adic modular forms

The action of interacts naturally with the -action on , and thus we may view as a -equivariant quasi-coherent sheaf on the profinite set (viewed as a formal scheme whose ring of functions is ). As is the space of characters of , this viewpoint is analogous to thinking of functions on in the global, archimedean setting as Fourier series.

A straightforward computation with -expansions implies that restriction induces an isomorphism between the fiber at of the subsheaf of -adic modular functions with -expansion holomorphic at all cusps and the space of ordinary -adic modular forms ├а la Hida. Note that the fiber at zero is the maximal trivial quotient for the -action, and ordinary modular forms are those such that the corresponding -adic Banach representation of admits a map to a unitary principal series. Thus, our statement is a local, -adic analog of the global, archimedean statement that the global automorphic representation attached to a classical modular form is globally induced if and only if its Fourier expansion has a non-zero constant term.

We do not discuss this phenomenon further in the present work, but this characterization of ordinary -adic modular forms will play an important role in our study of functions on as a natural space of -adic automorphic forms in Reference 6. Moreover, this perspective also leads to representation-theoretic proofs of HidaтАЩs finiteness and classicality results for ordinary -adic modular forms, as will be explained in Reference 6.

1.3. A remark on notation

Over a ring in which is topologically nilpotent, the formal group is equivalent to the -divisible group . In the introduction so far we have only used the notation , because we wanted to emphasize in our discussion of the action that this is not a torsion group (e.g., the -points are ). In the remainder of the article, however, it will be convenient to prefer the notation when we are speaking about -divisible groups appearing, e.g., in a moduli problem, and to generally reserve the notation for when we are discussing the action on . This is especially convenient to avoid the oversized notation

when discussing universal covers!

1.4. Outline

In Section 2 we collect some results on -divisible groups that will be needed in the rest of the paper. In Section 3 we study extensions of by ; in particular, we introduce Kummer -divisible groups (following a construction of Katz-Mazur Reference 12, 8.7) and prove our generalization of DworkтАЩs formula .

In Section 4 we recall the Katz and Caraiani-Scholze moduli problems over the ordinary locus, and explain the relation between them.

In Section 5 we construct the action of and prove Theorem A. In Section 6 we compute the action on local expansions, and show that there is no global Serre-Tate coordinate on (dispelling some myths in the literature).

In Section 7 we explain how to obtain the algebra action of using -adic Fourier theory, and compare our construction to GouveaтАЩs original construction of this algebra action. Finally, in Section 8 we explain an application to Eisenstein measures and -adic -functions.

2. Preliminaries on -divisible groups

In this section we collect some results on -divisible groups that will be useful in our construction. Our principal references are Reference 15 and Reference 16; we also provide some complements.

For the proof Theorem A, the most important result in this section is Lemma 2.5.1. It computes, for a nilpotent divided powers ideal in a ring where is nilpotent, the action of

on the Messing crystals evaluated on .

2.1. -divisible groups

Let be a ring. A -divisible group of height over is, following Tate Reference 18, 2.1, an inductive system

of finite and locally free group schemes of order over equipped with closed immersions identifying with the kernel of multiplication by on

Example 2.1.1.

We write for the inductive system , where is the kernel of multiplication by on , and the inclusion maps are the obvious ones; it is a -divisible group of height . When is topologically nilpotent on we also write , notation that will be explained below.


We write for the inductive system with the obvious inclusions; it is a -divisible group of height .

Given a -divisible group, each of the defines a presheaf in abelian groups on , and we will also denote by the presheaf so that

for an -algebra. With this notation, we have a canonical identification .

Remark 2.1.2.

Note that the maps are injective as maps of presheaves, so that in any faithful topology where the objects of are all quasi-compact (e.g. fppf), Equation is also the colimit as sheaves by Reference 17, Lemma 7.17.5. In particular, one could instead define a -divisible group as, e.g., an fppf sheaf satisfying certain properties, as is often done in the literature. We prefer the given definition because we will have occasion later on to consider finer topologies.

Remark 2.1.3.

We will usually consider -divisible groups over a ring where is nilpotent, or over an affine formal scheme where is topologically nilpotent in . In the latter case, there are two natural ways one might try to define for a topological -algebra: one could first algebraize to obtain a -divisible group over , then apply the definition above, or one could take the limit of where runs over the ideals defining the topology on . The latter is the correct definition for our purpose. For example, if with the -adic topology and , then, the second, correct, definition gives where is the maximal ideal in while the first, incorrect, definition gives only the -power roots of unity.

2.2. Formal neighborhoods and Lie algebras

For a presheaf in abelian groups on , we define the formal neighborhood of the identity by

and the Lie algebra by

Note that, by definition . We have the following important structural result.

Theorem 2.2.1 (Reference 15, Theorems 3.3.13 and 3.3.18).

If is a -divisible group over a ring where is nilpotent, then is a formal Lie group and is formally smooth.

For a -divisible group , we will sometimes write (the connected component of the identity in ) instead of to lighten notation.

2.3. Universal covers

For any presheaf in abelian groups , we define

and its subfunctor

For we will write an element of as a sequence such that for all ; the elements of are those such that . In particular, we have an exact sequence of presheaves

where the map is .

When is a -divisible group, we call the universal cover, following Reference 16. In this case, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3.1.

If is a -divisible group,

is an exact sequence of sheaves in the fpqc topology.


We must verify that is surjective as a map of fpqc sheaves. Note that if , then is represented by , and the inclusion is an fpqc cover. Given an -point , which factors through for some , we find is an fpqc cover of such that is in the image of .

Remark 2.3.2.

Exactness at the right in Equation typically fails in the fppf topology. For example, if and is finitely generated of characteristic , then . Any fppf cover of such an is by finitely generated rings of characteristic , thus is the trivial sheaf on the small fppf site of . On the other hand, if contains any nilpotents (e.g. ), then , and thus the map is not surjective in the fppf topology.

2.3.3. Crystalline nature of the universal cover

Suppose is a -divisible group over a ring in which is nilpotent, is a nilpotent thickening, and is a lift of to . Then, the reduction map

is an isomorphism: the inverse sends to where is defined to be for sufficiently large and any lift of . These lifts exist by the formal smoothness of Theorem 2.2.1, and the th multiple is independent of this choice for sufficiently large by a lemma of Drinfeld Reference 11, Lemma 1.1.2.

2.4. The universal vector extension

For in which is nilpotent, and a -divisible group, we denote by the universal vector extension of ,

There is a natural map sending to for sufficiently large and any lift of to ; this is well-defined since is annihilated by the same power of that annihilates .

Remark 2.4.1.

From the construction of the universal vector extension in Reference 15, we find that is the push-out of the extension Equation by the natural map sending to where we think of as a map from to . Note that the map factors through for sufficiently large (such that annihilates and thus ), so that can be constructed as an fppf pushout (avoiding issues with fpqc sheafification in showing the pushout exists). These considerations lead to the following question: is there a natural topology suitable for constructions such as in the previous remark involving and , but avoiding the set-theoretic issues of the fpqc topology?

2.4.2. Crystalline nature

If is a nilpotent divided powers thickening, and are -divisible groups over , and are lifts of and , respectively, to , and is a morphism, then we obtain a morphism by the universality of (using that is a vector extension of ). Messing Reference 15, Theorem IV.2.2 shows that there is a functorial lift

By Reference 16, Lemma 3.2.2, the following diagram commutes:

Passing to Lie algebras, we obtain a (nilpotent) crystal in locally free -modules whose value on a nilpotent divided powers thickening is where is any lift of to . This vector bundle is equipped with an integrable connection , and the assignment is a contravariant functor: given we obtain a map from the construction . A specific choice of a lift gives rise to a Hodge filtration

In the remainder of this article we will usually be working with a fixed lift , thus we avoid the notation and prefer to write instead.

2.5. An important example

We now explain how to compute the maps in diagram Equation when and .

For , . Then, , where we have identified with and with using the basis , and is included anti-diagonally, i.e. by . Here is the map .

For , , and is the map

A map from to over is an element . Because and the latter is a -vector space, it induces a map from to . If we write for the element of lifting (i.e. the image of ), then the map

is induced by the map

Here we have written for the composition of the arrows at the top of the diagram Equation and the subscript to denote its zeroth component. The exponential and logarithm make sense because is congruent to mod the kernel of , which is a nilpotent divided powers ideal. Because for , we find that the map is zero on the anti-diagonally embedded . In particular, we deduce the following lemma, which we will use in our verification of Theorem A.

Lemma 2.5.1.

Suppose is an element of such that for a nilpotent divided powers ideal . Then, the induced map

is multiplication by .

2.6. Comparing the Gauss-Manin and crystalline connections

Let be a scheme where is locally nilpotent, let be an abelian scheme, and write for the dual abelian scheme. We have the relative de Rham cohomology

with Hodge filtration

We also have the universal extension of ,

and the induced Hodge filtration on ,

(note we have identified with and with via the natural maps).

Now, is equipped with the Gauss-Manin connection , and is equipped with a connection via the crystalline nature of the universal vector extension. The work of Mazur-Messing Reference 14 shows the following.

Theorem 2.6.1.

There is a functorial isomorphism of filtered vector bundles with connection

inducing the identity on the associated graded bundles for the Hodge filtrations.


The identity between with its Hodge filtration as constructed above and follows from the discussion of Reference 14, I.2.6. The stated isomorphism then follows from the results of Reference 14, II.1; in particular, the functoriality follows from Reference 14, II.1.6.


2.6.2. Connections and vector fields

In preparation for our application of Theorem 2.6.1, we now recall the relation between some different perspectives on connections. We write , the dual numbers.

Given a vector bundle with connection over , and a vector field , viewed as a map

we obtain an isomorphism of vector bundles on

where is the zero vector field. It will be useful to make this isomorphism explicit when and is the -module of sections of over . Then the map is given by

and the zero section is given by

The isomorphism is then given in coordinates by

where by abuse of notation we have also written for the derivation associated to by .

2.7. Serre-Tate lifting theory

For a ring in which is nilpotent, and for a nilpotent ideal, let

be the category of triples

where is an elliptic curve, is a -divisible group, and is an isomorphism.

We denote by the category of elliptic curves over . There is a natural functor from to

where is the canonical isomorphism

The following result is due to Serre-Tate; cf. Reference 11, Theorem 1.2.1.

Theorem 2.7.1.

The functor Equation is an equivalence of categories.

3. Extensions of by

In this section we study extensions of by . In particular, we recall a construction from Reference 12, 8.7 of extensions which we call Kummer -divisible groups, and prove our generalization of DworkтАЩs equation (Theorem 3.3.1 below).

3.1. The canonical trivialization

Suppose given an extension of -divisible groups

over a scheme where is locally nilpotent. The inclusion induces an isomorphism , and we denote by the image of in . The map induces an injection

The image is the unit root filtration, which splits the Hodge filtration; we write for the image of in .

We thus obtain a trivialization

where the first term spans the Hodge filtration and the second the unit root filtration. The elements and are flat for the connections on and , respectively, and thus we find that in the basis Equation, is lower nilpotent, i.e.

In particular, the extension determines a differential form

The notation is a slight abuse, as in general there is no function in whose differential is equal to ; nevertheless, as we will see below, it is natural to think of this as the differential of DworkтАЩs divided powers coordinate .

3.2. Kummer -divisible groups

For a ring and , we will construct an extension of -divisible groups over ,

We call the extensions arising from this construction Kummer -divisible groups (for reasons explained below in Remark 3.2.5). This construction is due to Katz-Mazur Reference 12, 8.7 (who work in the univeral case over ), but because it will be useful later we give the details and some complements below.

We first consider the fppf sheaf in groups

consisting of pairs such that for sufficiently large, .

Projection to the second component gives a natural map . The kernel is identified with , and the projection admits a canonical section over by . We consider the quotient by the image of this section

Lemma 3.2.1.

is a -divisible group, and the maps

induce the structure of an extension


If we let be the subsheaf of of elements with , then the group law induces an isomorphism

Thus, as a sheaf of sets is isomorphic to , and for an -algebra with connected,

and any element of has a unique representative of the form with . Such an element is -torsion if and only if and . In particular, we find that . Moreover, multiplication by is an epimorphism because taking a th root of gives an fppf cover. Thus, to see that is a -divisible group, it remains only to see that is a finite flat group scheme. In fact, for any , our description of elements shows that is represented by

with multiplication given by тАЬcarryingтАЭ, i.e. for a root of and a root of , in the group structure

This is a finite flat group scheme.

Finally, the extension structure is clear from definition.

Remark 3.2.2.

Let be the elements such that and , so that We have a natural pairing

given by , which induces a perfect pairing

It realizes an isomorphism of extensions

Note that at the level of groups ; the extension structures and differ by composition with an inverse on either or .

Example 3.2.3.

The following three examples will be useful later on:


For the Tate curve over , (Reference 12, 8.8).


For an Artin local ring with perfect residue field of characteristic , any lift of the trivial extension over to is uniquely isomorphic to for a unique , and is the Serre-Tate coordinate of the lift (cf. Remark 3.2.6 below).


The formation of commutes with base change. In particular, there is a universal Kummer -divisible group,

so that for any , is given via pullback of through the map given by .

Remark 3.2.4.

Over a general , not every extension of by is a Kummer -divisible group, and for those which are, there may not be a canonical choice of as in the Artin local case. In particular, the extension given by the -divisible group of the universal trivialized elliptic curve over is not a Kummer -divisible group, as we explain in 6.4 below.

Remark 3.2.5.

For any , consider the Kummer sequence

We may take the pull-back by

to obtain an extension

Equivalently, this extension is the image of under the coboundary map

There is a natural map

Indeed, an element of is a pair such that , and this is mapped to the pair

which lies in . This is an isomorphism of onto its image, which consists of all such that and тАФ this is what we denoted by in Remark 3.2.2. In particular, the map induces an isomorphism

It is for this reason that we refer to as a Kummer -divisible group.

Note that there are also natural maps between the Kummer sequences as varies inducing the obvious inclusions as subfunctors of , and we find

To construct we can also take the colimit already at the level of the Kummer sequences. If we do so, we obtain the (exact) exponential sequence

There is a map

sending to which extends uniquely to a map

Then, essentially by definition, is the extension

The map factors through and we find

Remark 3.2.6.

In this remark we explain a third construction of and the connection to Serre-Tate coordinates. Consider the extension

We obtain an extension of by , , as the push-out of Equation by

We claim there is a natural isomorphism respecting the extension structure. To see this, note that the push-out is constructed as the quotient of by the subgroup generated by . Then, the -torsion is just the image of in , as desired.

We note that if , then taking the push-out and passing to torsion is equivalent to just taking the pushout under Equation viewed as a map to . Thus, when restricted to for Artin local with perfect residue field, our construction gives the extension of by with Serre-Tate coordinate (cf. Reference 15, Appendix 2.4-2.5).

We will need the following result on maps between Kummer -divisible groups.

Lemma 3.2.7.

Isomorphisms are identified with the fiber above for the map

sending to .


Let . Suppose given a compatible system of roots of . We obtain an isomorphism between and respecting the extension structure by sending an element to , and these are compatible for varying .

Conversely, given an isomorphism compatible with the extension structures, if we restrict to , then for any , for such that , and is the th root of that is independent of because two choices of differ by an element of ; it thus comes from an element of , and the isomorphism at level is as above; the roots of chosen by varying the level then must also be compatible, giving an element of mapping to .


3.3. DworkтАЩs equation

The universal deformation of over , , is canonically an extension

Because is pro-Artin local, , for a unique , and is the Serre-Tate coordinate (cf. Example 3.2.3-(2) and Remark 3.2.6). The point with parameterizes the unique split lift to , the canonical lifting, and we can extend the canonical basis of at this point to a flat basis over the divided powers envelope of (the extension of is just itself, but is not flat so the flat extension of is not equal to ). The position of the Hodge filtration with respect to this basis then defines a divided powers function , and a conjecture of Dwork proven by Katz Reference 11 statesтБаFootnote2


Recall from Remark 3.2.6 that the Serre-Tate coordinate of is !


As observed by Katz Reference 8, this is equivalent to computing, in the language of 3.1,

We now give a simple proof of this result by using a very ramified base-change to split . The result is valid for any Kummer -divisible group.

Theorem 3.3.1.

For a scheme on which is locally nilpotent and

we have


By reduction to the universal case, it suffices to prove this for over

In this case, is free with basis , thus it suffices to show that

The vector field , thought of as a map

is given by the map of rings

and we can compute the isomorphism

induced by as follows:

First, we observe that and , where is thought of as an element of , and under these identifications the isomorphism

is identified with the canonical isomorphism

given by .

Thus, using the description of 2.6.2, it suffices to show that the induced map

is given in the canonical bases by

It suffices to verify this after flat base change, so we may adjoin roots and to obtain a ring .

Over , the maps and split and . In these trivializations, the canonical isomorphism Equation is identified with the map

given by

The transpose map

is identified with

and using Theorem 6.2.1 we concluded that over in the canonical bases the map Equation is given by Equation, as desired.


4. Moduli problems for ordinary elliptic curves

In this section, we discuss various moduli problems for ordinary elliptic curves over a base where is locally nilpotent.

4.1. Level structures

4.1.1. Prime-to- level structure

For a topological space, we write for the functor on sending to , where denotes the topological space underlying .

Given an elliptic curve over a scheme , we define the prime-to- Tate module

as a functor on , where the transition map from to for is multiplication by . The transition maps are affine, so the prime-to- Tate module is representable. We define the adelic prime-to- Tate module as the sheaf on

The prime-to- Tate module is functorial for quasi--isogenies, and the prime-to- adelic Tate module is functorial for quasi-isogenies.

An integral prime-to- infinite level structure on is a trivialization

An rational prime-to- infinite level structure on is a trivialization

The degree of a rational prime-to- infinite level structure is the index

4.1.2. Structures at

If is a ring in which is nilpotent, and is an elliptic curve, we will consider the following presheaves on :


The -divisible group


The formal group (as defined already in 2.2).


The universal cover of ,

(as defined already in 2.3).

The formal group and -divisible group of are functorial with respect to quasi-prime-to--isogenies of , and the universal cover of is functorial with respect to quasi-isogenies of .

4.1.3. Katz level structure at

A Katz level structure on is a trivialization

4.1.4. Infinite level structure at

An integral ordinary infinite level structure on is a trivialization

A rational ordinary infinite level structure on is a trivialization

The degree of a rational ordinary infinite level structure is the degree of the corresponding quasi-isogeny .

4.2. Polarization and the Weil pairing

Our moduli problems will need to take into account a polarization, so we first recall some notation. For a ring in which is nilpotent and an elliptic curve, the -Weil pairing is a perfect anti-symmetric pairing

It induces an anti-symmetric -bilinear pairing

given by


for and large enough that so that the right-hand side is defined.

Lemma 4.2.1.

If is an isogeny or quasi-prime-to- isogeny, then

If is a quasi-isogeny,


The first equation for isogenies is a well-known property of the Weil pairing, and the second equation for isogenies is then immediate from the definition of . Once the isogeny statements are established, the quasi-isogeny statements follow as raising to a prime-to- integer power is invertible on and raising to any integer power is invertible on .


In particular, we note that the Weil pairings are functorial in degree one quasi-prime-to--isogenies of , and the universal cover Weil pairing is functorial in degree one quasi-isogenies of .

Below we will also consider the standard pairing

4.3. The Igusa moduli problem of Caraiani-Scholze

The Igusa moduli problem of Caraiani-Scholze Reference 1 classifies, for the set of triples

where is an elliptic curve up to isogeny, is a rational ordinary infinite level structure on , and is a rational infiniteтБаFootnote3 prime-to- level structure.


Caraiani-Scholze work with finite prime-to- level structure but passing to the infinite level away from poses no serious difficulties.


4.3.1. Representability

By work of Caraiani-Scholze Reference 1, this moduli problem is represented by an affine -adic formal scheme over ,

The ring is flat over ; indeed, it is the Witt vectors of a perfect ring over . For the finite level variant this follows from Reference 1, p.718 (who work over instead of , but this is not necessary here). Their argument applies equally well to the infinite level at by taking the Witt lift of the perfect ring representing the corresponding mod moduli problem, which is just the colimit of the perfect rings representing the finite level moduli problems (equivalently, one takes the colimit of the Witt lifts of these and then -adically completes).

Remark 4.3.2.

We will explain the construction of in more detail from a classical perspective below.

4.3.3. A polarized variant

For our purposes, we will also need the polarized variant of this moduli problem. To state it, we first observe that for any triple as above, we can choose a representative for the isogeny class of such that and are both degree one, and that such a representative is determined up to degree one quasi-isogeny. Because the Weil pairing of an elliptic curve is preserved under degree one quasi-isogeny, we obtain a well-defined Weil pairing on The polarized moduli problem then parameterizes triples as above where we additionally require that

where is the pairing defined in Equation The polarized moduli problem is represented by a closed formal subscheme .

4.3.4. A -integral version

The corresponding -integral moduli problem where is an elliptic curve up to quasi-prime-to--isogeny and is an integral ordinary infinite level structure is equivalent to the rational moduli problem via the natural inclusion, and thus is also represented by (cf., e.g., Reference 1, Lemma 4.3.10). Similarly, there is an equivalent -integral formulation of the polarized moduli problem.

4.4. The Igusa moduli problem of Katz

The Igusa moduli problem of Katz classifies for the set of triples

where is an elliptic curve up to quasi-prime-to--isogeny,

is a Katz level structure, and is a rational infiniteтБаFootnote4 prime-to- level structure.


Katz works with specific finite prime-to- level structures, but passing to infinite level away from poses no serious difficulties.


4.4.1. Representability

By work of Katz Reference 8 this moduli problem is represented by an affine -adic formal scheme over

The ring is flat over . It is the -adic completion of the colimit of -adically complete rings representing the moduli problem parameterizing arithmetic structure at and finite level structure away from (over all and all finite levels).

4.4.2. A polarized lift

Given a triple as above, we may choose a representative for such that is of degree one, and such a triple is unique up to degree one quasi-prime-to--isogeny of . Thus we obtain for each a well-defined Weil pairing on , and this induces a pairing

Using this pairing, induces an isomorphism

uniquely determined by the condition that, for each ,

We can rephrase this by saying that also represents the moduli problem classifying quadruples

where and are as above,

are isomorphisms, and the pairing

induced by , , and is given by

Remark 4.4.3.

We note that to give the data and is equivalent to equipping with the structure of an extension

4.5. Group actions

4.5.1. Automorphism groups at

We consider the twisted Borel , the presheaf on defined by

Because there are no non-zero maps from to and , we can write this as the matrix group

We write for the diagonal subgroup, and for the unipotent subgroup. We write for the product of the diagonal entries.

We also consider the integral variants

4.5.2. Moduli action on and

We write . Composition with the level structures gives an action of on .

We would like to understand the subgroup preserving : first, it is a straightforward computation to check that the Weil pairing constructed above transforms via the character

On the other hand, the standard pairing on transforms via

Thus, writing (whose image is contained in ), we find that the group

is the stabilizer of .

4.5.3. -integal moduli action of the unipotent subgroup

It will be useful for computations with the crystalline connection for us to have a more explicit description of the action of on the -integral moduli problem represented by . We give such a description now; the key point is that any unipotent automorphism of the universal cover lifts a unipotent automorphism of the -divisible group modulo a nilpotent ideal.

Let , and . Write and let be any nilpotent ideal of containing . Then,

is an element of . Now, if is a triple corresponding to under the -integral moduli interpretation then

where is the Serre-Tate lift from to of determined by the isomorphism

is the natural isomorphism

and is the unique lift of from to .

4.5.4. Moduli action on

The first moduli interpretation of leads to an action of , where here . The second moduli interpretation leads to an action of

These two actions are identified through the isomorphism

given by the assignment

4.5.5. Moduli problems with finite prime-to- level

If is a compact open, then we may choose a lattice stabilized by , and such that

We may then consider the moduli problems where the prime-to- a orbit of trivializations , or, what is equivalent (and easier to define precisely), a -orbit of trivializations

These finite prime-to- level moduli problems are also representable, and the infinite prime-to- level moduli problems are the inverse limit over these. Because the corresponding covers are finite ├йtale, we find that the Katz (resp. Caraiani-Scholze, resp. polarized Caraiani-Scholze) moduli problem with finite prime-to- level is represented by the ring (resp. , resp. ).

Example 4.5.6.

If denotes the subgroup of congruent to

then we find represents the moduli problem classifying over the triples where is an elliptic curve over , , and is a point of (fiberwise) exact order . This is the moduli problem most commonly considered in the literature on -adic modular forms.

4.6. First presentation of as a quotient

Recall from above that has a -integral moduli interpretation as parameterizing triples

where is an elliptic curve up to quasi-prime-to--isogeny, is integral ordinary infinite level structure on , and is rational infinite prime-to- level structure. Then there is a natural projection map to given by

where is the isomorphism induced by after restriction:

It can be verified that this map is an fpqc torsor for the action of

on (cf. Lemma 5.1.1 below). Thus, is an fpqc quotient of for this group action, and we obtain a residual action of the quotient of the normalizer of this group in by the group itself. This induces the action of given by the first moduli interpretation of , but nothing further.

The surprising observation that allows us to construct our -action on is that, if we restrict this projection map to , then the normalizer grows, and we obtain a non-trivial residual action from the unipotent part . We describe this in the next section.

5. The -action

5.1. Second presentation of as a quotient

If we restrict the projection to , then in terms of the second moduli interpretation of , it is given by

where is as described above in 4.6 and is induced by

The content of this statement is simply that the pairings used to define and the polarized lifting of 4.4.2 are compatible. We then have the following.

Lemma 5.1.1.

The projection map is an fpqc torsor for the action of on .


We first show the map is surjective: given

consider the induced extension

We must find an fpqc extension of where this extension is split. This is given by the fiber of

over , where there is a canonical splitting (recall ). Indeed, this fiber is the inverse limit of the fibers of over , each of which is finite flat over (as a clopen subscheme of that surjects onto ). The inverse limit is pro-finite-flat, and thus, in particular, an fpqc cover.

To see that the map is a torsor, we first observe that from the definition of the action it is clear that preserves the projection. Moreover, any two pre-images correspond to two different splittings, and thus differ by an element of . Finally, the action of is faithful because the data away from already rigidifies the moduli problem.


5.2. Residual action on the quotient

We write for the normalizer of in . As a consequence of Lemma 5.1.1, which presents as a quotient of by , we find that acts on .

Writing out the matrix presentation, we see that is the subgroup of elements

such that and . This subgroup is isomorphic to

via the map


where here we have used that

In particular, we obtain an action of the subgroup , that is, the titular тАЬunipotent circle actionтАЭ on . Comparing with 4.5.4, we see that the action of the subgroup agrees with the standard moduli action on , and thus we immediately obtain the compatibility between the -action and the standard moduli action described in Theorem A.

Remark 5.2.1.

The subgroup acts as powers of the classical diamond operator at . Similarly, we obtain the Hecke operator and the canonical Frobenius lift from the Hecke action of and .

5.3. Differentiating the action

We have now constructed the -action and proved the desired compatibility with the standard moduli action on To complete the proof of Theorem A, we must prove a claim about the derivative of the -action. We recall the setup now:

We consider the action map

To differentiate it, we compose with the tangent vector at the identity in . The latter is given by a map which in coordinates is

Thus, the composition of the action map with gives a vector field on described as a map

On the other hand, we have the universal extension

(cf. Equation, and, as explained in 3.1, this extension gives rise to a differential To complete our proof of Theorem A, we show the following theorem.

Theorem 5.3.1.

Notation as above,


It suffices to work over for arbitrary . We abbreviate and so that . We write for the universal elliptic curve up to prime-to--isogeny over and , for the universal trivializations of and .

We recall the definition of (mod ): we have the canonical extension

and the induced trivialization , of the vector bundle with connection . Then is defined by the equation

As in 2.6.2, we write for the isomorphism

over induced by . In light of Equation, it suffices to show that

Now, we have that via the -action, where we view the tangent vectors and as -points of and as an -point of . Writing

for the quadruple classified by and

for the quadruple classified by , we have

In particular, is identified with the Messing isomorphism

induced by the isomorphism

given by and Equation

To compute this, we pass to the flat cover

Over and thus over , we have a canonical splitting of which gives an isomorphism

If we let

our description of the unipotent action in 4.5.3 then shows that over , is the Serre-Tate lift to corresponding to the isomorphism

Thus, the Messing isomorphism in the canonical basis is identified over with the map

induced by . If we write this in the canonical basis we get a map

and, by Lemma 2.5.1, it is given by

By construction, these bases are identified with the bases , and thus we obtain equation Equation, concluding the proof.


6. Local expansions

In this section we compute the -action on Serre-Tate ordinary and cuspidal -expansions (i.e. on the formal neighborhood of an -point of and on the punctured formal neighborhood of a cusp). In both cases, the action is given by a simple multiplication of the canonical coordinate (cf. Corollaries 6.5.1 and 6.3.1 below for precise statements).

In fact, both computations are special cases of a more general statement, Theorem 6.2.1 below, which computes the action on a point whenever the associated -divisible group is a Kummer -divisible group (as defined in 3.2).

The statement of Theorem 6.2.1 begs the question: is the -divisible group of the universal elliptic curve over (with its extension structure) a Kummer -divisible group? Indeed, one can find claims that the local Serre-Tate coordinates extend to a function on , which would imply this group was Kummer. However, these claims are flawed, and indeed the universal extension is not Kummer; we take a brief detour in 6.4 to dispel these myths.

6.1. Another moduli interpretation for

To state our general computation cleanly, we introduce a third moduli interpretation for that puts the emphasis on -divisible group and its extension structure (as in Remark 4.4.3).

Let be a -adically complete ring and let be topologically nilpotent for the -adic topology on . Combining the second moduli interpretation of (cf. 4.5.4) and Serre-Tate lifting theory (cf. 2.7), we obtain an identification

where is an elliptic curve up to quasi-prime-to--isogeny over , is an extension of -divisible groups over

is an isomorphism, and is an infinite prime-to- level structure on , all subject to a compatibility with the Weil pairing as in the second moduli interpretation of .

6.2. Computing the action on Kummer extensions

Recall from 3.2 that there is a Kummer construction which, given produces an extension of -divisible groups over

Using the explicit description of the -action in 4.5.3, we find the following theorem.

Theorem 6.2.1.

Suppose and are such that , and is represented by the quadruple (in the sense of 6.1) for some . Then

where is the composition of with the canonical identification

coming from .


If we write for the point represented by then it suffices to show that over the extension , there are lifts and of and to and a lift of in such that . The desired lifts are given by the splittings and of and , respectively, and . That then follows from commutativity of the following diagram mod :


6.3. Action on Serre-Tate coordinates

We now compute the local expansion in the formal neighborhood of an -point of . So, fix

It follows from the work of Serre-Tate (as described in Reference 11) that the formal neighborhood of this point is for a smooth complete 2-dimensional local ring over . The data attached to the induced

identifies with the universal deformation of , and the level structures with their unique deformations.

Moreover, the Serre-Tate coordinate of the induced extension

gives an isomorphism

Recall from Remark 3.2.6 that the extension is equal to the Kummer extension . Thus, invoking Theorem 6.2.1, we deduce the following corollary.

Corollary 6.3.1.

The -action on preserves , and the Serre-Tate coordinate

identifies the -action on with multiplication on .

Remark 6.3.2.

The choice of a basis is equivalent to the choice , and via the Weil pairing, gives a corresponding choice of ,

This is how the data is presented, e.g., in Reference 11.

6.4. The universal extension over is not Kummer

There are some instances in the literature where it is claimed that the local Serre-Tate coordinates extend to a functionтБаFootnote5 on all of (or a rigid analytic incarnation). These claims are based on a misapplication of a theorem of Serre-Tate (cf. Katz Reference 11) classifying extensions of by over Artin local rings to the more general setting of rings where is nilpotent, where the classification no longer holds.


As explained by Chai Reference 3, there is a natural map of ├йtale sheaves that interpolates the local Serre-Tate coordinates.


In fact, the claim itself is incorrect, as we now explain. Already in characteristic the existence of such a global coordinate boils down to the claim that for the universal curve over , the canonical extension

is a Kummer -divisible group (as defined in 3.2).

This is not the case: if it were, then would be of the form for some , and thus would only depend on for some sufficiently large тАФ indeed, is the colimit of the rings representing the moduli problem where the level structure at is an isomorphism of with . In particular, and thus the isomorphism class of would be preserved under the action of .

This gives a contradiction: fix a point in as in the previous section, and consider its orbit (which is isomorphic to the profinite set as a scheme over since the action is free on ). Without using , we find that the Serre-Tate coordinate does exist on a formal neighborhood of in as a map

sending a point in an Artin local -algebra to the Serre-Tate coordinate of the extension at that point. A short computation from the definition of this extension shows the map Equation is -equivariant, where the action of on the right is by the automorphism of . In particular, acts non-trivially on the right-hand side. On the other hand, since our assumption that the extension was Kummer implies (as argued above) that the element preserves the isomorphism class of , the action of must also preserve the map Equation, a contradiction.

Remark 6.4.1.

One can argue similarly using the Tate curve instead of a Serre-Tate ordinary expansion.

6.5. Action on the Tate curve and -expansions


and consider the Tate curve over . We have the canonical trivialization

and, if we fix a compatible system of prime-to- roots of unity , we obtain a basis for over and thus a trivialization of the prime-to- adelic Tate module.

The cusps of are the -points in the -orbit of

For and a cusp , we call the element the -expansion of at . We find

Corollary 6.5.1.

If is a cusp of and has -expansion at

then, for ,

has -expansion at

(where the powers make sense because ).


The -expansion in Equation is the image of under the the map

Thus, because the action of commutes with the action of (because the latter is in the kernel of ), we may assume our cusp is given by the triple

Then, it follows from Theorem 6.2.1 that

This is the base change of

through , and thus we conclude.

Remark 6.5.2.

Using Corollary 6.5.1 over , we find that if we differentiate the -action along in the sense of 5.3, the induced operator on -expansions is (we get a minus sign because to get the derivation in 5.3 we did not compose with an inverse as we have to obtain the natural left action on functions).

7. Fourier transform and the algebra action

We now explain how the -action induces an action of on via -adic Fourier theory. We then explain the relation between our approach and a classical construction of the algebra action (which is in fact equivalent to the -action) due to Gouvea Reference 5 in terms of the exotic isomorphisms of Katz Reference 9.

7.1. The action of

For any -adically complete ring , the action map for the -action is described by a continuous map

The left action of on is by , and we can express this via the action map: if we view as the map given by , and write for the inverse map , then is the image of

under the induced map

More generally, if we identify with the continuous -linear dual of via the Amice transform, we obtain an -linear map

If we let be the -valued character of given by , viewed as an element of , we find

That we have an action of to begin with is equivalent to this being an algebra action of on

More generally, we find (using the notation for cusps as in 6.5 above) the following.

Theorem 7.1.1.

If has -expansion at a cusp

then the -expansion of is


Because for a general ,

it suffices to verify this for . Then, because the base change is injective on the target ring for -expansions, it suffices to work over . Moreover it suffices to verify the identity for the action of locally constant functions on , which are dense in continuous functions. But for any locally constant function, some -multiple can be written as a linear combination of characters, and thus Corollary 6.5.1 gives the result for a multiple of each locally constant function. Since the total -expansion map (i.e. the product of the -expansion maps over all cusps) is injective and the target ring is torsion-free over , we find that the result holds for all locally constant functions.


7.2. The Frobenius and GouveaтАЩs construction

As noted in Remark 5.2.1, the diagonal quasi-isogeny acting on the moduli problem induces a map because it conjugates to . In particular this map factors as

where the first map is the isomorphism induced by and the second map is the projection.

In fact, this map is the canonical Frobenius lift (sending to with the induced level structures), and the isomorphism that factors it is one of KatzтАЩs exotic isomorphisms (cf. Reference 9, Lemma 5.6.3). The action of on is identified through the exotic isomorphism with the action of on . The latter space has a moduli interpretation relative to as parameterizing splittings of the canonical extension

and the action of is just by changing the splitting. In particular, one can compute the action on -expansions using this relative moduli interpretation to recover the action of all finite order characters, which, combined with the -expansion principle, is enough to produce the full algebra action of Theorem 7.1.1. This is essentially what is done by Gouvea Reference 5, III.6.2, who first constructed this action (which he thought of as a twisting measure, much in the spirit of our application in the next section).

Remark 7.2.1.

The moduli problem is the inverse limit of the moduli problems parameterizing splittings at level over , and thus is the inverse limit along the canonical Frobenius lift of . As observed by Caraiani-Scholze Reference 1, this implies that is isomorphic to the Witt vectors of the perfection of

8. Eisenstein measures

In a series of papers (Reference 8Reference 9Reference 10), Katz introduced increasingly general Eisenstein measures with values in interpolating Eisenstein series. These Eisenstein measures specialize at the cusps and ordinary CM points to -adic -functions interpolating -values attached to characters of the id├иle class group of or an imaginary quadratic extension.

The papers Reference 8Reference 10 are concerned with single variable -adic -functions, whereas Reference 9 gives two variable -functions by interpolating not just holomorphic Eisenstein series but also certain real analytic Eisenstein series.

In this section, we explain how тАЬhalfтАЭ of the two-variable measure can be produced by a type of convolution of the single-variable measure with the -action. To keep the exposition clear, we work at level away from .

Remark 8.0.1.

The real analytic Eisenstein series are related to the holomorphic Eisenstein series by iterated application of the differential operator тАФ thus, we can summarize the difference between our approach and that of Katz by saying that instead of applying and then interpolating, we have first interpolated and then applied this interpolated operator to the holomorphic Eisenstein measure.

8.1. Measures

For a -adically complete -algebra and a profinite set, an -valued measure on is an element

Note that such a is automatically continuous for the -adic topology on and . In fact, the stronger basic congruence property holds: if , then тАФ this observation is at the heart of the application of measures to -adic -functions.

Remark 8.1.1.

An -valued distribution is an -valued functional on the space of locally constant functions on , . The space is dense in , thus when is -adically complete a distribution automatically completes to a measure, and the two notions are equivalent. We use this below.

8.1.2. Measures on products

Proposition 8.1.3.

Let and be profinite sets, and a -adically complete -algebra. If is an -valued -bilinear pairing on , then there is a unique -valued measure on such that for and ,


By Remark 8.1.1, it suffices to construct a functional on satisfying Equation, and then verify that Equation holds for any continuous and and the unique extension of that distribution to a measure. So, suppose we have constructed a measure such that Equation holds for and locally constant. Then, for any continuous and and , pick and locally constant such that and . Then

and thus

and we conclude .

Thus it remains to construct the distribution and show that it is unique. The bilinear pairing induces a functional on , thus to conclude, it suffices to show that the product map

is an isomorphism: for any profinite set , is the colimit over finite coverings of by disjoint compact opens of , the space of functions constant on each of the . In particular, if is such a cover of and is such a cover of then

is such a cover of , and the covers of this form are cofinal for covers of by disjoint compact opens. Considering the basis of characteristic functions, we find that the product map induces an isomorphism

and passing to the colimit over covers and , we conclude.

Example 8.1.4.

If and are -valued measures on and , respectively, then

is a bilinear form and the resulting measure on is the product measure.

8.2. KatzтАЩs Eisenstein measures

In this section, we write for the ring representing the Katz moduli problem with no prime-to- level structure.

8.2.1. Single variable measures

In Reference 8, XII, Katz introduced the single variable Eisenstein measures

characterized by the moments

where for even is the Eisenstein series with -expansion

and for odd.

Remark 8.2.2.

For even and an even locally constant function on , satisfies the following additional interpolation property Reference 10, Corollary 3.3.8:тБаFootnote6


In this reference, for , except for a shift from to .


where has -expansion

The series for general locally constant is also described in loc. cit.

8.2.3. Two variable measures

In Reference 9, Katz introduced the two-variable Eisenstein-Ramanujan measures

characterized by the moments



Remark 8.2.4.

The symmetry between and becomes more complicated as soon as we consider locally constant functions as in Remark 8.2.2.

8.2.5. Halving the measure

Our technique will only recover тАЬhalfтАЭ of the measure, i.e. only the moments for . To make this precise, consider the map

with image the subset of with . The measure is chara cterized by the moments

8.3. Convolution of the one-variable measure and the action map

Theorem 8.3.1.

There is a -valued measure on with moments


From the one-variable Eisenstein measure and the action map

we obtain a bilinear form on

and thus, by Proposition 8.1.3, a measure such that


Comparing with Equation, we see that the measure interpolates the same Eisenstein series as , although with a different normalizing factor (recall that this normalizing factor removes the powers of in the denominator of the constant term of when ). We noteтБаFootnote7 that this is enough to essentially recover the two-variable -adic -function of Reference 9, Chapter VII, because the map induces an automorphism of and the construction of passes through the restriction from to . Concretely, if is a continuous character of , , then


We thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out!


where on the right we have implicitly extended the function on by zero to obtain a function on .

This type of construction may be useful for studying special values of families of automorphic forms and their images under differential operators on other Shimura varieties where explicit computations with -expansions are not always available.


We thank Ana Caraiani, Ellen Eischen, Matt Emerton, Yifeng Liu, Elena Mantovan, Peter Scholze, and Jesse Silliman for helpful conversations. We thank Jared Weinstein and an anonymous referee for helpful comments and suggestions.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction and analogy
    1. 1.1. An archimedean circle action
    2. Example 1.1.3.
    3. 1.2. Statement of results
    4. Theorem A.
    5. 1.3. A remark on notation
    6. 1.4. Outline
  3. 2. Preliminaries on -divisible groups
    1. 2.1. -divisible groups
    2. Example 2.1.1.
    3. 2.2. Formal neighborhoods and Lie algebras
    4. Theorem 2.2.1 (15, Theorems 3.3.13 and 3.3.18).
    5. 2.3. Universal covers
    6. Lemma 2.3.1.
    7. 2.4. The universal vector extension
    8. 2.5. An important example
    9. Lemma 2.5.1.
    10. 2.6. Comparing the Gauss-Manin and crystalline connections
    11. Theorem 2.6.1.
    12. 2.7. Serre-Tate lifting theory
    13. Theorem 2.7.1.
  4. 3. Extensions of by
    1. 3.1. The canonical trivialization
    2. 3.2. Kummer -divisible groups
    3. Lemma 3.2.1.
    4. Example 3.2.3.
    5. Lemma 3.2.7.
    6. 3.3. DworkтАЩs equation
    7. Theorem 3.3.1.
  5. 4. Moduli problems for ordinary elliptic curves
    1. 4.1. Level structures
    2. 4.2. Polarization and the Weil pairing
    3. Lemma 4.2.1.
    4. 4.3. The Igusa moduli problem of Caraiani-Scholze
    5. 4.4. The Igusa moduli problem of Katz
    6. 4.5. Group actions
    7. Example 4.5.6.
    8. 4.6. First presentation of as a quotient
  6. 5. The -action
    1. 5.1. Second presentation of as a quotient
    2. Lemma 5.1.1.
    3. 5.2. Residual action on the quotient
    4. 5.3. Differentiating the action
    5. Theorem 5.3.1.
  7. 6. Local expansions
    1. 6.1. Another moduli interpretation for
    2. 6.2. Computing the action on Kummer extensions
    3. Theorem 6.2.1.
    4. 6.3. Action on Serre-Tate coordinates
    5. Corollary 6.3.1.
    6. 6.4. The universal extension over is not Kummer
    7. 6.5. Action on the Tate curve and -expansions
    8. Corollary 6.5.1.
  8. 7. Fourier transform and the algebra action
    1. 7.1. The action of
    2. Theorem 7.1.1.
    3. 7.2. The Frobenius and GouveaтАЩs construction
  9. 8. Eisenstein measures
    1. 8.1. Measures
    2. Proposition 8.1.3.
    3. Example 8.1.4.
    4. 8.2. KatzтАЩs Eisenstein measures
    5. 8.3. Convolution of the one-variable measure and the action map
    6. Theorem 8.3.1.
  10. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (
Example 1.1.3.

Consider the usual fundamental domain

for the action of on . For , let

We compute the values of for which is semistable: the metric induced by the principal polarization is identified with times the metric induced by the identity

and the standard metric on . Semistability is preserved by scaling the metric, so we may eliminate the scaling and consider just the metric induced by the standard metric on . The length of a shortest circle in is equal to the length of a shortest vector in , which is . The area of the entire torus , on the other hand, is . Thus, the slope of the full torus is , while the smallest slope of a circle inside is . We conclude that for , is semistable when , and otherwise is unstable with shortest circle given by

Equation (
Equation (
Theorem A.

There is an action of on whose derivative is the vector field defined above. Moreover, this action combines with the action of to give an action of

where the semidirect product is formed with the respect to the conjugation action

Remark 1.2.12.

In fact, we can construct the -action by applying the -expansion principle Reference 9, 5.2 to complete the action of polynomials in on to an action of . Note that polynomials are not dense , so the -expansion principle needed here says not just that the -expansion map is injective, but also that the cokernel is flat over .

In order to use this method, one must first show that the operator on -expansions preserves the space of -adic modular forms (instead of deducing this by differentiating the -action). One way this can be done is by showing it is the effect on -expansions of the differential operator dual to the image of under the Kodaira-Spencer isomorphism, which can be verified by a computation over , as explained by Katz Reference 9, 5.8.

Equation (
Theorem 2.2.1 (Reference 15, Theorems 3.3.13 and 3.3.18).

If is a -divisible group over a ring where is nilpotent, then is a formal Lie group and is formally smooth.

Lemma 2.3.1.

If is a -divisible group,

is an exact sequence of sheaves in the fpqc topology.

Equation (
Lemma 2.5.1.

Suppose is an element of such that for a nilpotent divided powers ideal . Then, the induced map

is multiplication by .

Theorem 2.6.1.

There is a functorial isomorphism of filtered vector bundles with connection

inducing the identity on the associated graded bundles for the Hodge filtrations.

Equations (, (
Equation (
Equation (
Remark 3.2.2.

Let be the elements such that and , so that We have a natural pairing

given by , which induces a perfect pairing

It realizes an isomorphism of extensions

Note that at the level of groups ; the extension structures and differ by composition with an inverse on either or .

Example 3.2.3.

The following three examples will be useful later on:


For the Tate curve over , (Reference 12, 8.8).


For an Artin local ring with perfect residue field of characteristic , any lift of the trivial extension over to is uniquely isomorphic to for a unique , and is the Serre-Tate coordinate of the lift (cf. Remark 3.2.6 below).


The formation of commutes with base change. In particular, there is a universal Kummer -divisible group,

so that for any , is given via pullback of through the map given by .

Remark 3.2.5.

For any , consider the Kummer sequence

We may take the pull-back by

to obtain an extension

Equivalently, this extension is the image of under the coboundary map

There is a natural map

Indeed, an element of is a pair such that , and this is mapped to the pair

which lies in . This is an isomorphism of onto its image, which consists of all such that and тАФ this is what we denoted by in Remark 3.2.2. In particular, the map induces an isomorphism

It is for this reason that we refer to as a Kummer -divisible group.

Note that there are also natural maps between the Kummer sequences as varies inducing the obvious inclusions as subfunctors of , and we find

To construct we can also take the colimit already at the level of the Kummer sequences. If we do so, we obtain the (exact) exponential sequence

There is a map

sending to which extends uniquely to a map

Then, essentially by definition, is the extension

The map factors through and we find

Remark 3.2.6.

In this remark we explain a third construction of and the connection to Serre-Tate coordinates. Consider the extension

We obtain an extension of by , , as the push-out of by

We claim there is a natural isomorphism respecting the extension structure. To see this, note that the push-out is constructed as the quotient of by the subgroup generated by . Then, the -torsion is just the image of in , as desired.

We note that if , then taking the push-out and passing to torsion is equivalent to just taking the pushout under viewed as a map to . Thus, when restricted to for Artin local with perfect residue field, our construction gives the extension of by with Serre-Tate coordinate (cf. Reference 15, Appendix 2.4-2.5).

Theorem 3.3.1.

For a scheme on which is locally nilpotent and

we have

Equation (
Equation (
Equation (
Equation (
Remark 4.4.3.

We note that to give the data and is equivalent to equipping with the structure of an extension

Lemma 5.1.1.

The projection map is an fpqc torsor for the action of on .

Remark 5.2.1.

The subgroup acts as powers of the classical diamond operator at . Similarly, we obtain the Hecke operator and the canonical Frobenius lift from the Hecke action of and .

Equation (
Equation (
Theorem 6.2.1.

Suppose and are such that , and is represented by the quadruple (in the sense of 6.1) for some . Then

where is the composition of with the canonical identification

coming from .

Corollary 6.3.1.

The -action on preserves , and the Serre-Tate coordinate

identifies the -action on with multiplication on .

Equation (
Corollary 6.5.1.

If is a cusp of and has -expansion at

then, for ,

has -expansion at

(where the powers make sense because ).

Theorem 7.1.1.

If has -expansion at a cusp

then the -expansion of is

Remark 8.1.1.

An -valued distribution is an -valued functional on the space of locally constant functions on , . The space is dense in , thus when is -adically complete a distribution automatically completes to a measure, and the two notions are equivalent. We use this below.

Proposition 8.1.3.

Let and be profinite sets, and a -adically complete -algebra. If is an -valued -bilinear pairing on , then there is a unique -valued measure on such that for and ,

Remark 8.2.2.

For even and an even locally constant function on , satisfies the following additional interpolation property Reference 10, Corollary 3.3.8:тБаFootnote6


In this reference, for , except for a shift from to .


where has -expansion

The series for general locally constant is also described in loc. cit.

Equation (


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 11F33 (Congruences for modular and -adic modular forms), 11F77 (Automorphic forms and their relations with perfectoid spaces)
  • -adic modular forms
  • -adic -functions
  • Igusa varieties
  • -divisible groups
  • -adic Hodge theory
Author Information
Sean Howe
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Additional Notes

The author was supported during the preparation of this work by the National Science Foundation under Award No. DMS-1704005.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/52
  • MathSciNet Review: 4170572
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4170572}{article}{ author={Howe, Sean}, title={A unipotent circle action on $p$-adic modular forms}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={6}, date={2020}, pages={186-226}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4170572}, doi={10.1090/btran/52}, }


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