The Grassmann algebra over arbitrary rings and minus sign in arbitrary characteristic

By Gal Dor, Alexei Kanel-Belov, and Uzi Vishne


An analog in characteristic for the Grassmann algebra was essential in a counterexample to the long standing Specht conjecture. We define a generalization of the Grassmann algebra, which is well-behaved over arbitrary commutative rings , even when  is not invertible. This lays the foundation for a supertheory over arbitrary base ring, allowing one to consider general deformations of superalgebras.

The construction is based on a generalized sign function. It enables us to provide a basis of the non-graded multilinear identities of the free superalgebra with supertrace, valid over any ring.

We also show that all identities of follow from the Grassmann identity, and explicitly give its co-modules, which turn out to be generalizations of the sign representation. In particular, we show that the th co-module is a free -module of rank .

1. The Specht problem, sign, and Grassmann algebra

Supertheory, based on the partition of objects into even and odd parts, is ubiquitous in mathematics. It features the Grassmann algebra, whose definition requires the sign, and thus avoids characteristic , hampering the development of a complete supertheory. Indeed, in order to allow arbitrary reductions and quotients, it is important to consider such objects over arbitrary base rings and fields, in arbitrary characteristic. Similarly, one would like to investigate noncommutativity under deformations of the base ring, similarly to Poisson brackets in quantum mechanics. Our starting point is a Grassmann algebra in characteristic , which was constructed in connection with the famous Specht problem. We present a characteristic-free construction leading to generalized notions of superalgebras and superidentities, valid over an arbitrary commutative ring, thus supporting the possibility of having a supertheory in arbitrary characteristic.

Let  be an arbitrary commutative unital ring, and let be the free (associative) algebra over a countable infinite alphabet . Recall that an ideal of is a T-ideal if it is closed under transformations.

The Specht problem asks whether T-ideals are always finitely based, namely generated as T-ideals by some finite set. The Specht problem has been answered negatively for the analogous cases of groups and Lie algebras, which made the following result by Kemer Reference Kem91, Theorem 2.4 quite surprising.

Theorem 1.1 (Specht Property for algebras over fields).

Let  be an (associative) algebra over a field of characteristic zero. Then the T-ideal of identities is finitely based.

This positive answer to the Specht problem in characteristic zero does not extend well to other characteristics, and has in fact been disproved for all non-zero characteristics. Additionally, there is no known method of actually finding the finite basis of the identities of a given algebra, and in fact, there are only a few natural cases where a complete basis of identities is known.

Kemer proved his theorem via a series of reductions, first to the case of the T-ideal of identities of an affine algebra, and then it was shown that any T-ideal of identities of an affine algebra is also the T-ideal of identities of a finite-dimensional algebra.

One concept of vital importance in the proof of Theorem 1.1 is the Grassmann algebra. The Grassmann algebra over a field where is the algebra generated by a countable set of generators , , … under the relations:

Remark 1.2.

PI-theory in characteristic zero has quite a lot of information on . For instance, it is known that when  is infinite, is generated by the Grassmann identity .

The structure of is related to the notion of a superalgebra: an algebra satisfying , , and . The subalgebra is its even part, and the -module is its odd part. Additionally, the decomposition is referred to as the (-)grading of . When we refer to a superalgebra , we are actually referring to a specific grading , because in general there are many possible such gradings. An element in or is called homogenous, and we let if and if .

Indeed,  is a superalgebra when we take to be the space spanned by all words of even length in the generators , , … and the space spanned by words of odd length.

In general, when is a superalgebra, the supercommutator of homogeneous elements is given by

If the supercommutator of and is zero for all , then we say that  is supercommutative. Then with respect to the grading defined above, becomes supercommutative.

One defines the free supercommutative algebra over as the superalgebra generated by countably many even generators , , , … and countably many odd generators , , , … whose only relations are for every . Note that as superalgebras, with the isomorphism given by and . In particular when  is an infinite field, .

One can build a theory of super linear algebra, with supertraces, superdeterminants (also known as Berezians) etc. (see Reference DM99Reference KT94). We merely note that the basic axiom of traces, , becomes in the case of the supertrace. So, for example,

Definition 1.3.

If is any algebra with trace , then the algebra inherits the grading of , and the function becomes a supertrace. We will refer to this as the supertrace associated with .

Remark 1.4.

The supertrace associated with is indeed a supertrace because of the easily verified fact that

for all and .

In other words, tensoring by turns algebras into superalgebras, commutators into supercommutators, and traces into supertraces. The role of  and superalgebras in general in PI-theory is best illustrated by the following deep theorem of Kemer, which reduces the study of arbitrary PI-algebras in characteristic  to the study of finite-dimensional PI-superalgebras.

Theorem 1.5 (Kemer’s Superrepresentability Theorem).

For any algebra over a field of characteristic , there is some finite-dimensional superalgebra  such that , where is the Grassmann hull of .

The main problem with is that it cannot be easily generalized to arbitrary characteristics. In particular, in characteristic  the relation Equation 1 implies that the algebra is commutative. For this reason, Reference Bel00 came up with the following algebra, which was the basis for Belov’s counterexample to the Specht problem in characteristic  (see Reference BR05, p. 204 for details):

Definition 1.6.

Define the extended Grassmann algebra over a field  of characteristic  as the algebra generated by elements , , … and , , …, such that the are central,

and the following relation is satisfied:

So, in fact, is an algebra over the local algebra .

This algebra was used to produce counterexamples in characteristic , such as constructing a T-ideal that is not finitely based (see for example Reference BR05, p. 210, Example 7.22), as well as to investigate the T-space structure of the relatively free algebra generated by the Grassmann identity Reference GTS11Reference GT09Reference Tsy09.

Remark 1.7.

The ideal of identities is generated by the same identity as the Grassmann algebra, namely (see Remark 1.2).

The main disadvantage of  is that it degenerates in any characteristic not equal to , and superficially looks very different from the ordinary Grassmann algebra . Therefore, our goal in this paper is to present and study an algebra , unifying both constructions in a way that is well-behaved over arbitrary commutative rings. We show that  possesses properties similar to the ordinary Grassmann algebra , and generalize various theorems regarding  over fields of characteristics not  to theorems on  which hold in general.

In particular, we prove that is generated as a T-ideal by the Grassmann identity, (Theorem 3.5). Moreover, when is invertible in , is strongly PI-equivalent to the free supercommutative algebra , in the sense that for every -algebra (Theorem 3.14).

Next, we present a generalization of the notion of signs of permutations, that is associated with  in much the same way that ordinary signs are associated with the ordinary Grassmann algebra . We refer to this generalization as the generalized sign representation. We show that over any commutative ring , the generalized sign representation is actually the full co-module of : The -module of generalized signs over a ring is the -th co-module of  (Theorem 3.28). Furthermore, the -th co-module of  is a free -module, of rank (Theorem 3.31). This generalizes the well known fact that the co-dimension sequence of  (in characteristic not ) is .

The ring is defined in Subsection 3.1. In Section 4 we define generalized superalgebras (henceforth called -superalgebras for brevity), as algebras over which are graded by the group . The free -superalgebra is defined in Example 4.5. Using this object we define the generalized Grassmann hull of an arbitrary -superalgebra , and determine its -superidentities in terms of the -superidentities of  (Theorem 4.14).

For the reader’s convenience, let us collect here the notation used for the four objects studied and compared in this paper:

superalgebra -superalgebra
free commutative

In Section 5 we define generalized supertraces (-supertraces), and show that when  is invertible, these notions coincide with the notions of ordinary supertheory:

Theorem (Theorem 5.8).

Suppose that is invertible in . Let  be some -algebra with trace . Let  be the associated -supertrace of , and associate a supertrace to . Then the supertrace identities of are the same as the -supertrace identities of , with replaced by .

The next question is what properties do supertraces (and more generally, -supertraces) satisfy. Thus we turn our attention to the question of ungraded identities satisfied by supertraces. In Theorem 5.12 we give a complete basis of identities for the multilinear part of the ideal of identities of the free -superalgebra with -supertrace (over any ring).

Another approach to superalgebras in characteristic , based on Reference Ven16, was recently presented in Reference Kau18.

2. Preliminaries

Throughout the paper, algebras are associative, but not necessarily unital. The base ring will always be commutative and unital. We will assume nothing about the characteristic of , except where explicitly stated.

Let be an algebra over , and let be the free (associative) algebra over a countable infinite alphabet . A polynomial is an identity of  if for all substitutions , …, , we have that . We let

denote the ideal of identities of . An algebra satisfying some non-zero identity with at least one invertible coefficient is called a PI-algebra.

Obviously, is an ideal of , which is invariant under substitutions. For any ring , a T-ideal is an ideal such that for every endomorphism of . We will implicitly assume throughout that all T-ideals are T-ideals of . With this terminology, is a T-ideal for every algebra .

Given that an algebra over an infinite field satisfies an identity , it is always possible to break down into its multi-homogenous components, by multiplying each variable by suitable scalars, and using a standard Vandermonde-type argument. Furthermore, in characteristic , one can multilinearize any identity to an equivalent multilinear identity. Thus, in characteristic  over a field, any T-ideal is generated by its multilinear part.

Because of this, one considers the spaces

of multilinear polynomials in the variables , …, . This space has the structure of an -module by defining:

With the above definition, as -modules, with an isomorphism given by .

The multilinear part of degree of a T-ideal is given by , which is an -submodule of . The quotient is called the -th co-module of , and (in case is a field) is the -th co-dimension.

Remark 2.1.

In addition to Remark 1.2, it is known that the co-dimension sequence of  is exactly . This result is obtained by first applying a combinatoric argument showing that the identity has enough consequences to reduce the co-dimension to be , and then using the representation theory of  to show that it is bounded from below by the same quantity.

3. The generalized Grassmann algebra

The standard Grassmann algebra is well behaved in characteristic not , while the generalized Grassmann algebra is defined in characteristic . Our first objective is to combine the two objects into an algebra defined over an arbitrary (commutative) ring, in a way which is amenable to reductions and inverse limits.

3.1. The generalized Grassmann algebra

Starting from the relations of Definition 1.6, we immediately obtain , which will be satisfied by requiring , or equivalently,

This observation motivates the following definition.

Definition 3.1.

We denote by the commutative ring , subject to the relations


Definition 3.2.

The generalized Grassmann algebra over is the unital algebra generated by elements , , … over the central subring defined above, subject to the relations

for every (in particular ).

The following version of Equation 3 will be frequently used:

Remark 3.3.

The elements are central in , as

Modulo we recover the extended Grassmann algebra. More precisely:

Remark 3.4.

The quotient is the extended Grassmann algebra over .

The terminology attached to is justified by the following theorem.

Theorem 3.5.

Let be the generalized Grassmann algebra defined over . Then is generated as a T-ideal by the Grassmann identity, .

We first show that holds in , and then that all other identities of  are consequences of it.

Lemma 3.6.

Let , , …, be the generators as in Definition 3.2. Then,


for all , and .


for all , , and .


By Equation 3, we have:


More generally:

Lemma 3.7.

We have for every element .


It suffices to check the claim for monomials. Let . Then, we have:

by Lemma 3.6.

Lemma 3.8.

The Grassmann identity is an identity of .


We wish to show that all commutators are central. Thus, it suffices to show that they commute with the ’s. So, we must show that where and are some words in the generators. If the lengths of both and are , then we are done by Lemma 3.6.1. Otherwise, assume without loss of generality that , and assume via induction that we already have that for all and for all words , such that is not longer than , and is not longer than . Then

We need to prove that this is zero. We will do so by induction. If , and if we assume that the expression is zero for all shorter words, then

since , commute with the commutators (by the outer induction hypothesis). We are thus left with proving that , which also serves as the basis of the (inner) induction. But this is exactly Lemma 3.7.

We are now left with proving the other direction of Theorem 3.5.

Remark 3.9 (Reference BR05, Lemmas 3.43 and 3.44).

The identities

are consequences of the Grassmann identity.

Lemma 3.10.

All identities of  are consequences of the Grassmann identity.


We would first like to reduce to the multi-homogenous case. So, note that , for all finite , is isomorphic to , where is a commutative polynomial algebra in variables over . Thus, if is an identity, then is also an identity. If we let be the component of  of degree in , we see that are the multihomogenous components of , and must be equal to zero separately. Thus, we can assume that is multi-homogenous.

So, let be a multi-homogenous identity of . We need to prove that it is a consequence of the Grassmann identity. Since commutators are central, can be rewritten as a sum of terms of the form

where . Using Equation 5, we may assume that .

Substitution of  for all of , …,  sends to the coefficient of the term , and since is an identity, this coefficient is zero. For every pair of variables , , substitute for the other variables and , for , ; the only nonzero term is the one in which exactly these two variables are in the commutator, which again proves that the coefficient of this term is zero. Repeating this argument for all subsets of four variables, then six, and so on, we see that is zero modulo the Grassmann identity.

3.2. The ring and the connection to the Grassmann algebra

Our next goal is to show that when  is invertible, has enough idempotents to break into a sum of supercommutative pieces. The basic observation is that the expressions (if defined) are idempotents.

Definition 3.11.

For any subset , let be the subalgebra generated by all generators and whose indices are in .

Definition 3.12.

Assume that is invertible in , and let be a finite subset. For any association of signs to the indices in , define

Proposition 3.13.

Assume that is invertible in . Let be a finite subset.


The elements , for , form a system of idempotents of  whose sum is .


For every , the algebra is a free supercommutative algebra, with even generators and for , and odd generators for .


The defining relations imply that the elements are idempotents, from which it follows that every is an idempotent. Furthermore

For 2, let be such that and . We have that

so and anticommute. The proof that are central is analogous. Freeness then easily follows.

Multiplying by a suitable idempotent, we may thus declare finitely many of the , , … even, and finitely many others, odd. With this new understanding, we can prove a much stronger correspondence between and :

Theorem 3.14.

Assume that is invertible in . For any -algebra we have that . In particular, .


We first show that any identity of  is an identity of . Indeed, define a homomorphism of -algebras, , by for odd generators , and for even generators (note that the on the left hand side of this equation are elements from , and on the right hand side from ). This homomorphism is clearly injective. Since , and the image of  are all free -modules, and the image of a base of  under can be completed to a base of  (by considering the base of words in , and the base of words multiplied by all idempotents associated to generators in the word, possibly times ), we see that the map is an injective homomorphism (indeed is a free -module, so ). Thus, .

In the other direction, let , and let be a substitution of elements from in the variables appearing in . Let be the (finite) collection of all the indices of all or appearing in some of the . Recall the definition of the subalgebra . By Proposition 3.13, the idempotents , with , form a complete set of idempotents for (and thus ). Then it is sufficient to consider substitutions for some fixed . But now, Proposition 3.13 shows that is a free supercommutative algebra, so we can fix a canonical embedding of  in . Again, we see that it maps the base of  into a set that can be completed to a base of  (take the base generated by times words in , and the base of words in ). Hence, the map

is an injective homomorphism. Thus, is zero on substitutions from and is therefore zero on the substitution .

Corollary 3.15.

Suppose that is invertible in . Then the ideal of identities of the free supercommutative algebra, , is generated as a T-ideal by the Grassmann identity.

Remark 3.16.

Over a field , the fact that would follow from the case , i.e. , since all -modules are flat.

Remark 3.17.

Over a finite field, strictly contains . For example over , the polynomial is an identity of , which does not follow from the Grassmann identity.

Indeed, working modulo , if is the decomposition of  to homogenous parts, then . But, the even part of  is spanned by and words of positive even length, so writing , where , we have that . Thus, the identity becomes , which is an identity of . A similar construction works over any finite field.

As an immediate corollary, we now have a proof of the following theorem, proved by Regev and Krakowsky in characteristic  Reference KR73, and by Giambruno and Koshlukov in characteristic Reference GK01.

Corollary 3.18.

Suppose that is invertible in . Then the ideal of identities of the free supercommutative algebra, , is generated as a T-ideal by the Grassmann identity.


According to Theorem 3.14, in this case . But we have already seen that is generated by the Grassmann identity (see Theorem 3.5).

3.3. Generalized signs

Now that we have a clear understanding of the role taken by the ’s, we can introduce some helpful notation. If is a word in the generators, , then define: . Clearly, for any two such words and , we have .

Definition 3.19.

Define the map


Remark 3.20.

The exponent, a-priori defined on , is well defined over because . Thus

for any . For the same reason, for every .

The following computation generalizes Equation Equation 4.

Proposition 3.21.

For any two monomials in the generators ,


Equation Equation 4 proves the case , . Let us verify the claim for , . Indeed, we see that

Now, let , . Then:

Let us introduce a further generalization of the exponent map, which we call a generalized sign. We use the natural action of the infinite symmetric group on by and

Definition 3.22.

Let be an -tuple of words in the generators . For , a permutation on the set , we define the generalized sign to be:

Proposition 3.23.

Let be an -tuple of words in the generators .


For every ,


For every ,

where .


In particular, when ,


Write where are Coxeter generators of . We prove 1 by induction on . For , the claim is trivial. Assume the claim holds for . Then according to Proposition 3.21 and since transposes and , we have:

where the last equality follows from the induction hypothesis. Acting by does not affect the order of any of the pairs , except for flipping the order of the pair . Thus,

as claimed.

To prove 2, we compute

But since each pair whose order is inverted by is inverted by or by , and not both, we have that the latter sum is equal to

Since in the Grassmann algebra  we have that , Proposition 3.23.1 shows that the generalized sign plays in the same role that the usual sign plays in . Furthermore, the idempotent corresponding to the constant function () satisfies

since the anticommute in the presence of .

Remark 3.24.

The generalized sign can be given a cohomological interpretation. Let denote the set of -tuples of words, on which acts by . Let be the multiplicative group of functions , on which acts by . Proposition 3.23.1 is the claim that , defined by , defines a cohomology class in .

3.4. The co-module sequence of

We now turn our attention to the co-modules and co-dimensions of . We begin by defining an -representation analogous to the usual sign representation.

Definition 3.25.

Fix . We consider the natural action of  on twisted by signs: For each and ,

Also let denote the -submodule of  generated as a module by .

Remark 3.26.

According to Proposition 3.23.3, this indeed gives an -module structure, as

Example 3.27.

Consider the -module . By definition is spanned as a -module by the elements , which are:

Therefore, is a free -module of rank , spanned by , , and .

We can now state the main result of this section.

Theorem 3.28.

The -th co-module of  is isomorphic, as an -module, to .

To prove the theorem, we will first establish that a multilinear polynomial that vanishes on vanishes on any other substitution. Since  acts on the space  defined in Equation 2 by reordering variables, and since reordering variables multiplies by the generalized sign, Theorem 3.28 follows (as will be explained below).

We first observe that has plenty of endomorphisms.

Lemma 3.29.

For any -tuple of words in the generators , there is a morphism such that for all :


First we show that for every and for every word of length or , there is a homomorphism of -algebras such that () and .

Indeed, when , define the map on by , for every , and . This is easily seen to be well defined.

Likewise when , define the map by , , for , and , . In order to show that this homomorphism is well defined, it suffices to check that respects the relations and for all . For the first relation we have

As for the second relation, for we have

since . For ,

where . But by Proposition 3.21, we know that , so , as we wanted to show.

Now compose the morphisms defined above so that each is mapped to a word of length on distinct generators, and then map the generators to the respective letters in the .

Lemma 3.30.

Let be any multilinear polynomial in non-commutative variables (with coefficients in ). Then is an identity of  if and only if .


If is an identity then obviously . On the other hand assume . For every we have that

so we are done by multilinearity.

Proof of Theorem 3.28.

Let denote the -th co-module of , where is defined in Equation 2. Define a linear mapping by the substitution . By Proposition 3.23, is mapped to , where . Let denote the isomorphism of -modules defined by setting . Let . We will prove that is an isomorphism of -modules.

Indeed, . But, for every ,

showing that is a homomorphism of -modules.

Since generates , is surjective. Injectivity follows once we show that if becomes zero under the substitution then is an identity, which is the content of Lemma 3.30.

In addition to having the co-modules of , we can already calculate its co-dimensions:

Theorem 3.31.

The -module is a free -module of rank .


In the proof of Lemma 3.10 we have seen that modulo consequences of the Grassmann identity, every non-commutative polynomial of degree , and in particular every multilinear polynomial of degree , is a sum of elements of the form where and we can assume that . Therefore, those elements generate the -th co-module of  as a -module. Thus, if we let

then is the -th co-module of , which is (by Theorem 3.28) isomorphic to . Hence, is the quotient of  by all identities of . But, we have seen in the proof of Lemma 3.10 that all identities of  in are zero, and hence is isomorphic to .

However, there are exactly polynomials in the set spanning , and we have already seen that they are linearly independent: indeed, in the proof of Lemma 3.10, we have shown that if is an identity (in particular, a linear relation among the generators of ), then the coefficients are zero. Hence, they are linearly independent.

Corollary 3.32.

For any field of any characteristic, the co-dimension sequence of  is .

An immediate consequence is that we know the co-dimension of , the usual Grassmann algebra, for any field of characteristic different than , generalizing the well known classical result in characteristic  (see also Reference LPT05 for a purely combinatoric proof).

Corollary 3.33.

For any field with , we have .


We have shown that when  is invertible, (see Theorem 3.14), and since is an extension by scalars of  they have the same co-dimension.

4. Generalized superalgebras

4.1. Generalized superalgebras

Now that we have the basic machinery of the generalized Grassmann algebra, we use it to replicate the success of the standard Grassmann algebra in characteristic . The first problem is that while the Grassmann algebra has a natural superalgebra structure, given by the words of even and odd length, the even-odd grading on is uninteresting, as exemplified by Lemma 3.29.

Recall the definition of  in Definition 3.1. Taking advantage of the many idempotents of , we choose the following grading.

We denote the countable abelian group of exponent , , by .

Definition 4.1.

A -algebra is called a -superalgebra over if it is graded by .

Our first example is the algebra itself:

Definition 4.2.

The extended Grassmann algebra is -graded by letting be contained in the zero component, and setting the grade of each to be where the is in the -th component. The degree of a word is modulo , where is the number of occurrences of  in .

The zero component is thus , which is contained in the center of . For every , which is eventually zero by definition, let and . The corresponding component is a rank  module over , so the grading is “thin”.

Definition 4.3.

Let be any -superalgebra over . We define the -supercommutator for homogenous elements and by setting

extended bilinearly to all .

We say that is -supercommutative if for all .

Example 4.4.

The extended Grassmann algebra is -supercommutative. Indeed, by Proposition 3.21, for any pair of words and we have that , or in other words, .

We will use regular font for the standard supertheoretic notions, such as , , , , , , , and the Fraktur font for the corresponding -supertheory notions, , , , , , , , etc.

Example 4.5.

As another example, one can consider , the free -supercommutative -superalgebra on the generators () where is a homogenous generator of the component with degree . As a result, is generated by the generators under the relations:

Note that , because and satisfies the Grassmann identity.

4.2. The generalized Grassmann hull

Now that we have an appropriate grading, we can generalize the Grassmann hull of an algebra (see Theorem 1.5 for the notion of the Grassmann hull for superalgebras). Similarly to the standard Grassmann hull, one can use either the Grassmann algebra or the free -supercommutative algebra to define it (for an example in the case of , see Reference GZ05, p. 83–85). For our purposes, it will be more convenient to use the free -supercommutative algebra.

Definition 4.6.

Let be a -superalgebra. The generalized Grassmann hull of is by definition

with the -grading defined by .

Example 4.7.

Let be any -algebra. Tensoring with the -group algebra , which is naturally a -superalgebra over , gives a natural -superalgebra grading, where the homogeneous components are


We will now define the notion of a -superidentity:

Definition 4.8.

Define , denoted by for brevity, to be the free -superalgebra on countably many generators in each degree. The elements of this algebra are called -superpolynomials.

We define the set of -superidentities of any -superalgebra as the intersection of all kernels of all grading-preserving -homomorphisms , and denote it by .

Definition 4.9.

For every finitely supported function , , we let denote the -module of multilinear -superpolynomials with coefficients in , in the variables . We will refer to as the associated multidegree. We will also write , the total degree of identities in . The multilinear part of  is .

Again, keeping the analogy to the case of characteristic , we can define the operation of the generalized Grassmann hull on an identity.

Definition 4.10.

We define the Grassmann involution on -superpolynomials as follows. Let be a multilinear -graded identity of multidegree , such that each variable is in the homogenous component of  corresponding to some . Then

where .

This is indeed an involution:

Lemma 4.11.

The map is an involution.


Let be a multilinear -graded identity of multidegree . Write . Then . But,

by Remark 3.20, so .

As is the case with superalgebras, the involution gives the identities of the generalized Grassmann hull:

Definition 4.12.

Let be a two-sided ideal. We say that is a T-ideal if it is also invariant under all -endomorphisms of  that preserve the grading.

Also, in this case, we let be the T-ideal generated as a T-ideal by the images of all multilinear identities in under the involution .

Remark 4.13.

Note that for every T-ideal , we have that , where on the right hand side, taking means taking on each element separately. This is because the multilinear part is already endomorphism-invariant, and since by definition is the minimal T-ideal containing .

In other words, using on all multilinear identities of a T-ideal gives all multilinear identities of .

Recall that is the set of -superidentities of , Definition 4.8.

Theorem 4.14.

Let be a -superalgebra. Then and have the same multilinear components.

In other words, for every , we have that if and only if .


Let . Let be any substitution where is a word in the generators of , in the component corresponding to , and . Then, under the substitution:

as we wanted to show.

We say that -superalgebras and  are multilinearly equivalent if  and  share the same multiliner identities.

Corollary 4.15.

For every -superalgebra , is multilinearly equivalent to .


Use the result of Theorem 4.14 twice, and then apply Lemma 4.11.

Remark 4.16.

We have not proved that . In characteristic , having the same multilinear identities would have implied that they are the same. However, this is not the case in positive characteristic: is not necessarily generated as a T-ideal by its multilinear component.

We see that even though the language of generalized Grassmann hulls generalizes the ordinary notion of Grassmann hull, its formulation could be considered more elegant; rather than defining the involution on a multilinear identity by multiplying by the sign of only the odd variables, we simply multiply by the generalized sign of all variables. This is mainly because all words in the generators of  are, in a way, generic, so no special treatment is needed for any specific component of the grading.

5. Generalized supertraces

The superization of basic concepts in linear algebra, such as the supertrace and supercommutator, is defined in characteristic zero. We now begin the development of a supertheory based upon and the concept of the generalized superalgebra. Such a -supertheory will have the advantage of being characteristic free, valid over any ring.

We will begin by defining the notion of -supertraces. Recall that an (abstract) trace function on a -algebra is a function satisfying for any the conditions


Definition 5.1.

Let be a -superalgebra over . Its -supercenter, , is the set of all elements of  that -supercommute with every element, i.e.

where is the -supercommutator of Definition 4.3.

Definition 5.2.

Let be a -superalgebra over . A -linear (grading-preserving) function will be called a -supertrace if


for every .

The concepts of -supertrace -superidentities naturally follows (see Reference BR05, Chapter 12).

Definition 5.3.

Define the algebra to be the free -superalgebra with -supertrace . This algebra is spanned over by words of the form where , and the grading is such that the grade of  is the same as that of . The defining relations are the axioms of Definition 5.2.

The -supertrace -superidentities of a -superalgebra with -supertrace are the elements in the intersection of all the kernels of all grading-preserving -homomorphisms such that .

Remark 5.4.

We use different capitalization to differentiate between formal traces (traces in the free algebra) and traces of the object under discussion. That is, , and are formal traces, formal supertraces and formal -supertraces in the algebras , and , respectively. At the same time, , and are arbitrary trace functions, in any algebra we happen to be currently working with.

For example, the equality holds in the algebra for all , if and only if satisfies the -supertrace -superidentity . In other words, is an identity, while is the value of that identity after substituting the function to the variable .

We come to our most important example.

Definition 5.5.

Let be a -superalgebra with a grading preserving trace function . Define the associated -supertrace function on by .

Conversely, if has a -supertrace , define its associated trace function on by . Note that preserves the grading.

Lemma 5.6.

The above definitions of the associated trace function and the associated -supertrace function indeed give a trace function and a -supertrace function, respectively.


This follows since for all , , ,

and in the same manner.

Remark 5.7.

Let be a -algebra, with a trace function . Then the algebra has a -superalgebra grading (coming from the grading of the component), and is a -superalgebra. Now, the function can be extended by linearity to such that preserves the -superalgebra grading. Then, since , we obtain a -supertrace on , given by: . This construction generalizes Definition 5.5 to the case of (non-graded) -algebras.

Now, analogously to Theorem 3.14, we show the equivalence of supertrace and -supertrace identities (the identities are not graded, so these are not -superidentities).

Theorem 5.8.

Suppose that is invertible in . Let  be some -algebra with trace . Let  be the associated -supertrace of , and in a similar manner, associate a supertrace to , where is the free supercommutative algebra. Then the supertrace identities of are the same as the -supertrace identities of , with replaced by .


The proof is virtually identical, word for word, to the proof of Theorem 3.14.

A key result in PI-theory is the “Kemer supertrick” (see e.g. Reference Zel91), which heavily relies on representation theory, which fails to deliver in positive characteristic. The Kemer supertrick can be reformulated as the claim that for every algebra  there is some such that . In this sense, the Kemer supertrick has already been proven in characteristic  (by Kemer, Reference Kem95), but with very bad bounds.

Eventually, one might hope to bypass this difficulty by directly adding formal supertraces to algebras (and then show that their identities imply all identities of ), just like Zubrilin’s theory enables the introduction of traces to an algebra and showing that affine PI-algebras satisfy all identities of a matrix algebra (see Reference AB10 for an overview of Zubrillin traces).

This motivates the following question about -supertraces:

Question 5.9.

Let be an (ordinary) algebra on which a linear function is defined. What identities on and allow us to introduce a grading to the algebra such that becomes a -supertrace?

More formally, we define

Definition 5.10.

Let be the free algebra over with a -linear function acting freely on it. Let be any -algebra with a linear function . We define the identities of  with linear function to be the intersection of all kernels of all homomorphisms such that .

Remark 5.11.

As in Remark 5.4, we use capitalization to differentiate formal objects from others. That is, is any particular linear function, while is the formal linear function, of the algebra .

Theorem 5.12.

The multilinear part of the ideal of identities of  with linear function is generated by:

Note that the -superidentity of Definition 5.2 is not in the list, as it is not an (ordinary) identity.

To prove the theorem we require a few lemmas. We begin by proving a lemma analogous to Lemma 3.8:

Lemma 5.13.

The following identities with linear function hold in :


The identities Equation 7a and Equation 7b follow immediately from the definition of the -supertrace (Definition 5.2).

We will now show that the identities Equation 7c and Equation 7d are indeed satisfied by any -supertrace, using the fact that the -supertraces -supercommute with everything and a product of two elements inside a -supertrace behaves as if it -supercommutes. Thus, for the purpose of checking Equation 7c and Equation 7d, one can assume that everything -supercommutes. But the -supercommutative -superalgebra satisfies the Grassmann identity, which thus implies these two identities.

More formally, we begin by proving Equation 7c. The proof of Equation 7d is completely analogous. First of all, since Equation 7c is multilinear, we may assume that , and are all homogenous. Then the following holds:

Hence, in order to show that this is zero, it is sufficient to show that

However, if we choose words such that , and , then satisfies the Grassmann identity

and thus , as we wanted to show.

Now we state a fact analogous to Lemma 3.9:

Lemma 5.14.

The identities with linear function:

are consequences of Equation 7a, Equation 7b, Equation 7c and Equation 7d.


In order to obtain Equation 8a, substitute into Equation 7c, and use Equation 7a and Equation 7b to see that . The proofs of Equation 8b and Equation 8c, given Equation 7d and Equation 8a are completely analogous to the proof of Lemma 3.9.

Proof of Theorem 5.12.

We will use the following equalities: for all words and , we have

The strategy of our proof greatly resembles that of Lemma 3.10. We will use the above identities to bring an arbitrary polynomial to a specified standard form, and then use substitutions to show that the coefficients are . This will be done via substitutions from the matrix algebras over , with the -supertraces associated with the usual traces in .

We begin by specifying the standard form we will use. Note that we are working with multilinear polynomials. The form is a sum of terms of the form:

where , , , and are all words in the , and the are letters. However, many of these forms are trivially equal, so we require that: the words are alphabetically ordered; the words are alphabetically ordered; the pairs are also alphabetically ordered; for every , the letter is smaller than some letter of ; and the words and are cyclically minimal, where a word is cyclically minimal if it is the first among its cyclic rotations.

Lemma 5.13, Lemma 5.14 and Equation 9a, Equation 9b imply that every multilinear polynomial can be brought to this form.

Now, we will show that the coefficients of the terms containing no ’s are zero. Indeed, substitute matrix units into all , where is some permutation. Then only the monomial in which the are ordered according to contributes, and thus its coefficient is .

Next, rather than substitute a path as we just did, we choose some subset of the variables and substitute a cycle into them and a path into the rest. Since the standard trace is zero off-diagonally, the only terms contributing are those that have no more than one appearance of , corresponding to the cycle. We thus have three options for the terms that contribute: , and .

Note that the last two do not contribute at all if the coefficients of the matrix units are central. Thus the coefficient of the first is . Now, substitute coefficients from to two edges of the loop, such that exactly one edge has as the coefficient, and another has as the coefficient. Then only the term contributes – and hence has coefficient equal to . Finally, substitute to just one of the variables of the loop, and to an edge of the path. Then the term gives a non-zero contribution, unless it too has coefficient zero.

We use induction on to show that all coefficients are . We substitute matrix elements such that there is one path, and loops. We are now left with the liberty to choose their coefficients from . Now, we must be able to tell how they are partitioned into ’s, ’s and ’s. So, at first we substitute only central coefficients. This gives us the case of: , so its coefficient is zero.

Now, we will use induction on . We choose loops, and substitute central coefficients. This forces them to be , and by induction, no coefficient with any other ’s contributes. Now, we substitute coefficients into all elements of the path, and we substitute one coefficient into the generators in each remaining loop (out of the loops left). This gives us the case where .

We use induction on . Choose loops, and substitute one coefficient into each one of them, in addition to the substitution into elements of the path. This forces these loops to be the . We are left with two things to find out: how is the path split into the , and how are the remaining loops partitioned between the and the .

Choosing the partition of each remaining loop into and is easy, and will be done via induction on the position of the letter relative to the largest letter of . Indeed, the base of the induction is this: substitute a coefficient to the largest letter and to the letter before it. Then the only contribution to the coefficient of the product comes from the cases in which the largest letter itself is , or the one before it is (otherwise and appear in their correct order). But because the largest letter is never , we see that is also never the letter before that. Proceeding by induction, we are done.

Therefore, we have almost isolated all coefficients of the form; we must now isolate one specific way to break down the path to , for an arbitrary (but known) choice of . This is done as follows. We use induction on . Now, we already know that the associated loop, , has one coefficient, say , and we know which loop it is. Also recall that we substituted coefficients into the elements of the path. So, after the substitution, look for the largest number of ’s appearing. This information determines which elements of the path belong to (their ’s never appear). Now look for the smallest number of ’s from the path appearing. This is the case where each contributes one . So, sort these ’s, and put the element of the path corresponding to the -th into . This gives us all elements of , and only the case where is the smallest value we have not considered, contributes.

This isolates everything – only one term contributes, and thus has a coefficient of zero, which completes all of the above inductive steps.

Note that incidently, just like in Lemma 3.10, we also obtain the co-dimension sequence.

Corollary 5.15.

Suppose that is any -algebra, and any linear function on it. Also suppose that the following is true in :

Then there is some -superalgebra with -supertrace , such that and have the same multilinear identities with linear function and respectively.

5.1. Concluding remarks

We have seen how the structure of the generalized Grassmann algebra can be used to generalize the notions of superalgebras and supertraces to arbitrary characteristics and rings. In a similar manner, one can define a Lie -superalgebra:

Definition 5.16.

Let be a -module with a -superalgebra grading. Suppose that is a bi-linear form that respects the grading (if then ). Then will be called a Lie -superalgebra if for every homogenous :







Note that 3 is superfluous when  is invertible in . This new object is obviously equivalent to an ordinary Lie superalgebra whenever is invertible. However, the interesting property of this definition is that it yields non-trivial behavior in characteristic , where (unlike ordinary Lie superalgebras) it does not degenerate to an ordinary Lie algebra.

In this paper we only considered -supertheory from the point of view of PI-theory. In a similar manner, one can consider all of -supertheory in characteristic . The cost we pay for this is that since the grading is over an infinite group, we must consider infinite-dimensional objects; therefore, in order to replicate the study of finite dimensional objects, one should consider -superobjects that are locally finite-dimensional, in the sense that their graded components are each finite dimensional and isomorphic to one another in a sufficiently strong sense (so infinite-dimensional behavior is not “hidden” across multiple graded components).

One hopes that this construction can be used to yield characteristic-free results over arbitrary rings, such as Theorem 5.12.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1 (Specht Property for algebras over fields).

Let  be an (associative) algebra over a field of characteristic zero. Then the T-ideal of identities is finitely based.

Equation (1)
Remark 1.2.

PI-theory in characteristic zero has quite a lot of information on . For instance, it is known that when  is infinite, is generated by the Grassmann identity .

Theorem 1.5 (Kemer’s Superrepresentability Theorem).

For any algebra over a field of characteristic , there is some finite-dimensional superalgebra  such that , where is the Grassmann hull of .

Definition 1.6.

Define the extended Grassmann algebra over a field  of characteristic  as the algebra generated by elements , , … and , , …, such that the are central,

and the following relation is satisfied:

So, in fact, is an algebra over the local algebra .

Equation (2)
Definition 3.1.

We denote by the commutative ring , subject to the relations


Definition 3.2.

The generalized Grassmann algebra over is the unital algebra generated by elements , , … over the central subring defined above, subject to the relations

for every (in particular ).

Equation (4)
Theorem 3.5.

Let be the generalized Grassmann algebra defined over . Then is generated as a T-ideal by the Grassmann identity, .

Lemma 3.6.

Let , , …, be the generators as in Definition 3.2. Then,


for all , and .


for all , , and .

Lemma 3.7.

We have for every element .

Lemma 3.8.

The Grassmann identity is an identity of .

Remark 3.9 (Reference BR05, Lemmas 3.43 and 3.44).

The identities

are consequences of the Grassmann identity.

Lemma 3.10.

All identities of  are consequences of the Grassmann identity.

Proposition 3.13.

Assume that is invertible in . Let be a finite subset.


The elements , for , form a system of idempotents of  whose sum is .


For every , the algebra is a free supercommutative algebra, with even generators and for , and odd generators for .

Theorem 3.14.

Assume that is invertible in . For any -algebra we have that . In particular, .

Remark 3.20.

The exponent, a-priori defined on , is well defined over because . Thus

for any . For the same reason, for every .

Proposition 3.21.

For any two monomials in the generators ,

Proposition 3.23.

Let be an -tuple of words in the generators .


For every ,


For every ,

where .


In particular, when ,

Theorem 3.28.

The -th co-module of  is isomorphic, as an -module, to .

Lemma 3.29.

For any -tuple of words in the generators , there is a morphism such that for all :

Lemma 3.30.

Let be any multilinear polynomial in non-commutative variables (with coefficients in ). Then is an identity of  if and only if .

Theorem 3.31.

The -module is a free -module of rank .

Definition 4.3.

Let be any -superalgebra over . We define the -supercommutator for homogenous elements and by setting

extended bilinearly to all .

We say that is -supercommutative if for all .

Example 4.5.

As another example, one can consider , the free -supercommutative -superalgebra on the generators () where is a homogenous generator of the component with degree . As a result, is generated by the generators under the relations:

Note that , because and satisfies the Grassmann identity.

Definition 4.8.

Define , denoted by for brevity, to be the free -superalgebra on countably many generators in each degree. The elements of this algebra are called -superpolynomials.

We define the set of -superidentities of any -superalgebra as the intersection of all kernels of all grading-preserving -homomorphisms , and denote it by .

Lemma 4.11.

The map is an involution.

Theorem 4.14.

Let be a -superalgebra. Then and have the same multilinear components.

In other words, for every , we have that if and only if .

Definition 5.2.

Let be a -superalgebra over . A -linear (grading-preserving) function will be called a -supertrace if


for every .

Remark 5.4.

We use different capitalization to differentiate between formal traces (traces in the free algebra) and traces of the object under discussion. That is, , and are formal traces, formal supertraces and formal -supertraces in the algebras , and , respectively. At the same time, , and are arbitrary trace functions, in any algebra we happen to be currently working with.

Definition 5.5.

Let be a -superalgebra with a grading preserving trace function . Define the associated -supertrace function on by .

Conversely, if has a -supertrace , define its associated trace function on by . Note that preserves the grading.

Theorem 5.8.

Suppose that is invertible in . Let  be some -algebra with trace . Let  be the associated -supertrace of , and in a similar manner, associate a supertrace to , where is the free supercommutative algebra. Then the supertrace identities of are the same as the -supertrace identities of , with replaced by .

Theorem 5.12.

The multilinear part of the ideal of identities of  with linear function is generated by:

Lemma 5.13.

The following identities with linear function hold in :

Lemma 5.14.

The identities with linear function:

are consequences of Equation 7a, Equation 7b, Equation 7c and Equation 7d.

Equation (9)
Definition 5.16.

Let be a -module with a -superalgebra grading. Suppose that is a bi-linear form that respects the grading (if then ). Then will be called a Lie -superalgebra if for every homogenous :








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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 16R10 (-ideals, identities, varieties of rings and algebras)
Secondary: 17A70 (Superalgebras), 16R30 (Trace rings and invariant theory), 16R50 (Other kinds of identities)
  • Superalgebra
  • generalized Grassmann algebra
  • generalized sign
  • polynomial identities
  • trace identities
Author Information
Gal Dor
Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel
Alexei Kanel-Belov
Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institutskiy Pereulok, 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Oblast, Russia 141701
Uzi Vishne
Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel
Additional Notes

This work was supported by BSF grant 2010/149, ISF grants 1207/12 and 1994/20, and RSF grant 17-11-01377.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 7, Issue 7, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2020 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/49
  • MathSciNet Review: 4175803
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4175803}{article}{ author={Dor, Gal}, author={Kanel-Belov, Alexei}, author={Vishne, Uzi}, title={The Grassmann algebra over arbitrary rings and minus sign in arbitrary characteristic}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={7}, number={7}, date={2020}, pages={227-253}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4175803}, doi={10.1090/btran/49}, }


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Note. To explore an equation, focus it (e.g., by clicking on it) and use the arrow keys to navigate its structure. Screenreader users should be advised that enabling speech synthesis will lead to duplicate aural rendering.

For more information please visit the AMS MathViewer documentation.