On complete reducibility of tensor products of simple modules over simple algebraic groups

By Jonathan Gruber


Let be a simply connected simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic . The category of rational -modules is not semisimple. We consider the question of when the tensor product of two simple -modules and  is completely reducible. Using some technical results about weakly maximal vectors (i.e. maximal vectors for the action of the Frobenius kernel of ) in tensor products, we obtain a reduction to the case where the highest weights and  are -restricted. In this case, we also prove that is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.

1. Introduction

Let be a simply connected simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic . The simple -modules are parametrized by the set of dominant weights of  (with respect to a fixed maximal torus and Borel subgroup) and for , we write for the unique simple -module of highest weight . One of the most powerful tools in examining the simple modules is Steinberg’s tensor product theorem: Given , there is a unique -adic decomposition , where is a -restricted weight and . Then the simple module has a tensor product decomposition

where denotes the Frobenius twist of the simple module . Furthermore, the simple -module remains simple upon restriction to the first Frobenius kernel of by a result of C. W. Curtis; see Reference Cur60. This allows one to reduce many questions about simple -modules to questions about simple -modules with -restricted highest weight, or to questions about simple -modules.

Given weights with -adic decomposition and , respectively, the tensor product admits a decomposition

Thus, a lot of structural information about can be obtained by understanding the structure of and . One of our main results, see Theorem C below, is an illustration of this principle.

Our first main result is the following:

Theorem A.

Let be -restricted. If is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.

Additionally, we obtain a theorem relating complete reducibility of -modules and -modules:

Theorem B.

Let be -restricted. Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.

Combining Theorems A and B, we obtain the following reduction theorem:

Theorem C.

Let and write and with and all -restricted. Then is completely reducible if and only if is completely reducible for all .

The question of complete reducibility of tensor products of -modules has previously been considered by J. Brundan and A. Kleshchev in Reference BK99 and Reference BK00, and by J.-P. Serre in Reference Ser97. Some of their results will be recalled in Sections 4 and 7 below.

We prove our results using some new techniques for weakly maximal vectors (that is, maximal vectors for the action of ) in tensor products of -modules. More precisely, we give criteria under which weakly maximal vectors of non--restricted weights generate non-simple -submodules (see Propositions 3.9 and 3.13) and we show how to construct explicitly a weakly maximal vector of weight , given a weakly maximal vector of weight  (see Propositions 3.3 and 3.5). In the proofs of Theorems A and B, we will use these results to construct weakly maximal vectors that generate non-simple -submodules of , thus showing that is not completely reducible as a -module.

The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we summarize the basic definitions and recall some important results. Section 3 is concerned with the results on weakly maximal vectors in tensor products of -modules that will be required to prove Theorems A and B. In section 4, we cite results about complete reducibility from the literature and derive some consequences. The results we are using are due to H. H. Andersen, J. Brundan, A. Kleshchev, J.-P. Serre and I. Suprunenko. Some of the results in Section 3 are only valid for groups of type different from and for primes that are not too small with respect to the root system. Therefore, the proofs of Theorems A and B are split up over several sections. In Section 5, we will consider the case where is of type different from and if is of type , or . In Section 6, we give proofs of the theorems for  of type when . Finally, if is of type , or and or is of type and then the simple -modules of -restricted weight admit a refined tensor product decomposition corresponding to the decomposition of the root system of into short roots and long roots. We make use of this in Section 8 in order to prove Theorems A and B in the remaining cases. Our treatment of groups of type in characteristic relies on a detailed study of tensor products of simple modules for the Levi subgroup of type . These results are given in Section 7, along with a complete classification of the pairs of -restricted weights and such that is completely reducible for of type  when . In the final Section 9, we give the proof of Theorem C.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we give the basic definitions and cite some important results from the literature.

2.1. Notation

Our notational conventions are essentially the same as in Reference Jan03, except that we write for the induced module and for the Weyl module of highest weight . The following basic notations will be used throughout:

We fix to be an algebraically closed field of characteristic and to be a simply connected simple algebraic group scheme over , defined and split over the finite field . The assumption of being simple and simply connected is for convenience and our main results generalize to connected reductive groups over . Let be a split maximal torus in and denote by the character group of . Let be the root system of with respect to , with a fixed choice of base . Unless otherwise specified, we adopt the standard labeling of simple roots as given in Reference Bou02. We write for the positive system defined by and . Let be the Weyl group of and let be a -invariant inner product on the real space , normalized so that for all short roots . The coroot of is defined by . Let

be the set of dominant weights, define

and set , the set of -restricted (dominant) weights. Let be the fundamental dominant weights with respect to , that is , and let . There is a partial order on defined by if and only if is a non-negative integer linear combination of positive roots. Denote by the highest root with respect to this partial order.

Denote by a Frobenius endomorphism and let be the first Frobenius kernel of . For a rational -module , we denote by the Frobenius twist of . If is finite-dimensional, we denote by the dual module of and by the contravariant dual of (see Section II.2.12 in Reference Jan03). For , we denote by the -weight space of and call its non-zero elements weight vectors of weight . We write  for the Borel subgroup of corresponding to and define for . Finally, we write for the Weyl module of highest weight and for the simple module of highest weight .

For , we denote by the derived subgroup of the Levi subgroup of corresponding to the simple roots , a simply connected semisimple algebraic group. For , we write for the set .

2.2. The hyperalgebra and its infinitesimal subalgebra

Instead of working with the group schemes and directly, we will be using the hyperalgebra of  and its infinitesimal subalgebra, which will enable us to carry out explicit constructions of weakly maximal vectors in tensor products in Section 3. Let be the complex simple Lie algebra with root system , let

be a Chevalley basis of and denote by the universal enveloping algebra of .

Definition 2.1.

The Kostant -form of is the -subalgebra of generated by the divided powers and

for , and .


The hyperalgebra of is the -algebra .

In the following, we will write and instead of and for the images of the divided powers in , and we abbreviate by .

Recall that is a Hopf -algebra with comultiplication, counit and antipode given by

respectively, for elements . These maps restrict to and therefore make  into a Hopf -algebra whose structure maps we also denote by , and .

As shown in Section II.1.12 in Reference Jan03, is isomorphic to the distribution algebra of (recall that we assume to be simple and simply connected), so every rational -module is in a natural way a locally finite -module. Every locally finite -module can be equipped with the structure of a rational -module and this induces an equivalence of categories between and . For a rational -module and , we have for all and . See Sections II.1.19 and II.1.20 in Reference Jan03 for more details.

Remark 2.2.

For rational -modules and , the tensor product becomes a rational -module via for , and . The corresponding -module structure on is obtained by pulling back the natural action of along the comultiplication map . In particular, we have

for all , and .

Definition 2.3.

The first infinitesimal subalgebra of is the subalgebra generated by and  for and .

The infinitesimal subalgebra is isomorphic to the restricted universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of . Every -module is in a natural way a -module and every -module is in a natural way a -module, which yields an equivalence of categories between and . See Sections I.8.4, I.8.6, I.9.6 and II.3.3 in Reference Jan03 for more details.

3. Weakly maximal vectors in tensor products

Let us begin with the definition of a weakly maximal vector.

Definition 3.1.

Let be a -module. A weakly maximal vector is a non-zero weight vector such that for all .

Weakly maximal vectors have previously been considered by J. Brundan and A. Kleshchev in the proof of Theorem 3.3 in Reference BK99, where they were called weakly primitive vectors. Our Lemma 3.4 below was inspired by a computation in the aforementioned proof.

In this section, we prove some results about weakly maximal vectors in tensor products of -modules that will be crucial for the proofs of the main results in Section 5. We first describe a way to construct explicitly from a weakly maximal vector of weight another weakly maximal vector of weight for some , under some mild assumptions on . Then we give criteria under which a weakly maximal vector of non--restricted weight generates a non-simple -submodule.

Remark 3.2.

Suppose that is a rational -module and that is a weakly maximal vector of weight . If with and (not necessarily dominant) then generates a -submodule of with . If is completely reducible as a -module then it follows that every weakly maximal vector generates a simple -submodule. Producing weakly maximal vectors that generate non-simple -submodules will be our main tool for establishing non-complete reducibility, see for instance Propositions 3.10 and 3.13 below.

Proposition 3.3.

Let and be rational -modules and let be a weakly maximal vector in . Suppose that there exists such that and let be maximal with the property that . Then is a weakly maximal vector.


For , there exists such that , where we use the convention that if . It follows that

Now by maximality of , and as is a weakly maximal vector. We conclude that , so is a weakly maximal vector.

Lemma 3.4.

Let and let be a weakly maximal vector of weight . Suppose that

with . Then and .


By symmetry, it suffices to show that . Let be maximal with and write

with all non-zero and linearly independent. We will show that .

For , denote by the projection from onto the summand . For , we have and therefore

Now if for some then as

by Remark 2.2, so and by maximality of . We conclude that

and linear independence of implies that . Hence is a weakly maximal vector in of weight and we conclude that .

Proposition 3.5.

Let and let be a weakly maximal vector of weight . Then there exists such that is a weakly maximal vector in .


Write with . Then by Lemma 3.4 and therefore for some non-zero and . As , is not a weakly maximal vector in and there exists such that . It follows that and we choose maximal with the property that . Then is a weakly maximal vector by Proposition 3.3.

Now we establish some criteria under which a weakly maximal vector of non--restricted weight generates a non-simple -submodule. Most of these criteria are based on the following lemma:

Lemma 3.6.

Let be a rational -module and a weakly maximal vector of weight . Suppose that there exists such that and write with and . If generates a simple -submodule of then .


Write with and . Assume that generates a simple -submodule of , so that by Remark 3.2. We have

and it follows that as and . Hence and , where denotes the reflection along . We conclude that is not a weight of , so .

Corollary 3.7.

Let and let and be maximal vectors in and , respectively. If the maximal vector generates a simple -submodule of then .


Suppose for a contradiction that for some . We have for and for and it follows that

for . If with and then clearly . Moreover, we have as and , so . Now Lemma 3.6 yields that generates a non-simple -submodule of , a contradiction.

In order to prove the next proposition, we first need an easy lemma about root systems.

Lemma 3.8.

Let be a root system of type different from and let such that . Then and .


Consider the subsystem of . As , we have . Suppose for a contradiction that . Then contains a root string of length at least , so is of type or , hence of type as is not of type and therefore does not have a subsystem of type . Then is the -string through , so and , a contradiction.

The next result will be very useful in view of Proposition 3.5. In the proposition, we constructed from a weakly maximal vector of weight a weakly maximal vector for some . Now we establish conditions on and under which generates a non-simple -submodule.

Proposition 3.9.

Assume that is of type different from . Let and suppose that there is a weakly maximal vector of weight such that for some . Assume furthermore that there exists with such that is a weakly maximal vector in and . Then generates a non-simple -submodule of .


We have and therefore by Lemma 3.8, and . Hence and commute for all . Thus we have

so whenever .

Furthermore, as we have and . Writing with , we have

as . By considering the restriction of to the Levi subgroup with root system , we find that , so and the claim follows from Lemma 3.6.

Proposition 3.10.

Assume that is of type different from . Let and suppose that there is a weakly maximal vector of weight such that for some such that for all . Then has a weakly maximal vector that generates a non-simple -submodule.


Let and let be maximal with the property that has a weakly maximal vector of weight . If then generates a non-simple -submodule by Corollary 3.7. If then there exists such that is a weakly maximal vector in by Proposition 3.5. Then by maximality of and generates a non-simple -submodule by Proposition 3.9.

Recall that . The following result is crucial for our proofs of Theorems A and B in Section 5.

Corollary 3.11.

Assume that is of type different from and that if is not simply laced. Let and suppose that has a weakly maximal vector of weight . Then is not completely reducible as a -module.


The assumption implies that for all and and the claim is immediate from Remark 3.2 and Proposition 3.10.

The following result is due to I. Suprunenko, see page 20 in Reference Sup83. For the convenience of the reader, we include a proof here. For , write .

Proposition 3.12 (Suprunenko).

Suppose that if is of type , or and if is of type . Let and let be a weight vector of weight such that for some . Then for .


The claim is true if as can easily be seen by considering the restriction of to the Levi subgroup with root system . Now assume for a contradiction that is maximal with the property that and for some weight vector of weight and some . As is -restricted and , is not a weakly maximal vector in and there exists such that . By the assumptions on and properties of Chevalley bases, it follows that there exists with , in particular . Suppose first that . Then for , and for there exists such that , by the assumptions on and . Then an easy induction using the assumption that shows that for . We conclude that and therefore , a contradiction.

Now suppose that . We have and . By maximality of , it follows that for . Furthermore, and commute for all as and we conclude that for . Now

is an -submodule of , so is invariant under the reflection which sends the weight space to . It follows that for , in particular as , a contradiction.

Proposition 3.13.

Suppose that if is of type , or and if is of type . Let  and suppose that has a weakly maximal vector of non--restricted weight  and let such that . Assume additionally that and . Then generates a non-simple submodule of .


We may write with and by Lemma 3.4, so that for some and .

Note that by Proposition 3.12, we have for all with . Now writing with , we have as and therefore

as is -restricted. Hence and therefore . Indeed, writing for the linear projection from onto as in the proof of Lemma 3.4, we have

for all and it follows that

so . Now the claim follows from Lemma 3.6.

4. Some results about complete reducibility

In this section, we cite some results from the literature and prove some important preliminary results. We will need the following theorem of J. Brundan and A. Kleshchev; see Theorem B in Reference BK99.

Theorem 4.1 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Let with . Then the socle of is -restricted. In particular, the socle of is -restricted.

Recall that a finite dimensional -module is said to have a good filtration if there exists a sequence of -submodules

such that for , either for some or . If such a filtration exists, we may assume that implies ; see Remark 4 in Section II.4.16 in Reference Jan03. Moreover, the tensor product of two modules with good filtrations has a good filtration by results of S. Donkin and O. Mathieu; see Reference Don85 and Reference Mat90. The module is said to be contravariantly self-dual if , where denotes the contravariant dual of as in Section II.2.12 of Reference Jan03. The simple -modules are contravariantly self-dual for all and the tensor product of two contravariantly self-dual -modules is contravariantly self-dual. The following proposition and corollary are also due to J. Brundan and A. Kleshchev; see Proposition 4.7 and the discussion before Lemma 4.3 in Reference BK00.

Proposition 4.2 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Suppose that is a -module with a good filtration and is a contravariantly self-dual submodule of . Then is completely reducible if and only if

for all .

Corollary 4.3 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if

for all .

The -socles of the induced -modules have been described by H.H. Andersen; see equation (4.2) in the proof of Proposition 4.1 in Reference And84:

Lemma 4.4 (Andersen).

Let and write with and . Then

as -modules.

As for all (see Section II.2.13 in Reference Jan03), we have an analogous description of the -heads of the Weyl modules:

Corollary 4.5.

Let and write with and . Then

as -modules.

We deduce the following lemma:

Lemma 4.6.

Let . Then . In addition, is generated as a -module by any maximal vector of weight .


We have by Lemma 4.4 and by Corollary 4.5. It follows that is the unique maximal -submodule of . If is a maximal vector of weight then is not contained in , so is generated as a -module by .

Corollary 4.7.

Let be a rational -module and let be a maximal vector of -restricted weight . If generates a simple -submodule of then generates a simple -submodule of .


As is a maximal vector, the submodule generated by is a homomorphic image of the Weyl module . Now by Lemma 4.6, is generated over by any maximal vector of weight and it follows that . Hence, if is a simple -module then is a simple -module.

Proposition 4.8.

Let and suppose that all maximal vectors in have -restricted weight. Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.


If is completely reducible as a -module then is completely reducible as a -module as the restriction of a simple -module to is always completely reducible.

Suppose that is not completely reducible as a -module. By Corollary 4.3, there exists such that the natural embedding of into is not surjective and it follows that there is a maximal vector of weight that generates a non-simple -submodule of . Then by assumption and generates a non-simple -submodule of by Corollary 4.7. Hence is not completely reducible as a -module.

The proof of the following lemma was suggested to the author by Stephen Donkin.

Lemma 4.9.

Let and suppose that there exists such that is a composition factor of . Then is not completely reducible as a -module.


Suppose for a contradiction that is completely reducible as a -module. Then is a trivial -submodule of and as . Hence

contradicting Schur’s Lemma.

We will also need the following result due to J.-P. Serre, see Proposition 2.3 in Reference Ser97.

Proposition 4.10 (Serre).

Let be a group and let be a finite-dimensional -module such that the canonical homomorphism splits. If is a -module such that is completely reducible then is completely reducible.

Remark 4.11.

In the proofs of Propositions 2.1 and 2.3 in Reference Ser97, we can replace the group algebra by the finite-dimensional Hopf algebra (or any Hopf algebra, in fact), hence the above result is also valid for modules over the Frobenius kernel .


As pointed out in Remark 2.2 in Reference Ser97, a sufficient condition for the splitting of the homomorphism is that does not divide . If is a simple module then

by Schur’s lemma, so is spanned by while is spanned by the trace map, where we identify with . In that case, it follows that the embedding splits if and only if does not divide .

A finite-dimensional rational -module is called multiplicity free if all composition factors appear with multiplicity at most . We now show that that multiplicity freeness of tensor products of simple modules implies complete reducibility:

Lemma 4.12.

Let . If is multiplicity free then is completely reducible.


Suppose that is not completely reducible so that . Let  be a simple submodule of . As is contravariantly self-dual, we have

Thus is a composition factor of and of , so is not multiplicity free.

We conclude the section with a remark about truncation to Levi subgroups.

Remark 4.13.

Let and consider the derived subgroup of the Levi subgroup of corresponding to . For , write . For a rational -module and , we define the truncation of to at by

Then for , is the simple -module of highest weight , see Sections II.2.10 and II.2.11 in Reference Jan03. Analogously, and afford the induced module and the Weyl module of highest weight for . If is any finite-dimensional rational -module of highest weight , then it is straightforward to check that for , the multiplicity of as a composition factor of coincides with the multiplicity of the simple -module of highest weight in . Furthermore, for ,

is the tensor product of the simple -modules of highest weights and . In particular, the latter tensor product is completely reducible whenever is completely reducible. This observation will be crucial in Sections 7 and 8.

5. Complete reducibility and -restrictedness

We are now ready to prove Theorems A and B for of type different from and under the assumption that when is of type , or .

Theorem 5.1.

Assume that is of type different from and that if is not simply laced. Let . If is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.


Suppose that is completely reducible, so completely reducible as a -module, and let such that is a composition factor of . Then is generated by a maximal vector of weight and by Corollary 3.11, hence .

Theorem 5.2.

Assume that is of type different from and that if is not simply laced. Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.


If is completely reducible as a -module then is completely reducible as a -module as the restriction of a simple -module to is always completely reducible.

Now suppose that is completely reducible as a -module. Then by Corollary 3.11, all maximal vectors in have -restricted weight and is completely reducible as a -module by Proposition 4.8.

Remark 5.3.

Note that Proposition 4.8 is valid in arbitrary characteristic and for all types of root systems. In order to prove Theorems A and B for and that are not included in the above statements, it would be sufficient to obtain an analogue of Corollary 3.11 for the corresponding group . We will do this for of type and in Section 8; see Proposition 8.7 and Remark 8.8.

6. Results for of type and

In this section, we prove Theorems A and B for of type when .

Let be of type and let the simple roots be ordered such that is short, that is and . The highest root in is given by and we have . For , it follows that

Lemma 6.1.

Suppose that , let and write and . If is completely reducible as a -module then and . In particular, we have either or .


The -module has composition factors of highest weights for all and by Remark 4.13, has composition factors of highest weights for . Hence by Proposition 3.13,

must not take values strictly between and for . As , it follows that

Analogously, we obtain that as . The first inequality yields that either or and hence the final claim.

For , the proofs of the following theorems rely on computations which were carried out in GAP Reference GAP19. For a fixed prime and root system (of small rank), S. Doty’s WeylModules-package, available on his website Reference Dot09, enables us to compute the characters of simple modules, the composition factors of Weyl modules and the composition factors of tensor products of simple modules. Let be the simply connected simple algebraic group with root system over . Then the multiplicity of an induced module in a good filtration of coincides with the multiplicity of the simple -module in the tensor product , and the latter can be computed in GAP. Note that the multiplicity of in a good filtration of is also given by ; see Proposition II.4.16 in Reference Jan03.

Theorem 6.2.

Assume that is of type and . Let . If is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.


Suppose that is completely reducible. We may assume that and and that by Corollary 3.7. If , it follows that and we can compute that is a composition factor of , hence is not completely reducible as a -module by Lemma 4.9.

If then we have either or by Lemma 6.1 and the claim is immediate from Theorem 4.1.

Theorem 6.3.

Assume that is of type and . Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.


As before, if is completely reducible as a -module then is completely reducible as a -module. Suppose for a contradiction that is completely reducible as a -module, but not as a -module. For , the statement follows as in the proof of Theorem 6.2, so now assume that . By Lemma 6.1, we may assume without loss of generality that so that the socle of is -restricted by Theorem 4.1. By Corollary 4.3, there exists such that the natural embedding of into is not surjective. Hence there exists a maximal vector of weight that generates a non-simple -submodule . As is completely reducible as a -module, generates a simple -submodule and it follows that is non--restricted by Corollary 4.7. Now is a quotient of and is completely reducible, hence is a quotient of , where with and (see Corollary 4.5). Furthermore, is -restricted as is -restricted and it follows that has a -restricted composition factor. Hence the trivial module is a composition factor of .

If then

Now by assumption and as is -restricted. It follows that and . Thus with , that is

Let be the highest short root. If then , so lies in the closure of the bottom alcove and is simple by the linkage principle, a contradiction. If  then again is simple, as we can compute using GAP Reference GAP19. Finally, if then the unique dominant weight with such that is a composition factor of is . Thus and so . As and is -restricted by Corollary 3.7, it follows that is one of the weights and . Using the inequalities from Lemma 6.1, we conclude that either  or . Now by decomposing the character of using GAP in both cases, we find that

for all with , a contradiction.

7. Type in characteristic

In this section, we classify all pairs of -restricted weights and such that is completely reducible for of type when .

Let and denote by the natural -dimensional -module with dual module . We have and as -modules. In Reference BK00, J. Brundan and A. Kleshchev classify the simple -modules such that is completely reducible, in arbitrary characteristic . We recall their result:

The dominant weights for can be identified with the set of -tuples of integers with and we write and for the corresponding simple module and the corresponding Weyl module, respectively (to distinguish from our notation for ). After tensoring with a power of the one-dimensional determinant representation of , we may assume that , so it is sufficient to consider the simple modules for a partition with parts. Now fix a partition . For , we say that is -addable if or , and -removable if or . For , denote by the residue of in . For , we define the following sets:

Then is called -conormal if is -addable and there is an increasing injection

that is, an injection with for all . We say that is -cogood if is -conormal and maximal among the -conormal with . Denote by the -tuple with entry in the -th position.

The following result combines Theorem 5.11 and Corollary 5.12 in Reference BK00.

Theorem 7.1 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Let and be partitions with parts.


The space is zero unless for some -conormal , in which case it is -dimensional.


The space is zero unless for some -cogood , in which case it is -dimensional.


is completely reducible if and only if every -conormal is -cogood.

Now for a partition , the restriction of the simple module to is simple of highest weight

and the -module is completely reducible if and only if the -module is completely reducible. For a dominant weight , we define a partition by for and . Then clearly , so the -module is completely reducible if and only if every -conormal is -cogood. Also note that for all -addable , where we take and to be .

The Loewy length of a rational -module is defined to be the minimal length of a filtration with completely reducible quotients.

Corollary 7.2.

Let . If is not completely reducible then has Loewy length at least .


Suppose that is not completely reducible, so has Loewy length at least . By Theorem 7.1, there is a -conormal that is not -cogood and we have

If has Loewy length then belongs to , hence

by contravariant duality, a contradiction. Hence has Loewy length at least .

For , we can derive from Theorem 7.1 a simple characterization of the -restricted weights such that is completely reducible.


For the rest of the section, suppose that .

Proposition 7.3.

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if for even numbers with .


As is -restricted, we have for certain . Let us write

where the notation stands for an -tuple . The -addable indices are and the -removable indices are . Note that , so is -conormal. Furthermore, we have

where we denote by the image of in , and it follows that , so is -conormal.

Assume first that is completely reducible so that every -conormal is -cogood. Suppose for a contradiction that are not all even and let be minimal with the property that is odd. If then

and is not -cogood, a contradiction. Hence . We have

as is odd and for ,

as is even, so if and only if . Furthermore, we have

so . Analogously, we have

for and therefore if and only if . It follows that for all with , we have and defines an increasing injection

so is -conormal. Now and are -conormal with

the two distinct elements of . Hence either or and it follows that one of and is not -cogood, a contradiction.

Now suppose that are even. As before, and are -conormal with

We show that is not -conormal for . Indeed, we have


for , so


Hence the maximal element of is while the maximal element of is if and otherwise. Now as and is even if , there does not exist an increasing injection from to and is not -conormal.

We conclude that and are -cogood, so is completely reducible by Theorem 7.1.

Remark 7.4.

We note some more consequences of the proof of Proposition 7.3. Let with .


If are even then is completely reducible and and are the unique -cogood indices. It follows from Theorem 7.1 that


If are not all even and is minimal with the property that is odd then is -conormal. If , it follows that is -cogood and

where we take to be .

Lemma 7.5.

Let . Then is not completely reducible.


Suppose for a contradiction that is completely reducible. As , we have for certain , where and  by Corollary 3.7. Moreover, the truncation of to the two Levi subgroups of type  is completely reducible by Remark 4.13 and it follows from Proposition 7.3 that and are even. Hence is even, so is indecomposable of composition length , with a unique composition series

where and and we have and . Then

is a filtration with completely reducible quotients and it follows that has Loewy length at most , and has at most indecomposable direct summand of Loewy length . Indeed, if

for indecomposable -modules then the intersections for afford a filtration of with completely reducible quotients. However, as is simple, there is at most one such that is non-trivial, hence has Loewy length at most for .

Now by Remark 7.4 and neither of

is completely reducible by Proposition 7.3 and duality, as and are odd. Thus

has at least two indecomposable direct summands of Loewy length at least by Corollary 7.2, a contradiction.

Lemma 7.6.

Let and . Then is not completely reducible.


Suppose for a contradiction that is completely reducible. By truncating to  and applying Proposition 7.3, we see that and are odd. The module has a unique composition series , where

and we have and . Then

is a filtration of with completely reducible quotients, so the Loewy length of is at most . Furthermore, the middle layer of this filtration

is simple and embeds into . We show that is -cogood. Indeed,

has addable indices and removable indices and is -conormal by Remark 7.4. Furthermore, as and are odd and it follows that is -cogood. Note that , so by Theorem 7.1, there is an embedding of into and it follows that can be embedded into . Now is not completely reducible by Proposition 7.3 as is odd, so has Loewy length at least  by Corollary 7.2 and we conclude that both and have Loewy length . Then is non trivial and embeds into

However, has highest weight , a contradiction.

Proposition 7.7.

Let such that is completely reducible. Then, up to reordering of and , we have for some and for some such that either or .


As and , we have for certain and for certain . By Corollary 3.7, we have and it follows that the sets and are disjoint. Let such that and let such that and do not belong to the same index set. We show that .

Suppose for a contradiction that and . Without loss of generality, assume that and . By truncating to , we may further assume that

If or then is not completely reducible by Lemma 7.5. Hence and , so that and . Truncating to and applying Proposition 7.3, we see that and are even, in particular . Then Lemma 7.6 shows that is not completely reducible, after truncating to and taking duals, a contradiction.

Hence and up to reordering of and , we have . If then and is not completely reducible by Lemma 7.5 and a truncation argument, a contradiction. We conclude that or , as required.

Remark 7.8.

Suppose that and such that . Then and it follows that there is a canonical embedding . By applying the same argument to the truncation of to for , we see that is a composition factor of .

Note that and , so has a good filtration. Arguing as in the previous paragraph, we see that the sections of such a filtration are precisely the induced modules for and , each with multiplicity .

Lemma 7.9.

Suppose that . Then is irreducible if and only if is even.


By Remark 7.8, has a good filtration with sections and . If  is even then is completely reducible by Proposition 7.3 and it follows that is simple. If is simple then is multiplicity free, hence is completely reducible by Lemma 4.12 and is even by Proposition 7.3.

Lemma 7.10.

Suppose that . Then is irreducible if and only if .


Suppose that is irreducible. Then so is the truncation of to and it follows that is even by Lemma 7.9. By Remark 7.8, the tensor product has a good filtration with sections , and . Furthermore, we have and . If is divisible by then is even and by Remark 4.11, the canonical embedding does not split. Using contravariant duality, it follows that appears with multiplicity at least as a composition factor of , hence  appears as a composition factor of one of the induced modules and . Now is simple by Lemma 7.9 and it follows that is non-simple.

Now suppose that . Then is odd, so the canonical embedding

splits and we can write for a -module with a good filtration such that

Note that the only dominant weights below are and . Now is not a composition factor of as the truncation of to is simple by Lemma 7.9. Hence, if is non-simple then appears in the head of , hence in the head of . Then appears with multiplicity in the head of , contradicting Schur’s lemma. Hence is simple.

Lemma 7.11.

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if is odd and one of the following holds:


or ,


or and .


If is odd and or then is completely reducible by Proposition 7.3. Now suppose that , and . We have and , so has a good filtration with sections , and , where we consider if . Indeed, this is clear for by Remark 7.8, in the general case it follows by truncating to as and are the only dominant weights below . Using a similar truncation argument, it follows from Lemmas 7.9 and 7.10 that the modules and are simple. Thus the good filtration of is also a composition series and is multiplicity free, hence completely reducible by Lemma 4.12. If , and then the claim follows as before by dualizing.

Now let and be arbitrary and suppose that is completely reducible. The induced module appears in a good filtration of , hence is simple. By truncating to and applying Lemma 7.9, we see that is odd. Furthermore, if and then truncating to and applying Lemma 7.10 yields . Finally, suppose that and , we show that is not completely reducible. By truncting to , we may assume that and . The induced modules and appear in a good filtration of . Suppose for a contradiction that is completely reducible. Then is simple and by Lemma 7.10. Analogously, the truncation of to is simple and Lemma 7.10 yields , a contradiction.

Theorem 7.12.

Let be of type and . Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if one of the following holds, up to reordering and :


and for even numbers with ,


and for certain such that is even for all ,


and for some with ,


and for some with .


If and are as in points (1) to (4) above then is completely reducible by Proposition 7.3 and Lemma 7.11. Now suppose that is completely reducible. By Proposition 7.7, we may assume that for some and with such that either or . If then is as in (1) and if then is as in (2) by Proposition 7.3. Now assume that . If then is not completely reducible by Lemma 7.6 and a truncation argument, a contradiction. Hence and . Now the claim follows from Lemma 7.11.

8. Results for small primes

In this section, we give proofs of Theorems A and B for of type , and when , and for of type when .

Suppose that is of type , , or and denote by and the long roots and the short roots in , respectively. Furthermore, define and and let


so that . The following theorem due to R. Steinberg provides a refinement of the tensor product theorem in small characteristic, see Theorem 11.1 in Reference Ste63:

Theorem 8.1 (Steinberg).

Suppose that and is of type , or or that and is of type . Let and write with and . Then .

8.1. Type

Let be of type and . The labeling of simple roots is such that and .

Lemma 8.2.

Let be a rational -module and suppose that has a maximal vector of weight , with . If is completely reducible as a -module then generates a simple -submodule of .


Suppose that is completely reducible as a -module. Then is a -submodule of

where the first isomorphism follows from Corollary 4.5 and as is a minuscule weight. Hence generates a simple -submodule of .

Proposition 8.3.

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if is completely reducible as a -module. Moreover, if is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.


As before, if is completely reducible as a -module then is completely reducible as a -module. Suppose now that is completely reducible as a -module, in particular by Corollary 3.7. We can write

with and not both equal to , so that

by Theorem 8.1. If or then Theorem 8.1 implies that is simple of highest weight , so now assume that .

The truncation of to is completely reducible when restricted to the Frobenius kernel of and by Theorems 5.2 and 7.12, we may assume that with . We write with indices and consider the four possibilities in turn:


Suppose that . We have

by Theorem 8.1 as . After replacing by , we may assume that . Then and is -restricted by Theorem 4.1.

If all maximal vectors in have -restricted weight then the claim follows from Proposition 4.8, so now assume for a contradiction that has a maximal vector of weight . For , we have for all as , so by Proposition 3.10 and it follows that . Furthermore, is a weight of by Lemma 3.4 and it follows that as for all with . As has -restricted socle, generates a non-simple -submodule of and by Lemma 8.2, is not completely reducible as a -module, a contradiction.


Suppose that and so that by Theorem 7.12, and let . If then is not completely reducible as a -module. Indeed, by truncating to , we may assume that so that has a composition factor of non--restricted highest weight and the claim follows from part (1). If then by truncating to and arguing as in Remark 7.8, we see that has a composition factor of weight . If then is not completely reducible by Lemma 4.9. So and

Moreover, we have , where is a trivial -module and as is completely reducible as a -module, it follows that

by Theorem 8.1. This implies that and is non--restricted, a contradiction. Finally, if then all maximal vectors in have -restricted weight as all dominant weights below are -restricted, and the claim follows from Proposition 4.8.


Suppose that and by truncating to , assume that . Then by truncating to , we see that has a composition factor of non--restricted highest weight

contradicting the assumption that is completely reducible, by part (1).


Suppose that and , so by Theorem 7.12 and we let . By truncating to , we may assume that . Then by truncating to  and arguing as in Remark 7.8, we see that has a composition factor of non--restricted highest weight contradicting the assumption that is completely reducible, as in part (2).

Remark 8.4.

The preceding proposition shows that Theorems A and B are valid for of type when .

8.2. Type

Let be of type and . We start with an easy lemma about the root system of .

Lemma 8.5.

Let and . If then there exists such that .


Consider the real vector space with canonical basis , equipped with the standard scalar product . The root system of type can be realized in as with

and the simple roots are . If then is long and is short, so for some . If , we can take . If then the claim follows with .

The following result is a weaker version of Proposition 3.9, the proof is almost the same.

Lemma 8.6.

Let and let be a weakly maximal vector of weight . Assume furthermore that there exists such that is a weakly maximal vector in and . Then generates a non-simple -submodule of .


Let such that . We have as , so and therefore and by Lemma 3.8. As in the proof of Proposition 3.9, it follows that whenever .

If then there exists such that by Lemma 8.5. Then and , a contradiction. Hence and it follows that and . As is a weakly maximal vector of weight , we have and hence . Now the claim follows from Lemma 3.6.

Proposition 8.7.

Let and suppose that has a weakly maximal vector of weight . Then is not completely reducible as a -module.


Suppose for a contradiction that is completely reducible as a -module, so  by Corollary 3.7. Recall that is a submodule of and has a good filtration. Fix a good filtration

with for such that implies , and set . Then

is a filtration of such that is a (possibly zero) submodule of . Starting from and , we construct a sequence of weakly maximal vectors of weight such that for all as follows:

Suppose that of weight has been constructed and let such that . Then the image of in is non-zero and lies in the -socle of , hence in the -socle of . If then by Lemma 4.6, so contradicting the assumption that . Hence is non--restricted, in particular . Moreover, by Corollary 4.6 in Reference BK00, we have

so has a maximal vector of weight . By Proposition 3.5, there exists such that is a weakly maximal vector. If then generates a non-simple -submodule of by Lemma 8.6, a contradiction. Hence and we set , a weakly maximal vector of weight .

Thus, we obtain a sequence of weakly maximal vectors in of weights . However, the set of weights of is finite, a contradiction.

Remark 8.8.

The preceding proposition shows that Corollary 3.11 is also valid for of type when . Recall that Proposition 4.8 is valid in arbitrary characteristic. Now Theorems A and B can be proven exactly as in Section 5, using Proposition 8.7 instead of Corollary 3.11, see Remark 5.3.

The following lemma will be used in the next subsection, where we consider the case of .

Lemma 8.9.

Assume that is of type and and let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if, up to reordering of and , and . In that case, .


The labeling of simple roots is such that and .

If and then by Theorem 8.1, so is completely reducible as a -module. Now suppose that is completely reducible as a -module. Then by Corollary 3.7 and it follows that, up to reordering of and , we have and so . Suppose for a contradiction that . Then by Theorem 8.1, we have

where either or . If then has a composition factor of highest weight , contradicting Proposition 8.7. Furthermore, we can compute using GAP that appears with multiplicity two as a composition factor of and that

hence is not completely reducible as a -module and also not completely reducible as a -module by Remark 8.8, a contradiction.

8.3. Type

Let be of type and . The labeling of simple roots is such that and , hence is of type and is of type .

Proposition 8.10.

Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if, up to reordering of and , and . In that case, .


If and then by Theorem 8.1, so is completely reducible as a -module. Now suppose that is completely reducible as a -module, so  by Corollary 3.7. By truncating to and applying Lemma 8.9, we obtain that, up to reordering of and , and so . Suppose for a contradiction that . Then by Corollary 3.7 and Theorem 8.1, we have

It follows that the truncation of to has a composition factor of non--restricted highest weight , contradicting Theorem 8.3.

Remark 8.11.

Theorems A and B are now immediate from Proposition 8.10: If such that is completely reducible as a -module then and , in particular is completely reducible as a -module and all composition factors are -restricted.

8.4. Type

Let be of type and . We choose the same labeling of simple roots as in Section 6, that is and . As is Section 6, we use GAP (and specifically Reference Dot09) to compute the composition factors of Weyl modules and of tensor products of simple modules.

Proposition 8.12.

Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if, up to reordering of and , and . In that case, .


If and then by Theorem 8.1, so is completely reducible as a -module. We show that is not completely reducible as a -module in the remaining cases. By Corollary 3.7, it is sufficient to consider such that .

We can compute using GAP that that is a composition factor of , so is not completely reducible as a -module by Lemma 4.9. As is -dimensional, we conclude from Proposition 4.10 and Remark 4.11 that the tensor products


are not completely reducible as -modules.

Furthermore, we have and it follows that has a good filtration. We can compute that appears in a good filtration of , and that  is non-simple. Then is not completely reducible as a -module by Lemma 4.6 and it follows that is not completely reducible as a -module. As , we conclude from Proposition 4.10 and Remark 4.11 that the tensor product

is not completely reducible as a -module.

It remains to consider the tensor products and . We can compute that is a composition factor of , so is not completely reducible as a -module by Lemma 4.9. We can further compute that is the unique non--restricted composition factor of . By Theorem 4.1, the socle of is -restricted, so is not completely reducible. If all maximal vectors in have -restricted weight then is not completely reducible as a -module by Proposition 4.8. Now suppose for a contradiction that has a maximal vector of non--restricted weight and that is completely reducible as a -module. Then and is isomorphic to a quotient of

by Corollary 4.5 as . Thus is a non--restricted simple module in the socle of , a contradiction.

Remark 8.13.

As in the previous subsection, Theorems A and B are immediate from Proposition 8.12, see Proposition 8.10 and Remark 8.11.

9. The reduction theorem

In order to prove Theorem C, we will need the following result about indecomposability of twisted tensor products. The proof was suggested to the author by Stephen Donkin.

Lemma 9.1.

Let and let be an indecomposable rational -module. Then is indecomposable.


As is a trivial -module and is simple, we have isomorphisms of -modules

Furthermore, is semisimple and -isotypic as a -module, so any non-trivial decomposition of as a direct sum of -submodules would afford a non-trivial decomposition of the -module . As is indecomposable, so is and it follows that is indecomposable.

Theorem 9.2.

Let and write and with and . Then is completely reducible if and only if and are completely reducible.


We have and by Steinberg’s tensor product theorem and therefore

Suppose first that is completely reducible. Then is completely reducible as a -module. As is a trivial -module, it follows that is completely reducible as a -module, hence as a -module by Theorem B.

Now let be an indecomposable direct summand of and let be a simple direct summand of , so that is a direct summand of . Then is -restricted by Theorem A and is indecomposable by Lemma 9.1. As is completely reducible, is simple and it follows that is simple. Hence is completely reducible.

Now suppose that and are completely reducible. By Theorem A, all composition factors of are -restricted, so we have

for certain -restricted weights and

for certain . By Steinberg’s tensor product theorem, we obtain

so is completely reducible.

Corollary 9.3.

Let and write and with for . Then is completely reducible if and only if is completely reducible for .


This follows by induction on from Theorem 9.2.


The author thanks Stephen Donkin for extremely fruitful discussions and guidance and for suggesting the proofs of Lemmas 4.9 and 9.1. The author would also like to thank his advisor, Donna Testerman, for her suggestions and careful reading of the manuscript.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem A.

Let be -restricted. If is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.

Theorem B.

Let be -restricted. Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.

Theorem C.

Let and write and with and all -restricted. Then is completely reducible if and only if is completely reducible for all .

Remark 2.2.

For rational -modules and , the tensor product becomes a rational -module via for , and . The corresponding -module structure on is obtained by pulling back the natural action of along the comultiplication map . In particular, we have

for all , and .

Remark 3.2.

Suppose that is a rational -module and that is a weakly maximal vector of weight . If with and (not necessarily dominant) then generates a -submodule of with . If is completely reducible as a -module then it follows that every weakly maximal vector generates a simple -submodule. Producing weakly maximal vectors that generate non-simple -submodules will be our main tool for establishing non-complete reducibility, see for instance Propositions 3.10 and 3.13 below.

Proposition 3.3.

Let and be rational -modules and let be a weakly maximal vector in . Suppose that there exists such that and let be maximal with the property that . Then is a weakly maximal vector.

Lemma 3.4.

Let and let be a weakly maximal vector of weight . Suppose that

with . Then and .

Proposition 3.5.

Let and let be a weakly maximal vector of weight . Then there exists such that is a weakly maximal vector in .

Lemma 3.6.

Let be a rational -module and a weakly maximal vector of weight . Suppose that there exists such that and write with and . If generates a simple -submodule of then .

Corollary 3.7.

Let and let and be maximal vectors in and , respectively. If the maximal vector generates a simple -submodule of then .

Lemma 3.8.

Let be a root system of type different from and let such that . Then and .

Proposition 3.9.

Assume that is of type different from . Let and suppose that there is a weakly maximal vector of weight such that for some . Assume furthermore that there exists with such that is a weakly maximal vector in and . Then generates a non-simple -submodule of .

Proposition 3.10.

Assume that is of type different from . Let and suppose that there is a weakly maximal vector of weight such that for some such that for all . Then has a weakly maximal vector that generates a non-simple -submodule.

Corollary 3.11.

Assume that is of type different from and that if is not simply laced. Let and suppose that has a weakly maximal vector of weight . Then is not completely reducible as a -module.

Proposition 3.12 (Suprunenko).

Suppose that if is of type , or and if is of type . Let and let be a weight vector of weight such that for some . Then for .

Proposition 3.13.

Suppose that if is of type , or and if is of type . Let  and suppose that has a weakly maximal vector of non--restricted weight  and let such that . Assume additionally that and . Then generates a non-simple submodule of .

Theorem 4.1 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Let with . Then the socle of is -restricted. In particular, the socle of is -restricted.

Corollary 4.3 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if

for all .

Lemma 4.4 (Andersen).

Let and write with and . Then

as -modules.

Corollary 4.5.

Let and write with and . Then

as -modules.

Lemma 4.6.

Let . Then . In addition, is generated as a -module by any maximal vector of weight .

Corollary 4.7.

Let be a rational -module and let be a maximal vector of -restricted weight . If generates a simple -submodule of then generates a simple -submodule of .

Proposition 4.8.

Let and suppose that all maximal vectors in have -restricted weight. Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.

Lemma 4.9.

Let and suppose that there exists such that is a composition factor of . Then is not completely reducible as a -module.

Proposition 4.10 (Serre).

Let be a group and let be a finite-dimensional -module such that the canonical homomorphism splits. If is a -module such that is completely reducible then is completely reducible.

Remark 4.11.

In the proofs of Propositions 2.1 and 2.3 in Reference Ser97, we can replace the group algebra by the finite-dimensional Hopf algebra (or any Hopf algebra, in fact), hence the above result is also valid for modules over the Frobenius kernel .


As pointed out in Remark 2.2 in Reference Ser97, a sufficient condition for the splitting of the homomorphism is that does not divide . If is a simple module then

by Schur’s lemma, so is spanned by while is spanned by the trace map, where we identify with . In that case, it follows that the embedding splits if and only if does not divide .

Lemma 4.12.

Let . If is multiplicity free then is completely reducible.

Remark 4.13.

Let and consider the derived subgroup of the Levi subgroup of corresponding to . For , write . For a rational -module and , we define the truncation of to at by

Then for , is the simple -module of highest weight , see Sections II.2.10 and II.2.11 in Reference Jan03. Analogously, and afford the induced module and the Weyl module of highest weight for . If is any finite-dimensional rational -module of highest weight , then it is straightforward to check that for , the multiplicity of as a composition factor of coincides with the multiplicity of the simple -module of highest weight in . Furthermore, for ,

is the tensor product of the simple -modules of highest weights and . In particular, the latter tensor product is completely reducible whenever is completely reducible. This observation will be crucial in Sections 7 and 8.

Theorem 5.2.

Assume that is of type different from and that if is not simply laced. Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if is completely reducible as a -module.

Remark 5.3.

Note that Proposition 4.8 is valid in arbitrary characteristic and for all types of root systems. In order to prove Theorems A and B for and that are not included in the above statements, it would be sufficient to obtain an analogue of Corollary 3.11 for the corresponding group . We will do this for of type and in Section 8; see Proposition 8.7 and Remark 8.8.

Lemma 6.1.

Suppose that , let and write and . If is completely reducible as a -module then and . In particular, we have either or .

Theorem 6.2.

Assume that is of type and . Let . If is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.

Theorem 7.1 (Brundan-Kleshchev).

Let and be partitions with parts.


The space is zero unless for some -conormal , in which case it is -dimensional.


The space is zero unless for some -cogood , in which case it is -dimensional.


is completely reducible if and only if every -conormal is -cogood.

Corollary 7.2.

Let . If is not completely reducible then has Loewy length at least .

Proposition 7.3.

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if for even numbers with .

Remark 7.4.

We note some more consequences of the proof of Proposition 7.3. Let with .


If are even then is completely reducible and and are the unique -cogood indices. It follows from Theorem 7.1 that


If are not all even and is minimal with the property that is odd then is -conormal. If , it follows that is -cogood and

where we take to be .

Lemma 7.5.

Let . Then is not completely reducible.

Lemma 7.6.

Let and . Then is not completely reducible.

Proposition 7.7.

Let such that is completely reducible. Then, up to reordering of and , we have for some and for some such that either or .

Remark 7.8.

Suppose that and such that . Then and it follows that there is a canonical embedding . By applying the same argument to the truncation of to for , we see that is a composition factor of .

Note that and , so has a good filtration. Arguing as in the previous paragraph, we see that the sections of such a filtration are precisely the induced modules for and , each with multiplicity .

Lemma 7.9.

Suppose that . Then is irreducible if and only if is even.

Lemma 7.10.

Suppose that . Then is irreducible if and only if .

Lemma 7.11.

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if is odd and one of the following holds:


or ,


or and .

Theorem 7.12.

Let be of type and . Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if one of the following holds, up to reordering and :


and for even numbers with ,


and for certain such that is even for all ,


and for some with ,


and for some with .

Theorem 8.1 (Steinberg).

Suppose that and is of type , or or that and is of type . Let and write with and . Then .

Lemma 8.2.

Let be a rational -module and suppose that has a maximal vector of weight , with . If is completely reducible as a -module then generates a simple -submodule of .

Proposition 8.3.

Let . Then is completely reducible if and only if is completely reducible as a -module. Moreover, if is completely reducible then all composition factors of are -restricted.

Lemma 8.5.

Let and . If then there exists such that .

Lemma 8.6.

Let and let be a weakly maximal vector of weight . Assume furthermore that there exists such that is a weakly maximal vector in and . Then generates a non-simple -submodule of .

Proposition 8.7.

Let and suppose that has a weakly maximal vector of weight . Then is not completely reducible as a -module.

Remark 8.8.

The preceding proposition shows that Corollary 3.11 is also valid for of type when . Recall that Proposition 4.8 is valid in arbitrary characteristic. Now Theorems A and B can be proven exactly as in Section 5, using Proposition 8.7 instead of Corollary 3.11, see Remark 5.3.

Lemma 8.9.

Assume that is of type and and let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if, up to reordering of and , and . In that case, .

Proposition 8.10.

Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if, up to reordering of and , and . In that case, .

Remark 8.11.

Theorems A and B are now immediate from Proposition 8.10: If such that is completely reducible as a -module then and , in particular is completely reducible as a -module and all composition factors are -restricted.

Proposition 8.12.

Let . Then is completely reducible as a -module if and only if, up to reordering of and , and . In that case, .

Lemma 9.1.

Let and let be an indecomposable rational -module. Then is indecomposable.

Theorem 9.2.

Let and write and with and . Then is completely reducible if and only if and are completely reducible.


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 20G05 (Representation theory for linear algebraic groups)
Author Information
Jonathan Gruber
École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Additional Notes

This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, grant number FNS 200020_175571.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 8, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/58
  • MathSciNet Review: 4223044
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4223044}{article}{ author={Gruber, Jonathan}, title={On complete reducibility of tensor products of simple modules over simple algebraic groups}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={8}, date={2021}, pages={249-276}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4223044}, doi={10.1090/btran/58}, }


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