Finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of quantum linear spaces and of Cartan type

By Nicolás Andruskiewitsch and Guillermo Sanmarco


We study pre-Nichols algebras of quantum linear spaces and of Cartan type with finite GK-dimension. We prove that except for a short list of exceptions involving only roots of order 2, 3, 4, 6, any such pre-Nichols algebra is a quotient of the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra introduced by Angiono generalizing the De Concini-Kac-Procesi quantum groups. There are two new examples, one of which can be thought of as at a third root of one.

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview

1.1.1. The problem

Let be a field. Let be an abbreviation of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension, see Reference KL. In this paper we contribute to the ongoing program of classifying Hopf algebras with finite . See Reference B+Reference GReference L and references therein.

Let be a Hopf algebra and let be the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over . Assume that is pointed (similar arguments apply more generally if its coradical is a Hopf subalgebra). Basic invariants of are


the group of grouplikes ,


the diagram , a graded connected Hopf algebra in ,


the infinitesimal braiding , an object in .

See Reference AS3. Assume that has finite growth. In order to classify those with finite , one first needs to understand all such with finite . As a coalgebra is coradically graded and connected; in other words, it is strictly graded as in Reference Sw, Section 11.2, see p. 232 and Lemma 11.2.1. Strictly graded Hopf algebras in with are called post-Nichols algebras of ; also, graded Hopf algebras in generated by are called pre-Nichols algebras of . See §2.5.

The Nichols algebra is isomorphic to the subalgebra of generated by ; see Reference A for an introduction to Nichols algebras. When and (thus is finite), it was conjectured in Reference AS2 that ; this is known to be true when is abelian by Reference An1. The validity of this conjecture says that the classification of the finite-dimensional Nichols algebras in is a substantial step towards the problem of classifying finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras with group . When or , the conjecture fails to be true and the knowledge of the Nichols algebras is not enough. Thus, towards classifying pointed Hopf algebras with group and finite , we do not see how to avoid the consideration of the following questions:


classify all such that has finite ,


for such classify all post-Nichols algebras with finite .

Question (B) appears to be difficult to handle directly. However Lemma 2.2 below, proved in Reference AAH3, reduces Question (B) for as in (A) to


classify all pre-Nichols algebras of with finite .

As usual it is more flexible to deal with classes of braided vector spaces rather than classes of groups and correspondingly pre-Nichols algebras as braided Hopf algebras; see §2.3 for unexplained vocabulary.

1.1.2. Eminent pre-Nichols algebras

For Question (C) we point out that all pre-Nichols algebras of form a poset with minimal and maximal; those with finite form a saturated subposet , cf. §2.5. When and the braiding is the usual flip, the Nichols algebra is just the symmetric algebra and the pre-Nichols algebras with finite are the universal enveloping algebras of the finite-dimensional -graded Lie algebras generated in degree one. Thus is hardly computable when . Similar considerations are valid when the braiding is the super flip of a super vector space, see §2.9.2. But if and , then has obviously a minimal element. We introduce in this paper the notion of eminent pre-Nichols algebra as one that is a minimum in . That is, a pre-Nichols algebra of a braided vector is eminent if




if is a pre-Nichols algebra of with , then there exists a morphism of pre-Nichols algebras , necessarily surjective.

The existence of an eminent pre-Nichols algebra reduces Question (C) to the determination of all pre-Nichols algebra quotients of , that is its homogeneous Hopf ideals starting in degree (at least) 2. Presently there is no general recipe to decide whether a braided vector space admits an eminent pre-Nichols algebra. In this paper we shall show that many braided vector spaces of diagonal type have eminent pre-Nichols algebras.

1.1.3. Distinguished pre-Nichols algebras

From now on we assume that is algebraically closed and . In this paper we deal with Question (C) for braided vector spaces of diagonal type, i.e. with braiding determined by a matrix with entries in where and . See §2.8 for precise definitions.

First we need to discuss Question (A) for this class. Finite-dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type, i.e. those with , were classified in Reference H1 through the notion of (generalized) root system. More generally the list of all Nichols algebras of diagonal type with finite root system is given in loc. cit. It was conjectured in Reference AAH1, and verified in various cases Reference R, Reference AA1Reference AAH2, that Nichols algebras of diagonal type with finite are precisely those with finite root system. We recall this as Conjecture 2.6. We shall assume in a few proofs that Conjecture 2.6 is valid in dimensions .

Let be a finite-dimensional Nichols algebra of diagonal type. The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra of introduced in Reference An3 is the quotient , where is the ideal of generated by the defining relations of given in Reference An1 but excluding the powers of the Cartan root vectors and including the quantum Serre relations at Cartan vertices. Detailed presentations of and are available in Reference AA2, §4. The notion of Cartan root requires the theory of Weyl groupoid that would led us too far from the goal of this paper. Indeed in Cartan type all roots are so and the distinguished pre-Nichols algebras are the positive parts of the quantum groups of Reference DKP. Originally was introduced as a tool for understanding the relations of ; several results on were established in Reference An3. The graded duals of the distinguished pre-Nichols algebras have been presented by generators and relations in Reference AAR.

Unlike the notion of eminent pre-Nichols algebra, we lack at the moment a concise abstract definition of that could be adapted beyond finite dimensional of diagonal type; but see §1.2.1 for quantum linear spaces.

In Reference An3 the author and one of us asked whether a distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent (in the terminology just introduced). Recall that the classification in Reference H1 was organized in Reference AA2 in various types: Cartan, standard, super, modular, super modular and UFO. Here we address the question above when is either a quantum linear space or of Cartan type. The recent paper Reference ACS treats super and standard types, the remaining ones being the subject of work in progress.

1.2. The main results

In the present paper we focus on braided vector spaces of diagonal type of two kinds. Fix of diagonal type as in §2.8, with braiding given by the matrix .

1.2.1. Quantum linear spaces

Here we assume that satisfies for all . We extend the notion of distinguished pre-Nichols algebra to quantum linear spaces even when they are infinite-dimensional. Namely we define the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra as the one presented by generators and relations , for all . If is a root of unit for all , then , is of Cartan type and any root is Cartan, so this definition is consistent with the one given in Reference An3 and discussed above.

We need some notation to state our first Theorem. Set

Thus . For , let be the subspace of spanned by and the restriction of to . Then

Theorem 1.1.

Assume that Conjecture 2.6 is true.


The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent, .


Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of ; let , respectively , be the subalgebra of generated by , respectively , . Then there is a decomposition


Assume that has a basis with , . Then

is an eminent pre-Nichols algebra of and has .

See §2.1 for the meaning of . Parts (a) and (b) follow from Proposition 3.2 whose proof assumes that Conjecture 2.6 is true. Part (c) is Proposition 3.3. Although of part (c) is not the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra of the quantum plane , it can be thought of as the distinguished one of the braided vector space of Cartan type , but degenerated in the sense that the parameter is a primitive third root of unity. Via suitable bosonizations, provides new examples of pointed Hopf algebras with finite .

Let . By (a) and Equation 1.2 we have a surjective map of pre-Nichols algebras . Therefore it remains to understand . Towards this, we know:

The pre-Nichols algebras of with finite are (up to a twist) the enveloping superalgebras , where is a finite-dimensional Lie superalgebra generated by , see §2.9.2.

By Proposition 3.2, .

For instance, if , then there is a surjective map of pre-Nichols algebras .

Towards we know Part (c) and §3.3. It is natural to ask:

Question 1.2.

Assume that , and . Is the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra eminent?

1.2.2. Connected Cartan type

Here is of finite Cartan type, i.e.

where is a Cartan matrix of finite type with connected Dynkin diagram. In §4 we recall the possibilities for such . They depend on a root of unity , whose order is denoted by . In the following statement the symbols are defined in Equation 2.1.

Theorem 1.3.

The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent except in the following cases: with ,


Suppose is of type with . Then

is an eminent pre-Nichols algebra of , and .

This answers (partially) a question in Reference An3.

The proof of (a) is given in Lemmas 4.12, 4.13, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18. For the cases listed in Equation 1.3 the determination of the poset remains an open problem except for , with that was solved in Reference ACS. See Section 5 for partial results; answers to Questions 5.2, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9 and 5.11 would shed light on the issue. The proof of (b) is given in Proposition 4.11. The eminent pre-Nichols algebra is introduced and studied in §4.2.2. There we show that properly covers the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra , which has .

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Conventions

For , put and . Given a positive integer , we denote by the group of -th roots of unity in , and by the subset of those of order . The group of all roots of unity is denoted by and .

The subalgebra generated by a subset of an associative algebra is denoted by .

All Hopf algebras are assumed to have bijective antipode. If is a Hopf algebra, the group of group-like elements is denoted by , while is the subspace of primitive elements. By we mean the graded coalgebra associated to the coradical filtration.

If and are algebras in , we denote by the algebra with multiplication , where and are the multiplications of and , respectively.

2.2. Gelfand-Kirillov dimension

We refer to Reference KL for general information on this topic. The following useful statement is immediate from the definition of . Let be a ring and let be a direct sum of -modules which are free of finite rank (we say is a locally finite graded -module). The Poincaré series of is

Lemma 2.1.

Let and be fields and let and be two locally finite graded algebras generated in degree one over and respectively. If , then .

Actually Reference KL, 12.6.2 shows that the Poincaré series of a graded finitely generated algebra provides its .

2.3. Braided Hopf algebras

A pair where is a vector space and satisfies the braid equation

is called a braided vector space. A braided vector space with compatible algebra and coalgebra structures as in Reference T is called a braided Hopf algebra. For instance the tensor algebra has a canonical structure of (graded connected) braided Hopf algebra such that the elements of degree 1 are primitive. Also the tensor coalgebra becomes a braided Hopf algebra by the twisted shuffle product; see e.g. Reference R, Proposition 9. There is a homogeneous morphism of braided Hopf algebras determined by , ; its image is the Nichols algebra of , denoted . In fact is the quantum symmetrizer, see e.g. Reference A, Section 3.3.

Another description: let be the largest element of the set of graded Hopf ideals of trivially intersecting . Then .

2.4. Principal realizations

Theorems 1.1 and 1.3 are relevant for the classification of Hopf algebras with finite . Indeed a braided vector space arises (up to a mild condition) as a Yetter-Drinfeld module over a Hopf algebra; this is called a realization. Realizations are not unique and we single out a class of them for braidings of diagonal type. Let be a Hopf algebra. A YD-pair is a couple satisfying

Compare with Reference AS1, p. 671. This compatibility guarantees that (i. e. acting and coacting on by and , respectively) is a Yetter-Drinfeld module over . Let be a braided vector space of diagonal type. Following Reference AS1, p. 673, a principal realization of over is a family of YD-pairs such that for all . In this case .

2.5. Pre-Nichols and post-Nichols algebras

We present in detail the objects of interest in this paper.

Let be a graded connected braided Hopf algebra with . Then is a pre-Nichols algebra of if it is generated by . In this case there are epimorphisms of (graded) braided Hopf algebras

Hence the set of isomorphism classes of pre-Nichols algebras of is partially ordered with minimal and maximal:

Dually, a graded connected braided Hopf algebra with is a post-Nichols algebra of if it is coradically graded. Thus we have monomorphisms of (graded) braided Hopf algebras

Hence the set of isomorphism classes of post-Nichols algebras of is partially ordered with maximal and minimal:

The only pre-Nichols which is also a post-Nichols algebra of is itself.

2.6. Eminent pre- and post-Nichols algebras

For the purposes of classifying Hopf algebras with finite , it is important to describe the (partially ordered) subset of consisting of post-Nichols algebras with finite . In this paper we are mainly interested in the (partially ordered) subset of consisting of pre-Nichols algebras with finite . The reason to start with this is given by the following result:

Lemma 2.2 (Reference AAH3).

Let be a pre-Nichols algebra of and let be the graded dual of . Then . If is finitely generated, then the equality holds.

A first approximation to the determination of and is through the following notion.

Definition 2.3.

A pre-Nichols algebra is eminent if it is the minimum of ; i. e. there is an epimorphism of braided Hopf algebras that is the identity on for any .


A post-Nichols algebra is eminent if it is the maximum of ; that is for any , there is a monomorphism of braided Hopf algebras that is the identity on .

Beware that there are braided vector spaces without eminent pre-Nichols algebras; e. g., if and the braiding is the usual flip, then has infinite chains. An intermediate situation could be described as follows.

Definition 2.4.

A family is eminent if


for any , there exists and an epimorphism of braided Hopf algebras that is the identity on , and


is minimal among the families in satisfying (a).

Eminent families of post-Nichols algebras are defined similarly.

All the notions above about braided Hopf algebras related to braided vector spaces have a counterpart for Yetter-Drinfeld modules. Namely, suppose that is realized in for some Hopf algebra . Then is the subset of of pre-Nichols algebras that belong to ; similarly we have , , , and also -eminent pre-Nichols or post-Nichols algebras.

2.7. The adjoint representation and -brackets

Any Hopf algebra in comes equipped with the (left) adjoint representation , given by

where , and denote the multiplication, comultiplication and antipode of , respectively. The adjoint action of a primitive element is

Given , put

We also set for .

On the other hand, the braided commutator is defined by

We refer to Reference AA2, Introduction for a more detailed treatment.

2.8. Nichols algebras of diagonal type

Fix a natural number and let . Any matrix with coefficients in determines a braided vector space of diagonal type , where

The Dynkin diagram associated to is a non-oriented graph with vertices. The vertex is labelled by , and there is an edge between and if and only if ; in this case, the edge is labeled by . Thus we may speak of the connected components of this diagram and by abuse of notation of . The following useful result says that a connected component with at least 2 vertices one of them labelled by 1 gives rise to an infinite GK-dimensional Nichols algebra.

Lemma 2.5 (Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8).

Let be a braided vector space of diagonal type with Dynkin diagram

Then .

Let be the canonical basis of . From the braiding matrix we obtain a -valued bilinear form on , still denoted and determined by , . Put also

For sake of brevity, we use and as well.

The braided vector space as in Equation 2.2 is realized in by declaring

The algebra becomes -graded. Thus any quotient algebra of by a graded ideal inherits the grading: . We keep the notation for this degree. Furthermore, if is an algebra obtained as a quotient of by a graded ideal (thus a subobject in ), then the braiding on the homogeneous subspaces is given by

We shall use Equation 2.5 many times. The braided commutators satisfy

for homogeneous elements , , .

In the diagonal setting Equation 2.2 we set as usual , , , etc. Nichols algebras of diagonal type (i. e. those arising from braided vector spaces of diagonal type) have been intensively studied. The classification of all matrices such that has finite root system was provided in Reference H1; the defining relations of these Nichols algebras are given in Reference An1Reference An2. Clearly, finite dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type have finite root system. It was conjectured that those of finite share the same property.

Conjecture 2.6 (Reference AAH1, Conjecture 1.5).

The root system of a Nichols algebra of diagonal type with finite GK-dimension is finite.

The validity of Conjecture 2.6 would imply the classification of finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type. There is strong evidence supporting it. The conjecture holds when Reference AAH2, Thm. 4.1, when the braiding is of affine Cartan type Reference AAH2, Thm. 1.2, or when is generic, that is , and or , for all Reference RReference AA1.

We include for completeness proofs of the following well-known results.

Lemma 2.7.

Let be homogeneous primitive elements with and . Then is primitive if and only if .


Using Equation 2.5, compute

Lemma 2.8.

Let be a graded braided Hopf algebra. If is any braided subspace of contained in then .


We follow Reference AS4, Lemma 5.4. Since the elements of are primitive, the subalgebra is a braided Hopf subalgebra of ; by definition of the Nichols algebra it follows that projects onto , so . But by Reference KL, Lemma 6.5, and this proves the desired inequality.

2.9. Pre-Nichols algebras of diagonal type

Let be a braided vector space of diagonal type associated to the matrix . Recall that , . We write for , cf. Equation 2.4.

2.9.1. Pre-Nichols algebras under twist-equivalence

Let be another braiding matrix such that

In this case, and the braided vector space with basis are said to be twist-equivalent.

Lemma 2.9.

There is an isomorphism of posets .


Let be the bilinear form, hence a 2-cocycle, given by . Let be the corresponding cocycle deformation of , i. e. with multiplication

By the proof of Reference AS3, Prop. 3.9 the linear map , , , induces an isomorphism of Hopf algebras in . Let be a Hopf ideal of that belongs to ; then it is also a Hopf ideal of and by Lemma 2.1.

2.9.2. Pre-Nichols algebras of super symmetric algebras

Assume that , for all . Then is a super vector space where is spanned by those ’s such that , . Let be the matrix corresponding to the associated super symmetry. Then

The pre-Nichols algebras of are the enveloping superalgebras , where is a graded Lie superalgebra generated by .

consists of the enveloping superalgebras , where is a graded Lie superalgebra generated by with .

Hence consists of the enveloping superalgebras , where is a finite-dimensional -graded Lie superalgebra generated by . In particular .

By Lemma 2.9, is isomorphic as a poset to the set of isomorphism classes of finite-dimensional -graded Lie superalgebras as in the previous point.

3. Quantum linear spaces

In this section we investigate finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of quantum linear spaces. These are Nichols algebras of braided vector spaces of diagonal type with totally disconnected Dynkin diagram. More precisely, fix a matrix and a vector space with basis and braiding given by , . In this section we assume that

Then is presented by generators and relations

here we are using the notation Equation 2.1. It has a PBW-basis:

As defined in the Introduction, the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra of is presented by generators and relations Equation 3.2; it is a domain of . Recall the partition where as in Equation 1.1 we set

For , let be the subspace of spanned by and the restriction of to . Then . As we have seen in §2.9.2 the -graded pre-Nichols algebras of are twistings of enveloping algebras of nilpotent Lie superalgebras with suitable properties; in particular, there is no eminent pre-Nichols algebra of .

3.1. Reduction to order

Below we consider various braided vector spaces of diagonal type, see §2.8 for the recipe of the Dynkin diagram that encodes the matrix that determines the braiding.

Remark 3.1.

Let . Recall that . The braiding of the 3-dimensional subspace is easily computed, and the corresponding Dynkin diagram is either

or it is disconnected if the label of some edge is . Indeed,

so and . Since because we are in the quantum linear space situation, Equation 3.5 is the Dynkin diagram of .

Proposition 3.2.

Let such that . Assume that Conjecture 2.6 is true. Then holds in any finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of .

We point out that Conjecture 2.6 is needed only to discard cases 1, 5 and 8 below, that require the conjecture only for dimension 3.


Let be a pre-Nichols algebra of , so there is a braided Hopf algebra map . Let denote the image of , respectively, and consider . By Lemma 2.7 we have , hence Lemma 2.8 warranties .

Assume , so is 3-dimensional by a degree argument and its Dynkin diagram is Equation 3.5. We show that .

Consider the subspaces , ; denote their corresponding Dynkin diagrams by and , respectively. From it follows , so the image of in is not zero.

We split the proof in several cases according to the possibilities for and .

Case 1 ( or ).

This essentially goes back to Reference R. Assume first . If , it follows from Reference AAH1, Lemmas 2.6 and 2.7 that there exists a natural number such that , which contradicts . The case is similar: since the image of is not zero, we may apply the same argument as with .

Case 2 ( or ).

We may suppose ; if , the same argument applies. By the previous case, we may assume is a root of unity, and by hypothesis its order must be . The diagram is

If then Reference AAH2 implies that the Cartan matrix is of finite type. Thus we conclude , a contradiction.

Case 3 ( or ).

Assume that . By Case 1, we may assume that is a root of unity; by hypothesis, its order is . By Reference AAH2, since the Dynkin diagram of is

and this does not appear in Reference H1, Table 1; indeed it is of Cartan, but not finite, type. The case is treated similarly.

Case 4 ().

Now has connected Dynkin diagram

If the Nichols algebra of is finite GK-dimensional, by exhaustion of Reference H1, Table 1 we conclude that , and satisfy one of the following:














In the rest of the proof, we discard one by one all these possibilities.

2 Now is of Cartan type with Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix:

Since this matrix is of affine type, by Reference AAH2.

3 Assume first . Then

which is not arithmetic. By Reference AAH2 we see that . Next, when , is of Cartan type with Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix:

which is affine, so by Reference AAH2. 4 Since , we have by Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8. 6 In this case

is of indefinite Cartan type, so by Reference AAH2. 7 Similarly,

is indefinite Cartan, so . In the remaining cases, is




Now 1 and 5 are equal up to permutation of the indexes. Only here we need to assume the validity of Conjecture 2.6. Indeed, these diagrams do not appear in Reference H1, Table 2, so in all cases.

3.2. A pre-Nichols algebra of type

We assume has the following Dynkin diagram

Proposition 3.3.

The algebra is an eminent pre-Nichols algebra of and .


We first claim that the elements and are primitive in . This is verified by a direct computation, see Reference S.

Second, we claim that the relations and hold in any finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of .

Assume first in . Then also . From Lemma 2.7 and the previous claim, we have a braided subspace

so Lemma 2.8 gives . By a degree argument, has dimension three; from direct computation its Dynkin diagram is

Since the Cartan matrix is of affine type , we have by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a). Thus .

Assume now in . Then , and since , we have . Consider . We may now use the same argument as above. Indeed, has Dynkin diagram Equation 3.6 replacing by , so by the same reason as . Hence . Thus .

The verification of is postponed to Proposition 4.5.

3.3. A further reduction

Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of . We are naturally led to consider

That is, means that , and in .

Remark 3.4.

If , the braided vector space is of Cartan type by Remark 3.1.

Lemma 3.5.

If then .


Since and are -homogeneous,

Assume . Then , and have pairwise different -degrees, so they span a 3-dimensional braided subspace . Now the Dynkin diagram of is

Since the Cartan matrix is of affine type , we have by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a). Thus , a contradiction.

4. Cartan type

In this section we determine the finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of braided vector spaces of finite Cartan type under some restrictions.

We fix a matrix of non-zero scalars such that for all and a braided vector space with braiding given by , , in a basis . Let .

Recall that , or , is of Cartan type if there exists a Cartan matrix such that for all . Let . If , then are uniquely determined. Otherwise, we impose

In this way we say that , is of Cartan type .

We follow the terminology of Reference K. Cartan matrices are arranged in three families, namely: finite, affine and indefinite. We say that , or , belongs to one of these families if the corresponding does.

In this section we assume that is of connected finite Cartan type and that . Thus the possible Dynkin diagrams of have the following form, where is a root of unity in of order :

We refer to the surveyReference AA2 for restrictions on and other features of in each case. The quantum Serre relations are the following elements of :

By Reference AS2, Lemma A.1 these are primitive in any pre-Nichols algebra. Let be the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra of , see §1.1.3.

Remark 4.1.

From the detailed presentation in Reference AA2, §4 we see that the quantum Serre relations Equation 4.2 generate in the following cases:

when is of type or Reference AA2, pp. 397, 399, 400,

when is of type and Reference AA2, pp. 410, 411,

when is simply-laced and Reference AA2, pp. 397, 404, 407,

when is of type B, C, or F and Reference AA2, pp. 399, 402, 409.

4.1. Quantum Serre relations

Let be a symmetrizable indecomposable generalized Cartan matrix and diagonal such that is symmetric. The datum is equivalent to an irreducible Cartan datum as in Reference Lu, 1.1.1 by setting

Let be the associated Kac-Moody algebra which has a triangular decomposition .

Let and consider the Dynkin diagram

Let be any matrix with Dynkin diagram Equation 4.3 and be the corresponding braided vector space with basis . Notice that is of Cartan type but it is not necessarily of type as Equation 4.1 may not hold.

Let modulo the ideal generated by the quantum Serre relations , , which is a pre-Nichols algebra of .

Proposition 4.2.



If , , then has Dynkin diagram Equation 4.3. Let be the corresponding braided vector space with basis .

Claim 1.



By the proof of Reference AS3, Proposition 3.9 (or the proof of Lemma 2.9) there is a homogeneous linear isomorphism determined by for all and satisfying Reference AS3, Remarks 3.10. Hence and induces a homogeneous linear isomorphism . Then apply Lemma 2.1.

Let now be the -algebra defined in Reference Lu, 1.2.5, where is an indeterminate and let be the -subalgebra spanned by the quantum divided powers of the generators of Reference Lu, 1.4.7. By Reference Lu, 14.4.3, is a free -module and

Consider as -module via . Then we have the algebras and defined in Reference Lu, 33.1.1 (which is nothing else than ). By Reference Lu, 1.4.3, the quantum Serre relations hold in , hence we have a surjective algebra map . Thus

On the other hand, let be as -module via . Then by Reference Lu, 33.1.1 and by Reference Lu, 33.1.3; that is

where the first equality holds by Lemma 2.1. The Proposition follows.

Example 4.3.

Let . Then Equation 4.3 takes the form with . If and , then has the Dynkin diagram above. Here modulo the relations

In this setting Proposition 4.2 gives .

Example 4.4.

Let . Then Equation 4.3 takes the form with . If and , then has the Dynkin diagram above. Here modulo the relations

In this situation Proposition 4.2 establishes .

This last example gains more relevance when the parameter specializes to a root of unity with small order.

Proposition 4.5.

Let and as in Example 4.4.


If then .


If then in .


Let . Put . By direct computation, in the following relations hold:

(a) Here , so the last relation above becomes

Substituting this in the penultimate equation we get

These equalities imply more commutations:

Now we claim that is linearly spanned by

Denote by the linear span of . Since , it is enough to show that is left ideal of . If we multiply by on the left, we can use the previously deduced commutations between the (powers of the) ’s to successively rearrange the terms until we get a linear combination of elements in . The claim follows. Let be ordered by

This order is convex, that is for with , the braided commutator is a sum of monomials in the letters such that . Indeed this follows from the equalities above.

Consider next the lexicographical order on induced by the order of and the corresponding -filtration on . Let be the associated graded algebra. By the convexity of the order, there is a natural projection from a quantum polynomial algebra , hence . By Reference KL, Proposition 6.6 and Example 4.4 we also have , so the equality holds.

(b) This follows by specialization at in the relation

Remark 4.6.

Let us point out the relevance of (b). By Kharchenko’s theory Reference Kh, has a PBW-basis. By Proposition 4.2 we know but, when , the root will not contribute to by (b) above. So even if is of type , one should not expect that the PBW generators are just those related to the six positive roots of , as was the case in the proof of (a).

4.2. Type

In this and the next subsections we seek eminent (families of) pre-Nichols algebras in order to determine finite pre-Nichols algebras of braidings of finite Cartan type. The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra will serve as the principal guide in our exploration.

4.2.1. Type with

Lemma 4.7.

Assume is of Cartan type with . If is a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of , then and in , i. e. the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent, cf. Definition 2.3.


Assume for some ; the 3-dimensional braided subspace has .

Consider the braided subspace . By direct computation, the braiding on is of Cartan type with the following Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix:

If either or , it is evident that the Cartan matrix is not finite, so by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2 (b). This contradicts .

For the remaining cases (i. e. and ), we consider the whole . Since , the braiding on is of Cartan type with the following Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix

Now it is straightforward to verify that if or , then is of affine type, which contradicts by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2 (b).

4.2.2. Type with

Here is the first restriction.

Lemma 4.8.

Assume is of Cartan type with . Let . Then and in for all .


Since is primitive, using that and , we get by Lemma 2.7. Assume first in . The braided subspace has finite Nichols algebra. The Dynkin diagram is

The Cartan matrix is of affine type , and by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a) this contradicts .

If , the same argument leads to a contradiction. Indeed, by direct computations, the Dynkin diagram of is

so by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a).

Remark 4.9.

Denote . The defining ideal of is a Hopf ideal by the proof of Lemma 4.8. Let denote the natural projection. Let be the subalgebra of generated by

The next results are devoted to prove that is eminent.

Lemma 4.10.

Given , the following relations hold in :


is a normal braided Hopf subalgebra of .


The ’s -commute; is a basis of .




(a) Just compute using Equation 2.8:

(b) We claim that the generators of are annihilated by the braided adjoint action of . Fix . By definition . In we have , and if then

Thus annihilates and . Finally, we proceed with . From (a) we get the commutation in . Then using Equation 2.6

For , notice that on the one hand

On the other hand, using and (a) we get

so . This shows that is a normal subalgebra.

Next we verify that for . This is clear for , because those elements are primitive in ; for we compute in :

Using (a) and the defining relations of we see that is a Hopf subalgebra.

(c) We show that any pair of generators of -commute. By definition of , both and -commute with and , so and -commute with and . Secondly, Equation 4.7 implies that and -commute. Thirdly, (a) shows that -commutes with and , and also that and -commute. Lastly, -commutes with by Equation 4.8, and with by Equation 4.9 and Equation 4.10. Hence linearly generates .

The linear independence is proven by steps.

Step 1.

The set is linearly independent.


Consider the Hopf algebra ; let denote the subalgebra generated by and . Since all the generators of are either skew-primitives or group-likes, it follows that itself is a pointed Hopf algebra. Notice that are linearly independent. Indeed, they are non-zero because their -degree is , so they are linearly independent since their -degrees are pairwise different (here we are using that the defining ideal of is a Hopf ideal generated by -homogeneous elements of -degree ). Hence the infinitesimal braiding of contains the braided vector space , which is quantum linear space with all points labeled by . Thus is linearly independent.

Step 2.

The element does not belong to the left ideal .


We verify this using Reference GAP.

The ideal is a Hopf ideal because the generators are primitive. Denote the quotient by and consider the projection .

Step 3.

The set is linearly independent.


Consider the Hopf algebra . The subalgebra generated by and is a pointed Hopf algebra. Moreover, its infinitesimal braiding contains , which is a non-zero point by Step 2 and is labeled by . Now proceed as in the proof of Step 1.

Step 4.

We have for all .


The case is obvious, and follows from Equation 4.11. An standard inductive argument for braided comultiplication yields the desired result.

Step 5.

The set is linearly independent.


Let . Assume there exists such that for some ; take as the maximal one. By Step 3 there is a linear map such that for all . Now using Step 4 we compute

This contradicts Step 1.

(d) Since and is normal, the right ideal is a Hopf ideal. By Reference A+, Proposition 3.6 (c) we get that the equality is equivalent to . This last isomorphism holds because the diagram


Proposition 4.11.

There is an extension of braided Hopf algebras


The pre-Nichols algebra is eminent and .


(a) Follows from Lemma 4.10 (d).

(b) We know that covers all elements of by Lemma 4.8; it remains to show that itself belongs to . By Reference A+, Proposition 3.6 (d) there is a right -linear isomorphism . Since is finite dimensional, this implies that is finitely generated as a -module. Now Reference KL, Proposition 5.5 provides .

4.3. Type

Lemma 4.12.

Assume that is of Cartan type . Then the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent.


Here . We may fix a braiding matrix such that , so and . Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of . It is enough to prove that in .

Assume first , and consider the 3-dimensional braided subspace . Then from Lemma 2.8. We split the proof according to the several possibilities for .

. Now the braiding on is of Cartan type

Since is of affine type , this contradicts Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a).

. In this case the braiding on is

The Cartan matrix is of indefinite type, and by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b) this contradicts .

. The Dynkin diagram of is

Since , it follows from Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b) that the associated root system is finite. Now is connected; by exhaustion on Reference H1, Table 1, we deduce that we must have or . We turn again to , whose Dynkin diagram is easily computed in each case:

In any case the Cartan matrix is of affine type , so by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b).

Assume in . The subspace has dimension 3 and . Now has connected Dynkin diagram

and it is finite by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b). By exhaustion on Reference H1, Table 1 we deduce that . Then the Dynkin diagram of is of Cartan type

Since is of affine type , this contradicts Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a).

4.4. Type

Lemma 4.13.

Assume that is of Cartan type . Then the quantum Serre relations hold in any . In particular, the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent if .


Here . Let ; we show first that the quantum Serre relations hold in .

Start assuming . Then the 3-dimensional subspace satisfies by Lemma 2.8. The Dynkin diagram of is

Since , it follows from Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b) that the root system of is finite. We split the proof according to the several possibilities for .

. The diagram is disconnected, but we might consider instead , that satisfies as well. By direct computation is of indefinite Cartan type:

which is in contradiction with Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a).

. Now is connected and finite; by inspection on Reference H1, Table 1, we must have or .

. In this case is of Cartan type

which is of affine type , now contradicting Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b).

. In this case the Dynkin diagram of is of Cartan type

By Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b) this contradicts , since is of affine type .

\kern2.22198ptAssume now in . The subspace has dimension 3 and . Consider two possibilities for .

. Now has connected Dynkin diagram

By exhaustion on Reference H1, Table 1 we conclude that this diagram is never finite, which contradicts Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b), as .

. In this case the braiding on is of Cartan type

Since is of affine type , this contradicts Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a).

Thus the quantum Serre relations hold in . By Remark 4.1 this proves the assertion regarding .

4.5. Type

Lemma 4.14.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.


As , the ideal is generated by the quantum Serre relations and for , cf. Reference AA2, p. 397. Let . Then holds in since the braided vector space satisfies the hypothesis in Proposition 3.2.

Turn to for some fix with ; in this case is of Cartan type . If , then in by Lemma 4.7. Only the case remains. Now we have . Using Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8, in order to guarantee in it is enough to find such that . It is straightforward to verify that the unique different from and does the trick.

4.6. Types and

Lemma 4.15.

The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent if either


is of type , or


is of type .


Let . Then holds in . Indeed, the braided vector space satisfies the hypothesis in Proposition 3.2. Similarly, since is of type , it follows from Lemma 4.12 that the quantum Serre relations involving and hold in .

Step 1.

If is of Cartan type , then the quantum Serre relations hold in any finite pre-Nichols algebra.


Here has Dynkin diagram , type . Hence, if , we know from Lemma 4.7 that the quantum Serre relations between and hold in . Let us show that in the cases the same happens.

. If in , we get a subspace of dimension with the following Dynkin diagram

This matrix is of affine type , hence , a contradiction.

Similarly, the assumption yields a subspace of with braiding

The Cartan matrix is of affine type , and again .

. Notice that

Assuming in we get with Dynkin diagram . Then by Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8 it follows that , a contradiction. By the same argument, we can not have in .

The assertion (i) for follows since, in that case, is presented by the quantum Serre relations, cf. Remark 4.1.

Step 2.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.


By Reference AA2, pp. 399, 400, is presented by the quantum Serre relations and . Given , let us show that . Using a straightforward computation gives

With this we compute

The third and fourth terms vanish in by Step 1. For the fifth term, a straightforward computation involving shows that . The last three terms also vanish, but they require a more detailed analysis.

in . Notice that

so this element is primitive in by Step 1. Assuming we get a subspace where the braiding is given by

this contradicts by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2.

in . Now we have

The element is primitive in , so it vanishes by the same reason that does (cf. proof of Lemma 4.12). So by Step 1. If it is non-zero, consider where the braiding is

thus we get the same contradiction as with .

. Denote this element by . Then

Since and in , it follows that is primitive. If we consider . The Dynkin diagram is computed:

thus we get the same contradiction as before.

Using these three we get . If this element is non-zero, consider . We compute the braiding:

From Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8 it follows that , but this contradicts . Then in and Step 2 holds.

Step 3.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.


By Reference AA2, pp. 399, 400, is presented by the quantum Serre relations and . We claim that this element is primitive in any . Indeed, using that in , we get

By straightforward computations, and it vanishes by the same reason that does (cf. proof of Lemma 4.7). Since , the claim follows.

Assume . Inside we have the 2-dimensional subspace where the braiding is given by

Since this matrix is of affine type , from Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b) it follows , contradicting .

Step 4.

If is of Cartan type , then the quantum Serre relations hold in any finite pre-Nichols algebra.


Now has Dynkin diagram , type . If , then the quantum Serre relations in and hold by Lemma 4.7. For the case , let such that and suppose in . Since and , we get by Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8.

The assertion (ii) for follows since, in that case, is presented by the quantum Serre relations, see Remark 4.1.

Step 5.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.


Following Reference AA2, pp. 401, 402) we see that is presented by the quantum Serre relations and . Given , let us show that this element is primitive in . Using it follows that

By straightforward computations, in , and so vanishes in by Step 4. Then we obtain

and now the claim follows from Step 4.

If , consider . By Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8, since and , we have . This contradicts .

Step 6.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.


By Reference An1, Theorem 3.1, is presented by the quantum Serre relations and . Let us show that this element is primitive in any pre-Nichols algebra of finite .

First we claim that in : using that we compute

Since , it vanishes in by the same reason that does (cf. proof of Lemma 4.12). So . Hence, if it is non-zero we get a subspace where the braiding is given by

But then by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(b), a contradiction.

Next we compute

Using the previous claim and the fact (by Step 4), we get . If , consider the subspace , where the braiding is

Since the Cartan matrix is of affine type , it follows by Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2(a). This contradicts .

The result follows.

4.7. Some cases in rank

Here we assume that .

Lemma 4.16.

In any of the following cases, is eminent.


is of Cartan type with simply laced Dynkin diagram and .


is of type , () or , and .


By Remark 4.1 and the restrictions on , is presented by the quantum Serre relations. Let . If , then holds in by Proposition 3.2. If , then there is such that span a subdiagram of type , or . Then by Lemmas 4.14 or 4.15. Thus .

In the next subsections we treat some remaining cases with small .

4.8. Types , , , ,

Lemma 4.17.

If is of types , , with , or , and or , then is eminent.


We split the proof according to the type. Let .

Type . Here is presented by the quantum Serre relations and

Since we get in from Proposition 3.2. The subdiagram spanned by is of type thus the quantum Serre relations involving these indices hold in by Lemma 4.15 (ii). Finally, span a diagram of type so the quantum Serre relations involving these indices hold in by Lemma 4.15 (i). Moreover Equation 4.12 are defining relations of the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra of type or for the corresponding , hence Lemma 4.15 implies that these also vanish in .

Type . Here is presented by the quantum Serre relations and

The relations involving the indices hold in by Lemma 4.15 (i); also for any by Proposition 3.2. We are left to treat the relations involving . If we only have the quantum Serre relations, which hold by Lemma 4.14. Turn to . Now form a subdiagram of type at a root of order . If we apply Lemma 5.6 to get all the Serre relations except for and . The last one holds by Lemma 4.15 (i). For the first one, we apply Reference AAH2, Theorem 1.2 since the diagram

is of affine Cartan type. Now for hold by Lemma 5.6 (e). We treat separately the last case standing.

Type with . The relations and hold by the same reason as above. Moreover, we also have . This follows from Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8 since and . Finally, using Equation 5.1 and the relations deduced so far, we get that is primitive in . Notice that and , so Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8 applies again.

Type . Here is presented by the quantum Serre relations and

As before, Proposition 3.2 gives for any ; all the relations involving the indices hold in by Lemma 4.15 (ii). It remains to verify the relations involving . Here we only have the Serre relations. But these indices span a subdiagram of type , , at a root of unity of order or , so they hold by Lemma 4.14.

4.9. Types and with

By Reference AA2, p. 407 the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is presented by the quantum Serre relations and

Lemma 4.18.

Assume that Conjecture 2.6 is true. If is of type or with , then is eminent.

We point out that Conjecture 2.6 is needed only for a -dimensional braided vector space of indefinite Cartan type.


Let . First we deal with the quantum Serre relations, which are always primitive. Fix . Consider two possibilities.

. In this case choose different from and such that but . We get and . By Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8, this warranties in .

. In this case and are consecutive vertices in a subdiagram of type with . By Lemma 5.6 (b) below, it follows that except in the following cases: . Fix such , assume and consider . Then the Dynkin diagram of this braided vector space is of indefinite Cartan type. We illustrate the case , the other cases being similar.

Thus Conjecture 2.6 and Lemma 2.8 imply .

Finally, fix different such that . These are consecutive vertices in a suitable chosen subdiagram of type . The Serre relations hold in , so by Lemma 5.6 (c) below we get that also in .

5. On the open cases

This section contain partial results towards those braidings of finite Cartan type which are still open. The detailed proofs can be found in Reference S.

5.1. Type with

Lemma 5.1.

Assume is of Cartan type with . Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of . The following hold:


if , then either or in ;


for different , in .

Question 5.2.

Let . By Lemma 5.1 any is a quotient of either or . Clearly as algebras. Is ?

5.2. Type with

Lemma 5.3.

Assume is of Cartan type with . Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of . Then the following hold in :


, ,


, ,


if , then at most one of is non-zero.

Remark 5.4.

The relation is relevant because in the tensor algebra

Question 5.5.

By Lemma 5.3 every is covered by one of

Are or ? ( and as algebras).

5.3. Type , with

In this setting is presented by

Lemma 5.6.

Assume is of Cartan type , , with . The following hold in any finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of :


for any ;


for and ;


for ;


if , then either or ;


if and , then .

Question 5.7.

Let denote the quotient of by the relations

Similarly, define by the relations

(Clearly as algebras). Is ?

5.4. Type with

Here (cf. Reference AA2, p. 404) the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is presented by the quantum Serre relations and a bunch of -brackets coming from the several subdiagrams of type , namely:

Lemma 5.8.

Assume is of Cartan type with . The following relations hold in any :


if and , then ;


if and , then for all ;


if is one of the elements in Equation 5.2, then for all .

Question 5.9.

Let denote the quotient of by the relations (a), (b) and (c) . Is ?

Lemma 5.10.

Assume is of Cartan type with and . The following relations hold in any :


all the defining relations of except and ;


the relations and for all .

Question 5.11.

Let denote the quotient of by the relations

Is ? We conjecture that . This will be treated in a subsequent paper.


We thank Iván Angiono and James Zhang for useful conversations. We are also grateful to the referee for detailed comments that helped to improve the presentation of the paper.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1. Overview
    2. 1.2. The main results
    3. Theorem 1.1.
    4. Question 1.2.
    5. Theorem 1.3.
  3. 2. Preliminaries
    1. 2.1. Conventions
    2. 2.2. Gelfand-Kirillov dimension
    3. Lemma 2.1.
    4. 2.3. Braided Hopf algebras
    5. 2.4. Principal realizations
    6. 2.5. Pre-Nichols and post-Nichols algebras
    7. 2.6. Eminent pre- and post-Nichols algebras
    8. Lemma 2.2 (AAH3).
    9. Definition 2.3.
    10. Definition 2.4.
    11. 2.7. The adjoint representation and -brackets
    12. 2.8. Nichols algebras of diagonal type
    13. Lemma 2.5 (AAH1, Lemma 2.8).
    14. Conjecture 2.6 (AAH1, Conjecture 1.5).
    15. Lemma 2.7.
    16. Lemma 2.8.
    17. 2.9. Pre-Nichols algebras of diagonal type
    18. Lemma 2.9.
  4. 3. Quantum linear spaces
    1. 3.1. Reduction to order
    2. Proposition 3.2.
    3. 3.2. A pre-Nichols algebra of type
    4. Proposition 3.3.
    5. 3.3. A further reduction
    6. Lemma 3.5.
  5. 4. Cartan type
    1. 4.1. Quantum Serre relations
    2. Proposition 4.2.
    3. Example 4.3.
    4. Example 4.4.
    5. Proposition 4.5.
    6. 4.2. Type
    7. Lemma 4.7.
    8. Lemma 4.8.
    9. Lemma 4.10.
    10. Proposition 4.11.
    11. 4.3. Type
    12. Lemma 4.12.
    13. 4.4. Type
    14. Lemma 4.13.
    15. 4.5. Type
    16. Lemma 4.14.
    17. 4.6. Types and
    18. Lemma 4.15.
    19. 4.7. Some cases in rank
    20. Lemma 4.16.
    21. 4.8. Types , , , ,
    22. Lemma 4.17.
    23. 4.9. Types and with
    24. Lemma 4.18.
  6. 5. On the open cases
    1. 5.1. Type with
    2. Lemma 5.1.
    3. Question 5.2.
    4. 5.2. Type with
    5. Lemma 5.3.
    6. Question 5.5.
    7. 5.3. Type , with
    8. Lemma 5.6.
    9. Question 5.7.
    10. 5.4. Type with
    11. Lemma 5.8.
    12. Question 5.9.
    13. Lemma 5.10.
    14. Question 5.11.
  7. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Theorem 1.1.

Assume that Conjecture 2.6 is true.


The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent, .


Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of ; let , respectively , be the subalgebra of generated by , respectively , . Then there is a decomposition


Assume that has a basis with , . Then

is an eminent pre-Nichols algebra of and has .

Theorem 1.3.

The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent except in the following cases: with ,


Suppose is of type with . Then

is an eminent pre-Nichols algebra of , and .

Lemma 2.1.

Let and be fields and let and be two locally finite graded algebras generated in degree one over and respectively. If , then .

Lemma 2.2 (Reference AAH3).

Let be a pre-Nichols algebra of and let be the graded dual of . Then . If is finitely generated, then the equality holds.

Definition 2.3.

A pre-Nichols algebra is eminent if it is the minimum of ; i. e. there is an epimorphism of braided Hopf algebras that is the identity on for any .


A post-Nichols algebra is eminent if it is the maximum of ; that is for any , there is a monomorphism of braided Hopf algebras that is the identity on .

Definition 2.4.

A family is eminent if


for any , there exists and an epimorphism of braided Hopf algebras that is the identity on , and


is minimal among the families in satisfying (a).

Eminent families of post-Nichols algebras are defined similarly.

Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.4)
Equation (2.5)
Equations (2.6), (2.7), (2.8)
Conjecture 2.6 (Reference AAH1, Conjecture 1.5).

The root system of a Nichols algebra of diagonal type with finite GK-dimension is finite.

Lemma 2.7.

Let be homogeneous primitive elements with and . Then is primitive if and only if .

Lemma 2.8.

Let be a graded braided Hopf algebra. If is any braided subspace of contained in then .

Lemma 2.9.

There is an isomorphism of posets .

Equations (3.2), (3.3)
Remark 3.1.

Let . Recall that . The braiding of the 3-dimensional subspace is easily computed, and the corresponding Dynkin diagram is either

or it is disconnected if the label of some edge is . Indeed,

so and . Since because we are in the quantum linear space situation, 3.5 is the Dynkin diagram of .

Proposition 3.2.

Let such that . Assume that Conjecture 2.6 is true. Then holds in any finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of .

Case 4 ().

Now has connected Dynkin diagram

If the Nichols algebra of is finite GK-dimensional, by exhaustion of Reference H1, Table 1 we conclude that , and satisfy one of the following:














In the rest of the proof, we discard one by one all these possibilities.

2 Now is of Cartan type with Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix:

Since this matrix is of affine type, by Reference AAH2.

3 Assume first . Then

which is not arithmetic. By Reference AAH2 we see that . Next, when , is of Cartan type with Dynkin diagram and Cartan matrix:

which is affine, so by Reference AAH2. 4 Since , we have by Reference AAH1, Lemma 2.8. 6 In this case

is of indefinite Cartan type, so by Reference AAH2. 7 Similarly,

is indefinite Cartan, so . In the remaining cases, is




Now 1 and 5 are equal up to permutation of the indexes. Only here we need to assume the validity of Conjecture 2.6. Indeed, these diagrams do not appear in Reference H1, Table 2, so in all cases.

Proposition 3.3.

The algebra is an eminent pre-Nichols algebra of and .

Equation (3.6)
Equation (4.1)
Equation (4.2)
Remark 4.1.

From the detailed presentation in Reference AA2, §4 we see that the quantum Serre relations Equation 4.2 generate in the following cases:

when is of type or Reference AA2, pp. 397, 399, 400,

when is of type and Reference AA2, pp. 410, 411,

when is simply-laced and Reference AA2, pp. 397, 404, 407,

when is of type B, C, or F and Reference AA2, pp. 399, 402, 409.

Equation (4.3)
Proposition 4.2.


Example 4.4.

Let . Then Equation 4.3 takes the form with . If and , then has the Dynkin diagram above. Here modulo the relations

In this situation Proposition 4.2 establishes .

Proposition 4.5.

Let and as in Example 4.4.


If then .


If then in .

Lemma 4.7.

Assume is of Cartan type with . If is a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of , then and in , i. e. the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent, cf. Definition 2.3.

Lemma 4.8.

Assume is of Cartan type with . Let . Then and in for all .

Lemma 4.10.

Given , the following relations hold in :


is a normal braided Hopf subalgebra of .


The ’s -commute; is a basis of .



Equation (4.7)
Equation (4.8)
Equation (4.9)
Equation (4.10)
Equation (4.11)
Step 1.

The set is linearly independent.

Step 2.

The element does not belong to the left ideal .

Step 3.

The set is linearly independent.

Step 4.

We have for all .

Proposition 4.11.

There is an extension of braided Hopf algebras


The pre-Nichols algebra is eminent and .

Lemma 4.12.

Assume that is of Cartan type . Then the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent.

Lemma 4.13.

Assume that is of Cartan type . Then the quantum Serre relations hold in any . In particular, the distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent if .

Lemma 4.14.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.

Lemma 4.15.

The distinguished pre-Nichols algebra is eminent if either


is of type , or


is of type .

Step 1.

If is of Cartan type , then the quantum Serre relations hold in any finite pre-Nichols algebra.

Step 2.

If is of Cartan type with , then is eminent.

Step 4.

If is of Cartan type , then the quantum Serre relations hold in any finite pre-Nichols algebra.

Lemma 4.16.

In any of the following cases, is eminent.


is of Cartan type with simply laced Dynkin diagram and .


is of type , () or , and .

Lemma 4.17.

If is of types , , with , or , and or , then is eminent.

Equation (4.12)
Lemma 4.18.

Assume that Conjecture 2.6 is true. If is of type or with , then is eminent.

Lemma 5.1.

Assume is of Cartan type with . Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of . The following hold:


if , then either or in ;


for different , in .

Question 5.2.

Let . By Lemma 5.1 any is a quotient of either or . Clearly as algebras. Is ?

Lemma 5.3.

Assume is of Cartan type with . Let be a finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of . Then the following hold in :


, ,


, ,


if , then at most one of is non-zero.

Remark 5.4.

The relation is relevant because in the tensor algebra

Question 5.5.

By Lemma 5.3 every is covered by one of

Are or ? ( and as algebras).

Lemma 5.6.

Assume is of Cartan type , , with . The following hold in any finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebra of :


for any ;


for and ;


for ;


if , then either or ;


if and , then .

Question 5.7.

Let denote the quotient of by the relations

Similarly, define by the relations

(Clearly as algebras). Is ?

Equation (5.2)
Lemma 5.8.

Assume is of Cartan type with . The following relations hold in any :


if and , then ;


if and , then for all ;


if is one of the elements in Equation 5.2, then for all .

Question 5.9.

Let denote the quotient of by the relations (a), (b) and (c) . Is ?

Question 5.11.

Let denote the quotient of by the relations

Is ? We conjecture that . This will be treated in a subsequent paper.


Reference [A]
Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, An introduction to Nichols algebras, Quantization, geometry and noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics, Math. Phys. Stud., Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 135–195. MR3751453,
Show rawAMSref \bib{A-leyva}{article}{ label={A}, author={Andruskiewitsch, Nicol\'{a}s}, title={An introduction to Nichols algebras}, conference={ title={Quantization, geometry and noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics}, }, book={ series={Math. Phys. Stud.}, publisher={Springer, Cham}, }, date={2017}, pages={135--195}, review={\MR {3751453}}, }
Reference [AA1]
Nicolás Andruskiewitsch and Iván Ezequiel Angiono, On Nichols algebras with generic braiding, Modules and comodules, Trends Math., Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2008, pp. 47–64, DOI 10.1007/978-3-7643-8742-6_3. MR2742620,
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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 16T20 (Ring-theoretic aspects of quantum groups), 17B37 (Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations)
Author Information
Nicolás Andruskiewitsch
Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. CIEM – CONICET. Medina Allende s/n (5000) Ciudad Universitaria, Córdoba, Argentina
Guillermo Sanmarco
Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. CIEM – CONICET. Medina Allende s/n (5000) Ciudad Universitaria, Córdoba, Argentina
Additional Notes

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1440140 while the first author was in residence at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, in the Spring 2020 semester. The work of both authors was partially supported by CONICET, Secyt (UNC) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Research Group Linkage Programme.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 10, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/btran/66
  • MathSciNet Review: 4237965
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4237965}{article}{ author={Andruskiewitsch, Nicol\'as}, author={Sanmarco, Guillermo}, title={Finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of quantum linear spaces and of Cartan type}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={10}, date={2021}, pages={296-329}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4237965}, doi={10.1090/btran/66}, }


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