The Torelli map restricted to the hyperelliptic locus

By Aaron Landesman


Let and let the Torelli map denote the map sending a genus curve to its principally polarized Jacobian. We show that the restriction of the Torelli map to the hyperelliptic locus is an immersion in characteristic not . In characteristic , we show the Torelli map restricted to the hyperelliptic locus fails to be an immersion because it is generically inseparable; moreover, the induced map on tangent spaces has kernel of dimension at every point.

1. Introduction

Let over denote the moduli stack of smooth hyperelliptic curves of genus , over denote the moduli stack of smooth curves of genus , and over denote the moduli stack of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension . Throughout, for a scheme, by a curve of genus over , we mean a smooth proper morphism of schemes of relative dimension whose fibers are geometrically connected -dimensional schemes of arithmetic genus . For a ring, we use to denote the base changes of , and over along . Throughout, we assume .

The main goal of this paper is to understand whether the composition is an immersion, (i.e., a locally closed immersion,) for the Torelli map sending a curve to its principally polarized Jacobian. Let denote this composition. We use and for the base changes of and along a map . To start, we recall the classical characterization of when is injective on tangent vectors. This follows from Reference OS79, Theorems 2.6 and 2.7 together with the converse of Reference OS79, Theorem 2.7, which is easy to verify directly, see Proposition 3.1. Also, see Reference Lan19, Theorem 4.3.

Theorem 1.1 (Reference OS79, Theorems 2.6 and 2.7).

Let be a field. For , and a field-valued point, the Torelli map is injective on tangent vectors at if and only if . When , the map is injective on tangent vectors at all points .

Moreover, away from characteristic , the precise scheme theoretic fiber of over geometric points corresponding to hyperelliptic Jacobians is computed in Reference Ric20, p. 7. As a consequence, Theorem 1.1 shows that is not even a monomorphism at points of when . It is therefore natural to ask whether the restriction is a monomorphism. Our main theorem answers this question. We say a morphism of algebraic stacks is a radimmersion if it factors as the composition of a finite radicial morphism and an open immersion, see Definition A.1.

Theorem 1.2.

For , the map over is a radimmersion. Additionally, is an immersion and is an immersion. However, when , for a field of characteristic , is not an immersion; instead, is generically inseparable and the induced map on tangent spaces at any geometric point of has kernel of dimension .

We carry out the proof of Theorem 1.2 at the end of § 6. To paraphrase the statement, Theorem 1.1 says, loosely speaking, that there are many tangent vectors to a hyperelliptic point in that are killed under . We wish to understand whether those tangent vectors which are killed can lie inside , or whether they correspond to deformations to non-hyperelliptic curves. The answer, provided by Theorem 1.2, is that they do all correspond to deformations to non-hyperelliptic curves when the characteristic is not , but this fails quite badly in characteristic .

Remark 1.3.

The statement that is an immersion for a field of characteristic not appears in Reference OS79, p. 176, though some details are omitted. Our guess is that the authors verified the map is injective on tangent spaces via explicitly calculating the Kodaira Spencer map sending a differential to a corresponding deformation, in order to understand the image of the map on tangent spaces at a point . However, no indication is given there as to how to use this to show the map of stacks is an immersion. In this article we take a different approach, which also applies in characteristic ; we do not see how to carry out the approach of Reference OS79 in characteristic .

Remark 1.4.

Our initial interest in this problem was motivated by the computation of the essential dimension of level structure covers of . Using Theorem 1.2, it is shown in Reference FKW19, Example 2.3.6 that for , the cover of parameterizing pairs of a hyperelliptic curve and an -torsion point of the Jacobian of that curve (over a field of characteristic ) has essential dimension when but only has essential dimension when .

There are two main components to the proof of Theorem 1.2. The first component of the proof is to describe the map induces on tangent vectors. This is done by analyzing the deformation theory of hyperelliptic curves, which is possible by means of their relatively simple equations. The key tool to analyzing the induced map on tangent spaces is Proposition 3.1, which relies on a nonstandard definition of given in § 2.2. The second component of the proof is to very that is a radimmersion. This will imply is an immersion when it is a monomorphism, i.e., away from characteristic . For checking is a radimmersion, we use a valuative criterion, which roughly says that a map of stacks is a radimmersion when, given a map from the spectrum a discrete valuation ring to with its two points factoring through , the map from the spectrum of the discrete valuation ring factors uniquely through . We verify this valuative criterion using that factors as the composition of an immersion into the moduli stack of compact type curves , and a proper “compactified Torelli map” .

The outline of the paper is as follows: In § 2 we recall background on the infinitesimal Torelli theorem and the moduli stack of hyperelliptic curves. In § 3 we describe the map induces on tangent spaces. We then compute this map on tangent spaces when the characteristic is not in § 4 and when the characteristic is in § 5. After some preliminaries on the compactified Torelli map, we prove Theorem 1.2 in § 6. Finally, in Appendix A, we prove a valuative criterion for immersions of stacks, which is used in the proof of Theorem 1.2.

2. Background

In this section, we review relevant background notation we will need from Theorem 1.1 in § 2.1 and also a nonstandard construction of the moduli stack of hyperelliptic curves which will be crucial to the ensuing proof. We define the stack of genus hyperelliptic curves in § 2.2. We show is a smooth algebraic stack in § 2.3. Finally, in § 2.4, we show has a closed immersion into .

2.1. Key inputs in the proof of the infinitesimal Torelli theorem

We next review the key inputs in the proof of Theorem 1.1, as we will rely on understanding explicitly the map on tangent spaces associated to in our ensuing analysis of the map .

The statement regarding injectivity on geometric points is the classical Torelli theorem Reference Cor86, Chapter VII, Theorem 12.1(a), see also the original proof by Torelli Reference Tor13 and Andreotti’s beautiful proof Reference And58. Thus, we just address the statement on tangent vectors. This too is classical, and boils down to Noether’s theorem, regarding the map Equation 2.2 below, though is perhaps less well known.

Let be a field and let be a field valued point of corresponding to the curve . We’d like to understand whether the map

is injective, for denoting the tangent space to at . By deformation theory, . For a vector space, define as the kernel of , where . (Note that in characteristic , but differs in characteristic . Here denotes the natural quotient of by the span of for .) Further,

as described in the proof of Reference OS79, Theorem 2.6. Also see Reference Ser06, Theorem 3.3.11(iii) for this identification.

Therefore, we wish to understand whether the natural map

induced by , is injective.

Applying Serre duality, since is dual to , it is equivalent to understand surjectivity of the corresponding map

This duality, valid even in characteristic , uses that, for a finite dimensional vector space, can be viewed as the second graded piece of the algebra with its divided power structure that is naturally dual to . The map Equation 2.2 is explicitly the map given by multiplying two sections, see Reference Lan19, Theorem 4.3 and Reference OS79, Theorem 2.6. By Noether’s theorem Reference SD73, Theorem 2.10 the map Equation 2.2 is surjective when is not hyperelliptic and fails to be surjective when is hyperelliptic. See § 4.1 and § 5.2 for an explicit description of the image of Equation 2.2 in the hyperelliptic case.

2.2. Definition of

There are several different definitions of , the moduli stack of hyperelliptic curves of genus , in the literature. For the purposes of this paper, we will be especially concerned with the more delicate case when is not invertible on the base, so let us now expand a bit on the definition of over we employ. We will essentially define as the Hurwitz stack of degree covers of a genus curve. We assume . For the next definition, recall that a map is locally free of degree if is a locally free rank sheaf on , or equivalently is a degree finite map which is flat and of finite presentation Reference Sta, Tag 02KB.

Definition 2.1.

Suppose and . Define the , the stack of hyperelliptic genus curves as the category fibered in groupoids over schemes, whose fiber over a scheme corresponds tuples where is a smooth proper curve of genus over with geometrically connected fibers, is a smooth proper curve of genus over with geometrically connected fibers, and is a degree locally free morphism. Morphisms are morphisms making all squares in the diagram

fiber squares.

Note that as defined above is indeed a stack because the presheaf between any two points is a sheaf and descent data for is effective; the effectivity of descent data holds because descent data for and are separately effective, as is descent data for the morphism .

Remark 2.2.

We note that hyperelliptic curves over fields as defined in Definition 2.1 may fail to have a map to , as they may have a map to a genus curve which is not isomorphic to . However, over an algebraically closed field, any hyperelliptic curve has a map to .

2.3. Showing is an algebraic stack

To show is an algebraic stack, we will construct a smooth cover by a scheme. This scheme will be an open subscheme of a certain linear system on a Hirzebruch surface, which we now define.

Notation 2.3.

For , let denote the th Hirzebruch surface over . Let denote the “directrix” section of corresponding to the surjection and let denote a fiber of the map . Letting denote the constant group scheme associated to a group , we claim there is an isomorphism sending and . Indeed, this is an isomorphism by the fibral isomorphism criterion Reference Gro67, 17.9.5 because it induces an isomorphism over every geometric point of . The intersection pairing on satisfies , see Reference Bea96, Proposition IV.1.

To start, we show that every hyperelliptic curve of genus has a canonical immersion into a Hirzebruch surface, and lies in a particular linear system. This will allow us to check that the schematic cover of we construct maps surjectively to .

Lemma 2.4.

Any hyperelliptic curve of genus over an algebraically closed field is a closed subscheme of in the linear system . Further, any curve in the linear system associated to has genus .


Given a map over the surjective adjunction map induces an map . This map is an immersion, as can be verified on fibers over . We claim . We know splits as a direct sum of line bundles because is a locally free sheaf on . Because , one of the summands of must be . To compute the other summand, we find the degree of . For sufficiently large , we have

If then we find

and therefore and as claimed.

To conclude, it remains to check lies in the linear system . Write . Since has degree , the intersection has degree , which implies . Since has genus and the canonical divisor of is adjunction implies . Solving for yields , as we wanted. The final statement that any curve of class has genus can be deduced directly from Riemann-Roch. Alternatively, one may deduce it from the fact that hyperelliptic curves of genus exist and that the genus is constant in flat connected families.

The above lemma will allow us to show that a certain linear space of sections on a Hirzebruch surface is a cover of the stack . Let denote the automorphisms group scheme of the Hirzebruch surface over . The cover of we construct will be a torsor, and so to show is an algebraic stack (so that it has a smooth cover by a scheme) we will need to know is smooth.

Lemma 2.5.

For any is isomorphic to a certain semi-direct product . In particular, it is smooth and connected of relative dimension .


The plan is to construct a map from the smooth group scheme to , which we will verify to be an isomorphism. We now describe the semidirect product structure in terms of a group action on . Choose as a basis for and represent elements of by pairs for a degree polynomial. Then sends and sends . The action of has kernel . Now, because the pushforward of along is the complete linear system associated to induces a map . This contracts the directrix but is an immersion on the open complement of . We claim the action of fixes the image of in . First we check the action of fixes the image. The action fixes both the point corresponding to the quotient and the rational normal curve lying in the hyperplane associated to the quotient . As is the cone over with cone point , any such automorphism must preserve . The action of fixes and sends to another curve on the cone not meeting . It therefore preserves as well. We obtain the induced map via the identification from blowing up .

It remains to check this map is an isomorphism. By the fibral isomorphism criterion Reference Gro67, 17.9.5, since is flat over , in order to check is an isomorphism, it suffices to do so on geometric fibers. We now check the restriction of to , for an algebraically closed field, is an isomorphism. This may be checked using the above description of acting on , the image of induced by . As mentioned above, we can identify . Every automorphism of must preserve the point . Therefore, every automorphism of preserves and we obtain a map . Using that every automorphism of is induced by one of fixing , this map is surjective, and the kernel can be identified with by direct calculation. The latter factor corresponds to the central torus in . This verifies that is an isomorphism.

To state the next proposition proving that is a smooth algebraic stack, we now introduce a smooth scheme with a map to . Let denote the projection and define over as the open subscheme parameterizing smooth curves in the linear system with universal family . The family is equivariant for the action of and descends to a map of stacks inducing a map .

Proposition 2.6.

For , the above constructed map is an equivalence of stacks. Further, is a smooth cover and hence is a smooth integral algebraic stack of relative dimension over .


Note that the final statement follows from the first by Lemma 2.5 because is a smooth cover, and is an algebraic stack.

Hence, it suffices to show is an equivalence of stacks. In the statement of Proposition 2.6 we have constructed a map and we now construct an inverse map. In order to construct a map , given any , we wish to construct a torsor over with a map to . The map yields a family and we have an immersion induced by the surjective adjunction map . Then, consider the scheme . To construct a map , it is enough to produce a family of smooth curves in the linear system in . This is provided by the pullback of along , using the isomorphism coming from the universal property of . We next claim is a -torsor over . It certainly has a action via the action of on , and it is straightforward to verify the map is an isomorphism. The cover is therefore smooth by Lemma 2.5, and it is surjective by Lemma 2.4.

To conclude, it is enough to show that this map defines an inverse equivalence to the map from the statement. On objects, the composition constructs the immersion into a relative Hirzebruch surface, and then forgets it, so is equivalent to the identity. Further, the composition is also equivalent to the identity because the immersion into a Hirzebruch surface is uniquely determined by the hyperelliptic curve, and any automorphism of the hyperelliptic curve induces a unique automorphism of the relative Hirzebruch surface.

The final statement about the dimension holds because has relative dimension , using Lemma 2.5 and has relative dimension by Lemma 2.7 below. Therefore, .

The following standard calculation on the dimension of a linear system was needed above to compute the dimension of .

Lemma 2.7.

For a field and , on over has dimension .


Let be a smooth curve in the linear system . We obtain an ideal sheaf exact sequence

Note that as can be computed by the Leray spectral sequence associated to the composition because and . Therefore, upon taking cohomology of Equation 2.4, we get an exact sequence

We are aiming to show , which has dimension more than the projectivization in the statement of the lemma. Since , it is enough to show . We have

Since has genus by Lemma 2.4, it follows from Riemann Roch that .

2.4. Showing has a closed immersion into

We next check the natural map is a closed immersion. The following general lemma will be useful.

Lemma 2.8.

Suppose is a proper morphism of algebraic stacks with diagonals that are separated and of finite type. Assume induces a bijection on isotropy subgroups at every geometric point of , is injective on geometric points, and injective on tangent vectors at every geometric point. Then is a closed immersion.


Let be a smooth cover by a scheme, let , and let denote the base change of . It is enough to check is a closed immersion. Because is an injection on isotropy groups, and and have separated finite type diagonals, is representable by Reference Con07, Theorem 2.2.5(1). Thus, is an algebraic space. Note that is in fact a scheme because is quasi-affine by a version of Zariski’s main theorem Reference Sta, Tag 082J. Further, because is a surjection on isotropy groups and is injective on geometric points, is also injective on geometric points. We find that is proper, injective on geometric points, and injective on tangent vectors, hence a closed immersion Reference Gro67, 18.12.6.

Lemma 2.9.

For , the natural map sending over a scheme to the curve over is a closed immersion.


The idea is to verify the conditions of Lemma 2.8. To check that is a closed immersion, we first verify that the map induces bijections on isotropy group spaces at each geometric point. In particular, this will imply the map is representable. As a preliminary step, we claim given a hyperelliptic curve of genus over an algebraically closed field and an automorphism , there is a unique map , up to automorphism of . To see this, it is enough to verify that for any degree map , the composition with the -Veronese realizes the map associated to the invertible sheaf . This holds because is the unique invertible sheaf on of degree with a -dimensional space of global sections. Fixing such a map , we find that is the quotient of by the hyperelliptic involution as a scheme. Therefore, by the universal property of quotients, there is a unique automorphism over so that . This shows the map on isotropy groups is surjective, and has kernel supported on a single geometric point. To show the kernel is trivial, it is enough to show the kernel is reduced over . The same argument as above applied over the dual numbers in place of shows the kernel is indeed reduced.

Next, we check is injective on geometric points and tangent vectors at each geometric point. The fiber over an map for an algebraically closed field, corresponding to a curve over is identified with the scheme parameterizing degree line bundles on which have a -dimensional space of global sections, up to isomorphism. First, is either empty or set theoretically a single point, because given any curve of genus at least over an algebraically closed field, there is at most one degree map to , up to automorphisms of . It remains to check is reduced in the case it is nonempty. The tangent space to the unique point of corresponding to the line bundle on can be identified with the cokernel of the multiplication map Reference ACGH85, Proposition 4.2(i), so it is enough to verify is surjective. We verify this standard calculation below in Proposition 3.1.

To conclude, by Lemma 2.8, it suffices to check is proper. For this, we use the valuative criterion for properness. Let be a discrete valuation ring, let denote the closed point of and let denote the generic point. We begin with a curve so that the generic fiber has a degree map to a genus curve . It is enough to show there is some extension of on which factors through a degree map to . By replacing with a suitable extension, we may assume we have a factorization . Therefore, it is enough to show that given with there is a unique extension of this map to a map . The pullback of to gives a degree invertible sheaf on which extends uniquely to a degree invertible sheaf on , for example by properness of . Riemann Roch (using and upper semicontinuity of cohomology together imply . Therefore, Grauert’s theorem tells us is locally free, hence free, of rank . Then, up to elements of , there is then a unique choice of basis for inducing a map compatible with the given map , as we wished to show.

3. The general setup for checking injectivity on tangent vectors

Let be a field and let be a hyperelliptic curve over . To understand whether the map is injective on tangent vectors, we want to understand the composition

We have already explicitly described by identifying it as dual to Equation 2.2 (see also § 4.1 and § 5.2 below for explicit descriptions of Equation 2.2 in terms of differentials) so we next want to understand the image of . Following Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, §5-§6 we can identify as follows.

Let be a hyperelliptic curve as above and the unique isomorphism class of invertible sheaf giving rise to a hyperelliptic map . This has nontrivial automorphisms, but the automorphisms will be irrelevant for the ensuing computations. Let

denote the multiplication map. Then, as in Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, (6.1), there is a canonical map

To describe this map explicitly, recall that the differential is a map . This induces a map , and hence a map which sends . One can describe Equation 3.1 explicitly as the map sending . It is not obvious this is well-defined, but the well definedness along with this description is verified in Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, p. 810. (The language used there makes it seem like they are working over , but their proof works equally well over any field.)

Proposition 3.1.

For a hyperelliptic curve, the composition

is dual to the composition

Hence, the dimension of the kernel of Equation 3.2 agrees with the dimension of the cokernel of Equation 3.3. In particular, Equation 3.2 is injective if and only if Equation 3.3 is surjective. Further, and .


Let a smooth projective geometrically connected curve and an invertible sheaf on . Then, has a rank locally free sheaf, , as defined in Reference ACG11, p. 804, such that parameterizes first order deformations of the pair Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, Proposition 5.15. Further, as described in Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, (5.24), there is a natural map . The key property of is that if corresponds to a first order deformation of , then all sections of extend to sections of (meaning that, if is the structure map, is locally free,) if and only if Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, Proposition 5.26. Here denotes the orthogonal subspace to under the Serre duality pairing .

Suppose is a hyperelliptic curve with corresponding line bundle defining the hyperelliptic map . Given , we obtain a deformation of , corresponding to a curve . Our main goal is to show that corresponds to a hyperelliptic curve precisely when . By definition, if is hyperelliptic, there is an invertible sheaf on with locally free of rank . As described above, using Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, Proposition 5.15, we obtain that the pair corresponds to some with .

We next show that if corresponds to a hyperelliptic curve, then . In other words, we will show . By Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, Proposition 5.15, there is a natural map of sheaves inducing the map which sends the deformation to the deformation . In particular, . Let denote the map which is Serre dual to . By definition of (see Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, (6.1)) we have a commutative diagram

For any , we have , where denotes the pairing from Serre duality. Therefore, for , commutativity of Equation 3.4 implies . Functoriality of Serre duality then implies , and hence .

We claim that and is injective. We now explain why verifying these three claims finishes the proof. First, if then because is a map from a dimensional vector space to a dimensional vector space. We next explain why these claims imply . We know is dimensional (as is smooth of dimension Proposition 2.6) and inside the dimensional vector space , as shown above. Since , by dimensional considerations, the containment must be an equality. Therefore, the inclusion is dual to the surjection .

It remains to check and is injective. First, let us check . Because is hyperelliptic, we have . In particular, and so is given by the map . Letting denote a basis for , we see is a basis for . Applying this when and , we find is surjective, so . Explicitly, we see is generated by .

Next, we verify . As in the previous paragraph, we may choose a basis for so that is a basis for . Then, the image of the multiplication map is spanned by , which has dimension .

To conclude, we show is injective. Recall spans , as shown above, and recall that is given by Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, (6.6), (alternatively, see Reference ACG11, p. 813-p. 814). Therefore, is spanned by for , which are independent elements of . Hence, is injective.

4. Hyperelliptic curves in characteristic not 2

The key to analyzing the map induced by on tangent spaces for is Lemma 4.1 below. Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic (allowing ) with . Before proving injectivity, we set up some notation.

4.1. Hyperelliptic differentials in characteristic not

Every hyperelliptic curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic not can be expressed as the proper regular model of the affine curve for a polynomial of degree with no repeated roots. We can choose a basis of differentials for of the form

where here and are viewed as rational functions and is viewed as a rational section of .

In the above basis, the multiplication map Equation 2.2 above (which is dual to ) has image

Written another way, the basis is . This is just what one obtains by multiplying together pairs of functions from the above described basis Equation 4.1. In particular, the image is a dimensional subspace of the dimensional vector space .

4.2. Computing the tangent map in characteristic not

We now use our explicit description of the differentials to show Equation 3.3 is surjective when the characteristic is not .

Lemma 4.1.

For a hyperelliptic curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , the composition Equation 3.3 is surjective.


We have an explicit understanding of the image of Equation 2.2 from § 4.1. If we can also explicitly describe , then we will be able to determine surjectivity of the composite map Equation 3.3. To start, let’s describe , using the notation from § 4.1. Letting denote a basis of , we find that is a basis for . Then, it follows that

is a basis for .

The map is given explicitly by sending Reference ACG11, Chapter 21, (6.6). Therefore, applying to Equation 4.3, we find is generated by

On the other hand, the image of the map from Equation 2.2 is given in Equation 4.1. Since together, the union of the elements of Equation 4.1 and the elements of Equation 4.4 span , it follows that the composite map Equation 3.3 is surjective.

5. Hyperelliptic curves in characteristic

As in § 4, to check injectivity of on tangent vectors, we may assume our base field is algebraically closed. To conclude the proof of Theorem 1.2, we only need prove Lemma 5.3 below. We now set up notation for the proof. The key difference in characteristic is that hyperelliptic curves cannot be described in terms of an equation of the form , for , of degree more than , as any such curve would be singular at the roots of . We now describe a general form for hyperelliptic curves in characteristic .

5.1. Equations for hyperelliptic curves in characteristic 2

We start by reviewing a standard normal form for hyperelliptic curves in characteristic . This is stated in Reference EP13, Notation 1.1, and we provide some more details here.

Lemma 5.1.

Over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , every hyperelliptic curve of genus at least can be written as the projective regular model of a curve of the form , for . For a general such curve, can be chosen in the form

with . The corresponding curve is ramified over at the preimages of , and , with ramification order at each such point.

Remark 5.2.

A hyperelliptic curve can be written in this form precisely if it is ordinary, though we will not need this fact.


To start, we claim the curve can be written in the form with . To see this, given a hyperelliptic curve , we know from Lemma 2.4 it can be described as a closed subscheme of in the linear system . This implies the curve can be written as with . Restricting this to gives the claim.

Next, we show one may change variables to put a generic such curve in the form of Equation 5.1. By our generality assumption, we may assume has distinct roots. Then, by applying a change of variables, we may send one of the roots of to , and hence assume that has degree as a polynomial in and has distinct roots. By scaling by , we may assume and the curve is given by , or equivalently just in affine coordinates. Next, we may replace by and divide the whole equation by so as to assume that the equation is of the form . We next apply a partial fraction decomposition for so as to write , where for distinct and are polynomials in of degree at most . Observe that the change of variables sends . Hence, renaming to , we can perform such changes of variables to cancel out the highest even power of any denominator appearing in the partial fraction decomposition of . By a similar change of variables, we may modify the quadraic and linear terms to assume . Therefore, in the case that are general so that for all , it follows that may be written in the form Equation 5.1.

To conclude, it remains to compute the ramification points and their ramification orders. A general hyperelliptic curve is given by with as above, so that has distinct roots. Smoothness of the curve implies and have no common roots. We can also assume that one of the roots is over . Then, for the dehomogenized version of , has distinct simple roots. By computing the derivative of with respect to , we see is precisely ramified at the roots of .

We claim that under the setup of the previous paragraph, the ramification orders at the preimages of is , and has no other ramification points. To see this, because we have a degree map and we are in characteristic , the ramification order is at least at each such point. Observe also that the sum of the ramification orders at all ramified points is and there are points , and . Hence, each point must have ramification order exactly , and these must account for all the ramification points of .

5.2. Hyperelliptic differentials in characteristic

Now let’s proceed to explicitly write down the differentials, as in the characteristic case.

Let be a field of characteristic and let be a hyperelliptic curve given as the projective regular model of the curve defined by the equation , for As described in Lemma 5.1, is ramified at the preimages of the points and (where is the point in the complement of ).

By the assumption that is as in Equation 5.1, it follows from Lemma 5.1 that there are ramification points of , and the differential is ramified to order at the preimages of . In other words, the relative sheaf of differentials is a skyscraper sheaf at with degree at , for . Since , we conclude that has a pole of order at the unique point over . Further, the function vanishes to order at the preimage of and therefore has a pole of order at . It follows that the functions

form a basis of .

In the above basis, the map Equation 2.2

has image spanned by elements of the form

Of course, these elements will not be independent, but they will necessarily span a dimensional subspace of by Proposition 3.1.

5.3. Computing the map on tangent spaces in characteristic

Lemma 5.3.

For a hyperelliptic curve of genus over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , the composition Equation 3.3 has cokernel of dimension .


For any hyperelliptic curve, with notation as in Proposition 3.1, and It follows that the composition Equation 3.3 has image of dimension at least . Equivalently, Equation 3.3 has cokernel of dimension at most , since . Therefore, by upper semicontinuity of cokernel dimension, in order to show Equation 3.3 has cokernel of dimension at all over a field of characteristic , it suffices to show this holds over a general such .

As described in § 5.1, a general hyperelliptic curve over with can be written in the form , for , with elements and with distinct. Following the strategy outlined in § 3, we next determine and then for such curves .

We can choose as a basis for identifying , for the hyperelliptic map. For , the differential forms have a zero of order at , and therefore lie in . Because they are also independent, it follows that

form a basis for . The kernel of is then spanned by elements of the form

for with linear combinations of the elements in Equation 5.3.

Therefore, is generated by for . In particular, the are some linear combination of elements appearing in Equation 5.3. It follows that are also linear combinations of the elements appearing in Equation 5.2. Therefore, By Proposition 3.1, and . Hence, the composition Equation 3.3 has image of dimension and cokernel of dimension .

6. Proof of Theorem 1.2

At this point, nearly everything is in place to prove Theorem 1.2. The work of previous sections will show that is a monomorphism over , but fails to be a monomorphism when restricted to any field with . In order to show is an immersion over , we will verify the valuative criterion for immersions (or radimmersions) in Proposition 6.3. We then use Corollary A.5 to deduce is an immersion over . This valuative criterion loosely says that a monomorphism is an immersion when, given a map from a the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring to with its two points factoring through , the map from the spectrum of the discrete valuation ring factors through .

We next set up some notation. Let denote the Deligne-Mumford compactification of and let denote the moduli stack of stable compact type curves of genus . Recall that can be constructed as the open substack of which, loosely speaking, parameterizes curves whose dual graph of components is a tree. The geometric points of lie in precisely when the Jacobian of the corresponding curve is an abelian variety, as follows from Reference BLR90, §9.2, Example 8. The following lemma is well-known:

Lemma 6.1.

The Torelli map factors as the composition of an immersion and a proper map .


It is shown in Reference Ale04, Corollary 5.4 that there is a compactification of , which we denote , and a map extending . (In Reference Ale04, Corollary 5.4, it is only stated that this yields a map of coarse spaces, but the map is in fact constructed as a map of stacks.) Since and are proper, is as well, and therefore the resulting map is also proper. Finally, is an immersion because it is a composition of the immersions .

Remark 6.2.

We used the rather difficult result of Reference Ale04, Corollary 5.4 in the proof of Lemma 6.1, but Lemma 6.1 can also be verified directly. One can extend the principal polarization on the universal Jacobian over to that over , and then use the valuative criterion of properness and Reference BLR90, §7.4, Proposition 3 to verify properness of . See Reference Lan for further discussion of this. For the sake of brevity, we omit this more direct proof.

We now verify satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions.

Proposition 6.3.

The map satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits as in Definition A.3.


Let be a trait (the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring) with -commutative diagrams as in Equation A.1 for and . By Lemma 6.1 and the valuative criterion for properness Reference Ols16, Theorem 11.5.1 there is a dominant map of traits so that the resulting map factors through . Let denote the family of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension corresponding to the map . The factorization yields a family of stable curves , so that the principally polarized Jacobian of the generic fiber of agrees with the generic fiber of .

With notation for as in Definition A.3, we have diagrams

The first diagram in Equation 6.1 -commutes by the valuative criterion for properness. We claim the second diagram also -commutes. Granting this claim, observe that is an immersion, being the composition of a closed immersion and an open immersion . Therefore, the valuative criterion for immersions Corollary A.5 implies lifts to a map making the diagrams Equation A.2 -commute for and .

So, to conclude, we just need to check the second diagram in Equation 6.1 -commutes. This will necessarily follow if we verify the fiber product contains a unique geometric point for any geometric point . First, we show does not contain any geometric points mapping to . Indeed, the theta divisor associated to a singular compact type curve is always geometrically reducible, while that associated to a curve in is geometrically irreducible. Hence, no geometric points of can map under to . Therefore, it suffices to show contains a unique geometric point in , which follows from the classical Torelli theorem Reference Cor86, Chapter VII, Theorem 12.1.

Corollary 6.4.

The map

is a radimmersion (as defined in Definition A.1).


This will follow from Proposition 6.3 and Theorem A.4 once we verify is representable and induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at every point of . We first check that induces isomorphisms on isotropy groups at every point of . Observe that induces a bijection on geometric points of isotropy groups at every point of by the Torelli theorem Reference Cor86, Chapter VII, Theorem 12.1(b). Since both and are Deligne-Mumford stacks, their isotropy groups at any geometric point are constant group schemes. Therefore, induces an isomorphism on isotropy groups at geometric points of . As a consequence, is representable, as follows by applying Reference Con07, Theorem 2.2.5 to the pullback of along a schematic cover of . Note that Reference Con07, Theorem 2.2.5 assumes stacks have finite type separated diagonals, but these assumptions apply in this case as and even have finite diagonals.

Combining Corollary 6.4 with Proposition 3.1, Lemma 4.1, and Lemma 5.3, we now prove Theorem 1.2.

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

We know is a radimmersion by Corollary 6.4. Next, we show is an immersion over or when . Using Theorem A.4 and Corollary A.5, we only need to check is a monomorphism over or when . Equivalently, we just need to verify is injective on geometric points and tangent vectors Reference Gro67, 17.2.6. It follows from the classical Torelli theorem Reference Cor86, Chapter VII, Theorem 12.1(a) that the map is injective on geometric points. Since smooth hyperelliptic curves in over a field of any characteristic can be deformed to smooth hyperelliptic curves of characteristic (as can be seen by using explicit equations,) we obtain an identification of the kernel of with . Note that is given as the composition Equation 3.2. The vanishing of over follows from combining Proposition 3.1 with Lemma 4.1. Therefore, is injective on tangent vectors over . In the case we find is a monomorphism by combining the above with Lemma 5.3.

To conclude the proof, we just need to check that the restriction of to a field of characteristic induces a map on tangent spaces with kernel of dimension . Again using the identification mentioned above, this follows from combining Proposition 3.1 with Lemma 5.3.

Appendix A. The valuative criterion for locally closed immersions

A.1. Statement of the criterion

In this section we state a valuative criterion for immersions of algebraic stacks in Corollary A.5. The result is a generalization of Reference Moc14, Chapter 1, Corollary 2.13 used in proving Theorem 1.2. Many of the ideas are present in Reference Moc14, Chapter 1, §2.4, though nontrivial care has to be taken to deal with algebraic stacks in place of schemes.

We begin by introducing definitions to state the valuative criterion for radimmersions, which will imply the analogous valuative criterion for immersions. Recall that a morphism of schemes is radicial if for every field , is injective, or equivalently each geometric fiber has at most one geometric point. A morphism of algebraic stacks is an immersion (or locally closed immersion) if it factors as a composition where is an open immersion and is a closed immersion.

Definition A.1.

A morphism of algebraic stacks is a radimmersion if it factors as a composition where is an algebraic stack with an open immersion and a finite radicial map.

We note in particular that radimmersions are representable by schemes.

Remark A.2.

In the context of maps of algebraic stacks, being radicial is not equivalent to being injective on geometric points as it is for maps of schemes. For example, for a field, is bijective on geometric points but is not radicial because after pulling back to a schematic cover of the target, the resulting map is not radicial. This distinction will play a significant role in what follows.

For the next definition recall that a trait is a scheme of the form for a discrete valuation ring.

Definition A.3.

Let be a map of algebraic stacks. We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions if the following property holds: Let be the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring with generic point and closed point , and let be any map. Suppose we have -commutative diagrams

with -morphisms and witnessing -commutativity of the diagrams. Then, there exists a spectrum of a discrete valuation ring with closed point and generic point with a specified dominant map such that there is a unique morphism making the diagrams

-commute compatibly with the above choices of and (as for dotted arrows in Reference Sta, Tag 0CLA).

We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions with if for every spectrum of a discrete valuation ring and diagrams Equation A.1, there exists a map such that Equation A.2 holds with and the map being the identity map.

We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits if satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for all traits and .

We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with if satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions with for all traits .

We can now state the valuative criterion for radimmersions. We note that in the case that and are finite type schemes over a noetherian base , the first two conditions of Theorem A.4 were shown to be equivalent in Reference Moc14, Chapter 1, Theorem 2.12. Recall that for a scheme and a point of an algebraic stack, the isotropy group at is by definition the algebraic space .

Theorem A.4 (Valuative criterion for radimmersions).

Let be a representable finite type quasi-separated morphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian. Then, the following are equivalent:


is a radimmersion


induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at every geometric point of , and satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with


induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at every geometric point of , and satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.

The proof is given at the end of this section. Before giving the proof, we deduce the following valuative criterion for locally closed immersions, which generalizes Reference Moc14, Corollary 2.13.

Corollary A.5 (Valuative criterion for locally closed immersions).

Let be a finite type quasi-separated monomorphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian. Then, the following are equivalent:


is an immersion


satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with


satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.


Recall by definition that a map is a monomorphism if it is representable (i.e., representable by algebraic spaces) and is fppf locally a monomorphism. Further, by Reference Sta, Tag 04ZZ monomorphisms must induce isomorphisms on isotropy groups at every point, and so in particular, the map on isotropy groups a universal homeomorphism.

Therefore, using Theorem A.4 it suffices to show that a monomorphism is an immersion if and only if it is a radimmersion. Certainly immersions are monomorphisms and radimmersions. So, we just need to check a radimmersion which is a monomorphism is an immersion. Both immersions and radimmersions are representable by schemes by definition, and so it suffices to check a radimmersion monomorphism of schemes is an immersion. Further, by factoring as a composition of a finite morphism and an open immersion, it suffices to check a finite monomorphism is a closed immersion. This is shown in Reference Gro67, 18.12.6.

A.2. Remarks and examples

We next make some comments on the valuative criterion for radimmersions and give some examples and non-examples.

Remark A.6.

One can similarly state and prove a version of the valuative criterion for radimmersions Theorem A.4 and the valuative criterion for locally closed immersions Corollary A.5, where one removes the noetherian hypotheses on at the cost of assuming is finitely presented (instead of just of finite type) and working with all valuation rings (instead of just discrete valuation rings). The proof is essentially the same, where one replaces the references to the noetherian valuative criteria for properness and separatedness for discrete valuation rings with references to valuative criteria for properness and separatedness for general valuation rings.

Example A.7.

As we have seen in Proposition 6.3, the restricted Torelli map satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions. Another example of a map of algebraic stacks which can be seen to be an immersion using the valuative criterion is the map from the moduli stack of smooth plane curves of degree for to . Here, the moduli stack of plane curves can be defined by taking the open in the Hilbert scheme of plane curves corresponding to smooth plane curves, and quotienting by the action. See Reference LSTX19, Remark 5.4 for some more details. We note that we do not know how to see either of these maps are immersions without the valuative criterion.

Example A.8.

Radimmersions of algebraic stacks do not always induce isomorphisms on isotropy groups. For example, for a field of characteristic , the map is a radimmersion that does not induce an isomorphism on isotropy groups. More generally, we can replace with any group scheme with a single geometric point over in the above example.

Example A.9.

We now give an example of a map which satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits but which is not a radimmersion. For a field, consider the representable map . This satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions because a torsor over a trait which is trivial over the generic fiber is necessarily trivial, using normality of the trait. Nevertheless, is not a radimmersion because the fiber of over has two geometric points. In particular, induces the map on isotropy groups, and so is not a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups and hence does not satisfy Theorem A.4(3). More generally, one can replace in the above example with any nontrivial constant group scheme.

Example A.10.

In addition to Example A.9, another example of a map which satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits but which is not a radimmersion is the Torelli map when . This can be verified using the same method as in the proof of Proposition 6.3. Of course, does not induce an isomorphism on isotropy groups because a generic genus curve for has only the trivial automorphism, while all principally polarized abelian varieties have as a nontrivial automorphism.

Example A.11.

An example of a map which is bijective on geometric points but which does not satisfy the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits is , where denotes the real numbers. This fails to satisfy the valuative criterion because one can map the generic point of a trait to a trivial torsor and the closed point to a nontrivial torsor, and there will be no maps from the trait extending these. Indeed, any torsor over over a trait which is generically trivial is trivial.

The above examples raise the following question:

Question A.12.

Is there a simple characterization of maps of algebraic stacks which satisfy the valuative criterion for radimmersions?

Note that Question A.12 is not answered by Theorem A.4 because we do not assume that is representable and a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups.

A.3. Proving the valuative criterion

Before proving Theorem A.4 at the end of this section, we establish a number of preliminary lemmas. One of the main obstructions we face, not encountered in the schematic version from Reference Moc14, Chapter 1, §2.4, is to verify that is representable by schemes. This is verified using Zariski’s main theorem in Lemma A.15 after we show is separated. We next verify that satisfying Theorem A.4(3) have geometric fibers with at most one geometric point.

Lemma A.13.

Suppose is a finite type representable morphism of algebraic stacks, inducing a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at each geometric point of and satisfying the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits. Then each geometric fiber of has at most geometric point.


Begin with a geometric point . Suppose and are two geometric points of with -morphisms . Because the map induced by is a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups, if and map to -isomorphic points of , they must map to the same point of . (In general, this property may fail when is not a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups, such as in the case of .) Therefore, in order to show has at most one geometric point, it suffices to exhibit a -morphism .

By the finite type hypothesis and both factor though closed points of . On the other hand, taking in Definition A.3, we may choose diagrams Equation A.1 sending the generic point of to the image of via the inclusion and the closed point of to the image of . Therefore, by the valuative criterion, we obtain a map sending the generic point of to and the closed point to . Hence lies in the closure of . Because and are both closed geometric points, we find . Therefore, has at most one geometric point over and hence has at most one geometric point by the preceding paragraph.

Lemma A.14.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated representable morphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian, and suppose satisfies Theorem A.4(3). Then is separated.


By Reference Sta, Tag 0E80 to show is separated, it suffices to verify the uniqueness part of the valuative criterion for discrete valuation rings. So, suppose we are given some dominant map of traits and two maps and (in place of ) making the first diagram in Equation A.2 -commute. We claim the second diagram in Equation A.2 also -commutes. First, observe that by Lemma A.13 for any geometric point , the fiber of , , is -dimensional and quasi-separated. Therefore, is a scheme by Reference Ols16, Theorem 6.4.1. So, to show the maps and agree, it suffices to show their images map to the same geometric point. This follows from Lemma A.13, because by -commutativity of the right diagram of Equation A.2. Hence, it follows that both diagrams in Equation A.2 commute, and so agrees with by the uniqueness aspect of the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.

We now deduce that morphisms of algebraic spaces satisfying the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits are representable by schemes.

Lemma A.15.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated morphism of algebraic spaces with a locally noetherian scheme, and suppose satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits. Then is in fact a scheme.


By Lemma A.13, is radicial, hence quasi-finite. By Lemma A.14 is separated. Hence, by Reference Sta, Tag 082J, (a variant of Zariski’s main theorem,) is quasi-affine, and therefore is a representable by schemes. Therefore, is a scheme.

We next state a lemma with the goal of establishing in Theorem A.4.

Lemma A.16.

If is a radimmersion of schemes with a locally noetherian scheme, then satisfies the valuative criterion for traits with .


We can factor as a composition for a finite radicial morphism and an open immersion. Suppose we have commutative diagrams as in Equation A.1. Because both and factor through , we may replace by . Then, we may assume the map is finite, and in particular proper. By the valuative criterion for properness, a morphism exists making the first diagram in Equation A.2 commute. The second diagram in Equation A.2 then also commutes since the map is uniquely determined by the composition by Lemma A.13.

We now bootstrap the preceding lemma to morphisms of algebraic stacks.

Corollary A.17.

If is a radimmersion of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian, then satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with .


Suppose we are given -commuting diagrams as in Equation A.1 with and traits. Because is a radimmersion, the fiber product is a scheme and the resulting map is a radimmersion. By the universal property of fiber products, we obtain -commuting diagrams

Hence, by applying Lemma A.16 to the left squares in the above diagrams, we obtain a unique lift making the squares in Equation A.3 -commute. This implies there is a unique lift making Equation A.2 -commute as in the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with . Specifically, is the composition of with the projection .

For the implication we will also need the following verification that the map on isotropy groups is a universal homeomorphism.

Lemma A.18.

A radimmersion of algebraic stacks induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at each geometric point of .


We can factor as where is finite radicial and is an open immersion. An open immersion induces an isomorphism on isotropy groups at every point of the source, so it suffices to prove the lemma in the case that is finite radicial. Choose a geometric point and let denote the composition. Let . The map and the -morphism induce a map . Then, we have the following diagram, where all squares are cartesian

Because is a finite radicial map, is also finite radicial. Additionally, is surjective because is a section of . So, is finite radicial and surjective, therefore a universal homeomorphism Reference Gro67, 18.12.11. Since is a section of , it is also a universal homeomorphism. Therefore, the map , which is the base change of along , is also a universal homeomorphism.

The following lemma will be useful for reducing the implication to the case that is an algebraic space.

Lemma A.19.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated representable morphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian and suppose satisfies Theorem A.4(3). Then, for any scheme , the base change map also satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.


Given any map from a trait , making Equation A.1 commute with and , we wish to show there is a unique dominant map of traits and making the resulting diagrams in Equation A.2 commute. Since satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits, we obtain a map making the diagrams in Equation A.2 associated to the map -commute. Since we are also given a map , we obtain the desired map making Equation A.2 commute. We only need verify uniqueness of the map . There is a unique geometric point of over the image of in by Lemma A.13. This implies that any such map must send . From the valuative criterion for separatedness, to show the map is unique, it suffices to show is separated. This holds by Lemma A.14 because is the base change of the separated map .

We will also need a lemma which allows us to check that a morphism is a radimmersion fppf locally.

Lemma A.20.

Suppose is map of schemes and is an fppf map of schemes. If is a radimmersion then so is .


Let be a factorization of as the composition of a finite radicial map and an open immersion. Let denote the image of , which is open because is flat and locally of finite presentation. Note that necessarily factors through because factors through and is fppf. To conclude, it suffices to check is finite radicial because the properties of being finite and radicial can be checked fppf locally on the target. Since is fppf, it is enough to check is finite radicial. However, there is an isomorphism identifying the map with the map , and so is indeed finite radicial.

The following lemma will let us deal with the important special case that is a strictly henselian scheme.

Lemma A.21.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated map of schemes with a strictly henselian Noetherian local scheme whose closed point lies in the image of . If satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits then is finite radicial.


From Lemma A.13, is radicial, hence quasi-finite. From Lemma A.14 is separated. So, by Zariski’s main theorem Reference Gro67, 18.12.13, we find can be factored as with an open immersion and finite. By Reference Gro67, 18.5.11(a), is a disjoint union with , for a local ring. We next show that, after possibly relabeling the , factors through . Chose a point with mapping to the closed point of . We may assume . Choose some lying in for some . We will show that . Since is noetherian, we may construct a trait whose closed point maps to and whose generic point maps to Reference Sta, Tag 054F. Hence, by the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits, we can find an extension of traits whose closed point maps to and whose generic point maps to . Therefore, is in the closure of and . We conclude that we factors through , so we may take to be an isomorphism, as contains the closed point of . Hence is finite radicial.

Combining the above, we now prove Theorem A.4.

Proof of Theorem A.4.

(1) implies (2) by Corollary A.17 and Lemma A.18. Also, (2) implies (3) by definition. So it remains to check (3) implies (1).

In order to verify is a radimmersion, we may do so smooth locally on by Lemma A.20. Therefore, for a smooth cover, the map again satisfies (3) by Lemma A.19. Hence, we may assume that is a scheme. By representability of , is an algebraic space. By Lemma A.15, we find that is also a scheme. Since is locally noetherian, and is finite type, is in fact finitely presented.

For any , let denote the spectrum of the strict henselization of at . By Lemma A.21, is a finite radicial map for all . We want to show this implies is radimmersion. Note that is again noetherian by Reference Gro67, 18.8.8(iv). Then, since is finitely presented, and can be expressed as a limit of finite étale covers of the local scheme of at , it follows from spreading out for finite morphisms Reference Gro66, 8.10.5(x) that there is an étale neighborhood of such that is finite. Define . By fppf descent for finite morphisms Reference Sta, Tag 02LA it follows that is finite. Further, is radicial because it is so on all fibers over points of . Therefore, we find that factors through , with an open immersion and finite radicial. Hence, is a radimmersion.


We would like to thank Bogdan Zavyalov for many helpful discussions. We thank Rachel Pries for asking the question which led to the genesis of this article, and for much help understanding hyperelliptic curves in characteristic . We thank an anonymous referee for numerous helpful comments and suggestions. We also thank Benson Farb, Mark Kisin, and Jesse Wolfson for helpful correspondence and encouraging us to write this paper. We thank Brian Conrad for the idea to use the valuative criterion for immersions. We thank Valery Alexeev, Sean Cotner, Johan de Jong, Martin Olsson, Frans Oort, Bjorn Poonen, Will Sawin, and Ravi Vakil for further helpful discussions.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. Theorem 1.1 (OS79, Theorems 2.6 and 2.7).
    2. Theorem 1.2.
  3. 2. Background
    1. 2.1. Key inputs in the proof of the infinitesimal Torelli theorem
    2. 2.2. Definition of
    3. Definition 2.1.
    4. 2.3. Showing is an algebraic stack
    5. Lemma 2.4.
    6. Lemma 2.5.
    7. Proposition 2.6.
    8. Lemma 2.7.
    9. 2.4. Showing has a closed immersion into
    10. Lemma 2.8.
    11. Lemma 2.9.
  4. 3. The general setup for checking injectivity on tangent vectors
    1. Proposition 3.1.
  5. 4. Hyperelliptic curves in characteristic not 2
    1. 4.1. Hyperelliptic differentials in characteristic not
    2. 4.2. Computing the tangent map in characteristic not
    3. Lemma 4.1.
  6. 5. Hyperelliptic curves in characteristic
    1. 5.1. Equations for hyperelliptic curves in characteristic 2
    2. Lemma 5.1.
    3. 5.2. Hyperelliptic differentials in characteristic
    4. 5.3. Computing the map on tangent spaces in characteristic
    5. Lemma 5.3.
  7. 6. Proof of Theorem 1.2
    1. Lemma 6.1.
    2. Proposition 6.3.
    3. Corollary 6.4.
  8. Appendix A. The valuative criterion for locally closed immersions
    1. A.1. Statement of the criterion
    2. Definition A.1.
    3. Definition A.3.
    4. Theorem A.4 (Valuative criterion for radimmersions).
    5. Corollary A.5 (Valuative criterion for locally closed immersions).
    6. A.2. Remarks and examples
    7. Example A.7.
    8. Example A.8.
    9. Example A.9.
    10. Example A.10.
    11. Example A.11.
    12. Question A.12.
    13. A.3. Proving the valuative criterion
    14. Lemma A.13.
    15. Lemma A.14.
    16. Lemma A.15.
    17. Lemma A.16.
    18. Corollary A.17.
    19. Lemma A.18.
    20. Lemma A.19.
    21. Lemma A.20.
    22. Lemma A.21.
  9. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1 (Reference OS79, Theorems 2.6 and 2.7).

Let be a field. For , and a field-valued point, the Torelli map is injective on tangent vectors at if and only if . When , the map is injective on tangent vectors at all points .

Theorem 1.2.

For , the map over is a radimmersion. Additionally, is an immersion and is an immersion. However, when , for a field of characteristic , is not an immersion; instead, is generically inseparable and the induced map on tangent spaces at any geometric point of has kernel of dimension .

Equation (2.2)
Definition 2.1.

Suppose and . Define the , the stack of hyperelliptic genus curves as the category fibered in groupoids over schemes, whose fiber over a scheme corresponds tuples where is a smooth proper curve of genus over with geometrically connected fibers, is a smooth proper curve of genus over with geometrically connected fibers, and is a degree locally free morphism. Morphisms are morphisms making all squares in the diagram

fiber squares.

Lemma 2.4.

Any hyperelliptic curve of genus over an algebraically closed field is a closed subscheme of in the linear system . Further, any curve in the linear system associated to has genus .

Lemma 2.5.

For any is isomorphic to a certain semi-direct product . In particular, it is smooth and connected of relative dimension .

Proposition 2.6.

For , the above constructed map is an equivalence of stacks. Further, is a smooth cover and hence is a smooth integral algebraic stack of relative dimension over .

Lemma 2.7.

For a field and , on over has dimension .

Equation (2.4)
Lemma 2.8.

Suppose is a proper morphism of algebraic stacks with diagonals that are separated and of finite type. Assume induces a bijection on isotropy subgroups at every geometric point of , is injective on geometric points, and injective on tangent vectors at every geometric point. Then is a closed immersion.

Equation (3.1)
Proposition 3.1.

For a hyperelliptic curve, the composition

is dual to the composition

Hence, the dimension of the kernel of 3.2 agrees with the dimension of the cokernel of 3.3. In particular, 3.2 is injective if and only if 3.3 is surjective. Further, and .

Equation (3.4)
Equation (4.1)
Lemma 4.1.

For a hyperelliptic curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , the composition Equation 3.3 is surjective.

Equation (4.3)
Equation (4.4)
Lemma 5.1.

Over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , every hyperelliptic curve of genus at least can be written as the projective regular model of a curve of the form , for . For a general such curve, can be chosen in the form

with . The corresponding curve is ramified over at the preimages of , and , with ramification order at each such point.

Equation (5.2)
Lemma 5.3.

For a hyperelliptic curve of genus over an algebraically closed field of characteristic , the composition Equation 3.3 has cokernel of dimension .

Equation (5.3)
Lemma 6.1.

The Torelli map factors as the composition of an immersion and a proper map .

Proposition 6.3.

The map satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits as in Definition A.3.

Equation (6.1)
Corollary 6.4.

The map

is a radimmersion (as defined in Definition A.1).

Definition A.1.

A morphism of algebraic stacks is a radimmersion if it factors as a composition where is an algebraic stack with an open immersion and a finite radicial map.

Definition A.3.

Let be a map of algebraic stacks. We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions if the following property holds: Let be the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring with generic point and closed point , and let be any map. Suppose we have -commutative diagrams

with -morphisms and witnessing -commutativity of the diagrams. Then, there exists a spectrum of a discrete valuation ring with closed point and generic point with a specified dominant map such that there is a unique morphism making the diagrams

-commute compatibly with the above choices of and (as for dotted arrows in Reference Sta, Tag 0CLA).

We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions with if for every spectrum of a discrete valuation ring and diagrams A.1, there exists a map such that A.2 holds with and the map being the identity map.

We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits if satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for all traits and .

We say satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with if satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions with for all traits .

Theorem A.4 (Valuative criterion for radimmersions).

Let be a representable finite type quasi-separated morphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian. Then, the following are equivalent:


is a radimmersion


induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at every geometric point of , and satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with


induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at every geometric point of , and satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.

Corollary A.5 (Valuative criterion for locally closed immersions).

Let be a finite type quasi-separated monomorphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian. Then, the following are equivalent:


is an immersion


satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with


satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.

Example A.9.

We now give an example of a map which satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits but which is not a radimmersion. For a field, consider the representable map . This satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions because a torsor over a trait which is trivial over the generic fiber is necessarily trivial, using normality of the trait. Nevertheless, is not a radimmersion because the fiber of over has two geometric points. In particular, induces the map on isotropy groups, and so is not a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups and hence does not satisfy Theorem A.4(3). More generally, one can replace in the above example with any nontrivial constant group scheme.

Question A.12.

Is there a simple characterization of maps of algebraic stacks which satisfy the valuative criterion for radimmersions?

Lemma A.13.

Suppose is a finite type representable morphism of algebraic stacks, inducing a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at each geometric point of and satisfying the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits. Then each geometric fiber of has at most geometric point.

Lemma A.14.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated representable morphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian, and suppose satisfies Theorem A.4(3). Then is separated.

Lemma A.15.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated morphism of algebraic spaces with a locally noetherian scheme, and suppose satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits. Then is in fact a scheme.

Lemma A.16.

If is a radimmersion of schemes with a locally noetherian scheme, then satisfies the valuative criterion for traits with .

Corollary A.17.

If is a radimmersion of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian, then satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits with .

Equation (A.3)
Lemma A.18.

A radimmersion of algebraic stacks induces a universal homeomorphism on isotropy groups at each geometric point of .

Lemma A.19.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated representable morphism of algebraic stacks with locally noetherian and suppose satisfies Theorem A.4(3). Then, for any scheme , the base change map also satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits.

Lemma A.20.

Suppose is map of schemes and is an fppf map of schemes. If is a radimmersion then so is .

Lemma A.21.

Suppose is a finite type quasi-separated map of schemes with a strictly henselian Noetherian local scheme whose closed point lies in the image of . If satisfies the valuative criterion for radimmersions for traits then is finite radicial.


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 14H40 (Jacobians, Prym varieties)
Secondary: 14K10 (Algebraic moduli of abelian varieties, classification)
Author Information
Aaron Landesman
Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305
Additional Notes

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE-1656518.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 12, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/btran/64
  • MathSciNet Review: 4241766
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4241766}{article}{ author={Landesman, Aaron}, title={The Torelli map restricted to the hyperelliptic locus}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={12}, date={2021}, pages={354-378}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4241766}, doi={10.1090/btran/64}, }


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