Daugavet- and delta-points in Banach spaces with unconditional bases

By Trond A. Abrahamsen, Vegard Lima, André Martiny, and Stanimir Troyanski


We study the existence of Daugavet- and delta-points in the unit sphere of Banach spaces with a -unconditional basis. A norm one element in a Banach space is a Daugavet-point (resp. delta-point) if every element in the unit ball (resp. itself) is in the closed convex hull of unit ball elements that are almost at distance from . A Banach space has the Daugavet property (resp. diametral local diameter two property) if and only if every norm one element is a Daugavet-point (resp. delta-point). It is well-known that a Banach space with the Daugavet property does not have an unconditional basis. Similarly spaces with the diametral local diameter two property do not have an unconditional basis with suppression unconditional constant strictly less than .

We show that no Banach space with a subsymmetric basis can have delta-points. In contrast we construct a Banach space with a -unconditional basis with delta-points, but with no Daugavet-points, and a Banach space with a -unconditional basis with a unit ball in which the Daugavet-points are weakly dense.

1. Introduction

Let be a Banach space with unit ball , unit sphere , and topological dual . For and let . We say that has the


Daugavet property if for every and every we have ;


diametral local diameter two property if for every and every we have .

In Reference Kad96, Corollary 2.3 Kadets proved that any Banach space with the Daugavet property fails to have an unconditional basis (see also Reference Wer01, Proposition 3.1). These arguments are probably the easiest known proofs of the absence of unconditional bases in the classical Banach spaces and . The diametral local diameter two property was named and studied in Reference BGLPRZ18, but it was first introduced in Reference IK04 under the name space with bad projections. (See the references in Reference IK04 for previous unnamed appearances of this property.) Using the characterizations in Reference IK04 we see that if a Banach space with the diametral local diameter two property has an unconditional basis, then the unconditional suppression basis constant is at least . But note that we do not know of any Banach space with an unconditional basis and the diametral local diameter two property.

In the present paper we study pointwise versions of the Daugavet property and the diametral local diameter two property in spaces with -unconditional bases.

Definition 1.1.

Let be a Banach space and let . We say that is


a Daugavet-point if for every we have ;


a delta-point if for every we have .

Daugavet-points and delta-points were introduced in Reference AHLP20. For the spaces , for preduals of such spaces, and for Müntz spaces these notions are the same Reference AHLP20, Theorems 3.1, 3.7, and 3.13. However, is an example of a space with the diametral local diameter two property, but with no Daugavet-points Reference AHLP20, Example 4.7. Stability results for Daugavet- and delta-points in absolute sums of Banach spaces was further studied in Reference HPV20.

In Section 2 we consider Banach spaces with -unconditional bases and study a family of subsets of the support of a vector . We find properties of these subsets that are intimately linked to not being a delta-point. Quite general results are obtained in this direction. We apply these results to show that Banach spaces with subsymmetric bases (these include separable Lorentz and Orlicz sequence spaces) always fail to contain delta-points.

In Section 3 we construct a Banach space with a -unconditional basis which contains a delta-point, but contain no Daugavet-points. The example is a Banach space of the type generated by an adequate family of subsets of a binary tree. The norm of the space is the supremum of the -sum of branches in the binary tree.

In Section 4 we modify slightly the binary tree from Section 3 and the associated adequate family, to obtain an space with some remarkable properties: It has Daugavet-points; the Daugavet-points are even weakly dense in the unit ball; the diameter of every slice of the unit ball is two, but is has relatively weakly open subsets of the unit ball of arbitrary small diameter.

Finally, let us also remark that the examples in both Section 3 and Section 4 contain isometric copies of and . Both the -ness of the branches and -ness of antichains in the binary tree play an important role in our construction of Daugavet- and delta-points in these spaces (see e.g. Theorems 3.1 and 4.2, and Corollary 4.3).

2. -unconditional bases and the sets

The main goal of this section is to prove that Banach spaces with a subsymmetric basis fail to have delta-points. Before we start this mission, let us point out some results and concepts that we will need. First some characterizations of Daugavet- and delta-points that we will frequently use throughout the paper.

Recall that a slice of the unit ball of a Banach space is a subset of the form

where and .

Proposition 2.1 (Reference AHLP20, Lemma 2.3).

Let be a Banach space and . The following assertions are equivalent:


is a Daugavet-point;


for every slice of and for every there exists such that .

Proposition 2.2 (Reference AHLP20, Lemma 2.2).

Let be a Banach space and . The following assertions are equivalent:


is a delta-point;


for every slice of with and for every there exists such that .

Let be a Banach space. Recall that a Schauder basis of is called unconditional if for every its expansion converges unconditionally. If, moreover, for any and any sequence of signs , then is called -unconditional. A Schauder basis is called subsymmetric, or -subsymmetric, if it is unconditional and for any , any sequence of signs , and any infinite increasing sequence of naturals . Trivially a subsymmetric basis is -unconditional. In the following we will assume that the basis is normalized, i.e. for all . With we denote the conjugate in to the basis . Clearly is a -unconditional basic sequence whenever is. When studying Daugavet-points or delta-points in a Banach space with -unconditional basis we can restrict our investigation to the positive cone generated by the basis, where

The reason for this is that for every sequence of signs the operator defined by is a linear isometry. Hence is a Daugavet-point (resp. delta-point) if and only if is.

The following result is well-known.

Proposition 2.3.

Let be a Banach space with a -unconditional basis . If is convergent and for all , then is convergent and

Moreover where, for , is the projection defined by

From this we immediately get a fact that will be applied several times throughout the paper.

Fact 2.4.

Let be a Banach space with a -unconditional basis and let and . Then the following holds.

If and for all , then .

The upshot of Fact 2.4 is that it can be used to find an upper bound for the distance between and elements in a given subset of the unit ball. Indeed, suppose we can find , and a subset of the unit ball such that and the assumption in Fact 2.4 holds for any . Then

If such a set is a slice (resp. a slice containing ), then cannot be a Daugavet-point (resp. delta-point). We will see in Theorem 2.17 that any unit sphere element in a space with a subsymmetric basis, is contained in a slice of the above type. Our tool to investigate the existence of slices of this type in a Banach space with a -unconditional basis, are certain families of subsets of the support of the elements in the space.

Remark 2.5.

If only the moreover part of Proposition 2.3 holds, then the basis is called -suppression unconditional. In this case the conclusion of Proposition 2.3 still holds if , for all . This is all that is needed in Fact 2.4. Similarly, one can check that all the results about -unconditional bases in the rest of this section also holds for a Banach space with a -suppression unconditional basis.

Definition 2.6.

For any Banach space with -unconditional basis and for , define


We can think of as a collection of minimal “norm-giving” subsets of the support of . If for example and , then while if , and , then .

Our first observation about the families is that they are always non-empty.

Lemma 2.7.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . Then for all .


Let . Either or there exists a smallest such that if we define , then and

Suppose we have found such that satisfies and for all . Then either or there exists a smallest integer greater than such that satisfies and

Either this process terminates and , or we get a set . Let and note that . If , find such that , then by -unconditionality

and .

Our next goal is to prove that certain classes of subsets of and are finite (see Lemma 2.10 below). We will use the next result as a stepping stone. In the proof, and throughout the paper, we will assume that the sets are ordered so that , and we will use to denote the set .

Lemma 2.8.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then for every ,





In particular, .


Let us prove (i) inductively. For , let , where . For the result follows from .

Now assume that , and let . Find such that . Then by the triangle inequality, it follows that for all with .

For (ii), let with . Then , and thus , where as above is such that .

In order to find the sets mentioned in the remarks following Fact 2.4 we need the following families of subsets of .

Definition 2.9.

Let have -unconditional basis . Let and define

If it is clear from the context what element we are considering, we will simply denote these sets by , , and .

It is pertinent with a couple of comments about these families of sets. Trivially, if , then for all . We can think of the elements of as essential for the norm of , i.e. for all . According to Lemma 2.11 below the drop in norm is also uniformly bounded away from . The main reason for this is that and are finite for all . We will prove this now.

Lemma 2.10.

Let have -unconditional basis . If , then for all ,





In particular, if , then .


(i). There exists such that by Lemma 2.8.

Assume for contradiction that . Then there exists a sequence such that . By compactness of and passing to a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that pointwise and for all . In particular . By Lemma 2.7, there exists , such that . Since , we have by definition of . Since is finite is eventually constant. Thus for some we have , a contradiction.

Finally, (ii) follows from (i) and Lemma 2.8.

With the knowledge that the cardinality of is finite for every , we now obtain the following result.

Lemma 2.11.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then


if for all ;


for any there exists such that


(i). Assume that with for all such that . By Lemma 2.7 there exists . But since and this gives us the contradiction .

Any satisfies for all and is finite, so (ii) follows from (i).

Let be a Banach space and . If is a delta-point, then for every slice with , we have that is at one end of a line segment in with length as close to as we want. Suppose we replace the slice with a non-empty relatively weakly open subset of with . If has the Daugavet property, then is at one end of a line segment in with length as close to as we want (Reference Shv00, Lemma 3). Next we show that this is never the case if has a -unconditional basis.

Proposition 2.12.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then there exist and a relatively weakly open subset , with , such that .


Assume that . Let . By Lemma 2.11 there exists such that . Let .

Let . Then , and if , then for all . Thus if we have

For any , we get that

and we are done.

Let us remark a fun application of the above proposition.

Remark 2.13.

Let be an infinite compact Hausdorff space. Then does not have a -unconditional (or a -suppression unconditional) basis.

Let be a function which attains its norm on a limit point of . Arguing similarly as in Reference AHLP20, Theorem 3.4 we may find a sequence of norm one functions with distance as close to as we want from that converge pointwise, and thus weakly, to . The conclusion follows from Proposition 2.12.

The next result is the key ingredient in our proof that there are no delta-points in Banach spaces with subsymmetric bases. Its proof draws heavily upon Lemma 2.11.

Lemma 2.14.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis and let . Assume that there exists a slice , an and some such that




implies that

for all .

Then is not a delta-point.


Assume that . Now for each find such that with for all , and for all . Let . Then and

For any , we get that

Solving for we get that

and similarly . Thus, if ,

For any we now get from Lemma 2.11 that

If with in the above lemma, then any slice containing trivially satisfies Lemma 2.14 (ii). We record this in the following proposition.

Proposition 2.15.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis and let . If , then is not a delta-point.

We will also need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.16.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then for every and every we have for all .


Let , and . Since and we have and . Put . Then and , so

and the conclusion follows.

Finally it is time to cash in some dividends and prove the main result of this section.

Theorem 2.17.

If has subsymmetric basis , then has no delta-points.


Assume . By Proposition 2.15 we may assume that . Let . We first show that for all .

For contradiction assume that there exists with . Let and be such that . Let such that and let be with replaced by . Using that is subsymmetric and Lemma 2.16 we get

a contradiction.

If we let , then for all , and the slice and satisfies the criteria in Lemma 2.14 and we are done.

In the proof above we saw that if has a subsymmetric basis, then for any either or all has a common element. In the case has a -symmetric basis we can say a lot about the sets for any given .

Recall that a Schauder basis is called -symmetric if it is unconditional and for any , any sequence of signs , and any permutation of . A -symmetric basis is subsymmetric Reference LT77, Proposition 3.a.3.

Proposition 2.18.

Let be a Banach space with -symmetric basis and let .


If , then


If and , then and is constant on .


Assume that .

(i). Let and . Since , there exists and with . Using that is -symmetric and Lemma 2.16 we get

a contradiction.

(ii). Suppose that is not constant on and let with , say , , and . Then argue as in (i) to get a contradiction, so is constant on . As is constant on , we cannot have since then a subset of would be in contradicting the definition of .

3. A space with -unconditional basis and delta-points

In this section we will prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1.

There exists a Banach space with -unconditional basis, such that


has a delta-point;


does not have Daugavet-points.

Before giving a proof of the theorem we will need some notation. By definition, a tree is a partially ordered set with the property that, for every , the set is well ordered by . In any tree we use normal interval notation, so that for instance a segment is . If a tree has only one minimal member, it is said to be rooted and the minimal member is called the root of the tree and is denoted . We have for all . We say that is an immediate successor of if and the set is empty. The set of immediate successors of we denote with . A sequence is a branch of if for all , and for all . If are nodes such that neither nor , then and are incomparable. An antichain in a tree is a collection of elements which are pairwise incomparable.

We consider the infinite binary tree, , that is, finite sequences of zeros and ones. The order on is defined as follows: If and , then if and only if and , . As usual we denote with the cardinality of , i.e. . The concatenation of and is . Clearly and . The infinite binary tree is rooted with .

Following Talagrand Reference Tal79Reference Tal84 we say that is an adequate family if

contains the empty set and the singletons: for all .

is hereditary: If and , then .

is compact with respect to the topology of pointwise convergence: Given , if every finite subset of is in , then .

Given an adequate family , we define the Banach lattice as the set of all sequences satisfying (see e.g. Reference AM93, Definition 2.1). It is easy to see that, in general, the standard unit vectors form a normalized -unconditional basic sequence in . We denote the closed subspace of generated by . For example if , then , , and if , then . Since is compact we get that for every there exists such that .

There is a bijection between and where the natural order on corresponds to the lexicographical order on (see Reference AT04, p. 69). The family of all subsets of corresponding to the branches of and their subsets is an adequate family. We get that is a Banach space with -unconditional basis . It is worth pointing out that we use as indices for the basis. Thus, for and any non-negative integer we write , when referring to the sum , that is, is implicit. A similar notation will be used in Section 4.

Note that the span of the basis vectors corresponding to any infinite antichain in is isometric to , and that the span of the basis vectors corresponding to any branch in is isometric to .

Proof of Theorem 3.1 (i).


Summing over branches we find that . We will show that is a delta-point. Define and then for

Here is a picture of and :

From the definition it is clear that

so by induction

Let and such that . Find such that which is possible since as . But means that there exists with such that . Let be an infinite antichain of successors of . Then as . Find such that

By definition of we have hence . Summing over a branch containing we get

as desired.

Next is the proof that does not have Daugavet-points. We first need a general lemma about Daugavet-points.

Let be a 1-unconditional basis in a Banach spaces . Define

Lemma 3.2.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If is a Daugavet-point, then for all .


Assume and that there exists and such that .

Define . Choose such that . If , then it follows that for all and

so is not a Daugavet-point.

Proof of Theorem 3.1 (ii).

Assume . Let . From Lemma 2.8 we see that is finite. Note that is an antichain. Indeed, assume with where for some . Then since and

we must have .

We have by Lemma 2.11 (i). From Lemma 3.2 we get that is not a Daugavet-point since .

Let us end this section with a remark about the proof of Theorem 3.1 (i). In order to prove that has a delta-point we could have used dyadic trees. Recall that a dyadic tree in a Banach space is a sequence , such that .

In fact, is the root of a dyadic tree. In order to show this one uses the same ’s as in the above proof, but attach a copy of to the node . Finally, we have the following result about dyadic trees and delta-points.

Proposition 3.3.

If a Banach space contains a dyadic tree such that

then is a delta-point.


Let and find with for all with . This means that . By definition of a dyadic tree

so we have .

4. A space with -unconditional basis and daugavet-points

In this section we will cut of the root of the binary tree and modify the norm from the example in the previous section to allow the space to have Daugavet-points.

Let be the binary tree with the root removed. Note that a branch in corresponds to the branch in where .

A -segment in is a set of the form , where is a (possibly empty) segment of . If , then .

Using the lexicographical order on we have a bijective correspondence to with the natural order. Let be the adequate family of subsets of corresponding to subsets of branches and subsets of -segments. Using this adequate family we get a Banach space with -unconditional basis . We call the modified binary tree space. Note that contains isometric copies of and just like .

As we saw in the proof of Theorem 3.1 (ii) the antichains in the tree play an important role for the existence of Daugavet-points.


The set from Section 3 can be described as the set of all non-void finite antichains of such that for all . Clearly for every and every with and belongs to . It is also clear that for every there exists a branch such that . We will see in Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 4.2 that the sets and will play an essential role in characterizing the Daugavet-points of .

If is a finite subset of , then we will use the notation and .

First we prove a lemma which says that convex combinations of elements in are dense in the unit ball of .

Lemma 4.1.

Let be a finite subset of . Then

that is, for every we have

where , , . In particular, .


With denote the subset of which corresponds to . We will show, by induction, that for every we have

where , and . As for some and , the result will follow.

The base step is with for . Write and . Define , , and . Then

is a convex combination of elements in .

Assume the induction hypothesis holds for . Let . Let be the node such that corresponds to and to . Define

By assumption we have with , and .

Define the segment and the sets

For we let

Since we get , and

Thus, by definition of the norm we have,

Write and . Define . Let . It follows that

which is a convex combination of elements in .

With the above lemma in hand we are able to characterize Daugavet-points in in terms of . This will give us an easy way to identify and give examples of Daugavet-points.

Theorem 4.2.

Let , then the following are equivalent


is a Daugavet-point;


, for all ;


for any , either or for all there exists such that and .


As usual we will assume that throughout.

(i) (ii) is Lemma 3.2.

(ii) (iii). Let , and . We have assumed that .

By definition of we have for every . If there, for some , exists and such that , or such that for all , then we are done since and

So from now on we assume that no such exists.

Assume that there exists that is a subset of a branch . By definition of the norm, we have for , and by the assumption above, we also have . Since as for we can find with and hence

This concludes the case where is a subset of a branch.

Suppose for contradiction that no is a subset of a branch, then every is a subset of a -segment. By Lemma 2.10 we must have .

Choose any and write

where . In particular for .

Let and . From the assumptions above , so .

Let . Notice that . Otherwise, by definition of the norm, we get the contradiction

Hence and .

We have , but since we have so the inclusion is strict.

We now have and no is a subset of a branch. We can use the argument above a finite number of times until we are left with with and which contradicts Lemma 2.7.

Finally, (iii) (i). Choose . Let with finite support. Then by Lemma 4.1, we can write , with , and . Let and . We can, by assumption, for each find such that with . Then since

The set of all such is dense in , hence so is a Daugavet-point.

Corollary 4.3.

If such that for all branches , then is a Daugavet-point.


Let . There exists a branch such that . Then . By Theorem 4.2 is a Daugavet-point.

With a characterization of Daugavet-points in hand we can now prove the main result of this section.

Theorem 4.4.

In we have that


there exists which is a Daugavet-point;


there exists which is a delta-point, but not a Daugavet-point.


Let . We have that is a Daugavet-point by Corollary 4.3.

The next part of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1 (i). We will show that a shifted version of is a delta-point which is not a Daugavet-point. Define an operator on the modified binary tree:

where when .

Define . Let and such that . Just as in the proof of Theorem 3.1 (i) we can find whose support is an antichain (i.e. ) and we can find such that . Summing over a branch containing we get .

Let . Then so by Theorem 4.2 is not a Daugavet-point.

In Reference AHLP20, the property that the unit ball of a Banach space is the closed convex hull of its delta-points was studied. We will next show that satisfies something much stronger, the unit ball is the closed convex hull of a subset of its Daugavet-points.

If is the set of all Daugavet-points in define

The proof of Theorem 4.4 shows that is non-empty.

For , let be the shift operator on that shifts the root to , that is

It is clear that is an isometry on .

Proposition 4.5.

The space satisfies .


Let . We may assume that has finite support, since such are dense in . By Lemma 4.1, we can write where , and .

Fix . Let .

Choose any and use the shift operator in Equation 2 to define

Observe that takes its norm along every branch, so by Corollary 4.3 both .

Repeat this construction for to create for . Then

is a convex combination of Daugavet-points in .

Our next result is that has the remarkable property that the Daugavet-points are weakly dense in the unit ball. So in a sense there are lots of Daugavet-points, but of course not enough of them in order for to have the Daugavet property. First we need a lemma. For , denotes the shift operator defined in Equation 2 above.

Lemma 4.6.

Let and . For any and there exist some infinite antichain with the following properties


for all ;


for all ;


for all .


Pick any , and . It is not difficult to find an infinite antichain satisfying (i) and (ii). Since is an antichain we have for all . Hence

and then we can find such that for all . Now satisfies (i), (ii) and (iii).

Theorem 4.7.

In every non-empty relatively weakly open subset of contains a Daugavet-point.


Since vectors with finite support are norm dense in , it enough show that for any with finite support and any relatively weakly open neighbourhood of of the form

where , , …, and , contains a Daugavet-point.

Let , and for with define


From Corollary 4.3 we have that is a Daugavet-point. By Lemma 4.6 for each there exists such that for , …, . Now put

By construction and we have since

Using Theorem 4.2 we will show that is a Daugavet-point. Indeed, let . Then there exists a branch with . Let with . If , then

If , then since is a Daugavet-point, there exists a branch with such that . Thus

and we are done.

Question 4.8.

How “massive” does the set of Daugavet-points in have to be in order to ensure that a Banach space fails to have an unconditional basis?

If is a slice of the unit ball of , then the above proposition tells us that contains a Daugavet-point . Then by definition of Daugavet-points there exists for any a with . Thus the diameter of every slice of the unit ball of is , that is has the local diameter two property.

The next natural question is whether the diameter of every non-empty relatively weakly open neighborhood in equals , that is, does have the diameter two property? The answer is no, in fact, every Daugavet-point in has a weak neighborhood of arbitrary small diameter. Let us remark that the first example of a Banach space with the local diameter two property, but failing the diameter two property was given in Reference BGLPRZ15. While we have used binary trees, their construction used the tree of finite sequences of positive integers and they even showed that every Banach space containing can be renormed to have the local diameter two property and fail the diameter two property.

Proposition 4.9.

In every is a point of weak- to norm-continuity for the identity map on . In particular, fails the diameter two property.


Let and . Let be such that . Consider the weak neighborhood of

We want to show that the diameter of is less than . Let . Let be a subset of a branch or of a -segment in . Since for , , and attains its norm along every branch of , we have

Hence , and thus

From this it follows that the diameter of is less than .

Recall from Reference ALL16 that a Banach space is locally almost square if for every and there exists such that .

It is known that every locally almost square Banach space has the local diameter two property. As noted above has the local diameter two property, but it is not locally almost square as the following proposition shows.

Proposition 4.10.

is not locally almost square.


Consider . Let and suppose there exists with . Then clearly . By considering if necessary we may assume that . Then

which yields . Thus since there must exist a subset of a branch or a -segment such that and . Let .

and we get the contradiction .

Recall from Reference HLP15 that a Banach space is locally octahedral if for every and , there exists such that .

It is known that every Banach space with the Daugavet property is octahedral. Even though the modified binary tree space have lots of Daugavet-points, as seen in Proposition 4.5, it is not even locally octahedral.

Proposition 4.11.

is not locally octahedral.


Consider . We want to show that for all we have .

Let . Let be a subset of a branch or a -segment. If , then

If , then, since and a convex function attains its maximum at the extreme points, we get

Hence .

Mathematical Fragments

Proposition 2.3.

Let be a Banach space with a -unconditional basis . If is convergent and for all , then is convergent and

Moreover where, for , is the projection defined by

Fact 2.4.

Let be a Banach space with a -unconditional basis and let and . Then the following holds.

If and for all , then .

Lemma 2.7.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . Then for all .

Lemma 2.8.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then for every ,





In particular, .

Lemma 2.10.

Let have -unconditional basis . If , then for all ,





In particular, if , then .

Lemma 2.11.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then


if for all ;


for any there exists such that

Proposition 2.12.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then there exist and a relatively weakly open subset , with , such that .

Lemma 2.14.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis and let . Assume that there exists a slice , an and some such that




implies that

for all .

Then is not a delta-point.

Proposition 2.15.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis and let . If , then is not a delta-point.

Lemma 2.16.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If , then for every and every we have for all .

Theorem 2.17.

If has subsymmetric basis , then has no delta-points.

Proposition 2.18.

Let be a Banach space with -symmetric basis and let .


If , then


If and , then and is constant on .

Theorem 3.1.

There exists a Banach space with -unconditional basis, such that


has a delta-point;


does not have Daugavet-points.

Lemma 3.2.

Let be a Banach space with -unconditional basis . If is a Daugavet-point, then for all .

Lemma 4.1.

Let be a finite subset of . Then

that is, for every we have

where , , . In particular, .

Theorem 4.2.

Let , then the following are equivalent


is a Daugavet-point;


, for all ;


for any , either or for all there exists such that and .

Corollary 4.3.

If such that for all branches , then is a Daugavet-point.

Theorem 4.4.

In we have that


there exists which is a Daugavet-point;


there exists which is a delta-point, but not a Daugavet-point.

Equation (2)
Proposition 4.5.

The space satisfies .

Lemma 4.6.

Let and . For any and there exist some infinite antichain with the following properties


for all ;


for all ;


for all .


Reference [AHLP20]
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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 46B20 (Geometry and structure of normed linear spaces), 46B22 (Radon-Nikodým, Kreĭn-Milman and related properties), 46B04 (Isometric theory of Banach spaces)
  • Delta-point
  • Daugavet-point
  • diametral diameter two property
  • Daugavet property
  • 1-unconditional basis.
Author Information
Trond A. Abrahamsen
Department of Mathematics, University of Agder, Postboks 422, 4604 Kristiansand, Norway
Vegard Lima
Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Agder, Postboks 509, 4898 Grimstad, Norway
André Martiny
Department of Mathematics, University of Agder, Postboks 422, 4604 Kristiansand, Norway
Stanimir Troyanski
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, bl.8, acad. G. Bonchev str. 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria; and Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Espinardo (Murcia), Spain
Additional Notes

The fourth-named author was supported by MTM2017-86182-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Bulgarian National Scientific Fund, Grant, KP–06–H22/4, 04.12.2018.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 13, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/68
  • MathSciNet Review: 4249632
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4249632}{article}{ author={Abrahamsen, Trond}, author={Lima, Vegard}, author={Martiny, Andr\'e}, author={Troyanski, Stanimir}, title={Daugavet- and delta-points in Banach spaces with unconditional bases}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={13}, date={2021}, pages={379-398}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4249632}, doi={10.1090/btran/68}, }


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