Dimension and Trace of the Kauffman Bracket Skein Algebra

By Charles Frohman, Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska, and Thang Lê


Let be a finite type surface and a complex root of unity. The Kauffman bracket skein algebra is an important object in both classical and quantum topology as it has relations to the character variety, the Teichmüller space, the Jones polynomial, and the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev Topological Quantum Field Theories. We compute the rank and trace of over its center, and we extend a theorem of the first and second authors in [Math. Z. 289 (2018), pp. 889–920] which says the skein algebra has a splitting coming from two pants decompositions of .

1. Introduction

Let be a finite type surface and a complex root of unity. The Kauffman bracket skein algebra is an important object in both classical and quantum topology as it has relations to the character variety, the Teichmüller space, the Jones polynomial, and the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev Topological Quantum Field Theories. We recall the definition of in Section 3.

The linear representations of play an important role in hyperbolic Topological Quantum Field Theories. In Reference 13 we prove the Unicity Conjecture of Bonahon and Wong Reference 6 which among other things states that generically all irreducible representations of have the same dimension equal to the square root of the dimension of over its center . Here if is an algebra whose center is a domain then the dimension of over , denoted by , is defined to be the dimension of the vector space over the field of fractions of . The calculation of the dimension is one of the main result of this paper.

Theorem 1 (See Theorem 6.1).

Suppose F is a finite type surface of genus with punctures and negative Euler characteristic, and is a root of unity of order . Let be the order of , then

We show that , where is the field of fractions of , is a division algebra having finite dimension over its center . Thus every element lies in a finite field extension of and hence has a reduced trace . We recall the definition of the reduced trace in Section 2.

The second goal of the paper is to compute the reduced trace of elements of . To state the theorem, denote by the set of all isotopy classes of simple diagrams on surface , where a simple diagram is the union of disjoint, non-trivial simple closed curves on . For each one can define an element , such that the set is a -basis of and is central if and only if is in a certain subset of . See Section 3.3 for details. The definition of involves Bonahon and Wong’s threading map Reference 5. As the -vector space has basis , hence it is enough to compute the trace of each .

Theorem 2 (See Theorem 8.1).

Let be a finite type surface and be a root of 1. For a simple diagram one has

Along the way we develop tools for determining when a collection of skeins forms a basis for .

The last goal of the paper is to prove that there exists a splitting of over its center coming from pairs of pants decompositions of the surface.

Theorem 3 (See Theorem 9.1).

Let be a finite type surface of negative Euler characteristic. There exist two pants decompositions and of such that for any root of unity the -linear map

defined by the property that is a -linear isomorphism of vector spaces. Here (respectively ) is the -subalgebra of generated by the curves in (respectively in ). Both and are maximal commutative subalgebras of the division algebra .

This theorem has an application in defining invariants of links in 3-manifold which will be investigated in a future work.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we survey results about division algebras that have finite rank over their center, and facts about trace and filtrations of algebras, with the goal of applying these to the Kauffman bracket skein algebra. We follow by introducing the Kauffman bracket skein algebra in Section 3. Its basis is given in terms of simple diagrams, so we describe ways of parametrizing simple diagrams on a surface. We also introduce a residue group. In section 4 we show that after enough twisting the Dehn Thurston coordinates of a simple diagram on a closed surface stabilize to become an affine function of the number of twists. This allows us to define stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates. In Section 5 we introduce a degree map and use it to formulate a criterion for independence of a collection of skeins over its center. Section 6 computes the dimension of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra over its center, proving Theorem 1. In section 7 we find bases for commutative subalgebras of generated by the curves in a primitive non-peripheral diagram on with coefficients in . In Section 8 we find a formula for computing the trace, proving Theorem 2. The paper concludes in Section 9 which proves the splitting theorem (Theorem 3).

2. Division algebras, trace, filtrations

In this section we survey some well-known facts about division algebras, trace, and filtrations of algebras that will be used in the paper.

2.1. Notations and conventions

Throughout the paper , , , , denote respectively the set of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers. Note that . Let be the field with 2 elements.

A complex number is a root of 1 if there is a positive integer such that , and the smallest such positive integer is called the order of , denoted by .

All rings are assumed to be associative with unit, and ring homomorphisms preserve 1. A domain is a ring , not necessarily commutative, such that if with , then or . For a ring denote by the set of all non-zero elements in . For example, is the set of all non-zero complex number.

2.2. Algebras finitely generated over their centers

Recall that a division algebra is an associative algebra with unit such that every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse. Note that a commutative division algebra is a field. The following is well-known, and we present a simple proof for completeness.

Proposition 2.1.

(a) If is a field and is -algebra which is a domain and has finite dimension over , then is a division algebra.

(b) Let be the center of a domain and be the field of fractions of . Assume is finitely generated as a -module. Then is a division algebra.


(a) We need to show that any non-zero element of has an inverse. Suppose . The -subalgebra of generated by is a commutative domain, and it is a finite extension of the field . This implies that the -subalgebra generated by is a field (see Proposition 5.7 in Reference 3), hence has an inverse.

(b) Every element of can be presented in the form where and . From here it is easy to show that is a domain and the natural map is an embedding. Since is -finitely generated, is also -finitely generated, and (b) follows from (a).

The above proposition reduces many problems concerning domains which are finitely generated as modules over their centers to the case of division algebras finitely generated over their centers.

2.3. Trace

Suppose is a field and is a -algebra which is finite-dimensional as a -vector space. For , the left multiplication by is a -linear operator acting on , and its trace is denoted by . The reduced trace is defined by

Again, the following is well-known.

Proposition 2.2.

Suppose that is a field, and is a division -algebra having finite dimension over . Suppose .

(a) If is the minimal polynomial of over , then .

(b) If is a division algebra with , then .

(c) The function is non-degenerate in the sense that for there exists such that . In particular, is a Frobenius algebra.


(a) Let be the -subalgebra of generated by , then is a field. By the definition of the minimal polynomial,

As a -vector space has basis . It follows that . Let be a basis of over so that . Each is invariant under the left multiplication by , and the action of on each has trace equal to . Hence,

From here we have .

(b) follows immediately from (a).

(c) Let . Then .

2.4. Maximal commutative subalgebras

Suppose is a division algebra with center . If is a maximal commutative subalgebra, then is a field and

This follows directly from Theorem 15.8 in Reference 15. Moreover splits over , i.e., is isomorphic to the algebra of matrices with entries in for some .

2.5. Dimension

Suppose a -algebra has center which is a commutative domain. Let be the field of fractions of . The dimension is defined to be the dimension of the -vector space .

A filtration compatible with the product of is a sequence of -subspaces of such that , , and . For any subset let .

Lemma 2.3.

Suppose and for every . There exists a positive integer such that for all ,


Assume , …, form a basis of over . Let be a number such that all are in . Since , …, are linearly independent over , the sum is a direct sum. We have

The dimension of the first space in Equation 6 is , while the dimension of the last one is . Hence, , which is Equation 5.

2.6. Lattice points in a polytope

Suppose is the standard -dimensional Euclidean space. A lattice is any abelian subgroup of maximal rank . A convex polyhedron is the convex hull of a finite number of points in and its -dimensional volume is denoted by . Let

Lemma 2.4.

Suppose are lattices in and is the union of a finite number of convex polyhedra with . Let be a positive integer. One has


Define to be the -dimensional volume of the parallelepiped spanned by a -basis of . One has

from which one easily obtains Equation 8.

3. Kauffman bracket skein algebra

The Kauffman bracket skein module of a 3-manifold was introduced independently by Przytycki Reference 26 and Turaev Reference 32Reference 33. In this section we recall the definition of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a finite type surface , and present some results concerning its center. We also explain how to coordinatize the set of curves on and use coordinates to define a residue group associated to and a root of 1.

3.1. Finite type surface

An oriented surface of the form , where is an oriented closed connected surface and is finite (possibly empty), is called a finite type surface. A point in is called a puncture. The genus and the puncture number totally determine the diffeomorphism class of , and for this reason we denote . The Euler characteristic of is , which is non-negative only in 4 cases:

Since the analysis of these four surfaces is simple and requires other techniques, very often we consider these cases separately.

Throughout this section we fix a finite type surface .

In this paper a loop on is a unoriented submanifold diffeomorphic to the standard circle. A loop is trivial if it bounds a disk in ; it is peripheral if it bounds a disk in which contains exactly one puncture. A simple diagram is the union of several disjoint non-trivial loops. A simple diagram is peripheral if all its components are peripheral.

If is a smooth map such that and embeds into then the image of is called an ideal arc. Isotopies of ideal arcs are always considered in the class of ideal arcs.

Suppose is either an ideal arc or a simple diagram and is a simple diagram. The geometric intersection number is the minimum of , with all possible isotopic to and isotopic to . We say that is -taut, or and are taut, if they are transverse and .

A simple diagram is even if is even for every loop . It is easy to see that is even if and only if represents the zero element in the homology group .

Very often we identify a simple diagram with its isotopy class. Denote by the set of all isotopy classes of simple diagrams on . Let be the subset of all classes of even simple diagrams, and be the subset of all peripheral ones. For convenience, we make the convention that the empty set is a peripheral simple diagram. Thus

3.2. Kauffman bracket skein algebra

A framed link in is an embedding of a disjoint union of oriented annuli in . By convention the empty set is considered as a framed link with 0 components and is isotopic only to itself.

For a non-zero complex number , the Kauffman bracket skein module of at , denoted by , is the -vector space freely spanned by all isotopy classes of framed links in subject to the following skein relations

Here the framed links in each expression are identical outside the balls pictured in the diagrams, and the arcs in the pictures are supposed to have blackboard framing. If the two arcs in the crossing belong to the same component then it is assumed that the same side of the annulus is up.

Theorem 3.1 (Reference 27Reference 29).

The set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams is a basis of over .

For two framed links and in , their product, , is defined by first isotoping into and into and then taking the union of the two. This product gives the structure of a -algebra, which is in most cases non-commutative. Let be the center of .

Theorem 3.2.

Let be a finite type surface and a root of 1.

(a) Reference 28. The algebra is a domain.

(b) Reference 13. The module is finitely generated as a -module.

The localized skein algebra of is defined by

where is the field of fractions of the center . From Proposition 2.1, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.3.

For a finite type surface and a root of unity , the localized skein algebra is a division algebra.

Remark 3.4.

Corollary 3.3 was proved in Reference 2 for the case when and , using explicit calculation of the trace.

3.3. Chebyshev basis and center

The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are defined recursively by

They satisfy the product to sum formula,

Suppose is a simple diagram. Some components of may be isotopic to each other. Let , …, be a maximal collection of components of such that no two of them are isotopic. Then there are positive integers such that is the union of parallel copies of with , …, . In other words, Let

If then in general . However, if where , then and can be represented by disjoint simple diagrams, and hence . In particular, if and , then . Further, if , then .

Recall that denotes the set of even simple diagrams. For a root of 1 with define the following subset of :

Theorem 3.5 (Reference 13).

Let be a finite type surface and be a root of 1. Recall that is the center of the skein algebra . We have the following Chebyshev bases:

(a) is a basis of the -vector space .

(b) is a basis of the -vector space .

The point is while has a -basis parameterized by , its center has a basis parameterized by .

Remark 3.6.

The Chebyshev basis is important in the theory of quantum cluster algebras and quantum Teichmüller spaces of surfaces. It was first used, for the case when is a torus, by Frohman-Gelca Reference 11. The famous positivity conjecture states that the Chebyshev basis is positive Reference 17Reference 30.

3.4. Filtrations on skein algebras

Suppose , where each is an ideal arc or a loop on .

For each define to be the -subspace of spanned by simple diagrams such that . The following is well-known and its variants were used extensively in the study of skein algebras, see e.g., Reference 13Reference 16Reference 18.

Proposition 3.7.

The sequence is a filtration of compatible with the product.


It is clear that and . It remains to show that . Suppose and . The product is obtained by placing above . Using the skein relation Equation 12 we see that , where each is a diagram obtained by a smoothing of all the crossings in and hence . It follows that .

3.5. Coordinates and residues, open surface case

When (a finite type surface of genus with punctures) has negative Euler characteristic, one can parameterize the set of simple diagrams on by embedding it into the free abelian group , where

This embedding depends on an object that we call the coordinate datum. In this subsection we describe this embedding for open surfaces.

Suppose with and has negative Euler characteristic, .

By definition, a coordinate datum of is an ordered ideal triangulation, which is any sequence of disjoint ideal arcs on such that no two are isotopic. Here is given by Equation 19.

Such ideal triangulations always exist and we fix one of them. The ideal arcs cut into triangles.

Recall that is the geometric intersection number. Define

It is known that is injective, and its image consists of all such that whenever are edges of a triangle

We call the edge-coordinates of with respect to the coordinate datum. Let

be the inverse of . That is, is the simple diagram whose edge coordinates are . Note that , and is closed under addition. Hence is a submonoid of . For a submonoid of let be the subgroup of generated by , then

Lemma 3.8.

Let be a submonoid of and a subgroup of . If is finite then the monoid homomorphism is surjective.


As generates as a group, generates . The monoid , being finite, is a group. Hence .

Lemma 3.9.

Let be a finite type surface with a fixed ideal triangulation, , and be the subset of edge-coordinates as defined above.

(a) is the subset of consisting of such that whenever are edges of a triangle, is even.

(b) The index of in is .


(a) follows from the description Equation 21 of .

(b) Recall that denotes the oriented closed connected surface obtained from by adding back all punctures. Consider the triangulation of as a cellular decomposition of which has zero-cells and one-cells. Identify with the set of all maps from one-cells to , and let be the set of all one-cocycles. Let be the reduction modulo 2, then . Therefore and hence

The following sequence is exact

where is the set of all 0-cochains. In an exact sequence of finite groups, the alternating product of orders of groups is 1. Hence

Plugging this value of in Equation 24, we get the result.

The following follows easily from the definition.

Proposition 3.10.

Let be a finite type surface with fixed coordinate datum. If are two simple diagrams with , then and

Recall that is the subset of all classes of even simple diagrams and is the subset of all peripheral ones. Let , where is defined by Equation 18. Each of is a submonoid of .

Recall that for a submonoid of we denote by the subgroup of generated by .

Proposition 3.11.

Let be a finite type surface with fixed coordinate datum, and let , be the submonoids of defined above, where .

(a) The group is a direct summand of .

(b) The quotient is isomorphic to .


(a) The group is a direct summand of if and only if it is primitive in the sense that

(*) if , where is a positive integer and ,

then .

Let be the set of all simple diagrams containing no peripheral loops, with the convention that the empty diagram is in , and let . Every simple diagram can be presented in a unique way as the product of an element in and an element in . By Proposition 3.10 every can be presented uniquely as

Suppose satisfies (*). There are such that (see Equation 23). Since , there are such that . Using the decomposition Equation 28 for and , we get

By Proposition 3.10, we have . The uniqueness of Equation 28 shows that , or . It follows that , proving (a).

(b) The composition

where is the homology class of and is defined by Equation 22, is a surjective monoid homomorphism and extends to a surjective group homomorphism . By definition, . Hence .

Suppose is a root of 1, and consider the Kauffman bracket skein module of surface at . From Theorem 3.5 and the bijection , we see that has a -basis parameterized by while the center has a -basis parameterized by . Hence we want to study the quotient . Define the -residue group of surface

which depends on a coordinate datum of . Let . Define the following integer

The following proposition gives the size of the -residue group of a surface with at least one puncture.

Proposition 3.12.

Suppose that the finite type surface has negative Euler characteristic and that , and let be a root of 1. For any coordinate datum of ,

Case 1 ().

Then , and

Note that while . Since is a direct summand of by Proposition 3.11, the group is free abelian of rank . It follows that has cardinality .

Case 2 ().

Then . Since , the same argument as in Case 1 with replaced by gives

By Proposition 3.11, we have . Hence

In all cases we have .

We use the collection to define the filtrations , as described in Subsection 3.4. That is, is the -subspace of spanned by such that , where is the simple diagram whose edge coordinates are .

Proposition 3.13.

Let be a finite type surface with at least one puncture and a fixed coordinate datum. Let be a non-zero complex number. For there exists such that

The monomial product formula Equation 37, which plays an important role later, was proved in Reference 2Reference 13 where an explicit formula for is given. The monomial product formula Equation 37 can also be obtained from Bonahon-Wong’s quantum trace Reference 4 by taking the top degree term.

3.6. Coordinates and residues, closed surface case

Now we consider coordinates of simple diagrams for the case when is a closed oriented surface of genus . A coordinate datum of consists of an ordered pants decomposition and a dual graph defined as follows.

An ordered pants decomposition of is a sequence of disjoint non-trivial loops such that no two of them are isotopic. The collection cuts into pairs of pants (i.e., thrice punctured spheres). A dual graph to is a trivalent graph embedded into having exactly vertices, one in the interior of each pair of pants, and edges such that intersects transversally in a single point and is disjoint with for . The pair is called a coordinate datum for . For technical simplicity we assume that does not have an edge with endpoints in the same vertex, in other words each pair of pants has 3 different boundary components. Such a coordinate datum always exists, and we fix one.

Given as above, one can define the Dehn-Thurston coordinates function from the set of all isotopy classes of simple diagrams into , where ,

Suppose is a simple diagram and . The -th coordinate is the geometric intersection number , and is called the -th pant coordinate. The -th coordinate is the twist coordinate at the curve . Its definition is more involved, and we refer the reader to Reference 22 for a precise definition. In Reference 22, a red hexagon in each pair of pants must be fixed in order to define the twist coordiates, and the red hexagon is determined by the dual graph as explained in Figure 1.

Again we use to denote the image of in Equation 38. It is known that is the set of all such that

Since these conditions are linear, is a submonoid of . Let be the inverse of .

Remark 3.14.

Note that we use the same terminologies and notations for coordinates of simple diagrams both on open surfaces and closed surfaces, even though the geometric nature of the two cases are different. The reason is we want to have uniform formulations and treatments of results for both types of surfaces in most cases.

Let be a regular closed neighborhood of the dual graph . In other words is a subsurface with boundary of containing in its interior such that is a strong deformation retract of . Moreover is a closed subset of . Let be the boundary of . We assume that for each pair of pants the intersection is a regular neighborhood (in ) of , and consists of 3 arcs as in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The pair of pants bounded by loops . The trivalent graph is . The bold arcs , , are . The hexagon which contains the trivalent graph and is bounded by , , and parts of , is the red hexagon of Reference 22.

Graphic without alt text
Lemma 3.15.

Let be a closed oriented surface of genus with fixed coordinate datum , and let denote the image of coordinates of simple diagrams on . Let be the subgroup of generated by . The index of in is .


Identify and let be the projection from onto the first summand. For any pants curve note that , where is the zero element and is the element all of whose coordinates are zero except the -th entry which is 1. It follows that . Hence the index of in is equal to the index of in . By Equation 39, set is the subset of such that

(*) whenever bound a pair of pants, is even.

Recall that denotes a regular neighborhood of the graph dual to the pants decomposition. The interior of is a finite type open surface with Euler characteristic . Let , then is an ideal triangulation, giving rise to edge-coordinates of simple diagrams on , and the set of all such edge-coordinates is denoted by . Note that bound a pair of pants if and only if are edges of an ideal triangle. Condition (*) and Lemma 3.9(a) show that . Hence

where the second identity follows from Lemma 3.9(b).

Suppose is a root of 1. Let , where denotes the subset of all classes of even simple diagrams. If , where is defined by Equation 18, then are submonoids of .

Let . Define the -residue group and the number just like in the case of open surfaces (see Equation 31), noting that for a closed surface we have . That is,

which depends on a coordinate datum of , and is given by

The following proposition is analogous to Proposition 3.12.

Proposition 3.16.

Suppose is a closed finite type surface with genus . Let be a root of 1. For any coordinate datum of ,


The proof is almost identical to that in the case of open surfaces.

Case 1 ().

In this case , and . Since , we have .

Case 2 ().

In this case .

First note that . The proof of this fact is identical to that of Proposition 3.11. Now we have

When is closed we do not have a monomial product formula similar to Equation 37. However, a monomial product formula still holds for the class of triangular simple diagrams defined as follows.

A simple diagram is triangular with respect to the pants decomposition if after being brought to a taut position with respect to , each connected component of the intersection of with a pair of pants is an arc whose two endpoints are in two different components of . In particular, cannot have a component isotopic to any .

Let be the subset consisting of triangular simple diagrams on , and . Then is in if and only if

whenever bound a pair of pants, , and

whenever for some , one has .

Note that the first condition above explains the terminology “triangular simple diagram.”

Recall that denotes a simple diagram on surface with coordinates . Similarly to the case of an open surface, we use the collection to define the filtrations of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra , as described in Subsection 3.4. That is, is the -subspace spanned by such that . Unlike the case of open surface, has infinite dimension over .

We have the following monomial product formula for triangular simple diagrams.

Proposition 3.17 (Reference 13).

Let be a closed, oriented connected surface of genus equipped with a coordinate datum, and let be a non-zero complex number.

For there is such that

In Reference 13 we gave the exact value of in Equation 45.

4. Stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates

Throughout this section is a closed surface with genus , and with a fixed coordinate datum from which one can define the Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams. Unlike for surfaces with punctures, the monomial product formula Equation 45 works only for triangular simple diagrams. In this section we describe a stabilization process which transforms any simple diagram to a triangular one. The ordinary Dehn-Thurston coordinates will be replaced by a stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates which satisfy a monomial product formula.

4.1. Stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates

The main goal of this section is to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a closed surface of genus equipped with a coordinate datum , where is a pants decomposition of and is an embedding of its dual graph. Let , …, denote the components of , where is a regular neighborhood of . Let be the product of the Dehn twists about , …, .

Let be a simple diagram. There exists such that if is large enough then is triangular with respect to , and the Dehn-Thurston coordinates of the twisted diagram satisfy


and denotes geometric intersection number of with . In particular, the last coordinates of are equal to .

Note that the action of any element of the mapping class of the surface on diagrams extends linearly to yield an automorphism of the skein algebra. In specific, it makes sense to talk about for .

We present the proof of Theorem 4.1 in Subsection 4.3.

4.2. Piecewise affine functions

A function is affine if there is an matrix and a vector such that

A function is piecewise affine if there is a finite collection of proper affine subspaces of such that in the closure of any connected component of the complement of these affine spaces is equal to an affine function. It is easy to see that the class of piecewise affine functions is closed under linear combinations and compositions.

A function , where , is piecewise affine if it is the restriction of a piecewise affine function .

Lemma 4.2.

If is convex and bounded from above by an affine function, then is piecewise affine.


The lemma follows easily from the definition.

Lemma 4.3.

Let be a closed finite type surface with a fixed coordinate datum, and let be the product of the Dehn twists about components of . For any two simple diagrams and one has


This is a special case of Proposition A1 of Reference 9, Section 4.

In order to prove the next proposition we need to explore the topology of the coordinate datum of a closed surface . To define a geometric intersection of a simple diagram with the graph we add the assumption that misses the vertices of . That is, is the minimum cardinality of where is isotopic to , misses the vertices of and is transverse to its edges.

Lemma 4.4.

If is a coordinate datum for the closed surface and is a simple diagram with Dehn-Thurston coordinates , then


Given coordinate datum for let denote the annuli which are collars of the pants curves , and let be the pairs of pants that are the components of the complement of in . These are the shrunken pairs of pants, versus the pairs of pants as defined in section 3.6. By assumption is transverse to the pants curves and minimizes its intersection with the boundaries of the annuli . We say that a simple diagram is in standard position if

its intersection with the is isotopic to standard model curves in the complement of ,

its intersection with is disjoint from ,

it minimizes its intersection with , for each .

If a simple diagram is in standard position then its twists coordinates are given by its signed intersection numbers with .

We are most interested in the case that a simple diagram is triangular. Recall that model curves describe possible ways in which a simple diagram in standard position intersects a pair of pants (see, e.g., Reference 13). In Figure 2 we show the triangular model curve and another curve that will play a role in the rest of the proof. For each pair of boundary components of each shrunken pair of pants there are two curves like this, the model curve and its mate .

Figure 2.

The model curve and the curve .

Graphic without alt text

We say a triangular diagram is in special position if:

It realizes for all ;

It realizes ;

It does not intersect for any ;

It minimizes the intersection for all , among all satisfying the first condition.

It is easy to see that if is a triangular diagram in special position then it intersects each in curves parallel to model curves or to the new curves .

To move a curve from special position to standard position, each curve of type needs to be isotoped to a curve of type . In the Figure 3 we show a curve of the form in the process of being pushed into standard position. Its intersection with needs to be pushed inside the annuli . As the result the intersection of with in each of the annuli on either end of is incremented by .

Figure 3.

Deforming the curve on the way to standard position.

Graphic without alt text


To prove Theorem 4.1 we use the following proposition. Note that part (a) states that the Dehn-Thurston coordinates of a simple diagrams are bounded by a piecewise affine function that depends on the intersection of the diagram with an auxiliary collection of curves. Part (b) asserts that upon twisting a simple diagram its intersection with any other simple diagram is a piecewise-affine function of the number of twists. Part (c) shows that the absolute values of the twist coordinates of any simple diagram do not increase when the diagram is twisted along .

Proposition 4.5.

Let be a closed surface of genus with a coordinate datum . The set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams on is denoted by . Dehn-Thurston coordinates of are denoted by , and denotes the product of Dehn twists about the components of the boundary of a regular neighborhood of the dual graph .

(a) There exists an additional collection of loops with , …, , and a piecewise affine function such that for all ,

(b) For any , the function , defined by , is piecewise affine.

(c) For any , the twist coordinates of are bounded, meaning that there is a constant such that for all and all , …, , one has .


(a) This statement, with being homogeneous continuous instead of being piecewise affine, is proved in Reference 22, Proposition 4.4. But the explicit formulas for in Reference 22 are actually piecewise affine.

(b) By Reference 21, Corollary 3, the function is convex. By Lemma 4.3, is bounded from above by an affine function. By Lemma 4.2 is piecewise affine.

(c) Notice that applying to a diagram does not increase . By Lemma 4.4 the twist coordinates of are bounded above by .

4.3. Proof of Theorem 4.1

Let . Parts (a) and (b) of Proposition 4.5 along with Formula Equation 52 imply that the function is piecewise affine. Hence it is affine for big enough . Thus there exist and such that if then

By Proposition 4.5(c), the twist coordinates of are bounded. It follows that the last coordinates of must be 0.

Assume . By definition, . Comparing the slope of in Equation 53 and Equation 49, with , we get

As the twists coordinates of , as well as the last coordinates of , are all 0, we have

It remains to show that the diagram is triangular for large . Suppose bound a pair of pants . An arc in having one endpoint in and one endpoint in is called a -arc. An arc having both endpoints in is called an -arc.

Lemma 4.6.

Let be a -taut simple diagram.

(a) If has a -arc, then does not have -arcs.

(b) If does not have -arcs, then .


Both statements follow from the well-known facts (see Reference 9, Exposé 4):

The number of -arcs is ,

The number of -arcs is .

Note that consists of 3 arcs, a -arc , a -arc , and a -arc , see Figure 1. For each let be the intersection number of with the component of containing . By Equation 53 and Equation 55, for we have

It follows that

Hence if then, for sufficiently large , we have

Suppose now . Let be the component of containing . Then and we can assume . Since is a component of , for any we also have . Let , then has a -arc in , which is . By Lemma Equation 4.3(a), does not have -arcs. As is a sub-diagram of , it does not have an arc neither. By Lemma Equation 4.3(b), we have Equation 58. Thus in all cases, the coordinates of the twisted diagram satisfy the triangular inequality Equation 58 for large enough .

It remains to show that for large, does not have a component isotopic to . Suppose has a component isotopic to for some . As has non-trivial intersection with the components of which contain and , we have . From Equation 56 it follows that for large we have , implying does not have components isotopic to . This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1.

4.4. More on Theorem 4.1

We call

the stable Dehn-Thurston-coordinate of a simple diagram with respect to the coordinate datum on a closed surface .

Recall that denotes the image of coordinates of simple diagrams on , and is the subgroup of generated by the monoid . Let be the element having all ’s as entries, and be the element having all ’s as entries except a in the -th entry.

The following Proposition gives properties of stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams.

Proposition 4.7.

Let be a finite type surface of genus without punctures with a fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum , and associated stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams on .

(a) The map is injective.

(b) For any one has , where is defined by Equation 53.

(c) If then and . Here denotes the boundary of a regular neighborhood of the dual graph .

(d) Let denote the composition of Dehn twists along the components of . For all one has

(e) For any one has .


(a) If , then Equation 46 shows for large . Applying , we get .

(b) As is the difference of two elements in , we have .

(c) If then for all . The result follows.

(d) Applying to Equation 46 and noting that , we get

which is Equation 60 with . Replacing by in Equation 60 we get Equation 60 with replaced by .

(e) Note that . After twisting once along its twist coordinate becomes ,

Since makes no bigons with and its intersection with is contained inside the annulus around , therefore its Dehn-Thurston coordinates change linearly, and the result follows.

Remark 4.8.

One can prove that can be expressed through , and hence does give a coordinate system for the set of simple diagrams.

5. Independence over the center

We formulate a criterion for independence of a collection of elements of the skein algebra of a surface over its center. Throughout this section we fix a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic equipped with coordinate datum. One can define the coordinates of simple diagrams on the surface, , where . The set of possible coordinates is a submonoid of . Let denote the subgroup of generated by . For a root of unity we also define the submonoid and its group as in Section 3.

The formulation of the criterion does not depend on whether the number of punctures is non-zero, however the proofs are different for closed and open surfaces. Note that, as in previous sections, we use the same notation , , etc., although the coordinate datum and consequently the definition of these objects differs depending on whether or not.

For a ring we denote by the set of non-zero elements of . Since is a domain, is a monoid under multiplication.

5.1. General result

The degree of polynomials in one variable satisfies the following two properties: for non-zero polynomials and ,


(monoid homomorphism),


if for , …, are pairwise distinct, then .

For a domain , a degree map is a map , where is a monoid, satisfying the above two properties.

Recall that denotes coordinates of central diagrams as defined by Equation 18, and is the residue group as defined by Equation 31 for open surfaces and by Equation 41 for closed surfaces.

Theorem 5.1.

Given a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic and a fixed coordinate datum, let be a root of 1. Let denote the subgroup of of generated by the set of possible coordinates of simple diagrams on . There exists a degree map

such that . Moreover, the composition

is a surjective monoid homomorphism onto the -residue group.

We will construct the map in later subsections. We want to mention an important corollary that we will use in the future.

Corollary 5.2.

Assume the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1.

(a) If , …, such that , …, are pairwise distinct, then , …, are linearly independent over .

(b) One has , where is given by Equation 32.


(a) Suppose , …, . From the assumption, the elements , …, are pairwise distinct in . By Property (ii) of degree maps, the sum .

(b) Since , from (a) we have , which is equal to by Propositions 3.12 and 3.16.

Recall that , where is the field of fractions of the center . Since , the map extends to a surjective group homomorphism from the localized skein algebra to the residue group, also denoted by :

5.2. Lead term

Since the set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams on a surface is a -basis of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra , for every there is a unique set, , such that skein has the presentation

If is a total order on , then there is the largest simple diagram appearing in the expression Equation 66 for the skein , and , where , is called the -lead term of . We can write

where is the -span of .

5.3. Proof of Theorem 5.1for open surfaces

Suppose is an open finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic and coordinate datum . Let be the embedding

where . Let be the total order on and induced from the lexicographic order on via the embeddings

The order makes an ordered group. Define by

Suppose …, . If , …, are distinct, then and . Proposition 3.13 implies that for any . Hence is a degree map. By definition , which by Proposition 3.8 surjects onto . Since , we also have . This completes the proof of Theorem 5.1 for open surface.

5.4. Proof of Theorem 5.1for closed surfaces

Suppose with is equipped with a coordinate datum . In this case . Let be the group embedding given by

Let the order on and be the one induced from the lexicographic order of via the embeddings

The first component is used to define the filtrations that appeared in Proposition 3.17. Recall that denotes a simple diagram with coordinates . By Proposition 3.17, for , there is such that

where is a -span of . This holds only for triangular . There is a better order on defined in the following lemma. Recall that the stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates function is defined in Subsection 4.4.

Lemma 5.3.

Let be a closed surface with genus with and . Let be equipped with a coordinate datum , and let be the composition of Dehn twists along the components of , where is the boundary of a regular neighborhood of the dual graph .

There is a total order which makes an ordered group, induces an order on the set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams of via , and has a property that if and only if for sufficiently large .


For let . For let

Define the embedding by

The order on induced from the lexicographic order of via satisfies the lemma.

From the definition, is the ()-lead term of if and only if is the -lead term of for sufficiently large . This yields an ordering that gives us control of lead terms of all diagrams, not just triangular ones. From here we have the following.

Lemma 5.4.

Let be a closed finite-type surface equipped with a Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum and let be a root of unity. Given skein , simple diagram and , such that for sufficiently large we have

where is defined by Equation 67, then for large , where is the -lead term of , and the ordering is given by Lemma 5.3.

A crucial property of the order is that its lead term is a monoid map.

Lemma 5.5.

Let be a closed finite-type surface equipped with a coordinate datum, and ordering of simple diagrams on defined by Lemma 5.3. Stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams satisfy the following monomial product formula.

Suppose and , then , i.e. and .


By Theorem 4.1 there exists such that for all the diagrams and are triangular by. By Equation 73,

Hence by Lemma 5.4 we have , or

Using Equation 46 we have

It follows that and .

We use stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams to define a degree map analogous to Equation 70. Specifically, define the map by

We show that this is in fact a degree mapping in the sense of subsection 5.1.

Lemma 5.6.

Let be a closed finite type surface with fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum.

(a) is a monoid homomorphism.

(b) Suppose , …, such that , …, are distinct, then .


(a) follows from Lemma 5.5 and the fact that , equipped with , is an ordered monoid.

(b) Let be the -lead term of . Since , the are distinct. It follows that .

Recall that denotes isotopy classes of central diagrams, as defined by Equation 18 and is the group generated by coordinates of central diagrams.

Lemma 5.7.

Let be a closed finite type surface with fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum, and let be a root of unity.

(a) Suppose , then .

(b) Suppose , then .


(a) For sufficiently large , from Equation 46 we have

Since is invariant under Dehn twists, , and . On the other hand, if , then since . Hence from Equation 80 we see that , being the difference of two elements of , is in .

(b) Since is a -basis of (see Theorem 3.5), we have

From the definition, . Hence , where . Since , the result follows from (a).

Lemma 5.8.

Let be a closed finite type surface with fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum , and let be a root of unity. The monoid homomorphism is surjective.


Let be the -span of . One has to show that . From the description of in Section 3.6 we see that , and is the set of all such that whenever bound a pair of pants, is even.

The set of all , such that whenever bound a pair of pants, is even and , spans over . If then there is a simple diagram lying entirely in a regular neighborhood of the dual graph, , such that . By Proposition 4.7(c), one has . It follows that .

Since by Proposition 4.7(e), we have . Thus, .

For closed surfaces Theorem 5.1 follows from Lemmas 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8.

5.5. More on

The degree map is defined on the skein algebra of a surface, and yields a characterization of central skeins. It also allows the exploration of the independence of skeins corresponding to diagrams. Although the definition of the degree map depends on the coordinate datum for the surface, the formulation of the criteria is the same for surfaces with and without punctures.

Recall that denotes even simple diagrams.

Proposition 5.9.

Suppose has negative Euler characteristic and a fixed coordinate datum. Let be a root of 1, with .

(a) If then if and only if .

(b) Let , …, be a sequence of disjoint non-trivial non-peripheral loops such that no two of them are isotopic. For let . Suppose .

(i) If then .

(ii) If then and .


(a) By definition, if and only if .

Case 1 ().

In this case . If then . Conversely, suppose then . Hence .

Case 2.

If then . If then by Lemma 5.7.

Suppose . By Theorem 4.1 for large we have

When is a multiple of , one has , and the right hand side of Equation 82 is in . It follows that . Hence . As is invariant under automorphisms of , we have .

(b) By part (a), we have . From the definition of (see Section 3.3) one has where and . Since there are no peripheral elements among the we must have and . This proves . Moreover .

If , then the definition of requires . Hence in this case .

6. Dimension of the skein algebra over its center

The goal of this section is to compute the dimension of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a finite type surface over its center.

6.1. Formulation of result

Recall that for a finite type surface and a root of unity with ,

Theorem 6.1.

Suppose is a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic and is a root of 1, then .

Remark 6.2.

There are four cases when the Euler characteristic of is non-negative: the sphere with zero, one or two punctures, and the torus with zero punctures. The skein algebras of the first three surfaces are commutative so they have dimension over their respective centers. For the torus it was proved in Reference 1 that the dimension is in the case where is odd. The case when has residue on division by is similar and the dimension is also . Finally, when is divisible by , the dimension is .

Recall that the localized skein algebra is , where is the field of fractions of the center . The degree map is defined by Equation 70 and Equation 79, and denotes the -residue group, see Equation 31.

Corollary 6.3.

Let be a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic equipped with a coordinate datum, and let be a root of unity. If is a -vector subspace of such that then .


Let be such that is a bijection from to . By Corollary 5.2, is -linearly independent. Thus , and hence .

By Corollary 5.2 we have . To prove Theorem 6.1 we need to prove the converse inequality

6.2. Proof of Theorem 6.1, open surface case

Given a finite type surface assume that . Fix a coordinate datum for , that is a triangulation .

Let be the -vector subspace of spanned by . By Proposition 3.7, is a filtration of compatible with the product. Let be the simplex

From Theorem 3.5 it follows that

It follows that

Hence by Lemma 2.3, there is a positive integer such that

where the first identity follows from Equation 8 and the second one follows from Proposition 3.12. This proves Theorem 6.1 for open surfaces.

6.3. Piecewise-rational-linear functions

The remainder of this section is dedicated to proving Theorem 6.1 for closed surfaces. For the rest of the section is a closed surface of genus with a fixed coordinate datum.

A function is rational-linear if there is a matrix with rational entries such that . A function is piecewise-rational-linear if it is continuous and there are rational-linear functions , …, such that on each connected component of the complement of all the hyperplanes , the function is equal to the restriction of a rational-linear function.

For a function is piecewise-rational-linear if there is a piecewise-rational-linear function from to restricting to .

It is clear that sums of piecewise-rational-linear functions are piecewise-rational-linear, and that a piecewise-rational-linear function is positively homogeneous, i.e. for all real .

A rational convex polyhedron is the convex hull of a finite number of points in . The following proposition follows easily from the definition.

Proposition 6.4.

Suppose , …, are piecewise-rational-linear, , …, and

(a) If is not bounded, then contains a set of the form for some non-zero . We call such set a rational ray.

(b) If is bounded, then is the union of a finite number of rational convex polyhedra.

Recall that is the set of all possible Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams, and , for , is the simple diagram with Dehn-Thurston coordinates .

Lemma 6.5.

Let be a closed surface of genus with a coordinate datum . Let be a simple closed curve in . The function , defined by , is piecewise-rational-linear.


This was formulated as Theorem 3 in Reference 31 without proof. Here is a short proof based on Reference 25. First if is one of then the statement is obvious as . Suppose now is an arbitrary simple closed curve. Choose a coordinate datum such that is a curve in . By Reference 25, the change from Dehn-Thurston coordinates associated with to the one associated with is piecewise-rational-linear. The result follows.

6.4. Infinite sector and its truncation

Recall that the set of all possible Dehn-Thurston coordinates consists of all points satisfying


for , …, ,


if for some , …, , then ,


if bound a pair of pants, then is even.

Let be the set of all satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) above. Note that we allow points in to have real coordinates.

For any submonoid of , let be the subgroup generated by . The set was introduced so that

Lemma 6.6.

Given a closed surface with fixed coordinate datum, and sets and defined above, the following hold.


For any subset one has


If then .


(a) .

(b) follows from (iii) above.

Recall that denotes a simple diagram with coordinates . By Lemma 4.5, we can choose additional simple closed curves , …, so that for any simple diagram the geometric intersection numbers totally determine the isotopy class of . From Lemma 6.5 it follows that there is a piecewise-rational-linear function such that

Let . Since totally determines , the set is finite for any .

Lemma 6.7.

The set defined above is the union of a finite number of convex polyhedra. Moreover, has positive volume in .


Let us prove that is bounded. Suppose to the contrary that is not bounded. By Proposition 6.4(a), contains a rational ray, which in turns contains infinitely many points whose coordinates are even integers. Since each such point is in , the set is infinite, which is a contradiction. Thus is bounded, and by Proposition 6.4(b), is the union of a finite number of convex polyhedra.

Choose with satisfying and whenever bound a pair of pants then . Let then the point is an interior point of . Hence has positive volume.

6.5. Proof of Theorem 6.1, closed surface case

Let be the -subspace spanned by . By Proposition 3.7, is a filtration of compatible with the product. Then is a -basis of , hence

If , then by Theorem 3.5 one has . Since the collection is -linearly independent, we have

Using Lemma 2.3 then Equation 92 and Equation 93, we get, for some integer ,

The latter, by Equation 8, is , which is equal to by Proposition 3.16. Thus, , completing the proof of Theorem 6.1.

7. Commutative subalgebras of

In this section we study commutative subalgebras of the skein algebra of a surface localized at its center, which are generated by collections of disjoint loops. We compute the dimensions of such subalgebras and describe their bases.

For a finite type surface and a root of unity recall that is the field of fractions of the center of the skein algebra , and is a division algebra. Recall that if is a surface with punctures then . Isotopy classes of simple diagrams on are denoted by . Recall also that denotes the -th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind (see section 3.3)

Proposition 7.1.

Suppose , …, are non-peripheral, non-trivial, disjoint, pairwise non-isotopic loops on a finite type surface of negative Euler characteristic. Let be a root of unity with . Let be the -subalgebra of generated by , …, . For let .

(a) Suppose then and the set

is a basis of over .

(b) Suppose then , where is the -rank of the subgroup of generated by , …, .

Assume that after a re-indexing is a basis for . The set

is a basis of over .


(a) In this case for all each , where was defined by Equation 18. By Theorem 3.5, , which implies that the degree of over is . Hence spans as a vector space over .

By Corollary 5.2, to prove that is linearly independent it is enough to show that , are distinct. Assume . Let be the -tuple all of whose entries are . Since is a monoid homomorphism and , we have . By Proposition 5.9(b), for each we have

Since , the only way this can happen is if .

(b) Let be the -subalgebra of generated by , …, . Since by Theorem 3.5, the set spans over . Suppose . There are such that the simple diagram is even. This implies that . Hence by Theorem 3.5. Using the definition of ,

The element in the square bracket is in . It follows that , which implies that the degree of over is less than equal to for each . Hence spans over . Combining the spanning sets and , we get that spans over .

Let us show that , are distinct. Suppose . Let where for and for . Then . It follows that . By Proposition 5.9(b), we have . This forces for as in this case is sandwiched between and . Further is even by Proposition 5.9(b). Since , …, are linearly independent over in , for each , is even. As and , this forces . Thus , are distinct, and by Corollary 5.2 the set is linearly independent over .

Corollary 7.2.

Assume the conditions of Proposition 7.1. Let be the -subalgebra of generated by , …, . The minimal polynomial of over is of the form , where and

Moreover, is transcendental over .


Since , the degree of over is

which is equal to using the formula for and given by Proposition 7.1. In the proof of Proposition 7.1 we see that . Hence is the minimal polynomial of over .

Suppose is algebraic over . Since this implies is algebraic over . But is a subset of , which is a -basis of and hence the non-trivial -linear combination of these elements is never . This shows is transcendental over .

8. Calculation of the reduced trace

Let be a finite type surface and a root of unity. Since the skein algebra is finitely generated as a module over its center , it has a reduced trace (see Section 2.3). The goal of this section is to find a formula for computing it.

By Theorem 3.5 the set is a -basis of , where was defined by Equation 17. Therefore it is enough to calculate for each simple diagram . Recall that was defined by Equation 18.

Theorem 8.1.

Let be a finite type surface, the set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams on , a root of 1, and let

be the reduced trace. For one has

First consider the case when has non-negative Euler characteristic. The skein algebras of for and are commutative, so the result is trivial, i.e., the normalized trace is the identity map. For and not divisible by this is proved in Reference 1. The remaining case of and divisible by can be proved using similar methods. Hence we will assume that has negative Euler characteristic.

8.1. Lemma on traces

In order to prove Theorem 8.1 we need the following properties of trace algebras.

Recall that denotes the non-reduced trace (see Section 2.3) and denotes the -th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind, as defined in Section 3.3.

Lemma 8.2.

Suppose are finite field extensions of a field and .


If then .


Assume the minimal polynomial of over is , where is transcendental over , and . For we have


A property of the trace is that for any we have

see eg Reference 23. With , we have


From (a) it is enough to show that .

Let be the smallest positive integer such that . Note that . Denote . Define and for .


The minimal polynomial of over is

Assume the claim for now. Since and is either even or odd polynomial, the second-highest coefficient of is 0. By Proposition 2.2(a), we have . Thus (b) follows from the claim.

Proof of the Claim.

First note the . In fact, we have

which shows . Let us show that no polynomial of degree can annihilate . Since forms a basis, we can write with , , and . We have

Since is the minimal polynomial of , we have

Let be the remainder obtained upon dividing by , then we must have

To finish the proof we need another lemma:

Lemma 8.3.

Let denote the -th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. Suppose . When is divided by , the remainder is , where is the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind defined recursively by

Proof of Lemma 8.3.

One can easily check that

Using , we get

Suppose , with . By Lemma 8.3,

Note that

(*) there is no index such that has remainder when divided by .

Consider two cases: (i) and (ii) .

(i) . Then . From (*) we see that no index contributes to the term in Equation 106. Hence , contradicting the fact that is transcendental over .

(ii) . There is exactly one index such that has remainder when divided by , which is . Suppose then

By looking at the coefficients of and in Equation 106, we get (with )

Multiplying the first equation by , the second by , and summing up the two, we get

contradicting the fact that is transcendental over .

8.2. Proof of Theorem 8.1


Let and .

Note that if then , and more generally

Hence we assume that and we will show .

Assume , where , …, are non-trivial loops, no two of which are isotopic, then . If a component is peripheral then , and by Equation 112 we can reduce to the case when none of is peripheral.

From the product to sum formula Equation 16, we have

Let be the -subalgebra of generated by loops , …, and be the subalgebra generated by , …, . Consider several cases.

(a) Suppose . In this case for any loop on . Using Equation 114 and Equation 112 we reduce to the case for all . By Corollary 7.2 the minimal polynomial of over is for some and is transcendental over . Lemma 8.2 with , and shows that .

(b) Suppose . Since , using Equation 113 and Equation 112 we reduce to the case for all .

(i) Suppose , …, are -linearly independent in . By Corollary 7.2 the minimal polynomial of over is for some transcendental over . Lemma 8.2 with , and shows that .

(ii) Suppose , …, are not -linearly independent in . There are indices , …, such that in . This implies that . If all , then . Taking the product of Equations Equation 114 with then using Equation 112, we reduce to the case when there is such that .

Re-indexing, we assume that . Thus , and , as an element of , is in the -span of , …, . By Corollary 7.2 the minimal polynomial of over is for some transcendental over . Again Lemma 8.2 shows that .

8.3. Trace and

In this section we discuss the relationship between the degree map (see Equation 65) and the reduced trace. The following is a consequence of Theorem 8.1.

Proposition 8.4.

Let be a finite type surface, a root of unity, and let be the reduced trace. If and , then .


This is proved for open surfaces and not divisible by in Reference 12, Lemma 3.8. Other cases are similar, with a stable lead term replacing the lead term in the argument.

The following theorem extends the exhaustion criterion from Reference 12.

Theorem 8.5.

Let be a finite type surface and a root of unity. Suppose is a collection of nonzero elements in a -subalgebra of .


If then spans over .


The dimension of over is equal to .


(i) Since is a group, for every there exists such that . By Proposition 8.4, . Therefore the set exhausts the bilinear form given by the trace on . Consequently spans .

(ii) Choose a subset of such that is bijective. By (i), spans . By Proposition 5.2(a), is linearly independent over . Hence is a basis.

9. Pants subalgebra decomposition

In this section we give a splitting of the localized skein algebra as a module over its center. Throughout, is a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic, with or without punctures, is a root of unity, and .

9.1. The splitting

Recall that a pants decomposition of a surface is a collection of curves such that each component of the complement of in is a planar surfaces of Euler characteristic . Also is the localized skein algebra with its center , which is a commutative field.

Given a pants decomposition of , let be the -subalgebra of generated by the curves in . By Proposition 7.1 and Theorem 6.1

Hence is a maximal commutative subalgebra of the division algebra . In Reference 12 the first two authors constructed a splitting of , when has at least one puncture and . Here we prove that this decomposition works for all surfaces and all roots of unity.

Theorem 9.1.

Let be a finite type surface of negative Euler characteristic. There exist two pants decompositions and of such that for any root of unity the -linear map

defined by , is a -linear isomorphism of vector spaces. Here and denote the -subalgebras of generated by the curves in and respectively.

9.2. Pants decompositions

Recall that a peripheral loop is a simple closed curve in bounding a once-puntured disk. Let be the -subalgebra of generated by peripheral loops, with the convention that if then is the 0 vector space.

For a pants decomposition let be the -subalgebra of generated by loops in . For a set let be the -span of . When has a fixed coordinate datum, we use to denote the submonoid of all possible coordinates of simple diagrams in . Also, for an algebra we denote by the set of non-zero elements in . The map is given in Theorem 5.1.

Lemma 9.2.

Suppose is a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic. There exist a coordinate datum for and two pants decompositions and such that


To prove the lemma we use the following result that follows from the computation of the determinants in the proof of Theorem 4.5 in Reference 12, Section 4. The proof of the Lemma below was also done independently by Nathan Soedjak. Recall that is the coordinates map, and is the set of coordinates of peripheral loops.

Lemma 9.3.

Suppose has negative Euler characteristic and . There exist a coordinate datum and two pants decompositions such that the -span of and has index in . In other words, if , …, is the set of curves consisting of components of and the peripheral loops, then

Pants decompositions for a surface of genus and puncture are shown in Figure 4. Additional curves needed for more than one puncture are shown in Figure 5 for the case of four punctures. For a detailed description of those curves see Reference 12. Note that the collection of additional cures in the family needed for more than one puncture differs from the one described in Reference 12. Following the notation in that paper, the curve has to be replaced by the curve. This fixes the mistake in the computation of the determinant for the case of more than one puncture.

By Lemma 3.9, the index of in is also . Hence is equal to the -span of and .

To prove Lemma 9.2 consider cases when and .

(a) Suppose . Use the ideal triangulation and the two pants decompositions of Lemma 9.3. When , by the definition in Equation Equation 70, one has for all . Hence

Thus the right hand side of Equation 117 is the -span of , which by Lemma 9.3 is equal to .

(b) Suppose . Let be a compact planar surface with boundary components, then is a finite type surface of type . Let , , be respectively the ideal triangulation, and the pants decompositions and of Lemma 9.3 for the surface . Let be the trivalent graph dual to the system . We can assume that the topological closure of in is a proper embedding of into and that the endpoints of all arcs are distinct. Take another copy of and assume that is a diffeomorphism. Let be the result of gluing with along the boundary by the identification for every . Let where and be the collection of components of , , and , in some order. We claim that the coordinate datum and the two pants decompositions satisfy Equation 117. Note that we can take , and .

The surface has genus and puncture number . It follows from Equation 118 that

Since is closed, for by Definition Equation 79. Hence

Thus, to prove the lemma we need to show that

Since the left hand side is a subgroup of the right hand side, we only need to show that they have the same index in .

Let be the 0 vector and let be the vector whose entries are all 0 except for the -th one which is 1. By Proposition 4.7(e), we have . Hence . It follows that index of in is equal to the index of in , where is the -span of -tuples which are the first coordinates of , , …, . Since each has intersection with , by Proposition 4.7 one has . The first coordinates of are given by . Hence the index of in is , which is equal to by Equation 119.

Thus the index of in is , equal to the index of in , by Lemma 3.15. Hence we have Equation 121, which proves the lemma.

9.3. Proof of Theorem 9.1

Let be the image of defined in Equation 116 and . Choose the coordinate datum and the pants decompositions , as in Lemma 9.2. Let

Note that is a submonoid of , and Lemma 9.2 implies that . By Lemma 3.8 the natural map is surjective.

Let , then Since , we have the following commutative diagram

Since and are surjective, is also surjective. This means . By Corollary 6.3 we have . Thus is surjective. Since the dimension over of the domain and the codomain of are the same, is a -linear isomorphism.


The authors thank F. Luo and D. Thurston for their comments.

The third author thanks the CIMI Excellence Laboratory, Toulouse, France, for inviting him on a Excellence Chair during the period of January–July 2017 when part of this work was done.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. Theorem 1 (See Theorem 6.1).
    2. Theorem 2 (See Theorem 8.1).
    3. Theorem 3 (See Theorem 9.1).
  3. 2. Division algebras, trace, filtrations
    1. 2.1. Notations and conventions
    2. 2.2. Algebras finitely generated over their centers
    3. Proposition 2.1.
    4. 2.3. Trace
    5. Proposition 2.2.
    6. 2.4. Maximal commutative subalgebras
    7. 2.5. Dimension
    8. Lemma 2.3.
    9. 2.6. Lattice points in a polytope
    10. Lemma 2.4.
  4. 3. Kauffman bracket skein algebra
    1. 3.1. Finite type surface
    2. 3.2. Kauffman bracket skein algebra
    3. Theorem 3.1 (2729).
    4. Theorem 3.2.
    5. Corollary 3.3.
    6. 3.3. Chebyshev basis and center
    7. Theorem 3.5 (13).
    8. 3.4. Filtrations on skein algebras
    9. Proposition 3.7.
    10. 3.5. Coordinates and residues, open surface case
    11. Lemma 3.8.
    12. Lemma 3.9.
    13. Proposition 3.10.
    14. Proposition 3.11.
    15. Proposition 3.12.
    16. Proposition 3.13.
    17. 3.6. Coordinates and residues, closed surface case
    18. Lemma 3.15.
    19. Proposition 3.16.
    20. Proposition 3.17 (13).
  5. 4. Stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates
    1. 4.1. Stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates
    2. Theorem 4.1.
    3. 4.2. Piecewise affine functions
    4. Lemma 4.2.
    5. Lemma 4.3.
    6. Lemma 4.4.
    7. Proposition 4.5.
    8. 4.3. Proof of Theorem 4.1
    9. Lemma 4.6.
    10. 4.4. More on Theorem 4.1
    11. Proposition 4.7.
  6. 5. Independence over the center
    1. 5.1. General result
    2. Theorem 5.1.
    3. Corollary 5.2.
    4. 5.2. Lead term
    5. 5.3. Proof of Theorem 5.1for open surfaces
    6. 5.4. Proof of Theorem 5.1for closed surfaces
    7. Lemma 5.3.
    8. Lemma 5.4.
    9. Lemma 5.5.
    10. Lemma 5.6.
    11. Lemma 5.7.
    12. Lemma 5.8.
    13. 5.5. More on
    14. Proposition 5.9.
  7. 6. Dimension of the skein algebra over its center
    1. 6.1. Formulation of result
    2. Theorem 6.1.
    3. Corollary 6.3.
    4. 6.2. Proof of Theorem 6.1, open surface case
    5. 6.3. Piecewise-rational-linear functions
    6. Proposition 6.4.
    7. Lemma 6.5.
    8. 6.4. Infinite sector and its truncation
    9. Lemma 6.6.
    10. Lemma 6.7.
    11. 6.5. Proof of Theorem 6.1, closed surface case
  8. 7. Commutative subalgebras of
    1. Proposition 7.1.
    2. Corollary 7.2.
  9. 8. Calculation of the reduced trace
    1. Theorem 8.1.
    2. 8.1. Lemma on traces
    3. Lemma 8.2.
    4. Lemma 8.3.
    5. 8.2. Proof of Theorem 8.1
    6. 8.3. Trace and
    7. Proposition 8.4.
    8. Theorem 8.5.
  10. 9. Pants subalgebra decomposition
    1. 9.1. The splitting
    2. Theorem 9.1.
    3. 9.2. Pants decompositions
    4. Lemma 9.2.
    5. Lemma 9.3.
    6. 9.3. Proof of Theorem 9.1
  11. Acknowledgments


Figure 1.

The pair of pants bounded by loops . The trivalent graph is . The bold arcs , , are . The hexagon which contains the trivalent graph and is bounded by , , and parts of , is the red hexagon of Reference 22.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 2.

The model curve and the curve .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 3.

Deforming the curve on the way to standard position.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 4.

and for a surface of genus and puncture

Graphic without alt text Graphic without alt text
Figure 5.

Additional curves in families and for punctures

Graphic without alt text Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1 (See Theorem 6.1).

Suppose F is a finite type surface of genus with punctures and negative Euler characteristic, and is a root of unity of order . Let be the order of , then

Theorem 2 (See Theorem 8.1).

Let be a finite type surface and be a root of 1. For a simple diagram one has

Theorem 3 (See Theorem 9.1).

Let be a finite type surface of negative Euler characteristic. There exist two pants decompositions and of such that for any root of unity the -linear map

defined by the property that is a -linear isomorphism of vector spaces. Here (respectively ) is the -subalgebra of generated by the curves in (respectively in ). Both and are maximal commutative subalgebras of the division algebra .

Proposition 2.1.

(a) If is a field and is -algebra which is a domain and has finite dimension over , then is a division algebra.

(b) Let be the center of a domain and be the field of fractions of . Assume is finitely generated as a -module. Then is a division algebra.

Proposition 2.2.

Suppose that is a field, and is a division -algebra having finite dimension over . Suppose .

(a) If is the minimal polynomial of over , then .

(b) If is a division algebra with , then .

(c) The function is non-degenerate in the sense that for there exists such that . In particular, is a Frobenius algebra.

Lemma 2.3.

Suppose and for every . There exists a positive integer such that for all ,

Equation (6)
Lemma 2.4.

Suppose are lattices in and is the union of a finite number of convex polyhedra with . Let be a positive integer. One has

Equations (12), (13)
Corollary 3.3.

For a finite type surface and a root of unity , the localized skein algebra is a division algebra.

Equation (16)
Equation (17)
Equation (18)
Theorem 3.5 (Reference 13).

Let be a finite type surface and be a root of 1. Recall that is the center of the skein algebra . We have the following Chebyshev bases:

(a) is a basis of the -vector space .

(b) is a basis of the -vector space .

Proposition 3.7.

The sequence is a filtration of compatible with the product.

Equation (19)
Equation (21)
Equation (22)
Equation (23)
Lemma 3.8.

Let be a submonoid of and a subgroup of . If is finite then the monoid homomorphism is surjective.

Lemma 3.9.

Let be a finite type surface with a fixed ideal triangulation, , and be the subset of edge-coordinates as defined above.

(a) is the subset of consisting of such that whenever are edges of a triangle, is even.

(b) The index of in is .

Equation (24)
Proposition 3.10.

Let be a finite type surface with fixed coordinate datum. If are two simple diagrams with , then and

Proposition 3.11.

Let be a finite type surface with fixed coordinate datum, and let , be the submonoids of defined above, where .

(a) The group is a direct summand of .

(b) The quotient is isomorphic to .

Equation (28)
Equation (31)
Equation (32)
Proposition 3.12.

Suppose that the finite type surface has negative Euler characteristic and that , and let be a root of 1. For any coordinate datum of ,

Proposition 3.13.

Let be a finite type surface with at least one puncture and a fixed coordinate datum. Let be a non-zero complex number. For there exists such that

Equation (38)
Equation (39)
Lemma 3.15.

Let be a closed oriented surface of genus with fixed coordinate datum , and let denote the image of coordinates of simple diagrams on . Let be the subgroup of generated by . The index of in is .

Equation (41)
Proposition 3.16.

Suppose is a closed finite type surface with genus . Let be a root of 1. For any coordinate datum of ,

Proposition 3.17 (Reference 13).

Let be a closed, oriented connected surface of genus equipped with a coordinate datum, and let be a non-zero complex number.

For there is such that

Theorem 4.1.

Let be a closed surface of genus equipped with a coordinate datum , where is a pants decomposition of and is an embedding of its dual graph. Let , …, denote the components of , where is a regular neighborhood of . Let be the product of the Dehn twists about , …, .

Let be a simple diagram. There exists such that if is large enough then is triangular with respect to , and the Dehn-Thurston coordinates of the twisted diagram satisfy


and denotes geometric intersection number of with . In particular, the last coordinates of are equal to .

Lemma 4.2.

If is convex and bounded from above by an affine function, then is piecewise affine.

Lemma 4.3.

Let be a closed finite type surface with a fixed coordinate datum, and let be the product of the Dehn twists about components of . For any two simple diagrams and one has

Lemma 4.4.

If is a coordinate datum for the closed surface and is a simple diagram with Dehn-Thurston coordinates , then

Proposition 4.5.

Let be a closed surface of genus with a coordinate datum . The set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams on is denoted by . Dehn-Thurston coordinates of are denoted by , and denotes the product of Dehn twists about the components of the boundary of a regular neighborhood of the dual graph .

(a) There exists an additional collection of loops with , …, , and a piecewise affine function such that for all ,

(b) For any , the function , defined by , is piecewise affine.

(c) For any , the twist coordinates of are bounded, meaning that there is a constant such that for all and all , …, , one has .

Equation (53)
Equation (55)
Equation (56)
Equation (58)
Proposition 4.7.

Let be a finite type surface of genus without punctures with a fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum , and associated stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams on .

(a) The map is injective.

(b) For any one has , where is defined by Equation 53.

(c) If then and . Here denotes the boundary of a regular neighborhood of the dual graph .

(d) Let denote the composition of Dehn twists along the components of . For all one has

(e) For any one has .

Theorem 5.1.

Given a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic and a fixed coordinate datum, let be a root of 1. Let denote the subgroup of of generated by the set of possible coordinates of simple diagrams on . There exists a degree map

such that . Moreover, the composition

is a surjective monoid homomorphism onto the -residue group.

Corollary 5.2.

Assume the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1.

(a) If , …, such that , …, are pairwise distinct, then , …, are linearly independent over .

(b) One has , where is given by Equation 32.

Equation (65)
Equation (66)
Equation (67)
Equation (70)
Equation (73)
Lemma 5.3.

Let be a closed surface with genus with and . Let be equipped with a coordinate datum , and let be the composition of Dehn twists along the components of , where is the boundary of a regular neighborhood of the dual graph .

There is a total order which makes an ordered group, induces an order on the set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams of via , and has a property that if and only if for sufficiently large .

Lemma 5.4.

Let be a closed finite-type surface equipped with a Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum and let be a root of unity. Given skein , simple diagram and , such that for sufficiently large we have

where is defined by Equation 67, then for large , where is the -lead term of , and the ordering is given by Lemma 5.3.

Lemma 5.5.

Let be a closed finite-type surface equipped with a coordinate datum, and ordering of simple diagrams on defined by Lemma 5.3. Stable Dehn-Thurston coordinates of simple diagrams satisfy the following monomial product formula.

Suppose and , then , i.e. and .

Equation (79)
Lemma 5.6.

Let be a closed finite type surface with fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum.

(a) is a monoid homomorphism.

(b) Suppose , …, such that , …, are distinct, then .

Lemma 5.7.

Let be a closed finite type surface with fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum, and let be a root of unity.

(a) Suppose , then .

(b) Suppose , then .

Equation (80)
Lemma 5.8.

Let be a closed finite type surface with fixed Dehn-Thurston coordinate datum , and let be a root of unity. The monoid homomorphism is surjective.

Proposition 5.9.

Suppose has negative Euler characteristic and a fixed coordinate datum. Let be a root of 1, with .

(a) If then if and only if .

(b) Let , …, be a sequence of disjoint non-trivial non-peripheral loops such that no two of them are isotopic. For let . Suppose .

(i) If then .

(ii) If then and .

Equation (82)
Theorem 6.1.

Suppose is a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic and is a root of 1, then .

Corollary 6.3.

Let be a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic equipped with a coordinate datum, and let be a root of unity. If is a -vector subspace of such that then .

Proposition 6.4.

Suppose , …, are piecewise-rational-linear, , …, and

(a) If is not bounded, then contains a set of the form for some non-zero . We call such set a rational ray.

(b) If is bounded, then is the union of a finite number of rational convex polyhedra.

Lemma 6.5.

Let be a closed surface of genus with a coordinate datum . Let be a simple closed curve in . The function , defined by , is piecewise-rational-linear.

Equation (92)
Equation (93)
Proposition 7.1.

Suppose , …, are non-peripheral, non-trivial, disjoint, pairwise non-isotopic loops on a finite type surface of negative Euler characteristic. Let be a root of unity with . Let be the -subalgebra of generated by , …, . For let .

(a) Suppose then and the set

is a basis of over .

(b) Suppose then , where is the -rank of the subgroup of generated by , …, .

Assume that after a re-indexing is a basis for . The set

is a basis of over .

Corollary 7.2.

Assume the conditions of Proposition 7.1. Let be the -subalgebra of generated by , …, . The minimal polynomial of over is of the form , where and

Moreover, is transcendental over .

Theorem 8.1.

Let be a finite type surface, the set of isotopy classes of simple diagrams on , a root of 1, and let

be the reduced trace. For one has

Lemma 8.2.

Suppose are finite field extensions of a field and .


If then .


Assume the minimal polynomial of over is , where is transcendental over , and . For we have

Equation (106)
Lemma 8.3.

Let denote the -th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. Suppose . When is divided by , the remainder is , where is the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind defined recursively by

Equation (112)
Equations (113), (114)
Proposition 8.4.

Let be a finite type surface, a root of unity, and let be the reduced trace. If and , then .

Theorem 9.1.

Let be a finite type surface of negative Euler characteristic. There exist two pants decompositions and of such that for any root of unity the -linear map

defined by , is a -linear isomorphism of vector spaces. Here and denote the -subalgebras of generated by the curves in and respectively.

Lemma 9.2.

Suppose is a finite type surface with negative Euler characteristic. There exist a coordinate datum for and two pants decompositions and such that

Lemma 9.3.

Suppose has negative Euler characteristic and . There exist a coordinate datum and two pants decompositions such that the -span of and has index in . In other words, if , …, is the set of curves consisting of components of and the peripheral loops, then

Equation (119)
Equation (121)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 57K31 (Invariants of 3-manifolds (also skein modules; character varieties))
Author Information
Charles Frohman
Department of Mathematics, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska
Division of Mathematical Sciences, The National Science Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia
Thang Lê
Department of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Additional Notes

This material is based upon work supported by and while serving at the National Science Foundation. Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 18, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/69
  • MathSciNet Review: 4282692
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4282692}{article}{ author={Frohman, Charles}, author={Kania-Bartoszynska, Joanna}, author={L\^e, Thang}, title={Dimension and Trace of the Kauffman Bracket Skein Algebra}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={18}, date={2021}, pages={510-547}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4282692}, doi={10.1090/btran/69}, }


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