A generalized Contou-Carrère symbol and its reciprocity laws in higher dimensions

By Oliver Braunling, Michael Groechenig, and Jesse Wolfson


We generalize Contou-Carrère symbols to higher dimensions. To an -tuple , where denotes an algebra over a field , we associate an element , extending the higher tame symbol for , and earlier constructions for by Contou-Carrère, and by Osipov–Zhu. It is based on the concept of higher commutators for central extensions by spectra. Using these tools, we describe the higher Contou-Carrère symbol as a composition of boundary maps in algebraic -theory, and prove a version of Parshin–Kato reciprocity for higher Contou-Carrère symbols.

1. Introduction

This article concerns a higher-dimensional generalization of the Contou-Carrère symbol Reference CC94. The original symbol plays a key role in the local theory of generalized Jacobians for a relative curve, as developed by Contou-Carrère Reference CC79, Reference CC90. This theory was inspired by a conjectural picture due to Grothendieck Reference Gro01. If the relative curve is just a plain curve over a field, the symbol specializes to the tame symbol. We review this in detail along with an explicit definition below in §1.5. But in general the Contou-Carrère symbol is far richer. For example, one recovers the residue symbol in its tangent space. This aspect cannot be seen in the tame symbol.

If is a group functor, one defines its (formal) loop group as the group functor

The classical Contou-Carrère symbol is a non-degenerate pairing of loop groups

which can also be seen as the statement that is self-dual under Cartier duality. Our generalized symbol will be -multilinear on -fold loops

for any . This might at first sight not look like an appropriate generalization of a duality, but we shall explain below both why the generalization should have this form, as well as our approach for defining it. See Theorem 1.1 if you want to jump ahead to a precise formulation of the properties of our symbol (including compatibility with the classical Contou-Carrère symbol and with a previous construction of a two-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol in Reference OZ16), or jump to Theorem 1.4 for the reciprocity law which we prove for it, generalizing the reciprocity law of the Contou-Carrère symbol on curves. Even when speaking of the classical Contou-Carrère symbol, the literature approaches the topic from various angles and we use this introduction as an opportunity to explain the relations between these viewpoints. This is also vital to explain the idea behind our construction in arbitrary dimension.

1.1. The origins

Let us first review the classical story before Contou-Carrère’s theory. Suppose (for simplicity) that is a smooth curve over an algebraically closed field , not necessarily proper. The curve comes equipped with a generalized Jacobian along with an Abel–Jacobi map

sending a closed point to the degree one⁠Footnote1 line bundle . There are many ways to formulate geometric class field theory, but a reasonable summary can be given in terms of the following two principles:


Other people prefer to fix an auxiliary point and take differences so that one obtains a degree zero line bundle, living in what is perhaps more classically called the Jacobian or . The dependency on the choice of makes this less functorial. We use the term “Jacobian” in a broader sense here.

Every morphism to a commutative algebraic -group factors uniquely over . This can be phrased as an isomorphism

where we consider fppf cohomology on the right side. This is essentially characterizing as a type of Albanese variety.⁠Footnote2 Moreover, extensions of by correspond to -torsors,


In a generalized sense.

This property provides a link to class field theory: As a special case of it, one obtains that every abelian finite étale covering of arises as the pullback of an isogeny of the Jacobian. For example, if is minus at least two points, the Jacobian has a non-trivial torus part and a pullback of the isogeny yields a degree cyclic Kummer extension. The kernel sequence of this isogeny defines the corresponding extension in .

There is a more precise formulation, where one replaces by a Jacobian with respect to a fixed modulus⁠Footnote3 with support in , and then one obtains a description of exactly such abelian finite coverings which are étale over and whose ramification at the boundary is bounded by the multiplicities of .


It is standard to call this a modulus in this setting, but in this context it is the same thing as an effective Weil divisor. The Jacobian classifies line bundles with extra trivializations at the support of the modulus. Sections of such can be understood in terms of certain lattices; a concept we shall soon return to in §1.9.

Background can be found in Reference Ser88, but our exposition here follows Reference AGV71, Tome 3, Exposé XVIII and Reference BE01, Appendix, Deligne’s letter, (e).⁠Footnote4


Recently, it has become more popular to re-interpret geometric class field theory as rank one local systems arising as pullbacks from the Jacobian. We refrain from using this slight shift of perspective in this text.

1.2. The relative situation

Contou-Carrère generalized this story to the situation of relative curves, i.e. the compactified curve is replaced by a flat morphism of finite presentation

such that the fibers are geometrically integral of dimension one and locally projective over the base and is taken to be the open complement of a relative divisor . The papers Reference CC79, Reference CC90 set up a corresponding theory of a relative generalized Jacobian attached to , along with a local theory Reference CC81. The analogue of Equation Equation 2 is set up in Reference CC13, Thm. 1.6.6.

The present paper also concerns the relative situation, but we should first explain a few more concepts in a simpler setting.⁠Footnote5


For the sake of completeness, we mention that Deligne Reference Del91 has also found the Contou-Carrère symbol, albeit in an analytic setting. This extends the overall picture in a different direction and would lead us too far here.

1.3. Local symbols and the Contou-Carrère symbol

Returning to the original formulation of class field theory for curves, i.e. back in the situation with , one can also understand abelian finite étale coverings with bounded ramification using a more classical approach based on the idèle class group and methods adapted from number theory.⁠Footnote6


That is: Approaches to the global class field theory of curves which do not rely on the Jacobian (there are several ways to do this).

In terms of the idèle class group, the choice of a modulus bounding the allowed ramification identifies the deck transformation group with a so-called ray class group. Such is a quotient of the idèle class group. The fact that the global reciprocity map is trivial on the terms which we quotient out, amounts to a reciprocity law. Since the global reciprocity map is a product of the local reciprocity maps, the triviality of the global action means that a suitable linear combination of local terms adds up to zero. Neglecting a few details, these contributions amount to the so-called local symbols. The formalism of local symbols extends beyond the mere application in class field theory to all commutative algebraic -groups .⁠Footnote7


This theory has since found a new formulation in terms of reciprocity sheaves Reference IR17, Reference KSY16 or more broadly motives with modulus.

For example, the tame symbol is a local contribution which arises in the context of Kummer cyclic coverings. These abelian extensions arise as the pullback along an isogeny , just as mentioned above.

This suggests the existence of a local analogue of the entire story, where the roles of are replaced by

so that one can think of as a punctured disc and the “compactification” obtained by filling the puncture. This setting would still retain most of the global geometry since the field of fractions of course determines the curve (so it is not ‘as local’ as one might wish for). This suggests to work with the formal completions instead.

Of course, one can choose a local coordinate and obtain (non-canonical) isomorphisms

The analogy to the loop group construction in Equation Equation 1 is apparent.

Before we continue, let us recall that these (formal) local contributions admit a class field theory in their own right, known as local class field theory.

1.4. Duality formulation of local class field theory

Let us first look at the original local theory originating from arithmetic. Suppose is a finite extension of . Local class field theory can be expressed as a duality in Galois cohomology. The pairing

is non-degenerate for any and any . Here refers to the Tate twist; one could also write . Since

is the -dual of the abelianized Galois group, this encodes the classification of degree abelian étale coverings of in terms of .

The same is true if is a finite extension of , except that a more involved formulation is necessary if , which we do not wish to discuss in the introduction (to keep this exposition at reasonable length).⁠Footnote8


The story is entirely analogous to what happens in geometric class field theory, where (or truncated Witt vectors) are needed as the relevant commutative group scheme, and the pullbacks are Artin–Schreier–Witt extensions.

Let us now discuss a generalization of this which is vital for understanding the deeper motivations for the present paper.

The above duality formulation of local class field theory can be generalized to -local fields, e.g., when is a finite extension of

There are more -local fields than just these, but again let us sweep this under the rug for the purpose of this introduction.

A duality formulation of class field theory as in Equation Equation 6 remains intact also in this broader setting, but the cohomological dimension increases from to . We get, again ignoring the case where the characteristic divides , a non-degenerate pairing

Letting , this now pairs the -dual of the abelianized Galois group with the cohomology group

where the map is the norm residue isomorphism. We observe two key facts: (1) as the cohomological dimension increases, the duality moves to higher homological degrees, and (2) the role of in -dimensional class field theory is now taken over by a Milnor -group (or the motivic sheaf , but let us stay entirely in the language of -theory; see Remark 2.2).

1.5. Back to the Contou-Carrère symbol

The duality considerations in §1.4 were only on the level of Galois cohomology, or the étale topos if you will. They are not geometric. Despite the formal similarity to Poincáre duality, the underlying scheme is just and the duality a group-theoretic fact of . One would expect more, especially when attempting to move this story to the relative setting of §1.2. This is the motivation for the original Contou-Carrère symbol Reference CC94.

We return to the situation of a relative curve. The Contou–Carrère symbol is a non-degenerate pairing on the loop group of .

It can be given by an explicit formula. Using a presentation

for suitable (just the order of the power series) and (nilpotent for negative), the value is given by

We can directly connect this to the local class field theory story of §1.4. If we evaluate the Contou–Carrère symbol on a field , it simplifies to


Here we exploit that since the fraction in the big brackets has degree zero, its evaluation at zero is possible and non-zero. This expression is known as the tame symbol. Its relation to local class field theory is as follows: Taking for any field such that , the Galois cohomology pairing

can, through the norm residue isomorphism (as in Equation Equation 9) be realized as a quotient of the natural pairing in Milnor -theory

and along with the boundary map

the composition of maps in the top row is given by the same formula as in Equation Equation 13. This shows that the duality maps which occur in local class field theory are at least close to the ones realized by the tame symbol; and thus are reasonable to generalize in some way to the Contou–Carrère symbol. We also get a strong hint of the relevance of -theory here. The full story is a little more complicated: The pairing in Equation Equation 14 has a different Tate twist than in Equation Equation 6, so it is a little bit off. Once the field contains a primitive -th root of unity, one can pick an isomorphism of étale sheaves () to fix this, but really the tame symbol corresponds to the (prime to the characteristic part of the) Hilbert symbol and not to the reciprocity pairing. Let us sweep these issues under the rug for the purpose of this introduction.

The boundary map in Equation Equation 16 arises from the localization sequence in (Quillen) -theory, corresponding to the open-closed complement decomposition

Here is the ring of integers in the local field and we use that . The boundary map appears in the attached long exact sequence in the spot

In these low degrees there is no difference between Quillen -theory and Milnor -theory (see §2 for more on this).

It turns out that this description generalizes without any problem to the -dimensional case of the pairing in Equation Equation 8. This gives rise to the higher tame symbol. Its role in higher-dimensional class field theory of schemes (as provided by Parshin Reference Par78, Reference Par84, Reference PF99 and Kato Reference Kat79, Reference Kat83, Kato–Saito Reference KS86) is analogous to the classical tame symbol. Its reciprocity laws have the same formal shape as reciprocity laws⁠Footnote9 for rational -forms in Grothendieck–Serre Duality for coherent sheaves. We explain the higher tame symbol and the generalization of the boundary map construction using in §3 below.


They are customarily also called residue theorems in this setting.

For the higher tame symbol, one obtains the same object irrespective of whether one uses Milnor -theory or Quillen -theory. This leads us to a first idea how one might construct a higher Contou-Carrère symbol. Firstly, it should be concerned with higher formal loop groups, as in

which is just the -fold iterate of the loop construction in Equation Equation 1, and is visibly a good formal model for various (equicharacteristic) higher local fields, see Equation Equation 7.

Idea 1.

Replace the open-closed complement in Equation Equation 17 by

and attempt to work with the corresponding boundary map , imitating the construction of the higher tame symbol. If is a field, this should specialize to the previous situation and thus, by construction, this generalized symbol would necessarily degenerate to the tame symbol in the classical situation, analogous to what happened around Equation Equation 12-Equation 13.

Firstly, one should ask whether this recovers the original Contou-Carrère symbol even in the one-dimensional case. This had been suggested by Kapranov–Vasserot Reference KV07, 4.3.7. (Remark) and is answered affirmatively in this paper (see Theorem 1.3), and was shown around the same time also by Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16.

We pursue Idea 1 in §3. It leads to one possible construction of our Contou-Carrère symbol in all dimensions (Definition 3.16); probably the quickest.⁠Footnote10


Actually, we do something more general: Using Parshin–Beilinson adèles one can run such a construction for arbitrary descending chains of subschemes. The case discussed in this introduction arises as a special case.

1.6. Central extensions

On the other hand, this approach also has a drawback: Going from Equation Equation 4 to Equation Equation 5 we chose a local coordinate. In other words, we were using Cohen’s Structure Theorem, telling us that an equicharacteristic discrete valuation field is always isomorphic to a Laurent series field,

where is the residue field. This isomorphism is highly non-canonical. However, of course none of our constructions should depend on the choice of such a coordinate.⁠Footnote11 Translated to the Contou–Carrère symbol, i.e. to abstract loop group functors


Just as class field theory doesn’t depend on choosing a coordinate.

this suggests that our constructions should really be invariant under all ring automorphisms of , of which there are many.⁠Footnote12 This property indeed holds for the original Contou–Carrère symbol, but note that it is not at all obvious from the complicated formula in Equation Equation 11. This suggests to look for a definition of the Contou-Carrère symbol (as well as its higher analogues) where this invariance is automatic by construction.


And themselves representable as a group ind-scheme.

Tate in his famous paper Reference Tat68 had asked a related question: Suppose is a curve. He wanted to define the residue of a Laurent series at a closed point . While

is a clear candidate for a definition, it suffers from the same problem of depending on the isomorphism . Instead, he wanted a construction which was a priori independent of the choice of a coordinate. This issue can be connected to the Contou-Carrère symbol, since it also encodes the residue: The formula

holds for the choice , any field and regarding as a subgroup of , Reference APR04, Reference BBE02. Thus, a coordinate-invariant construction of the classical Contou-Carrère symbol includes such a coordinate-independent approach to the residue. Conversely, our second method for constructing a higher Contou-Carrère symbol goes the reverse direction: We adapt Tate’s solution for residues in Reference Tat68, which we shall recall in §1.7 below, to the Contou-Carrère symbol. Tate also showed the residue theorem using his method for curves. Arbarello–de Concini–Kac have used the same idea to set up the tame symbol and prove the corresponding reciprocity law on curves Reference ADCK89 (and more broadly Reference PR02). Based on this idea, Anderson–Pablos Romo Reference APR04 and Beilinson–Bloch–Esnault Reference BBE02 had the insight that the same strategy should both make it possible to construct the classical Contou-Carrère symbol coordinate-independently and prove its reciprocity law on suitable relative curves.

Next, let us explain how Tate’s solution works since this is also the foundation for our second construction of the higher symbol.

1.7. Tate spaces

Let us briefly recall Tate’s idea in modern terms: The ingredients for our local symbols can always be written as an ind-pro limit of finite-dimensional -vector spaces, e.g.,

(for any uniformizer ). Tate had the ingenious insight that for defining the residue, one only needs to know these objects as ind-pro limits.⁠Footnote13 He manages to express the residue as a certain commutator of endomorphisms of these ind-pro objects. Since the ind-pro structure on can be given without choosing a coordinate isomorphism (as exhibited above on the right), this solves the problem. The commutator in turn can be understood as coming from a central extension of a suitable Lie algebra, i.e. a Lie -cocycle in for a suitable Lie algebra .


These have since become known as Tate vector spaces. Alternatively (but equivalently), one can work in the setting of locally linearly compact topological -vector spaces. However, the latter setting is problematic to adapt to the relative situation.

The papers Reference ADCK89, Reference APR04 now recover the tame symbol by studying the corresponding central extension of groups, i.e. a group -cocycle for a suitable group. Neglecting various details, one can visualize this as the Lie correspondence between Lie algebras and Lie groups. This is also seen in Equation Equation 21, where the residue is explicitly recovered in a tangent space (to a functor).

In fact, the Lie algebra can be taken to be the endomorphism Lie algebra, and to be its group of automorphisms (in each case respecting the ind-pro structure).

A key point of the present paper will be to explain how this approach is compatible with the ideas about -theory boundary maps earlier in the introduction. As Anderson–Pablos Romo Reference APR04 set up both the classical Contou-Carrère symbol as well as the reciprocity law using this method, this is another promising approach to construct a higher Contou-Carrère symbol. A natural idea is to iterate the ind-pro limits, corresponding to the iterated loop functor in Equation Equation 19.

In order to treat such objects “by induction” in the number of loops , it is natural to set up a category of ind-pro objects with respect to an arbitrary input category so that iterating this categorical construction corresponds to iterating the loop group construction. These are the so-called Tate categories, Reference Pre11, Reference BGW16c. One then finds that the correct analogue of the group -cocycles above are higher group -cocycles for the automorphism groups of suitable objects in such iterated Tate categories (called -Tate categories).⁠Footnote14


This also works on the Lie algebra level. A Lie algebra -cocycle gives the higher residue symbols of Grothendieck–Serre coherent duality theory; this is due to Beilinson Reference Bei80; see also Reference Bra18.

The two-dimensional tame symbol and its reciprocity law were set up by Osipov and Osipov–Zhu Reference Osi05, Reference OZ11. Osipov–Zhu also constructed a two-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol using this method Reference OZ16 and showed its reciprocity law on surfaces. They also showed how the residue symbol for -forms on surfaces is encoded in their symbol, generalizing Equation Equation 21. In the case of the tame symbol these recover the Parshin reciprocity law from his approach to global class field theory.

Idea 2.

Construct a higher Contou-Carrère symbol using a generalized central extension, based on a higher group cocycle of an automorphism group of an object in an iterated Tate category.

This will also work and we pursue this in §5. In some sense it is more general since it really only relies on the iterated ind-pro structures.

1.8. Our approach through homotopy theory

A central part of this paper is devoted to establishing a clear connection between these two ideas. To this end, we need to work with Quillen -theory as a space (or spectrum) and not just the individual -groups. Let us sketch the main idea.

The boundary maps between -groups which appear in Idea 1 really come from maps between spectra,⁠Footnote15 e.g., using the boundary map of the localization sequence on the level of spectra,


We shall provide background on spectra in §4.2.1.

taking functorially yields the map in Equation Equation 18. Now truncate the homotopy type of to its -type. Since (at least for local rings, not in general), and if we for simplicity ignore (which is a serious oversimplification), essentially looks like . So, very roughly speaking, one almost has a truncation map

The dotted arrow does not quite exist because we ignored . Nonetheless, writing -vector spaces as Tate -vector spaces (i.e. as the aforementioned ind-pro limits), we obtain a map . Modulo the issues with the dotted map above, there is a factorization

Next, in Reference BGW18b, Theorem 1.4 (2) we showed that

where the plus superscript refers to the plus construction. This is an analogue of Quillen’s construction of -theory via the plus construction, i.e., , except that no corrections to deal with are needed and instead of we deal with the automorphism group of an object in the Tate category.⁠Footnote16 The outer diagonal arrow in Equation Equation 24 thus also pins down a map


As we explain in Reference BGW18b, §4, this result can also be thought of as an algebraic analogue of the Atiyah–Jänich theorem in topological -theory.

By adjunction we can move to the right, lifting to . However, one of the defining properties of the plus construction is that it does not affect the homology of a space. Thus, the above map defines a degree cohomology class of the classifying space ), without having applied the plus construction. This is equivalent⁠Footnote17 to providing a group -cocycle


The group cohomology group can equivalently be described as the group of homotopy classes of maps from to .

We have explained this in an oversimplified fashion here, especially our imprecise handling of (which is just wrong). Also, we have not been very precise what categories we work in. Nonetheless, the idea should have become clear. We shall show that a careful variant of the above idea provides the connecting link between defining the Contou-Carrère symbol either via Idea 1 or Idea 2.

The above considerations necessitate to work with -theory on the level of spectra. Moreover, when handling correctly, the right side in Equation Equation 23 is not just a classifying space, but sits in several homotopical degrees. Thus, one needs to work with a slight generalization of the concept of a group extension when wanting to do this right (we shall work in the context of spectral extensions).

The above picture generalizes to explain also the connection between our two approaches to higher Contou-Carrère symbols. Iterated use of the boundary maps corresponds to an iterated use of Tate categories and a straightforward generalization of Diagram Equation 24. Moreover, all these constructions (including Equation Equation 25, Reference BGW18b, Theorem 1.4 (2)) work for arbitrary rings and thus for and not just , making it possible to use it also in a relative setting.

This leads to our main construction, in the spirit of Idea 2.

Theorem-Construction 1.1.

Let be a field and a -algebra.


For every -Tate object , we construct a nontrivial spectral extension of by the -shifted non-connective -theory spectrum (we leave the detailed construction to the main body of the paper).


Restricting the latter to the units , they acquire a spectral extension by the non-connective -theory spectrum . For we define the Contou-Carrère symbol to be the corresponding higher commutator .


For the constructions of (1) and (2) recover the definitions of Contou-Carrère and Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16.

The first two statements are an immediate consequence of our formalism of spectral extensions and higher commutators (§4) applied to the -fold iterate of the index map (see Definition 5.4). For the third statement, see Propositions 5.6 and 5.10.

Denote by the boundary map in algebraic -theory , where is -theory with support in the subset given by the ideal :

Let be the map induced by , and let be the determinant.

Theorem 1.2.

Let be a field and a -algebra. For , we have

where the left-hand side is our Contou-Carrère symbol of Theorem 1.1. If is a field, it agrees with the higher tame symbol of Parshin and Kato.

See Theorem 6.5. This theorem shows that Idea 1 is entirely compatible with our construction following Idea 2.

The right-hand side in the above formula is probably the quickest way to define our higher Contou-Carrère symbol. However, our construction following Idea 2 is more general since Theorem 1.1 (1) defines an extension of the entire automorphism group, while the above only sees the restriction to the units of multiplication.⁠Footnote18 The key point of the above theorem is that it connects our generalization of the ideas around central extensions as in Arbarello–de Concini–Kac Reference ADCK89 or Anderson–Pablos Romo Reference APR04 with the purely algebraic perspective of boundary maps on the right side.


The multiplication with any unit of the ring induces an automorphism of the Tate object. But of course there are many more automorphisms. For example, note that the multiplication automorphisms by units only span a commutative subgroup of the entire automorphism group.

For concreteness, we now state a special case of these results: The following had been conjectured by Kapranov–Vasserot in Reference KV07.

Theorem 1.3.

Let be a field, and let be a -algebra. The classical Contou-Carrère symbol factors through the boundary map in -theory

or, in equations, . Here and refer to the classical commutator and classical Steinberg symbol respectively.

A second proof of this case has recently appeared in Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16.

1.9. Grassmannian and determinant bundles

Previous papers on these subjects have constructed the relevant central extensions of §1.8, especially the group -cocycle in Equation Equation 26, using different devices. The most popular approach to this proceeds by constructing the so-called (regularized) determinant line bundle on the Sato Grassmannian directly. Let us explain this.

Let be a field as before. Let denote the Picard groupoid of -lines (without grading, for the moment). View as a Tate -vector space and let denote its set of lattices.⁠Footnote19 Recall that for any finite-dimensional vector space one can define its determinant as its top exterior power


That lattices are of relevance for our considerations reflects a corresponding phenomenon, where lattices appear in Contou-Carrère’s local theory of Jacobians.

and this generalizes nicely to families. Lattices, being infinite-dimensional over , do not a priori have such a determinant. It would not be clear what the “top” exterior power should be once .

In their approach to the tame symbol cocycle, Arbarello–de Concini–Kac Reference ADCK89 considered maps

associating a line to any lattice. Whenever for lattices, they demand

to hold, which makes sense since is finite-dimensional over . There are several choices of such maps , in fact the set of choices is a -torsor. Automorphisms of as a Tate vector space do not preserve this choice and rescale the lines. As a result, does not act on ‘the total bundle space’ , only a central extension does. This central extension yields a class in

giving the so-called unsigned tame symbol, which is like Equation Equation 13, but without the sign term. This construction can be adapted to , i.e. to the relative situation of §1.2. This class is (except for the correct sign), the same one as the one in Equation Equation 26. To get the full theory, can be upgraded to be the Picard groupoid of graded lines . The corresponding cocycle then yields the full classical Contou-Carrère symbol, as was shown by an explicit computation in Reference APR04, Reference BBE02.

Essentially, the above is an explicit construction of our homotopical approach in §1.8. It sets up the same cocycle using a group action on the Grassmannian instead of a purely homotopical consideration.

We can also explain our higher Contou-Carrère symbol in terms analogous to the above, an Idea 3 if you will:

(1) The Tate vector space is generalized to an -Tate object. By the correspondence between -Tate objects of finite-dimensional -vector spaces and locally linearly compact -vector spaces, this is equivalent to older literature when it refers to similar constructions in terms of linearly compact vector spaces.

(2) The group is taken to be automorphisms in the category of -Tate objects.

(3) The map is trickier to generalize. We replace the lattice Grassmannian by a generalized flag space

of nested lattices in the -Tate object . We implement an unpublished idea of Kapranov: We generalize to a map taking values in -theory, without any truncation, and since Waldhausen’s explicit -model for the -theory of is a simplicial set with simplices where the are finite-dimensional -vector spaces, we may define a map

sending flags of lattices to simplices in the -theory space. The special case of just two lattices, , should ring a bell in view of Equation Equation . We have worked out the simplicial details of this in our previous paper Reference BGW18b, and use these ideas here.

The role of the Picard groupoids or is seen as follows: Deligne had the insight that there is an equivalence of homotopy categories

This means that spectra whose homotopy groups vanish outside degrees and can equivalently be modelled by Picard groupoids.⁠Footnote20 Thus, our homotopical considerations in §1.8 can also be studied using Picard groupoids, at least once we truncate to homotopical degrees and . When one studies the classical Contou-Carrère symbol, it is (cum grano salis) almost sufficient to work in such low degrees. Then we use Deligne’s insight that receives a map from the truncated -theory spectrum : The Picard groupoid is a simplified model for the homotopy type of the -truncation of the Quillen -theory spectrum. This is, by the way, just a different way of expressing how we found around Equations Equation 22-Equation 23; is the Picard groupoid corresponding to under the equivalence in Equation Equation 28.


We shall elaborate a little on this and related facts in §4.2.1.

This is the deeper reason why the above construction can use and yields equivalent output to what we had otherwise set up in §1.8 using homotopy types. The need to work with graded lines is the same complication which we had around in §1.8.

This discussion also reveals that for higher Contou-Carrère symbols, where higher homotopical degrees are needed, one would have to work in more complicated models than stable -types.

(4) Cocycles are classically modelled through commutators. We phrase this as a shuffle product, which generalizes easily to higher degrees. Based on this, we define a concept of higher commutators in §4. Finally, we interpret all of these constructions consistently through homotopy theory. The group of central extensions equals the group of homotopy classes of maps (of unpointed spaces) from the classifying space to . To gain additional flexibility, we define a notion of spectral extension. It amounts to maps to for a spectrum (where denotes the infinite suspension of a (unpointed) space with a disjoint basepoint added). This turns out to be the appropriate language to generalize the Contou-Carrère symbol. See §4 for details.

Main Principle.

Ideas 1, 2 and 3 all yield the same concept of a higher Contou-Carrère symbol.

The compatibility of Idea 1 and Idea 2 is Theorem 1.2 and the compatibility to Idea 3 is part of Theorem 1.1 (3).

1.10. Higher reciprocity laws

Our next result is a type of adelic reciprocity law: let be a reduced, separated -scheme of finite type and dimension . Fix an integer . Let denote a flag of integral closed subschemes

indexed by , with . If , we assume that is proper over . Exactly one dimension is missing, namely ; such flags are called almost saturated. We denote by a certain ring formed as an iterated completion of , the -valued rational functions on , at the places , cf. §3.1. As for the classical adèles, the ring is built from rings , one for each -dimensional closed subset

Each of these rings carries a higher Contou-Carrère symbol , and the geometry of gives rise to a relation satisfied by these symbols:

Theorem 1.4.

For the product of the Contou-Carrère symbols over all is well defined, and we have

See Theorem 7.4. This theorem extends results for of dimension one by Anderson–Pablos Romo Reference APR04 and Pál Reference Pál10 (for 0-dimensional), Beilinson–Bloch–Esnault Reference BBE02 (for arbitrary), and results for of dimension 2 by Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16.

The finite dimensionality of the cohomology of a proper curve provides a key geometric input in proving the reciprocity law for 1-dimensional symbols. In the setting of higher dimensional reciprocity laws, we can morally interpret the ring of Theorem 1.4 as the ring of -valued rational functions of an exotic “curve” associated to the almost saturated flag . In principle, this “curve” should be obtained by iteratively completing at the and then removing the special point . However, at present, the theories of Berkovich or rigid analytic spaces are insufficient to handle such constructions. Rather than develop such a theory, we take a non-commutative geometry approach and replace by its stable -category of perfect complexes. The operations of localization and completion of schemes have analogues for stable -categories, cf. Thomason–Trobaugh Reference TT90 (localization) and Efimov Reference Efi10 (completion). We apply these in §7 to construct a stable -category which plays the role of and we use the (non-commutative) “geometry” of this stable -category to deduce the reciprocity law.

These categorical constructions could be pictured as a “non-commutative shadow” of the formal scheme obtained by formal completion. Their role should be understood to be analogous to the one of the “commutative shadows” utilized by Contou-Carrère (and called ombres in Reference CC94, Reference CC13).

For our proof of reciprocity, we adopt a general strategy which was first introduced by Gillet Reference Gil78.⁠Footnote21 The reciprocity law of Theorem 1.4 expresses information about the local geometry of a variety around an almost saturated flag. As remarked above, our approach to higher symbols allows us to reduce the reciprocity law to the statement that in a Gersten-style complex. As with the classical Gersten complex, the differentials arise as (sums of) boundary maps in -theory localization sequences. Our work on derived completion allows us to obtain these localization sequences in our setting and deduce reciprocity.


We thank the first anonymous referee for bringing this to our attention.

We now explain the strategy of this proof in the case and . Let be a smooth surface over and a closed point. For a triple of non-zero elements of the fraction field of we must show that the product

ranging over curves containing , is well-defined and equals . There exists a closed subset , such that is a union of curves containing , and are regular elements on . Our results above identify this product with a composition of boundary maps as in the lower path of the diagram

However, this is also equivalent to the upper path of the diagram, the last two maps of which are successive maps in a long exact sequence.

For dimension , we employ an analogous argument. However, we must now replace the punctured surface with a more exotic object obtained by completing and removing at all the closed subsets in an almost saturated flag. Our treatment of derived completions supplies us with the necessary localization sequences in this setting, while our treatment of symbols allows us to identify the appropriate product with a composition of boundary maps from these sequences. It is then a relatively straightforward matter to show that this composition is zero when restricted to tuples of invertible elements of .

2. K-theory

2.1. Background on the flavours of -theory

We shall use -theory in various flavours, so let us quickly recall the key players and motivate how and why they enter our considerations.

2.1.1. Origins

Historically inspired by the study of vector bundles in algebraic geometry, one can form for any (small) exact category the -group

Choosing to be the exact category of vector bundles on a variety , this provided the necessary context for Grothendieck’s extension of the classical Riemann–Roch theorem.

The freedom to develop the whole theory for very general categories instead of just vector bundles has proven very useful and will also be vital for our considerations.

2.1.2. Localization (geometry)

Returning to vector bundles, studying the relationship of the -group for a scheme in comparison to the one of a reduced closed subscheme and its open complement leads to “higher” -groups fitting together into the so-called localization sequence. In this geometric setting (and only if everything is smooth), it takes the form of an exact sequence

In fact, this long exact sequence can be understood in terms of different categories. For example, still assuming everything to be smooth, one gets the relevant -groups by taking the category of coherent sheaves on and respectively, and obtains

expressing the category of coherent sheaves on the open complement as the quotient abelian category of the coherent sheaves on , modulo those having support in , called . In other words: The decomposition of into and its complement can be reflected as a subcategory and the respective quotient on the level of categories. This suggests a general picture for categories, valid beyond this geometric application:

2.1.3. Localization (general principles)

Generalized to arbitrary (say abelian or exact categories) and suitable subcategories , the above picture generalizes to long exact sequences

In the hands of Quillen, general algebraic -theory was defined as the homotopy groups of certain spaces attached to (for example) exact categories, as in

where is a pointed space. There are several ways to set up ; e.g., as a simplicial set using simplicial homotopy theory or as a topological spaces using classical homotopy theory. Moreover, there are different ways to set up these spaces, all leading to the same homotopy type (e.g., the - or -construction). These differences are not so important for the present paper. Background for simplicial homotopy theory can be found for example in Reference May92, Reference Lam68 or Reference GJ09.

2.1.4. Finer points

To get a really nice picture, the above suggests various improvements:

(1a) As the -groups are defined as the homotopy groups of a space as in Equation Equation 31, it is natural to hope that the long exact sequences in Equation Equation 29 resp. Equation Equation 30 stem from fiber sequences of pointed spaces. This can indeed be implemented and leads to defining Quillen -theory as an invariant of certain categories, taking values in pointed spaces. This path is already taken by Quillen Reference Qui73 or Waldhausen Reference Wal85. These two approaches only differ in generality, but yield the same theory, which in this paper will be called connective -theory.

(1b) Actually, the pointed spaces of connective -theory are of a very special type: They come equipped with the structure of an infinite loop space Reference Ada78. While infinite loop spaces can be regarded on the one hand as pointed spaces with extra structure, they can equivalently be regarded as connective spectra, i.e. spectra such that for all . Thus, modulo switching between equivalent categories, the in Equation Equation 31 can alternatively be taken to refer to a (connective) spectrum. Background on spectra can be found for example in Reference Wei94, §10.9 (for a survey), or in Reference HSS00, § 1, Reference Hov01, § 1 or Reference Lura, §1.4for more general treatments.

(2) The sequence in Equation Equation 29 only exists under very restrictive assumptions, and using Quillen’s -theory it is not right-exact at . However, this nuisance can be smoothened out and leads to slightly modified versions of -theory. Nowadays, and also in the present paper, these are all jointly generalized to the so-called non-connective -theory (we recall the details below). A general construction on the level of arbitrary exact categories is given in Reference Sch06. The cited paper also proves the compatibility with the previous approaches to resolve this issue (e.g., the so-called Bass ‘negative -groups’ Reference Bas68 or Thomason–Trobaugh -theory Reference TT90). Unfortunately, there is no way to fix the lack of exactness at without needing negative -groups further to the right in the respective sequences as in Equation Equation 30. Thus, non-connective -theory cannot really be modelled in spaces. However, the property to be a spectrum remains intact also for non-connective -theory. Hence, the natural habitat for non-connective -theory are spectra. This time, however, they are not necessarily connective. In particular, it is not necessarily possible to still model this using infinite loop spaces instead of spectra.

Remark 2.1.

This also explains the names of connective and non-connective -theory. This use of terminology is also in line with the conventions of Reference BGT13, which shows that one can also describe the two variants of -theory in terms of certain universal properties, giving a further justification to work with both theories in parallel, yet carefully distinguish between them.

(3) Quillen’s foundations for connective -theory from Reference Qui73 allow all exact categories as input; and similarly Reference Sch06 gives similar foundations for non-connective -theory. However, wanting a very general localization sequence as in Equation Equation 30 there is an issue with the formation of the quotient . For many natural choices of exact categories and subcategories this quotient does not reasonably exist as an exact category. Going beyond this, there are various interesting categories, for example arising from glueing constructions of categories, which are of a profoundly more subtle nature than what can be captured through the formalism of exact categories. To this end, it roughly speaking makes sense to generalize -theory to accept all stable -categories Reference Lura as input. Abelian categories (or exact categories) have a natural attached stable -category, so that this is a genuine generalization. This generalization is available for both connective and non-connective -theory, and as described above, Reference BGT13 describes either in terms of a universal property whose formulation also necessitates the use of stable -categories.

2.1.5. Milnor -theory

Finally, we shall also use Milnor -theory. Classically, this is only defined for fields, even though the definition can be extended to local rings Reference Ker09, Reference Ker10. At least for fields , one just has

where denotes the free tensor algebra of an abelian group. Historically, this was regarded as a candidate definition for higher -groups, but since then the picture has clarified a lot: In this paper we mostly refer to Milnor -theory because of the simplicity of its definition, or the natural graded ring homomorphism

which easily exhibits high degree elements in the connective -theory of fields.

Remark 2.2.

The deeper truth however is that the motivic Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence starts from motivic cohomology on the -page and converges to connective -theory. It satisfies

so the deeper reason for the similarities between Milnor and connective -theory (of a field) is just their ‘proximity’ as provided by the motivic weight filtration on the -theory spectrum, exhibited here through the spectral sequence. The comparison of this with étale K-theory (resp. étale motivic cohomology) also lies at the core behind the compatibility to Galois cohomology in Diagram Equation 15. However, none of this is needed in the present paper. See Reference MVW06 and Reference Gei05 for background.

2.2. Axiomatic review of algebraic -theory

After this review, let us summarize the key statements we shall need in the format most suitable for us. We view algebraic -theory as a machine, which assigns, to an exact category or stable -category , its spectral shadow . This machine sends exact functors to maps of spectra and preserves exact sequences. We refer the reader to appendix A for a brief overview of the theory of (stable and unstable) -categories, and to Reference Lur09bReference Lura for detailed references.

We encourage the reader unfamiliar with stable -categories to think of them as a higher homotopical enrichment of triangulated categories. For example, by Reference Lura, Theorem, the homotopy category of any stable -category inherits a canonical triangulated structure. The advantage of working with stable -categories is that many standard constructions for triangulated categories become better behaved and more conceptually straightforward in this context.

Recall that given an -category , we can form an -category of “ind-objects” (with subcategories for each regular ) of “formal filtered colimits” of diagrams in (or such over diagrams of size at most ) (see Reference Lur09b, §5.3.5). If is a stable -category, then so is Reference Lura, Prop. Similarly, every -category admits an idempotent completion (see Reference Lur09b, §5.1.4), and if is stable, so is Reference Lura, Cor. Last, just as there is a good notion of exact functors of triangulated categories and of exact sequences

of such functors, there is a good notion of such for stable -categories. In fact, by Reference BGT13, Prop. 5.1.5, a sequence of stable -categories is exact if and only if the induced sequence of homotopy categories is an exact sequence of triangulated categories. In particular, given a fully faithful exact functor of (presentable) stable -categories , we can form the quotient stable -category , which we should think of as a higher homotopical analogue of the classical Verdier quotient.

2.2.1. Connective algebraic -theory

The proposition below captures the most important phenomena for the so-called connective -theory of stable -categories (cf. Reference BGT13). This is the flavour of -theory which is compatible with Quillen’s original definition of algebraic -theory.

In the following we denote by the stable -category of connective spectra. We refer the reader to Subsection 4.2.1 for a brief reminder of stable homotopy theory, and for more details to Reference Wei94, §10.9 (for a survey), Reference HSS00, § 1, Reference Hov01, § 1 or Reference Lura, §1.4.

Proposition 2.3.

The functor of connective -theory for stable -categories

satisfies the following properties.


If is a stable -category admitting countable products (or coproducts), then .


The inclusion (where denotes idempotent completion) gives rise to a map of connective spectra , inducing an isomorphism on for , and a monomorphism on .


Let be an exact sequence of stable -categories, where we denote the functor by and by . Then, there is a fibre sequence

in the -category of connective spectra.

Property (3) is often referred to as proto-localization (e.g. by Reference TT90). The long exact fibration sequence for yields a long exact sequence in non-negative degrees. The map will not be surjective in general.⁠Footnote22 This suggests the existence of negative -groups, obtained by the homotopy groups of a non-connective -theory spectrum. This leads to non-connective -theory, whose properties we recall in the following section.


This is the same issue which already appears in purely geometric applications and is alluded to in §2.1.4.

2.2.2. Non-connective algebraic -theory

In the work of Blumberg–Gepner–Tabuada, the following properties were shown to be characteristic for non-connective -theory (see Reference BGT13, Thm. 9.10). In the following we denote by the stable -category of all spectra.

Proposition 2.4.

Non-connective algebraic -theory is a functor

satisfying the following properties.


If is a stable -category admitting countable products (or countable coproducts), then .


The inclusion (where denotes idempotent completion) gives rise to an equivalence of spectra .


Let be an exact sequence of stable -categories, where we denote the functor by and by . Then, there is a a bi-cartesian square

in the stable -category of spectra.

We say that non-connective -theory completes connective -theory , referring to the canonical equivalence

Following Schlichting Reference Sch06, we see how every connective theory, satisfying the axioms of Proposition 2.3, induces a non-connective -theory, subject to the properties of Proposition 2.4 (see also Reference BGT13). This requires the suspension of a stable -category.

Definition 2.5.

We define the suspension of a stable -category as the stable -category

where denotes an arbitrary infinite cardinal, and denotes the stable -category of Ind-objects represented by diagrams of size at most . Let denote .

By definition, we have an exact sequence of stable -categories

Using the fact that admits countable coproducts, properties (1) and of Proposition 2.3 imply that

is a fibre sequence of connective spectra. Since , we know that it is actually a fibre-cofibre sequence of spectra. This allows us to identify with . We define the non-connective completion to be the functor

where and for .

Definition 2.6.

Let be an (idempotent complete) exact category. We have a well-defined dg-category of bounded chain complexes in . We denote by the full subcategory of acyclic complexes. The stable -category is defined to be the dg-nerve (see Reference Lura, §1.3.1) of the dg-quotient . Since the latter is a pre-triangulated dg-category (see Reference Kel99, §2), is stable.

The lemma below follows from the discussion in Reference BGT13, §9.1 and Reference Sch06, §6.2

Lemma 2.7.

Let be an exact category. The non-connective -theory of , in the sense of Schlichting Reference Sch06, agrees with the non-connective -theory of the stable -category in the sense of Blumberg–Gepner–Tabuada Reference BGT13.

It will be necessary to compare algebraic -theory with the original category, in order to be able to use it. Heuristically, this is captured by the slogan that is a spectrum, where objects in give rise to points, automorphisms of objects give rise to loops, and, for , commuting -tuples of automorphisms in give rise to elements of . This intuition is captured by the following observation.

Remark 2.8.

We denote by the groupoid of objects in (i.e. we discard all non-isomorphisms). Recall that every groupoid can be viewed as an unpointed space via the geometric realization of its nerve.⁠Footnote23 There exists a canonical morphism of pointed spaces and by the adjunction , a morphism of spectra , see Reference Wal85, §1.3, p. 12.


We review the nerve, i.e. the ways of regarding a category as a simplicial set or space in §A.1.2.

Example 2.9.

Under special circumstances the last map of the previous remark can be promoted to an equivalence. Such a phenomenon underlies Equation Equation 25 along with the fact that the Tate category has vanishing -group.

Definition 2.10.

We shall frequently use the following shorthands:


If is a ring, we write to denote the nonconnective K-theory spectrum of the category of perfect complexes over .


Analogously, if denotes a scheme, we write for the nonconnective K-theory spectrum of perfect complexes on .


If has a closed subscheme , we write for the nonconnective K-theory spectrum of the category of perfect complexes on with support in . The latter means that they are required to be acyclic over the complement .

Example 2.11.

If is Noetherian (for example) and has the closed subscheme , then there is an exact sequence relating their stable -categories of perfect complexes. Using Proposition 2.4 (3) we obtain the fibre sequence

of spectra. The induced long exact sequence of the homotopy groups of the -theory spectra is perhaps the most prominent example of the localization sequence.

3. The CC symbol via boundary maps

In this section we will give a first definition of our higher Contou-Carrère symbol. We follow a generalization of the idea of boundary maps (which we had called Idea 1 in the introduction). Instead of working with iterated loop groups, we use localizations-completions along flags of subschemes. Abstractly, these look like iterated loop groups, but our methods avoids choosing a coordinate. The case discussed in the introduction follows as a special case (see Example 3.1).

3.1. Flags of closed subschemes

Let be a reduced excellent separated scheme of dimension . A flag is a sequence

of integral closed subschemes of pure dimension , indexed by a subset of . If it is indexed by all of , we call it saturated. If exactly one dimension is missing, such flags are called almost saturated.

Definition 3.1.

If denotes a flag, we abbreviate the Parshin–Beilinson adèle ring by

The notation is as in Beilinson’s original paper Reference Bei80, §2.

The definition of these adèles is alternatively also given in Reference Hub91, Proposition 2.1.1 or Reference BGW16a, §2.1, viewed from different angles.

Example 3.2.

This section also covers the case relevant for

as discussed in the introduction. Choose to be affine -space and take a standard flag of coordinate hyperplane subspaces. See also Example 7.6.

For a saturated flag, there is a canonical isomorphism of rings

for some finite , and each is an -local field. For a proof, see Reference Yek92, §3 or Reference BGW16a, Theorem 4.2.

Whenever denotes an -local field, this means that it comes with a canonically determined diagram

where each denotes the rings of integers of the field depicted above it, and each denotes the residue field of the ring depicted to its left.

The -groups of the various rings attached to are related by the localization sequence

which can be used inductively for each step in the above downward ladder of residue fields because of an identification of with the -theory of the residue field .⁠Footnote24


As the rings are all regular, we can also work with the -theory of coherent sheaves, where devissage applies. Hence, the -theory of coherent sheaves with support in the maximal ideal is equivalent to the -theory of the residue field. This yields the identification.

The above localization sequence stems from the bi-cartesian square

In order to obtain this square, apply Example 2.11 to and the closed subscheme cut out by the unique maximal ideal (the valuation ideal). The open complement is just . In the present situation it makes no difference whether we use connective or non-connective -theory.

Remark 3.3.

We will soon generalize the above by instead using the square in Equation Equation 37 below.

Definition 3.4.

Let be an -local field.


The higher tame symbol (in Quillen -theory) is defined to be the composition

where is the last residue field and refers to the respective boundary maps coming (inductively for each residue field) from the localization sequence in Equation 36.


In many ways simpler, the higher tame symbol (in Milnor -theory) is defined to be the composition

where refers to Milnor -theory and is the boundary map in an entirely analogous localization sequence in motivic cohomology. See Remark 2.2 for the relation between Quillen and Milnor -theory.

The higher tame symbol in Milnor -theory is simpler because Milnor -groups have a generator-relator presentation and the relevant boundary map can alternatively be defined by an explicit formula. See Reference Mil70, §2. In fact, historically this was known before the interpretation as motivic cohomology. Only the latter however shows how closely connected both viewpoints are.

We move on to the relative situation.

Definition 3.5.

If is additionally a scheme of finite type over , then for every -algebra we define

and for saturated flags, we note that the canonical isomorphism of Equation Equation 34 can be promoted to an isomorphism of -algebras, see Reference BGW16a, Theorem 4.2.

Following Morrow’s Reference Mor, we give a self-contained construction of , in a format which will be particularly useful for us later.

Definition 3.6.

An ideal of a Noetherian ring is called equiheighted if all minimal prime ideals over have the same height in . We define the localization of an -module at , to be

Geometrically, an equiheighted ideal defines a closed subspace of , with all irreducible components having the same codimension in . Although not completely obvious, the two operations introduced below preserve chains of equiheighted ideals Reference Mor, Lemma 7.3.

Definition 3.7.

Let be a Noetherian ring of Krull dimension . For a chain of equiheighted ideals , with , we define the completion operation

We denote by

the localization operation, where is the restriction to of the shifted chain of ideals given by

Example 3.8.

If is a Noetherian domain of Krull dimension , then for every prime ideal , we can consider the chain . In this case, we have .

Definition 3.9.

Let be an excellent reduced ring of Krull dimension . For a chain of radical equiheighted ideas , with , we define

This definition is compatible with Definition 3.1.

3.2. Boundary maps of a flag

We begin by giving a precise definition of the completion of a scheme at a closed subscheme. Although this seems fairly straight-forward in the affine case, it is necessary to be finical in general.

Definition 3.10.

Let be a scheme and a sheaf of ideals for which the corresponding closed subscheme is affine. We define the completion of at to be the affine scheme

A related construction is the formal neighbourhood . It is defined to be the direct limit in the sense of formal schemes, of the family of schemes . The completion of Definition 3.10 on the other hand is equivalent to the direct limit of the -schemes in the category of affine schemes.

Warning 3.11.

The definition above could lead to pathological situations if was not assumed to be affine. For example, if is an embedded projective curve, the inverse limit in the category of -modules is not necessarily quasi-coherent.

By virtue of Chevalley’s theorem Reference Gro64 (or for a recent exposition, see Conrad Reference Con07), affineness of only depends on the underlying reduced subscheme (i.e. Chevalley’s theorem implies that a scheme is affine if and only if the associated reduced scheme is affine).

Given a variety with a flag of closed subschemes one can iteratively complete and localize at the flag. This is captured by the following algorithmic definition.

Definition 3.12.

Let be a Noetherian -scheme and a -algebra. Given a flag of closed subschemes , with of pure dimension , we define a collection of schemes for by running the following recursive algorithm:







We need to verify that this algorithm is well-defined, by checking that the affineness condition of Definition 3.10 is satisfied whenever we perform step (c). This is the content of the following lemma.

Lemma 3.13.

For the schemes are affine.


This statement is established by induction on , where the base case is clear, since is defined to be the completion of at the affine scheme . Here we used that was assumed to be zero-dimensional, and therefore is automatically affine.

Let us assume that the assertion is known for all , which satisfy . We will show that it also holds for . By definition we have

Since is a closed immersion (hence in particular affine), we see that the projection map is also a closed immersion (and therefore affine). Moreover, the scheme is constructed as the completion at the scheme , which we know to be affine by the induction hypothesis. This shows that is affine, and therefore that the closed subscheme is affine too. This concludes the proof.

Remark 3.14.

Pullback along the natural morphism

of pairs induces an equivalence of derived categories of perfect complexes with support condition. In particular we have an equivalence of -theory . For a Noetherian ring this is a direct consequence of Theorem 2.6.3 in Reference TT90. The proof of the general case is deferred to Proposition B.8 in the appendix.

We recall the following result from Thomason–Trobaugh Reference TT90, Porism 2.7.1.

Lemma 3.15.

Let be a scheme of finite type over , with a subscheme finite over (in particular ). For every -algebra , we denote by

the canonical projection. If , then is a perfect complex of -modules.


This is a special case of Porism 2.7.1 in Reference TT90. Up to change of notation, the latter considers a finitely presented map , a quasi-compact open subset , which is the complement of a closed immersion , such that is proper, and is flat. Under these assumptions it is shown that the pushforward of a perfect complex supported on , is perfect.

In order to apply this result, one observes that a morphism of finite type over a field is finitely presented. Moreover, being of finite presentation, flat, or proper, is a notion invariant under base change. Since every finite morphism is in particular proper, all the conditions of the porism cited above are met.

We are now in a position to state the main result of this section. At first we need to introduce some notation. We denote by the morphism of -theory spectra

obtained as the boundary map of the bi-cartesian square

where we have used the equivalence of Remark 3.14. The morphisms in the bi-cartesian square above are induced by the inclusion maps between the respective pairs of schemes.

Definition 3.16 (Preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol).

Let be a Noetherian -scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes . For every -algebra , we have a projection . The pushforward sends to . Hence, we have a well-defined map

We call this the preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol

4. Spectral extensions and higher commutators

In this section we introduce the notion of a central extension of a group by a spectrum. We then define a generalization of the commutator pairing for such spectral extensions and relate it to Loday’s Steinberg symbols in algebraic -theory.

4.1. Classical central extensions

4.1.1. Central extensions

Let be an abelian group. A central extension of by , denoted , is a short exact sequence

such that , where denotes the centre of .

Definition 4.1.

We denote by the set of -tuples of pairwise commuting elements

Given , let , be elements in , respectively . Since , we see that the commutator defines an element in . Because is central in , a simple computation shows that this element is independent of the choice of liftings.

Definition 4.2.

Let be a central extension of by . We denote by the function .

Short calculations Reference Bro82, Exercise IV.3.8(a) show that is bi-multiplicative and anti-symmetric. For the convenience of the reader we include a proof.

Lemma 4.3.

For , we have the following relations:






The first identity can be established by the following computation:

where in the second equality sign we used that belongs to the centre of . The second identity follows from

This concludes the proof of the lemma.

A central extension as in Equation 38 corresponds to a monoidal map from to the groupoid (that is, the groupoid of -torsors with the natural symmetric monoidal structure). To see this directly, one observes that every fibre has the structure of an -torsor. Moreover, we have a natural isomorphism for every pair . Thus, Equation 38 gives rise to a map of monoidal groupoids

where is viewed as a discrete groupoid with monoidal structure given by the group operation, and denotes the classifying groupoid of -torsors. The following interpretation of the commutator pairing is well-known.

Lemma 4.4.

For we have that corresponds to the automorphism in obtained from the following chain of morphisms


Choosing lifts of and of , we can express the torsors as and as . We can also write

The symmetry constraint of induces an isomorphism with , which sends to .

Using the identification the element is sent to . We conclude that the resulting automorphism of the torsor sends the element to . Therefore, it corresponds to the commutator pairing .

4.1.2. Cohomological reformulation

The map Equation 39 is the looping of a map of pointed spaces

Since the target is equivalent to an Eilenberg–Mac Lane space (as unpointed spaces), homotopy classes of (unpointed) maps agree with . We denote the element in this cohomology group resulting from by .

If is an abelian group, then the group homology carries a natural graded commutative ring structure. Topologically this follows from inheriting a group structure from the commutative group , endowing it with the structure of an -group. Algebraically, this fact can be explained in terms of the shuffle product on the normalized bar complex. In the remark below we recall its definition.

Remark 4.5.

Recall that the -module is defined to be the free module on symbols , where the are pairwise distinct elements of the group . Using that is abelian, we define

where runs over all permutations of satisfying and (so-called shuffles). Extending -linearly, the shuffle product endows with the structure of a commutative dg-algebra.

This graded commutative ring structure brings us to the following definition.

Definition 4.6.

Let be an arbitrary group. Given , we denote by the corresponding morphism of groups, sending the standard vector to . Let denote as in Remark 4.5. We set

The class in corresponding to the cycle should be understood as an abstract commutator. A pair of commuting elements induces a map . Topologically speaking, the cycle is obtained by pushforward of the fundamental class of the torus to .

The following lemma is standard (e.g. it is an immediate consequence of Reference Bro82, Exercise IV.3.8.(b,c) combined with Reference Bro82, Theorem V.6.4(iii)).

Lemma 4.7.

Let denote the natural pairing between group cohomology and homology. Given a central extension of by , corresponding to the class , we have for all the identity

The following definition illustrates the flexibility of the cohomological viewpoint on commutators. We use the notation to denote an unpointed space, which represents the (co-)functor valued in abelian groups.

Definition 4.8.

A higher central extension of by is an element of . Given we define

In the following subsection we will formally generalize this definition to include central extensions by arbitrary spectra, not just those of Eilenberg–Mac Lane type.

4.2. Spectral extensions

4.2.1. Stable -categories and spectra

A fundamental example of a stable -category (see A.2) is given by the stable -category of spectra, which is defined to be the limit

where denotes the category of pointed spaces, and denotes the pointed loop space functor.

Every pointed space gives rise to a spectrum, denoted by . The infinite suspension functor has a right adjoint

The latter functor is equivalent to the projection to the first component

There is an array of functors to the category of abelian groups inducing a -structure on with heart .

The subcategory is equivalent to the -category of Picard groupoids (that is, group-like symmetric monoidal groupoids). More generally, the -category of connective spectra is equivalent to the -category of Segal’s -spaces (i.e. Picard -groupoids, or equivalently, infinite loop spaces).

The behaviour of the -category of spectra with respect to this -structure reveals a remarkable similarity with the derived category of abelian groups. This time we have homology groups

inducing a -structure on . Again, the heart is equivalent to the category of abelian groups. Chain complexes in , i.e. those concentrated in degree and , are, according to a theorem of Deligne, equivalent to strictly commutative Picard groupoids. The Dold-Kan correspondence asserts that objects in correspond to simplicial abelian groups.

It seems therefore appropriate to think of spectra as another generalization of abelian groups. The derived category of abelian groups serves a similar purpose, but working with spectra corresponds to only stipulating a weak commutativity law, which allows spectra to capture phenomena which could not be seen in the strict framework of chain complexes of abelian groups.

4.2.2. Generalized group cohomology

For every spectrum , we have an associated generalized cohomology theory denoted by

We define generalized group cohomology to be .

Definition 4.9.

A spectral extension of by is a class .

Every abelian group can be viewed as a spectrum by means of the Eilenberg–Mac Lane construction. Forgetting base points, we have an equivalence of unpointed spaces .

A higher central extension of by in the sense of Definition 4.8, is given by an element of . By the discussion above, we can therefore say that a higher central extension of by is the same thing as a spectral extension of by the -fold suspension spectrum .

Remark 4.10.

The definition of a spectral extension given in Definition 4.9 introduces only the cocycle (up to equivalence) of what should be a central extension by a spectrum. Without doubt it would be possible to give a definition along the lines of Paragraph 4.1.1. However, spelling out such a definition would certainly be more cumbersome than the shortcut used in Definition 4.9, which is exactly the viewpoint we need to study higher commutators in the next paragraph.

4.3. The case of spectral extensions

4.3.1. Basic definitions

Our definition of higher commutators for spectral extensions hinges on three -categories whose objects belong to the canon of classical homotopy theory. These -categories have already made an appearance earlier in the paper.


The -category of unpointed spaces , as defined in Reference Lurb, Definition


The -category of pointed spaces will be referred to as (see Reference Lura, Notation


The stable -category of spectra (see Reference Lura, Definition

All three -categories happen to be generated under small colimits by a single object. Spaces are generated by the singleton (see Reference Lurb, Theorem applied to being the -category consisting of a single object and only the identity morphism), pointed spaces by a pointed space with two elements (combine the aforementioned result, and Reference Lura, Proposition, and is generated by the sphere spectrum (see Reference Lura, Corollary Furthermore, these -categories do not just exist in isolation from each other, but are related by a chain of functors.


The functor is well-defined (up to a contractible space of choices) by the fact that it commutes with small colimits and sends the singleton space to a pointed space with two elements . Informally speaking it assigns to a space the pointed space obtained as the disjoint union with base point .


The infinite suspension functor is well-defined (up to a contractible space of choices) by stipulating that it commutes with small colimits, and sends to the sphere spectrum .

Definition 4.11.

The composition of and will be denoted by .

The fact that , and are generated by one object is not only convenient for defining functors between them, but also implies directly that they are presentable -categories (see Reference Lurb, Theorem In Reference Lura, §4.8.2, a symmetric monoidal structure on (the -category of small presentable -categories) is used to establish the existence of symmetric monoidal smash products on and , as well as compatibility between them. Just as one can talk of commutative algebra objects in a symmetric monoidal (1-)category, one can talk about analogous objects in a symmetric monoidal -category. These go by the name of -rings or -objects (see Reference May77 or Reference Lura, §7). We encourage the reader to think of these as a higher homotopical analogue of commutative rings, or commutative DGAs.

4.3.2. Short summary

The functor is symmetric monoidal with respect to the cartesian symmetric monoidal structure on unpointed spaces and the smash product of spectra . That is, for two unpointed spaces , we have .

In particular this functor preserves -objects. We conclude that is a commutative ring spectrum. This induces a graded commutative product structure on and allows one to define higher commutators. We will now describe all of this in more detail.

4.3.3. Facts from modern homotopy theory


There exists a canonical symmetric monoidal structure on , the cartesian symmetric monoidal structure (see Reference Lura, Sect. 2.4.3). We denote the corresponding symmetric monoidal -category by . Up to a contractible space of choices it is well-defined by the fact that is a unit, and the induced bi-functor commutes in both variables with small colimits.


There exists a canonical symmetric monoidal structure on , we denote the symmetric monoidal category by . Up to a contractible space of choices it is well-defined by the property of having as a unit, and the induced bi-functor commuting with small colimits in both variables (see Reference Lura, Remark


There exists a canonical symmetric monoidal structure on , we denote the symmetric monoidal category by . Up to a contractible space of choices it is well-defined by the property of having the sphere spectrum as a unit, and the induced bi-functor commuting with small colimits in both variables (see Reference Lura, Corollary


The functors and have a natural symmetric monoidal structure (well-defined up to a contractible space of choices). In particular we have equivalences (well-defined up to a contractible space)

for and

for .

The facts (f)-(i) are well-known outside of the context of stable -categories. After passing to homotopy categories, one recovers the classical concepts. In particular, the symmetric monoidal structure on may be thought of as the smash product of pointed spaces

The advantage of the present approach is that it foregrounds the treatment of homotopy coherence, rather than having to build this after the fact for a particular space-level construction. We give a more detailed account of the proof of (i), since it is only implicit in Reference Lura, §4.8.2.

Proof of (i).

In Reference Lura, Definition Lurie defines what it means for a small colimit preserving functor of presentable -categories to realize as an idempotent object. It is then shown (see Reference Lura, Proposition that there is an equivalence on the full subcategory of corresponding to such morphisms, and the over-category of presentable symmetric monoidal -categories over .

In Reference Lura, Proposition & it is shown that and are naturally idempotent categories with respect to the canonical functors and . This is then used to deduce the existence of the symmetric monoidal structure mentioned in (g), (h). The same observation implies that and are symmetric monoidal functors (see Reference Lura, Proposition

Putting all of the facts recited above together, we obtain the following consequences.

Corollary 4.12.

The composition of functors is naturally equivalent to .


We begin by considering the category of pointed simplicial sets, which we will use as a model for the -category of pointed spaces. Let be a pointed simplicial set. We use the notation to denote the pointed simplicial set corresponding to the -sphere. We denote by the map of pointed simplicial sets which sends the base point of to the base point of , and the unique non-base point of to . Let be the unique left-inverse to this map in the category of pointed simplicial sets. We denote by the unique map of pointed simplicial sets, such that . These maps belong to a natural commutative diagram of pointed simplicial sets

The dashed arrow refers to the well-defined retract in pointed simplicial sets. For every there is a unique retract, hence it is natural. Passing from model categories to -categories (see Reference Lurb, A.2(2) we obtain a natural commutative diagram of functors taking values in .

Furthermore we remark that this is a cofibre diagram in . Applying the functor (which has a right adjoint and hence preserves small colimits by Reference Lurb, Proposition ) we obtain a natural bi-cartesian diagram of -valued functors , with a canonical splitting

We conclude that there is a natural equivalence of -valued functors.

Specialising this to the pointed space we obtain the equivalence:

Corollary 4.13.


The following assertion lies at the heart of the definition of higher commutators for spectral extensions.

Corollary 4.14.

The equivalence of Corollary 4.12 induces for a pointed space a natural morphism and a natural left inverse thereof


We have recorded in (e) above that is symmetric monoidal. Hence for every positive integer , and every unpointed space we get a contractible space of morphisms

For we can draw on the natural equivalence of functors for , which allows us to define a natural morphism with left inverse

Here we used repeatedly that commutes with small colimits in its entries.

We observe the following:

Remark 4.15.

The corollary above can be refined to produce a natural equivalence

for every pointed space .

The last conclusion we draw is again rather general.

Corollary 4.16.

The functor sends -objects in (unpointed) spaces to -ring spectra.


It is a general statement that symmetric monoidal functors preserve -objects (also called commutative algebra objects in Reference Lura). This follows directly from the definitions, we give the proof since we could not find a reference. In the notation of Reference Lura, Chapter 2, a symmetric monoidal structure on an -category is encoded by a functor satisfying certain properties (see Reference Lura, Definition A symmetric monoidal functor is given by a commutative diagram (see Reference Lura for a precise account of further technical conditions required from the functor)

On the other hand, a commutative algebra object in is encoded by a section which is a map of -operads (see Reference Lura, Definition It is therefore clear that a symmetric monoidal functor sends such a section for to one for .

4.3.4. The definition of higher commutators

Let be a groupoid, that is a category where all morphisms are invertible. The groupoid gives rise to an unpointed space, namely the geometric realization of its nerve . Henceforth this will be implicit, and we use this construction to realize the -category of groupoids as a full subcategory of the -category of unpointed spaces .

Every group gives rise to a groupoid , by definition the category with a unique object and . Consistent with the paragraph above, we also denote the associated unpointed space by . However we remark that the functor factors through the -category of pointed spaces :

Let be a spectrum, and a groupoid. A spectral extension of by is defined to be a morphism . In particular, for a group, a spectral extension of by is given by a morphism .

Definition 4.17.

Let be an object. We denote by the groupoid whose objects are tuples where is an object, and is an -tuple of pairwise commuting automorphisms. Morphisms in are given by a morphism , such that for all . This defines an endofunctor of the -category of groupoids .

Objects of are pairwise commuting -tuples of automorphisms in at a fixed object . It follows that there is a natural equivalence .

Lemma 4.18.

With respect to the embedding of groupoids in unpointed spaces, the functor

is naturally equivalent to .


We obtain the object as the image of under the corresponding map of unpointed spaces . Since we have a canonical choice for an -tuple of pairwise commuting automorphisms, given by the standard basis of . We then transport this choice along the induced map of groups to conclude the proof.

Recall that is a strict abelian group object in . We obtain from Corollary 4.16 that is an -ring spectrum. In particular we see that is a graded commutative algebra. We will write to denote the product of two elements, and more generally for the product of elements.

Definition 4.19.

Let be a spectral extension of a groupoid by a spectrum .


Corollary 4.12 applied to the pointed space yields a splitting . The map of spectra will be denoted by .


For an integer satisfying we let be the map given by the inclusion of the -th component. We write for the induced map of pointed spaces. The induced element is denoted by .


Let be an -tuple of pairwise commuting automorphisms. We denote the induced map of spectra by . The higher commutator is defined to be and will be denoted by .

4.3.5. Comparison

In order to show that this definition is non-trivial we compare it to the construction of Definition 4.8.

Lemma 4.20.

Let be a group, and let be a higher central extension corresponding to a map and let be an -tuple of pairwise commuting elements. With respect to the natural isomorphism we have that the spectral higher commutator agrees with the higher commutator of Definition 4.8.


Recall that for an unpointed space we have the Hurewicz morphism , obtained by applying the functor to the morphism of spectra

where we use the notation to denote the Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum corresponding to the ring .

If is an -object in (unpointed) spaces (that is, a commutative monoid), we have already seen that and are endowed with a graded commutative product structure. The Hurewicz morphism respects this product, since the morphism Equation 42 is a morphism of -ring spectra, induced by the morphism of -ring spectra .

We have a commutative diagram of abelian groups

and furthermore we have by the discussion above. By virtue of Definitions 4.19 and 4.8 we conclude that the new notions of higher commutators agree.

4.3.6. Computing higher commutators recursively

For a group , and , we write to denote the centralizer. We now describe a version of the classical slash product to associate to a spectral extension and an element , a spectral extension .

Definition 4.21.

Let be a groupoid, an object, and an automorphism. We denote by a spectral extension of by .


We let be the map of unpointed spaces induced by the inclusion .


Let be the map of unpointed spaces induced by the map of groups sending to , and given by the inclusion of .


We denote by the map specified by Corollary 4.13.


The map is defined to be the adjoint to the map

defined by the composition

where we have used that is symmetric monoidal as explained in (i) above.

The following assertion follows right from the definitions.

Lemma 4.22.

Let . Then we have

4.3.7. Comparison with Osipov–Zhu’s definition for

Recall that a groupoid endowed with a symmetric monoidal structure is called a Picard groupoid, if the monoidal structure is group-like. That is, the induced monoid structure on the set of isomorphism classes is a group structure. We denote by a Picard groupoid, and by a unit. The group is abelian (as a consequence of the Eckmann–Hilton trick), and will be denoted by . Similar conventions will be applied to Picard -groupoids, that is, group-like symmetric monoidal -groupoids.

Given a spectral extension of by and an element , we constructed (see Definition 4.21) a spectral extension of the centralizer by . This shifted spectral extension satisfies the identity (Lemma 4.22)

Readers of Osipov–Zhu’s Reference OZ11 will recognize the similarity with their recursive definition of higher commutators. The authors of loc. cit. associate to an extension of a group by a Picard groupoid , and an element a (graded) central extension of by . Eventually, the commutator is defined to be with respect to the latter central extension. Here denotes the commutator pairing of Reference OZ11, Lemma-Definition 2.5.

Proposition 4.23.

Let be the monoidal map corresponding to a central extension of by . We denote by the corresponding spectral extension of by , the spectrum associated to the Picard groupoid . Then,


At first we recall Osipov–Zhu’s construction of the central extension of the centralizer by . In Reference OZ11, Lemma-Definition 2.13 they define a symmetric monoidal map

which sends to the element of given by

It is well-known that the -category of group-like symmetric monoidal -groupoids is equivalent to the full subcategory of the -category of spectra , consisting of spectra with vanishing for . This assertion can be deduced from a result of Boardman–Vogt and May (see Reference Lura, Theorem

This equivalence allows one to consider as a spectrum, which we denote . Osipov–Zhu’s map Equation 43 is then an explicit description of the adjoint to

and hence is equivalent to the central extension defined in Definition 4.21. We infer the following assertion:

Claim 4.24.

The symmetric monoidal map defined in Reference OZ11, Lemma-Definition 2.13 is homotopic to the map of Definition 4.21, with respect to the natural embedding of Picard groupoids into the -category of spectra.

It remains to compare Osipov–Zhu’s of Reference OZ11, Lemma-Definition 2.5 with . This is the content of the next assertion.

Claim 4.25.

Let be a group, a Picard groupoid, and a monoidal morphism. We denote by the corresponding spectral extension of by . Then we have for the equality of elements of .

For any , we have that the map of Reference OZ11, Lemma-Definition 2.5 is homotopic to (by an argument analogous to the one above, one category level down).

To deduce Claim 4.25, observe that it follows directly from the definition given in Reference OZ11, Lemma-Definition 2.5 that , and similarly, we know by virtue of Lemma 4.22 that . We deduce

This concludes the proof of Claim 4.25. The proposition follows.

4.4. Spectral extensions coming from the K-theory of rings

We begin with a quick review of the relevant facts about -theory. This will also serve to fix notation. Experts should feel free to skip ahead.

4.4.1. Steinberg symbols

In the following we denote by a ring, again assumed commutative and unital. Careful inspection of the definition of your choice of algebraic -theory, reveals the existence of a canonical morphism

More generally, for a stable -category , there is a canonical morphism

The morphism Equation 44 is a special case of this construction.⁠Footnote25


I.e. after factoring through the inclusion .

Definition 4.26.

The existence of the morphism Equation 44 can be restated as saying that the groupoid is canonically endowed with a central extension by . Similarly, Equation 45 amounts to the -groupoid being endowed with a central extension by . We will denote the extensions by and respectively.

The central extension of by has appeared in work of Safronov Reference Saf16. The theory of higher commutators developed in this section enables us to generalize Steinberg symbols to a general stable -category.

Definition 4.27.

We denote by a map of unpointed spaces mapping the base point of to . The map

is referred to as the higher commutator with respect to the natural extension of by .

The justification of the terminology Steinberg symbol is provided by the next proposition, which compares the higher commutators of Definition 4.27 with Loday’s higher Steinberg symbols, for the category of finitely generated projective -modules.

Proposition 4.28.

Let be a commutative ring, and be an -tuple of units in . The higher commutator , computed with respect to the spectral extension of Definition 4.26, agrees with Loday’s higher Steinberg symbol .

Before giving the proof, we recall Loday’s definition from Reference Lod76. In modern language, Loday’s construction of the Steinberg symbols relies on the -ring structure of (in which the product is induced by the tensor product of -modules). If is an -tuple of paths in based at , the multiplication induces a map

which defines an element of .

Proof of Proposition 4.28.

Let be an exact category with a bi-exact symmetric monoidal structure . This endows the maximal pointed groupoid with a symmetric monoidal structure . By definition, the canonical map is a map of -ring spectra.

For the symmetric monoidal exact category of finitely generated projective -modules, we have a symmetric monoidal morphism It is obtained by viewing as the symmetric monoidal category of free -modules of rank . Therefore we have a morphism of -objects in (unpointed) spaces. By virtue of Corollary 4.16 we obtain a morphism of -ring spectra

For the resulting map is symmetric monoidal, and therefore, another application of Corollary 4.16 yields a morphism of -ring spectra

Composing the morphism of -ring spectra defined above, we obtain

Recall that we have a functor from the homotopy category of -ring spectra to the category of graded commutative rings. This implies the equality where we denote by the standard basis of . By definition of higher commutators, the left hand side agrees with . The right hand side on the other hand is given by Loday’s higher Steinberg symbol . This concludes the proof.

5. The CC symbol via Tate categories

Now we are almost ready give the full definition of our higher Contou-Carrère symbol, pursuing the strategy which had called Idea 2 in the introduction.

5.1. Lattices and Tate objects

5.1.1. Tate objects in exact categories

We recall the constructions of Ind, Pro, and Tate objects in exact categories, and refer the reader to Reference BGW16c for background. The ideas of these constructions go back to papers by Beilinson Reference Bei87 and Kato Reference Kat00, and have also been studied by Previdi in Reference Pre11. We also refer the reader to Drinfeld’s theory of Tate -modules introduced in Reference Dri06.

A filtered set is a set together with a partial ordering , such that for each pair there exists a , satisfying and . Every filtered set can be viewed as a category in a straightforward manner.

Let be an exact category. An admissible Ind-object in indexed by is a functor , such that the relation determines an admissible monomorphism with respect to the exact structure of . For example, we can take to be the set with its natural ordering. An -indexed admissible Ind-object in can then be pictured as a formal colimit of a diagram

Every admissible Ind-object gives rise to a left exact presheaf. To one associates the presheaf The resulting full subcategory of of all objects of this shape is denoted by . In Theorem 3.7 of Reference BGW16c the authors showed that is an extension closed subcategory of . This implies that it inherits a structure of an exact category.

Admissible Pro-objects in are defined dually, i.e. by replacing the role of admissible monomorphisms by admissible epimorphisms. In short we have, . An admissible Pro-object indexed by a filtered set is a functor , which sends to an admissible epimorphism in . For we obtain the dual depiction of a Pro-object as a formal limit of a diagram

An elementary Tate object is an admissible Ind-Pro-object, i.e. an object in , which can be (non-canonically) written as an extension

with and . We refer to any such as a lattice in . The category of elementary Tate objects in has a natural exact structure (Theorem 5.4 in Reference BGW16c), and will be denoted by .

Proposition 5.1 (Kapranov).

If is a field, then , i.e. the exact category of elementary Tate objects of finite-dimensional -vector spaces, is equivalent to the category of locally linearly compact topological -vector spaces (as exact categories).

See Reference Kap01, §1.1.2.

The exact category of Tate objects in is defined to be the idempotent completion of . If is a ring, and , the exact category of finitely-generated projective -modules, then contains Drinfeld’s category of Tate -modules as a full subcategory. See Reference BGW16c, Thm. 5.26, where we show that for countable index sets , the two categories are in fact equivalent. We emphasize that in Reference Dri06, Drinfeld refers to what we call lattices as co-projective lattices.

Definition 5.2.

For a category (respectively -category), we denote by the maximal groupoid contained in (respectively -groupoid).

The following result is Reference BGW18b, Prop. 3.3.

Proposition 5.3.

For an idempotent complete exact category , we denote by the simplicial object in groupoids, which parametrizes chains , where is an elementary Tate object in , and each is a lattice in . We have a forgetful morphism , which induces an equivalence .

5.1.2. The index map

Let be an exact category, following Waldhausen Reference Wal85 we denote by the exact category, whose objects correspond to chains

of admissible monomorphisms (plus a fixed choice for all possible quotients among these objects). The fit together to give a simplicial object in the -category of exact categories: face maps are given by omitting an object/composing maps, and degeneracies by inserting the identity map.

Waldhausen’s treatment of algebraic -theory in Reference Wal85 implies that, for an exact category , the classifying space is equivalent to the geometric realization of the simplicial object in groupoids .

Now let be an idempotent complete exact category, and let be as in Proposition 5.3.

Definition 5.4.

Let be the map sending to . Whenever convenient,

the geometric realization , as well as

the induced map (see Reference BGW18b, Cor. 3.5)

will also be denoted and called the index map as well.

This is the map which we had alluded to in the introduction of the paper, see Equation Equation 27.

For every elementary Tate object , we obtain from

a monoidal map

by applying the loop space functor . Above, the map is the one coming from the construction of Remark 2.8.

5.2. The classical Contou-Carrère symbol

5.2.1. The Contou-Carrère symbol

We had recalled the classical tame symbol in Equation Equation 13. The Contou-Carrère symbol arises as a “deformation” of the tame symbol for the discrete valuation ring . For every (commutative) -algebra , we can consider the ring of formal Laurent series , which is almost never a discrete valuation ring. Nonetheless, there exists a natural pairing , which specializes to the tame symbol for the case . For , the explicit formula Equation 13 no longer holds. However the interpretation of the tame symbol as a graded commutator Reference ADCK89 remains valid for Contou-Carrère symbols by work of Anderson–Pablos Romo Reference APR04 and Beilinson–Bloch–Esnault Reference BBE02. We hence begin by summarizing the definition using graded commutators.

We denote by the Tate object in , see Reference BGW16b, Example 10 for a precise definition. There is a natural map . Let denote the spectrum associated to the Picard groupoid of graded -lines. For each , the index map and determinant give rise to a spectral extension

Looping the adjoint of this map yields an -map

classifying a graded central extension of . The construction is natural in maps , so it defines a central extension of group-valued sheaves. We record this observation in the following definition. Recall that the loop group is defined as the group-valued presheaf

sending to .

Definition 5.5.

The graded central extension Equation 50 of will be denoted by

and referred to as the Kac–Moody extension of the loop group. We denote the spectral Kac–Moody extension Equation 49 by

where denotes the presheaf in connective spectra, sending a ring to .

Note that the Kac-Moody extension is obtained from the spectral Kac-Moody extension by looping and applying the determinant.

We can now recall the following well-known result, which generalizes the main result of the paper Reference APR04 to arbitrary -algebras (without restricting to the artinian case).

Proposition 5.6.

The graded central extension of Definition 5.5 relates to the Contou-Carrère symbol by means of the relation


Proposition 3.3 of Reference BBE02 verifies that the classical notion of the Kac–Moody extension of loop groups has this property. In Reference BGW18b, §5.3, and Prop. 5.3 we compare the extension with its classical definition in terms of determinant lines.

5.3. Higher Contou-Carrère symbols

We begin this Subsection with a definition, in order to avoid the cumbersome notation .

Definition 5.7.

The -fold loop group of a group-valued presheaf is defined to be the group-valued presheaf which sends the affine scheme to .

There is an analogue of the Kac–Moody extension for loop groups. Denoting by the -Tate object in , we have a natural map

for every -algebra . The index map gives rise to a spectral extension

of by . As above, the construction is natural in maps , so it defines a central extension of sheaves in groups.

Definition 5.8.

The spectral extension Equation 51 of by will be referred to as the canonical spectral extension of the -fold loop group . We denote the corresponding map of spectra by .

As an application of this construction we give a definition of higher Contou-Carrère symbols.

Definition 5.9.

Let . We denote by the determinant map . The Contou-Carrère symbol is defined to be the higher commutator

The study of the higher Contou-Carrère symbol for an -tuple in , with a -algebra, has been pioneered by Osipov–Zhu in the case of (see Reference OZ16). They identified this symbol with a higher commutator in a central extension of the double loop group by . Inspired by this observation and the one-dimensional case (Proposition 5.6), they define the two-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol for general -algebras as a higher commutator .

Proposition 5.10.

Definition 5.9 is compatible with the definition of Contou-Carrère in dimension , and Osipov–Zhu in dimension .

The proof of the -dimensional case was the content of Proposition 5.6. We now turn to verifying the assertion for .

Proof of the -dimensional case.

Osipov–Zhu construct a central extension of by the Picard groupoid (Reference OZ16, p. 28), and define for a triple in , as the higher commutator . We have seen in Proposition 4.23 that . So to conclude the assertion, we need to verify that for the spectral extension of constructed in Definition 5.8 is related to the extension

constructed by Osipov–Zhu.

By Nisnevich descent, it suffices to consider rings with . We then have a commutative diagram

Using the adjunction between and , we obtain a map

Picking a basepoint in and looping once yields an -map to the classifying space of the Picard groupoid of graded lines

We have to show that this morphism is times of the one constructed by Osipov–Zhu. According to Reference BGW18a, Prop. 3.28 & Thm. 3.31, sends to

for a lattice containing both and , with the monoidal structure being defined in terms of common enveloping lattices. This is precisely the dual of the definition given by Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16, p. 28.

The comparison of the generalized Contou-Carrère symbol with the classical cases in dimension and already shows that our definition produces a non-trivial map in these dimensions. We will explain why this is also the case in general.

Remark 5.11.

Let be a field extension and a ring homomorphism. Since our constructions are functorial in the -algebra we see that

for . If we choose for and we obtain . This follows from Corollary 6.6 below, which asserts that the higher Contou-Carrère symbol for a field agrees with the tame symbol.

After these preparations, let us return to geometry. Let be a Noetherian -scheme and a saturated flag of integral closed subschemes . Moreover, suppose we are given a -algebra . Equipped with this data, we defined objects and in §3.1.

By Theorem 7.10 of Reference BGW16c, the object carries a canonical structure of a higher Tate object. In particular, we see that gives rise to an -Tate object in the abelian category (coherent sheaves on , set-theoretically supported at ). If is defined over a field , then, because is -dimensional, global sections give rise to an exact functor

Thus, gives rise to an -Tate object in the category of finite-dimensional vector spaces over . If is an arbitrary -algebra, the tensor product determines an exact functor

Definition 5.12.

Let , , , and be as described earlier. We define

The -module underlying (via the forgetful functor ) inherits a -algebra structure from ; we denote this -algebra by . For a group scheme over , we define the iterated loop group at to be the group-valued presheaf given by

By definition, we have .

Example 5.13.

If , and , then we have , and .

Note that for any ring , the exact category of finitely-generated projective modules is the idempotent completion of the exact category of finitely-generated free -modules. Therefore, any exact functor , into any idempotent complete exact category , is determined by up to equivalence.

Definition 5.14 (Spectral Contou-Carrère symbol).

Let be the unique functor sending to . The composition

will be referred to as the spectral Contou-Carrère symbol.

Replacing -theory by -theory (i.e. working with all coherent sheaves instead of only locally free ones), we obtain an analogous spectrification of the tame symbol.

Definition 5.15.

Let be the unique functor sending to . The composition

will be referred to as the spectral tame symbol.

Switching back to the Contou-Carrère setup, we can use higher commutators to extract Contou-Carrère symbols from the morphism of spectra in Definition 5.14.

Definition 5.16.

Denote by the map induced by the determinant of matrices. For an -tuple we define

and refer to this expression as the Contou-Carrère symbol of at .

6. Comparison of both definitions

This section is devoted to linking higher Contou-Carrère symbols to their classical counterparts.

6.1. -theory and Tate categories

6.1.1. For exact categories

Schlichting developed a localization theorem for exact categories in Reference Sch04, which states that, for every left (respectively right) s-filtering inclusion of exact categories the quotient category carries a natural structure as an exact category. Moreover, attaching their associated stable -categories to them as in Definition 2.6,

becomes an exact sequence of stable -categories. Further, if is idempotent complete, then by Proposition 2.4 (3), we obtain a bi-cartesian square of spectra

where the relation holds essentially by definition. Schlichting observed that if one chooses such that , then the boundary morphism of this square gives an equivalence Proposition 2.4 (1) guarantees that for every exact category . Thus, we see that, for idempotent complete, we have a canonical delooping Using similar techniques, Saito establishes an abstract equivalence in Reference Sai15. In fact, this equivalence can be constructed as the composition

followed by

In the first row, the first equivalence follows from the cofinal invariance of non-connective -theory (i.e. (2) of Proposition 2.4). The second map is an equivalence as a corollary of the aforementioned localization theorem, and the third equivalence exists already on the level of exact categories (e.g. Reference BGW16c, Prop. 5.32).

The index map of Definition 5.4 is an explicit description of these boundary maps. See Reference BGW18b, Thm. 3.6 for the proof.

Theorem 6.1.

Let be an idempotent complete exact category. The exact equivalence of exact categories (see Reference BGW16c, Prop. 5.32) induces a commutative diagram

where both and arise as the boundary maps of the localization sequences discussed above.

This theorem motivates the following definition of the non-connective index map.

Definition 6.2.

For an idempotent complete exact category , we define the map as the composition so that the diagram

commutes, where is the map of Equation Equation 53.

6.1.2. Suspension and Calkin objects for stable -categories

Let be a stable -category, and an infinite cardinal. Recall Definition 2.5, which defines the suspension as the localization

and which defines the -category of Calkin objects as the idempotent completion of the suspension.

Since non-connective -theory cannot distinguish between a category and its idempotent completion (see (2) of Proposition 2.4): we will often omit the cardinal from our notation. Following Schlichting Reference Sch04, Blumberg–Gepner–Tabuada Reference BGT13 observed the following delooping property for -theory introduced in Equation 32.

Proposition 6.3.

The boundary map of the localization sequence of the exact sequence

of stable -categories, induces an equivalence of non-connective -theory spectra .

This result serves as a motivation to call the suspension of . Recall that the suspension of a topological space is formed by embedding into the cone , which is contractible. The resulting homotopy cofibre, obtained by taking the quotient space, is one possible incarnation of the suspension. By analogy, Schlichting embeds a category into an ambient -contractible category , and takes the quotient to obtain the categorical suspension. A second possibility is to construct the suspension of by glueing a second copy to the cone along the common subspace . Since is contractible, this yields a homotopy equivalent space. Categorically this is analogous to pasting the -contractible categories and along the common subcategory . This is the underlying idea of Saito’s delooping statement. For later use, we record the following naturality property.

Lemma 6.4 (Naturality).

For every idempotent complete exact category , there exists a commutative diagram

of spectra, where the horizontal maps are the equivalences stipulated by Lemma 2.7, and the vertical maps are the equivalences coming from the boundary maps of the localization sequence discussed above.

6.2. Comparison

Theorem 6.5.

Let be a Noetherian -scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes . For every -algebra , the spectral Contou-Carrère symbol of Definition 5.14 agrees with the -fold delooping of the preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol of Definition 3.16.

The proof of this result will be given in the next paragraph. It uses the concept of realization functors which we will subsequently introduce. We conclude:

Corollary 6.6.

For a field, the Contou-Carrère symbol agrees with the higher tame symbol for algebraic -theory.

6.3. Contou-Carrère symbols and realization functors

Definition 6.7 (Tate realization).

Let be a Noetherian scheme, and an open immersion, with complement denoted by . Let be a closed subscheme of , such that the open immersion is affine.⁠Footnote26 Then, we have exact functors , , and , defined as follows.


In Lemma 6.9 (a) we show that this is condition only depends on the underlying closed subspace .


The functor sends to , viewed as an ascending union of coherent sheaves on with set-theoretic support in .


We denote by the inclusion of the -th order infinitesimal neighbourhood of . We define to be the functor sending to the Pro-system .


Combining (a) and (b) we obtain a functor

Remark 6.8.

One can check that the functor of Definition 6.7(c) factors through . Indeed, for every we have a -term exact sequence

The kernel on the left hand side is equivalent to , hence the quotient of by this object lies again in . The object on the right hand side lies in . This allows us to represent as an extension of an admissible Ind-object by an admissible Pro object. Hence, has a lattice, i.e. is an elementary Tate object.

Definition 6.7 contains the condition that the inclusion is affine. It is important to note the following two observations.

Lemma 6.9.

We have the following:


Let be closed subschemes of a separated Noetherian scheme , satisfying . For an open subscheme we have that is affine if and only if is affine.


Let be a closed immersion into a separated Noetherian scheme , and an open subscheme with closed complement denoted by . If , and , then the inclusion is affine.


Assertion (a) follows from the fact that a scheme is affine if and only if the underlying reduced scheme is affine (which is a consequence of Chevalley’s theorem, see Reference Con07). To verify (b), we observe that is a discrete subset consisting of closed points (since it is of dimension ), and we may therefore replace without loss of generality by . Then, the complement agrees with the discrete subset , where each is a generic point of the one-dimensional scheme . Since each of the inclusions is affine, the same is true for

since a finite coproduct of affine schemes is affine.

We call these functors realization functors, since they associate to a coherent sheaf on a Tate object in . For our purposes it will be necessary to have similar functors for perfect complexes on at our disposal. This is achieved by the following definition. We denote the derived -category of pseudo-coherent complexes of sheaves (resp. complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves) on a scheme by (resp. ).

Definition 6.10 (Calkin realization).

Let , , be quasi-compact and quasi-separated schemes, with a closed embedding, and .


We denote by

the functor given by .


Let be the functor induced by :


The functors and have a version for the stable -categories of pseudo-coherent complexes of sheaves:


Lemma 6.11.

Let , , and be as in Definition 6.10. Let be a morphism of schemes. For an affine flat morphism we denote the base changes , , and by , , and . We then have a commutative diagram


The assumptions on imply that we have a commuting square

By quotienting and taking idempotent, we obtain the commuting square of the lemma.

The Tate and Calkin realization for coherent sheaves (respectively pseudo-coherent complexes) are related by the composition of the natural exact functors

Lemma 6.12.

Let be Noetherian, and , , and satisfy the conditions of Definition 6.7. We have a commuting square

of -categories, where denotes the canonical functor.


According to Definition 6.10 we have that, for every pseudo-coherent complex on with set-theoretic support in ,

Since is proper and affine by assumption, we have that for the expression has vanishing higher cohomology groups. In particular, can be represented by the admissible Ind-object . By Remark 6.8, this admissible Ind-object represents the Calkin object corresponding to the Tate object . The general case, i.e. of a coherent sheaf on which does not extend to , follows by passing to idempotent completions.

The discussion above gives rise to the top square in the commutative diagram below, where denotes the canonical functor to the derived category, and is the exact functor of Theorem 6.1:

where is the functor obtained by sending to , where is a pseudo-coherent subsheaf of , such that . The outer square yields the required commutative diagram.

For a Noetherian scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes we denote by the scheme obtained by applying Definition 3.12 of for . We now construct a sequence of Tate realization functors

Lemma 6.9(b) implies that the crucial affineness condition of Definition 6.7 is satisfied in this now case for dimension reasons. Composition of these exact functors yields a well-defined exact functor

The proposition below can also be obtained from Reference BGW16c.

Proposition 6.13.

The functor agrees with the (-Tate object valued) Beilinson-Parshin adèles .


The functors and of Definition 6.7 mirror localization and completion with respect to the scheme . In particular, we see for that .

Composing with pushforward , we obtain an exact functor

Definition 6.14.

Let be a Noetherian -scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes. For every -algebra we denote by the full subcategory of , consisting of coherent sheaves which are pulled back along the canonical map . Denoting by

the exact functor induced by we have a unique -linear functor

such that the following diagram commutes:

Proposition 6.15.

We denote by the exact category of free vector bundles on a scheme . Let be a finite type, separated -scheme of dimension , and let be a saturated flag of closed subschemes. For every -algebra , the diagram

is commutative.


For this follows from applying the comparison of Lemma 6.12 iteratively. The general case follows from the base change invariance of the Calkin realization (Lemma 6.11), and Definition 6.14 of the functor by base change.

We are now ready to prove that the spectral Contou-Carrère symbol can be represented as the composition .

Proof of Theorem 6.5.

Proposition 6.15 established a compatibility between the Tate and Calkin realization: Applying the non-connective algebraic -theory functor to this equivalence, we obtain two equivalent maps

Here, we made use of the fact that non-connective algebraic -theory is cofinally invariant, i.e. cannot distinguish between an exact category and its idempotent completion. In particular,

By Proposition 6.13, and by the definition of by base change (Definition 6.14 ), we see that the second map of Equation 54 agrees with Hence, this map agrees with the spectral Contou-Carrère symbol, by Definition 5.14. To conclude the proof we have to compare the first map with the -fold composition of the boundary map Definition 6.10 implies that for every triple we have a commutative cube of stable -categories

where the top square comes from the localization sequence of the closed embedding, and the lower square corresponds to the short exact sequence of stable -categories

Since the top and bottom face are localization sequences, applying yields a commutative cube with top and bottom face being bi-cartesian. In particular, we obtain a commutative triangle relating the boundary maps of the bottom and top face:

Applying this comparison times, we see that is equivalent to .

7. Reciprocity

Let be a proper integral curve over a field . We write for its set of closed points. For every commutative -algebra , , and a pair of units in the ring of -valued rational functions

the Contou-Carrère symbol gives an element of .

Theorem 7.1 (Weil, Anderson–Pablos Romo, Beilinson–Bloch–Esnault).

The product below is well-defined and satisfies

This reciprocity law has been proven by Weil for , it was generalized to the case of artinian rings by Anderson–Pablos Romo Reference APR04, and to general by Beilinson–Bloch–Esnault Reference BBE02, §3.4. Recently, Pál has shown in Reference Pál10 that, for artinian rings, the relative version of Weil reciprocity follows from the absolute case after a change of fields.

This section is concerned with an extension of this result to varieties of arbitrary dimension (and arbitrary rings ). The absolute case () is due to Kato Reference Kat86 (however, the case of surfaces was pioneered by Parshin). Recent work of Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16 established a Contou-Carrère reciprocity law for surfaces and artinian rings.

Fix an integer . As before, denotes a -algebra over a field . The main player is an -dimensional, integral, separated -scheme of finite type , together with an almost saturated flag

of closed integral subvarieties, satisfying . If , we assume that is proper over .

For every closed equiheighted -dimensional subset , satisfying we obtain a saturated flag . Note that we denote saturated flags by the letter for the sake of visual distinctness.

In order to formulate the reciprocity law, we need to construct an analogue of the ring of -valued rational functions on a curve . This ring should be naturally associated to the data and the -algebra . Further, for each as above, we require a specialization homomorphism

The latter is required to make sense of the factors of the product

Definition 7.2.

We define the following:


Let be a separated -dimensional -scheme of finite type, a -algebra, and an almost complete flag in . For each with of pure dimension and not necessarily irreducible, we denote the ring of regular functions on the scheme by . We define the ring to be the direct limit

where is a closed subset of pure dimension (not necessarily irreducible).


For every as in (a), we denote the natural ring homomorphism by .

In the definition above we can apply the operations and because we may replace the scheme by a suitable affine open neighbourhood.

After having introduced this colimit, we observe that the algebraic -theory is manageable for formal reasons. This will be used in the proof of our main result.

Remark 7.3.

Since non-connective -theory of rings commutes with filtered colimits (Theorem 7.2 of Reference TT90) one has

We are now ready to state the main result of this section, in a classical formulation:

Theorem 7.4 (Reciprocity for Contou-Carrère symbols).

Let be an integral separated -dimensional -scheme of finite type, and let be a commutative -algebra. Let be an almost saturated flag as in Equation 55. For every -tuple we have that the product below is well-defined and satisfies the identity

where is integral and of dimension .

We will deduce this result in Subsection 7.2 from an abstract reciprocity law for compositions of boundary maps (see Corollary 7.11). The reciprocity relation will be generalized to the existence of a null-homotopy for a certain map of spectra. We refer to such a construction as spectrification (following Beilinson).

7.1. Abstract reciprocity laws

7.1.1. Notation

In Appendix B.1 we explain a mild generalization of a construction due to Efimov, which allows one to complete a stable -category at a full subcategory . The resulting category is denoted by . This is a categorical analogue of completion in commutative algebra. We refer the reader to the appendix of Efimov’s Reference Efi10 for more details.

Definition 7.5.

Let be a stable -category as in Paragraph B.2.1.


A chain of localizing subcategories , will be referred to as a flag in .


We denote by .


We denote by .


We write .


We write .


Given a flag on as above, we define the iterated removal-completion operation by

with .

Let be a scheme. Given a flag of closed subschemes in ,

we obtain a flag of localizing subcategories of by defining to be . The following example is a special case of Proposition B.8 in the appendix.

Example 7.6.

Let be affine -space , and the flag given by . We then have

7.1.2. Reciprocity laws

In the following we denote by a stable -category, and consider a chain of localizing subcategories (as considered above). We will be concerned with the composition of boundary maps, connecting the non-connective -theory spectra of various stable -categories constructed from with the help of the localizing subcategories.

Let be a stable -category together with a localizing subcategory . With respect to the terminology introduced in Definition B.5 we have short exact sequences of stable -categories

and canonical functors

Furthermore, these short exact sequences and functors belong to a commutative diagram:

On the level of algebraic -theory, the localization sequences yields a boundary map

Theorem 7.7 (Abstract Weil reciprocity).

Let be a stable -category together with a localizing subcategory . We assume the existence of an exact functor , where denotes as well a stable -category. We denote the inclusion by , and the restriction by :

Under these assumptions the map defined as the composition

is homotopic to the zero map.


We have a commutative diagram:

Commutativity of the diagram above follows from the naturality of boundary maps in algebraic -theory (applied to Equation 57). This implies

We may therefore focus on establishing the null-homotopy of the map . We have a commuting diagram of spectra, with the square being bi-cartesian:

Commutativity of the square implies .

Example 7.8 (Weil reciprocity).

Let be a proper, integral curve over a field , we set , and for every reduced -dimensional closed subscheme (not assumed to be irreducible) we let be . We then have . Using the (derived) pushforward functor to the base field , Theorem 7.7 implies now that the canonical map

is homotopic to zero. The field of rational functions arises as the direct limit in particular we have , by virtue of Theorem 7.2 in Reference TT90. Since we have a functor from the direct limit of -categories to , by virtue of Theorem B.11(a), we obtain the commutative diagram in the stable -category of spectra on the left:

Passing to homotopy groups, we obtain the commutative diagram of abelian groups on the right. Thus, we see that , for all pairs of invertible rational functions on .

Similarly one could use this result to prove reciprocity for Contou-Carrère symbols, relative to any -algebra . We will give more details at the end of this section, when discussing the proof of reciprocity for higher-dimensional varieties.

Theorem 7.9 (Abstract Parshin reciprocity).

We denote by a stable -category, and by a length chain of localizing subcategories. The construction of Equation 56 applied to yields a functor which belongs to a commutative diagram

such that the composition of the top row is equivalent to the zero map.


As in the proof of Abstract Weil reciprocity, the existence of the commutative diagram follows directly from the naturality of boundary maps. We therefore turn to proving the existence of a null-homotopy for the composition of the top row. Similar to the proof of Theorem 7.7 we show that this composition factors through the juxtaposition of two subsequent maps in an exact sequence of spectra (thus is homotopic to ). This is achieved by the commuting diagram below on the left:

provided we can establish the existence of the dashed map. To explain the diagram, note that almost all of the maps appearing in the commutative diagram above are boundary sequences for localization sequences in algebraic -theory, the exception being which is induced by the inclusion of the localizing subcategory

A suitable candidate for the dashed map is given by the -theory boundary morphism of the exact sequence of stable -categories Naturality of boundary maps implies the existence of a commutative diagram with exact rows as depicted above on the right. Most of the arrows in the cubical diagram are not labelled. The respective maps are well-defined by the fact that the rows are localization sequences in -theory. The morphism is induced by the inclusion of the localizing subcategory (see also Definition B.5).

The front square of the commuting cube amounts to the existence of the commuting triangle containing the dashed map above. This concludes the proof.

Let us explain how this result implies Parshin’s reciprocity statement for surfaces.

Example 7.10 (Parshin reciprocity).

Let be an integral separated excellent surface. We denote by the stable -category . For a fixed closed point , we obtain a localizing subcategory . Moreover, for every integral curve , with , we have a localizing subcategory . Theorem B.11(a) implies that , and a direct limit of the -categories yields . Hence, by Theorem 7.9, we have a commutative diagram of -theory groups

in which the top map is trivial. Here denotes the ring of adèles for chains, , where can be an arbitrary irreducible curve containing . In particular, we see that for every triple we have the identity

where the product is indexed by integral closed curves containing .

Combining Theorems 7.7 and 7.9, we obtain an abstract analogue of Kato reciprocity. In the next subsection we will use this result to deduce a reciprocity law for Contou-Carrère symbols.

Corollary 7.11 (Abstract Kato reciprocity).

Let be a stable -category. We fix positive integers and , and assume that we have a chain of localizing subcategories , indexed by .


If , suppose that we have a commutative diagram

where denotes a stable -category. Then, the morphism defined as the following composition

is null-homotopic. Here, denotes the functor of Equation 56 applied to , and

denotes the induced functor, obtained by applying the functorial construction to .


If , then the following composition

is null-homotopic. Here, denotes the functor of Equation 56 applied to the localizing subcategory , and

denotes the induced functor, obtained by applying the functorial construction to .


The first assertion follows directly from Theorem 7.7, when setting , and .

We will now turn to the proof of the second assertion. For we denote by

the boundary morphism in -theory, associated to the short exact sequence

of stable -categories. Analogously, we have the boundary maps

and for

We want to show that the composition of these boundary maps satisfies In fact, Theorem 7.9 implies that . To see this one chooses the in loc. cit. to be the stable -category , , and .

Example 7.12 (Kato reciprocity).

Let be an integral separated excellent scheme of pure dimension . Let denote an almost saturated flag of closed integral subschemes

indexed by , with . If , we assume that is proper over a field . For every (not necessarily irreducible) reduced closed subscheme of pure dimension , and we obtain a natural chain of localizing subcategories on . Abstract Kato reciprocity (Corollary 7.11) now implies the existence of a commutative diagram

where we let for , and otherwise. As before, this implies that for an -tuple of invertible elements of , we have

where is integral and of dimension .

7.2. Reciprocity for Contou-Carrère symbols

In the following we fix a separated, reduced -scheme of finite type and dimension , a -algebra , and an integer . As in Example 7.12, denotes an almost saturated flag of closed integral subschemes

indexed by with , and satisfying . The condition of being almost saturated stipulates that up to the choice of , the flag cannot be further extended. If , we assume that is proper over a field .

Alluding to the notation of abstract Kato reciprocity (Corollary 7.11), we define

where is a not necessarily irreducible closed subset of pure dimension , satisfying .

Lemma 7.13.

Using the notation introduced earlier, we have the following equivalences.


(see Definition 7.2). In particular, taking the colimit of the diagram of these stable -categories indexed by all possible , we obtain .


For each we denote by the corresponding complete flag. Then we have .


The second assertion is a direct consequence of Theorem B.11(c). The first assertion is proven by similar means as the results in Subsection B.2.2: as in loc. cit. one proceeds by induction, where the -th step (due to the absence of completion) has to be treated separately (using Lemma B.9 instead of Corollary B.10).

Using the equivalences of stable -categories, provided by Lemma 7.13, abstract Kato reciprocity implies the following corollary.

Corollary 7.14 (Spectral Contou-Carrère reciprocity).

The following composition

is null-homotopic (see Definition 7.2). Taking the filtered colimit over , we obtain the composition

which is also null-homotopic.


Using Remark 7.3 one obtains the second commuting triangle from the first (including the null-homotopy), by taking a colimit ranging over the collection of all possible . At the beginning of this subsection, we have already defined a chain of localizing subcategories on , which allows us to evoke abstract Kato reciprocity (Corollary 7.11). We only need to verify that one of the conditions (a) or (b) holds, in order to apply this result. If , then is proper over by assumption. By virtue of Lemma 3.15 we obtain a pushforward functor

which yields the required commutative diagram

If , there is nothing to check. This concludes the proof of the first assertion.

The second assertion also follows by applying abstract Kato reciprocity (Corollary 7.11). For one defines as before, and in degree one sets , where ranges over all closed subsets which are of pure dimension and satisfy .

Proof of Theorem 7.4.

Let be a commuting -tuple of units in the ring . This corresponds to a map . The right hand side can be expressed as a colimit by definition of the ring (see Definition 7.2). Because the torus is compact, the map factors through a map for some .

The ring splits into a product over the irreducible components of . Therefore, spectral Contou-Carrère reciprocity 7.14 yields a commutative diagram

Passing to homotopy groups, and applying the resulting maps to the object represented by the Steinberg symbol (i.e. a higher commutator by Proposition 4.28), we obtain the identity

This concludes the proof.

Appendix A. Categorical and homotopical framework

A.1. -categories

We briefly review the main ideas from the theory of -categories that are repeatedly used in our work. For a more detailed overview, we refer the reader to Groth’s survey Reference Gro10.

A.1.1. Spaces are -Groupoids

The only topological spaces that play a role for us are those which are homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex. The term space (regardless of pointed or unpointed) will always refer to topological spaces of this type. Since every space is weakly equivalent to the geometric realization of the simplicial set of singular simplices , we could equivalently work with simplicial sets.

We now remind the reader of a hierarchy on the homotopy category of (unpointed) spaces.


A homotopy -type is an unpointed space homotopy equivalent to a discrete topological space,


a homotopy -type is an unpointed space with vanishing higher homotopy groups,


a homotopy -type is an unpointed space with for .

The category of homotopy -types is equivalent to the category of sets. The category of homotopy -types is closely related to the category of (small) groupoids . To a groupoid , one simply assigns the geometric realization of its nerve . Vice versa, given an unpointed topological space , we have the Poincaré groupoid . Its set of objects is the set of points in . A morphism from to is a homotopy class of paths connecting and .

The natural map of groupoids is not a strict isomorphism. However, it is an equivalence of groupoids. Using this fact, one can show that the above functors induce an equivalence between the -category of groupoids and the -category of homotopy -types. This motivates the following slogan of modern homotopy category:

The collection of homotopy -types forms the -category of -groupoids. Unpointed spaces correspond to -groupoids.

A.1.2. Simplicial sets and -categories

Intuitively speaking, an -category is a category enriched in -groupoids (i.e. unpointed spaces). Hence, for every pair of objects we have a space of morphisms . Since this space will only matter up to homotopy, composition should not be expected to be defined strictly, but only up to a homotopy, which itself is well-defined up to higher homotopies of all orders. It is difficult to extract a meaningful definition from this heuristic description, but its value should not be underestimated. To a large extent it is possible to work with -categories as a blackbox, as long as one accepts that there is a well-behaved calculus of homotopy coherent commutative diagrams.

In the rigorous setting of quasi-categories (see e.g. Lurie’s Reference Lurb), one defines -categories as simplicial sets satisfying a mild technical condition. This definition is motivated by the classical construction of nerves of categories. Recall that for a classical category we define its nerve to be the simplicial set with objects as -simplices, morphisms as -simplices, composable pairs of morphisms as -simplices, etc. Grothendieck observed that one can reconstruct a category from its nerve (even up to isomorphism of categories, see e.g. Reference Lurb). A simplicial set is the nerve of a category, if and only if it satisfies a collection of strict horn-filling conditions, the most important one of which is explained below.

The set of -simplices of can be understood as the set of commuting triangles as depicted below on the left:

The horn-filling condition in this particular case amounts to stating that every diagram as depicted above in the middle can be completed to a commuting triangle as above. For a classical category this can always be achieved in precisely one way.

Even if one does not know the definition of an -category, one could try to guess what the nerve of an -category should be. Accepting the above slogan that, whatever -categories are, we want to have a good calculus of commutative diagrams, we arrive as a definition for the set of -simplices in the nerve at the set of commuting triangles as depicted above on the right. There are two interesting new features. First of all we cannot say that is the composition of and . Rather, is one of possibly many compositions of and . The invisible -cell of the triangle above should be thought of as a homotopy connecting both sides. It turns out that if we no longer require horns to be filled uniquely, this is sufficient to characterize nerves of -categories. This is precisely how quasicategories are defined by Joyal and in Reference Lurb.

What separates the subcategory of classical categories from its complement in quasicategories is the existence of a strict composition operation for morphisms. In -categories, composition is only well-defined up to a contractible space of choices. It is this little bit of extra homotopical glue, which makes the theory of -categories so flexible.

As a natural consequence of this liberality, the only possible notion of commutative diagrams is automatically homotopy coherent in a strong sense.

If is a simplicial set, then an -indexed commutative diagram in an -category is a map of simplicial sets . A commutative square

for example is a map of simplicial sets sending the -simplices of the square to the objects .

A.2. Stable -categories

We refer the reader to Reference Lura, Ch. 1 for a more detailed account. Every -category has an associated homotopy category , where the set of morphisms is defined to be the set of connected components A stable -category has a natural triangulated structure on its homotopy category. Examples include the stable -category of spectra, and other enhancements of triangulated categories (for example pre-triangulated dg-categories).

By definition, a stable -category is pointed, i.e. there exists an initial and final object •. Moreover, we assume the existence of finite limits and colimits, as well as that a commutative diagram

is a pullback if and only if it is a pushout. The endofunctors , and ,

are defined by virtue of the cocartesian, respectively cartesian squares above. As a consequence of the definition of a stable -category, and are inverse equivalences. The induced functors on the homotopy category give rise to the translation functors of the triangulated structure of . The distinguished triangles are the images of bi-cartesian squares of the form of Diagram Equation 62 with . We denote the -category of stable -categories by .

Appendix B. Derived completion of schemes and categories

“You complete me.” - J. Maguire

The study of derived completion goes back to work of Greenlees–May Reference GM92, Dwyer–Greenlees Reference DG02, and was embedded into the realm of derived algebraic geometry by Lurie Reference Lur09a and Gaitsgory–Rozenblyum Reference GR14. We will mostly follow Lurie Reference Lur09a, Ch. 4 & 5.

For every ring , and an ideal , we recall (see Subsection B.1) Lurie’s definition of the derived completion . This is a connective -ring spectrum (Reference Lur09a, §4.2). If is Noetherian, the derived completion is canonically equivalent to its classical counterpart Reference Lur09a, Prop. 4.3.6. However, for a non-Noetherian ring , the derived completion is genuinely different, which affects the stable -category of perfect complexes.

In Subsection B.2 we rephrase and generalize constructions of Efimov Reference Efi10; we show how perfect complexes on the derived completions can be understood by an abstract construction on the level of stable -categories.

We then use a calculation of Porta–Shaul–Yekutieli Reference PSY14 (see also Reference PSY15) to conclude that is in fact a classical ring, if is weakly proregular in (see Definition B.3). This will allow us to remove derived rings from our work in retrospect.

B.1. Derived completion

We fix a ring and a finitely generated ideal . We briefly review the notion of derived complete complexes of -modules, as studied in Reference Lur09a, §4.2. A review of this material in the language of triangulated categories is given in Reference The, Tag 091N. We say that a complex of -modules is -complete, if for every the homotopy limit of the inverse system

i.e. the fibre of

vanishes in the stable -category . This is precisely the homotopical analogue of the condition that acts topologically nilpotently on , i.e. The resulting full subcategory of -complete objects in will be denoted by Note that in Reference Lur09a this subcategory is characterized differently (cf. Reference Lur09a, Cor. 4.2.8 & 4.2.12). For abstract reasons, the inclusion possesses a left adjoint (see Reference Lur09a, Lemma 4.2.2)

which will be referred to as derived completion. By Remark 4.2.6 in loc. cit. this is moreover a symmetric monoidal functor, hence we obtain an -ring spectrum ; the derived completion of at .

B.2. Modification of stable -categories

Let be a scheme, a closed subscheme, which is defined by a locally finitely-generated sheaf of ideals. The aforementioned derived completion operation allows one to define the derived formal scheme (see Reference Lur09a, Def. 5.1.1). If is Noetherian, it is canonically equivalent to the formal completion . We denote by the open complement . Recall that denotes the stable -category of complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves on . Pullback along the open immersion induces a localization

The kernel, i.e. the full subcategory of complexes satisfying , will be denoted by . Since amounts to , it is sensible to refer to such a complex of sheaves as having set-theoretic support contained in .

The -category of compact objects in is given by , i.e. perfect complexes on with set-theoretic support contained in . Moreover, is compactly generated, amounting to the relation

Besides passing to open subschemes (localization in terms of stable -categories), and restricting set-theoretic support (localizing subcategories), a third geometrically relevant operation is given by considering complexes of sheaves on the formal completion .

Quasi-coherent sheaves on the formal completion are closely related to the -category . In fact, we have an agreement of the full subcategories of almost connective complexes (Reference Lur09a, Thm. 5.1.9)

Our main interest lies in the category of perfect complexes on . Unlike the case of a scheme, it is not sufficient to consider the full subcategory of compact objects in (denoted by upper script “c”). As we have seen earlier, only yields perfect complexes with set-theoretic support contained in . In fact it is not very difficult to verify that structure sheaf on the formal scheme is not compact.

In the remainder of this subsection we will use the observations described here to develop categorical analogues of the geometric operations given by the removal of closed subschemes and completion.

B.2.1. Completion

Let be an idempotent complete stable -category, with a full stable subcategory , which is idempotent complete. We refer to such an simply as localizing subcategory of . Inspired by Equation 63 we make the following definition for the completion of at . Proposition B.2 below compares this definition with the derived completion of rings.

Definition B.1.

The completion is defined to be the idempotent closure of the essential image

of the functor sending to the presheaf⁠Footnote27 .


Recall that can be realized as the -category of limit-preserving functors .

Note that, because the inclusion preserves finite colimits by assumption, the presheaf associated to preserves colimits as well, and thus yields a well-defined functor .

Just like in Efimov’s Reference Efi10, p. 8, we think of as a completion on the level of Hom-spaces, not altering the class of objects. The result below can be also found in Reference Efi10, Remark 5.3 for Noetherian rings.

Proposition B.2.

If , where is a ring, and for some ideal , then .


In the following we denote by the closed subset corresponding to the ideal . We begin the proof by connecting the derived formal completion of Subsection B.1 with . Theorem 5.1.9 and Proposition 5.1.17 in Reference Lur09a imply the existence of a commutative diagram

of -categories. Using that is compactly generated by , and the definition of as the idempotent completion of the essential image of the functor

we obtain a commutative diagram

where we use the universal property of idempotent completion to produce the dashed arrow, together with the essential surjectivity of the lower horizontal functor up to idempotent completion. In order to conclude the proof, it suffices to show that we have an inclusion of full subcategories of . This follows from the fact that is compactly generated by the structure sheaf (or free module) , which is contained in by the commuting diagram above.

In the result below, we use the notion of weak proregularity, which was introduced by Alonso–Jeremias–Lipman Reference ATJLL97 and Schenzel Reference Sch03.

Definition B.3.

Let be a ring, and an element. We denote by the Koszul complex , concentrated in degrees and . For a tuple we define the Koszul complex as . An ideal is said to be weakly proregular, if there exist generators , such that for all integers , the inverse system of cohomology groups is pro-zero, i.e. equivalent to the zero object in the category of pro-abelian groups.

Every ideal in a Noetherian ring is weakly proregular. Moreover, the notion of weak proregularity is evidently invariant under flat base change. Hence, if is a Noetherian -algebra, and is an arbitrary -algebra, then the ideal is weakly proregular.

Proposition B.4.

If is weakly proregular in (see Definition B.3), then . In particular, we see that, for a Noetherian -algebra , an ideal , and an arbitrary -algebra , we have .


To prove this assertion we cite the main result of Porta–Shaul–Yekutieli Reference PSY14, Thm. 4.2. They prove that for every perfect generator , the so-called double centralizer is equivalent to the classical formal completion . The double centralizer of is defined as follows. First one introduces the -algebra . The -algebra is by definition the double centralizer of .

We relate to the double centralizer by observing that by definition its underlying -ring agrees with the endomorphism algebra of the image of in :

The map is given by sending a module to the presheaf on . Since is a generator, we have . In particular, we see that the -module is sent to Thus, we have

The right hand side is by definition the double centralizer of , and therefore, by loc. cit. agrees with the classical completion . In particular, since this is a discrete -ring, this argument specifies the -structure as well.

Since the Yoneda embedding of is fully faithful, one obtains that embeds fully faithfully into the formal completion .

Definition B.5.

Let be a chain of localizing subcategories of . Then, we denote by


the localizing subcategory given by the idempotent closure of the essential image and by


the idempotent completion of the essential image

As dictated by geometric intuition, completion of at , followed by completion at , yields an -category equivalent to . Similarly, the completion of at should be canonically equivalent to the completion of at , if is any open subscheme containing . This is the content of the next lemma, see also Reference Efi10, Thm. 4.1(iii):

Lemma B.6.

Using the notation of Definition B.5, the natural map is an equivalence.


Let be localizing subcategories of such that for and we have . We denote by the idempotent completion of . Then we have .


By definition, the right hand side agrees with the essential image (up to idempotent completion)

The latter is equivalent to the essential image (up to idempotent completion) which agrees with by definition.


At first we want to show that for and an arbitrary object we have that the natural morphism of spaces of morphisms is an equivalence. It suffices to show this for by virtue of Whitehead’s Lemma. This is a map of abelian groups, and hence we need to verify surjectivity and injectivity. A morphism in can be represented by a zigzag , with the right hand arrow having fibre in . Since we have a distinguished triangle

and , since , we see that . A similar argument can be used to show injectivity. This shows that we have a commutative diagram of stable -categories

This implies that the essential images of the right-pointing functors agree, and therefore shows .

Definition B.7.

For a localizing subcategory we denote by the idempotent completion of the localization of at .

This localization should be imagined as the -category of perfect complexes on a punctured formal neighbourhood. For an affine scheme, and a closed subset, let . We have .

See Efimov’s Reference Efi10, Thm. 6.1 for a global analogue of the following statement.

Proposition B.8.

Let be an excellent reduced scheme. Then the flag of localizing subcategories induced by

where we define , satisfies

where was defined in Definition 3.9, and we use the notation of Definition 7.5. Assume moreover that is an excellent, reduced -scheme, where is a field. For every commutative -algebra we have a natural equivalence

where .

The proof will be given in the next paragraph. Reasoning inductively, we will break the lemma down into several steps of independent interest.

B.2.2. Higher local fields via categorical completion

Recall Proposition B.2: for a ring, and an ideal , the functor induces an equivalence

The following Lemma uses the notion of equiheighted ideals, and localization at equiheighted ideals, which were discussed in Definition 3.6.

Lemma B.9.

Let be an excellent reduced -algebra, and a radical equiheighted ideal in , of height . Moreover we assume that is semi-local, i.e. that the set of maximal ideals is finite (therefore defining a closed subset of ). Then, for every -algebra , we have a canonical equivalence of stable -categories

where denotes the ring obtained by localizing at the equiheighted ideal (see Definition 3.6). In particular, for the flag

the equivalence

using the notation of Definition 7.5.


Let be the set of affine open subsets of , containing all minimal prime ideals above (i.e. containing the generic points of ). Inclusion of subsets induces a partial ordering on . By definition, the localization can be expressed as the direct limit of rings In particular, we obtain

The same statements are true with support condition, reading as

Let be the set of all open subsets , containing all minimal prime ideals above . Since every open subset is a union of affine open subsets, is a final directed subset. Hence we have

The following two observations conclude the proof:


We have .


All the transition maps in the inverse system computing are equivalences. In particular, we have

for each .

Assertion (i) follows right from the definition of : since the minimal prime ideals above are of height , they cannot contain any maximal ideals. Assertion (ii) fails to hold if one does not impose the support condition. The latter ensures that, for with , we have that restriction induces an equivalence Since has height in , the open set consists precisely of the generic points of . Therefore, every intersects in the same open subset . As we have just seen this implies that all transition maps for are equivalences. The two assertions (i) and (ii) imply now that

The second assertion of the Lemma is merely a reformulation, using the notation introduced in Definition 7.5.

Corollary B.10.

Let and be a -algebras, where is assumed to be Noetherian. We denote by the tensor product . Let be a chain of equiheighted ideals, such that induces an ideal of height in (i.e., relative codimension is ). Using the notation of Definition 7.5, we have a natural equivalence


Using Lemma B.9 we obtain the vertical equivalence in the commutative diagram of stable -categories below

According to Definition 7.5, the -category in the bottom left corner agrees with the localization

Hence, Proposition B.2 yields the diagonal functor

Choosing an inverse for the vertical functor (well-defined up to a contractible space of choices), we obtain the required functor

Proof of Proposition B.8.

We only give the proof of the second assertion, i.e. for a scheme over . The first assertion is proven analogously. We may assume without loss of generality that is affine, since is a finite union of closed points. Thus, let be a -algebra, such that .

Recall from Definition 3.9 that can be obtained by iteratively completing and localizing at a chain of equiheighted ideals , corresponding to the closed subschemes . We will use analogous notation for the ring

The asserted equivalence is a special case of the more general statement

which will be proven inductively. Equation Equation 65 for amounts to the definition of :

This will be the anchor point of our induction. We will prove that equation Equation 65 holds for if it holds for . Taking Ind-objects of both sides, and considering the (idempotent completion of the) essential image of , we see that (up to idempotent completion)

here we use that for a stable -category endowed with a flag of localizing subcategories, the functor is essentially surjective up to idempotent completion. We have

by virtue of Definition B.1. Since we are completing perfect complexes on the affine scheme , Proposition B.2 gives rise to a canonical functor

which is an equivalence. Corollary B.10 yields an equivalence

Pairing this with the functoriality of localizing at the -th localizing subcategory, we therefore obtain an equivalence

of stable -categories.

By similar techniques one proves the following:

Theorem B.11.

Let be an excellent, reduced -scheme of pure dimension , where is a field, and a -algebra.


We denote by the localizing subcategory given by the union of the subcategories with . Then we have


Let be an almost saturated flag of equiheighted closed subschemes, satisfying . Let be the subset of reduced chains , such that for we have that is a generic point of . Then we have the equivalence .

Afterword B.12.

Since the appearance of the preprint version of this paper on the arXiv in 2014, things have not been at a standstill. Gorchinskiy and Osipov have developed an alternative approach to a higher Contou-Carrère symbol in their series of articles Reference GO15b, Reference GO15a. Their methods are entirely different from ours. Moreover, Musicantov and Yom Din have independently derived a similar reciprocity law Reference MYD17.


We would like to thank T. Hausel for supporting a visit of the first and the third author to EPF Lausanne, where part of this work was carried out. We would like to thank A. Beilinson and V. Drinfeld for supporting a visit of the first and second author to the University of Chicago, where this paper was completed. The anonymous referees deserve our gratitude for their detailed reviews of our paper which led to major improvements in exposition. The third author was a guest of K. Saito at IPMU while this paper was being completed.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1. The origins
    2. 1.2. The relative situation
    3. 1.3. Local symbols and the Contou-Carrère symbol
    4. 1.4. Duality formulation of local class field theory
    5. 1.5. Back to the Contou-Carrère symbol
    6. Idea 1.
    7. 1.6. Central extensions
    8. 1.7. Tate spaces
    9. Idea 2.
    10. 1.8. Our approach through homotopy theory
    11. Theorem-Construction 1.1.
    12. Theorem 1.2.
    13. Theorem 1.3.
    14. 1.9. Grassmannian and determinant bundles
    15. Main Principle.
    16. 1.10. Higher reciprocity laws
    17. Theorem 1.4.
  3. 2. K-theory
    1. 2.1. Background on the flavours of -theory
    2. 2.2. Axiomatic review of algebraic -theory
    3. Proposition 2.3.
    4. Proposition 2.4.
    5. Definition 2.5.
    6. Definition 2.6.
    7. Lemma 2.7.
    8. Example 2.9.
    9. Definition 2.10.
    10. Example 2.11.
  4. 3. The CC symbol via boundary maps
    1. 3.1. Flags of closed subschemes
    2. Definition 3.1.
    3. Example 3.2.
    4. Definition 3.4.
    5. Definition 3.5.
    6. Definition 3.6.
    7. Definition 3.7.
    8. Example 3.8.
    9. Definition 3.9.
    10. 3.2. Boundary maps of a flag
    11. Definition 3.10.
    12. Definition 3.12.
    13. Lemma 3.13.
    14. Lemma 3.15.
    15. Definition 3.16 (Preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol).
  5. 4. Spectral extensions and higher commutators
    1. 4.1. Classical central extensions
    2. Definition 4.1.
    3. Definition 4.2.
    4. Lemma 4.3.
    5. Lemma 4.4.
    6. Definition 4.6.
    7. Lemma 4.7.
    8. Definition 4.8.
    9. 4.2. Spectral extensions
    10. Definition 4.9.
    11. 4.3. The case of spectral extensions
    12. Definition 4.11.
    13. Corollary 4.12.
    14. Corollary 4.13.
    15. Corollary 4.14.
    16. Corollary 4.16.
    17. Definition 4.17.
    18. Lemma 4.18.
    19. Definition 4.19.
    20. Lemma 4.20.
    21. Definition 4.21.
    22. Lemma 4.22.
    23. Proposition 4.23.
    24. 4.4. Spectral extensions coming from the K-theory of rings
    25. Definition 4.26.
    26. Definition 4.27.
    27. Proposition 4.28.
  6. 5. The CC symbol via Tate categories
    1. 5.1. Lattices and Tate objects
    2. Proposition 5.1 (Kapranov).
    3. Definition 5.2.
    4. Proposition 5.3.
    5. Definition 5.4.
    6. 5.2. The classical Contou-Carrère symbol
    7. Definition 5.5.
    8. Proposition 5.6.
    9. 5.3. Higher Contou-Carrère symbols
    10. Definition 5.7.
    11. Definition 5.8.
    12. Definition 5.9.
    13. Proposition 5.10.
    14. Definition 5.12.
    15. Example 5.13.
    16. Definition 5.14 (Spectral Contou-Carrère symbol).
    17. Definition 5.15.
    18. Definition 5.16.
  7. 6. Comparison of both definitions
    1. 6.1. -theory and Tate categories
    2. Theorem 6.1.
    3. Definition 6.2.
    4. Proposition 6.3.
    5. Lemma 6.4 (Naturality).
    6. 6.2. Comparison
    7. Theorem 6.5.
    8. Corollary 6.6.
    9. 6.3. Contou-Carrère symbols and realization functors
    10. Definition 6.7 (Tate realization).
    11. Lemma 6.9.
    12. Definition 6.10 (Calkin realization).
    13. Lemma 6.11.
    14. Lemma 6.12.
    15. Proposition 6.13.
    16. Definition 6.14.
    17. Proposition 6.15.
  8. 7. Reciprocity
    1. Theorem 7.1 (Weil, Anderson–Pablos Romo, Beilinson–Bloch–Esnault).
    2. Definition 7.2.
    3. Theorem 7.4 (Reciprocity for Contou-Carrère symbols).
    4. 7.1. Abstract reciprocity laws
    5. Definition 7.5.
    6. Example 7.6.
    7. Theorem 7.7 (Abstract Weil reciprocity).
    8. Example 7.8 (Weil reciprocity).
    9. Theorem 7.9 (Abstract Parshin reciprocity).
    10. Example 7.10 (Parshin reciprocity).
    11. Corollary 7.11 (Abstract Kato reciprocity).
    12. Example 7.12 (Kato reciprocity).
    13. 7.2. Reciprocity for Contou-Carrère symbols
    14. Lemma 7.13.
    15. Corollary 7.14 (Spectral Contou-Carrère reciprocity).
  9. Appendix A. Categorical and homotopical framework
    1. A.1. -categories
    2. A.2. Stable -categories
  10. Appendix B. Derived completion of schemes and categories
    1. B.1. Derived completion
    2. B.2. Modification of stable -categories
    3. Definition B.1.
    4. Proposition B.2.
    5. Definition B.3.
    6. Proposition B.4.
    7. Definition B.5.
    8. Lemma B.6.
    9. Definition B.7.
    10. Proposition B.8.
    11. Lemma B.9.
    12. Corollary B.10.
    13. Theorem B.11.
  11. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Equation (2)
Equation (4)
Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Equation (7)
Equation (8)
Equation (9)
Equation (11)
Equation (12)
Equation (13)
Equation (14)
Equation (15)
Equation (16)
Equation (17)
Equation (18)
Equation (19)
Equation (21)
Equation (22)
Equation (23)
Equation (24)
Equation (25)
Equation (26)
Theorem-Construction 1.1.

Let be a field and a -algebra.


For every -Tate object , we construct a nontrivial spectral extension of by the -shifted non-connective -theory spectrum (we leave the detailed construction to the main body of the paper).


Restricting the latter to the units , they acquire a spectral extension by the non-connective -theory spectrum . For we define the Contou-Carrère symbol to be the corresponding higher commutator .


For the constructions of (1) and (2) recover the definitions of Contou-Carrère and Osipov–Zhu Reference OZ16.

Theorem 1.2.

Let be a field and a -algebra. For , we have

where the left-hand side is our Contou-Carrère symbol of Theorem 1.1. If is a field, it agrees with the higher tame symbol of Parshin and Kato.

Theorem 1.3.

Let be a field, and let be a -algebra. The classical Contou-Carrère symbol factors through the boundary map in -theory

or, in equations, . Here and refer to the classical commutator and classical Steinberg symbol respectively.

Equation ()
Equation (27)
Equation (28)
Theorem 1.4.

For the product of the Contou-Carrère symbols over all is well defined, and we have

Equation (29)
Equation (30)
Equation (31)
Remark 2.2.

The deeper truth however is that the motivic Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence starts from motivic cohomology on the -page and converges to connective -theory. It satisfies

so the deeper reason for the similarities between Milnor and connective -theory (of a field) is just their ‘proximity’ as provided by the motivic weight filtration on the -theory spectrum, exhibited here through the spectral sequence. The comparison of this with étale K-theory (resp. étale motivic cohomology) also lies at the core behind the compatibility to Galois cohomology in Diagram Equation 15. However, none of this is needed in the present paper. See Reference MVW06 and Reference Gei05 for background.

Proposition 2.3.

The functor of connective -theory for stable -categories

satisfies the following properties.


If is a stable -category admitting countable products (or coproducts), then .


The inclusion (where denotes idempotent completion) gives rise to a map of connective spectra , inducing an isomorphism on for , and a monomorphism on .


Let be an exact sequence of stable -categories, where we denote the functor by and by . Then, there is a fibre sequence

in the -category of connective spectra.

Proposition 2.4.

Non-connective algebraic -theory is a functor

satisfying the following properties.


If is a stable -category admitting countable products (or countable coproducts), then .


The inclusion (where denotes idempotent completion) gives rise to an equivalence of spectra .


Let be an exact sequence of stable -categories, where we denote the functor by and by . Then, there is a a bi-cartesian square

in the stable -category of spectra.

Definition 2.5.

We define the suspension of a stable -category as the stable -category

where denotes an arbitrary infinite cardinal, and denotes the stable -category of Ind-objects represented by diagrams of size at most . Let denote .

Equation (32)
Definition 2.6.

Let be an (idempotent complete) exact category. We have a well-defined dg-category of bounded chain complexes in . We denote by the full subcategory of acyclic complexes. The stable -category is defined to be the dg-nerve (see Reference Lura, §1.3.1) of the dg-quotient . Since the latter is a pre-triangulated dg-category (see Reference Kel99, §2), is stable.

Lemma 2.7.

Let be an exact category. The non-connective -theory of , in the sense of Schlichting Reference Sch06, agrees with the non-connective -theory of the stable -category in the sense of Blumberg–Gepner–Tabuada Reference BGT13.

Remark 2.8.

We denote by the groupoid of objects in (i.e. we discard all non-isomorphisms). Recall that every groupoid can be viewed as an unpointed space via the geometric realization of its nerve.⁠Footnote23 There exists a canonical morphism of pointed spaces and by the adjunction , a morphism of spectra , see Reference Wal85, §1.3, p. 12.


We review the nerve, i.e. the ways of regarding a category as a simplicial set or space in §A.1.2.

Example 2.11.

If is Noetherian (for example) and has the closed subscheme , then there is an exact sequence relating their stable -categories of perfect complexes. Using Proposition 2.4 (3) we obtain the fibre sequence

of spectra. The induced long exact sequence of the homotopy groups of the -theory spectra is perhaps the most prominent example of the localization sequence.

Definition 3.1.

If denotes a flag, we abbreviate the Parshin–Beilinson adèle ring by

The notation is as in Beilinson’s original paper Reference Bei80, §2.

Equation (34)
Equation (36)
Definition 3.6.

An ideal of a Noetherian ring is called equiheighted if all minimal prime ideals over have the same height in . We define the localization of an -module at , to be

Definition 3.9.

Let be an excellent reduced ring of Krull dimension . For a chain of radical equiheighted ideas , with , we define

Definition 3.10.

Let be a scheme and a sheaf of ideals for which the corresponding closed subscheme is affine. We define the completion of at to be the affine scheme

Definition 3.12.

Let be a Noetherian -scheme and a -algebra. Given a flag of closed subschemes , with of pure dimension , we define a collection of schemes for by running the following recursive algorithm:







Remark 3.14.

Pullback along the natural morphism

of pairs induces an equivalence of derived categories of perfect complexes with support condition. In particular we have an equivalence of -theory . For a Noetherian ring this is a direct consequence of Theorem 2.6.3 in Reference TT90. The proof of the general case is deferred to Proposition B.8 in the appendix.

Lemma 3.15.

Let be a scheme of finite type over , with a subscheme finite over (in particular ). For every -algebra , we denote by

the canonical projection. If , then is a perfect complex of -modules.

Equation (37)
Definition 3.16 (Preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol).

Let be a Noetherian -scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes . For every -algebra , we have a projection . The pushforward sends to . Hence, we have a well-defined map

We call this the preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol

Equation (38)
Equation (39)
Remark 4.5.

Recall that the -module is defined to be the free module on symbols , where the are pairwise distinct elements of the group . Using that is abelian, we define

where runs over all permutations of satisfying and (so-called shuffles). Extending -linearly, the shuffle product endows with the structure of a commutative dg-algebra.

Definition 4.8.

A higher central extension of by is an element of . Given we define

Definition 4.9.

A spectral extension of by is a class .

Corollary 4.12.

The composition of functors is naturally equivalent to .

Corollary 4.13.


Corollary 4.16.

The functor sends -objects in (unpointed) spaces to -ring spectra.

Definition 4.19.

Let be a spectral extension of a groupoid by a spectrum .


Corollary 4.12 applied to the pointed space yields a splitting . The map of spectra will be denoted by .


For an integer satisfying we let be the map given by the inclusion of the -th component. We write for the induced map of pointed spaces. The induced element is denoted by .


Let be an -tuple of pairwise commuting automorphisms. We denote the induced map of spectra by . The higher commutator is defined to be and will be denoted by .

Equation (42)
Definition 4.21.

Let be a groupoid, an object, and an automorphism. We denote by a spectral extension of by .


We let be the map of unpointed spaces induced by the inclusion .


Let be the map of unpointed spaces induced by the map of groups sending to , and given by the inclusion of .


We denote by the map specified by Corollary 4.13.


The map is defined to be the adjoint to the map

defined by the composition

where we have used that is symmetric monoidal as explained in (i) above.

Lemma 4.22.

Let . Then we have

Proposition 4.23.

Let be the monoidal map corresponding to a central extension of by . We denote by the corresponding spectral extension of by , the spectrum associated to the Picard groupoid . Then,

Equation (43)
Claim 4.25.

Let be a group, a Picard groupoid, and a monoidal morphism. We denote by the corresponding spectral extension of by . Then we have for the equality of elements of .

Equation (44)
Equation (45)
Definition 4.26.

The existence of the morphism Equation 44 can be restated as saying that the groupoid is canonically endowed with a central extension by . Similarly, Equation 45 amounts to the -groupoid being endowed with a central extension by . We will denote the extensions by and respectively.

Definition 4.27.

We denote by a map of unpointed spaces mapping the base point of to . The map

is referred to as the higher commutator with respect to the natural extension of by .

Proposition 4.28.

Let be a commutative ring, and be an -tuple of units in . The higher commutator , computed with respect to the spectral extension of Definition 4.26, agrees with Loday’s higher Steinberg symbol .

Proposition 5.3.

For an idempotent complete exact category , we denote by the simplicial object in groupoids, which parametrizes chains , where is an elementary Tate object in , and each is a lattice in . We have a forgetful morphism , which induces an equivalence .

Definition 5.4.

Let be the map sending to . Whenever convenient,

the geometric realization , as well as

the induced map (see Reference BGW18b, Cor. 3.5)

will also be denoted and called the index map as well.

Equation (49)
Equation (50)
Definition 5.5.

The graded central extension Equation 50 of will be denoted by

and referred to as the Kac–Moody extension of the loop group. We denote the spectral Kac–Moody extension Equation 49 by

where denotes the presheaf in connective spectra, sending a ring to .

Proposition 5.6.

The graded central extension of Definition 5.5 relates to the Contou-Carrère symbol by means of the relation

Equation (51)
Definition 5.8.

The spectral extension Equation 51 of by will be referred to as the canonical spectral extension of the -fold loop group . We denote the corresponding map of spectra by .

Definition 5.9.

Let . We denote by the determinant map . The Contou-Carrère symbol is defined to be the higher commutator

Proposition 5.10.

Definition 5.9 is compatible with the definition of Contou-Carrère in dimension , and Osipov–Zhu in dimension .

Definition 5.14 (Spectral Contou-Carrère symbol).

Let be the unique functor sending to . The composition

will be referred to as the spectral Contou-Carrère symbol.

Equation (53)
Theorem 6.1.

Let be an idempotent complete exact category. The exact equivalence of exact categories (see Reference BGW16c, Prop. 5.32) induces a commutative diagram

where both and arise as the boundary maps of the localization sequences discussed above.

Theorem 6.5.

Let be a Noetherian -scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes . For every -algebra , the spectral Contou-Carrère symbol of Definition 5.14 agrees with the -fold delooping of the preliminary Contou-Carrère symbol of Definition 3.16.

Corollary 6.6.

For a field, the Contou-Carrère symbol agrees with the higher tame symbol for algebraic -theory.

Definition 6.7 (Tate realization).

Let be a Noetherian scheme, and an open immersion, with complement denoted by . Let be a closed subscheme of , such that the open immersion is affine.⁠Footnote26 Then, we have exact functors , , and , defined as follows.


In Lemma 6.9 (a) we show that this is condition only depends on the underlying closed subspace .


The functor sends to , viewed as an ascending union of coherent sheaves on with set-theoretic support in .


We denote by the inclusion of the -th order infinitesimal neighbourhood of . We define to be the functor sending to the Pro-system .


Combining (a) and (b) we obtain a functor

Remark 6.8.

One can check that the functor of Definition 6.7(c) factors through . Indeed, for every we have a -term exact sequence

The kernel on the left hand side is equivalent to , hence the quotient of by this object lies again in . The object on the right hand side lies in . This allows us to represent as an extension of an admissible Ind-object by an admissible Pro object. Hence, has a lattice, i.e. is an elementary Tate object.

Lemma 6.9.

We have the following:


Let be closed subschemes of a separated Noetherian scheme , satisfying . For an open subscheme we have that is affine if and only if is affine.


Let be a closed immersion into a separated Noetherian scheme , and an open subscheme with closed complement denoted by . If , and , then the inclusion is affine.

Definition 6.10 (Calkin realization).

Let , , be quasi-compact and quasi-separated schemes, with a closed embedding, and .


We denote by

the functor given by .


Let be the functor induced by :


The functors and have a version for the stable -categories of pseudo-coherent complexes of sheaves:


Lemma 6.11.

Let , , and be as in Definition 6.10. Let be a morphism of schemes. For an affine flat morphism we denote the base changes , , and by , , and . We then have a commutative diagram

Lemma 6.12.

Let be Noetherian, and , , and satisfy the conditions of Definition 6.7. We have a commuting square

of -categories, where denotes the canonical functor.

Proposition 6.13.

The functor agrees with the (-Tate object valued) Beilinson-Parshin adèles .

Definition 6.14.

Let be a Noetherian -scheme, and a saturated flag of closed subschemes. For every -algebra we denote by the full subcategory of , consisting of coherent sheaves which are pulled back along the canonical map . Denoting by

the exact functor induced by we have a unique -linear functor

such that the following diagram commutes:

Proposition 6.15.

We denote by the exact category of free vector bundles on a scheme . Let be a finite type, separated -scheme of dimension , and let be a saturated flag of closed subschemes. For every -algebra , the diagram

is commutative.

Equation (54)
Equation (55)
Definition 7.2.

We define the following:


Let be a separated -dimensional -scheme of finite type, a -algebra, and an almost complete flag in . For each with of pure dimension and not necessarily irreducible, we denote the ring of regular functions on the scheme by . We define the ring to be the direct limit

where is a closed subset of pure dimension (not necessarily irreducible).


For every as in (a), we denote the natural ring homomorphism by .

Remark 7.3.

Since non-connective -theory of rings commutes with filtered colimits (Theorem 7.2 of Reference TT90) one has

Theorem 7.4 (Reciprocity for Contou-Carrère symbols).

Let be an integral separated -dimensional -scheme of finite type, and let be a commutative -algebra. Let be an almost saturated flag as in Equation 55. For every -tuple we have that the product below is well-defined and satisfies the identity

where is integral and of dimension .

Definition 7.5.

Let be a stable -category as in Paragraph B.2.1.


A chain of localizing subcategories , will be referred to as a flag in .


We denote by .


We denote by .


We write .


We write .


Given a flag on as above, we define the iterated removal-completion operation by

with .

Example 7.6.

Let be affine -space , and the flag given by . We then have

Equation (56)
Equation (57)
Theorem 7.7 (Abstract Weil reciprocity).

Let be a stable -category together with a localizing subcategory . We assume the existence of an exact functor , where denotes as well a stable -category. We denote the inclusion by , and the restriction by :

Under these assumptions the map defined as the composition

is homotopic to the zero map.

Theorem 7.9 (Abstract Parshin reciprocity).

We denote by a stable -category, and by a length chain of localizing subcategories. The construction of Equation 56 applied to yields a functor which belongs to a commutative diagram

such that the composition of the top row is equivalent to the zero map.

Corollary 7.11 (Abstract Kato reciprocity).

Let be a stable -category. We fix positive integers and , and assume that we have a chain of localizing subcategories , indexed by .


If , suppose that we have a commutative diagram

where denotes a stable -category. Then, the morphism defined as the following composition

is null-homotopic. Here, denotes the functor of Equation 56 applied to , and

denotes the induced functor, obtained by applying the functorial construction to .


If , then the following composition

is null-homotopic. Here, denotes the functor of Equation 56 applied to the localizing subcategory , and

denotes the induced functor, obtained by applying the functorial construction to .

Example 7.12 (Kato reciprocity).

Let be an integral separated excellent scheme of pure dimension . Let denote an almost saturated flag of closed integral subschemes

indexed by , with . If , we assume that is proper over a field . For every (not necessarily irreducible) reduced closed subscheme of pure dimension , and we obtain a natural chain of localizing subcategories on . Abstract Kato reciprocity (Corollary 7.11) now implies the existence of a commutative diagram

where we let for , and otherwise. As before, this implies that for an -tuple of invertible elements of , we have

where is integral and of dimension .

Lemma 7.13.

Using the notation introduced earlier, we have the following equivalences.


(see Definition 7.2). In particular, taking the colimit of the diagram of these stable -categories indexed by all possible , we obtain .


For each we denote by the corresponding complete flag. Then we have .

Corollary 7.14 (Spectral Contou-Carrère reciprocity).

The following composition

is null-homotopic (see Definition 7.2). Taking the filtered colimit over , we obtain the composition

which is also null-homotopic.

Equation (62)
Equation (63)
Definition B.1.

The completion is defined to be the idempotent closure of the essential image

of the functor sending to the presheaf⁠Footnote27 .


Recall that can be realized as the -category of limit-preserving functors .

Proposition B.2.

If , where is a ring, and for some ideal , then .

Definition B.3.

Let be a ring, and an element. We denote by the Koszul complex , concentrated in degrees and . For a tuple we define the Koszul complex as . An ideal is said to be weakly proregular, if there exist generators , such that for all integers , the inverse system of cohomology groups is pro-zero, i.e. equivalent to the zero object in the category of pro-abelian groups.

Definition B.5.

Let be a chain of localizing subcategories of . Then, we denote by


the localizing subcategory given by the idempotent closure of the essential image and by


the idempotent completion of the essential image

Proposition B.8.

Let be an excellent reduced scheme. Then the flag of localizing subcategories induced by

where we define , satisfies

where was defined in Definition 3.9, and we use the notation of Definition 7.5. Assume moreover that is an excellent, reduced -scheme, where is a field. For every commutative -algebra we have a natural equivalence

where .

Lemma B.9.

Let be an excellent reduced -algebra, and a radical equiheighted ideal in , of height . Moreover we assume that is semi-local, i.e. that the set of maximal ideals is finite (therefore defining a closed subset of ). Then, for every -algebra , we have a canonical equivalence of stable -categories

where denotes the ring obtained by localizing at the equiheighted ideal (see Definition 3.6). In particular, for the flag

the equivalence

using the notation of Definition 7.5.

Corollary B.10.

Let and be a -algebras, where is assumed to be Noetherian. We denote by the tensor product . Let be a chain of equiheighted ideals, such that induces an ideal of height in (i.e., relative codimension is ). Using the notation of Definition 7.5, we have a natural equivalence

Equation (65)
Theorem B.11.

Let be an excellent, reduced -scheme of pure dimension , where is a field, and a -algebra.


We denote by the localizing subcategory given by the union of the subcategories with . Then we have


Let be an almost saturated flag of equiheighted closed subschemes, satisfying . Let be the subset of reduced chains , such that for we have that is a generic point of . Then we have the equivalence .


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 19D45 (Higher symbols, Milnor -theory)
Author Information
Oliver Braunling
Department of Mathematics, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Michael Groechenig
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Jesse Wolfson
Department of Mathematics, University of California - Irvine, Irvine, California
Additional Notes

The first author was supported by DFG SFB/TR 45 “Periods, moduli spaces and arithmetic of algebraic varieties”, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and DFG GK1821 “Cohomological Methods in Geometry” . The second author was partially supported by EPRSC Grant No. EP/G06170X/1. The third author was partially supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-0824162, by an NSF Research Training Group in the Mathematical Sciences under Grant No. DMS-0636646, and by an NSF Post-doctoral Research Fellowship under Grant No. DMS-1400349. This research was supported in part by NSF Grant No. DMS-1303100 and EPSRC Mathematics Platform grant EP/I019111/1.

Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 23, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/btran/81
  • MathSciNet Review: 4294267
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4294267}{article}{ author={Braunling, Oliver}, author={Groechenig, Michael}, author={Wolfson, Jesse}, title={A generalized Contou-Carr\`ere symbol and its reciprocity laws in higher dimensions}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={23}, date={2021}, pages={679-753}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4294267}, doi={10.1090/btran/81}, }


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