Characteristic-free test ideals

By Felipe Pérez and Rebecca R. G.


Tight closure test ideals have been central to the classification of singularities in rings of characteristic , and via reduction to characteristic , in equal characteristic 0 as well. Their properties and applications have been described by Schwede and Tucker [Progress in commutative algebra 2, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2012]. In this paper, we extend the notion of a test ideal to arbitrary closure operations, particularly those coming from big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras, and prove that it shares key properties of tight closure test ideals. Our main results show how these test ideals can be used to give a characteristic-free classification of singularities, including a few specific results on the mixed characteristic case. We also compute examples of these test ideals.

1. Introduction

The test ideal originated in the study of tight closure Reference HH90. Since then, it has been used to define a classification of singularities in rings of characteristic Reference HH90Reference HH94Reference HH89, which aligns well with the classification of singularities in equal characteristic 0 Reference Smi00Reference Har01. The general idea is that the larger the test ideal, the closer the ring is to being regular, and the smaller the test ideal, the singular the ring is. The gap in the literature on test ideals is the mixed characteristic case. Recent work of Ma and Schwede Reference MS18aReference MS18b has begun to fill in this gap, from the perspective of test ideals of pairs. However, most existing results are heavily dependent on the characteristic of the ring, and it is not always known whether corresponding definitions actually agree. In this paper, we study a generalization of the test ideal in a characteristic-free setting. We study test ideals from the perspective of closure operations, mimicking the approach of Hochster and Huneke Reference Hoc07 with regard to the tight closure test ideal but broadening our definition to include test ideals coming from arbitrary closure operations.

We are motivated by work of the second named author on the connections between closure operations given by big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras, and the singularities of the ring Reference R.G16bReference RG18, and encouraged by the fact that these connections hold in all characteristics. More precisely, in Reference R.G16b, the second named author proved that a ring is regular if and only if all closure operations satisfying certain axioms (Dietz closures) act trivially on modules over the ring. Since big Cohen-Macaulay modules give Dietz closures, we expect further connections to hold between the singularities of the ring and the big Cohen-Macaulay module closures over the ring, and we give some of those connections in this paper. In order to do this, we define and study the test ideals given by closures coming from big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras. See Section 3 for details.

We prove that the test ideal of a module closure has multiple equivalent definitions, which we use to get our main results connecting singularities to big Cohen-Macaulay module test ideals.

Theorem 1.1.

Let be a local ring and the injective hull of the residue field.


Let cl be a residual closure operation. Then the test ideal (Proposition 3.9).


Let be a module closure. If is complete or is finitely-presented, then (Theorem 3.12).

In particular, the second result is similar to the result that the tight closure test ideal

for particular elements Reference HT04. This perspective on the tight closure test ideal is one of the major tools used to study it, as described in Reference ST12. Our second definition also coincides with the trace ideal of the module , as studied in Reference Lam99Reference Lin17. By drawing this connection, we open the door for future results on test ideals using the theory of trace ideals, and vice versa. In an upcoming paper with Neil Epstein Reference ERG21, the second named author has generalized this to a duality between closure operations and interior operations on finitely-generated and Artinian modules over complete local rings.

One important consequence of these results is that when the ring is complete and cl is a big Cohen-Macaulay module closure, is nonzero (Corollary 3.16).

We also define a finitistic test ideal of an arbitrary closure operation and discuss cases where it is equal to the (big) test ideal of the same closure operation. In the Gorenstein case, the test ideal of an algebra closure is the whole ring if and only if the corresponding finitistic test ideal is also the whole ring (Proposition 3.10).

One advantage to working with test ideals of module closures is that, as a consequence of Theorem 3.12, when the module is finitely-generated, we can compute its test ideal in Macaulay2. This is in contrast to the tight closure test ideal, which is difficult to compute in general. In Section 5, we compute examples of test ideals of finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules, and in some cases are able to compute or approximate the “smallest” Cohen-Macaulay test ideal.

In summary, our results on the classification of singularities via test ideals are:

Theorem 1.2.

Assume that is a complete local domain.


is regular if and only if for all big Cohen-Macaulay -modules (Corollary 3.5).


If has characteristic , then is weakly F-regular if and only if the finitistic test ideal for all big Cohen-Macaulay algebras (Corollary 4.23).


If for some big Cohen-Macaulay module , then is Cohen-Macaulay (Corollary 3.6).


If is a Cohen-Macaulay ring with a canonical module , is Gorenstein if and only if (Corollary 3.19).


If is a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module, then (Corollary 4.11).


If has finite Cohen-Macaulay type but is not regular, then is -primary for all finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules (Proposition 4.14).


If has countable Cohen-Macaulay type but is not regular, then may not be -primary, even if is a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module (Example 5.5).

We apply our techniques to the case of mixed characteristic rings in Section 6. We propose a mixed characteristic closure operation that satisfies Dietz’s axioms (these guarantee that it acts like a big Cohen-Macaulay module closure–see Reference Die10Reference R.G16b for details), and prove that its test ideal can be viewed in three different ways similar to those we gave for module closures earlier. In addition to demonstrating how our results can be used in mixed characteristic, this section shows how our proof techniques can be applied to a broader group of closures than module closures.

Throughout the paper, will denote a commutative Noetherian ring, though some of the -algebras under consideration will not be Noetherian.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we recall the concepts of closure operations and trace ideals. We record their basic properties for later use and give the appropriate references for their proofs.

2.1. Closure operations

Given a submodule of a module , we would like to find a submodule of containing that also satisfies some desired properties. This idea is encoded in the following familiar definition.

Definition 2.1.

A closure operation on a ring is a map, which to each pair of modules assigns a submodule of satisfying:

(Extension) ,

(Idempotence) , and

(Order-Preservation) , for -modules .

A particularly important family of closures are Dietz closures, originally defined in Reference Die10Reference Die18. A local domain has a Dietz closure if and only if it has a big Cohen-Macaulay module Reference Die10.

Definition 2.2.

Let be a local domain and and be -modules with . A closure operation is called a Dietz closure if it satisfies the following extra axioms:


(Functoriality) Let be a homomorphism. Then .


(Semi-residuality) If , then .


(Faithfulness) The ideal is closed in .


(Generalized Colon-Capturing) Let be a partial system of parameters for , and let . Suppose that there exists a surjective homomorphism and such that . Then .

Note that these axioms are independent of each other, and an arbitrary closure operation on any ring can satisfy some subset of them.

Remark 2.3.

The careful reader will note that the axioms, as expressed here, are set in a more general setting than in Reference Die10. In Reference Die10 the axioms were defined only for complete rings, but this hypothesis was not needed. They were also defined only for finitely-generated modules in Reference Die10, but the definitions were later used for arbitrary modules in Reference Die18.

Associated to any -module we define a closure operation as follows.

Definition 2.4.

Given an -module (not necessarily finitely-generated), we define a closure operation on by

for any pair of -modules and . This is called a module closure.

When is an -algebra, the previous definition can be simplified to if and only if

Remark 2.5.

We can extend this closure operation to families of modules in certain circumstances. Let be a collection of -modules. We define . This is not in general a closure operation (it is not necessarily idempotent), but since the ring is Noetherian, it can be extended to one by iteration as in Reference Eps12, Construction 3.1.5. Alternatively, if the family is directed under generation (see Definition 2.18), then does form a closure operation. In particular, if the are -algebras that form a directed family, then is a closure operation.

Definition 2.6 (Reference Hoc75).

Let be a local ring. We say that an -module (not necessarily finitely-generated) is a big Cohen-Macaulay -module if and every system of parameters on is a regular sequence on . Note that these modules are sometimes referred to as balanced big Cohen-Macaulay -modules (see for example Reference Sha81).

Theorem 2.7 (Reference Die10).

If is a big Cohen-Macaulay module, then is a Dietz closure.

Lemma 2.8 (Reference R.G16b, Lemma 3.2).

Let be any ring and any -module (not necessarily finitely-generated). Then satisfies the first two axioms of a Dietz closure, i.e., is functorial and semi-residual.

Remark 2.9.

Note that when and is an ideal we have if and only if . That is, the closure of an ideal is the collection of all elements that multiply into , or equivalently

Alternatively, we can write as the set of elements of for which the equation

has a solution in for every . Or in the case that is an -algebra, it is enough to check that

has a solution.

We will sometimes write when is clear from context.

The following examples show that familiar ideals and closure operations are particular examples of module closures.

Example 2.10.

Suppose that , then we have that .

Example 2.11.

If for some , then for an ideal , if or equivalently .

Example 2.12.

If is a domain of characteristic and for some , then for an ideal , if or equivalently .

If instead , then for an ideal , if which in turn is equivalent to for some , that is for some . This is known as Frobenius Closure.

Example 2.13.

Suppose that is an integral domain. The plus closure of in , denoted , is the module closure , where is the absolute integral closure of Reference HH92Reference Smi94Reference Hoc07 (for the extension to modules, see Reference Eps12, Remark 7.0.6).

For reference, we list some properties of closure operations and refer the reader to Reference R.G16b, Lemma 3.1, Reference Die10, Lemma 1.2, and Reference Die18, Lemma 1.3 for the proofs.

Proposition 2.14.

Let be a ring possessing a closure operation . In the following, and are -submodules of the -module , is a set, and for are -modules.


Suppose that satisfies the functoriality axiom and the semi-residuality axiom. Let and . Then if and only if .


Suppose that satisfies the functoriality axiom, is any set, , and . Then .


Let be any set. If for all , then .


Let be any set. If is -closed in for all , then is -closed in .


If , then .


Suppose that satisfies the functoriality axiom. Let . Then .


Suppose that is a domain, satisfies the functoriality axiom, , and is a torsion-free finitely-generated -module. Then .


Suppose that is local and satisfies the functoriality axiom, the semi-residuality axiom, and the faithfulness axiom. Then, for M a finitely-generated -module, and , .

When the closure operation satisfies the functoriality and semi-residuality axioms, the elements of the ring multiplying the closure inside the original module can be seen as an annihilator. More precisely:

Lemma 2.15.

Let be a closure operation that is functorial and semi-residual. Then for any -module and any -submodule of , we have that . In particular, this holds for module closures.


It is enough to prove that . Now part (a) of Proposition 2.14 implies , from where the result is clear.

Proposition 2.16 gives information about the behavior of module closures under ring extension.

Proposition 2.16.

Let and be -modules, such that . If is a ring morphism, then


Suppose that , then we have that

for all . Tensoring with we get

for all and all . But we can rewrite the previous expression as

for all and all . Thus .

Corollary 2.17.

Let be an -module and the associated module closure. For any ideal in and any prime ideal ,

Similarly, if is a local ring and is its completion at the maximal ideal, then

Definition 2.18 (Reference Lam99).

Recall that a module is said to generate a module if some direct sum of copies of maps onto .

The generation property enables us to compare the closures given by and . Before we give the precise result we need a lemma.

Lemma 2.19.

Let be a local ring. If and are modules, then .


Let , then for every we have that in . By means of the natural map , given by , we have that for all , which implies . The result follows.

Proposition 2.20 is the result of a conversation with Yongwei Yao, and gives one case where we have containment of module closures.

Proposition 2.20.

Let and be finitely-generated -modules, where is complete and local. Then , i.e. for all -modules , if and only if generates .


If generates (see Definition 2.18), then by Reference R.G16b, Proposition 3.6. For the reverse direction, assume .

Let be a generating set for and be the injective hull of the residue field of . We have a map

given by . The kernel of this map is the set of elements of such that for all , which is equal to the set of such that for all . This is equal to . Hence, by our assumption, , but the latter is 0 by the preceding lemma. This implies that is injective.

Since is injective, its Matlis dual

is surjective. The map takes a map to . By Hom-tensor adjointness, we have

Under this isomorphism, a map is sent to the map sending

Put together, this gives us a surjective map

that sends to . Combining earlier information, .

Since is complete and is finitely-generated, , and therefore the map

given by is surjective. Hence for every , there is a map whose image contains . Therefore, generates .

Theorem 2.21 characterizes regular rings in terms of the behaviour of Dietz closures. This result describes an important connection between the behavior of big Cohen-Macaulay module closure operations and the singularities of the ring.

Theorem 2.21 (Reference R.G16b, Theorem 2).

Suppose that is a local domain that has at least one Dietz closure (in particular may be any complete local domain). Then is regular if and only if all Dietz closures on are trivial on submodules of finitely-generated -modules.

Note that this result holds regardless of the characteristic of , as by Reference HH92Reference And18, we know that big Cohen-Macaulay algebras (and in particular big Cohen-Macaulay modules) exist over complete local domains of any characteristic.

In fact, the proof of this statement in Reference R.G16b uses the fact that big Cohen-Macaulay modules over regular rings are faithfully flat Reference HH92, and we get the following corollary to Theorem 2.21 and its proof in Reference R.G16b:

Corollary 2.22.

Suppose that is a local domain with a big Cohen-Macaulay module (in particular, may be any complete local domain). Then is regular if and only if all big Cohen-Macaulay module closures on are trivial (on submodules of all -modules).

Remark 2.23.

Let be a Cohen-Macaulay local domain of dimension . If is approximately Gorenstein (for example if ), then for all , the -modules induce Dietz closures that are trivial if and only if is regular Reference R.G16b. So when is not regular, gives an example of a nontrivial Dietz closure on .

We also have the following:

Lemma 2.24.

Let be a local domain with a big Cohen-Macaulay -module such that is trivial on ideals of . Then is Cohen-Macaulay.


The closure captures colons, so for all partial systems of parameters on , we must have

Hence is Cohen-Macaulay.

2.2. Trace ideals and modules

Definition 2.25.

Let be a ring and -modules. The trace of with respect to is defined as

where the sum runs over all -linear maps from to .

That is, the trace of a module with respect to another module is the submodule generated by the images of all possible maps from to .

Remark 2.26.

generates if and only if . One example where generates is when there is a surjective map from to , or if .


When , this is also referred to as the trace ideal, Reference Lam99.

We collect some basic properties of the trace in the next proposition.

Proposition 2.27 (C.f. Reference Lin17, c.f. Proposition 2.8).

Let be a ring, and -modules. The following hold:


We have

where the map is given by .


The behavior with respect to direct sums is given by


More generally, if is an arbitrary family of -modules, then


For tensor products, we have

Furthermore, if generates or generates , then the equality holds.


If generates then


if and only if generates all -modules. If is a local ring then if and only if has a free summand Reference Lin17, Proposition 2.8, Part iii and Reference CR90, Lemma 3.45.


. Furthermore, when and is reflexive we also have .


This is clear from the definition.


From the definition we see that


We proceed as in the previous case

which is what we wanted.


Note that for any and , we have a map sending . Hence for all . Similarly, and the result follows.

To get the equality, assume that generates . Then for there exists such that for some . Now as generates , there exists a map and an element such that . Consider the map given by . This map is well defined and . The result follows. The case where generates works the same way.


This follows from the fact that every element in can be obtained via a map and an element . This element will be in the image of some map , and so its image in can be obtained via the composition . Hence .


Follows as in the references, where the hypothesis that is finitely-generated used by Lindo is not needed.


By part (4) we have that . On the other hand we have the map given by . This implies . The last assertion is trivial after noting that .

The result below relates traces of modules in an exact sequence.

Proposition 2.28.

Let be a short exact sequence of -modules, and any other -module. If , then


By Proposition 2.27, part (5) we have that . Let . Then there exist and such that . From the exact sequence

we can conclude that for any , say . This implies that . Setting , we have . The result follows.

3. Test ideals and trace ideals

In this section we define the test ideal of an arbitrary closure operation, give some of its basic properties, and prove that the test ideal of a module closure is a trace ideal.

Definition 3.1.

Let be a ring and be a closure operation on -modules. The big test ideal of associated to is defined as

where the intersection runs over any (not necessarily finitely-generated) -modules . In the case that is generated from a -module , (resp. a family ) that is we also denote this ideal by (resp. ). We sometimes refer to the big test ideal as the test ideal.

Similarly, we define the finitistic test ideal of associated to as

In the case where for some -module , we denote this ideal by .

Note that the big test ideal is always contained in the finitistic test ideal.

When cl is tight closure, these definitions agree with the tight closure test ideal as given in Reference HH90, Definition 8.22. As an immediate consequence of Definition 3.1 we get:

Corollary 3.2.

Let be a closure operation. Then, the test ideal is equal to if and only if for every inclusion of -modules , we have .

Similarly, if and only if for every inclusion of -modules , with finitely-generated, we have .

Lemma 3.3.

Let be a closure that is functorial and semi-residual. Then



Lemma 2.15 implies that for any -modules , , and so

The second result follows as the intersection will be over all finitely-generated.

Remark 3.4.

The finitistic test ideal could be taken as the intersection over all -modules where is finitely-generated. If cl is functorial and semi-residual, then by the proof of Lemma 3.3, this is equal to

and so it is equal to our definition of the finitistic test ideal. In particular, this holds for module closures.

Corollary 3.5.

If is a regular local ring, and cl is a Dietz closure on , then . In this case, if for some big Cohen-Macaulay module , then as well. In fact, if is a complete local domain, is regular if and only if for all big Cohen-Macaulay modules .


The first claim follows from the definition of a test ideal, Theorem 2.21, and Lemma 3.3: if is regular and cl is a Dietz closure, cl is trivial on finitely-generated -modules, so . By Corollary 2.22, is regular if and only if is trivial for all big Cohen-Macaulay modules . The result follows from Corollary 3.2.

Corollary 3.6.

Let be a local domain with a big Cohen-Macaulay module such that (or ). Then is Cohen-Macaulay.


By Corollary 3.2, is trivial on ideals of . Hence is Cohen-Macaulay by Lemma 2.24.

Note that if is Cohen-Macaulay, then , so the converse holds.

It follows from the definition that , leading to the following question that is still open in most cases for the tight closure test ideal.

Question 3.7.

Do the big test ideal and the finitistic test ideal coincide? More specifically, what are the conditions needed on a ring or on a closure operation so that ?

The following result answers this question in one special case. We will be able to say more once we prove Proposition 3.9, our first result giving an alternate definition of the test ideal.

Proposition 3.8.

Let be a directed family of flat -algebras, or a single flat -module . Then .


Let , and denote the closure given by:

We claim that . To see that , note that by part (f) of Proposition 2.14, for any ,

For the other inclusion, suppose that . Then there is some such that . Since is a flat -module, by Reference RG16a, Proposition III.12, is hereditary, i.e. for any , . We have

Note that is the union of its finitely-generated submodules, so can be written as the union of the above. Hence the final step is equal to This implies that for some with finitely-generated. Hence .

Now we show that . The forward inclusion always holds. For the reverse inclusion, suppose that . We would like to show that for arbitrary -modules , . Since , for every , there is some with finitely-generated such that . Hence . This implies that , which gives us the result.

Proposition 3.9.

Let be a closure on a local ring satisfying the first two Dietz axioms, functoriality and semi-residuality, and be the injective hull of the residue field . Let denote the big test ideal associated to . Then . Additionally, is the annihilator of


C.f. Reference HH90, Proposition 8.23. By Lemma 3.3,

We now show that . That the first is contained in the second is clear. For the other inclusion let such that , and let be an -module such that . Then there is some such that in . Choose maximal with respect to not containing . Replace by and by . By Reference Hoc07, Lecture of September 17, every finitely-generated submodule of has finite length and spans its socle. Hence spans the socle of , and so , and is an essential extension of this copy of . Hence we can embed in , and so by part (f) of Proposition 2.14,

which contradicts our choice of . The result follows.

Now we show that . We have

To see that this is contained in , notice that every element is contained in for some finitely-generated . So an element that kills for every finitely-generated -module will kill . Hence . For the reverse inclusion, let such that , and let be a finitely-generated -module such that . The rest of the argument follows as for the non-finitely-generated case, with the addition to the last line that since is finitely-generated, .

Using this alternative description of the test ideal, we give an additional partial answer to Question 3.7. This result is the module-closure version of Theorem 3.1 of Reference HH89 or the notes of October 22nd and 24th of Reference Hoc07.

Proposition 3.10.

Let be a Gorenstein local ring, and any -algebra or finitely-generated -module. Then if and only if .


We always have , so the reverse direction holds without the Gorenstein assumption on . For the forward statement, denote by , and suppose that . Then, for all ideals of .

Let be a system of parameters on , and . Since is Gorenstein local, we have , where the maps are given by multiplication by . Using the notation of Reference Hoc07, Lecture of October 24th, let us denote the equivalence class of an element of under the composition by . So . Suppose that some element is in . Let be a set of generators for if is a module, or if is an -algebra. Then for , in . This holds if and only if for each , there is some such that in for all . Set . Identifying with , this implies that for each . But this is exactly equivalent to . Since by assumption , we have for sufficiently large values of . This implies that in . Hence , and thus .

We can use the previous result to give a similar result for families.

Corollary 3.11.

Let be a Gorenstein local ring and a directed family of -algebras or a family of finitely-generated -modules directed under generation. Then if and only if .


Let . The piece we need to prove is that if , then . Suppose that . Let . Then there is some such that . For every , . Since , . By Proposition 3.10, this implies that . Hence by Proposition 3.9 , which implies that . Therefore, , and so .

The following theorem connects test ideals with trace ideals, and is the key component of many of our results. This connects the idea of the test ideal with representation theoretic ideas.

Theorem 3.12.

Let be local and for some -module . If is a finitely presented -module or is complete then


Let be the injective hull of the residue field of . By Proposition 3.9, ; hence if and only if , but

where the map corresponding to is given by . Since is Artinian, there are elements such that this is equal to

We can rewrite this as , where sends

First, suppose that , so that . Then

and by Matlis duality the map

is surjective. But applying to the exact sequence


where th map is given by . From the surjection we can now conclude that

In the complete case, the denominator is contained in , so this implies that . In the case that is finitely presented, since commutes with flat base change, the last expression is equal to

It then follows by the faithful flatness of completion that

For the reverse containment, suppose that . Then there are such that

where the th map sends . We can enlarge the set from the setup to include . Then

Hence we have a surjection

Applying , we get an injection

But the module on the left is . Hence , which is equal to .

Remark 3.13.

The second direction of the previous theorem works in greater generality; in particular it shows that for any local ring (not necessarily complete) and any -module (not necessarily finitely-generated) we have

Remark 3.14.

The following example shows that when is not complete and is not finitely presented the trace ideal may differ from the test ideal.

We start with Reference DS16, Example 4.5.1 which allows us to build a DVR whose fraction field is . In this case is a Noetherian, regular ring of dimension 1, which is not -finite. By Reference DS16, Lemma 2.4.2 this implies that ; hence we have . On the other hand, as is a regular ring of dimension one, it is a domain. Hence is torsion-free. Additionally, , so is a Cohen-Macaulay module. This implies that . [Note: The paper as originally published has an error, which the authors corrected in an erratum, but the example and the lemma we are using are correct.]

The following results use Theorem 3.12 to extend our knowledge of test ideals and closure operations, and in particular give an important case when the test ideal is nonzero. First we recall a definition:

Definition 3.15 (Reference Hoc94).

Let be a domain. An -module is solid if is nonzero.

Corollary 3.16.

If is local, for some solid -module , and either is complete or is finitely-generated, then we have . Consequently, as well.

In particular, if is a complete local domain and is a big Cohen-Macaulay -module, then .


Assume that for some solid -module . Since , and there is a nonzero map , .

If is a complete local domain, then is solid Reference Hoc07, Lecture of September 7th, and the last statement follows.

Corollary 3.17.

Let cl be a Dietz closure and a complete local domain. Then .


By Reference R.G16b, there is a big Cohen-Macaulay module such that for all finitely-generated -modules , .

Since is solid over , . Since for finitely-generated -modules , , so is nonzero as well.

Corollary 3.18.

Let be local, an -module, and either is complete or is finitely-generated. Then if and only if has a free summand, and consequently, is trivial if and only if has a free summand.


By part (6) of Proposition 2.27, if and only if has a free summand. Additionally, by Theorem 3.12, , and by Corollary 3.2, if and only if is trivial.

When is local and has a canonical module , has a free summand if and only if is Gorenstein, and hence can be used to detect whether the ring is Gorenstein Reference HHS19, Lemma 2.1. We give a test ideal interpretation of this result.

Corollary 3.19.

Let be a reduced (or generically Gorenstein) Cohen-Macaulay local ring with a canonical module . Then is Gorenstein if and only if .


By Reference HHS19, Lemma 2.1, is Gorenstein if and only if . The result now follows from Theorem 3.12.

Corollary 3.20.

Let and be -modules satisfying the conditions of the theorem. If and are the closure operations associated to and , then


This follows from the previous Theorem and Proposition 2.27, part (2).

4. Test ideals of families

We extend the concept of test ideal introduced in the previous setting to that of families of modules. We can make this definition even when the family of modules does not give an idempotent closure operation, which is one way to deal with the question of how large the sum of the corresponding module closure operations can be (discussed in Reference R.G16b, Section 9.2). We will then discuss the test ideals of specific families of big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras and connect them to the singularities of the ring.

Definition 4.1.

Let be a family of -modules, not necessarily finitely-generated. We define the test ideal associated to as

We list an immediate set of properties.

Lemma 4.2.

Let be a commutative ring and families of -modules, then




If then , in particular .


If , then .





Note that if is a directed family of -algebras or of -modules directed under generation, so that it defines a closure operation, then this definition of the test ideal agrees with our prior definition:

Proposition 4.3.

Suppose that is a directed family of -algebras, or of -modules directed under generation. Let be the closure operation associated to . Then .


We have

Corollary 4.4.

Under the conditions of Theorem 3.12 (i.e., is complete local, or is local and every is finitely-presented),

Corollary 4.5.

Let be a complete local domain. If is a directed family of -algebras or a family of -modules directed under generation (so that is a closure operation), then is trivial if and only if for every , has a free summand.


By Proposition 4.3 and Corollary 4.4,

We know that is trivial if and only if . The right hand side is equal to if and only if for all , which holds if and only if each has a free summand (Lemma 2.27, part (6)).

Alternatively, this follows from Definition 4.1 and Corollary 3.18.

Ideally, we want to consider the test ideal coming from the family of all Cohen-Macaulay modules, since a ring is regular if and only if the test ideals of these modules are equal to the whole ring by Corollary 3.5. The collection of Cohen-Macaulay modules is not generally a set, so we work with the following family instead:

Remark 4.6.

Let be any Cohen-Macaulay ring and consider the full subcategory of consisting of big Cohen-Macaulay modules over . For any set the module is in this subcategory, hence there is an embedding of the category of sets to the category of Cohen-Macaulay modules over . The former is not a small category, so the latter is not a small category either.

To avoid this complication we restrict to a single representative for each isomorphism class of Cohen-Macaulay modules and bound the size of the modules we consider. To do this, let be a local ring and be a fixed infinite set. Let be the full subcategory of big Cohen-Macaulay -modules that are quotients of free -modules with . This is a small category, and therefore we can consider the set of objects in this category. For the purposes of this paper, it is enough for to have countable order, and we denote the set of objects by . Since isomorphic modules give the same closure operation, test ideal, and trace ideal, studying is sufficient for our purposes.

Definition 4.7.

Let be a complete local domain. We define the singular test ideal to be

where is defined as in Remark 4.6.

Proposition 4.8.

Let be a complete local domain, then is regular if and only if .


If is regular, by Corollary 3.5, for all big Cohen-Macaulay -modules . Hence .

If , then for all countably-generated big Cohen-Macaulay -modules . Hence for such , is trivial on all submodules of all -modules. Let be a Dietz closure on finitely-generated -modules. By Theorem 5.1 of Reference R.G16b there exists a countably-generated big Cohen-Macaulay -module such that on submodules of finitely-generated -modules. Note that is not explicitly described as countably-generated in Reference R.G16b, but the process of constructing using module modifications uses countably many steps, each adding a finite number of generators. Hence is trivial on submodules of finitely-generated -modules. Since this holds for all Dietz closures , is regular by Theorem 2.21.

The following results connect the test ideals of big Cohen-Macaulay modules to the singular locus of the ring, and are used to get more specific results on test ideals of big Cohen-Macaulay modules over rings with finite Cohen-Macaulay type.

Remark 4.9.

In this paper, all finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -modules are assumed to be maximal, i.e. to have dimension equal to .

Theorem 4.10.

Let be a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module over a local domain . Then is contained in the singular locus of .


Suppose otherwise, then there exists such that is a regular ring and . After localizing at this implies . Since is faithful over , is nonzero. It is also finitely-generated, so by Nakayama’s lemma . Now, is a Cohen-Macaulay module over the regular local ring , hence faithfully flat over Reference HH92, Pag. 77, a local ring, and hence ( gives the trivial closure, so it gives the whole ring as the test ideal). This implies that , a contradiction.

This leads to a statement for test ideals.

Corollary 4.11.

Let be a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module over a complete local domain . Then is contained in the singular locus of .


This follows immediately from the previous result and Theorem 3.12.

Remark 4.12.

We denote by the set of all finitely-generated (maximal) Cohen-Macaulay modules over . We will write just if is understood from the context.

Definition 4.13.

Let be a local ring. has finite Cohen-Macaulay type if has finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules.

If is a local ring of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, we know the following:

(Auslander Reference LW12, Theorem 7.12) has isolated singularities.

If is not regular then the top dimensional syzygy of the residue field is a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module for with no free summand Reference Dut89, Corollary 1.2. Hence by Proposition 2.27 part (6), and by Corollary 3.18, .

Proposition 4.14.

Suppose that is a Cohen-Macaulay ring with finite Cohen-Macaulay type. If is not regular then



Let be a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module over . Then by Theorem 4.10, since has an isolated singularity, is either -primary or . From the facts above there is at least one MCM module (say the top dimensional syzygy) that gives an -primary trace ideal. Since a finite intersection of -primary ideals is -primary, the result follows.

The following results connect the trace ideal, and hence the test ideal, to the socle of the ring (the set of elements annihilated by the maximal ideal ). Rings with nonzero socle are not reduced.

Lemma 4.15.

Let be a local ring and an -module such that is nonzero (for example, could be a nonzero finitely-generated module). Then .


Since , is a nontrivial -vector space, so we can find a surjective morphism from to . In particular we have a surjection . If is an element of the socle of , then there is a map from that first sends onto and then to via multiplication by . Some element of maps to in , and this maps to in . From this we see that .

Corollary 4.16.

Let be a local ring and an -module such that is nonzero. If is finitely-presented or is complete then .


This follows from Theorem 3.12 and Lemma 4.15.

As a consequence of these results, when is zero-dimensional, we can say exactly what the singular test ideal is.

Theorem 4.17.

Let be an Artinian local ring. Then is nonzero. In fact,

Hence if , then


By Lemma 4.15, we know that for each , . Hence

For the other inclusion, note that since is zero dimensional, is a Cohen-Macaulay module. The image of any map from to lives in . So . Hence

The second equality follows from Corollary 4.4.

In the one-dimensional case, we prove that under the hypothesis that is analytically unramified (i.e., its completion is reduced). We use several definitions from Reference LW12, Chapter 4.

Definition 4.18.

Let be a domain of dimension one (so is Cohen-Macaulay), let be the fraction field of , and let be the integral closure of in . The conductor is the largest common ideal of and , and is nonzero.

If is a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -module, then is torsion-free. We use to denote the -submodule of generated by . This module is -projective Reference LW12, Chapter 4.

Proposition 4.19.

Let be a local domain of dimension 1 (hence Cohen-Macaulay). Then for any finitely-generated -module we have . This implies that . If is analytically unramified (in particular if is complete), then and .


Let be a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module over . Then is a projective module over the regular ring . It follows that there is a surjective -linear map . In particular, there exist and such that . Therefore for , the map sends and has image in , so we conclude that .

The statement that follows immediately.

For the last part of the result, note that if is analytically unramified, then is module-finite over , which implies that is nonzero Reference LW12, Chapter 4

We now discuss the test ideal given by the family of big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras. The following result of Hochster indicates that tight closure on finitely-generated -modules comes from big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras. Our study of the test ideal coming from the family of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras is motivated by the view that big Cohen-Macaulay algebras are a useful tight closure replacement in all characteristics.

Theorem 4.20 (Reference Hoc94, Theorem 11.1).

Let be a complete local domain of characteristic , and let be finitely-generated -modules. Then , the tight closure of in , is equal to the set of elements that are in for some big Cohen-Macaulay algebra .

Definition 4.21.

Let be the subcategory of Cohen-Macaulay -algebras with basis elements obtained from Bas as described in Remark 4.6. We define

We can also define the finitistic version,

The following result indicates why big Cohen-Macaulay algebra test ideals are a good tight closure replacement.

Theorem 4.22.

Let be a complete local domain of characteristic . Then as defined above is equal to the finitistic tight closure test ideal.


By Theorem 4.20, for finitely-generated -modules , for every big Cohen-Macaulay algebra . Hence for each , . This implies that

For the other direction, note that for each finitely-generated -module , there exist

such that Hence

This implies that

But the left hand side contains

and the right hand side is equal to . Hence

which gives us equality.

This result only concerns the finitistic test ideal because it is unknown whether tight closure and big Cohen-Macaulay algebras give the same closure operation on all -modules, or even the same big test ideal. We are still able to get the following consequence:

Corollary 4.23.

Let be a complete local domain of characteristic . Then is weakly F-regular (all finitely-generated -modules are tightly closed) if and only if for all big Cohen-Macaulay algebras .

If is a complete local domain of equal characteristic, Dietz and R.G. Reference Die07Reference DR17 construct a directed family of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras, i.e., a family of big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras such that given big Cohen-Macaulay algebras and , there is a big Cohen-Macaulay algebra and -algebra maps that give rise to the following commutative diagram, where the maps and send :

In characteristic , this includes all big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras; in equal characteristic 0, this includes all big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras that are ultrarings. In these cases, we use the closure operation given by the family of big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras to define the test ideal.

Definition 4.24.

Let be an infinite set with a non-principal ultrafilter For each , take a ring . The ultraproduct of the (with respect to ) is the quotient , where is the ideal of elements of where for all in some subset of contained in . Any such ring is called an ultraring.

For our purposes, we will be dealing with rings of equal characteristic 0 that are ultraproducts of rings of characteristic , as in Reference DR17.

Theorem 4.25 (Reference Die07, Theorem 8.4).

Let be a complete local domain of positive characteristic. If and are big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras, then there is an -algebra map for some big Cohen-Macaulay algebra .

Theorem 4.26 (Reference DR17, Theorem 3.3).

Let be a local domain of equal characteristic zero, and and big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras that are also ultrarings (ultraproducts of char approximations of ). Then there is a big Cohen-Macaulay -algebra and an -algebra map .

In either case, we can define the test ideal of the directed family as in Definition 4.1.

Corollary 4.27.

Let be a complete local domain of equal characteristic and let be either the set of all big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras (if has characteristic ) or the set of big Cohen-Macaulay -algebras that are also ultrarings (if has equal characteristic 0), in both cases following the setup of Remark 4.6 to ensure we get a set. Then is equal to the test ideal of the closure .

5. Examples

In this section we compute test ideals and trace ideals. In these examples, we compute for various Cohen-Macaulay modules , and look at the images of these maps in . In the situation of Theorem 3.12, this gives us the test ideal , and in general it gives us the trace ideal .

Example 5.1.

Let be a complete PID. Then for any family of -modules we either have or . Indeed, if then it is a principal ideal . Let be an isomorphism. Composing this isomorphism with the elements of , whose images add up to all of , we have for each element of a map from whose image includes that element. Hence .

If is also local and is any big Cohen-Macaulay -module, is solid (i.e. ), so . Hence .

But this is not always true in the general one-dimensional case, as Example 5.2 shows.

Example 5.2.

Let where is a field. Let . This is a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -module. There is no surjective map . Indeed, if there were then there would be such that . But note that if

maps to , we also have


This implies that . However there is no element of that satisfies this equation.

Now consider the map given by . The image of this map is the ideal . Hence we can conclude that

Example 5.3.

Let , where is a field. By Reference Yos90, Proposition 1.16 high syzygies ( or higher) of the residue field are Cohen-Macaulay modules if they are nonzero, and by Remark 2.23 is non-trivial. Hence . Using Macaulay2 we find that the free resolution for the residue field has the form

where the map is given by the matrix

Hence is the -submodule of generated by the columns of this matrix. Let . Then . We claim that . Since is an ideal, . Hence it is enough to show that . Multiplying by each of the columns of the matrix above, we have

which implies that . Hence , and so . Therefore,

Example 5.4.

By an alternate method, we can say exactly what is in this case. Let , where is a field. Then has exactly two indecomposable finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules, and . By a result of Reference HLR19, if is a big Cohen-Macaulay module over , then either or splits from . Since for any modules and , , this means that gives the largest big Cohen-Macaulay module closure on . So .

Since , must contain

However, since is not regular, . Therefore, .

The following example is of a ring with countable Cohen-Macaulay type whose singular test ideal is not primary to the maximal ideal. This indicates that Proposition 4.14 does not hold even for fairly nice rings with infinite Cohen-Macaulay type.

Example 5.5.

Let , where is a field of arbitrary characteristic. This ring is known as the hypersurface singularity and as the Whitney Umbrella. By Reference LW12, Proposition 14.19, this ring has countable Cohen-Macaulay type and the isomorphism classes of indecomposable, non-free finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules are obtained as the cokernels of each of the following matrices:

Let’s compute the corresponding test ideals. As the ring is a complete local domain, by Theorem 3.12 we only need to compute the trace ideal of with respect to these modules.

: A map from to is the same as a map from whose kernel contains . That is, we must have that , or in an equivalent way, we want solutions for

with . We first find the solutions in the fraction field and then determine when they are in . To do this, we row reduce this matrix by multiplying the second row by and then adding the times the first row, which gives us

This means that we need . As we want , this is equivalent to saying and . It follows that . As both ideals are proper, . Now, note that from the equation we have that .

N: A similar procedure implies , which is equal to .

: After transposing and row reducing we obtain the system

Some possibilities that satisfy this equation are (found in Macaulay2 for particular values of , but easy to check that they are correct for any ):

Hence (In fact, computations in Macaulay2 confirm that these choices generate all maps , so the two ideals are equal.)

: As in the previous case, transposing and row reducing we obtain the system

In particular the following are solutions to this set of equations

so . (As with , Macaulay2 computations confirm that they are actually equal.)

From this we can conclude that the intersection of over all finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -modules is

Notice that this is not primary to the maximal ideal, and so the singular test ideal, which is contained in this ideal, is also not -primary.

Even though we have only defined test ideals for domains, we can compute trace ideals without this hypothesis. In the next example we compute the trace ideal of a non-domain ring with respect to its finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules.

Example 5.6.

Let , where is an algebraically closed field of characteristic not equal to 2. We will use to denote . In this case has countably infinite Cohen-Macaulay type, that is, up to isomorphism, there are countably many indecomposable finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -modules. By isomorphism with via

we see that this is the same as the example in Reference LW12, Proposition 14.17. Hence the indecomposable finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -modules are given as the cokernels of , where

and the cokernels of , where

or as the cokernel, of or of .

We claim that and that . A map from must send its natural generators to elements satisfying the relations

The first implies that for some , and so . This, in turn, implies

for some . This implies that . Now, choosing and gives the solution and . This implies that . Similarly, choosing and gives , hence . The case of the is similar.

However, and .

This implies that

where the intersection is taken over all finitely-generated indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay -modules.

Remark 5.7.

Here . This supports the need for the domain hypothesis in many of the results of this paper.

One more example of modules for which we can say something is the following

Example 5.8.

Let localized at and set

We make an -module via

where is the matrix

By Proposition 3.4 of Reference LW12, is an indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay module over for all . We compute . Let be the obvious set of generators for . For any map we have that is determined by . Notice that has the following action on the :

We have a map sending

To see that this is an -linear map, we check that the action of is compatible with the map. We have and

Additionally, and

and For , For , is in terms of for , so

The existence of this map shows that for . Hence

To see that these are in fact equal, suppose there is a map sending for some . If , we have

which is a contradiction. If , we have

which is also a contradiction as . If , we have

which is a contradiction since . Hence , which implies that

Remark 5.9.

Given Proposition 2.20 it is natural to ask whether if and only if generates . Note that the “if” part follows from Proposition 2.20. But as Example 5.10 shows the other direction is false, even in the case of finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules.

Example 5.10.

Let where has characteristic 0 (or most values of are also fine). We can view as a subring of , via , , and . The indecomposable MCM’s of are , , , and Reference LW12. According to Macaulay2, , and using the function for , we see that the homomorphisms are as follows: one of them is given by and , and the other by and .

Similarly, , and the homomorphisms send , , or , .

So . But and are distinct indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay -modules, so neither generates the other. As and are finitely-generated -modules, for , so and are two -modules that give the same test ideal, but neither one generates the other.

6. Mixed characteristic

Recently, André proved the existence of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras in mixed characteristic Reference And18. We take advantage of this result and of almost big Cohen-Macaulay algebras as defined by Roberts Reference Rob10 and used by André to define a closure operation in mixed characteristic, and to prove that the corresponding test ideal can be written as a variant on a trace ideal, paralleling our results in previous sections. This demonstrates that the arguments used in earlier sections can be adapted to apply to closures that are variations on module closures.

Our closure is similar to dagger closure as defined by Hochster and Huneke Reference HH91. The key difference is that we have replaced , the absolute integral closure of , with an arbitrary almost big Cohen-Macaulay algebra. We are also using small powers of a particular element as our “test elements”, as is usual in working with perfectoid algebras, rather than using arbitrary elements of small order as in Reference HH91.

In this section, let be a complete local domain of dimension and mixed characteristic , a -torsion free algebra, and a non-zero divisor such that contains a compatible system of -power roots of , i.e. a set of elements such that for all . We will denote this system of -power roots of by .

Definition 6.1 (Reference And18, Definition

is an almost (balanced) big Cohen-Macaulay algebra with respect to if is not almost 0 with respect to (i.e., it is not the case that for all ), and for every system of parameters on ,

for all , .

André proved the existence of almost big Cohen-Macaulay algebras as a step on the way to proving the existence of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras. The reason we have included this “intermediate” step in our paper (rather than focusing solely on big Cohen-Macaulay algebras) is that almost mathematics is central to major results in mixed characteristic commutative algebra, and our techniques can be applied to this case. This also connects our results to the recent work of Reference MS18a on a mixed characteristic version of a test ideal for pairs in regular rings, which is defined using an almost big Cohen-Macaulay algebra.

Definition 6.2.

Let be an almost big Cohen-Macaulay algebra over . We define a closure operation cl by if for all ,

Proposition 6.3.

The closure cl defined above is a Dietz closure. Consequently, .


First, we show that cl gives a closure operation. Let be -modules. It is clear that . Additionally, if , and , then for all ,

Hence . It remains to show that cl is idempotent. Suppose that . Then for all ,

So we can write , with the . Hence

for all and for all . This implies that for all ,

In particular, for all . Multiplying by , we get for all , so .

Next we prove that cl is functorial. Suppose that is a map of -modules, and . Let . Then for all , i.e. with each . Applying , we get . Since each , we have , as desired.

To prove semi-residuality, suppose that . Let such that . Then in , which by right exactness of tensor products implies that . Hence , which implies that . Hence .

For faithfulness, suppose that . Then for all . If , then is a unit, so this implies that for all . But then is almost zero, which is a contradiction.

For generalized colon-capturing, suppose , where and is part of a system of parameters for , and let such that . Let . Then

for all . So for some . Hence

in . So . Hence for all . So

for all . As in the proof of idempotence, this implies that for all . Therefore , which completes the proof of generalized colon-capturing.

As a corollary to Proposition 3.9, since cl is residual, .

Definition 6.4.

Let cl be the closure from Definition 6.2. We define

where and the map sends .

Theorem 6.5.

Let be a complete local domain and let cl be the closure defined above. Then


Let be the injective hull of the residue field of . By Proposition 3.9, ; hence if and only if , but

where is given by . Since is Artinian, there are elements such that this is equal to

We can rewrite this as , where sends

First, suppose , so that . Then

and by Matlis duality the map

is surjective. But applying Matlis duality to the exact sequence


where the maps are given by for each . From the surjection we can now conclude that

This gives us the desired result.

For the reverse containment, suppose that . Then there are such that , where the th map sends . We can enlarge the set to include . Then . Hence we have a surjection

Applying Matlis duality, we get an injection

But the module on the left is . Hence , so .


The authors would like to thank Neil Epstein, Haydee Lindo, Keith Pardue, Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker, Janet Vassilev, and Yongwei Yao for helpful conversations that improved this paper tremendously. In particular, Janet Vassilev shared information on interior operations, Karl Schwede suggested working on the mixed characteristic case, Kevin Tucker suggested Remark 3.14, Haydee Lindo taught the authors about trace ideals, Neil Epstein listened to some of the main proofs, Keith Pardue gave advice on Remark 4.6 and Yongwei Yao discussed the proof of Proposition 2.20 with the second named author. The anonymous referee also made suggestions that improved the exposition of the paper.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. Theorem 1.1.
    2. Theorem 1.2.
  3. 2. Preliminaries
    1. 2.1. Closure operations
    2. Definition 2.1.
    3. Definition 2.2.
    4. Definition 2.4.
    5. Definition 2.6 (Hoc75).
    6. Theorem 2.7 (Die10).
    7. Lemma 2.8 (R.G16b, Lemma 3.2).
    8. Example 2.10.
    9. Example 2.11.
    10. Example 2.12.
    11. Example 2.13.
    12. Proposition 2.14.
    13. Lemma 2.15.
    14. Proposition 2.16.
    15. Corollary 2.17.
    16. Definition 2.18 (Lam99).
    17. Lemma 2.19.
    18. Proposition 2.20.
    19. Theorem 2.21 (R.G16b, Theorem 2).
    20. Corollary 2.22.
    21. Lemma 2.24.
    22. 2.2. Trace ideals and modules
    23. Definition 2.25.
    24. Proposition 2.27 (C.f. Lin17, c.f. Proposition 2.8).
    25. Proposition 2.28.
  4. 3. Test ideals and trace ideals
    1. Definition 3.1.
    2. Corollary 3.2.
    3. Lemma 3.3.
    4. Corollary 3.5.
    5. Corollary 3.6.
    6. Question 3.7.
    7. Proposition 3.8.
    8. Proposition 3.9.
    9. Proposition 3.10.
    10. Corollary 3.11.
    11. Theorem 3.12.
    12. Definition 3.15 (Hoc94).
    13. Corollary 3.16.
    14. Corollary 3.17.
    15. Corollary 3.18.
    16. Corollary 3.19.
    17. Corollary 3.20.
  5. 4. Test ideals of families
    1. Definition 4.1.
    2. Lemma 4.2.
    3. Proposition 4.3.
    4. Corollary 4.4.
    5. Corollary 4.5.
    6. Definition 4.7.
    7. Proposition 4.8.
    8. Theorem 4.10.
    9. Corollary 4.11.
    10. Definition 4.13.
    11. Proposition 4.14.
    12. Lemma 4.15.
    13. Corollary 4.16.
    14. Theorem 4.17.
    15. Definition 4.18.
    16. Proposition 4.19.
    17. Theorem 4.20 (Hoc94, Theorem 11.1).
    18. Definition 4.21.
    19. Theorem 4.22.
    20. Corollary 4.23.
    21. Definition 4.24.
    22. Theorem 4.25 (Die07, Theorem 8.4).
    23. Theorem 4.26 (DR17, Theorem 3.3).
    24. Corollary 4.27.
  6. 5. Examples
    1. Example 5.1.
    2. Example 5.2.
    3. Example 5.3.
    4. Example 5.4.
    5. Example 5.5.
    6. Example 5.6.
    7. Example 5.8.
    8. Example 5.10.
  7. 6. Mixed characteristic
    1. Definition 6.1 (And18, Definition
    2. Definition 6.2.
    3. Proposition 6.3.
    4. Definition 6.4.
    5. Theorem 6.5.
  8. Acknowledgments

Mathematical Fragments

Proposition 2.14.

Let be a ring possessing a closure operation . In the following, and are -submodules of the -module , is a set, and for are -modules.


Suppose that satisfies the functoriality axiom and the semi-residuality axiom. Let and . Then if and only if .


Suppose that satisfies the functoriality axiom, is any set, , and . Then .


Let be any set. If for all , then .


Let be any set. If is -closed in for all , then is -closed in .


If , then .


Suppose that satisfies the functoriality axiom. Let . Then .


Suppose that is a domain, satisfies the functoriality axiom, , and is a torsion-free finitely-generated -module. Then .


Suppose that is local and satisfies the functoriality axiom, the semi-residuality axiom, and the faithfulness axiom. Then, for M a finitely-generated -module, and , .

Lemma 2.15.

Let be a closure operation that is functorial and semi-residual. Then for any -module and any -submodule of , we have that . In particular, this holds for module closures.

Proposition 2.16.

Let and be -modules, such that . If is a ring morphism, then

Definition 2.18 (Reference Lam99).

Recall that a module is said to generate a module if some direct sum of copies of maps onto .

Proposition 2.20.

Let and be finitely-generated -modules, where is complete and local. Then , i.e. for all -modules , if and only if generates .

Theorem 2.21 (Reference R.G16b, Theorem 2).

Suppose that is a local domain that has at least one Dietz closure (in particular may be any complete local domain). Then is regular if and only if all Dietz closures on are trivial on submodules of finitely-generated -modules.

Corollary 2.22.

Suppose that is a local domain with a big Cohen-Macaulay module (in particular, may be any complete local domain). Then is regular if and only if all big Cohen-Macaulay module closures on are trivial (on submodules of all -modules).

Remark 2.23.

Let be a Cohen-Macaulay local domain of dimension . If is approximately Gorenstein (for example if ), then for all , the -modules induce Dietz closures that are trivial if and only if is regular Reference R.G16b. So when is not regular, gives an example of a nontrivial Dietz closure on .

Lemma 2.24.

Let be a local domain with a big Cohen-Macaulay -module such that is trivial on ideals of . Then is Cohen-Macaulay.

Proposition 2.27 (C.f. Reference Lin17, c.f. Proposition 2.8).

Let be a ring, and -modules. The following hold:


We have

where the map is given by .


The behavior with respect to direct sums is given by


More generally, if is an arbitrary family of -modules, then


For tensor products, we have

Furthermore, if generates or generates , then the equality holds.


If generates then


if and only if generates all -modules. If is a local ring then if and only if has a free summand Reference Lin17, Proposition 2.8, Part iii and Reference CR90, Lemma 3.45.


. Furthermore, when and is reflexive we also have .

Definition 3.1.

Let be a ring and be a closure operation on -modules. The big test ideal of associated to is defined as

where the intersection runs over any (not necessarily finitely-generated) -modules . In the case that is generated from a -module , (resp. a family ) that is we also denote this ideal by (resp. ). We sometimes refer to the big test ideal as the test ideal.

Similarly, we define the finitistic test ideal of associated to as

In the case where for some -module , we denote this ideal by .

Note that the big test ideal is always contained in the finitistic test ideal.

Corollary 3.2.

Let be a closure operation. Then, the test ideal is equal to if and only if for every inclusion of -modules , we have .

Similarly, if and only if for every inclusion of -modules , with finitely-generated, we have .

Lemma 3.3.

Let be a closure that is functorial and semi-residual. Then


Corollary 3.5.

If is a regular local ring, and cl is a Dietz closure on , then . In this case, if for some big Cohen-Macaulay module , then as well. In fact, if is a complete local domain, is regular if and only if for all big Cohen-Macaulay modules .

Corollary 3.6.

Let be a local domain with a big Cohen-Macaulay module such that (or ). Then is Cohen-Macaulay.

Question 3.7.

Do the big test ideal and the finitistic test ideal coincide? More specifically, what are the conditions needed on a ring or on a closure operation so that ?

Proposition 3.9.

Let be a closure on a local ring satisfying the first two Dietz axioms, functoriality and semi-residuality, and be the injective hull of the residue field . Let denote the big test ideal associated to . Then . Additionally, is the annihilator of

Proposition 3.10.

Let be a Gorenstein local ring, and any -algebra or finitely-generated -module. Then if and only if .

Theorem 3.12.

Let be local and for some -module . If is a finitely presented -module or is complete then

Remark 3.14.

The following example shows that when is not complete and is not finitely presented the trace ideal may differ from the test ideal.

We start with Reference DS16, Example 4.5.1 which allows us to build a DVR whose fraction field is . In this case is a Noetherian, regular ring of dimension 1, which is not -finite. By Reference DS16, Lemma 2.4.2 this implies that ; hence we have . On the other hand, as is a regular ring of dimension one, it is a domain. Hence is torsion-free. Additionally, , so is a Cohen-Macaulay module. This implies that . [Note: The paper as originally published has an error, which the authors corrected in an erratum, but the example and the lemma we are using are correct.]

Corollary 3.16.

If is local, for some solid -module , and either is complete or is finitely-generated, then we have . Consequently, as well.

In particular, if is a complete local domain and is a big Cohen-Macaulay -module, then .

Corollary 3.18.

Let be local, an -module, and either is complete or is finitely-generated. Then if and only if has a free summand, and consequently, is trivial if and only if has a free summand.

Corollary 3.19.

Let be a reduced (or generically Gorenstein) Cohen-Macaulay local ring with a canonical module . Then is Gorenstein if and only if .

Definition 4.1.

Let be a family of -modules, not necessarily finitely-generated. We define the test ideal associated to as

Proposition 4.3.

Suppose that is a directed family of -algebras, or of -modules directed under generation. Let be the closure operation associated to . Then .

Corollary 4.4.

Under the conditions of Theorem 3.12 (i.e., is complete local, or is local and every is finitely-presented),

Remark 4.6.

Let be any Cohen-Macaulay ring and consider the full subcategory of consisting of big Cohen-Macaulay modules over . For any set the module is in this subcategory, hence there is an embedding of the category of sets to the category of Cohen-Macaulay modules over . The former is not a small category, so the latter is not a small category either.

To avoid this complication we restrict to a single representative for each isomorphism class of Cohen-Macaulay modules and bound the size of the modules we consider. To do this, let be a local ring and be a fixed infinite set. Let be the full subcategory of big Cohen-Macaulay -modules that are quotients of free -modules with . This is a small category, and therefore we can consider the set of objects in this category. For the purposes of this paper, it is enough for to have countable order, and we denote the set of objects by . Since isomorphic modules give the same closure operation, test ideal, and trace ideal, studying is sufficient for our purposes.

Theorem 4.10.

Let be a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module over a local domain . Then is contained in the singular locus of .

Corollary 4.11.

Let be a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay module over a complete local domain . Then is contained in the singular locus of .

Proposition 4.14.

Suppose that is a Cohen-Macaulay ring with finite Cohen-Macaulay type. If is not regular then


Lemma 4.15.

Let be a local ring and an -module such that is nonzero (for example, could be a nonzero finitely-generated module). Then .

Theorem 4.20 (Reference Hoc94, Theorem 11.1).

Let be a complete local domain of characteristic , and let be finitely-generated -modules. Then , the tight closure of in , is equal to the set of elements that are in for some big Cohen-Macaulay algebra .

Corollary 4.23.

Let be a complete local domain of characteristic . Then is weakly F-regular (all finitely-generated -modules are tightly closed) if and only if for all big Cohen-Macaulay algebras .

Example 5.2.

Let where is a field. Let . This is a finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -module. There is no surjective map . Indeed, if there were then there would be such that . But note that if

maps to , we also have


This implies that . However there is no element of that satisfies this equation.

Now consider the map given by . The image of this map is the ideal . Hence we can conclude that

Example 5.5.

Let , where is a field of arbitrary characteristic. This ring is known as the hypersurface singularity and as the Whitney Umbrella. By Reference LW12, Proposition 14.19, this ring has countable Cohen-Macaulay type and the isomorphism classes of indecomposable, non-free finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay modules are obtained as the cokernels of each of the following matrices:

Let’s compute the corresponding test ideals. As the ring is a complete local domain, by Theorem 3.12 we only need to compute the trace ideal of with respect to these modules.

: A map from to is the same as a map from whose kernel contains . That is, we must have that , or in an equivalent way, we want solutions for

with . We first find the solutions in the fraction field and then determine when they are in . To do this, we row reduce this matrix by multiplying the second row by and then adding the times the first row, which gives us

This means that we need . As we want , this is equivalent to saying and . It follows that . As both ideals are proper, . Now, note that from the equation we have that .

N: A similar procedure implies , which is equal to .

: After transposing and row reducing we obtain the system

Some possibilities that satisfy this equation are (found in Macaulay2 for particular values of , but easy to check that they are correct for any ):

Hence (In fact, computations in Macaulay2 confirm that these choices generate all maps , so the two ideals are equal.)

: As in the previous case, transposing and row reducing we obtain the system

In particular the following are solutions to this set of equations

so . (As with , Macaulay2 computations confirm that they are actually equal.)

From this we can conclude that the intersection of over all finitely-generated Cohen-Macaulay -modules is

Notice that this is not primary to the maximal ideal, and so the singular test ideal, which is contained in this ideal, is also not -primary.

Example 5.10.

Let where has characteristic 0 (or most values of are also fine). We can view as a subring of , via , , and . The indecomposable MCM’s of are , , , and Reference LW12. According to Macaulay2, , and using the function for , we see that the homomorphisms are as follows: one of them is given by and , and the other by and .

Similarly, , and the homomorphisms send , , or , .

So . But and are distinct indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay -modules, so neither generates the other. As and are finitely-generated -modules, for , so and are two -modules that give the same test ideal, but neither one generates the other.

Definition 6.2.

Let be an almost big Cohen-Macaulay algebra over . We define a closure operation cl by if for all ,


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 13C14 (Cohen-Macaulay modules), 14B05 (Singularities in algebraic geometry)
Secondary: 13H10 (Special types (Cohen-Macaulay, Gorenstein, Buchsbaum, etc.)), 13H05 (Regular local rings), 13A35 (Characteristic methods (Frobenius endomorphism) and reduction to characteristic ; tight closure), 13P99 (None of the above, but in this section)
Author Information
Felipe Pérez
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Rebecca R. G.
Department of Mathematics, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Journal Information
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 8, Issue 24, ISSN 2330-0000, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 by the authors under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/btran/55
  • MathSciNet Review: 4312323
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4312323}{article}{ author={P\'erez, Felipe}, author={R. G., Rebecca}, title={Characteristic-free test ideals}, journal={Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={8}, number={24}, date={2021}, pages={754-787}, issn={2330-0000}, review={4312323}, doi={10.1090/btran/55}, }


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