Generalized measures whose values are operators into an intermediate space
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- by Gregers L. Krabbe PDF
- Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1962), 42-46
N. BOURBAKI 1. Elements de mathématique, intégration, Livre VI, Chapter 6, Fascicule XXV.
- A.-P. Calderón, Intermediate spaces and interpolation, Studia Math. (Ser. Specjalna) Zeszyt 1 (1963), 31–34. MR 0147896
- Ciprian Foiaş, Une application des distributions vectorielles à la théorie spectrale, Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 84 (1960), 147–158 (French). MR 123193 E. GAGLIARDO 4. Interpolation d’espaces de Banach et applications. (I), (II), (III), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 248 (1959) pp. 1912-1914, 3388-3390, 3517-3518.
- Emilio Gagliardo, Interpolazione di spazi di Banach e applicazioni, Ricerche Mat. 9 (1960), 58–81 (Italian). MR 119073
- Emilio Gagliardo, Interpolazione di spazi di Banach e applicazioni, Ricerche Mat. 9 (1960), 58–81 (Italian). MR 119073
- Emilio Gagliardo, Una struttura unitaria in diverse famiglie di spazi funzionali. Teoremi di compattezza e di chiusura, Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli (4) 27 (1960), 240–242 (Italian, with English summary). MR 139944
- Gregers L. Krabbe, Integration with respect to operator-valued functions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 67 (1961), 214–218. MR 123914, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9904-1961-10573-9
- Gregers L. Krabbe, Integration with respect to operator-valued functions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 67 (1961), 214–218. MR 123914, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9904-1961-10573-9
- G. L. Krabbe, Réfractions non-hilbertiennes d’une transformation symétrique bornée, Studia Math. 20 (1961), 347–357 (French). MR 136978, DOI 10.4064/sm-20-3-347-357
- S. G. Kreĭn, On an interpolation theorem in operator theory, Soviet Math. Dokl. 1 (1960), 61–64. MR 0119094
- S. G. Kreĭn, On the concept of a normal scale of spaces, Soviet Math. Dokl. 1 (1960), 586–589. MR 0121627
- Jacques-Louis Lions, Une construction d’espaces d’interpolation, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 251 (1960), 1853–1855 (French). MR 119093
- J. L. Lions, Sur les espaces d’interpolation; dualité, Math. Scand. 9 (1961), 147–177 (French). MR 159212, DOI 10.7146/math.scand.a-10632
Additional Information
- Journal: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1962), 42-46
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 0136979