Book Review
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Book Information:
Dennis E. Hesseling
Gnomes in the fog: The reception of Brouwer's intuitionism in the 1920s
Additional book information:
Science Networks -- Historical Studies, vol.~28, Birkhäuser,
xxviii + 447 pp.,
ISBN 3-7643-6536-6,
CHF 168.00 (EUR 115.56)
Errett Bishop, Foundations of constructive analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York-Toronto, Ont.-London, 1967. MR 0221878
Michael Dummett, The philosophical basis of intuitionistic logic, Logic Colloquium ’73 (Bristol, 1973) Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 80, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975, pp. 5–40. MR 0439563
[Gö] Kurt Gödel, ``Zur intuitionistischen Arithmetik und Zahlentheorie'', Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums, Heft 4, pp. 34-38, 1933.
P. Erdös and T. Grünwald, On polynomials with only real roots, Ann. of Math. (2) 40 (1939), 537–548. MR 7, DOI 10.2307/1968938
P. Hebroni, Sur les inverses des éléments dérivables dans un anneau abstrait, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 209 (1939), 285–287 (French). MR 14
Per Martin-Löf, Intuitionistic type theory, Studies in Proof Theory. Lecture Notes, vol. 1, Bibliopolis, Naples, 1984. Notes by Giovanni Sambin. MR 769301
Morgan Ward, Ring homomorphisms which are also lattice homomorphisms, Amer. J. Math. 61 (1939), 783–787. MR 10, DOI 10.2307/2371336
[ENe] Edward Nelson, ``Understanding Intuitionism'', presented at Rencontre du Reseau Georges Reeb, March 24-28, 1997, nelson/papers/int.pdf
Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson, and Jan M. Smith, Programming in Martin-Löf’s type theory, International Series of Monographs on Computer Science, vol. 7, The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990. An introduction. MR 1243882
- [Bi]
- Errett Bishop, ``Foundations of Constructive Analysis'', McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967. MR 0221878
- [Du]
- Michael Dummett, ``The philosophical basis of intuitionistic logic'', Proceedings of the Logic Colloquium, Bristol, July 1973, ed. H. E. Rose and J. C. Shepherdson, pp. 5-40, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975. Reprinted in Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam, eds., ``Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings'', 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. MR 0439563
- [Gö]
- Kurt Gödel, ``Zur intuitionistischen Arithmetik und Zahlentheorie'', Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums, Heft 4, pp. 34-38, 1933.
- [Kl45]
- S. C. Kleene, ``On the interpretation of intuitionistic number theory'', Jour. Symbolic Logic, vol. 10, pp. 109-124, 1945. MR 7:406a
- [Kl52]
- S. C. Kleene, ``Introduction to Metamathematics'', North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1971. First published 1952. MR 14:525m
- [M-L]
- Per Martin-Löf, ``Intuitionistic Type Theory'', Bibliopolis, Naples, 1984. MR 0769301
- [DNe]
- David Nelson, ``Recursive functions and intuitionistic number theory'', Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 61, pp. 307-368, 1947. MR 10:3a
- [ENe]
- Edward Nelson, ``Understanding Intuitionism'', presented at Rencontre du Reseau Georges Reeb, March 24-28, 1997, nelson/papers/int.pdf
- [NoPeSm]
- Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson, Jan M. Smith, ``Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory: An Introduction'', The International Series of Monographs on Computer Science, 7, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990. MR 1243882
Review Information:
Edward Nelson
Princeton University
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
41 (2004), 545-549
Published electronically:
June 17, 2004
Review copyright:
© Copyright 2004
American Mathematical Society