Dynamical versions of Hardy’s uncertainty principle: A survey

By Aingeru Fernández-Bertolin and Eugenia Malinnikova


The Hardy uncertainty principle says that no function is better localized together with its Fourier transform than the Gaussian. The textbook proof of the result, as well as one of the original proofs by Hardy, refers to the Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem. In this note we first describe the connection of the Hardy uncertainty to the Schrödinger equation, and give a new proof of Hardy’s result which is based on this connection and the Liouville theorem. The proof is related to the second proof of Hardy, which has been undeservedly forgotten. Then we survey the recent results on dynamical versions of Hardy’s theorem.

1. Introduction

There are many mathematical interpretations of the uncertainty principle, which states that the position and momentum of a quantum particle cannot be measured simultaneously, or that a signal cannot be well-localized both in time and in frequency. All of them refer to a double representation of a function; classically this is the function itself and its Fourier transform, though more recent versions of the uncertainty principle use some form of joint time-frequency representation, for example the short-time Fourier transform. Each uncertainty principle has an interesting and developing story, and in this note we tell only one of them.

The most famous uncertainty principle was introduced by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, and its mathematical formulation was given by Earle Hesse Kennard and Hermann Weyl shortly after. It says that

for all or, equivalently,

We always use the following normalization of the Fourier transform on ,

It is well-known that the Fourier transform is an isometry of .

The equality in Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle Equation 1 is attained when is a generalized Gaussian function, i.e., , where is a positive definite matrix. The fact that the Gaussian is the best localized function in time and frequency was also recognized by English mathematician Godfrey H. Hardy in 1933, in the formulation of the uncertainty principle that now bears his name. Hardy attributed the remark that a function and its Fourier transform “cannot be very small” to Norbert Wiener and proved the following one dimensional result.

Theorem 1.

Let satisfy and If , then , and if , then

In his original article Reference 28, Hardy gave two different proofs, and both refer to holomorphic functions and use some results of complex analysis. The first one employs the Phragmén–Lindelöf principle for entire functions. This proof or its variations can be found in many textbooks; see for example Reference 29Reference 40Reference 42. The second one also refers to entire functions but makes use of the Liouville theorem only (at least for the case when ); it is more elementary and seems to be forgotten. We should also mention that Hardy proved a more general result, assuming that and as , he showed that is a polynomial times .

There was a search for a real variable proof of the Hardy uncertainty principle. A rather elementary (real variable) argument, given by Terence Tao in his book Reference 43, §2.6, implies that is zero if in the statement above for some large constant . Another real variable proof for the case is given by E. Pauwels and M. de Gosson in Reference 39. Surprisingly their proof employs prolate spheroidal wave functions, which, in the context of time frequency analysis, first appeared in the celebrated series of works of H. Landau, H. Pollak, and D. Slepian in the beginning of 1960s. The first complete real proof for the sharp result is given in Reference 10.

Before we exhibit the main topic of this note, the dynamical interpretation of the Hardy uncertainty principle, and give a new proof of the result, we comment briefly on classical approaches and generalizations.

Hardy proved the theorem for the case , which implies the general result by a simple rescaling. Gilbert W. Morgan gave the following generalization of Hardy’s result already in 1934, Reference 36.

Theorem 2.

Let and . Suppose that and and and , then .

For an interesting discussion of the Morgan theorem, extensions to functions that decay only along half-axes, and some remarkable related results, we refer the reader to Reference 37 and Reference 29.

The assumptions of both theorems formulated above are pointwise bounds for a function and its Fourier transform. In the 1980s M. Cowling and J. F. Price Reference 11 obtained versions where the bounds are replaced by an integral condition, the simplest version is the so-called -Hardy uncertainty principle,

implying when .

Hardy’s theorem can be generalized to higher dimension, and the statement is exactly the same for . This can be deduced from the one dimensional result using the Radon transform; see Reference 41. Note that we discuss only the simplest generalization of the Hardy uncertainty principle to . The appealing problem of natural higher dimensional statements is studied in Reference 5Reference 6Reference 12Reference 13.

An interesting interpretation of Hardy’s uncertainty principle was given in the beginning of the current century; see Reference 9Reference 15. It turns out that Theorem 1 is equivalent to the following statement.

Theorem 3.

Let be a solution to the free Schrödinger equation

Suppose that satisfies the decay conditions

where .


If then .


If then .

A real-variable proof of this theorem is due to M. Cowling, L. Escauriaza, C. E. Kenig, G. Ponce, and L. Vega; see Reference 10.

In this note we first show that the uniqueness result is equivalent to Hardy’s theorem and give a simple proof of Theorem 3. The proof involves holomorphic functions; however the proof of part (i) is based only on the Liouville theorem, which says that a bounded entire function is constant. The argument reminds one of the second proof of Theorem 1, given by Hardy in Reference 28. The proof of part (ii) requires some analysis of a singular point of a holomorphic function. We then sketch the second proof of Hardy’s theorem and give a relatively short and elementary proof of another uncertainty principle due to Beurling. The latter proof is inspired by the work of Hedenmalm; see Reference 30. To finish, we present an overview of the recent generalizations of Theorem 3, which are called the dynamical versions of Hardy’s uncertainty principle.

2. Free Schrödinger equation

2.1. Solution by the Fourier transform

In this section we present the classical formula for the solution of the Schrödinger equation, and we provide the details for the convenience of the reader. A generalization of the result is used later in the note. We consider the free Schrödinger equation

where is the Laplace operator. It is one of the simplest examples of a constant coefficient linear dispersive equation. Dispersive equations are called so since parts of solutions with different frequencies disperse with different speeds, spreading spatially. A plane wave is a solution to Equation 2 of the form

Clearly, any superposition of the plane waves is also a solution. The plane waves satisfy . Below we analyze solutions that decay in . More precisely, we assume that . This smoothness assumption can be weakened but we prefer to avoid the technical details in this note.

An effective method to solve linear constant coefficient dispersive equations is by applying the Fourier transform in spatial variables. Let . Then Equation 2 reads

Thus the solution to Equation 2 with initial data satisfies

Hence, by the Fourier inversion formula,

The formula for above can be written as the convolution

where is the (distributional) inverse Fourier transform of the function . Formally, we write

although the integral does not converge. To make sense of the integral, let

Then it is easy to see that

The limit of as exists and is equal to

Therefore the solution to the Schrödinger equation is given by

We note that if denotes the standard heat kernel, then formally .

2.2. Uniqueness for the free Schrödinger evolution and Hardy’s theorem

Using the integral formula for the solution Equation 4, it is not difficult to see that Theorem 1 is equivalent to Theorem 3 with . We show one implication: the Hardy uncertainty principle follows from the uniqueness result for the Schrödinger equation.

Assume that Theorem 3 is true, and let be a function as in the Hardy theorem. We define

for . Since is decaying fast, the function is smooth. Then, differentiating the integrand, we see that . Moreover, by taking the limit as , we get . Furthermore,

The assumptions in the Hardy theorem can now be translated to

Now applying Theorem 3 with , we conclude the argument.

The reverse implication can be shown in a similar way.

2.3. A proof of the uniqueness theorem

We now give a relatively elementary proof of Theorem 3. The main idea is to consider the family of partial differential equations with complex parameter . When we get the heat and the backward heat equations, while corresponds to the Schrödinger equation. Computations, similar to ones presented in Section 2.1, show that the fundamental solution is

Thus for a fast decaying initial condition , the solution to the equation is given by , so is a complex extension of the heat kernel.

Assume now that

We start with the initial condition that decays fast, and we solve the generalized heat equation. We see that the heat equation itself is solvable (it corresponds to real and positive) as is the Schrödinger equation (corresponding to pure imaginary ), but the backward heat equation cannot be solved in general, and our function is not defined for small real negative . We consider the function

for . Solving the last inequality for , we see that the integral above converges uniformly on compact subsets of the domain

The function is a holomorphic function of in , when is fixed. Note that we take the square of to avoid the branching of .

Now, we start with and define

Using the decay of , we see that is well defined and holomorphic in the domain

Moreover, when . Hence the holomorphic functions and coincide on the interval . Therefore is extended to a holomorphic function on .

To simplify the notation, we denote and . Then the complements of and are circles with the radii and , while the distance between the centers is .

If (which is equivalent to ), then the circles do not intersect. Thus extends to an entire function in for each fixed . It also satisfies

where . We fix and note that is uniformly bounded as . Then, by the Liouville theorem, is a constant function in for each . This means that and thus . There are no nonzero decaying harmonic functions, therefore .

This proof of Theorem 3(i) uses only the facts that the function satisfies the mean value property and that a bounded function satisfying the mean value property on the whole plane is a constant. An elementary proof of the latter can be found in Reference 38.

Now assume that , i.e., . Then the circles and touch at one point, which we denote by ; see Figure 1. Thus is a holomorphic function in . We consider and claim that has a pole at . To prove that, we draw the common tangent line to the circles and , and we consider the images of this line under the transformations and . These are circles and passing through the origin, while the images of the circles and under those two respective transformations are vertical lines and tangent to and ; see Figure 2. We see that is defined by the equation

where and is the radius of . Let be a point close to lying above the line (on the other side of the line than ). Then lies inside the disk bounded by , and we have the following inequality

where and . The estimate Equation 5 implies

when is in the half-plane above the line . For the other half-plane we repeat the argument, using the function , and conclude that has a pole at of order less than or equal to .

Similarly, we consider the functions

Then each extends to a holomorphic function in and has a pole at . An estimate of gives

Finally, consider , where is real and small. For this case the inequality Equation 6 can be replaced by . Then, repeating the argument above and taking , we see that and are bounded along the curve , . Thus has a pole at of order not exceeding , while for each , the order of this pole does not exceed .

We assume first that . To finish the proof of the endpoint case, we use the Hermite functions,

which form an orthogonal basis for . More generally, for any complex number with , we may define the generalized Hermite functions

which still form an orthogonal basis for .

First we consider . This is a holomorphic function in that tends to zero at infinity and has a simple pole at , thus


A simple computation shows that

We choose and see that for some constant and every

This means that all even moments of are equal to the corresponding moments of , and thus .

Then, similarly, we consider . We have

On the other hand

Representing as the series in , we conclude that

Now, taking and using that is a continuous function, we see that . Thus is even and . It is not difficult to check that . This concludes the proof of Theorem 3 for the case .

To complete the proof in higher dimensions, we consider and all its partial derivatives in the spatial variables at . Rewriting the integral in polar coordinates, we have

Let . The identity Equation 8 and the fact that has a pole at of order not exceeding imply that

Moreover, since has a zero of order at zero, we conclude that . On the other hand, looking at the partial derivatives of , we see that for any homogeneous polynomial of degree ,

is a linear combination of the form . If , then since its zero at the origin is of order larger than . Therefore is orthogonal to all polynomials with zero mean on each sphere centered at the origin. This implies that is a constant on each such sphere and thus .

2.4. Heat equation

We saw that the Schrödinger equation and the heat equation are close relatives. Therefore, it is natural that the Hardy uncertainty principle implies a uniqueness result for the heat equation.

Theorem 4.

Let be a solution to the heat equation . Suppose that and If then .

The case corresponds to the situation is the Dirac delta function. The fact that the Hardy uncertainty principle implies Theorem 4 follows by applying the Fourier transform in variable , which gives

Thus, if the initial data , then . Combined with the decay condition for , it implies that if and if . The latter implies and is a multiple of the Dirac delta function.

We can also prove Theorem 4 using the approach suggested in the previous section. The condition implies that the function

is holomorphic in the domain

while the condition implies that the function

is holomorphic when . Moreover, we know that when . If , the two domains cover the whole complex plane, and we obtain a bounded entire function. It leads to a contradiction in the same way as above for the Schrödinger equation. If , then the resulting function is holomorphic in , but the singularity at is removable for almost every since

almost everywhere. And we get a contradiction again.

We also note that Theorem 4 does not imply the limit case () in the Hardy uncertainty principle. The reason is that in general a bounded function is not a Fourier transform of an -function. To obtain an equivalent statement, one should extend the notion of solutions of the heat equation to the case when the initial data is a measure.

3. The second proof of Hardy and Beurling’s uncertainty principle

3.1. On the forgotten proof of Hardy

We were not able to find the second proof of Hardy or its variations in any textbook, so we give a sketch of this proof here as pointed at in the introduction, for the cone . First, Hardy notes that the decay conditions on and imply the decay conditions on and and their Fourier transforms. Next, the functions , , , and also satisfy the decay condition together with the Fourier transforms. So one may assume that .

Let first be even, so that . Hardy considers the function

where decays as the Gaussian. Then is a holomorphic function when and the equation translates into the identity

We skip the details of choosing the right branch of the root function here.

Then the function satisfies and it can be extended to a holomorphic function in . Moreover, has a pole at . Finally, Hardy refers to the injectivity of the transform, i.e., if and only if , and the identity for the Hermite functions

The case where is odd is not written down in Reference 28. For this case we suggest considering the function

where the second identity follows from the fact . Then . As before, we consider that satisfies . This function extends to a holomorphic function in such that when . Further, has a pole at , and one concludes the argument by the same techniques of the even case.

3.2. Beurling’s uncertainty principle

The following version of the uncertainty principle is due to Arne Beurling

Theorem 5.

Suppose that and

Then .

The theorem appeared in the collected works of Beurling in Reference 4 and dates back to the 1960s. The original proof of Beurling uses the Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem and it can be found in Reference 31. Higher dimensional versions of the Beurling theorem were obtained in Reference 6. In 2012 Håkan Hedenmalm gave another proof and generalized the statement in Reference 30. His result was further extended in Reference 26. We follow the ideas in Reference 30 to give a relatively short proof of the original statement of Beurling. Clearly, the Beurling theorem implies the -version of the Hardy uniqueness result.

First, by taking the real and imaginary parts of we may reduce the problem to the case when is real-valued. Now, following the idea of Hedenmalm, consider the function

Then is well-defined and holomorphic in the strip . Moreover, by the monotone convergence theorem, is continuous on . For real , we have

we have used that . Then for . We obtain that can be extended to a holomorphic function on . The singularities at are removable since the function is continuous at these points. Finally, the functional equation and the fact that is bounded near the origin imply that when . Thus . In particular,

Finally, since is real-valued, we conclude that .

4. Recent versions of the uniqueness theorem

We now return to the dynamical versions of the uncertainty principles. In the last 15 years the uniqueness results for the free Schrödinger and heat equations were generalized to a large class of evolutions. We give an overview of some of these results in this section.

4.1. Schrödinger and heat equations with a potential

First, we consider the Schrödinger equation with a potential,

In a series of articles, Luis Escauriaza, Carlos E. Kenig, Gustavo Ponce, and Luis Vega (Reference 15Reference 16Reference 17Reference 18Reference 19) generalized the uniqueness result for the case when is a bounded potential satisfying one of the following conditions:





where is real-valued (and does not depend on ) and satisfies, for some positive and ,

Theorem 6.

Let be a solution to Equation 10, where satisfies either (i) or (ii). If and with then .

Note that the condition on is sharp! The result is further generalized to semilinear equations and covariant Schrödinger evolution in Reference 18 and Reference 3, Reference 8, and to Navier–Stokes equation in Reference 14.

We outline the proof of Theorem 6. First it suffices to consider the case when ; the Appell transform reduces the general case to this one. We renormalize the solution and assume that . The first step is to show logarithmic convexity of some weighted norm of the solution. The method can be compared to the one used by Shmuel Agmon for elliptic equations in 1960s; see Reference 1. For each and , we define

where . The derivative of in is written as the sum of a symmetric and antisymmetric operator,

Then a straightforward calculation implies that

Careful estimates on show that , where denotes a constant that depends on the potential. Therefore

The right-hand side does not depend on , while in the left-hand side for the weight (with which is integrated) is

We look at the coefficient in front of : if , it is positive, and thus we see that for almost each by letting . Then . This formal computation can be justified if and are finite. This proves Theorem 6 when .

To extend the result for the range , Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce, and Vega developed an ingenious bootstrapping argument. To sketch their argument, we write Equation 11 as

Under the assumption , a formal integration of the last inequality with respect to leads to

for . Notice that , , and when , which shows that the solution decays faster at than at the endpoints. Next, one can construct a positive function such that and so that


Note that this is again Equation 11 but and are replaced by and . A similar study as before tells us that implies , while otherwise we can integrate again to improve the decay at . This self-improvement can be repeated several times, resulting in a sequence of functions

such that

On each step the new function satisfies , , and

As for the functions , they are constructed from in such a way that at each step relation Equation 12 is satisfied for the pair of functions and . More precisely, as shown in Reference 17, is the solution to

If, for some , we have , which translates in a condition on parameter , the iterative argument stops and we reach a contradiction implying . Otherwise, the process is infinite and the limit function exists. Since Equation 13 implies , the functions will converge to 0 and, from the differential equation satisfied by , one can deduce that the limit function satisfies

Solving the ordinary differential equation under the constraint leads to

for some . Computing the maximum in of , we see that must be less than . Then Theorem 6 follows.

A similar strategy gives a powerful generalization of Theorem 4; see Reference 19.

Theorem 7.

Let and be a solution to the equation

. If and , then .

A natural question is what decay a stationary solution to the Schrödinger equation may have. The question was asked by E. M. Landis in 1960 (see Reference 7Reference 32), who conjectured that if , in , and with , then . The conjecture was disproved by V. Z. Meshkov in Reference 35, who constructed an example of a complex valued and such that and proved that there are no solution with a faster decay. A remaining question is whether the Landis conjecture holds under the assumption that is real valued. In spite of some recent progress Reference 33, this is an open problem in dimensions .

4.2. Discrete evolutions

Another twist of the uniqueness results for Schrödinger equation was given in Reference 20Reference 21Reference 23Reference 27, where uniqueness theorems are obtained for the discrete equation. Let be the usual discrete Laplacian on . We consider the equation

where and is a bounded potential. The uniqueness results say that a solution to the discrete Schrödinger equation which decays fast at two times is trivial. To find the optimal decay, we consider the free evolution with . In dimension , there is a solution , where is the Bessel function, and it has optimal decay at and . The role of the Gaussian is now played by the Bessel function. This fact is related to different behavior of the heat kernels: for the continuous case the standard heat kernel is , while for the discrete case the heat kernel is , where are the modified Bessel functions, .

Theorem 8.

Let be a solution to Equation 14, with , on . Suppose that

Then . In particular, a solution to the free discrete Schrödinger equation cannot decay faster than both at and .

The idea of the proof is to consider the function . It is not difficult to show that it is defined on the unit circle , Moreover, the decay of and shows that and are entire functions. Equation Equation 14 implies

and extends to an entire function for any . Careful analysis of this function and application of the Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem finishes the proof. It would be interesting to find a real-variable, or at least more elementary, proof.

This result was generalized to special classes of time-independent potentials. General bounded potentials were considered in Reference 27 (in dimension ) and Reference 23 (in arbitrary dimension). The result is as follows.

Theorem 9.

Let be a solution to Equation 14 on . Suppose that . There exists constant such that if

then .

The approach in Reference 27 follows the scheme of Reference 18 described in the first step of the proof of Theorem 6 in Section 4.1. We describe the details of Reference 23. The idea is to make use of the following result, known in the literature as Carleman-type inequality, whose proof relies on the computation of a commutator between a symmetric and an antisymmetric operator. In what follows, stands for and will represent the supremum norm.

Lemma 1.

Let be a smooth function, and let . There exist and such that if , and has its support contained in the set


Thanks to this inequality, one can deduce lower bounds for nontrivial solutions of Equation 14 with a general bounded potential. In order to do that, consider the cut-off functions,

and define . By means of the Leibniz rule and carefully studying the size of the weight in the support of the derivatives of the cut-off functions, one can check that

where . The fact that needs to be larger than implies that for , depending only on the dimension, the first term in the right-hand side can be absorbed in the left-hand side (one can check that the product of functions increases with ). On the other hand, if we assume the norm in the left-hand side is bounded by

since if , and in that region the weight is exactly . So for depending on , the last term in the right-hand side of Equation 15 can also be absorbed, and we get

after choosing appropriately. This proves the following lower bound.

Theorem 10.

Let satisfy Equation 14. Assume that


Then there exist and such that for it follows that

We remark that this lower bound only uses the fact that the solution is nontrivial and that the constant in front of the term only depends on the dimension.

Theorem 10 implies Theorem 9. The decay conditions at times and imply upper bounds for the term . Indeed, monotonicity results from Reference 23Reference 27 show that

for some fixed implies for all . Hence, if Equation 16 is satisfied,

for a positive constant . Thus, by letting tend to infinity, we arrive to a contradiction if is large enough, since the upper bound decays faster than the lower bound, and therefore if Equation 16 is satisfied for where depends only on the dimension. However, these results are not sharp. We know that the bound can be improved to for some large constant . For the free equation (), the condition implies the uniqueness, and the question is whether for bounded potential the uniqueness result holds with the same range of .

Further uniqueness results for solutions of discrete Schrödinger type equations, inspired by the works of Escauriaza, Kenig, Ponce, and Vega on the continuous case, can be found in Reference 2Reference 22Reference 25Reference 34.

About the authors

Aingeru Fernández-Bertolin is assistant professor at the University of the Basque Country, in Spain. His field of research is partial differential equations, studying unique continuation properties for PDEs in different settings.

Eugenia Malinnikova is professor of mathematics at Stanford University and is adjunct professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She got her PhD in St. Petersburg, Russia, under the supervision of Victor Havin.


Figure 1.

Tangent circles and and their common tangent line for the case , -plane

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture] \draw[thick,->] \xaxis; \draw[thick,->] \yaxis; \draw[blue, thick, name path = S1]\Sa; \draw[green, thick, name path = S2] \Sb; \path[name intersections={of=S1 and S2, by=Z}]; \node[label={$z_0$}] at (Z) {$\bullet$}; \node[label=2:{$iT$}] at (0,2.5) {$\bullet$}; \node at (-1.5635, 2.5) {$\cdot$}; \path[name path=aux] (Z) circle [radius=0.3bp]; \draw[red, thick, name intersections={of=S1 and aux}] (Z) -- ($(intersection-1)!3cm!(intersection-2)$); \draw[red, thick, name intersections={of=S2 and aux}] (Z) -- ($(intersection-2)!3cm!(intersection-1)$); \node[label={$z$ plane}] at (2,3) {}; \end{tikzpicture}
Figure 2.

Circle and tangent line in -plane

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[->] \xaxis; \draw[->] \yaxis; \path[name path =S1]\Sa; \path[name path = S2]\Sb; \path[name intersections={of=S1 and S2, by=Z}]; \coordinate(o) at (0,0); \coordinate(z) at (Z); \coordinate(w) at (-2,1.6); \coordinate(v) at (-0.72,1.6); \draw[thick, blue, name path = L1] (-2,-1)--(-2,3.6); \path[name path=L] (0,0) -- ($(o)!5cm!(z)$); \path[name intersections={of=L1 and L, by=W}]; \node[label={[left]$\zeta_0$}] at (w) {$\bullet$}; \draw[red, thick] (-0.36,1.6) circle (1.64cm); \node[label={$\zeta=z^{-1}$}] at (2,3) {}; \end{tikzpicture}

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Theorem 1.

Let satisfy and If , then , and if , then

Theorem 3.

Let be a solution to the free Schrödinger equation

Suppose that satisfies the decay conditions

where .


If then .


If then .

Equation (2)
Equation (4)
Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Equation (8)
Theorem 4.

Let be a solution to the heat equation . Suppose that and If then .

Equation (10)
Theorem 6.

Let be a solution to Equation 10, where satisfies either (i) or (ii). If and with then .

Equation (11)
Equation (12)
Equation (13)
Equation (14)
Theorem 9.

Let be a solution to Equation 14 on . Suppose that . There exists constant such that if

then .

Equation (15)
Theorem 10.

Let satisfy Equation 14. Assume that


Then there exist and such that for it follows that

Equation (16)


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Article Information

MSC 2020
Primary: 42A38 (Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type), 35B05 (Oscillation, zeros of solutions, mean value theorems, etc. in context of PDEs)
  • Uncertainty principle
  • Schrödinger equation.
Author Information
Aingeru Fernández-Bertolin
Universidad del País Vasco /Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Dpto. de Matemáticas, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain
Eugenia Malinnikova
Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, California; and Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Additional Notes

The first author was partially supported by ERCEA Advanced Grant 2014 669689 - HADE, by the project PGC2018-094528-B-I00 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and acronym “IHAIP”, and by the Basque Government through the project IT1247-19.

The second author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1956294 and by the Research Council of Norway, project 275113.

Journal Information
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 58, Issue 3, ISSN 1088-9485, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2021 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/bull/1729
  • MathSciNet Review: 4273105
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{4273105}{article}{ author={Fern\'andez-Bertolin, Aingeru}, author={Malinnikova, Eugenia}, title={Dynamical versions of Hardy's uncertainty principle: A survey}, journal={Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={58}, number={3}, date={2021-07}, pages={357-375}, issn={0273-0979}, review={4273105}, doi={10.1090/bull/1729}, }


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