On reflections in Jordan curves
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- by Ole Jacob Broch
- Conform. Geom. Dyn. 11 (2007), 12-28
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S1088-4173-07-00158-0
- Published electronically: March 1, 2007
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A purely geometric method for constructing reflections in Jordan curves on the Riemann sphere based on hyperbolic geodesics is introduced. It is then possible to investigate the relations between the geometry of a Jordan domain $D$ and the properties of the reflection by studying properties of hyperbolic geodesics. This idea is used to characterize unbounded Jordan John domains in terms of reflections satisfying a kind of Lipschitz condition.References
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Bibliographic Information
- Ole Jacob Broch
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
- Email: olejacb@math.ntnu.no
- Received by editor(s): August 24, 2006
- Published electronically: March 1, 2007
- © Copyright 2007
American Mathematical Society
The copyright for this article reverts to public domain 28 years after publication. - Journal: Conform. Geom. Dyn. 11 (2007), 12-28
- MSC (2000): Primary 30C20; Secondary 30C99
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S1088-4173-07-00158-0
- MathSciNet review: 2295995