Intersection pairings in moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles on a Riemann surface
Lisa C. Jeffrey and Frances C. Kirwan
Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1995), 57-71
MSC (1991):
Primary 58F05, 14F05, 53C05
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Abstract: We outline a proof of formulas (found by Witten in 1992 using physical methods) for intersection pairings in the cohomology of the moduli space $M(n,d)$ of stable holomorphic vector bundles of rank $n$ and degree $d$ (assumed coprime) and fixed determinant on a Riemann surface of genus $g \ge 2$.
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Lisa C. Jeffrey
Lisa C. Jeffrey, Mathematics Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
Frances C. Kirwan
Frances C. Kirwan, Balliol College, Oxford OX1 3BJ, UK
Moduli spaces,
symplectic geometry,
intersection pairings
Received by editor(s):
June 28, 1995
Additional Notes:
This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant. No. DMS-9306029.
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© Copyright 1995
American Mathematical Society