Asymptotic results for super-Brownian motions and semilinear differential equations
Tzong-Yow Lee
Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1998), 56-62
MSC (1991):
Primary 60B12, 60F10; Secondary 60F05, 60J15
Published electronically:
September 14, 1998
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Abstract: Limit laws for three-dimensional super-Brownian motion are derived, conditioned on survival up to a large time. A large deviation principle is proved for the joint behavior of occupation times and their difference. These are done via analyzing the generating function and exploiting a connection between probability and differential/integral equations.
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Tzong-Yow Lee
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Large deviations,
occupation time,
measure-valued process,
branching Brownian motion,
semilinear PDE,
Received by editor(s):
April 15, 1998
Published electronically:
September 14, 1998
Communicated by:
Mark Freidlin
Article copyright:
© Copyright 1998
American Mathematical Society