Algebras of pseudodifferential operators on complete manifolds
Bernd Ammann, Robert Lauter and Victor Nistor
Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (2003), 80-87
MSC (2000):
Primary 58J40; Secondary 58H05, 65R20
Published electronically:
September 15, 2003
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Abstract: In several influential works, Melrose has studied examples of non-compact manifolds $M_0$ whose large scale geometry is described by a Lie algebra of vector fields $\mathcal V \subset \Gamma (M;TM)$ on a compactification of $M_0$ to a manifold with corners $M$. The geometry of these manifolds—called “manifolds with a Lie structure at infinity”—was studied from an axiomatic point of view in a previous paper of ours. In this paper, we define and study an algebra $\Psi _{1,0,\mathcal V}^\infty (M_0)$ of pseudodifferential operators canonically associated to a manifold $M_0$ with a Lie structure at infinity $\mathcal V \subset \Gamma (M;TM)$. We show that many of the properties of the usual algebra of pseudodifferential operators on a compact manifold extend to the algebras that we introduce. In particular, the algebra $\Psi _{1,0,\mathcal V}^\infty (M_0)$ is a “microlocalization” of the algebra $\textrm {Diff}^{*}_{\mathcal V}(M)$ of differential operators with smooth coefficients on $M$ generated by $\mathcal V$ and $\mathcal {C}^\infty (M)$. This proves a conjecture of Melrose (see his ICM 90 proceedings paper).
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Bernd Ammann
Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich 11–Mathematik, Bundesstrasse 55, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Robert Lauter
Universität Mainz, Fachbereich 17–Mathematik, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
Victor Nistor
Mathematics Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
Differential operator,
pseudodifferential operator,
principal symbol,
conormal distribution,
Riemannian manifold,
Lie algebra,
exponential map
Received by editor(s):
April 24, 2003
Published electronically:
September 15, 2003
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Ammann was partially supported by the European Contract Human Potential Program, Research Training Networks HPRN-CT-2000-00101 and HPRN-CT-1999-00118; Nistor was partially supported by NSF Grants DMS 99-1981 and DMS 02-00808. Manuscripts available from
Communicated by:
Michael E. Taylor
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© Copyright 2003
American Mathematical Society