Comments on article:
G. Lusztig; Errata to Bases in equivariant K-theory Represent. Theory 2 (1998), pp. 298-369.
Added September 29, 1999 17:01:45 EDT
Comments by the author
These errata are available in the following formats:
2.18, line 2: delete ``the equality "
3.8(b): replace by
p.314, line 4: replace by
3.14(b): replace by
3.14(c): replace by
p.315, line -2,-1: replace by
p.315, line -1: replace last by
p.316, line 3: replace last by
p.316, line 7: insert after
5.2(a): replace by
5.17: replace ``We apply the identity 5.15(a) with" by ``Let"
5.17: replace ``as in the proof of 5.15" by ``as in the proof of 5.14"
7.9, line 5: replace by
7.9(a): replace by
7.14, line 2: replace by
7.16, line 4: replace ``line bundle" by ``vector bundle"
7.18(a): replace by
7.19, last line: replace by
7.23, 7.24, 7.25: replace by
8.3,8.4: replace by
8.4, line 1,2: replace by
p.337, line 1: delete and replace by ``We have"
p.337, line 2: replace by
8.7, line 2: replace by
8.7(b): replace the last by
8.11: line 4 of proof; replace by
8.11: last line of proof; replace 10.1 by 8.10
9.7, line 1: replace by
p.343, line -3: replace by
10.6, line -5: the last arrow should have a on top
10.8, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12: replace by
10.10, line 2: replace by
11.3, line 3: replace by
11.3: replace by
11.3: replace by
11.4(a): replace by
11.4(b): replace by
11.10: replace by
11.10 (last line): replace by (twice)
12.1-12.4 replace by: Let be as in 11.1. We can find an opposition of such that and on . We fix such a .
12.9: replace first two sentences by: ``Let ."
12.18 (beginning) add: Let be the centralizer of in . In the remainder of this paper we assume that the centralizer of in is equal to the centre of . Then is uniquely defined by up to conjugation by where .
14.2-14.5: replace by the revision in [L7, 2.4] or by 17.2 in this paper.