On the classification of irreducible representations of affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters
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- by Maarten Solleveld
- Represent. Theory 16 (2012), 1-87
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S1088-4165-2012-00406-X
- Published electronically: January 11, 2012
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Let $\mathcal R$ be a root datum with affine Weyl group $W$, and let $\mathcal H = \mathcal H (\mathcal R,q)$ be an affine Hecke algebra with positive, possibly unequal, parameters $q$. Then $\mathcal H$ is a deformation of the group algebra $\mathbb {C} [W]$, so it is natural to compare the representation theory of $\mathcal H$ and of $W$.
We define a map from irreducible $\mathcal H$-representations to $W$-representations and we show that, when extended to the Grothendieck groups of finite dimensional representations, this map becomes an isomorphism, modulo torsion. The map can be adjusted to a (nonnatural) continuous bijection from the dual space of $\mathcal H$ to that of $W$. We use this to prove the affine Hecke algebra version of a conjecture of Aubert, Baum and Plymen, which predicts a strong and explicit geometric similarity between the dual spaces of $\mathcal H$ and $W$.
An important role is played by the Schwartz completion $\mathcal S = \mathcal S (\mathcal R,q)$ of $\mathcal H$, an algebra whose representations are precisely the tempered $\mathcal H$-representations. We construct isomorphisms $\zeta _\epsilon : \mathcal S (\mathcal R,q^\epsilon ) \to \mathcal S (\mathcal R,q) \; (\epsilon >0)$ and injection $\zeta _0 : \mathcal S (W) = \mathcal S (\mathcal R,q^0) \to \mathcal S (\mathcal R,q)$, depending continuously on $\epsilon$.
Although $\zeta _0$ is not surjective, it behaves like an algebra isomorphism in many ways. Not only does $\zeta _0$ extend to a bijection on Grothendieck groups of finite dimensional representations, it also induces isomorphisms on topological $K$-theory and on periodic cyclic homology (the first two modulo torsion). This proves a conjecture of Higson and Plymen, which says that the $K$-theory of the $C^*$-completion of an affine Hecke algebra $\mathcal H (\mathcal R,q)$ does not depend on the parameter(s) $q$.
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Bibliographic Information
- Maarten Solleveld
- Affiliation: Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Bunsenstraße 3-5, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
- Email: Maarten.Solleveld@mathematik.uni-goettingen.de
- Received by editor(s): September 27, 2010
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: May 31, 2011
- Published electronically: January 11, 2012
- © Copyright 2012
American Mathematical Society
The copyright for this article reverts to public domain 28 years after publication. - Journal: Represent. Theory 16 (2012), 1-87
- MSC (2010): Primary 20C08; Secondary 20G25
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S1088-4165-2012-00406-X
- MathSciNet review: 2869018