Moduli of nodal curves on smooth surfaces of general type
F. Flamini
J. Algebraic Geom. 11 (2002), 725-760
Published electronically:
June 10, 2002
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Abstract: In this paper we focus on the problem of computing the number of moduli of the so called Severi varieties (denoted by $V_{| D |, \delta }$), which parametrize universal families of irreducible, $\delta$-nodal curves in a complete linear system $|D|$, on a smooth projective surface $S$ of general type. We determine geometrical and numerical conditions on $D$ and numerical conditions on $\delta$ ensuring that such a number coincides with $dim(V_{| D |, \delta })$. As related facts, we also determine some sharp results concerning the geometry of some Severi varieties.
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SS B. Shiffman and A.J. Sommese, Vanishing Theorems on Complex Manifolds, Progress in Mathematics, 56, Boston-Basel-Stuttgart, Birkhäuser, 1985.
Tan S.L. Tan, Cayley-Bacharach property of an algebraic variety and Fujita’s conjecture, J. Alg. Geom., 9 (2000), 201-222.
W J.M. Wahl, Deformations of plane curves with nodes and cusps, Am. J. Math., 96 (1974), 529-577.
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F. Flamini
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita’ degli Studi di Roma - “Roma Tre", Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, 1 - 00146 Roma, Italy
MR Author ID:
Received by editor(s):
July 21, 2000
Published electronically:
June 10, 2002
Additional Notes:
The author is a member of GNSAGA-INdAM