A reconstruction of Euler data
Bong H. Lian, Chien-Hao Liu and Shing-Tung Yau
J. Algebraic Geom. 12 (2003), 269-284
Published electronically:
September 18, 2002
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Abstract: We apply the mirror principle (see Mirror principle, I, Asian J. Math. 1 (1997), pp. 729–763) to reconstruct the Euler data $Q=\{Q_d\}_{d\in {\mathbb N}\cup \{0\}}$ associated to a vector bundle $V$ on ${\mathbb C}{\mathrm P}^n$ and a multiplicative class $b$. This gives a direct way to compute the intersection number $K_d$ without referring to any other Euler data linked to $Q$. Here $K_d$ is the integral of the cohomology class $b(V_d)$ of the induced bundle $V_d$ on a stable map moduli space. A package “EulerData_MP.m” in Maple V that carries out the actual computation is provided in the electronic version math.AG/0003071 of the current paper. For $b$, the Chern polynomial, the computation of $K_1$ for the bundle $V=T_{\ast }{\mathbb C}{\mathrm P}^2$, and $K_d$, $d=1,2,3$, for the bundles ${\mathcal O}_{{\mathbb C}{\mathrm P}^4}(l)$ with $6\le l\le 10$ are done using the code and are also included.
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[L-L-Y]L-L-Y B.H. Lian, K. Liu, and S.-T. Yau, Mirror principle I, Asian J. Math. 1 (1997), pp. 729 - 763; II, arXiv:math.AG/9905006; III, arXiv:math.AG/9912038.
[M-P]M-P D.R. Morrison and M. Plesser, Summing the instantons: quantum cohomology and mirror symmetry in toric varieties, Nucl. Phys. B440 (1995), pp. 279 - 354.
[MS]MS Mirror symmetry I, S.-T. Yau ed., Amer. Math. Soc. and International Press, 1998; Mirror symmetry II, B. Greene and S.T. Yau eds., Amer. Math. Soc. and International Press, 1997; Mirror symmetry III, D.H. Phong, L.V. Vinet, and S.-T. Yau eds., Amer. Math. Soc., International Press, and Centre de Recherches Math., 1999.
[Pa]Pa R. Pandharipande, Rational curves on hypersurfaces (after givental), arXiv:math.AG/9806133.
[Wi]Wi E. Witten, Phases of $N=2$ theories in two dimensions, Nucl. Phys. B403 (1993), pp. 159 - 222.
Additional Information
Bong H. Lian
National University of Singapore, Department of Mathematics, Singapore, 117543, Republic of Singapore
Chien-Hao Liu
Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Shing-Tung Yau
Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
MR Author ID:
Received by editor(s):
October 9, 2000
Published electronically:
September 18, 2002
Additional Notes:
B. H. Lian is on leave from Brandeis University, Department of Mathematics, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154. This work is supported by DOE grant DE-FG02-88ER25065 and NSF grants DMS-9619884 and DMS-9803347