The Hodge-${\mathcal D}$-conjecture for $\text \textrm {K3}$ and Abelian surfaces
Xi Chen and James D. Lewis
J. Algebraic Geom. 14 (2005), 213-240
Published electronically:
December 30, 2004
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Abstract: Let $X$ be a projective algebraic manifold, and $\text {CH}^{k}(X,1)$ the higher Chow group, with corresponding real regulator $\text {r}_{k,1}\otimes {{\mathbb R}}: \text {CH}^k(X, 1)\otimes {{\mathbb R}} \to H_{\mathcal D}^{2k-1}(X,{{\mathbb R}}(k))$. If $X$ is a general K3 surface or Abelian surface, and $k=2$, we prove the Hodge-${\mathcal D}$-conjecture, i.e. the surjectivity of $\text {r}_{2,1}\otimes {{\mathbb R}}$. Since the Hodge-${\mathcal D}$-conjecture is not true for general surfaces in $\mathbb {P}^{3}$ of degree $\geq 5$, the results in this paper provide an effective bound for when this conjecture is true.
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Additional Information
Xi Chen
632 Central Academic Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G1, Canada
James D. Lewis
632 Central Academic Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G1, CANADA
MR Author ID:
Received by editor(s):
April 11, 2003
Received by editor(s) in revised form:
November 2, 2003
Published electronically:
December 30, 2004
Additional Notes:
Both authors were partially supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada