New topological recursion relations
Xiaobo Liu and Rahul Pandharipande
J. Algebraic Geom. 20 (2011), 479-494
Published electronically:
June 9, 2010
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Abstract: Simple boundary expressions for the $k^{th}$ power of the cotangent line class $\psi _1$ on $\overline {M}_{g,1}$ are found for $k\geq 2g$. The method is by virtual localization on the moduli space of maps to $\mathbb {P}^1$. As a consequence, nontrivial tautological classes in the kernel of the boundary push-forward map \[ \iota _*:A^*( \overline {M}_{g,2}) \rightarrow A^*(\overline {M}_{g+1})\] are constructed. The geometry of genus $g+1$ curves, then provides universal equations in genus $g$ Gromov-Witten theory. As an application, we prove all the Gromov-Witten identities conjectured recently by K. Liu and H. Xu.
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- E. Ionel, Topological recursive relations in $H^{2g}(M_{g,n})$, Invent. Math. 148 (2002), 627–658. MR 1908062 (2003d:14065)
- S. Keel, Intersection theory of moduli space of $n$-pointed curves of genus 0, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 330 (1992), 545–574. MR 1034665 (92f:14003)
- T. Kimura and X. Liu, A genus 3 topological recursion relation, Comm. Math. Phys. 262 (2006), 645–661. MR 2202306 (2006i:14060)
- K. Liu and H. Xu, A proof of the Faber intersection number conjecture, arXiv: 0803.2204. MR 2577471
- K. Liu and H. Xu, The n-point functions for intersection numbers on moduli spaces of curves, math.AG/0701319.
- X. Liu, Quantum product on the big phase space and Virasoro conjecture, Advances in Mathematics 169 (2002), 313–375. MR 1926225 (2003j:14075)
- X. Liu, On certain vanishing identities for Gromov-Witten invariants, arXiv:0805. 0800.
- D. Maulik, Gromov-Witten theory of $A_n$-resolutions, arXiv:0802.2681.
Additional Information
Xiaobo Liu
Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Rahul Pandharipande
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1000
MR Author ID:
Received by editor(s):
September 10, 2008
Received by editor(s) in revised form:
February 24, 2010
Published electronically:
June 9, 2010
Additional Notes:
The first author was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-0505835 and DMS-0905227. The second author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0500187.