Comparison results for étale cohomology in rigid geometry
Yoichi Mieda
J. Algebraic Geom. 23 (2014), 91-115
Published electronically:
September 9, 2013
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Abstract: We give some comparison results between étale cohomology of schemes and that of associated rigid spaces. First we work in the framework of Fujiwara spaces, and prove a comparison theorem for the derived direct image of morphisms which are not necessarily proper. We need the assumption that the base of the comparison functor consists of schemes of finite type over a field. Next, we consider an analogous problem for adic spaces. In this case, we can prove the comparison theorem under the condition that the base of the comparison functor consists of schemes of finite type over a complete discrete valuation ring with equal characteristic. Finally we propose a definition of the nearby cycle functor for an adic space over a complete discrete valuation ring and give a comparison result on it.
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- Yoichi Mieda, Non-cuspidality outside the middle degree of $\ell$-adic cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), no. 4, 2287–2297. MR 2680204 (2011g:22029), DOI
- Yoichi Mieda, Variants of formal nearby cycles, preprint, arXiv:1005.5616, 2010.
- Michel Raynaud and Laurent Gruson, Critères de platitude et de projectivité. Techniques de “platification” d’un module, Invent. Math. 13 (1971), 1–89 (French). MR 0308104 (46 \#7219)
- A. Grothendieck and J. Dieudonné, Éléments de géométrie algébrique, Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. (1961–1967), no. 4, 8, 11, 17, 20, 24, 28, 32.
- Théorie des topos et cohomologie étale des schémas (SGA4), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 269, 270, 305, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972–1973.
Additional Information
Yoichi Mieda
Department of Mathematics, The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan
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Received by editor(s):
January 19, 2011
Received by editor(s) in revised form:
June 6, 2011
Published electronically:
September 9, 2013
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© Copyright 2013
University Press, Inc.
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