Scattering diagrams, stability conditions, and coherent sheaves on $\mathbb {P}^2$
Pierrick Bousseau
J. Algebraic Geom. 31 (2022), 593-686
Published electronically:
June 24, 2022
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We show that a purely algebraic structure, a two-dimensional scattering diagram, describes a large part of the wall-crossing behavior of moduli spaces of Bridgeland semistable objects in the derived category of coherent sheaves on $\mathbb {P}^2$. This gives a new algorithm computing the Hodge numbers of the intersection cohomology of the classical moduli spaces of Gieseker semistable sheaves on $\mathbb {P}^2$, or equivalently the refined Donaldson-Thomas invariants for compactly supported sheaves on local $\mathbb {P}^2$.
As applications, we prove that the intersection cohomology of moduli spaces of Gieseker semistable sheaves on $\mathbb {P}^2$ is Hodge-Tate, and we give the first non-trivial numerical checks of the general $\chi$-independence conjecture for refined Donaldson-Thomas invariants of one-dimensional sheaves on local $\mathbb {P}^2$.
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Additional Information
Pierrick Bousseau
Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
MR Author ID:
Received by editor(s):
May 13, 2020
Received by editor(s) in revised form:
August 31, 2021
Published electronically:
June 24, 2022
Additional Notes:
The author acknowledges the support of Dr. Max Rössler, the Walter Haefner Foundation, and the ETH Zürich Foundation.
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University Press, Inc.