Enumerative tropical algebraic geometry in

By Grigory Mikhalkin


The paper establishes a formula for enumeration of curves of arbitrary genus in toric surfaces. It turns out that such curves can be counted by means of certain lattice paths in the Newton polygon. The formula was announced earlier in Counting curves via lattice paths in polygons, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), no. 8, 629–634.

The result is established with the help of the so-called tropical algebraic geometry. This geometry allows one to replace complex toric varieties with the real space and holomorphic curves with certain piecewise-linear graphs there.

1. Introduction

Recall the basic enumerative problem in the plane. Let and be two numbers and let be a collection of points in general position. A holomorphic curve is parameterized by a Riemann surface under a holomorphic map so that . Here we choose the minimal parametrization, i.e. such that no component of is mapped to a point by . The curve is irreducible if and only if is connected. The number of irreducible curves of degree and genus passing through is finite and does not depend on the choice of as long as this choice is generic.

Similarly we can set up the problem of counting all (not necessarily irreducible) curves. Define the genus of to be . Note that the genus can take negative values for reducible curves. The number of curves of degree and genus passing through is again finite and does not depend on the choice of as long as this choice is generic. Figure 1 lists some (well-known) first few numbers and .

The numbers are known as the Gromov-Witten invariants of (see Reference 12) while the numbers are sometimes called the multicomponent Gromov-Witten invariant. One series of numbers determines another by a simple combinatorial relation (see e.g. Reference 3). A recursive relation which allows one to compute the numbers (and thus the numbers ) was given by Kontsevich. This relation came from the associativity of the quantum cohomology (see Reference 12). In the arbitrary genus case Caporaso and Harris Reference 3 gave an algorithm (bases on a degeneration of ) which allows one to compute the numbers (and thus the numbers ).

The main result of this paper gives a new way of computation of these numbers as well as the -counterparts of these numbers (that appear in real algebraic geometry). The number turns out to be the number of certain lattice paths of length in the triangle with vertices , and . The paths have to be counted with certain non-negative multiplicities. Furthermore, this formula works not only for but for other toric surfaces as well. For other toric surfaces we just have to replace the triangle by other convex lattice polygons. The polygon should be chosen so that it determines the corresponding (polarized) toric surface.

The formula comes as an application of the so-called tropical geometry whose objects are certain piecewise-linear polyhedral complexes in . These objects are the limits of the amoebas of holomorphic varieties after a certain degeneration of the complex structure. The idea of using these objects for enumeration of holomorphic curves is due to Kontsevich.

In Reference 13 Kontsevich and Soibelman proposed a program linking homological mirror symmetry and torus fibrations from the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture Reference 26. The relation is provided by passing to the so-called “large complex limit” which deforms a complex structure on a manifold to its worst possible degeneration. Similar deformations appeared in other areas of mathematics under different names. The patchworking in real algebraic geometry was discovered by Viro Reference 29. Maslov and his school studied the so-called dequantization of the semiring of positive real numbers (cf. Reference 15). The limiting semiring is isomorphic to the -semiring , the semiring of real numbers equipped with taking the maximum for addition and addition for multiplication.

The semiring is known to computer scientists as one of tropical semirings, see e.g. Reference 20. In mathematics this semiring appears from non-Archimedean fields under a certain pushing forward to of the arithmetic operations in .

In this paper we develop some basic algebraic geometry over with a view towards counting curves. In particular, we rigorously set up some enumerative problems over and prove their equivalence to the relevant problems of complex and real algebraic geometry. The reader can refer to Chapter 9 of Sturmfels’ recent book Reference 27 for some first steps in tropical algebraic geometry. See also Reference 24, Reference 23, Reference 25 for some of more recent development.

We solve the corresponding tropical enumerative problem in . As an application we get a formula counting the number of curves of given degree and genus in terms of certain lattice paths of a given length in the relevant Newton polygon. In particular this gives an interpretation of the Gromov-Witten invariants in and via lattice paths in a triangle and a rectangle, respectively. This formula was announced in Reference 18. For the proof we use the patchworking side of the story which is possible to use since the ambient space is 2-dimensional and the curves there are hypersurfaces. An alternative approach (applicable to higher dimensions as well) is to use the symplectic field theory of Eliashberg, Givental and Hofer Reference 4. Generalization of this formula to higher dimensions is a work in progress. In this paper we only define the enumerative multiplicity for the 2-dimensional case. There is a similar definition (though no longer localized at the vertices) for multiplicities of isolated curves in higher-dimensional tropical enumerative problems. However, in higher dimensions there might be families of tropical curves (of positive genus) for enumerative problems with finite expected numbers of solutions (this phenomenon already appears for curves in passing through a finite collection of points in general position) which seem to pose a serious problem (that perhaps asks for development of tropical virtual classes).

The main theorems are stated in Section 7 and proved in Section 8. In Section 2 we define tropical curves geometrically (in a way similar to webs of Aharony, Hanany and Kol Reference 1, Reference 2). In Section 3 we exhibit them as algebraic objects over the tropical semifield. In Section 4 we define the tropical enumerative problems in ; in Section 5 recall those in . Section 6 is auxiliary to Section 8 and deals with certain piecewise-holomorphic piecewise-Lagrangian objects in called complex tropical curves. An outline of the approach taken in this paper can also be found in Reference 8. A somewhat different approach can be found in Reference 21.

2. Tropical curves as graphs in

In this section we geometrically define tropical curves in and set up the corresponding enumerative problem. We postpone the algebraic treatment of the tropical curves (which explains the term “tropical” among other things) until the next section.

2.1. Definitions and the first examples

Let be a weighted finite graph. The weights are natural numbers prescribed to the edges. Clearly, is a compact topological space. We make it non-compact by removing the set of all 1-valent vertices ,

Remark 2.1.

Removal of the 1-valent vertices is due to a choice we made in the algebraic side of the treatment. In this paper we chose the semifield as our “ground semifield” for tropical variety; see the next section. The operation plays the rôle of addition and thus we do not have an additive zero. Non-compactness of is caused by this choice. Should we have chosen instead for our ground semifield, we would not need to remove the 1-valent vertices but then we would have to consider tropical toric compactification of the ambient space as well. The approach of this paper is chosen for the sake of simplicity. The other approach has its own advantages and will be realized in a forthcoming paper.

Definition 2.2.

A proper map is called a parameterized tropical curve if it satisfies to the following two conditions.

For every edge the restriction is either an embedding or a constant map. The image is contained in a line such that the slope of is rational.

For every vertex we have the following property. Let be the edges adjacent to , let be their weights and let be the primitive integer vectors at the point in the direction of the edges (we take if is a point). We have

We say that two parameterized tropical curves and are equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism which respects the weights of the edges and such that . We do not distinguish equivalent parameterized tropical curves. The image

is called the unparameterized tropical curve or just a tropical 1-cycle if no connected component of gets contracted to a point. The 1-cycle is a piecewise-linear graph in with natural weights on its edges induced from the weights on . If is an edge of , then is a union of subintervals of the edges of . The weight of is the sum of the weights of these edges.

Remark 2.3.

In dimension 2 the notion of tropical curve coincides with the notion of -webs introduced by Aharony, Hanany and Kol in Reference 2 (see also Reference 1).

Remark 2.4.

The map can be used to induce a certain structure on from the affine space . It is an instance of the so-called -affine structure. For a graph such a structure is equivalent to a metric for every edge of . Here is a way to obtain such a metric for the edges that are not contracted to a point.

Let be a compact edge of weight that is not contracted to a point by . Such an edge is mapped to a finite straight interval with a rational slope in . Let be the length of a primitive rational vector in the direction of . We set the length of to be .

Note that also has non-compact edges (they result from removing 1-valent vertices from ). Such edges are mapped to unbounded straight intervals by .

It is possible to consider abstract tropical curves as graphs equipped with such -affine structures. Then tropical maps (e.g. to ) will be maps that respect such structure. Abstract tropical curves have genus (equal to ) and the number of punctures (equal to the number of ends of ) and form the moduli space in a manner similar to that of the classical Riemann surfaces. This point of view will be developed in a forthcoming paper.

Example 2.5.

Consider the union of three simple rays

This graph (considered as a tautological embedding in ) is a tropical curve since . A parallel translation of in any direction in is clearly also a tropical curve. This gives us a 2-dimensional family of curves in . Such curves are called tropical lines.

Remark 2.6.

The term tropical line is justified in the next section dealing with the underlying algebra. So far we would like to note the following properties of this family; see Figure 2.

For any two points in there is a tropical line passing through them.

Such a line is unique if the choice of these two points is generic.

Two generic tropical lines intersect in a single point.

Somewhat more complicated tropical curves (corresponding to projective curves of degree 3) are pictured on Figure 3.

2.2. The degree of a tropical curve in

Let be a set of non-zero integer vectors such that . Suppose that in this set we do not have positive multiples of each other, i.e. if for , then . The degree of a tropical 1-cycle takes values in such sets according to the following construction.

By our definition a tropical curve has a finite number of ends, i.e. unbounded edges (rays). Let be a primitive vector. A positive multiple of is included in if and only if there exists an end of which is mapped in the direction of . In such a case we include into , where is the sum of multiplicities of all such rays.

Definition 2.7.

The resulting set is called the toric degree of . Accordingly, the degree of a parameterized tropical curve is the degree of its image .

Note that the sum of all vectors in is zero. This follows from adding the conditions Equation 1 from Definition 2.2 in all vertices of .

For example the degree of both curves from Figure 5 is , , while the degree of both curves from Figure 3 is .

Definition 2.8.

If the toric degree of a tropical 1-cycle is , then is called a tropical projective curve of degree .

The curves from Figure 3 are examples of planar projective cubics.

2.3. Genus of tropical curves and tropical -cycles

We say that a tropical curve is reducible if is disconnected. We say that a tropical 1-cycle is reducible if it can be presented as a union of two distinct tropical 1-cycles. Clearly, every reducible 1-cycle can be presented as an image of a reducible parameterized curve.

Definition 2.9.

The genus of a parameterized tropical curve is . In particular, for irreducible parameterized curves the genus is the first Betti number of . The genus of a tropical 1-cycle is the minimum genus among all parameterizations of .

Note that according to this definition the genus can be negative. E.g. the union of the three lines from Figure 2 has genus .

If is an embedded 3-valent graph, then the parameterization is unique. However, in general, there might be several parameterizations of different genus and taking the minimal value is essential.

Example 2.10.

The tropical 1-cycle on the right-hand side of Figure 3 can be parameterized by a tree once we “resolve” its 4-valent vertex to make the parameterization domain into a tree. Therefore, its genus is 0.

2.4. Deformations of tropical curves within their combinatorial type

As in the classical complex geometry case the deformation space of a tropical curve is subject to the constraint coming from the Riemann-Roch formula. Let be the number of ends of .

Remark 2.11.

The number is a tropical counterpart of the value of the canonical class of the ambient complex variety on the curve . The ambient space corresponds to the torus classically. Let be a holomorphic curve with a finite number of ends. The space is not compact, but one can always choose a toric compactification such that every point of the closure in intersects not more than one boundary divisor (i.e. a component of ). Then every end of can be prescribed a multiplicity equal to the intersection number of the point of and the corresponding boundary divisor. The value of the canonical class of on equals the sum of these multiplicities.

Definition 2.12.

The curves and (parameterized by the same graph ) are said to be of the same combinatorial type if for any edge the segments and are parallel.

Note that if two tropical curves are isotopic in the class of tropical curves (with the same domain ), then they are of the same combinatorial type.

The valence of a vertex of is the number of adjacent edges regardless of their weights. The graph is called 3-valent if every vertex is 3-valent. The parameterized tropical curve is called 3-valent if is 3-valent.

Proposition 2.13.

Let be a 3-valent graph. The space of all tropical curves in the same combinatorial type (up to their equivalence from Definition 2.2) is an open convex polyhedral domain in a real affine -dimensional space, where


It suffices to prove this for a connected graph since different components of vary independently, and, furthermore, both sides of the inequality are additive with respect to taking the union of components (note that ). Let be a finite tree containing all the vertices of . Note that the number of finite edges in is . By an Euler characteristic computation we get that the number of finite edges of is equal to .

Maps vary in a linear -dimensional family if we do not change the slopes of the edges. The -dimensional part comes from varying the lengths of the edges while the -dimensional part comes from translations in . Such a map is extendable to a tropical map if the pairs of vertices corresponding to the remaining edges define the lines with the correct slope. Each of the edges imposes a linear condition of codimension at most . Thus tropical perturbations of are contained in a linear family of dimension at least . They form an open convex polyhedral domain there defined by the condition that the lengths of all the edges are positive.

Consider the general case now and suppose that has vertices of valence higher than 3. How much differs from a 3-valent graph is measured by the following characteristic. Let the overvalence be the sum of the valences of all vertices of valence higher than 3 minus the number of such vertices. Thus if and only if no vertex of has valence higher than 3.

Proposition 2.14.

The space of all tropical curves in the same combinatorial type (up to their equivalence from Definition 2.2) is an open convex polyhedral domain in a real affine -dimensional space, where

where is the number of edges of that are mapped to a point.


The proof is similar to that of Proposition 2.13. If the image of an edge is a point in , then we cannot vary its length. Similarly we are lacking some degrees of freedom (with respect to the set-up of Proposition 2.13) if .

Note that can be interpreted as the overvalence of the image .

2.5. Changing the combinatorial type of

Sometimes we can deform and by the following procedure reducing . If we have edges adjacent to the same vertex, then we can separate them into two groups so that each group contains at least 2 edges. Let us insert a new edge separating these groups as shown in Figure 4. This replaces the initial -valent vertex with 2 vertices (the endpoints of ) of smaller valence. There is a “virtual slope” of determined by the slopes of the edges in each group. This is the slope to appear in local perturbation of the tropical map (if such a perturbation exists). Note that the weight of the new edge does not have to be equal to 1.

There is another modification of a tropical curve near its vertex by changing the combinatorial type of which works even for some 3-valent vertices.

Example 2.15.

Let be the union of three rays in in the direction , and emanating from the origin (pictured on the left-hand side of Figure 5). This curve is a simple tropical curve of genus 0.

It can be obtained as a limit of the family of genus 1 curves given by the union of three rays in in the direction , and emanating from , and , respectively, and the three intervals , and as pictured in Figure 5.

Let be a 3-valent vertex of . As in Definition 2.2 let be the weights of the edges adjacent to and let be the primitive integer vectors in the direction of the edges.

Definition 2.16.

The multiplicity of at its 3-valent vertex is . Here is the area of the parallelogram spanned by and . Note that

since by Definition 2.2.

Note that the multiplicity of a vertex is always divisible by the product of the weights of any two out of the three adjacent edges.

Definition 2.17.

We say that is a perturbation of if there exists a family , , in the same combinatorial type as and the pointwise limit such that coincides with (as tropical 1-cycles).

Definition 2.18.

A tropical curve is called smooth if is 3-valent, is an embedding and the multiplicity of every vertex of is 1.

Proposition 2.19.

A smooth curve does not admit perturbations of different combinatorial types.


Suppose that is a perturbation of a smooth curve . Since is an embedding and , we have a map

Note that the weight of every edge from is 1 since otherwise the endpoints of multiple edges would have multiplicity greater than 1. Thus the inverse image of every open edge of under is a single edge of .

Thus must be a homeomorphism near the inner points of the edges of . Let be a vertex and let be its small neighborhood in . Note that is connected since is 3-valent (otherwise we can divide the adjacent edges to into two groups with zero sums of the primitive integer vectors).

Suppose that is not a point. Then is a graph which has three distinguished vertices that are adjacent to the edges of . The graph must be contained in the affine 2-plane in containing the ends . This follows from the balancing condition for .

The 3-valent vertices of have multiplicities from Definition 2.16. Since is planar, we can extend the definition of the multiplicity to higher-valent vertices as follows. Let be a -valent vertex, be the primitive integer vectors in the directions of the adjacent edges to numbered consistently with the cyclic order in the ambient 2-plane and let be the corresponding weights. We set the multiplicity of to be

It is easy to see that the multiplicity of in is equal to the sum of multiplicities of all the vertices of . The multiplicities of all vertices are positive integers. Therefore, the multiplicity of is greater than unless is a point.

Proposition 2.13 can be generalized in the following way to incorporate possible perturbations.

Proposition 2.20.

The space of deformations of a parameterized tropical curve is locally a cone

where is a polyhedral convex cone corresponding to tropical curves parameterized by perturbations of of a given combinatorial type. The union is taken over all possible combinatorial types of perturbations. We have

where is the number of the edges of that are mapped to a point.


This proposition follows from Proposition 2.14 applied to all possible perturbation of .

Remark 2.21.

Not all conceivable perturbations of are realized as the following example shows. Let be a tropical 1-cycle of genus 1. Let be a vertical line such that is a point on such that is contractible. The curve

has a 4-valent vertex that cannot be perturbed (since any such perturbation would force out of the plane ). Thus any 3-valent perturbation of the tautological embedding has to have an edge mapping to a point.

This phenomenon is related to the so-called superabundancy phenomenon.

2.6. Superabundancy and regularity

Some curves vary in a family strictly larger than “the prescribed dimension” .

Definition 2.22.

A parameterized tropical curve is called regular if the space of the curves of this combinatorial type (which is a polyhedral domain in an affine space by Proposition 2.14) has dimensions . Otherwise it is called superabundant.

In contrast to the classical case tropical superabundancy can be easily seen geometrically. By the proof of Proposition 2.13 the superabundancy appears if the cycles of the graph do not provide transversal conditions for the length of the bounded edges of the subtree . This is the case if some of the cycles of are contained in smaller-dimensional affine-linear subspaces of , e.g. if a non-trivial cycle of gets contracted or if a spatial curve develops a planar cycle. More generally, this is the case if several non-degenerate “spatial” cycles combine to a degenerate “flat” cycle.

Clearly, no irreducible tropical curve of genus 0 can be superabundant since it has no cycles. Furthermore, tropical immersions of 3-valent graphs to the plane are never superabundant as the following proposition shows.

Proposition 2.23.

Every tropical immersion is regular if is 3-valent. If  has vertices of valence higher than 3, then varies in at most the -dimensional family.


Recall the proof of Propositions 2.13 and 2.14. Once again we may assume that is connected. Let be any vertex.

We may choose an order on the vertices of so that it is consistent with the distance from , i.e. so that the order of a vertex is greater than the order of a vertex whenever is strictly further from than . The balancing condition for implies the following maximum principle for : any vertex of is either adjacent to an unbounded edge of or is connected with a bounded edge to a higher order vertex. Inductively one may choose a maximal tree so that this maximum principle also holds for . Note that the set of vertices of coincides with the set of vertices of . Note also that our choice of order on this set gives the orientation on the edges of : every edge is directed from a smaller to a larger vertex.

The space of deformation of within the same combinatorial type is open in a -dimensional real affine space that is cut by hyperplanes in where is the number of bounded edges of . Each of these hyperplanes is non-trivial if is an immersion and is 3-valent, since then there can be no parallel edges adjacent to the same vertex.

We have regularity if these hyperplanes intersect transversely. The hyperplanes are given by a -matrix with real values. The rows of this matrix correspond to the edges of while the first columns correspond to the edges of (the remaining two columns correspond to translations in ). To show that the rank of this matrix is in the 3-valent case, we exhibit an upper-triangular -minor with non-zero elements on its diagonal.

For each edge of we include the column corresponding to the (bounded) edge of directed toward the highest endpoint of . If is 3-valent, different edges of correspond under this construction to different edges of . This produces the required -minor.

If is not 3-valent, then the number of bounded edges of is . This number is the same as the number of vertices of other than . We can do the construction of the minor as above but only using one edge of at every vertex of other than . In such a way we can get a non-degenerate -minor and thus the dimension is at most (2 comes from translations in ). If there exists a vertex of valence higher than 3, then we may choose such a vertex for the root of the tree and this gives a non-degenerate minor of size strictly larger than .

Corollary 2.24.

An immersed 3-valent tropical curve locally varies in a (real) linear -dimensional space, where

if either or .

Remark 2.25.

There exist superabundant tropical immersions if is not 3-valent. A nice example is given by the Pappus theorem configuration that is a union of 9 lines; see Figure 6.

Assume that the nine Pappus lines have rational slopes and take to be their union in so that our tropical curve is a tautological embedding. We have , , , . Therefore , yet our configuration varies at least in a 3-dimensional family (since we can apply any translation and homothety in without changing the slopes of our lines).

Clearly, there also exist superabundant immersed 3-valent tropical curves in , . E.g. if is a (regular) tropical immersion of a 3-valent graph , then its composition with the embedding , , is superabundant.

3. Underlying tropical algebra

In this section we exhibit the tropical curves as algebraic varieties with respect to a certain algebra and also define some higher-dimensional tropical algebraic varieties in .

3.1. The tropical semifield

Consider the semiring of real numbers equipped with the following arithmetic operations called tropical in computer science:

. We use the quotation marks to distinguish the tropical operations from the classical ones. Note that addition is idempotent, . This makes a semiring without the additive zero (the role of such a zero would be played by ).

Remark 3.1.

According to Reference 20 the term “tropical” appeared in computer science in honor of Brazil and, more specifically, after Imre Simon (who is a Brazilian computer scientist) by Dominique Perrin. In computer science the term is usually applied to -semirings. Our semiring is by our definition but isomorphic to the -semiring; the isomorphism is given by .

As usual, a (Laurent) polynomial in variables over is defined by

where , , , and is a finite set. Note that is a convex piecewise-linear function. It coincides with the Legendre transform of a function defined on the finite set .

Definition 3.2.

The polyhedron is called the Newton polyhedron of . It can be treated as a refined version of the degree of the polynomial in toric geometry.

3.2. Tropical hypersurfaces: The variety of a tropical polynomial

For a tropical polynomial in variables we define its variety as the set of points where the piecewise-linear function is not smooth; cf. Reference 10, Reference 18 and Reference 27. In other words, is the corner locus of .

Proposition 3.3.

is the set of points in where more than one monomial of reaches its maximal value.


If exactly one monomial of is maximal at , then locally coincides with this monomial and, therefore, is linear and smooth. Otherwise has a corner at .

Remark 3.4.

At first glance this definition might appear to be unrelated to the classical definition of the variety as the zero locus of a polynomial. To see the connection, recall that there is no additive zero in , but its rôle is played by .

Consider the graph of a tropical polynomial . The graph itself is not a tropical variety in but it can be completed to the tropical variety

see Figure 7.

Proposition 3.5.

coincides with the variety of the polynomial in variables (where , ).


If , then we have and one of the monomials of both reaching the maximal values in . If and , then two monomials of reach the maximal value at the expression .

Note that we have for sufficiently close to . This is the sense in which can be thought of as a zero locus.

One may argue that itself is a subtropical variety (as in subanalytic vs. analytic sets) while is its tropical closure. Figure 7 sketches the graph and its tropical closure.

Definition 3.6.

Varieties are called tropical hypersurfaces associated to .

Remark 3.7.

Different tropical polynomials may define the same varieties. To see this, let us first extend the notion of concavity to those -valued functions which are only defined on a finite set . We call a function concave if for any (possibly non-distinct) and any with and we have

We have three types of ambiguities when but .

, where is a coordinate in . Note that in this case the Newton polyhedron of is a translate of the Newton polyhedron of .

, where is a constant.

The function is not concave, where and we set if . Then the variety of coincides with the variety of where is the smallest concave function such that (in other words is a concave hull of ).

Thus to define tropical hypersurfaces, it suffices to consider only tropical polynomials whose coefficients satisfy the concavity condition above.

Proposition 3.8 (Reference 17).

The space of all tropical hypersurfaces with a given Newton polyhedron is a closed convex polyhedral cone , . The cone is well-defined up to the natural action of .


All concave functions form a closed convex polyhedral cone . But the function defines the same curve as the function . To get rid of this ambiguity, we choose and define as the image of under the linear projection .

3.3. Compactness of the space of tropical hypersurfaces

Clearly, the cone is not compact. Nevertheless it gets compactified by the cones for all non-empty lattice subpolyhedra (including polygons with the empty interior). Indeed, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 3.9.

Let , , be a sequence of tropical hypersurfaces whose Newton polyhedron is . There exists a subsequence which converges to a tropical hypersurface whose Newton polyhedron is contained in (note that is empty if is a point). The convergence is in the Hausdorff metric when restricted to any compact subset in . Furthermore, if the Newton polyhedron of coincides with , then the convergence is in the Hausdorff metric in the whole of .


Each is defined by a tropical polynomial . We may assume that the coefficients are chosen so that they satisfy the concavity condition and so that . This takes care of the ambiguity in the choice of (since the Newton polyhedron is already fixed).

Passing to a subsequence, we may assume that converge (to a finite number or ) when for all . By our assumption one of these limits is 0. Define to be the variety of where we take only finite coefficients .

3.4. Lattice subdivision of associated to a tropical hypersurface

A tropical polynomial defines a lattice subdivision of its Newton polyhedron in the following way (cf. Reference 6). Define the (unbounded) extended polyhedral domain

The projection induces a homeomorphism from the union of all closed bounded faces of to .

Definition 3.10.

The resulting lattice subdivision of is called the subdivision associated to .

Proposition 3.11.

The lattice subdivision is dual to the tropical hypersurface . Namely, for every -dimensional polyhedron there is a convex closed (perhaps unbounded) polyhedron . This correspondence has the following properties.

is contained in an -dimensional affine-linear subspace of orthogonal to .

The relative interior of in is not empty.


if .

is compact if and only if .


For every , consider the truncated polynomial

(recall that ). Define

Note that for any face we have the variety orthogonal to (since moving in the direction orthogonal to does not change the value of -monomials) and therefore to . To verify the last item of the proposition, we restate the defining equation Equation 2 algebraically: is the set of points where all monomials of indexed by have equal values while the value of any other monomial of could only be smaller.

Example 3.12.

Figure 8 shows the subdivisions dual to the curves from Figures 3 and 5.

It was observed in Reference 10, Reference 18 and Reference 27 that is an -dimensional polyhedral complex dual to the subdivision . The complex is a union of convex (not necessarily bounded) polyhedra or cells of . Each -cell (even if it is unbounded) of is dual to a bounded -face of , i.e. to an -cell of . In particular, the slope of each cell of is rational.

In particular, an -dimensional cell is dual to an interval both of whose ends are lattice points. We define the lattice length of as . (Such a length is invariant with respect to .) We can treat as a weighted piecewise-linear polyhedral complex in ; the weights are natural numbers associated to the -cells. They are the lattice lengths of the dual intervals.

Definition 3.13.

The combinatorial type of a tropical hypersurface is the equivalence class of all such that .

Let be such a combinatorial type.

Lemma 3.14.

All tropical hypersurfaces of the same combinatorial type form a convex polyhedral domain that is open in its affine-linear span.


The condition can be written in the following way in terms of the coefficients of . For every the function for should coincide with some linear function such that for every .

It turns out that the weighted piecewise-linear complex satisfies the balancing property at each -cell; see Definition 3 of Reference 18. Namely, let be the -cells adjacent to a -cell of . Each has a rational slope and is assigned a weight . Choose a direction of rotation around and let be linear maps whose kernels are planes parallel to and such that they are primitive (non-divisible) and agree with the chosen direction of rotation. The balancing condition states that

As was shown in Reference 18, this balancing condition at every -cell of a rational piecewise-linear -dimensional polyhedral complex in suffices for such a polyhedral complex to be the variety of some tropical polynomial.

Theorem 3.15 (Reference 17).

A weighted -dimensional polyhedral complex is the variety of a tropical polynomial if and only if each -cell of is a convex polyhedron sitting in a -dimensional affine subspace of with a rational slope and satisfies the balancing condition Equation 3 at each -cell.

This theorem implies that the definitions of tropical curves and tropical hypersurfaces agree if .

Corollary 3.16.

Any tropical curve is a tropical hypersurface for some polynomial . Conversely, any tropical hypersurface in can be parameterized by a tropical curve.

Remark 3.17.

Furthermore, the degree of is determined by the Newton polygon of according to the following recipe. For each side we take the primitive integer outward normal vector and multiply it by the lattice length of to get the degree of .

3.5. Tropical varieties and non-Archimedean amoebas

Polyhedral complexes resulting from tropical varieties appeared in Reference 10 in the following context. Let be a complete algebraically closed non-Archimedean field. This means that is an algebraically closed field and there is a valuation defined on such that defines a complete metric on . Recall that a valuation is a map such that and .

Our principal example of such a is a field of Puiseux series with real powers. To construct , we take the algebraic closure of the field of Laurent series . The elements of are formal power series in , where and is a subset bounded from below and contained in an arithmetic progression. We set . We define to be the completion of as the metric space with respect to the norm .

Let be an algebraic variety over . The image of under the map , is called the amoeba of (cf. Reference 6). Kapranov Reference 10 has shown that the amoeba of a non-Archimedean hypersurface is the variety of a tropical polynomial. Namely, if , is a hypersurface in , then its amoeba is the variety of the tropical polynomial .

More generally, if is a field with a real-valued norm, then the amoeba of an algebraic variety is , where . Note that is such a map with respect to the non-Archimedean norm in .

Another particularly interesting case is if with the standard norm (see Reference 6, Reference 16, Reference 19, etc.). The non-Archimedean hypersurface amoebas appear as limits in the Hausdorff metric of from the complex hypersurfaces amoebas (see e.g. Reference 17).

It was noted in Reference 23 that the non-Archimedean approach can be used to define tropical varieties of arbitrary codimension in . Namely, one can define the tropical varieties in to be the images of arbitrary algebraic varieties . This definition allows one to avoid dealing with the intersections of tropical hypersurfaces in non-general position. We refer to Reference 23 for relevant discussions.

4. Enumeration of tropical curves in

4.1. Simple curves and their lattice subdivisions

Corollary 3.16 states that any tropical 1-cycle in is a tropical hypersurface, i.e. it is the variety of a tropical polynomial . By Remark 3.7 the Newton polygon of such is well defined up to a translation.

Definition 4.1.

We call the degree of a tropical curve in .

By Remark 3.17 this degree supplies the same amount of information as the toric degree from Definition 2.7. We extract two numerical characteristics from the polygon :

The number is the number of unbounded edges of the curve if counted with multiplicities (recall that we denoted the number of unbounded edges “counted simply” with ). The number is the genus of a smooth tropical curve of degree . To see this, let us note that every lattice point of is a vertex of the associated subdivision for a smooth curve . Therefore, the homotopy type of coincides with . Note also that smooth curves are dense in .

There is a larger class of tropical curves in whose behavior is as simple as that of smooth curves.

Definition 4.2.

A parameterized tropical curve is called simple if it satisfies all of the following conditions.

The graph is 3-valent.

The map is an immersion.

For any the inverse image consists of at most two points.

If , , are such that , then neither nor can be a vertex of .

A tropical 1-cycle is called simple if it admits a simple parameterization.

Proposition 4.3.

A simple tropical 1-cycle admits a unique simple tropical parameterization. The genus of a simple 1-cycle coincides with the genus of its simple parameterization. Furthermore, any of its non-simple parameterizations has a strictly larger genus.


By Definition 4.2, has only 3- and 4-valent vertices, where 4-valent vertices are the double points of a simple immersion. Any other parametrization would have to have a 4-valent vertex in the parameterizing graph.

Proposition 4.3 allows us to switch back and forth between parameterized tropical curves and tropical 1-cycles in the case of simple curves in . Thus we refer to them just as simple tropical curves. In a sense they are a tropical counterpart of nodal planar curves in classical complex geometry.

Remark 4.4.

More generally, every tropical 1-cycle admits a parameterization by an immersion of genus not greater than . Start from an arbitrary parameterization . To eliminate an edge such that is contracted to a point, we take the quotient of by for a new domain of parameterization. This procedure does not change the genus of .

Therefore, we may assume that does not have contracting edges. This is an immersion away from such vertices of for which there exist two distinct adjacent edges with . Changing the graph by identifying the points on and with the same image can only decreases the genus of (if and were distinct edges connecting the same pair of vertices). Inductively we get an immersion.

Lemma 4.5.

A tropical curve is simple (see Definition 4.2) if and only if it is the variety of a tropical polynomial such that is a subdivision into triangles and parallelograms.


The lemma follows from Proposition 3.11. The 3-valent vertices of are dual to the triangles of while the intersection of edges is dual to the parallelograms (see e.g. the right-hand side of Figure 3 and the corresponding lattice subdivision in Figure 8).

We have the following formula which expresses the genus of a simple tropical curve in terms of the number of triangles in .

Lemma 4.6 (Cf. Reference 8).

If a curve is simple, then .


Let be the number of vertices of while and are the numbers of its edges and (2-dimensional) polygons. Out of the 2-dimensional polygons are triangles and are parallelograms.

We have

Note that . Thus, and

4.2. Tropical general positions of points in

Definition 4.7.

Points are said to be in general position tropically if for any tropical curve of genus and with ends such that and we have the following conditions.

The curve is simple (see Definition 4.2).

Inverse images are disjoint from the vertices of .


Example 4.8.

Two distinct points are in general position tropically if and only if the slope of the line in passing through and is irrational.

Remark 4.9.

Note that we can always find a curve with passing through . For such a curve we can take a reducible curve consisting of affine (i.e. classical) lines in with rational slope each passing through its own point . This curve has ends while its genus is .

Proposition 4.10.

Any subset of a set of points in tropically general position is itself in tropically general position.


Suppose the points are not in general position. Then there is a curve with ends of genus passing through or of genus but with a non-generic behavior with respect to . By Remark 4.9 there is a curve passing through of genus . The curve supplies a contradiction.

Proposition 4.11.

For each the set of configurations such that there exists a curve of degree such that the conditions of Definition 4.7 are violated by is closed and nowhere dense.


By Remark 4.4 it suffices to consider only immersed tropical curves . We have only finitely many combinatorial types of tropical curves of genus with the Newton polygon since there are only finitely many lattice subdivisions of . By Proposition 2.23 for each such combinatorial type we have an -dimensional family of simple curves or a smaller-dimensional family of non-simple curves. For a fixed each of the points can vary in a 1-dimensional family on or in a 0-dimensional family if is a vertex of . Thus the dimension of the space of “bad” configurations is at most .

Corollary 4.12.

The configurations in general position tropically form a dense set which can be obtained as an intersection of countably many open dense sets in .

4.3. Tropical enumerative problem in

To set up an enumerative problem, we fix the degree, i.e. a polygon with , and the genus, i.e. an integer number . Consider a configuration of points in tropical general position. Our goal is to count tropical curves of genus such that and has degree .

Proposition 4.13.

There exist only finitely many such curves . Furthermore, each end of is of weight 1 in this case, so has ends.

Finiteness follows from Lemma 4.22 proved in the next subsection. If has ends whose weight is greater than 1, then the number of ends is smaller than and the existence of contradicts the general position of . Recall that since is in general position, any such is also simple and the vertices of are disjoint from .

Example 4.14.

Let and let be the quadrilateral whose vertices are , , and (so that the number of the lattice points on the perimeter is 4). For a configuration of three points in pictured in Figure 9 we have three tropical curves passing. In Figure 10 the corresponding number is two.

Definition 4.15.

The multiplicity of a tropical curve of degree and genus passing via equals the product of the multiplicities of all the 3-valent vertices of (see Definition 2.16).

Definition 4.16.

We define the number to be the number of irreducible tropical curves of genus and degree passing via where each such curve is counted with the multiplicity from Definition 4.15. Similarly we define the number to be the number of all tropical curves of genus and degree passing via . Again each curve is counted with the multiplicity from Definition 4.15.

The following proposition is a corollary of Theorem 1 formulated below in Section 7.

Proposition 4.17.

The numbers and are finite and do not depend on the choice of .

E.g. the 3-point configurations from Figures 9 and 10 have the same number .

4.4. Forests in the polygon

Recall that every vertex of a tropical curve corresponds to a polygon in the dual lattice subdivision of the Newton polygon while every edge of corresponds to an edge of the dual subdivision (see Proposition 3.11). If is a tropical curve passing through , then we can mark the edges of dual to . Let be the union of the marked edges.

Definition 4.18.

The combinatorial type of the pair passing via the configuration is the lattice subdivision together with the graph formed by the marked edges of this subdivision.

The marked combinatorial type of a parameterized tropical curve passing via is the combinatorial type of together with the marking of the edges containing .

Note that these two notions are equivalent in the case of simple curves.

Proposition 4.19.

The graph is a forest (i.e. a disjoint union of trees) if is in general position.


To the contrary, suppose that contains a cycle formed by edges. Since is in general position, our curve is simple. Suppose that are the marked points on the edges of dual to . We claim that are not in tropical general position which leads to a contradiction with Proposition 4.10. To show this, we exhibit a curve of non-positive genus with ends at infinity passing through .

Consider the union of the (closed) polyhedra from that are enclosed by . Let

where is the stratum of dual to (see Proposition 3.11). The set can be extended to a tropical curve by extending all non-closed bounded edges of to infinity. These extensions can intersect each other if is not convex so the Newton polygon of is a convex polyhedron . In other words, is given by a tropical polynomial with some choice of (note that if ). The corresponding subdivision of is the subdivision union with some parallelograms.

Consider the polynomial

We have since and the edges corresponding to are on the boundary of . On the other hand the genus of is non-positive since no vertex of is in the interior of (cf. Lemma 4.6).

4.5. The tropical curve minus the marked points

The following lemma strengthens Proposition 4.19 but is stated in a dual language, in terms of the graph parameterizing the tropical curve.

Lemma 4.20.

Let be a simple curve of genus and degree . Suppose that is parameterized by .

Suppose that passes through a configuration of points in general position. Then each component of is a tree and the closure of has exactly one end of weight one at infinity.

Conversely, suppose that is a finite set disjoint from the vertices of and such that each component of is a tree while the closure of has exactly one end at infinity. Then the combinatorial type of is realized by , where is a curve of genus and is a configuration of points in tropical general position which is a result of a small perturbation of . Furthermore, the number of points in is , where is the number of ends of .


Each component of in the first part of the statement has to be a tree. Otherwise we can reduce the genus of by the same trick as in Proposition 4.19 keeping the number of ends of the same. This leads to a contradiction with the assumption that is in general position. Also similarly to Proposition 4.19 we get a contradiction if is bounded. If has more than one end, then by Proposition 2.13 it can be deformed keeping the marked points from fixed. This supplies a contradiction with Proposition 4.13.

For the second part let us slightly deform to bring it to a tropical general position. We can deform at each component individually to ensure .

Lemma 4.20 allows one to extend the forest from Proposition 4.19 to a tree that spans all the vertices of in the case when the number of points in the configuration is .

Each parallelogram corresponds to an intersection of two edges and of . Lemma 4.20 allows one to orient the edges of each component of consistently toward the end at infinity (see Figure 12). Let be a small disk with a center at . Each component of corresponds to a vertex of . Two of these components are distinguished by the orientations of and . One is adjacent to the sources of the edges while the other is adjacent to the sinks. We connect the corresponding vertices of with an edge.

We form the graph by taking the union of with such edges for all the parallelograms from ; see Figure 13.

Proposition 4.21.

The graph is a tree that contains all the vertices of .


Suppose that does not contain parallelograms. Then . Let be a component of . If there exists a vertex not contained in , then we can form a 1-parametric family of curves of genus and degree passing via . Indeed, let be the tropical polynomial that defines . To get rid of the ambiguity in the choice of , we assume that runs only over the vertices of and that for a choice of the base index . Let us deform the coefficient . If belongs to component of different from , then we also inductively deform coefficients at the other vertices of that belong to to make sure that the curve corresponding to the result of deformation still contains . Clearly the genus of is still . Thus we get a contradiction to the assumption that is in tropically general position.

We can reduce the general case to this special case by the following procedure. For each parallelogram consider a point and its small neighborhood that is obtained by a small shift of the intersection to the target component of where is a small neighborhood of . Let be the resulting configuration. The curve can be deformed to a curve with the corresponding forest equal to .

4.6. Uniqueness in a combinatorial type

Enumeration of tropical curves is easier than that of complex or real curves thanks to the following lemma.

Lemma 4.22.

In each combinatorial type of marked tropical curves of genus with ends there is either one or no curve passing through as long as is a configuration of points in general position.


The tropical immersions of a given combinatorial type form a convex polyhedral domain by Propositions 2.13 and 2.23. Since is in general position, is a simple curve. The condition that the image of a particular edge of contains is a hyperplane in .

Suppose that these conditions cut a positive-dimensional polyhedral domain . A point from (the boundary is taken in ) is a non-simple curve with perhaps even smaller and and thus cannot pass through . If but is positive-dimensional, then it contains a line. Since the edge lengths cannot be negative, this means that this line corresponds to a family obtained from a single curve by translations. This supplies a contradiction.

Note that even if the combinatorial type is generic, we still may have no curves passing through since this linear system of equations is defined not in the whole of but in an open polyhedral domain there.

5. Algebraic curves in and a classical enumerative problem

5.1. Enumerative problem in

As in Subsection 4.3 we fix a number and a convex lattice polygon . As before let . Let be a configuration of points in general position. A complex algebraic curve is defined by a polynomial with complex coefficients. As in the tropical set-up we refer to the Newton polygon of as the degree of .

Definition 5.1.

We define the number to be the number of irreducible complex curves of genus and degree passing via . Similarly we define the number to be the number of all complex curves of genus and degree passing via .

Note that here we count every relevant complex curve simply, i.e. with multiplicity 1.

Proposition 5.2.

For a generic choice of the numbers and are finite and do not depend on .

This proposition is well known; cf. e.g. Reference 3 (also later in this section the invariance of and is reduced to the invariance of certain Gromov-Witten numbers).

In modern mathematics there are two ways to interpret the numbers and . A historically older interpretation is via the degree of Severi varieties. A more recent interpretation (introduced in Reference 12) is via the Gromov-Witten invariants. In both interpretations it is convenient to consider the compactification of the problem with the help of the toric surface associated to the polygon .

5.2. Toric surfaces and Severi varieties

Recall that a convex polygon defines a compact toric surface ; see e.g. Reference 6. (Some readers may be more familiar with the definition of toric surfaces by fans. In our case the fan is formed by the dual cones at the vertices of ; see Figure 14.) The sides of the polygon correspond to the divisors in . These divisors intersect at the points corresponding to the vertices of . This surface is non-singular if every vertex of is simple, i.e. its neighborhood in is mapped to a neighborhood of the origin in the positive quadrant angle under a composition of an element of and a translation in . Non-simple vertices of correspond to singularities of .

Example 5.3.

Let be the convex hull of , and . We have no matter what is. If , , then no matter what and are. All the vertices of such polygons are simple.

If , then , where the generator of acts on by . This action has three fixed points which give the singularities of corresponding to the three (non-simple) vertices of .

In addition to a complex structure (which depends only on the dual fan) the polygon defines a holomorphic linear bundle over . Let be the vector space of sections of . The projective space is our system of the curves. Note that it can also be considered as the space of all holomorphic curves in such that their homology class is Poincaré dual to .

Returning to Example 5.3, we note that gives us the projective curves of degree . The polygon gives us the curves of bidegree in the hyperboloid . The polygon gives us the images in of the cubic curves in that are invariant with respect to the -action.

Any curve in is the closure in of the zero set of a polynomial whose Newton polygon is contained in . Thus (see Equation 4) and . A general curve from is a smooth curve that is transverse to (this means that it is transverse to all divisors corresponding to the sides of and does not pass through their intersection points).

By the genus formula we have for a smooth curve in . However singular curves have smaller geometric genus. More precisely let be the curve from and let be its normalization. We define the geometric genus as . Note that if is not irreducible, then is disconnected and then may take a negative value.

Fix a number . The curves of genus not greater than form in the projective space an algebraic variety known as the Severi variety of . This variety may have several components. E.g. if has an exceptional divisor corresponding to a side , then reducible curves where corresponds to the polygon form a component (or a union of components) of the Severi variety. Such components correspond to smaller polygons . We are interested only in those components that correspond to the polygon itself.

Definition 5.4.

The irreducible Severi variety corresponding to of genus is the closure of the set formed by all irreducible curves whose Newton polygon is and whose genus is not more then . The Severi variety corresponding to of genus is the closure of the set formed by all curves whose Newton polygon is and whose genus is not more then . Clearly, .

Note that is empty unless . If , we have . If , then is the (generalized) -discriminant variety. It is sometimes convenient to set . Similarly to Reference 3 it can be shown that is the closure in of immersed nodal curves with ordinary nodes. In the same way, is the closure in of irreducible immersed nodal curves with ordinary nodes.

It follows from the Riemann-Roch formula that and have pure dimension . The Severi numbers and can be interpreted as the degrees of and in .

Example 5.5.

Suppose so that . We have and . The number is the number of genus , degree (not necessarily irreducible) curves passing through generic points in .

The formula is well known as the degree of the discriminant (cf. Reference 6). (More generally, if is smooth, then , where is the lattice length of and is the number of vertices; see Reference 6.)

An elegant recursive formula for was found by Kontsevich Reference 12. Caporaso and Harris Reference 3 discovered an algorithm for computing for arbitrary . See Reference 28 for computations for some other rational surfaces, in particular, the Hirzebruch surfaces (this corresponds to the case when is a trapezoid).

5.3. Gromov-Witten invariants

If is a polygon with simple vertices, then is a smooth 4-manifold. This manifold is equipped with a symplectic form defined by . The linear system gives an embedding . This embedding induces . As we have already seen, also defines a homology class . It is the homology class of the curves from .

To define the Gromov-Witten invariants of genus , one takes a generic almost-complex structure on that is compatible with and counts the number of pseudo-holomorphic curves of genus via generic points in in the following sense (see Reference 12 for a precise definition).⁠Footnote1 Consider the space of all stable (i.e. those with finite automorphism group) parameterized pseudo-holomorphic curves with marked points. Evaluation at each marked point produces a map . With the help of this map we can pull back to any cohomology class in , in particular the cohomology class of a point. Doing so for each of the point and taking the cup-product of the resulting classes, we get the Gromov-Witten invariant .


These are the Gromov-Witten invariants evaluated on the cohomology classes dual to a point; this is the only non-trivial case for surfaces. In this discussion we completely ignore the gravitational descendants.

The result is invariant with respect to deformations of the almost-complex structure. In many cases it is useful to pass to a generic almost-complex structure to make sure that for any stable curve passing through our points we have . But we have this condition automatically if is a smooth Fano surface (or, equivalently, all exceptional divisors have self-intersection ); cf. e.g. Reference 28 for details. (However, if has exceptional divisors of self-intersection and less, we need either to perturb the almost-complex structure or to consider a virtual fundamental class.)

The Gromov-Witten invariant coincides with the number if is a toric Fano surface (cf. e.g. Reference 28). In particular this is the case for or (these are the only smooth toric surfaces without exceptional divisors, in other words minimal Fano).

The Gromov-Witten invariants corresponding to disconnected curves are sometimes called multicomponent Gromov-Witten invariants.

6. Complex tropical curves in and the connection between classical and tropical geometries

6.1. Degeneration of complex structure on

Let be a real number. We have the following self-diffeomorphism :

For each this map induces a new complex structure on .

Here is a description of the complex structure induced by in logarithmic polar coordinates . (This identification is induced by the holomorphic logarithm from the identification .) If is a vector tangent to , we set . Note that is tangent to .

Clearly, a curve is holomorphic with respect to if and only if , where is a holomorphic curve with respect to the standard complex structure, i.e. -holomorphic. Let be the map defined by . We have

Note that corresponds to a -contraction under .

6.2. Complex tropical curves in

There is no limit (at least in the usual sense) for the complex structures , . Nevertheless, as in Section 6.4 of Reference 17 we can define the -holomorphic curves which happen to be the limits of -holomorphic curves, .

There are several ways to define them. An algebraic definition is the shortest and involves varieties over a non-Archimedean field. Let be the field of the (real-power) Puiseux series

where is a well-ordered set (cf. Reference 10). The field is algebraically closed and of characteristic 0. The field has a non-Archimedean valuation ,

As usual, we set . The multiplicative homomorphism can be “complexified” to

by setting . Applying this map coordinatewise, we get the map

Applying the map coordinatewise, we get the map

. The image of an algebraic curve under turns out to be a -holomorphic curve (cf. Proposition 6.1).

Note the following special case. Let

where , runs over all vertices of and is such that . By Kapranov’s theorem Reference 10 is the tropical curve defined by , . Thus is a union of rays starting from the origin and orthogonal to the sides of , in other words it is the 1-skeleton of the normal fan to . However, depends on the argument of the leading term of . Thus different choices of give different phases for the lifts of . We may translate in so that it has a vertex in a point instead of the origin. Corresponding translations of give a set of possible lifts.

This allows one to give a more geometric description of -curves. They are certain 2-dimensional objects in which project to tropical curves under . Namely, let be a tropical curve, be a point and be a convex neighborhood such that is a cone over (i.e. for every we have ). Note that if is a point on an open edge, then it is dual (in the sense of Subsection 3.4) to a segment in . If is a vertex of , then it is dual to a 2-dimensional polygon in . In both cases we denote the dual polygon with . We say that a 2-dimensional polyhedron is -compatible if , where is a translation of while , runs over some lattice points of and .

Proposition 6.1.

Let . The following conditions are equivalent.


, where is an algebraic curve.


is a graph such that there exists a choice of natural weights on its edges turning it to a tropical curve such that for every there exists a small open convex neighborhood such that is -compatible.


is the limit when in the Hausdorff metric of a sequence of -holomorphic curves with .

We precede the proof of Proposition 6.1 with some definitions and remarks.

Definition 6.2.

Curves satisfying any of the equivalent conditions of Proposition 6.1 are called (unparameterized) complex tropical curves or complex tropical 1-cycles in .

Proposition 6.1 allows us to think of complex tropical curves both as tropical curves equipped with a phase, i.e. a lifting to , and as -holomorphic curves, i.e. as limits of -holomorphic curves when .

Proposition 6.3.

Let , where is an algebraic curve with the Newton polygon . Then is a graph. Furthermore, it is possible to equip the edges of with natural weight so that the result is a tropical curve of degree in .


The proposition follows from Kapranov’s theorem Reference 10; cf. Subsection 3.5 since . The edge weights come from the lattice lengths of the edges of the corresponding lattice subdivision of .

Definition 6.4.

We say that a complex tropical curve with a choice of natural weights for the edges of has degree if these weights turn to a tropical curve of degree .

Proof of Proposition 6.1.

Let be the polynomial defining . The image is a tropical curve by Proposition 6.3. Let . The lowest -powers of come only from the polygon dual to the stratum containing . The compatibility curve is given by the sum of the -monomials of .

Consider the subdivision of dual to the tropical curve . The compatibility condition gives us a choice of monomials for each polygon in the subdivision dual to . However, the choice is not unique, due to the higher -power contributions. On the other hand, a monomial corresponds to a lattice point of which may belong to several subpolygons in the subdivision.

We have to choose the coefficients for the monomials so that they would work for all subpolygons of the subdivision. Let . The coefficient is a Puiseux series in . The lowest power is determined from the tropical curve as the coefficient of the corresponding tropical monomial. We set , where , i.e. our coefficient Puiseux series are actually monomials.

Namely, let be a polygon in the subdivision of dual to . A point on the corresponding stratum of is compatible with for a polynomial over with the Newton polygon . The curve coincides with the curve , where the polynomial is obtained by replacing each coefficient series of with its lower -power monomial . The polynomial is well defined up to multiplication by a complex number . To finish the proof, we need to make the equations for different agree on common monomials. For that we order the polygons so that is connected and we choose inductively so that the monomials of the same multidegree have the same coefficient.

This implication is a version of the so-called Viro patchworking Reference 29 in real algebraic geometry. If is the polynomial defining , then we can construct the sequence in the following way; cf. Reference 17.

First we truncate the polynomial by replacing each coefficient at a monomial of with . Denote the result with and its zero set with . As in the proof of the implication we have .

Let be the complex polynomial obtained from by plugging into the coefficients of . We set to be the image of the zero set of by the self-diffeomorphism defined in Equation 5.

Propositions 3.9 and 8.2 imply that is a tropical curve. Let , , , be a tropical polynomial defining . To find a presentation , we take the polynomial with coefficients for some .

To find , we note that if is a -holomorphic curve, then is (honestly) holomorphic and is given by a complex polynomial . To get rid of the ambiguity resulting from multiplication by a constant, we may assume that for a given and for all sufficiently large .

Let be defined by . We take for an accumulation point of , . Note that this accumulation point is unique and thus equal to since is the limit of .

Proposition 6.5.

Suppose that is a complex tropical curve, is the corresponding “absolute value” tropical curve and is either a vertex dual to a polygon or a point on an open edge dual to an edge . We have for some holomorphic curve with the Newton polygon .

This proposition follows from the second characterization of -holomorphic curves in Proposition 6.1.

The third equivalent description of Proposition 6.1 allows one to define the genus and the number of ends for a complex tropical curve.

Definition 6.6.

A complex tropical curve is said to have genus if is the limit (in the sense of the Hausdorff metric in ) of a sequence of -holomorphic curves in with of genus and cannot be presented as a limit of a sequence of -holomorphic curves of smaller genus.

Similarly, is said to have ends at infinity if is the limit of a sequence of -holomorphic curves in with with ends at infinity and cannot be presented as a limit of a sequence of -holomorphic curves with smaller number of ends.

Since both the genus and the number of ends are upper-semicontinuous, this definition makes sense.

Proposition 6.7.

Let be a complex tropical curve and let be the corresponding tropical curve. We have and .


The inequality on the number of ends follows from properness of the map . To get the genus inequality, it suffices to exhibit a parameterization of of genus not more than .

We use a sequence of -holomorphic curves , , , of genus approximating from Definition 6.6 to find such a parameterization. Let be the normalization of the -holomorphic curve (induced by the normalization of the (honestly) holomorphic curve ).

Let , , be a collection of small disks in centered at the vertices of . Consider a component of the inverse image . For a sufficiently large such a component has at least two ends (this follows from the maximum principle since the image approximates ) while each end corresponds to an end of . Thus each such component gives a subgraph of that is a locally tropical 1-cycle (i.e. can be presented as an intersection of a tropical 1-cycle in with ). Together these components give (locally) a parameterization of that can be extended to the edges of to get a parameterized tropical curve . Clearly, the number of components of coincides with the number of components of . The same holds for the number of ends, . Denote this number with .

Note that

where is the number of vertices of . Computing the Euler characteristic of , we get and therefore

Also we have , where is the number (of both bounded and unbounded) edges of , since all vertices of are at least 3-valent. On the other hand and thus . Therefore .

Recall that by definition of the genus of the graph . Thus

Combining this with Equation 7, we get the genus inequality.

Remark 6.8.

It can happen that . For example take to be the limiting curve for the family , where , , and , . The image does not depend on the choice of . We have . The curve is a union of the lines given by equations and if . However for all other values of the curve is irreducible and .

6.3. Simple complex tropical curves and their parameterizations

A basic example of a complex tropical curve is a complex tropical line that is a complex tropical curve of degree . It is easy to see that any two complex tropical lines differ by a (multiplicative) translation in .

One can generalize this example. Let be a triangle and be a tropical curve of degree with no bounded edges. Such a curve has genus 0 and three unbounded edges. (Note that if , then some of the unbounded edges have weight greater than 1.)

Since is a lattice triangle there exists an affine-linear surjection . Let

be the linear part of this map. Note that . The matrix of written multiplicatively defines a map

Alternatively we can define as the map covered by under . We have .

Note that extends to a holomorphic map

If is a side of , then consists of components, where is the lattice length of .

Proposition 6.9.

The image is a complex tropical curve of degree .


The lemma follows from the first description of complex tropical curves in Proposition 6.1 since the map also defines a linear endomorphism .

Definition 6.10.

A curve is called a holomorphic cylinder in if , where , for some lattice triangle and . The map is called a -fold covering of a holomorphic cylinder if the upper left element of the matrix is . A subset of a holomorphic cylinder is called a holomorphic annulus in if for a convex set . Then

is called a -fold covering of a holomorphic annulus , .

Note that holomorphic cylinders in are complex tropical curves and at the same time complex tropical subvarieties of .

Proposition 6.11.

A complex tropical line is homeomorphic to a sphere punctured in three points. There exists a point such that is a union of three holomorphic annuli while is homeomorphic to a union of two triangles whose vertices are pairwise identified.


Since all complex tropical lines are multiplicative translates of each other in , it suffices to check the proposition for the . For this case the holomorphic annuli are subsets of the cylinders , and while consists of all points , , with , and . Clearly, the union of this figure with three holomorphic annuli along , and is a sphere punctured three times.

Definition 6.12.

A proper map is called a parameterized simple complex tropical curve if the following conditions hold.

is a simple tropical curve.

is homeomorphic to a (smooth) orientable surface.

If is a point different from a double point or a 3-valent vertex of the simple tropical curve , then there exists a neighborhood in such that is homeomorphic to an annulus and is a -fold covering of a holomorphic annulus in , where is the weight of the edge of containing .

If is a double point of , then there exists a neighborhood in such that is homeomorphic to a disjoint union of two annuli and while is a -fold covering a holomorphic annulus in , , where and are the weights of the two edges of containing .

If is a 3-valent vertex of dual to a triangle , then there exists a neighborhood in such that is connected and the map

coincides with the map

for some complex tropical line .

As usual we consider simple parameterized tropical curves up to the reparameterization equivalence. Two simple parameterized tropical curves and are equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism such that .

Remark 6.13.

Note that if is a 3-valent vertex of the simple tropical curve , then is topologically a union of two triangles whose vertices are pairwise identified. Indeed, by Definition 6.12 the inverse image is homeomorphic to the closure of the image of the argument map of a complex tropical line in .

By their definition the simple complex tropical curves are those maps which locally coincide with the maps of complex tropical lines by . Enumerative geometry of lines is straightforward: there is a single line via a pair of generic points. Interestingly, this allows one to make enumerative geometry of simple complex tropical curves straightforward as well.

Definition 6.14.

The genus of a simple parameterized complex tropical curve is the genus of the surface . The number of ends of is the number of ends of the surface .

In Section 8 we shall see that this definition agrees with Definition 6.6. So far we note that these definitions agree with the definition of genus and the number of ends for the tropical 1-cycle .

Proposition 6.15.

The genus and the number of ends of a simple parameterized complex tropical curve coincide with the genus and the number of ends of the tropical 1-cycle .


Since the map is proper, the number of ends of is not less than the number of ends of . On the other hand each end of is a ray of weight going to infinity. Over this ray the surface has a holomorphic annulus wrapped times and, therefore, it has exactly one end.

Let be a simple parameterization of . To prove the equality of genera now, it suffices to show the following relation for the Euler characteristic

where and are results of 1-point compactifications of each end of and , respectively. (Note that is homeomorphic to the closure of in .)

We have , where is the number of ends of the simple tropical curve , is the number of its 3-valent vertices and is the number of the edges of . From combinatorics of we have and therefore

On the other hand the Euler characteristic of is if is a 3-valent vertex and zero otherwise. Therefore

6.4. Passing through a configuration of points in

We start from an elementary enumerative observation. Suppose that we have two points such that are in tropical general position.

Lemma 6.16.

There exists a unique complex tropical line such that .


We have a unique tropical line such that . Acting on by an element of if needed, we may assume that sits on the horizontal edge of while sits on the vertical edge of . Recall that all complex tropical lines differ by a multiplicative translation in . We have distinct complex tropical lines projecting to ; of them pass through while pass through for some (cf. Proposition 6.11). Thus we have a unique tropical line through and .

Suppose that is an image of a tropical line in under a map (see Equation 8) corresponding to a lattice triangle . Note that we have a natural way to equip the edges of with weights so that is a tropical curve with the help of Proposition 6.9. Indeed, a tropical line is the image of a complex tropical line under the map . The image is a tropical curve and thus is a tropical curve by Proposition 6.3.

It is easy to see that the weights of the three edges of are the lattice lengths of the three sides of the triangle (recall that a lattice length of a segment , , equals the number of -points on minus 1). At the same time these weights are degrees of the covering of the holomorphic annuli in obtained as the corresponding restrictions of the map . Let and be the weights of the edges of containing and , respectively.

Proposition 6.17.

There exist distinct simple complex tropical curves of degree and genus with three ends at infinity such that .


Recall that is a -fold covering. We have distinct pairs of a point from and a point from . By Lemma 6.16 this makes complex tropical lines in connecting such pairs. However, not all of these lines are distinct.

Indeed, each complex tropical line passing through such a pair contains points from and points from so we only have . In addition, the -fold covering identifies -tuples of such lines (those that differ by the deck transformations). Thus we have distinct simple parameterized complex tropical curves passing through and of the form for some complex tropical lines .

To finish the proof, we need to show that any simple parameterized complex tropical curve of genus 0 with 3 ends and passing via and is equivalent to for a complex tropical line . Clearly, we have since is the only tropical curve of genus 0 with three ends passing via and .

Let us note that lifts under a covering . To establish this, it is convenient to consider the compactification map Equation 10. The fundamental group of the three times punctured sphere is generated by two elements, and , since the three punctures correspond to the three sides of the lattice triangle . Both of these elements are in the image of the induced homomorphism since they wrap the holomorphic annuli of and times, respectively. The lift of is a complex tropical curve of degree and therefore is a complex tropical line.

In the general case consider a configuration of points such that is in tropically general position. Let be a tropical curve in of genus and degree . Let be the multiplicity of (see Definition 4.15) and let be the number of ends of . Suppose that .

Let be a simple complex tropical curve such that

We define the edge multiplicity of a simple tropical curve to be the product of the weights of all the edges of the parameterizing graph that are disjoint from times the product of the squares of the weights of all the edges of that are not disjoint from . Note that the unbounded edges of are all of weight 1 by Proposition 4.13 so they do not contribute to the edge multiplicity.

Proposition 6.18.

There are simple complex tropical curves in of genus and degree such that they project to and pass via .


Recall that is a set of points in general position As in Lemma 4.20 let be a component of the complement in of the inverse image of under the parameterization . By Lemma 4.20 the component is a tree which contains one end at infinity. Let be two points that are the endpoints of the edges of weights and adjacent to the same 3-valent vertex in (as in Figure 20). Let be the subpolygon dual to this 3-valent vertex of . By Proposition 6.17 we have simple parameterized complex tropical curves that are locally distinct in , where is a small neighborhood of the vertex . We proceed inductively for each component and then take the product over all such components.

6.5. Polynomials to define complex tropical curves

Let be a curve given by a non-Archimedean polynomial

, , . Let be the corresponding complex tropical curve. By Kapranov’s theorem Reference 10 (cf. Proposition 6.3) is a tropical polynomial defining the tropical 1-cycle .

Proposition 6.19.

If and are vertices of , then the ratio (where is defined by Equation 6) depends only on and does not depend on the choice of as long as .


Since is connected, we need to prove the proposition only in the case when and are connected with an edge . The complex tropical curve is -compatible; therefore the proposition follows from the special case when is 1-dimensional.

After an automorphism in we may assume that , . Then is a collection of the holomorphic cylinders , , of weight . (Note that we have the same for all since all these cylinders must project to the same edge of . Every cylinder is given by the equation . This equation incorporates the weight of the cylinder and is well defined up to multiplication by a constant or a monomial. Proceeding inductively, we get .

Thus if is strictly convex, then to recover a complex tropical curve , it suffices to know only .

Proposition 6.20.

Let be a formal sum of monomials, , where runs over all lattice points of . Suppose that is strictly convex. Then defines a complex tropical curve of degree . We have the following properties.

If two polynomials define the same complex tropical curve, then they differ by multiplication by a constant.

Complex tropical curves defined in this way form an open and dense set in the space of all complex tropical curves of degree .


Form a polynomial

and treat it as a polynomial over , i.e. . Define To see that different polynomials define different curves, it suffices to note that for the corresponding tropical polynomial

the subdivision contains all lattice points of as its vertices. In particular, no lattice point of is contained in the interior of an edge of . For different polynomials we have different -compatible elements for some edge .

On the other hand, any complex tropical curve can be obtained from a non-Archimedean curve given by a polynomial such that the function is convex. The polynomials with strictly convex functions are open and dense among all such polynomials.

Remark 6.21.

If is given by a polynomial such that the function is not strictly convex (even if it is convex non-strictly), then the collection of complex numbers does not necessarily determine the complex tropical curve .

E.g. the polynomials and (treated as polynomials over ) produce the same collection of three complex numbers, namely . However we have and

7. Statement of the main theorems

7.1. Enumeration of complex curves

Recall that the numbers and were introduced in Definition 4.16 and a priori they depend on a choice of a configuration of points in general position.

Theorem 1.

For any generic choice we have and .

Furthermore, there exists a configuration of points in general position such that for every tropical curve of genus and degree passing through we have (see Definition 4.15) distinct complex curves of genus and degree passing through . These curves are distinct for distinct and are irreducible if is irreducible.

The following is an efficient way to compute (and therefore also ). Let us choose a configuration to be contained in an affine line . Furthermore, we make sure that the order of coincides with the order on and that the distance between and is much greater than the distance between and inductively for each . These conditions ensure that is in tropically general position as long as the slope of is irrational. Furthermore, these conditions specify the combinatorial types of the tropical curves of genus and degree passing via (see Definition 4.18). We shall see that for this choice of the forests corresponding to such combinatorial types are paths connecting a pair of vertices of . This observation can be used to compute once an irrational slope of is chosen.

7.2. Counting of complex curves by lattice paths

Definition 7.1.

A path , , is called a lattice path if , , is an affine-linear map and , .

Clearly, a lattice path is determined by its values at the integer points. Let us choose an auxiliary linear map

that is irrational, i.e. such that is injective. Note that an affine line with an irrational slope determines a choice of since we can take to be the orthogonal projection onto . Let be the vertices where reaches its minimum and maximum, respectively. A lattice path is called -increasing if is increasing.

Figure 15.

All -increasing paths for a triangle with vertices , and where for a small and .

Graphic without alt text

The points and divide the boundary into two increasing lattice paths

We have , , . To fix a convention, we assume that goes clockwise around while goes counterclockwise.

Let be an increasing lattice path such that and . The path divides into two closed regions: enclosed by and and enclosed by and . Note that the interiors of and do not have to be connected.

We define the positive (resp. negative) multiplicity of the path inductively. We set . If , then we take to be the smallest number such that is a vertex of with the angle less than (so that is locally convex at ).

If such does not exist, we set . If exists, we consider two other increasing lattice paths connecting and , and . We define by if and if . We define by if and . We set

where is the triangle with the vertices , and . The multiplicity is always integer since the area of a lattice triangle is half-integer.

Note that it may happen that . In such a case we use a convention . We may assume that and are already defined since the area of is smaller for the new paths. Note that if since the paths and are not longer than .

We define the multiplicity of the path as the product . Note that the multiplicity of a path connecting two vertices of does not depend on . We only need to determine whether a path is increasing.

Example 7.2.

Consider the path depicted on the extreme left of Figure 16. This path is increasing with respect to , where is very small.

Let us compute . We have since is a locally convex vertex of . We have and thus , since . Proceeding further, we get .

Let us compute . We have since is a locally convex vertex of . We have and . To compute , we note that and . Thus the full multiplicity of is 2.

Recall that we fixed an (irrational) linear function and this choice gives us a pair of extremal vertices .

Theorem 2.

The number is equal to the number (counted with multiplicities) of -increasing lattice paths connecting and .

Furthermore, there exists a configuration of points in tropical general position such that each -increasing lattice path encodes a number of tropical curves of genus and degree passing via of total multiplicity . These curves are distinct for distinct paths.

Example 7.3.

Let us compute for the polygon depicted on Figure 17 in two different ways. Using for a small , we get the left two paths depicted on Figure 17. Using , we get the three right paths. The corresponding multiplicities are shown under the path. All other -increasing paths have zero multiplicity.

In the next two examples we use as the auxiliary linear function.

Example 7.4.

Figure 18 shows a computation of the well-known number . This is the number of rational cubic curves through eight generic points in .

Example 7.5.

Figure 19 shows a computation of a less well-known number . This is the number of genus 1 quartic curves through twelve generic points in .

7.3. Enumeration of real curves

Let be a configuration of points in general position. We have a total of complex curves of genus and degree in passing through . Some of these curves are defined over while others come in complex conjugated pairs.

Definition 7.6.

We define the number to be the number of irreducible real curves of genus and degree passing via . Similarly we define the number to be the number of all real curves of genus and degree passing via .

Unlike the complex case the numbers and do depend on the choice of . We have

while and, similarly, and .

Tropical geometry allows one to compute and for some configurations . Note that one can extract a sign sequence from by taking the coordinatewise sign. Accordingly we can enhance the tropical configuration data by adding a choice of signs that take values in .

Definition 7.7.

A signed tropical configuration of points

is a collection of points in the tropical plane together with a choice of signs .

We denote by the resulting configuration after forgetting the signs.

Suppose that is a simple tropical curve and is given by an immersion where is 3-valent. Let be an edge of of weight . Suppose that is a primitive integer vector parallel to . We define the set as the quotient of by the equivalence relation , . Thus if the weight is even, then but if is odd, then is a 2-element set.

An element is called the phase of . Every vertex of is adjacent to three edges . Their phases are called compatible if there exist representatives , , , such that


if and the equivalence class contains more than one element,


In other words, once we associate to every phase its two possible representatives in (which we choose to be distinct if there are two elements in and coinciding if is a one-point set), the six resulting elements of should divide into three pairs of coinciding elements from distinct edges.

Definition 7.8.

A simple real tropical curve (or signed tropical curve) is a simple tropical curve parameterized by with a choice of the phase for every edge that is compatible at every vertex of . We say that passes through a signed configuration if for every there exists a (closed) edge such that and .

Remark 7.9.

Signed tropical configurations and real tropical curves can be viewed as 0- and 1-dimensional real tropical varieties in , respectively.

Suppose that is such that is a configuration of points in general position. Let be a real tropical curve passing through a signed configuration . Suppose that , where is the number of ends of and is the genus of .

Definition 7.10.

The multiplicity is , where is twice the number of edges of of even weight that contain points from plus the number of the remaining edges of of even weight.

A real tropical curve is called irreducible if the tropical curve is irreducible. Otherwise, it is called reducible.

Definition 7.11.

We define the number to be the number of real irreducible tropical curves of genus and degree passing via counted with multiplicities . Similarly we define the number to be the number of all real tropical curves of genus and degree passing via (again, counted with multiplicities ).

Theorem 3.

Suppose that is a signed configuration of points in tropically general position. Then there exists a configuration of real points in general position such that and .

Furthermore, for every real tropical curve of genus and degree passing through we have distinct real curves of genus and degree passing through . These curves are distinct for distinct and are irreducible if is irreducible.

Our next goal is to define the real multiplicity of a tropical curve passing through a signed configuration in a way to include all signed tropical curves with the same with corresponding multiplicities. The multiplicity depends only on , and the equivalence class of the sign for every point contained in the edge . (Recall that since is tropically in general position, the points are disjoint from the vertices of .)

Let be a tropical curve of genus and degree passing through . Recall that by Lemma 4.20 each component of is a tree with a single end at infinity (see Figure 12).

We define the real tropical multiplicity of each component of inductively. Let and be two 1-valent vertices of corresponding to marked points and such that the edges adjacent to and meet at a 3-valent vertex (see Figure 20).

Form a new tree by removing the edges and from . The number of 1-valent vertices of is less by one ( becomes a new 1-valent vertex while and disappear). By the induction assumption the real multiplicity of is already defined for any choice of signs. All the finite 1-valent vertices of except for have their signs induced from the signs of . To completely equip with the signs, we have to define the sign at the edge .

Suppose that and are primitive integer vectors parallel to and , respectively. Suppose that the signs of and are and . Suppose that is the third edge adjacent to . Let , , be the set of equivalence classes of signs corresponding to , and . Let be their weights.

Definition 7.12.

The sign at and the real multiplicity of are defined according to the following inductive rules. If does not have a 3-valent vertex (i.e. is homeomorphic to ), then .

Suppose that and . In this case we have so the signs and take values in the same set. Note that in this case. The sign on such edge takes values in . If , then this sign can be presented by two distinct equivalent elements . Let and be the trees equipped with the corresponding signs. We set

If , we set .

Suppose that and . In this case and the three sets are all distinct. The sign is uniquely determined by the condition that its equivalence class has common elements both with the equivalence class and with the equivalence class . Let be the tree equipped with this sign. We set

Suppose that one of the weights and is odd and the other is even. We may suppose without the loss of generality that and . In this case we have and while . If the equivalence class contains , we set and

where is equipped with the sign at . If the equivalence class does not contain , we set .

Suppose that . Then is even and . If , we set and

where is equipped with the sign at . If , we set .

Let be a signed configuration of points and let be a tropical curve of genus and degree passing via . The real multiplicity of a tropical curve passing through the signed configuration is the product

where runs over all the components of .

Proposition 7.13.

The real multiplicity is never greater than and has the same parity as the multiplicity of from Definition 4.15.


The proposition follows directly from Definition 7.12 by induction. The multiplicity of a 3-valent vertex is odd if and only if all three adjacent edges have odd weights. This multiplicity is at least 2 if one of the adjacent edges has even weight. This multiplicity is at least 4 if all three adjacent edges have even weights.

Proposition 7.14.

The multiplicity equals the sum of multiplicities for all real tropical curves with the same .


The proposition follows from induction. In all except the first case of Definition 7.12 we have a unique choice for the phase of compatible at . In the first case we have two choices that are accounted in Equation 12.

Corollary 7.15.

The number is equal to the sum of over all irreducible tropical curves passing through .

The number is equal to the sum of over all tropical curves passing through .

Example 7.16.

Let us choose the signs of so that every contains in its equivalence class. Let and let be the quadrilateral whose vertices are , , and as in Example 4.14. Then we have for the configuration of three points from Figure 9 and for the configuration of three points from Figure 10.

For other choices of signs of we can get for Figure 10 while for Figure 9 for any sign choices.

7.4. Counting of real curves by lattice paths

Theorem 2 can be modified to give the relevant count of real curves. In order to do this, we need to define the real multiplicity of a lattice path connecting the vertices and once is equipped with signs.

Suppose , . Let be the GCD of and . Similarly to the previous subsection we define to be the set obtained from by taking the quotient under the equivalence relation , . Let

be any choice of signs.

We set

The definition of the new paths , and the triangle is the same as in Subsection 7.2. The sign sequence for is , , . The sign sequence for is , . We define the sign and the function (in a way similar to Definition 7.12) as follows.

If all sides of are odd, we set and define the sign (up to the equivalence) by the condition that the three equivalence classes of , and do not share a common element.

If all sides of are even, we set if . In this case we can ignore (and its sequence of signs). We set if . In this case we define .

Otherwise we set if the equivalence classes of and do not have a common element. We set if they do. In the latter case we define the equivalence class of by the condition that , and have a common element. There is one exception to this rule. If the even side is , then there are two choices for satisfying the above condition. In this case we replace in Equation 16 by the sum of the two multiplicities of equipped with the two allowable choices for (note that this agrees with in this case).

Similar to Subsection 7.2 we define and . As before is a linear map injective on and and are the extrema of .

Theorem 4.

For any choice of , , there exists a configuration of of generic points in the respective quadrants such that the number of real curves among the relevant complex curves is equal to the number of -increasing lattice paths connecting and counted with multiplicities .

Furthermore, each -increasing lattice path encodes a number of tropical curves of genus and degree passing via of total real multiplicity . These curves are distinct for distinct paths.

Example 7.17.

Here we use the choice so all the points are in the positive quadrant . The first count of the number from Example 7.3 gives a configuration of three real points with five real curves. The second count gives a configuration with three real curves since the real multiplicity of the last path is 1. Note also that the second path on Figure 17 changes its real multiplicity if we reverse its direction.

Example 7.4 gives a configuration of nine generic points in with all twelve nodal cubics through them real. Example 7.5 gives a configuration of twelve generic points in with 217 out of the 225 quartics of genus 1 real. The path in the middle of Figure 19 has multiplicity 9 but real multiplicity 1. A similar computation shows that there exists a configuration of eleven generic points in such that 564 out of the 620 irreducible quartics through them are real.

7.5. Different types of real nodes and the Welschinger invariant

Let be a curve defined over . In other words it is a curve invariant with respect to the involution of complex conjugation. Suppose that is nodal, i.e. all singularities of are ordinary double points (nodes).

There are three types of nodes of :

Hyperbolic. These are the real nodes that locally are intersections of a pair of real branches. Such nodes are given by equation for a choice of local real coordinates .

Elliptic. These are the real nodes that locally are intersections of a pair of imaginary branches. Such nodes are given by equation for a choice of local real coordinates .

Imaginary. These are nodes at non-real points of . Such nodes come in complex conjugate pairs.

This distinction was used in Reference 30 in order to get a real curve counting invariant with respect to the initial configuration . Indeed, let us modify the real enumerative problem from Definition 7.6 in the following way. Let be a real nodal curve. Let be the number of real elliptic nodes of . We prescribe to the sign equal to . As usual we fix a genus , a degree and a configuration of points in general position.

Definition 7.18 (see Reference 30).

We define the number to be the number of irreducible real curves of genus and degree passing via counted with signs. Similarly we define the number to be the number of all real curves of genus and degree passing via counted with signs.

Theorem 5 (Welschinger Reference 30).

If and is smooth, then the number does not depend on the choice of .

Theorem 3 can be modified to compute and for an arbitrary , in particular, in the invariant situation .

Let be a simple tropical curve. Recall that Definition 2.16 assigns a multiplicity to every 3-valent vertex .

Definition 7.19.

We define

if is odd and if is even.

The tropical Welschinger sign is the product of over all 3-valent vertices of .

As usual let us fix a genus , a degree and a configuration of points in tropically general position. Define to be the number of irreducible tropical curves of genus and degree passing via counted with the Welschinger sign. In a similar way define to be the number of all tropical curves of genus and degree passing via counted with the Welschinger sign.

Theorem 6.

Suppose that is a configuration of points in tropically general position. Then there exists a configuration of real points in general position such that


Furthermore, for every tropical curve of genus and degree passing through we have a number of distinct real curves of genus and degree passing through with the total sum equal to the Welschinger sign of . These curves are distinct for distinct and are irreducible if is irreducible.

Example 7.20.

Let and let be the quadrilateral with vertices , , and . In Figure 9 we have three real curves; two of them have the sign and one has the sign . In Figure 10 we have two real curves; one of them has the sign and one has the sign . In both cases we have .

Theorem 2 can be adjusted to compute by lattice paths. Let be a lattice path connecting the vertices and of . Let us introduce the multiplicity inductively, in a manner similar to our definition of the multiplicity . Namely we set . To define , we repeat the definition of but replace Equation 11 with

Here we define if at least one side of is even and otherwise. The paths , and the triangle are the same as in the inductive definition of .

Theorem 7.

For any choice of an irrational linear map there exists a configuration of generic points in such that the number of (not necessarily irreducible) real curves of genus and degree passing through counted with the tropical Welschinger sign is equal to the number of -increasing lattice paths connecting and counted with multiplicities .

Furthermore, there exists a configuration of points in tropical general position such that each -increasing lattice path encodes a number of tropical curves of genus and degree passing via with the sum of signs equal to . These curves are distinct for distinct paths.

Example 7.21.

In Example 7.3 we have for some choice of . In Example 7.4 we have for some choice of . In Example 7.5 we have for some choice of . In all these examples we have since there are no reducible curves of these genera and degree. Note that by Theorem 5 the number does not depend on the choice of .

The following observation is due to Itenberg, Kharlamov and Shustin Reference 9. If and or , then for any -increasing path and, furthermore, any tropical curve encoded by by Theorem 7 has a non-negative tropical Welschinger sign. It is easy to show that there exist -increasing paths that encode irreducible tropical curves of non-zero tropical Welschinger signs. We get the following corollary for any .

Corollary 8.

For any generic configuration of points there exists an irreducible rational curve of degree passing through .

For any generic configuration of points there exists an irreducible rational curve of bidegree passing through .

With the help of Theorem 7 Itenberg, Kharlamov and Shustin in Reference 9 have obtained a non-trivial lower bound for the number of such rational curves. In particular, they have shown that for any generic configuration of points in there exists at least rational curves of degree passing via .

8. Proof of the main theorems

8.1. Complex amoebas in and the key lemma

Let be generic points in the sense of Proposition 5.2 (i.e. generic classically). Suppose in addition that the points

are in general position tropically. Denote . Recall that we fix a Newton polygon and a genus . There are holomorphic curves passing through as long as . By Proposition 4.13 there are finitely many tropical curves

of genus with the Newton polygon and passing through . Note that depends on the choice of the points (unlike the number for which we are proving invariance).

Proposition 8.1.

For generic we have -holomorphic curves passing through .


Indeed, this number equals the number of holomorphic (i.e. -holomorphic) curves through the points . (These points are in general position for generic since they are for .)

Let be the -neighborhood (in the sense of the standard Euclidean metric on ) of for . Recall (see Reference 6) that the amoeba of a curve is its image

Note that if is a -holomorphic curve, then can be obtained from the amoeba of some holomorphic curve by the -contraction. This allows us to speak of the Newton polygons of -holomorphic curves.

Proposition 8.2.

If is a -holomorphic curve whose Newton polygon is , then its amoeba contains a tropical curve with the same Newton polygon .


If , i.e. is holomorphic with respect to the standard holomorphic structure, then the statement follows from the theorem of Passare and Rullgård Reference 19. Recall (see Reference 19) that if is a complex curve defined by a polynomial , then the spine of its amoeba is a tropical curve defined by a tropical polynomial where

and is any point such that its index is . If there are no points in of index , then the monomial is omitted from .

It is shown in Reference 19 that the tropical hypersurface defined by is contained in . Clearly, the Newton polygon of is . To finish the proof, we note that the image of a tropical curve under a homothety is tropical with the same Newton polygon.

With the help of Proposition 8.1, Theorem 1 follows from the following two lemmas.

Lemma 8.3.

For any there exists such that if and is a -holomorphic curve of genus , degree and passing through , then its amoeba is contained in the -neighborhood of for some .

Lemma 8.4.

For a sufficiently small and a sufficiently large the multiplicity of each from Equation 17 (see Definition 4.15) is equal to the number of the -holomorphic curves of genus and degree passing through and such that is contained in . Furthermore, if is irreducible, then any -holomorphic curve of genus and degree passing through with is irreducible while if is reducible, then any such curve is reducible.

8.2. Proof of Lemma 8.3

A holomorphic curve is given by a polynomial

To a curve we associate its tropicalization given by the tropical polynomial

Lemma 8.5.

The amoeba is contained in the -neighborhood of (with respect to the Euclidean metric in ), where


Suppose that is not contained in the -neighborhood of . Then there exists such that

for any . Indeed, the distance from to the line is greater than by the hypothesis and the norm of the gradient of the function is at least 1 (since are all integers).

Suppose that is such that . Since , the triangle inequality implies that

Let us apply to both sides of this inequality:

Thus a point from the amoeba has to be in the -neighborhood of .

Corollary 8.6.

The amoeba of a -holomorphic curve is contained in the -neighborhood of some tropical curve in , where .


The corollary is obtained by applying the -contraction to Lemma 8.5 since . Clearly, is a tropical curve.

Let , , be a sequence of curves passing through and such that is a -holomorphic curve for some , where , . As in the previous subsection we assume that the holomorphic curve is of genus and has the Newton polygon for each . Denote by the amoeba of . Proposition 8.2 ensures (after applying the -contraction) that there exists a tropical curve .

Proposition 8.7.

There is a subsequence , , such that the sets converge in the Hausdorff metric in to some tropical curve from Equation 17.


By Proposition 3.9 we can extract a subsequence from which converges to a tropical curve . To prove the proposition, it suffices to show that is a tropical curve passing through of genus whose Newton polygon is . Proposition 3.9 and Corollary 8.6 ensure convergence in the Hausdorff metric in .

We have since and thus . The degree of is a subpolygon since is the limit of curves of degree . We want to prove that .

Choose a disk of radius so large that contains all vertices of . Furthermore, making larger if needed, we may assume that the extension of the exterior edges of beyond do not intersect.

The Newton polygon of is . Therefore, it has ends. By Proposition 3.9 the intersection is an approximation of . Therefore, for a large we have where is a configuration of points in tropically general position obtained by a small deformation of . We have if and only if is a disjoint union of rays (each going to ). If not, has a bounded edge connecting a point of with a vertex of outside of . A change of the length of this edge produces a deformation of such that all curves in the family pass via . This contradicts the tropical general position of .

Note that the genus of cannot be smaller than ; otherwise the configuration is not in general position. The genus of curves may be larger than even though the genus of is . However, the genus of their limit cannot be larger than by Proposition 6.7 since can be presented as the image under of the limit of a subsequence of . Therefore, the genus of is . Thus has to be one of from Equation 17.

Since Proposition 8.7 can be applied to any infinite subsequence of , we have the following corollary.

Corollary 8.8.

The sequence , , can be presented as a union of subsequences such that either the number of terms in is finite or converges in the Hausdorff metric in with , .


By Proposition 8.7 for any the number of indices such that the Hausdorff distance from to is greater than for every is finite.

To deduce Lemma 8.3 from Corollary 8.8, suppose that the amoebas of -holomorphic curves converge to a tropical curve , , for . Then the spines also converge to .

Note that the number of edges of is not greater than that of . Some edges of the 1-cycle tend to the “corresponding” edges of . The remaining edges of vanish: their length tends to zero when . Lemma 8.3 follows from the following proposition.

Proposition 8.9.

There exist and a function such that for every edge of whose length is higher than there exists an edge of parallel to and within -distance (in the Hausdorff metric in ) from .


Since is a bounded polygon, we have a finite number of possibilities for the slopes of the edges of . Thus each edge of gets approximated by a parallel edge of when .

Suppose that is an edge containing a point . The distance between the parallel lines containing and cannot be more than by Corollary 8.6 (assuming that is so large that ).

Recall that is a disjoint union of trees with only one end at infinity. Since the number of edges of is bounded from above, it suffices to prove that the length of vanishing edges of is uniformly bounded from above by a quantity tending to zero when . Every vanishing edge is contained in a small neighborhood of a vertex of the 1-cycle for large . Recall that since is in general position, the 1-cycle is simple.

Suppose is a 3-valent vertex and is a small open disk around . As in the proof of Proposition 6.7 it is easy to see that is connected and homeomorphic to a pair-of-pants, i.e. a sphere punctured three times. Indeed, every component of has at least three ends by the maximum principle. Thus the Euler characteristic of each such component is at most and strictly less than unless is a pair-of-pants. Our claim follows since the genus of is (which coincides with the genus of ).

Unless is a union of three rays emanating from , it must contain a cycle. Since is a deformational retract of , the intersection then also contains a cycle. Let be a point inside of this cycle and let be any other point such that is non-empty and connected. Note that the line containing also must intersect outside the interval for topological reasons. The pull-back cannot be disconnected. Otherwise this would contradict the maximum principle for the harmonic function , where is the linear projection in the direction of (recall that has three ends and is contained in the -neighborhood of ). But if is connected, then the genus of is positive which is also a contradiction. Thus cannot have vanishing edges near 3-valent vertices of .

Suppose now that is a 4-valent vertex of the 1-cycle . Let is a small open disk around . The pull-back is a union of two components and . As in the 3-valent case the intersection cannot have cycles since it would lead to a contradiction with the maximum principle. Therefore, is a tree with four ends and thus may contain not more than one vanishing edge .

Suppose that the length of is greater that , where is the minimal value of the sine of the angle between two distinct slopes of the edges of . Let be the line passing through the midpoint of and parallel to one of the two edges of passing through . Corollary 8.6 combined with our assumption on the length of implies that is compact and therefore cannot be locally concave which contradicts the maximum principle for for some linear projection (cf. Lemma 1 from Reference 16).

8.3. Proof of Lemma 8.4

Let be one of the tropical curves from Equation 17 and let be its multiplicity from Definition 4.15. Denote by the lattice subdivision of dual to . Let

be a tropical polynomial that defines and such that includes all monomials of indices so that is a (non-strictly) convex function defined on . To get rid of the ambiguity in the choice of , we choose a “reference” index among the vertices of and assume that .

By Proposition 6.18 there are simple complex tropical curves projecting to and passing via . We shall see that each of them gives rise to distinct nearby -holomorphic curves of degree , genus and passing via for large and this exhausts all -holomorphic curves with this property in a small neighborhood of .

Let be any complex tropical curve passing via and such that . By Proposition 6.19 the curve defines the coefficients for the vertices of once we set . Note that since and since is in tropically general position, the number of ends of is and therefore

We have It turns out that these coefficients , , depend only on and as the next proposition shows. Note that unlike the situation in Proposition 6.20 not all points of are vertices of and thus we may have distinct complex tropical curves with a given set of the coefficients , .

Proposition 8.10.

The coefficients , , do not depend on the choice of as long as we set . Thus these coefficients depend only on and .


By Lemma 4.20 each component of is a tree which contains one end at infinity. As in the proof of Proposition 6.18 we proceed inductively cutting the branches of the tree .

Let be two points that connect to the same 3-valent vertex in as in Figure 20. Then the points are contained in the edges of dual to the edges , such that the triangle with the vertices belongs to . The ratios and are determined since the points and have to be contained in the curve. Therefore, we know the ratio and we can proceed further by induction.

Consider the polynomial

. The sum here is taken only over the vertices of . Define by

For each the curve is -holomorphic. For large values of we have .

For large values of we may consider the curve as an approximate solution to the problem of finding the -holomorphic curves of genus and degree via . Indeed, generically we expect to be smooth (and therefore of a “wrong” genus ) and not to contain . However it is close to a (singular) curve of genus and is very close to the configuration . We need to find a genuine solution near this approximate one for large values .

Recall that the amoebas of the (-holomorphic) curves we are looking for have to be contained in a small neighborhood of while the curves themselves have to contain . For large this implies that such a curve can be presented in the form , where

and , , are such that for while for . Here is some collection of small numbers. All that comply with these conditions form a polydisc .

Proposition 8.11.

If is sufficiently large and is a -holomorphic curve of genus such that and , then there exists such that .

Recall that by Lemma 8.3 the image has to be contained in the -neighborhood of one of from Equation 17.


Suppose that for some and that this holds for a sequence of values of going to . Then there exists a subsequential limit of of genus higher than (since the limiting tropical curve has an extra complement component corresponding to ). By Proposition 6.7 the genus of is also higher than .

Suppose that for some . Tracing back the proof of Proposition 8.10, we see that then there exists an edge corresponding to a point such that is bounded from below by a positive constant not depending on . But then the curve is disjoint from for sufficiently large .

We cover with open sets corresponding to the polygons from the subdivision in the following way.

If is a 2-polygon, then it is dual to a vertex . We choose to be a small open disk centered at .

If is an edge of , then it is dual to an edge connecting two vertices , where are the two 2-polygons adjacent to the edge . We choose to be a small regular open neighborhood of .

According to our previous choice of the curve is a deformational retract of the union where runs over positive-dimensional polygons from . Therefore there is a natural bijection between the components of and . We choose to be a small open neighborhood of the component of corresponding to if .

The following patchworking principle (due to Viro Reference 29) can be used to localize the problem, i.e. to reduce it to an individual problem in every : deformation of with has little effect on for large . To state this principle formally in this tropical set-up, let us consider for every 2-dimensional a translation

, , such that . Similarly, if is 1-dimensional, we choose a translation so that there exists with . If is a vertex of , we choose the translation so that . Consider the lifting

defined by , . We have

Note that (since is convex on ) we have

where if and for some constant while for is sufficiently close to zero (since is small). Here is the constant term of the affine-linear map on .

If and , we have , for some constant since is chosen so that the tropical monomials in corresponding to lattice points of dominate the monomials corresponding to lattice points of by some definite amount. Therefore we have a uniform upper bound for independent of which tends to zero when . Let

be the image under of the complex tropical curve (with the Newton polygon ) given by complex tropical coefficients , where is a vertex of the subdivision of defined by , as in Proposition 6.20. Then

tends (as a sequence of subsets of with respect to the Hausdorff metric) to . Furthermore, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 8.12.

For any there exists such that for every and the image is contained in the -neighborhood (with respect to the product metric in ) of the complex tropical curve .


Suppose that is outside of the -neighborhood of . Then for sufficiently large the absolute value of the sum is larger than zero by a definite amount that can be made larger than so such a point cannot be contained in .

This proposition can be considered as a tropical manifestation of the patchworking principle mentioned above since it states that the geometry of is close to the geometry of no matter what the values of for are (as long as ).

Corollary 8.13.

Suppose that is a 2-dimensional polygon and is a complex tropical curve of genus . If is sufficiently large, then is of genus not less than .

Suppose that is a 1-dimensional polygon and has connected components. If is sufficiently large, then has at least connected components.


The first statement follows from Proposition 8.12 since by Definition 6.6 a complex tropical curve cannot be approximated by curves of smaller genus. The second statement follows from uppersemicontinuity of the number of connected components.

The problem of passing from an approximate solution to the exact solution for large is ready to be localized. We need to find the number of choices for such that and has genus . Recall that the amoeba is contained in a small neighborhood and thus, by Lemma 8.3, we have

for large . The curve is simple and thus (if considered as a subspace of ) is a graph with 3- and 4-valent vertices. Every edge or vertex of corresponds to a subpolygon . This subpolygon is a triangle, parallelogram or an edge for a 3-valent vertex, a 4-valent vertex or an edge (respectively).

Proposition 8.14.

Suppose that , and is large. The curve is a curve of genus if and only if all the following conditions hold.

If is a parallelogram with vertices , , then is a union of two (not necessarily connected) curves, one in a small neighborhood of a complex tropical curve with the Newton polygon and one in a small neighborhood of a complex tropical curve with the Newton polygon .

If is an edge, then is homeomorphic to an immersed annulus (and, therefore, connected).

If is a triangle, then has genus .


Recall that each point of is a vertex of . If satisfies the conditions of Proposition 8.14, then no component of has positive genus. The last condition (when is an edge) guarantees that the genus of coincides with the genus of . Any other choice gives a higher genus.

The following corollary takes care of the last statement of Lemma 8.4.

Corollary 8.15.

If a curve from Equation 17 is irreducible, then any -holomorphic curve of genus and degree with large passing through with is irreducible while if is reducible, then any such curve is reducible.


For large the -holomorphic curve must appear as a curve for some since . Recall that is a simple tropical curve and therefore admits a unique simple parameterization by a 3-valent graph which is connected if and only if is irreducible. By Proposition 8.14 each component of the parameterizing 3-valent graph corresponds to a component of .

Recall that . Let be the tree given by Proposition 4.21. Without loss of generality we may assume that . The number is already determined. Let us orient so that is its only source.

We partite the points of into sets , using the following rules.

Suppose that is a parallelogram. Then one of its diagonals, say , is contained in the tree . Suppose that is oriented positively with respect to the chosen orientation of . Let and be the other two vertices of the parallelograms . We let

Suppose that , , is a vertex of that is not contained in for any parallelogram . We let

If is contained in for some parallelogram , then we let . We also let .

Suppose that is an edge such that is disjoint from for every parallelograms . We let

If is not disjoint from for some parallelogram , then we let .

Suppose that is a triangle with vertices . We let

Clearly, the sets are disjoint. Furthermore, since contains all vertices of , we have

For a given large we say that is -compatible in the following cases.

Suppose that is a positive-dimensional polygon with . We say that is -compatible if the condition of Proposition 8.14 corresponding to holds for .

Suppose that is a vertex of with . Then is the endpoint of a unique oriented edge from and thus corresponds to a point . We say that is -compatible if , where and .

If , then any is by default -compatible.

By Proposition 8.14 the curve with contains and has genus if and only if is -compatible for every .

Lemmas 8.16, 8.17 and 8.21 compute the number of -compatible choices for individual polygons .

Lemma 8.16.

Let be the edge of and let be any point. For any choice of , , there exists a unique choice of such that is a point of


The equation is linear on and thus has a unique solution.

Lemma 8.17.

Let be a parallelogram with vertices , . For any choice , , there exists a unique choice of coefficients , such that the curve

is a union of two curves with Newton polygons and , respectively.


The coefficients should be such that the corresponding curve is the union of two curves and .

Our next task is to deal with curves corresponding to the triangles in .

Remark 8.18.

If is an algebraic curve of degree and if is a lattice polygon with sides, then has at least ends and at most ends. Indeed, any such end corresponds to an intersection of the closure of in the toric surface with one of the boundary divisors of (which in turn corresponds to a side of ).

Lemma 8.19.

Let be an algebraic curve in homeomorphic to a sphere punctured three times. Then there exists a (multiplicative) group endomorphism and a complex line

, such that .


By Remark 8.18 the Newton polygon of is a triangle. Let , where is defined by Equation 9. Its compactification is defined by Equation 10. Any side corresponds to a boundary divisor and near a general point of (away from intersection points of boundary divisors) the map is a branched covering with branching locus over and branching index .

We claim that lifts under the covering . Topologically our curve is a sphere with punctures and thus its fundamental group is generated by loops going around the punctures. Each loop goes around a boundary divisor times since this is the intersection number of and the closure of in . Thus the closure of lifts to a closed surface in that is holomorphic and intersects each boundary divisor of (that is, ) once. Thus the lift is a line disjoint from the intersection of the coordinate axes.

Corollary 8.20.

Suppose that is a rational curve of degree , where is a lattice triangle with no lattice points on its boundary except its vertices (i.e. such that ). Then for a complex line


By the asymptotic direction of corresponding to a side we mean the intersection point of the closure with the divisor assuming there is only one such point (perhaps not transverse).

Lemma 8.21.

Let be a triangle with vertices . For any choice there exist distinct choices of coefficients , , such that the curve

is a rational (i.e. genus ) curve of degree with three ends at infinity.

Furthermore, for any choice of the asymptotic directions of corresponding to the sides and we have choices of coefficients , , such that the curve defined by Equation 20 is a rational curve of degree with three ends at infinity and with the given choice of the asymptotic directions corresponding to and . Here and .


Consider the (singular) covering of degree defined in Equation 10. By Lemma 8.19 any rational curve of degree with three ends is an image of a line in .

Consider the closure of in . Since are fixed, we have possibilities for the (unique) intersection point and possibilities for the point . The points and have and inverse images under the map . Connecting different liftings for different choices of and , we get different lines in that project to different rational curves in .

Lemma 8.22.

There exists an order on the polygons such that if is greater than , then is disjoint from .


Clearly we can ignore the polygons with by assigning to them the highest possible weight. We can do the same for the triangles since if is a triangle, then is disjoint from any other polygon in .

To sort out the remaining , we choose an order for the vertices and edges of the tree so that it agrees with the already chosen orientation of (recall that this is the orientation such that the only sink is ). This means that must have a higher order than if we have to pass through to connect to .

Recall that each edge of is either an edge of or a diagonal of a parallelogram . Thus the order on vertices and edges of yields the required order on .

Let be the polygons from enumerated according to an order given by Lemma 8.22.

Recall that is one of the complex tropical curves of genus passing via the configuration (by Proposition 6.18). Let be the -neighborhood of in (recall that is chosen to be small). Let if is an edge disjoint from , if is an edge not disjoint from , and otherwise. Lemma 8.4 and Theorem 1 inductively follow from the next proposition.

Proposition 8.23.

Suppose that is large and is chosen compatible with . There exist choices of with the following properties.

The parameter is compatible with .

We have if , .



We have the coefficient already chosen for , . Suppose that . Let us vary the corresponding coefficients within , i.e. within the disk for while for . Denote the corresponding -dimensional polydisc by .

We have a map

where is the space of all curves in given by polynomials whose Newton polygon is contained in . Consider also the map where is the zero locus of .

The polydisc is a product of disks in . Recall that the rim of is the product of the boundaries of the disks from this product. By Corollary 8.13 if is large, then both and consist of non-singular curves. Furthermore, by Proposition 8.12 and Corollary 8.13 the curves from and are close to the corresponding complex tropical curves that are “non-singular” in , i.e. have the highest possible genus or the number of connected components for the given Newton polygon , so that and can be connected by a homotopy whose restriction to stays within the curves that have non-singular intersection with . Therefore, the intersection number of and with the locus of -compatible curves is the same. Similarly, and can also be connected by a homotopy whose restriction to stays within the curves that have non-singular intersection with because of Proposition 8.12 and since the order of is taken as in Lemma 8.22.

Suppose that does not have multiple edges, i.e. edges with . The map intersects the stratum of -compatible curves in points by Lemmas 8.16, 8.17 and 8.21. Thus we have the same for the map and this gives us the values for such that the collection , , and , , is -compatible. Note that even though this collection no longer has to be -compatible for , it is close to a compatible configuration by Proposition 8.12 since . Thus, modifying this construction inductively at earlier steps with the new choice of , , we can find the values , , , such that together with , , , they are -compatible for any .

This finishes the proof of the proposition (and thus the proof of Lemma 8.4 and Theorem 1) in the case when does not have multiple edges. If there are such edges in , then the proposition follows from Lemma 8.24 below.

Lemma 8.24.

Let be an edge, , such that .

If and is sufficiently large, then there exist different choices of coefficients such that if or , , and the intersection

is an immersed cylinder. Here is the integer length of .

If , then there exist different choices of coefficients such that if or , and the intersection

is an immersed cylinder which contains a point from . (Note that in the second case we also vary the coefficient corresponding to one of the endpoints of the interval .)


First we note that it suffices to check this lemma for a particular model of and as long as is an edge not contained in the boundary of . This can be deduced from the patchworking principle, Proposition 8.12. Indeed, suppose that

, are polynomials with Newton polygons and such that , and if . Embedding and into a larger polygon and applying Proposition 8.12 in the same fashion as in the proof of Proposition 8.23, we may assume that . The polynomials and can be deformed to each other by , , with for .


be the polydisc, where are some small numbers. For each we form

where , if or if . Denote the zero set of in with .

Since runs over the rim , the curve never develops a singularity within by Corollary 8.13. Furthermore, the intersection is a union of disjoint cylinders whose mutual position changes when changes within so any is “maximally -incompatible” for any . Note that the locus of -compatible values of is locally given as an intersection of hypersurfaces and for every from those hypersurfaces we have consisting of at most components, so they miss the rim . Thus the number of -compatible values of does not depend on and we can use any model for and as long as .

First we treat the case when . Let . Suppose that is odd. In this case we take to be the parallelogram with vertices , , and . Let and . We have . We may choose so that the only tropical curve passing via has or so that . Both choices can be made so that the forest from Proposition 4.19 consists of the edges , and . The points determine the coefficients since consists only of the vertices of . We need to determine the number of compatible choices for coefficients at the points . Note that there are no lattice points inside .

To compute , we may use both configurations. For the first choice of we have , where is the sum of the numbers of choices of we need to find for all possible tropical curves of degree and genus zero passing via . All of them are mapped by to the same tropical curve , since is the only tropical curve of degree and genus zero passing via . There are of them by Proposition 6.18. Thus, we have choices for so that is contained in the neighborhood of any individual curve by symmetry.

For the second choice of we do not have multiple edges in . Thus Lemma 8.4 and Theorem 1 are already established for this choice of configuration. We have from the two triangles of and, therefore, and .

If is even, we choose to be the quadrilateral with vertices , , and . The rest of the proof is the same.

If , we make the same choices for our model of the ambient polygon (depending on the parity of ). However, we choose so that consists of the edges , and if is odd or , and if is even. By Proposition 6.18 there is a unique complex tropical curve of degree and genus 0 passing via , so it must coincide with and the number of compatible choices for is (since this number was already computed above).

This finishes the proof of Lemma 8.4 and Theorem 1 in the general case.

Remark 8.25.

Let be the edge of dual to in Lemma 8.24. Let be the endpoints of the corresponding edge of (recall that is a simple tropical curve parameterized by ). Both and are 3-valent vertices corresponding to triangles . By the patchworking principle (cf. Proposition 8.12) the intersection approximates a curve

which, in turn, approximates a curve in with the Newton polygon that has tangency of order with the toric divisor corresponding to . Let be the link of this tangency, . The map approximates the -covering

where the base is the geodesic circle in corresponding to the phase of the holomorphic annulus of over the edge . Similarly, we get the -covering

for the other endpoint . There are ways to match the arguments of and in the corresponding curves and . By the -symmetry (in either or ) we have an equal number of choices for in Lemma 8.24 for any of this phase matching. Thus we have a unique choice of if and choices otherwise. Similarly, the choices in the second case are distinguished by the points of , where is the argument of the point with .

8.4. Real curves: Proof of Theorems 3 and 6

Remark 8.25 is useful for detecting real curves. Suppose that and are real, i.e. invariant with respect to . In that case we can choose the circles and -invariant as well. Let and be the points fixed by . To get a real curve , we have to match the real points of with the real points of with the same value of argument.

If is odd, then the intersection number of with the toric divisor in corresponding to is odd as well and and belong to distinct quadrants in and, similarly, and also must have distinct arguments. Thus, only one out of ways of matching the phase can give a real curve . On the other hand, if is real, then such must be real: if not, then is another curve of the same genus and degree passing through with the same pattern of phase matching at . If , then we must match to either or (according to its quadrant) and, again, the real curve is unique.

If is even, then and are both from the same quadrant. Also, and are both from the same quadrants. If the quadrants of these two pairs do not coincide, then no real matching is possible and not a single curve in Lemma 8.24 is real. If these two quadrants coincide, then we can match to or . Each of these two patterns gives a real curve; otherwise we would have two distinct (conjugate) curves with the same matching pattern. If , then there are two ways of matching : to and . Again, each of these two ways has to give a real curve, so we have a total of four out of curves real in this case. This finishes the proof of Theorem 3.

To prove Theorem 6 we note that if contains an edge of an even integer length, then contributes zero to the Welschinger invariant. Indeed, for each such edge we have two real branches of in the same quadrant, where is the edge dual to . We have two ways of matching the real points of and both leading to real nodal curves as in Remark 8.25. For topological reasons these two choices must have different parity of the number of hyperbolic nodes in that quadrant. Therefore, the total contribution of such to the Welschinger invariant is zero.

If all edges of have odd integer length, then elliptic nodes can appear only from where is a triangle. This part of has a total of nodes. None of these nodes can be real hyperbolic since the restriction (see Equation 9) is injective if all sides of have odd integer length. Therefore the multiplicity from Definition 7.19 agrees with Welschinger’s signs and gives the right count for Theorem 6.

8.5. Counting by lattice paths: Proof of Theorems 2, 4 and 7

Recall that we have a linear map injective on . Let be an affine line (in the classical sense) orthogonal to .

We choose a configuration so that the order of agrees with a linear order on . Furthermore, we choose each so that the distance from to is much larger than the distance from to . Such a configuration can be chosen in a tropically general position since the slope of is irrational (and therefore intersects any tropical curve in in a finite number of points).

Let be a tropical curve of genus and degree passing via . Let be the forest from Proposition 4.19.

Lemma 8.26.

We have .


Let be a component of . Suppose that intersects at a point not from . One of the components of would yield a bounded graph with edges at contained in a half-plane. Clearly such a graph cannot be balanced.

Corollary 8.27.

The forest is a -increasing path that connects vertices and as in Theorem 2.


By Lemma 8.26 the vertices of correspond to the components of . Therefore, the forest is a path that connects vertices of . Note that the path is -increasing since the linear order on is consistent with .

This corollary allows one to enumerate all tropical curves of genus and degree passing via by the corresponding paths. Suppose that such a path is chosen.

The path determines the slopes of the edges that contain points from for any tropical curve with . Let be the line through in the corresponding direction. We need to find all tropical curves of genus and degree that pass through along . The sum of multiplicities of such curves should coincide with the multiplicity of . We need to compute , or for Theorems 2, 4 or 7, respectively.

Let and be the two half-planes bounded by . Lemmas 4.20 and 8.26 imply that for any tropical curve of genus and degree that pass through , is a tree with one end at infinity, where is a parameterization of .

Recall that our definition of the multiplicities , and was inductive. If is such that is locally strictly convex at , then the intersection point of and is contained in . If is the smallest number with this property, then is the closest to intersection point of the lines in .

Let be the line parallel to and such that the strip between and contains and does not contain any other intersection point of lines . We have two possible cases for .

In the first case we have a 3-valent vertex at . Then has a new interval emanating at and intersecting at a point . This case corresponds to the path from Equation 11. We set if , if and we proceed inductively by incorporating possibilities for .

In the second case is a point of self-intersection of . This case corresponds to the path from Equation 11. We set if , and . Again, we proceed inductively with the new, smaller half-plane .

All multiplicities , and are multiplicative and therefore we can compute them by taking the products of the corresponding numbers in every annulus from the induction. Theorems 2, 4 and 7 follow from Theorems 1, 3 and 6, respectively.


The author is grateful to Y. Eliashberg, K. Hori, I. Itenberg, M. Kapranov, M. Kontsevich, A. Okounkov, B. Sturmfels, R. Vakil, O. Viro and J.-Y. Welschinger for useful discussions. The author is also indebted to the referees for thorough and helpful remarks, corrections and suggestions as well as to B. Bertrand, F. Bihan and H. Markwig who found many inconsistencies and misprints in earlier versions of the paper.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
  3. 2. Tropical curves as graphs in
    1. 2.1. Definitions and the first examples
    2. Definition 2.2.
    3. Example 2.5.
    4. 2.2. The degree of a tropical curve in
    5. Definition 2.7.
    6. Definition 2.8.
    7. 2.3. Genus of tropical curves and tropical -cycles
    8. Definition 2.9.
    9. Example 2.10.
    10. 2.4. Deformations of tropical curves within their combinatorial type
    11. Definition 2.12.
    12. Proposition 2.13.
    13. Proposition 2.14.
    14. 2.5. Changing the combinatorial type of
    15. Example 2.15.
    16. Definition 2.16.
    17. Definition 2.17.
    18. Definition 2.18.
    19. Proposition 2.19.
    20. Proposition 2.20.
    21. 2.6. Superabundancy and regularity
    22. Definition 2.22.
    23. Proposition 2.23.
    24. Corollary 2.24.
  4. 3. Underlying tropical algebra
    1. 3.1. The tropical semifield
    2. Definition 3.2.
    3. 3.2. Tropical hypersurfaces: The variety of a tropical polynomial
    4. Proposition 3.3.
    5. Proposition 3.5.
    6. Definition 3.6.
    7. Proposition 3.8 (17).
    8. 3.3. Compactness of the space of tropical hypersurfaces
    9. Proposition 3.9.
    10. 3.4. Lattice subdivision of associated to a tropical hypersurface
    11. Definition 3.10.
    12. Proposition 3.11.
    13. Example 3.12.
    14. Definition 3.13.
    15. Lemma 3.14.
    16. Theorem 3.15 (17).
    17. Corollary 3.16.
    18. 3.5. Tropical varieties and non-Archimedean amoebas
  5. 4. Enumeration of tropical curves in
    1. 4.1. Simple curves and their lattice subdivisions
    2. Definition 4.1.
    3. Definition 4.2.
    4. Proposition 4.3.
    5. Lemma 4.5.
    6. Lemma 4.6 (Cf. 8).
    7. 4.2. Tropical general positions of points in
    8. Definition 4.7.
    9. Example 4.8.
    10. Proposition 4.10.
    11. Proposition 4.11.
    12. Corollary 4.12.
    13. 4.3. Tropical enumerative problem in
    14. Proposition 4.13.
    15. Example 4.14.
    16. Definition 4.15.
    17. Definition 4.16.
    18. Proposition 4.17.
    19. 4.4. Forests in the polygon
    20. Definition 4.18.
    21. Proposition 4.19.
    22. 4.5. The tropical curve minus the marked points
    23. Lemma 4.20.
    24. Proposition 4.21.
    25. 4.6. Uniqueness in a combinatorial type
    26. Lemma 4.22.
  6. 5. Algebraic curves in and a classical enumerative problem
    1. 5.1. Enumerative problem in
    2. Definition 5.1.
    3. Proposition 5.2.
    4. 5.2. Toric surfaces and Severi varieties
    5. Example 5.3.
    6. Definition 5.4.
    7. Example 5.5.
    8. 5.3. Gromov-Witten invariants
  7. 6. Complex tropical curves in and the connection between classical and tropical geometries
    1. 6.1. Degeneration of complex structure on
    2. 6.2. Complex tropical curves in
    3. Proposition 6.1.
    4. Definition 6.2.
    5. Proposition 6.3.
    6. Definition 6.4.
    7. Proposition 6.5.
    8. Definition 6.6.
    9. Proposition 6.7.
    10. 6.3. Simple complex tropical curves and their parameterizations
    11. Proposition 6.9.
    12. Definition 6.10.
    13. Proposition 6.11.
    14. Definition 6.12.
    15. Definition 6.14.
    16. Proposition 6.15.
    17. 6.4. Passing through a configuration of points in
    18. Lemma 6.16.
    19. Proposition 6.17.
    20. Proposition 6.18.
    21. 6.5. Polynomials to define complex tropical curves
    22. Proposition 6.19.
    23. Proposition 6.20.
  8. 7. Statement of the main theorems
    1. 7.1. Enumeration of complex curves
    2. Theorem 1.
    3. 7.2. Counting of complex curves by lattice paths
    4. Definition 7.1.
    5. Example 7.2.
    6. Theorem 2.
    7. Example 7.3.
    8. Example 7.4.
    9. Example 7.5.
    10. 7.3. Enumeration of real curves
    11. Definition 7.6.
    12. Definition 7.7.
    13. Definition 7.8.
    14. Definition 7.10.
    15. Definition 7.11.
    16. Theorem 3.
    17. Definition 7.12.
    18. Proposition 7.13.
    19. Proposition 7.14.
    20. Corollary 7.15.
    21. Example 7.16.
    22. 7.4. Counting of real curves by lattice paths
    23. Theorem 4.
    24. Example 7.17.
    25. 7.5. Different types of real nodes and the Welschinger invariant
    26. Definition 7.18 (see 30).
    27. Theorem 5 (Welschinger 30).
    28. Definition 7.19.
    29. Theorem 6.
    30. Example 7.20.
    31. Theorem 7.
    32. Example 7.21.
    33. Corollary 8.
  9. 8. Proof of the main theorems
    1. 8.1. Complex amoebas in and the key lemma
    2. Proposition 8.1.
    3. Proposition 8.2.
    4. Lemma 8.3.
    5. Lemma 8.4.
    6. 8.2. Proof of Lemma 8.3
    7. Lemma 8.5.
    8. Corollary 8.6.
    9. Proposition 8.7.
    10. Corollary 8.8.
    11. Proposition 8.9.
    12. 8.3. Proof of Lemma 8.4
    13. Proposition 8.10.
    14. Proposition 8.11.
    15. Proposition 8.12.
    16. Corollary 8.13.
    17. Proposition 8.14.
    18. Corollary 8.15.
    19. Lemma 8.16.
    20. Lemma 8.17.
    21. Lemma 8.19.
    22. Corollary 8.20.
    23. Lemma 8.21.
    24. Lemma 8.22.
    25. Proposition 8.23.
    26. Lemma 8.24.
    27. 8.4. Real curves: Proof of Theorems 3 and 6
    28. 8.5. Counting by lattice paths: Proof of Theorems 2, 4 and 7
    29. Lemma 8.26.
    30. Corollary 8.27.
  10. Acknowledgments


Figure 1.

Numbers and .

1 2 3 4
0 1 1 12 620
1 0 0 1 225
2 0 0 0 27
3 0 0 0 1
1 2 3 4
-1 0 3 21 666
0 1 1 12 675
1 0 0 1 225
2 0 0 0 27
Figure 2.

Three distinct tropical lines.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 3.

A smooth projective tropical cubic and a rational (genus 0) projective tropical cubic.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 4.

Smoothing a vertex of higher valence.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 5.

Perturbation at a non-smooth 3-valent vertex.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 6.

Pappus configuration is superabundant.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 7.

The graph and its closure, the tropical parabola.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 8.

Lattice subdivisions associated to the curves from Figure 3 and Figure 5.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 9.

Tropical curves through a configuration of three points, .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 10.

Tropical curves through another configuration of three points. Note that the bounded edge in the right-hand curve has weight 2, .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 11.

Forests corresponding to the curves passing through the marked points from Figures 9 and 10.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 12.

A component of and its orientation.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 13.

Trees obtained from the forests in Figure 11.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 14.

A polygon and its normal fan.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 16.

A path with and .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 17.

Computing in two different ways.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 18.

Computing .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 19.

Computing .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 20.

Inductive reduction of the components of in the definition of real multiplicity.

Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Definition 2.2.

A proper map is called a parameterized tropical curve if it satisfies to the following two conditions.

For every edge the restriction is either an embedding or a constant map. The image is contained in a line such that the slope of is rational.

For every vertex we have the following property. Let be the edges adjacent to , let be their weights and let be the primitive integer vectors at the point in the direction of the edges (we take if is a point). We have

We say that two parameterized tropical curves and are equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism which respects the weights of the edges and such that . We do not distinguish equivalent parameterized tropical curves. The image

is called the unparameterized tropical curve or just a tropical 1-cycle if no connected component of gets contracted to a point. The 1-cycle is a piecewise-linear graph in with natural weights on its edges induced from the weights on . If is an edge of , then is a union of subintervals of the edges of . The weight of is the sum of the weights of these edges.

Definition 2.7.

The resulting set is called the toric degree of . Accordingly, the degree of a parameterized tropical curve is the degree of its image .

Proposition 2.13.

Let be a 3-valent graph. The space of all tropical curves in the same combinatorial type (up to their equivalence from Definition 2.2) is an open convex polyhedral domain in a real affine -dimensional space, where

Proposition 2.14.

The space of all tropical curves in the same combinatorial type (up to their equivalence from Definition 2.2) is an open convex polyhedral domain in a real affine -dimensional space, where

where is the number of edges of that are mapped to a point.

Definition 2.16.

The multiplicity of at its 3-valent vertex is . Here is the area of the parallelogram spanned by and . Note that

since by Definition 2.2.

Proposition 2.23.

Every tropical immersion is regular if is 3-valent. If  has vertices of valence higher than 3, then varies in at most the -dimensional family.

Remark 3.7.

Different tropical polynomials may define the same varieties. To see this, let us first extend the notion of concavity to those -valued functions which are only defined on a finite set . We call a function concave if for any (possibly non-distinct) and any with and we have

We have three types of ambiguities when but .

, where is a coordinate in . Note that in this case the Newton polyhedron of is a translate of the Newton polyhedron of .

, where is a constant.

The function is not concave, where and we set if . Then the variety of coincides with the variety of where is the smallest concave function such that (in other words is a concave hull of ).

Thus to define tropical hypersurfaces, it suffices to consider only tropical polynomials whose coefficients satisfy the concavity condition above.

Proposition 3.9.

Let , , be a sequence of tropical hypersurfaces whose Newton polyhedron is . There exists a subsequence which converges to a tropical hypersurface whose Newton polyhedron is contained in (note that is empty if is a point). The convergence is in the Hausdorff metric when restricted to any compact subset in . Furthermore, if the Newton polyhedron of coincides with , then the convergence is in the Hausdorff metric in the whole of .

Proposition 3.11.

The lattice subdivision is dual to the tropical hypersurface . Namely, for every -dimensional polyhedron there is a convex closed (perhaps unbounded) polyhedron . This correspondence has the following properties.

is contained in an -dimensional affine-linear subspace of orthogonal to .

The relative interior of in is not empty.


if .

is compact if and only if .

Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Corollary 3.16.

Any tropical curve is a tropical hypersurface for some polynomial . Conversely, any tropical hypersurface in can be parameterized by a tropical curve.

Remark 3.17.

Furthermore, the degree of is determined by the Newton polygon of according to the following recipe. For each side we take the primitive integer outward normal vector and multiply it by the lattice length of to get the degree of .

Equation (4)
Definition 4.2.

A parameterized tropical curve is called simple if it satisfies all of the following conditions.

The graph is 3-valent.

The map is an immersion.

For any the inverse image consists of at most two points.

If , , are such that , then neither nor can be a vertex of .

A tropical 1-cycle is called simple if it admits a simple parameterization.

Proposition 4.3.

A simple tropical 1-cycle admits a unique simple tropical parameterization. The genus of a simple 1-cycle coincides with the genus of its simple parameterization. Furthermore, any of its non-simple parameterizations has a strictly larger genus.

Remark 4.4.

More generally, every tropical 1-cycle admits a parameterization by an immersion of genus not greater than . Start from an arbitrary parameterization . To eliminate an edge such that is contracted to a point, we take the quotient of by for a new domain of parameterization. This procedure does not change the genus of .

Therefore, we may assume that does not have contracting edges. This is an immersion away from such vertices of for which there exist two distinct adjacent edges with . Changing the graph by identifying the points on and with the same image can only decreases the genus of (if and were distinct edges connecting the same pair of vertices). Inductively we get an immersion.

Lemma 4.6 (Cf. Reference 8).

If a curve is simple, then .

Definition 4.7.

Points are said to be in general position tropically if for any tropical curve of genus and with ends such that and we have the following conditions.

The curve is simple (see Definition 4.2).

Inverse images are disjoint from the vertices of .


Remark 4.9.

Note that we can always find a curve with passing through . For such a curve we can take a reducible curve consisting of affine (i.e. classical) lines in with rational slope each passing through its own point . This curve has ends while its genus is .

Proposition 4.10.

Any subset of a set of points in tropically general position is itself in tropically general position.

Proposition 4.13.

There exist only finitely many such curves . Furthermore, each end of is of weight 1 in this case, so has ends.

Example 4.14.

Let and let be the quadrilateral whose vertices are , , and (so that the number of the lattice points on the perimeter is 4). For a configuration of three points in pictured in Figure 9 we have three tropical curves passing. In Figure 10 the corresponding number is two.

Definition 4.15.

The multiplicity of a tropical curve of degree and genus passing via equals the product of the multiplicities of all the 3-valent vertices of (see Definition 2.16).

Definition 4.16.

We define the number to be the number of irreducible tropical curves of genus and degree passing via where each such curve is counted with the multiplicity from Definition 4.15. Similarly we define the number to be the number of all tropical curves of genus and degree passing via . Again each curve is counted with the multiplicity from Definition 4.15.

Definition 4.18.

The combinatorial type of the pair passing via the configuration is the lattice subdivision together with the graph formed by the marked edges of this subdivision.

The marked combinatorial type of a parameterized tropical curve passing via is the combinatorial type of together with the marking of the edges containing .

Proposition 4.19.

The graph is a forest (i.e. a disjoint union of trees) if is in general position.

Lemma 4.20.

Let be a simple curve of genus and degree . Suppose that is parameterized by .

Suppose that passes through a configuration of points in general position. Then each component of is a tree and the closure of has exactly one end of weight one at infinity.

Conversely, suppose that is a finite set disjoint from the vertices of and such that each component of is a tree while the closure of has exactly one end at infinity. Then the combinatorial type of is realized by , where is a curve of genus and is a configuration of points in tropical general position which is a result of a small perturbation of . Furthermore, the number of points in is , where is the number of ends of .

Proposition 4.21.

The graph is a tree that contains all the vertices of .

Lemma 4.22.

In each combinatorial type of marked tropical curves of genus with ends there is either one or no curve passing through as long as is a configuration of points in general position.

Proposition 5.2.

For a generic choice of the numbers and are finite and do not depend on .

Example 5.3.

Let be the convex hull of , and . We have no matter what is. If , , then no matter what and are. All the vertices of such polygons are simple.

If , then , where the generator of acts on by . This action has three fixed points which give the singularities of corresponding to the three (non-simple) vertices of .

Equation (5)
Equation (6)
Proposition 6.1.

Let . The following conditions are equivalent.


, where is an algebraic curve.


is a graph such that there exists a choice of natural weights on its edges turning it to a tropical curve such that for every there exists a small open convex neighborhood such that is -compatible.


is the limit when in the Hausdorff metric of a sequence of -holomorphic curves with .

Proposition 6.3.

Let , where is an algebraic curve with the Newton polygon . Then is a graph. Furthermore, it is possible to equip the edges of with natural weight so that the result is a tropical curve of degree in .

Definition 6.6.

A complex tropical curve is said to have genus if is the limit (in the sense of the Hausdorff metric in ) of a sequence of -holomorphic curves in with of genus and cannot be presented as a limit of a sequence of -holomorphic curves of smaller genus.

Similarly, is said to have ends at infinity if is the limit of a sequence of -holomorphic curves in with with ends at infinity and cannot be presented as a limit of a sequence of -holomorphic curves with smaller number of ends.

Proposition 6.7.

Let be a complex tropical curve and let be the corresponding tropical curve. We have and .

Equation (7)
Equation (8)
Equation (9)
Equation (10)
Proposition 6.9.

The image is a complex tropical curve of degree .

Proposition 6.11.

A complex tropical line is homeomorphic to a sphere punctured in three points. There exists a point such that is a union of three holomorphic annuli while is homeomorphic to a union of two triangles whose vertices are pairwise identified.

Definition 6.12.

A proper map is called a parameterized simple complex tropical curve if the following conditions hold.

is a simple tropical curve.

is homeomorphic to a (smooth) orientable surface.

If is a point different from a double point or a 3-valent vertex of the simple tropical curve , then there exists a neighborhood in such that is homeomorphic to an annulus and is a -fold covering of a holomorphic annulus in , where is the weight of the edge of containing .

If is a double point of , then there exists a neighborhood in such that is homeomorphic to a disjoint union of two annuli and while is a -fold covering a holomorphic annulus in , , where and are the weights of the two edges of containing .

If is a 3-valent vertex of dual to a triangle , then there exists a neighborhood in such that is connected and the map

coincides with the map

for some complex tropical line .

As usual we consider simple parameterized tropical curves up to the reparameterization equivalence. Two simple parameterized tropical curves and are equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism such that .

Lemma 6.16.

There exists a unique complex tropical line such that .

Proposition 6.17.

There exist distinct simple complex tropical curves of degree and genus with three ends at infinity such that .

Proposition 6.18.

There are simple complex tropical curves in of genus and degree such that they project to and pass via .

Proposition 6.19.

If and are vertices of , then the ratio (where is defined by Equation 6) depends only on and does not depend on the choice of as long as .

Proposition 6.20.

Let be a formal sum of monomials, , where runs over all lattice points of . Suppose that is strictly convex. Then defines a complex tropical curve of degree . We have the following properties.

If two polynomials define the same complex tropical curve, then they differ by multiplication by a constant.

Complex tropical curves defined in this way form an open and dense set in the space of all complex tropical curves of degree .

Theorem 1.

For any generic choice we have and .

Furthermore, there exists a configuration of points in general position such that for every tropical curve of genus and degree passing through we have (see Definition 4.15) distinct complex curves of genus and degree passing through . These curves are distinct for distinct and are irreducible if is irreducible.

Equation (11)
Theorem 2.

The number is equal to the number (counted with multiplicities) of -increasing lattice paths connecting and .

Furthermore, there exists a configuration of points in tropical general position such that each -increasing lattice path encodes a number of tropical curves of genus and degree passing via of total multiplicity . These curves are distinct for distinct paths.

Example 7.3.

Let us compute for the polygon depicted on Figure 17 in two different ways. Using for a small , we get the left two paths depicted on Figure 17. Using , we get the three right paths. The corresponding multiplicities are shown under the path. All other -increasing paths have zero multiplicity.

Example 7.4.

Figure 18 shows a computation of the well-known number . This is the number of rational cubic curves through eight generic points in .

Example 7.5.

Figure 19 shows a computation of a less well-known number . This is the number of genus 1 quartic curves through twelve generic points in .

Definition 7.6.

We define the number to be the number of irreducible real curves of genus and degree passing via . Similarly we define the number to be the number of all real curves of genus and degree passing via .

Theorem 3.

Suppose that is a signed configuration of points in tropically general position. Then there exists a configuration of real points in general position such that and .

Furthermore, for every real tropical curve of genus and degree passing through we have distinct real curves of genus and degree passing through . These curves are distinct for distinct and are irreducible if is irreducible.

Definition 7.12.

The sign at and the real multiplicity of are defined according to the following inductive rules. If does not have a 3-valent vertex (i.e. is homeomorphic to ), then .

Suppose that and . In this case we have so the signs and take values in the same set. Note that in this case. The sign on such edge takes values in . If , then this sign can be presented by two distinct equivalent elements . Let and be the trees equipped with the corresponding signs. We set

If , we set .

Suppose that and . In this case and the three sets are all distinct. The sign is uniquely determined by the condition that its equivalence class has common elements both with the equivalence class and with the equivalence class . Let be the tree equipped with this sign. We set

Suppose that one of the weights and is odd and the other is even. We may suppose without the loss of generality that and . In this case we have and while . If the equivalence class contains , we set and

where is equipped with the sign at . If the equivalence class does not contain , we set .

Suppose that . Then is even and . If , we set and

where is equipped with the sign at . If , we set .

Let be a signed configuration of points and let be a tropical curve of genus and degree passing via . The real multiplicity of a tropical curve passing through the signed configuration is the product

where runs over all the components of .

Equation (16)
Theorem 4.

For any choice of , , there exists a configuration of of generic points in the respective quadrants such that the number of real curves among the relevant complex curves is equal to the number of -increasing lattice paths connecting and counted with multiplicities .

Furthermore, each -increasing lattice path encodes a number of tropical curves of genus and degree passing via of total real multiplicity . These curves are distinct for distinct paths.

Theorem 5 (Welschinger Reference 30).

If and is smooth, then the number does not depend on the choice of .

Definition 7.19.

We define

if is odd and if is even.

The tropical Welschinger sign is the product of over all 3-valent vertices of .

Theorem 6.

Suppose that is a configuration of points in tropically general position. Then there exists a configuration of real points in general position such that


Furthermore, for every tropical curve of genus and degree passing through we have a number of distinct real curves of genus and degree passing through with the total sum equal to the Welschinger sign of . These curves are distinct for distinct and are irreducible if is irreducible.

Theorem 7.

For any choice of an irrational linear map there exists a configuration of generic points in such that the number of (not necessarily irreducible) real curves of genus and degree passing through counted with the tropical Welschinger sign is equal to the number of -increasing lattice paths connecting and counted with multiplicities .

Furthermore, there exists a configuration of points in tropical general position such that each -increasing lattice path encodes a number of tropical curves of genus and degree passing via with the sum of signs equal to . These curves are distinct for distinct paths.

Equation (17)
Proposition 8.1.

For generic we have -holomorphic curves passing through .

Proposition 8.2.

If is a -holomorphic curve whose Newton polygon is , then its amoeba contains a tropical curve with the same Newton polygon .

Lemma 8.3.

For any there exists such that if and is a -holomorphic curve of genus , degree and passing through , then its amoeba is contained in the -neighborhood of for some .

Lemma 8.4.

For a sufficiently small and a sufficiently large the multiplicity of each from Equation 17 (see Definition 4.15) is equal to the number of the -holomorphic curves of genus and degree passing through and such that is contained in . Furthermore, if is irreducible, then any -holomorphic curve of genus and degree passing through with is irreducible while if is reducible, then any such curve is reducible.

Lemma 8.5.

The amoeba is contained in the -neighborhood of (with respect to the Euclidean metric in ), where

Corollary 8.6.

The amoeba of a -holomorphic curve is contained in the -neighborhood of some tropical curve in , where .

Proposition 8.7.

There is a subsequence , , such that the sets converge in the Hausdorff metric in to some tropical curve from Equation 17.

Corollary 8.8.

The sequence , , can be presented as a union of subsequences such that either the number of terms in is finite or converges in the Hausdorff metric in with , .

Proposition 8.10.

The coefficients , , do not depend on the choice of as long as we set . Thus these coefficients depend only on and .

Proposition 8.12.

For any there exists such that for every and the image is contained in the -neighborhood (with respect to the product metric in ) of the complex tropical curve .

Corollary 8.13.

Suppose that is a 2-dimensional polygon and is a complex tropical curve of genus . If is sufficiently large, then is of genus not less than .

Suppose that is a 1-dimensional polygon and has connected components. If is sufficiently large, then has at least connected components.

Proposition 8.14.

Suppose that , and is large. The curve is a curve of genus if and only if all the following conditions hold.

If is a parallelogram with vertices , , then is a union of two (not necessarily connected) curves, one in a small neighborhood of a complex tropical curve with the Newton polygon and one in a small neighborhood of a complex tropical curve with the Newton polygon .

If is an edge, then is homeomorphic to an immersed annulus (and, therefore, connected).

If is a triangle, then has genus .

Lemma 8.16.

Let be the edge of and let be any point. For any choice of , , there exists a unique choice of such that is a point of

Lemma 8.17.

Let be a parallelogram with vertices , . For any choice , , there exists a unique choice of coefficients , such that the curve

is a union of two curves with Newton polygons and , respectively.

Remark 8.18.

If is an algebraic curve of degree and if is a lattice polygon with sides, then has at least ends and at most ends. Indeed, any such end corresponds to an intersection of the closure of in the toric surface with one of the boundary divisors of (which in turn corresponds to a side of ).

Lemma 8.19.

Let be an algebraic curve in homeomorphic to a sphere punctured three times. Then there exists a (multiplicative) group endomorphism and a complex line

, such that .

Lemma 8.21.

Let be a triangle with vertices . For any choice there exist distinct choices of coefficients , , such that the curve

is a rational (i.e. genus ) curve of degree with three ends at infinity.

Furthermore, for any choice of the asymptotic directions of corresponding to the sides and we have choices of coefficients , , such that the curve defined by 20 is a rational curve of degree with three ends at infinity and with the given choice of the asymptotic directions corresponding to and . Here and .

Lemma 8.22.

There exists an order on the polygons such that if is greater than , then is disjoint from .

Proposition 8.23.

Suppose that is large and is chosen compatible with . There exist choices of with the following properties.

The parameter is compatible with .

We have if , .


Lemma 8.24.

Let be an edge, , such that .

If and is sufficiently large, then there exist different choices of coefficients such that if or , , and the intersection

is an immersed cylinder. Here is the integer length of .

If , then there exist different choices of coefficients such that if or , and the intersection

is an immersed cylinder which contains a point from . (Note that in the second case we also vary the coefficient corresponding to one of the endpoints of the interval .)

Remark 8.25.

Let be the edge of dual to in Lemma 8.24. Let be the endpoints of the corresponding edge of (recall that is a simple tropical curve parameterized by ). Both and are 3-valent vertices corresponding to triangles . By the patchworking principle (cf. Proposition 8.12) the intersection approximates a curve

which, in turn, approximates a curve in with the Newton polygon that has tangency of order with the toric divisor corresponding to . Let be the link of this tangency, . The map approximates the -covering

where the base is the geodesic circle in corresponding to the phase of the holomorphic annulus of over the edge . Similarly, we get the -covering

for the other endpoint . There are ways to match the arguments of and in the corresponding curves and . By the -symmetry (in either or ) we have an equal number of choices for in Lemma 8.24 for any of this phase matching. Thus we have a unique choice of if and choices otherwise. Similarly, the choices in the second case are distinguished by the points of , where is the argument of the point with .

Lemma 8.26.

We have .


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Reference [30]
J.-Y. Welschinger, Invariants of real rational symplectic 4-manifolds and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), no. 4, 341–344. MR 1976315 (2004m:53157)

Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 14N35 (Gromov-Witten invariants, quantum cohomology), 52B20 (Lattice polytopes)
Secondary: 14N10 (Enumerative problems), 14P25 (Topology of real algebraic varieties), 51M20 (Polyhedra and polytopes; regular figures, division of spaces)
  • Tropical curves
  • enumerative geometry
  • Gromov-Witten invariants
  • toric surfaces
Author Information
Grigory Mikhalkin
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 100 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3 Canada and St. Petersburg Branch of Steklov Mathematical Institute, Fontanka 27, St. Petersburg, 191011 Russia
Address at time of publication: IHES, Le Bois-Marie, 35, route de Chartres, Bures-sur-Yvette, 91440, France
Additional Notes

The author would like to acknowledge partial support of the NSF and NSERC.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 18, Issue 2, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2005 Grigory Mikhalkin
Article References


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