Dynamical degrees of birational transformations of projective surfaces
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- by Jérémy Blanc and Serge Cantat;
- J. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (2016), 415-471
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/jams831
- Published electronically: June 3, 2015
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The dynamical degree $\lambda (f)$ of a birational transformation $f$ measures the exponential growth rate of the degree of the formulas that define the $n$th iterate of $f$. We study the set of all dynamical degrees of all birational transformations of projective surfaces, and the relationship between the value of $\lambda (f)$ and the structure of the conjugacy class of $f$. For instance, the set of all dynamical degrees of birational transformations of the complex projective plane is a closed and well ordered set of algebraic numbers.References
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Bibliographic Information
- Jérémy Blanc
- Affiliation: Mathematisches Institut, Universität Basel, Spiegelgasse 1, 4051 Basel, Switzerland
- MR Author ID: 744287
- Email: Jeremy.Blanc@unibas.ch
- Serge Cantat
- Affiliation: IRMAR, UMR 6625 du CNRS, Université de Rennes I, 35042 Rennes, France
- MR Author ID: 614455
- Email: cantat@univ-rennes1.fr
- Received by editor(s): July 1, 2013
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: February 24, 2015
- Published electronically: June 3, 2015
- Additional Notes: The first author acknowledges support by the Swiss National Science Foundation Grant “Birational Geometry” PP00P2_128422 /1.
Both authors acknowledge support by the French National Research Agency Grant “BirPol,” ANR-11-JS01-004-01 - © Copyright 2015 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: J. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (2016), 415-471
- MSC (2010): Primary 14E07; Secondary 37F10, 32H50
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/jams831
- MathSciNet review: 3454379