Stratification for module categories of finite group schemes

By Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause, and Julia Pevtsova


The tensor ideal localizing subcategories of the stable module category of all, including infinite dimensional, representations of a finite group scheme over a field of positive characteristic are classified. Various applications concerning the structure of the stable module category and the behavior of support and cosupport under restriction and induction are presented.


This paper is about the representation theory of finite group schemes over a field of positive characteristic. A finite group scheme is an affine group scheme whose coordinate algebra is a finite dimensional vector space over . In that case, the linear dual of the coordinate algebra, called the group algebra of , is a finite dimensional cocommutative Hopf algebra, whose representation theory is equivalent to that of . This means that all our results can be restated for finite dimensional cocommutative Hopf -algebras, but we adhere to the geometric language.

Examples of finite group schemes include finite groups, restricted enveloping algebras of finite dimensional -Lie algebras, and Frobenius kernels of algebraic groups. The representation theory of finite group schemes over is often wild, even in such small cases as the finite group over a field of characteristic three, or the -dimensional Heisenberg Lie algebra. In constructive terms, this means that it is not possible to classify the finite dimensional indecomposable modules. One thus has to find better ways to organize our understanding of the structure of the module category of . Developments in stable homotopy theory and algebraic geometry suggest a natural extension of the process of building modules up to direct sums. Namely, in addition to (possibly infinite) direct sums and summands, one allows taking syzygies (both positive and negative), extensions, and tensoring (over ) with simple -modules. We say is built out of if can be constructed out of using these operations. What follows is one of the main results of this work.

Theorem (Corollary 10.2).

Let and be non-zero -modules. One can build out of if (and only if) there is an inclusion .

Here denotes the -support of introduced by Friedlander and Pevtsova Reference 24 and recalled in Section 1. It is a subset of the space of -points of , and the latter is homeomorphic to . Recall that , the cohomology algebra of , is a finitely generated graded-commutative -algebra, by a result of Friedlander and Suslin Reference 25. Thus, may be seen as an algebro-geometric portrait of , and the gist of the theorem is that this is fine enough to capture at least homological aspects of the -module .

The proper context for the result above is , the stable module category of , and , the homotopy category of complexes of injective -modules. These are compactly generated triangulated categories that inherit the tensor product of -modules. We deduce Corollary 10.2 from an essentially equivalent statement, Theorem 10.1, that gives a classification of the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of . See Corollary 10.6 for a version dealing with .

There are many known consequences of such classification results. One is a proof of the “telescope conjecture” for in Theorem 10.5. Another is a characterization of when there is a nonzero map in between -modules and , in terms of the -support of and the -cosupport of described further below. This last result is a generalization, to not necessarily finite dimensional modules, of the fact that when is unipotent, and and are finite dimensional -modules, one has

See Theorem 10.7 and the remark following that result. Over a general ring , even one that is self-injective as the group algebra of a finite group scheme is, there is no correlation between and , so this symmetry in the vanishing of Ext is surprising. This phenomenon was first discovered by Avramov and Buchweitz Reference 1 when is a (commutative) complete intersection ring, and is now understood to be related to the classification of localizing subcategories Reference 7.

When and are finite dimensional, is built out of only if it is finitely built out of , meaning that one needs only finite direct sums in the building process. Consequently, the results mentioned in the preceding paragraph yield a classification of the tensor ideal thick subcategories of and , the stable module category and the bounded derived category, respectively, of finite dimensional modules. This is because these categories are equivalent to the subcategories of compact objects of and , respectively.

A brief history

The genesis of such results is a classification theorem of Devinatz, Hopkins, and Smith for the stable homotopy category of finite spectra Reference 22. Classification theorems for other “small” categories followed: see Hopkins Reference 27 and Neeman Reference 31 for perfect complexes over a commutative Noetherian ring; Thomason Reference 39 for perfect complexes of sheaves over a quasi-compact, quasi-separated scheme; Benson, Carlson, and Rickard Reference 5 for finite dimensional modules of a finite group, as well as many more recent developments. Our results cover not only finite dimensional modules, but also the “big” category of all -modules, so the closest precursor is Neeman’s classification Reference 31 for all complexes over a commutative Noetherian ring. An analogous statement for group schemes arising from finite groups is proved in Reference 8. Theorem 10.1 is new for all other classes of finite group schemes.

Structure of the proof

Arbitrary finite group schemes lack many of the structural properties of finite groups, as we explain further below. Consequently the methods we use in this work are fundamentally different from the ones that lead to the successful resolution of the classification problem for finite groups in Reference 8. In fact, our proof of Theorem 10.1 provides another proof for the case of finite groups. The two new ideas developed and exploited in this work are that of -cosupport of a -module introduced in Reference 11, and a technique of reduction to closed points that enhances a local to global principle from Reference 7Reference 8.

For a finite group , the proof of the classification theorem given in Reference 8 proceeds by a reduction to the case of elementary abelian groups. This hinges on Chouinard’s theorem that a -module is projective if and only if its restriction to all elementary abelian subgroups of is projective. Such a reduction is an essential step also in a second proof of the classification theorem for finite groups described in Reference 11. For general finite group schemes there is no straightforward replacement for a detecting family of subgroups akin to elementary abelian subgroups of finite groups: for any such family one needs to allow scalar extensions. See Example 3.8 and the discussion around Corollary 5.5.

The first crucial step in the proof of the classification theorem is to verify that -support detects projectivity:

Theorem (Theorem 5.3).

Any -module with is projective.

The essence of this detection theorem is that projectivity is detected locally on -points of . Thus the geometric portrait of modules given by -support is a faithful invariant on . This result is an ultimate generalization, to arbitrary finite group schemes and to infinite dimensional modules, of Dade’s lemma Reference 21 that the projectivity of a finite dimensional module over an elementary abelian group is detected on cyclic shifted subgroups. The proof of the detection theorem builds on the work of many authors. For finite groups, Dade’s lemma was generalized to infinite dimensional modules by Benson, Carlson, and Rickard Reference 5. For connected finite group schemes the analogue of Dade’s lemma is that projectivity can be detected by restriction to one-parameter subgroups, and this was proved in a series of papers by Suslin, Friedlander, and Bendel Reference 38, Bendel Reference 2, and Pevtsova Reference 34Reference 35.

There is a flaw in the proof of the detection theorem, Theorem 5.3, given in Reference 24, Theorem 5.3, as we explain in Remark 5.4. For this reason, Part II of this paper is devoted to a proof of this result. Much of the argument is already available in the literature but is spread across various places. The new idea that allowed us to repair the proof appears in a “subgroup reduction principle,” Theorem 3.7, which also led to some simplifications of the known arguments.

As a consequence of the -support detection theorem we prove the following theorem.

Theorem (Theorem 6.1).

For any -module there is an equality

Here is the support of defined in Reference 6 using the action of on , recalled in Section 2. This allows us to apply the machinery developed in Reference 6Reference 7Reference 8. The first advantage that we reap from this is the following local to global principle: for the desired classification it suffices to verify that for each point in the subcategory of consisting of modules with support in is minimal, in that it has no proper tensor ideal localizing subcategories. The latter statement is equivalent to the category being stratified by as we explain toward the end of Section 2. This is tantamount to proving that when are -modules whose support equals , the -module of homomorphisms is not projective.

When is a closed point in , we verify this by using a new invariant of -modules called -cosupport introduced in Reference 11, and recalled in Section 1. Its relevance to the problem on hand stems from the equality below (see Theorem 1.10),

The minimality for a general point in is established by a reduction to the case of closed points. To this end, in Section 8 we develop a technique that mimics the construction of generic points for irreducible algebraic varieties in the classical theory of Zariski and Weil. The results from commutative algebra that are required for this last step are established in Section 7. The ideas in these sections are an elaboration of the local to global principle alluded to above.


One of the many known consequences of Theorem 10.1 is a classification of the tensor-ideal thick subcategories of , anticipated in Reference 28, and of . This was mentioned earlier and is the content of Theorem 10.3 and Corollary 10.6. A few others are described in Section 10. The results in this work also yield a precise criterion for deciding when there is a nonzero map between -modules and , at least when is unipotent; see Theorem 10.7. Further applications specific to the context of finite group schemes are treated in Section 9. These include a proof that, akin to supports, the -cosupport of a -module coincides with its cosupport in the sense of Reference 9:

Theorem (Theorem 9.3).

For any -module there is an equality

This in turn is used to track support and cosupport under restriction and induction for subgroup schemes; see Proposition 9.5. That the result above is a consequence of the classification theorem also illustrates a key difference between the approach developed in this paper and the one in Reference 11 where we give a new proof of the classification theorem for finite groups. There we prove that -cosupport coincides with cosupport, using linear algebra methods and special properties of finite groups, and deduce the classification theorem from it. In this paper our route is the opposite: we have to develop a new method to prove classification and then deduce the equality of cosupports from it. See also Remark 5.6.

The methods developed in this work have led to other new results concerning the structure of the stable module category of a finite group scheme, including a classification of its Hom closed colocalizing subcategories Reference 10, and to a type of local Serre duality theorem for ; see Reference 12.

Part I. Recollections

There have been two, rather different, approaches to studying representations of finite groups and finite group schemes using geometric methods: via the theory of -points and via the action of the cohomology ring on the stable category. Both are critical for our work. In this part we summarize basic constructions and results in the two approaches.

1. -support and -cosupport

In this section we recall the notion of -points for finite group schemes. The primary references are the papers of Friedlander and Pevtsova Reference 23Reference 24. We begin by summarizing basic properties of modules over affine group schemes; for details we refer the reader to Jantzen Reference 30 and Waterhouse Reference 40.

Affine group schemes and their representations

Let be a field and a group scheme over ; this work concerns only affine group schemes. The coordinate ring of is denoted ; it is a commutative Hopf algebra over . One says that is finite if is finite dimensional as a -vector space. The -linear dual of is then a cocommutative Hopf algebra, called the group algebra of , and denoted . A finite group scheme over a field is connected (or infinitesimal) if its coordinate ring is local; it is unipotent if its group algebra is local.

Example 1.1 (Finite groups).

A finite group defines a finite group scheme over any field : The group algebra is a finite dimensional cocommutative Hopf algebra, and hence its dual is a commutative Hopf algebra and so defines a group scheme over ; it is also denoted . A finite group is elementary abelian if it is isomorphic to , for some prime number . The integer is then the rank of . Over a field of characteristic , there are isomorphisms of -algebras,

Example 1.2 (Frobenius kernels).

Let be a field of positive characteristic and its Frobenius endomorphism; thus . The Frobenius twist of a commutative -algebra is the base change over the Frobenius map. There is a -linear algebra map given by .

If is a group scheme over , then the Frobenius twist is again a Hopf algebra over and therefore defines another group scheme called the Frobenius twist of . The algebra map induces the Frobenius map of group schemes . The th Frobenius kernel of is the group scheme theoretic kernel of the -fold iteration of the Frobenius map,

The Frobenius kernel of is connected if the -algebra is finitely generated.

Let denote the additive group over . For the th Frobenius kernel there are isomorphisms of -algebras,

Example 1.3 (Quasi-elementary group schemes).

Following Bendel Reference 2, a group scheme is said to be quasi-elementary if it is isomorphic to . Thus a quasi-elementary group scheme is unipotent abelian, and its group algebra structure is the same as that of an elementary abelian -group of rank . Note that any connected quasi-elementary group scheme is isomorphic to , for some .

A module over an affine group scheme over is called -module; it is equivalent to a comodule over the Hopf algebra . The term “module” will mean “left module,” unless stated otherwise. We write for the category of -modules and for its full subcategory consisting of finite dimensional -modules. When is finite, we identify -modules with modules over the group algebra ; this is justified by Reference 30, I.8.6.


For each subgroup scheme of restriction is a functor

We often write instead of . This has a right adjoint called induction⁠Footnote1


Warning: In representation theory of finite groups, induction is commonly used for the left adjoint. We stick with the convention in Reference 30, pointing out that for group schemes the left adjoint does not always exist and when it does, it is not necessarily isomorphic to the right adjoint.

as described in Reference 30, I.3.3. If the quotient is affine, then is exact. This holds, for example, when is finite; see Reference 30, I.5.13.

Extending the base field

Let be a group scheme over . If is a field extension of , we write for , which is a commutative Hopf algebra over . This defines a group scheme over denoted . If is a finite group scheme, then there is a natural isomorphism and we simplify notation by writing . For a -module , we set

The induction functor commutes with the extension of scalars (see Reference 30, I.3.5); that is, there is a canonical isomorphism,

The assignment defines a functor from to which is left adjoint to the restriction functor .

For a finite group scheme and a -module we set

again viewed as a -module. This is right adjoint to restriction. It is essential for the group scheme to be finite to make sense of this definition; see Remark 5.6.


Let be a finite group scheme over . A -point of , defined over a field extension of , is a morphism of -algebras

that factors through the group algebra of a unipotent abelian subgroup scheme of , and such that is flat when viewed as a left (equivalently, as a right) module over via . It should be emphasized that need not be defined over ; see Example 3.8. Restriction along defines a functor

and the functor provides a left adjoint

Definition 1.4.

A pair of -points and are equivalent, denoted , if they satisfy the following condition: For any finite dimensional -module , the module is projective if and only if is projective (see Reference 24, Section 2 for a discussion of the equivalence relation).

Remark 1.5.

For ease of reference, we list some basic properties of -points.


Let be a -point and a field extension of . Then is a -point, and it is easy to verify that .


Every -point is equivalent to one that factors through some quasi-elementary subgroup scheme. This is proved in Reference 23, Proposition 4.2.


Every -point of a subgroup scheme of is naturally a -point of .


A -point of defined over naturally gives rise to a -point of defined over a field containing and .

For quasi-elementary group schemes, one has a concrete description of -points and the equivalence relation between them.

Example 1.6.

Let be a quasi-elementary group scheme defined over of positive characteristic . For any field extension of , the group algebra is isomorphic to the -algebra ; see Example 1.3. Since is unipotent abelian, a -point defined over is nothing but a flat map of -algebras,

What is more, flatness of is equivalent to the condition that has a linear part; see Reference 23, Proposition 2.2. The same result also yields that -points

are equivalent if and only if and have proportional linear parts.

-points and cohomology

Let be a finite group scheme over . The cohomology of with coefficients in a -module is denoted . It can be identified with , with the trivial action of on . Recall that is a -algebra that is graded-commutative (because is a Hopf algebra) and finitely generated, by a theorem of Friedlander-Suslin Reference 25, Theorem 1.1.

Let denote the set of homogeneous prime ideals that are properly contained in the maximal ideal of positive degree elements.

Given a -point we write for the composition of homomorphisms of -algebras.

where the one on the right is induced by restriction. Evidently, the radical of the ideal is a prime ideal in different from and so defines a point in .

Remark 1.7.

Fix a point in . There exists a field and a -point

such that . In fact, there is such a that is a finite extension of the degree zero part of the homogenous residue field at ; see Reference 24, Theorem 4.2. It should be emphasized that is not uniquely defined.

In this way, one gets a bijection between the set of equivalence classes of -points of and ; see Reference 24, Theorem 3.6. In the sequel, we identify a prime in and the corresponding equivalence class of -points.

The following definitions of -support and -cosupport of a -module are from Reference 24 and Reference 11, respectively.

Definition 1.8.

Let be a finite group scheme and be a -module. The -support of is the subset of defined by

The -cosupport of is the subset of defined by

Here denotes a representative of the equivalence class of -points corresponding to ; see Remark 1.7. Both and are well defined on the equivalence classes of -points; see Reference 11, Theorem 3.1.

The following observation will be useful; see Corollary 9.4 for a better statement.

Lemma 1.9.

Let be a closed point of and a -module. Then is in if and only if it is in .


The key observation is that as is a closed point, there is a corresponding -point with a finite extension of ; see Remark 1.7. It then remains to note that the natural evaluation map is an isomorphism,

so that and are isomorphic as -modules.

The next result plays a key role in what follows. The formula for the support of tensor products is Reference 24, Proposition 5.2. The proof of the formula for the cosupport of function objects is similar and is given in Reference 11, Theorem 4.4. We sketch it here for the reader’s convenience.

Theorem 1.10.

Let and be -modules. Then there are equalities






Remark 1.5(2) implies that we can assume that is a quasi-elementary group scheme. Hence, is isomorphic to as an algebra.

Let be a -point of . Extending scalars and using the isomorphism , we may assume that is defined over . To prove equality (2), we need to show that is projective if and only if or is projective.

Let be the antipode of , let be its comultiplication, and set , the augmentation ideal of . Identifying with its image in under , one has

see Reference 30, I.2.4. Given a module over , we consider two -structures on it: One where acts via multiplication with and another where it acts via multiplication with . We claim that these two -modules are both projective or both not projective. This follows from a repeated use of Reference 23, Proposition 2.2 because can be represented as a sum of products of nilpotent elements of , where each nilpotent element satisfies .

We may thus assume that acts on via . There is then an isomorphism of -modules,

where the action of on the right hand side is the one obtained by viewing it as a Hopf algebra with comultiplication defined by and antipode . It remains to observe that for any -modules , the module is projective if and only if one of or is projective.

2. Support and cosupport via cohomology

This section provides a quick summary of the techniques developed in Reference 6Reference 9, with a focus on modules over finite group schemes. Throughout will be a finite group scheme over a field .

The stable module category

The stable module category of is denoted . Its objects are all (possibly infinite dimensional) -modules. The set of morphisms between -modules and is by definition

where consists of all -maps between and which factor through a projective -module. Since -modules are precisely modules over the group algebra and the latter is a Frobenius algebra Reference 30, Lemma I.8.7, the stable module category is triangulated, with suspension equal to , the inverse of the syzygy functor. The tensor product of -modules, with the usual diagonal -action, is inherited by making it a tensor triangulated category. This category is compactly generated, and the subcategory of compact objects is equivalent to , the stable module category of finite dimensional -modules. For details, readers might consult Carlson Reference 19, Section 5 and Happel Reference 26, Chapter 1.

A subcategory of is said to be thick if it is a triangulated subcategory that is closed under direct summands. Note that any triangulated subcategory is closed under finite direct sums. A triangulated subcategory that is closed under all set-indexed direct sums is said to be localizing. A localizing subcategory is also thick. We say that a subcategory is a tensor ideal if it is closed under for any -module .

We write for the graded abelian group with the component in degree . Composition of morphisms endows with a structure of a graded ring and with the structure of a graded left- and right- bimodule. There is a natural map

of graded abelian groups; it is a homomorphism of graded rings for . Composing this with the homomorphism

yields a homomorphism of graded rings

It is clear from the construction that is a graded bimodule over with left action induced by and right action induced by , and that the actions differ by the usual sign. Said otherwise, acts on , in the sense of Reference 9, Section 3.

The spectrum of the cohomology ring

We write for the set of homogenous prime ideals in . It has one more point than , namely, the maximal ideal consisting of elements of positive degree. A subset of is specialization closed if whenever is in so is any prime containing . Thus is specialization closed if and only if it is a union of Zariski closed subsets, where a subset is Zariski closed if it is of the form

for some ideal in . In the sequel, given and a graded -module , we write for the homogeneous localization of at .

Local cohomology

Let be a specialization closed subset of . A -module is called -torsion if for any finite dimensional -module and . We write for the full subcategory of -torsion modules. This is a localizing subcategory and the inclusion admits a right adjoint, denoted . Thus, for each in one gets a functorial exact triangle

and this provides a localization functor that annihilates precisely the -torsion modules. For details, see Reference 6, Section 4.

A noteworthy special case pertains to a point in and the subset

This is evidently a specialization closed subset. The corresponding localization functor models localization at , that is to say, for any -module and finite dimensional -module , the morphism induces an isomorphism

of graded -modules; see Reference 6, Theorem 4.7. For this reason, we usually write in lieu of . When the natural map is an isomorphism, we say is -local, and that is -torsion if it is -torsion.

We write for the exact functor on defined on objects by

The equality is a special case of a general phenomenon: the functors and commute for any specialization closed subsets and ; see Reference 6, Proposition 6.1. This property will be used often and without further comment.

Support and cosupport

We introduce the support of a -module to be the following subset of :

As in Reference 9, Section 4, the cosupport of is the set

Note that we are ignoring the closed point of . It turns out that the support and the cosupport of coincide with its -support and -cosupport introduced in Section 1; see Theorems 6.1 and 9.3.


Let be a compactly generated tensor triangulated category and a graded-commutative Noetherian ring acting on via homomorphisms of rings , for each in ; see Reference 6, Section 8 for details. For each in , one can construct a functor as above and use it to define support and cosupport for objects in . The subcategory

consists of all objects in such that is -local and -torsion for each compact object , and has the following alternative description:

see Reference 6, Corollary 5.9. The subcategory of is tensor ideal and localizing.

We say that is minimal if it is non-zero and contains no proper non-zero tensor ideal localizing subcategories. Following Reference 7, Section 7 we say is stratified by if for each the subcategory is either zero or minimal. When this property holds, the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of are parameterized by subsets of ; see Reference 8, Theorem 3.8. The import of this statement is that the classification problem we have set out to solve can be tackled one prime at a time.

Last, we recall from Reference 9, Section 7 the behavior of support under change of rings and categories.

Change of rings and categories

In this paragraph, denotes a pair consisting of a compactly generated triangulated category endowed with an action of a graded-commutative Noetherian ring . A functor between such pairs consists of an exact functor that preserves set-indexed products and coproducts, and a homomorphism of rings such that, for each , the following diagram is commutative:

The result below is extracted from Reference 9, Corollary 7.8.

Proposition 2.1.

Let be a functor between compactly generated triangulated categories with ring actions. Let be a left adjoint of , let be a right adjoint of , and let be the map that assigns to . Then for in and in there are inclusions:




Each inclusion is an equality if the corresponding functor is faithful on objects.

Part II. Detecting projectivity with -support

Let be a finite group scheme over a field of positive characteristic. This part is dedicated to a proof of Theorem 5.3 that asserts that -support detects projectivity of -modules, by which we mean that a -module is projective if (and only if) . This result was claimed in Reference 24, but the argument there has a flaw (see Remark 5.4) which we repair here. Most of the different pieces of our proof are already available in the literature; we collect them here for the sake of both completeness and comprehensibility.

The essential new ingredient is a “subgroup reduction principle,” Theorem 3.7 which allows us to extend the detection theorem from the case of a connected finite group scheme to an arbitrary one. Theorem 3.7 relies on a remarkable result of Suslin (see also Reference 2 for the special case of a unipotent finite group scheme) on detection of nilpotents in the cohomology ring for a -algebra , generalizing work of Quillen and Venkov for finite groups.

The first step in our proof of the detection theorem is to settle the case of a connected unipotent finite group scheme. This is achieved in Section 4. The argument essentially follows the one of Bendel Reference 2 but is simpler, for two reasons: because of the connectedness assumption and because we employ the subgroup reduction principle that allows one to apply induction on in certain cases.

The subgroup reduction principle cannot be used for general connected finite groups schemes; see Example 3.8. To tackle that case, we import a result from Reference 34 which readily implies that -support detects projectivity for Frobenius kernels of connected reductive groups; in fact, it would suffice to treat , but the proof is no different in general. A connected group scheme can be realized as a subgroup of a Frobenius kernel, and so we deduce the desired property for the former from that for the latter using a descent theorem. This is done in Section 5 and essentially repeats the argument in Reference 35. This also takes care of group schemes that are a direct product of their identity component with an elementary abelian -group. After all, the statement of the theorem does not mention the coalgebra part of the structure, and in this case the algebra structure is identical to that of a suitably chosen connected finite group scheme.

Armed with these results, we tackle the general case, also in Section 5, but not without yet another invocation of the subgroup reduction principle, Theorem 3.7.

3. A subgroup reduction principle

In this section we establish basic results, including the general subgroup reduction principle alluded to above, Theorem 3.7, that will be used repeatedly in proving that -support detects projectivity. Throughout, will be a finite group scheme over a field of positive characteristic.

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a finite group scheme with the property that for any -module with one has for . Then -support detects projectivity of -modules.


Let be a -module with . Then, for any simple -module , Theorem 1.10 yields

Thus, for the hypothesis on gives the second equality below,

where the isomorphism holds since all simple -modules are finite dimensional. It follows that is projective, as desired.

The following observation will be of some use in what follows.

Remark 3.2.

If and are unipotent abelian group schemes such that their group algebras are isomorphic, then -support detects projectivity of -modules if and only if it detects projectivity of -modules.

Indeed, this is because projectivity of a -module does not involve the comultiplication on , and when is unipotent, abelian -points are just flat homomorphism of -algebras , for some field extension , and again have nothing to do with the comultiplication on .

To establish that -support detects projectivity we need a version of Dade’s lemma proved by Benson, Carlson, and Rickard in Reference 4, Lemma 4.1. For our purposes we restate the result in terms of -support as can be found in Reference 11, Theorem 5.4.

Theorem 3.3.

If is a quasi-elementary group scheme, then -support detects projectivity of -modules.


The group algebra of a quasi-elementary group scheme is isomorphic to the group algebra of an elementary abelian finite group as seen in Example 1.3. In view of Remark 3.2, the result follows from Reference 11, Theorem 5.4.

The next result, which is a corollary of Suslin’s theorem on detection of nilpotence in cohomology Reference 37, Theorem 5.1, is critical to what follows.

Theorem 3.4.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field and a unital associative -algebra. If , then any element in is nilpotent.


For any extension field of and any quasi-elementary subgroup scheme of , the hypothesis of the theorem yields

Theorem 3.3 then yields that is projective, so . This implies that for any element the restriction of to is trivial. Therefore, is nilpotent, by Reference 37, Theorem 5.1.

The next result has been proved in a larger context by Burke Reference 17, Theorem. For finite group schemes a simpler argument is available and is given below.

Lemma 3.5.

Let be a finite group scheme and a -module. If each element in is nilpotent, then is projective.


The -algebra is finitely generated so Noether normalization provides homogeneous algebraically independent elements in such that the extension is finite; see Reference 16, Theorem 1.5.17. By assumption, the image of any under the composition

is nilpotent. By taking powers of the generators , if necessary, one may assume that these images are zero.

Represent each by a homomorphism of -modules, and let denote its kernel; this is the Carlson module Reference 18 associated with . Vanishing of in implies that for some integer , the -modules and are isomorphic up to projective summands; this is proved in Reference 3, 5.9 for finite groups, and the argument carries over to finite group schemes. Setting , an iteration yields that the -modules

are isomorphic up to projective summands. However, since is finite as a module over , one gets the second equality below

The first one is by Theorem 1.10. As the -module is finitely generated, by construction, it follows that , and hence also , is projective; see, for example, Reference 23, Theorem 5.6. Thus is projective, and hence so is .

The next result is well-known; for a proof see, for example, Reference 11, Lemma 4.2.

Lemma 3.6.

Let and be -modules.


If or is projective, then so is .


is projective if and only if is projective.

We can now establish the following subgroup reduction principle.

Theorem 3.7.

Let be a finite group scheme over with the property that every -point for is equivalent to a -point that factors through an embedding where is a proper subgroup scheme of and is a field extension. If -support detects projectivity for all proper subgroup schemes of , then it detects projectivity for .

We emphasize that is already defined over .


Let be a -module with . Let be a proper subgroup scheme of . Any -point of is a -point of so , and hence is projective, by hypothesis. Therefore is also projective, by Lemma 3.6. Since any -point of factors through a proper subgroup scheme, again by hypothesis, one gets that . By Theorem 3.4, any element in of positive degree is nilpotent. Lemma 3.5 then implies that is projective, as desired.

The hypothesis of Theorem 3.7 is quite restrictive, as the next example shows.

Example 3.8.

Let be a field of characteristic at least and the three-dimensional Heisenberg Lie algebra over , that is to say, the Lie algebra of strictly upper triangular matrices, with zero -power operation. It has generators subject to relations

Then , the restricted enveloping algebra of , is a cocommutative Hopf algebra, and hence its dual defines a group scheme over . Its support variety is with coordinate algebra . Let be the field of fractions, and let be a “generic” -point given by

Specializing to points we get all -points of defined over . Therefore cannot factor through any proper Lie subalgebra of defined over .

For contexts where Theorem 3.7 does apply see Theorems 4.1 and 5.3.

4. Connected unipotent group schemes

In this section we prove that -support detects projectivity for modules over connected unipotent finite group schemes. Our strategy mimics the one used in Reference 2, with one difference: it does not use the analogue of Serre’s cohomological criterion for a quasi-elementary group scheme as developed in Reference 38. This is because Theorem 3.7 allows us to invoke Reference 38, Theorem 1.6 in the step where Bendel’s proof uses Serre’s criterion, significantly simplifying the argument.

Theorem 4.1.

If is a connected unipotent finite group scheme over a field , then -support detects projectivity.


If , then a -point for is precisely a flat map of -algebras , with a field extension of . The desired result follows from Theorem 3.3, given the description of the group algebra of in Example 1.2.

In the remainder of the proof we may thus assume is not isomorphic to . The proof proceeds by induction on . The base case, where this dimension is one, is trivial. Assume that the theorem holds for all proper subgroup schemes of . We consider two cases, depending on the rank of , the -vector space of morphisms from to .

Case 1.

Suppose . Let be a generator of , and a generator of . By Reference 38, Theorem 1.6, either or is nilpotent. Since we have ruled out the former case, we may assume is nilpotent.

Let be a -point; by Remark 1.5(2) we can assume it factors through a quasi-elementary subgroup scheme of . We claim that is equivalent to a -point that factors through , so that the desired statement follows from Theorem 3.7.

Indeed, consider the composition

and the induced map in cohomology,

Since is nilpotent, .

The group scheme is connected, since is, so the quasi-elementary subgroup scheme that factors through must be isomorphic to . Restrict to and consider the composition

It follows from the discussion in the preceding paragraph that the induced map in cohomology is again trivial. Observe that is one-dimensional and generated by the obvious surjection

Thus, if , this surjection maps each to for and to the generator of .

Returning to , we may suppose has a nonzero term with , else it clearly factors through , as desired. The term involved cannot be linear, else the composition would be an isomorphism and the induced map in cohomology would not be trivial, which it is. Thus, the terms involving must be at least quadratic, so is equivalent to a -point with those terms removed; see Example 1.6. That new -point then factors through , as claimed.

Case 2.

Suppose . Let be linearly independent morphisms. Fix an algebraically closed non-trivial field extension of . Note that remain linearly independent, and hence for any pair of elements not both zero, . This implies that for any non-zero element in , the element

in is non-zero; this follows by the semilinearity of the Bockstein map, which also explains in the exponents (see the proof of Reference 11, Theorem 5.3 for more details on this formula).

Let be a -module with . The induction hypothesis implies that is projective when restricted to the kernel of . Thus induces a periodicity isomorphism

As this is so for any pair not both zero, the analogue of the Kronecker quiver lemma Reference 4, Lemma 4.1 implies that

Since is unipotent, this implies that is projective, as desired.

5. Finite group schemes

In this section we prove that -support detects projectivity for any finite group scheme. It uses the following result that can be essentially found in Reference 35. However, the pivotal identity Equation 5.1 in the proof was only justified later in Reference 37.

Theorem 5.1.

Let be an embedding of connected finite group schemes over . If -support detects projectivity for , then it detects projectivity for .


Let be a -module such that . By Lemma 3.1 and Frobenius reciprocity, it suffices to show that .

Consequently, we need to show that for any -point , the restriction is free. By Remark 1.5, we may assume that factors through some quasi-elementary subgroup scheme defined over . Since induction commutes with extension of scalars and we are only going to work with one -point at a time, we may extend scalars and assume that .

Let (this can be the trivial group scheme). Let . Since is quasi-elementary, the assumption on together with Theorem 3.3 imply that is free. Hence, Lemma 3.6(2) implies that is free.

Consider the adjunction isomorphism

and let

be the homomorphism of -modules which corresponds to the standard evaluation map (see Reference 30, 3.4) considered as a map of -modules. By Reference 37, pages 216–217, the map is surjective and the ideal is nilpotent.

Indeed, it is shown in Reference 37 that

with the map induced by the extension of scalars from to . Hence, the surjectivity follows from the fact that is a closed embedding, see Reference 37, Theorem 5.3, and the nilpotency of follows from the fact that is a local Artinian ring.

Consequently, we have an exact sequence of -modules,

where is a nilpotent ideal and is projective since is projective as an -module. The exact sequence in cohomology now implies that any positive degree element in is nilpotent, where the action of is via the -point .

Note that the linear action of on factors as follows:

So the Yoneda action of on factors through the action of . We conclude that acts nilpotently. On the other hand, the action of a generator in degree 2 for (or degree 1 for ) induces the periodicity isomorphism on . Hence, , and therefore the equivalence class of is not in . Since was any -point, the statement follows.

We also require the following detection criterion; see Reference 34, Theorem 1.6.

Theorem 5.2.

Let be a connected reductive algebraic group over , and let be its th Frobenius kernel. If is a -module such that for any field extension and any embedding of group schemes , the restriction of to is projective, then is projective as a -module.

We come now to the central result of the first part of this article.

Theorem 5.3.

Let be a finite group scheme over . A -module is projective if and only if .


Assume is projective, and let be a -point of . The -module is then projective, and hence so is the -module , for is flat when viewed as a map of algebras. Thus .

The proof of the converse builds up in a number of steps.

Frobenius kernels

Suppose , the th Frobenius kernel of a connected reductive group over . Let be a -module with . For any field extension and embedding of group schemes over , one then has , and hence it follows that

Theorem 3.3 then implies that is projective as a -module. It remains to apply Theorem 5.2.

Connected finite group schemes

This case is immediate from the preceding one and Theorem 5.1 since any connected finite group scheme can be embedded into for some positive integers ; see Reference 40, 3.4.

where is the connected component at the identity

Let be a -module with . Let , and observe that the -algebras and are isomorphic, and hence so are and . Moreover, and are both unipotent abelian group schemes, so the maximal unipotent abelian subgroup schemes of and , and hence also their -points, are in bijection. In summary, . Since we have verified already that -support detects projectivity for connected finite group schemes, and is one such, one gets the equality below,

It remains to recall Lemma 3.1 to deduce that is projective as a -module.

General finite group schemes

Extending scalars, if needed, we may assume that is algebraically closed. The proof is by induction on . The base case is trivial. Suppose the theorem holds for all proper subgroup schemes of . Let where is the connected component at the identity and is the (finite) group of connected components. If the product is direct and is elementary abelian, then we have already verified that the desired result holds for . We may thus assume that this is not the case; this implies that for any elementary abelian subgroup , the subgroup scheme is a proper subgroup scheme of .

If follows from the Quillen stratification for the space of equivalence classes of -points Reference 24, 4.12 that any -point for is equivalent to one of the form that factors through , where is an elementary abelian subgroup. Thus, the hypotheses of Theorem 3.7 holds, and we can conclude that is projective, as needed.

Remark 5.4.

The implication that when the -support of a -module is empty, it is projective is the content of Reference 24, Theorem 5.3. However, the proof given in Reference 24 is incorrect. The problem occurs in the third paragraph of the proof where what is asserted translates as follows: the -support of is contained in the -support of . This is not so; see Reference 11, Example 6.4. What is true is that the -cosupport of is contained in the -support of , by Theorem 1.10. This is why it is useful to consider cosupports even if one is interested only in supports.

Chouinard Reference 20, Corollary 1.1 proved that a module over a finite group is projective if its restriction to every elementary abelian subgroup of is projective. This result is fundamental to the development of the theory of support varieties for finite groups. For finite group schemes Theorem 5.3 yields the following analogue of Chouinard’s theorem. There are two critical differences: one has to allow for field extensions, and there are infinitely many subgroup schemes involved.

Corollary 5.5.

Let be a finite group scheme over . A -module is projective if for every field extension and quasi-elementary subgroup scheme of , the -module is projective.


As noted in Remark 1.5, every -point factors through some as above, so if is projective for each such , it follows that , and hence that is projective, by Theorem 5.3.

Remark 5.6.

All the steps in the proof of Theorem 5.3 except for the one dealing with Frobenius kernels, Theorem 5.2, work equally well for -cosupport: namely, they can be used with little change to show that if , then is projective. Explicitly, the following changes need to be made:


Theorem 3.7: Simply replace -support with -cosupport.


Theorem 4.1: In the proof of Case 2, use Reference 11, Lemma 5.1 which is an analogue for cosupports of the Kronecker quiver lemma.


Theorem 5.1: The proof carries over almost verbatim. One replaces the extension with coextension and uses repeatedly that coextension commutes with induction for finite group schemes Reference 11, Lemma 2.2.

The trouble with establishing the analogue of Theorem 5.2 for cosupports can be pinpointed to the fact that the induction functor does not commute with coextension of scalars for general affine group schemes. Even worse, when is not finite and is of infinite degree, given a -module there is no natural action of on .

In Part IV we prove that -cosupport detects projectivity, taking an entirely different approach. This uses the support detection theorem in an essential way.

Part III. Minimal localizing subcategories

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . From now on we consider the stable module category whose construction and basic properties were recalled in Section 2. For each in , we focus on the subcategory consisting of modules with support in . These are precisely the modules whose cohomology is -local and -torsion.

This part of the paper is dedicated to proving that is minimal, meaning that it contains no proper non-zero tensor ideal localizing subcategories. As noted in Section 2, this is the crux of the classification of the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of .

For closed points in the desired minimality is verified in Section 6. The general case is settled in Section 8, by reduction to a closed point. The key idea here is to construct good generic points for projective varieties. The necessary commutative algebra is developed in Section 7.

6. Support equals -support

Henceforth it becomes necessary to have at our disposal the methods developed in Reference 6Reference 7 and recalled in Section 2. We begin by establishing that the -support of a -module coincides with its support. Using this, we track the behavior of supports under extensions of scalars and verify that for a closed point the tensor ideal localizing subcategory is minimal.

Theorem 6.1.

Let be a finite group scheme defined over . Viewed as subsets of one has for any -module .


From Reference 24, Proposition 6.6 one gets that . Given this, the tensor product formula (Theorem 1.10) and the detection of projectivity (Theorem 5.3), the calculation is purely formal; see the proof of Reference 11, Theorem 6.1.

The preceding result reconciles two rather different points of view of support and so makes available a panoply of new tools for studying representations of finite group schemes. The next result, required in Section 8, well illustrates this point.

Proposition 6.2.

Let be a finite group scheme over , let be an extension of fields, and let be the induced map,


for any -module ;


for any -module .


The equality in (1) is clear for -supports; now recall Theorem 6.1.

We deduce the equality in (2) by applying twice Proposition 2.1. The action of on induces an action also of via restriction of scalars along the homomorphism . Applying Proposition 2.1 to the functor on yields an equality

Next observe that the restriction functor is compatible with the actions of . Also, is exact, preserves set-indexed coproducts and products, and is faithful on objects. Everything is obvious, except the last property. So suppose is a -module such that is projective. Then, for any simple -module and integer one has

Since any simple -module is a direct summand of , for some choice of , it follows that is projective, as desired.

Now we apply Proposition 2.1 to the functor

and obtain the equality

In conjunction with the one above, this gives (2).

We can now begin to address the main task of this part of the paper.

Proposition 6.3.

When is a closed point of , the tensor ideal localizing subcategory of is minimal.


It suffices to verify that the -module is not projective for any non-zero modules in ; see Reference 8, Lemma 3.9.

A crucial observation is that since is a closed point, it is in if and only if it is in for any -module ; see Lemma 1.9. This will be used (twice) without comment in what follows. For any non-zero modules in Theorem 1.10 yields

Thus, is also in the support of . It remains to recall Theorem 5.3.

7. Generic points in graded-commutative algebras

A standard technique in classical algebraic geometry is to ensure that irreducible varieties have generic points by enlarging their field of definition. For affine varieties this amounts to the following: Given a prime ideal in an algebra finitely generated over a field , there is an extension of fields such that in the ring there is a maximal ideal lying over , that is to say, . In Section 8 we need a more precise version of this result, namely that there is such a where is cut out from , the fiber over , by a complete intersection in ; also, we have to deal with projective varieties. This is what is achieved in this section; see Theorem 7.7. The statement and its proof require some care, for in our context the desired property holds only outside a hypersurface.

Let be a graded-commutative ring: a graded abelian group with an associative product satisfying for all elements in , where denotes degree. We consider only homogenous elements of graded objects.

Definition 7.1.

Let be a graded -module. Mimicking Reference 16, Definition 1.1.1, we say that a sequence of elements in is a weak -sequence if is not a zero divisor on , for . We drop the adjective “weak” if, in addition, holds.

Lemma 7.2.

Let be a homomorphism of graded-commutative rings and a weak -sequence. If the -module is flat for each , then is a weak -sequence for each graded -module .


Set for . For , since is not a zero divisor on , one gets the following exact sequence of of graded -modules:

Since is flat as an -module, applying to the exact sequence above and noting that is naturally isomorphic to , one gets the following exact sequence:

This is the desired conclusion.

A model for localization

To prepare for the next step, we recall some basic properties of the kernel of a diagonal map. Let be a field and a polynomial ring over in indeterminates of the same degree. Let be indeterminates over and the corresponding field of rational functions, and consider the homomorphism of -algebras,

The range of is viewed as a subring of the field of rational functions in .

Lemma 7.3.

The ideal is generated by , and the latter is a -sequence.


It is clear that the kernel of is generated by the given elements. That these elements form a -sequence can readily be verified by, for example, an induction on . Another way is to note that they are elements in a polynomial ring and the Krull dimension of is one; see Reference 16, Theorem 2.1.2(c).

Let now be a graded-commutative -algebra, and an algebraically independent set over , with each of the same degree. Observe that the following subset of is multiplicatively closed,

The algebraic independence of is equivalent to the condition that is not in . For example, is the multiplicatively closed subset . For any -module one has the localization at , namely equivalence classes of fractions

The result below provides a concrete realization of this localization.

Lemma 7.4.

Let be indeterminates over and the corresponding field of rational functions. Set and , for . The following statements hold:


The canonical map of -algebras induces an isomorphism


is a weak -sequence for any graded -module .


We first verify the statements when , a polynomial ring over in indeterminates of the same degree, and for each . Then , the polynomial ring over the same indeterminates, but over the field , and can be naturally identified with .

Consider the commutative diagram of morphisms of graded -algebras

The unlabeled arrows are all canonical inclusions and the isomorphism is obvious. It follows from Lemma 7.3 that is the ideal generated by . This justifies the assertion in (1).

As to (2), since is a -sequence, by Lemma 7.3, it is also a weak -sequence. Moreover, arguing as above one gets that there is an isomorphism of graded rings

for each . In particular, these are all flat as modules over , for they are obtained by localization followed by an extension of scalars. Thus Lemma 7.2 applied to the morphism yields (2).

This completes the proof of the result when .

The desired statements for a general follow readily by base change. Indeed, consider the morphism of graded -algebras given by the assignment , for each . It is easy to see then that , so that applying to the isomorphism

gives the isomorphism in (1). As to (2), viewing a graded -module as a module over via restriction of scalars and applying the already established result for gives the desired conclusion.

Let be a field and a finitely generated graded-commutative -algebra with . As usual denotes the collection of homogeneous prime ideals in not containing . Given a point in , we write for the localization of at the set of nonzero homogenous elements of . Note that is a graded field and its component in degree zero is the field of functions at .

Definition 7.5.

Let be a domain and set , the graded field of fractions of . We say that elements in give a Noether normalization of if the all have the same positive degree, are algebraically independent over , and is a finitely generated module over the subalgebra . Noether normalizations exist; see, for example, Reference 16, Theorem 1.5.17, noting that, in the language of op. cit., a sequence is a system of parameters for if and only if so is the sequence , for any positive integers .

Observe that if is a Noether normalization of , then the set is a transcendence basis for the extension of fields .

The result below, though not needed in the sequel, serves to explain why in constructing generic points it suffices to enlarge the field of definition to function fields of Noether normalizations.

Lemma 7.6.

The inclusion induces an isomorphism .


By the universal property of localizations, it suffices to verify that is a graded field. Recall that is the set of homogenous elements in . By definition, is finitely generated as a module over , so is finitely generated as a module over . The latter is a graded field, and hence so is the former, as it is a domain.

Fix a point in and elements in whose residue classes modulo give a Noether normalization of ; see Definition 7.5. Let , the field of rational functions in indeterminates over . Set

Thus is a -algebra. The next result is probably well-known but we were unable to find an adequate reference. Recall that a point in is closed if it is maximal with respect to inclusion; equivalently, the Krull dimension of is one.

Theorem 7.7.

Set . The following statements hold:


is prime ideal in and defines a closed point in .




is a weak -sequence.


Note that the set is algebraically independent over , since it has that property modulo . Thus (3) is a special case of Lemma 7.4(2).

As to (1) and (2), replacing by , we can assume is a domain with Noether normalization and . Set , so that . In what follows, it will be helpful to keep in mind the following commutative diagram of homomorphisms of graded rings:

The map is the composition while is localization at . The isomorphism is by Lemma 7.4. Since is a domain, the vertical map on the left is one-to-one, and hence so is the map . This proves that , but we need more. In what follows, is the collection of homogeneous prime ideals of :

(1) Since , the desired result follows from statements below:


for any minimal over .


for any minimal over .


has exactly one prime ideal minimal over it.

(i) Since is generated by elements, for each minimal over , by the Krull height theorem Reference 16, Theorem A.1.. On the other hand, by construction, is finitely generated as a module over its subalgebra . Notice that is contained in , so it follows that is a finitely generated module over . Since is algebraically independent, is isomorphic to (see Lemma 7.3) and hence of Krull dimension one. It follows that , and therefore that , because is a catenary ring. This completes the proof of (i).

(ii) Suppose is in some minimal over . Then contains the ideal , because . Recall that is finitely generated as a module over its subalgebra . Thus, is finitely generated as a module over , and hence the Krull dimension of is zero. Said otherwise, the radical of equals , the (unique) homogeneous maximal ideal of . This justifies the first equality below,

The inequality holds because . As to the second equality: is a domain that is a finitely generated module over , which is of Krull dimension . The resulting inequality contradicts the conclusion of (i). This settles (ii).

(iii) The elements in minimal over are in bijection with the elements of minimal over and not containing . Since is a domain, by Equation 7.2, and is not in any minimal prime of , it follows that has only one prime ideal minimal over it, as asserted in (iii).

At this point, we have completed the proof of (1).

(2) We have to verify that . Since is a domain, by Equation 7.2, the ideal is prime. By (1), the ideal is the unique prime minimal over , so it follows that

Therefore, the map in Equation 7.2 is also an isomorphism. Consequently, the composed map is one-to-one, which is the desired result.

In an earlier version of this work, we had claimed that the ideal in Theorem 7.7 is itself prime. This need not be the case; the flaw in our argument was pointed out to us by Amnon Neeman.

8. Passage to closed points

As usual let be a finite group scheme over a field of positive characteristic. In this section we prove that for any point in the category consisting of the -local and -torsion -modules is minimal. The main step in this proof is a concrete model for localization at multiplicatively closed subsets of the form ; see Equation 7.1. With an eye toward future applications, we establish a more general statement than needed for the present purpose.

We begin by recalling the construction of Koszul objects from Reference 6, Definition 5.10.

Koszul objects

Each element in defines a morphism in ; we write for its mapping cone. This is nothing but a shift of the Carlson module, , that came up in Lemma 3.5. We have opted to stick to for this is what is used in Reference 6Reference 7 which are the main references for this section.

It follows from the construction that, in , there is an exact triangle

Given a sequence of elements in , consider the -module

It comes equipped with a morphism in ,

where . For any -module , set

In the sequel, we need the following computation:

This is a special case of Reference 7, Lemma 2.6.

Remark 8.1.

We say that an element in is invertible on a -module if the canonical map in is an isomorphism. This is equivalent to the condition that . A subset of is said to be invertible on if each element in it has that property.

Fix a multiplicatively closed subset of , and set

This subset is specialization closed. The associated localization functor , whose construction was recalled in Section 2, is characterized by the property that for any -modules and , with finite dimensional, the induced morphism

of graded -modules is localization at ; see, for example, Reference 29, Theorem 3.3.7. In particular, the set is invertible on . For this reason, in what follows we use the more suggestive notation instead of .

Notation 8.2.

Let be elements in , of the same positive degree, that are algebraically independent over . Let be the field of rational functions in indeterminates . Since there is a canonical isomorphism

as -algebras, we view as a subring of , and consider elements

in . Set . Composing the canonical map with restriction to of in from Equation 8.1, one gets a morphism

in . Let be the multiplicatively closed set defined in Equation Equation 7.1.

Theorem 8.3.

With the map defined in Equation 8.3, the following statements hold:


The morphism is an isomorphism.


The set is invertible on .


For any -module , the natural map becomes an isomorphism when localized at .

Consequently, in there are isomorphisms

The proof takes a little preparation. Given a -module , we write for the smallest localizing subcategory of that contains , and for the smallest tensor ideal localizing subcategory of containing .

Lemma 8.4.

Let be a morphism in . If are in and is an isomorphism, then so is .


Let be the cone of in ; the hypotheses is that . Since is also in , it follows that it is zero in , and hence that is an isomorphism.

The result below is well-known and is recalled here for convenience.

Lemma 8.5.

For any element in of positive degree and -module , the natural map induces an isomorphism


The main point is that there is an exact sequence

of graded -modules, where is concentrated in negative degrees; see, for example, Reference 13, Section 2. For degree reasons, it is clear that and are torsion with respect to , and so are annihilated when is inverted.

The next result concerns weak sequences; see Definition 7.1.

Lemma 8.6.

When is a weak -sequence for some element in , the natural map , where , induces an isomorphism of graded -modules


It suffices to verify the claim for ; the general case follows by iteration. The exact triangle induces an exact sequence

of graded -modules. Here denotes the elements of annihilated by . Localizing the sequence above at gives the desired isomorphism, since is not a zero divisor on .

Proof of Theorem 8.3.

By construction, in there is an exact triangle

Since , by Equation Equation 8.2, one has . Thus, (3) is immediate from the exact triangle above.

As to (1) and (2), set . Since is a direct sum of copies of , it follows that is in . Thus, in view of Lemma 8.4, it suffices to prove that the morphism induces an isomorphism

of graded -modules. Note that this map is isomorphic to

by Lemma 8.5, since the degree of elements in is positive.

As it follows from Lemma 7.4(2) that is a weak -sequence. Thus Lemma 8.6 gives the first isomorphism below,

The second isomorphism is a standard adjunction. It remains to compose this with the isomorphism in Lemma 7.4(1).

Notation 8.7.

Fix a point , and let be elements in that give a Noether normalization of ; see Definition 7.5.

Let be the field of rational functions in indeterminates . Consider the ideal in given by

Then is a closed point in lying over , by Theorem 7.7.

Choose a finite set that generates the ideal , let , and set

The -module depends on the choice of ; however, the thick subcategory of generated by it is independent of the choice; this can be proved along the lines of Reference 29, Corollary 5.11. The next result holds for any choice of and the corresponding .

Theorem 8.8.

The -module is -local and -torsion, and , with as in Equation 8.3, induces an isomorphism . Thus in there is a commutative diagram

where the map pointing left is localization. In particular, there is an equality


Since equals , by Equation Equation 8.2, it follows from the construction of and Proposition 6.2 that equals . Said otherwise, is -local and -torsion, as claimed.

Set . Observe that the restriction functor is compatible with the construction of Koszul objects with respect to elements of . This gives a natural isomorphism

Since we already know that the module on the right is -local, so is the one on the left. This justifies the last isomorphism below,

The second is the one induced by the isomorphism in Theorem 8.3, since is not contained in . The other isomorphisms are standard. The concatenation of the isomorphisms is the one in the statement of the theorem.

By Reference 6, Corollary 8.3 one has for any -local and -torsion -module . This justifies the first equality below.

For the second one see, for example, Reference 7, Lemma 3.8. Thus, the already established part of the theorem gives the desired equality.

Lemma 8.9.

Let be an extension of fields and a -module. If a -module is in , then is in .


Let denote a direct sum of a representative set of simple -modules. Then . Note that is a direct summand of . Now suppose that

Since there is an isomorphism of -modules

one gets the following:

where the last equality uses that equals a direct sum of copies of .

Theorem 8.10.

Let be a finite group scheme over . The tensor triangulated category is minimal for each point in .


Given the description of in Theorem 8.8, it suffices to verify that if is in the support of a -module , then is in . Let be the extension of fields and the closed point of lying over constructed in 8.7. Then contains , by Proposition 6.2. By Equation 8.2, so Proposition 6.3 implies is in . It follows from Lemma 8.9 that is in .

Part IV. Applications

The final part of this paper is devoted to applications of the results proved in the preceding part. We proceed in several steps and derive global results about the module category of a finite group scheme from local properties.

As before, denotes a finite group scheme over a field of positive characteristic.

9. Cosupport equals -cosupport

In this section we show that -cosupport of any -module coincides with its cosupport introduced in Section 2. The link between them is provided by a naturally defined -module, , that is the subject of the result below. For its proof we recall Reference 30, I.8.14 that given any subgroup scheme of there is a functor

that is left adjoint to the restriction functor from to .

Lemma 9.1.

Fix a point in . If is a -point corresponding to , then holds.


We proceed in several steps. Suppose first that and that is unipotent. Since is a finite dimensional -vector space coincides with the set of prime ideals in containing the annihilator of the -module ; see Reference 6, Theorem 5.5. This annihilator coincides with that of , since is unipotent, where acts via the canonical map . Adjunction yields an isomorphism,

and we see that the action of factors through the canonical map

that is induced by restriction via . Thus the annihilator of has the same radical as , which is . It follows that .

Now let be arbitrary. We may assume that it factors as

where is a quasi-elementary subgroup scheme of ; see Remark 1.5(2). Note that defines a -point of ; call it . The first part of this proof yields an equality

Let be the restriction map and the map it induces on . Note that is the -point of corresponding to . Therefore, applying Proposition 2.1 to the pair

one gets the inclusion below,

Since is non-zero, by adjointness, is not projective. Thus its support equals . It remains to apply Proposition 6.2(2).

Lemma 9.2.

Let be a -point corresponding to a point in , and a -module. The following conditions are equivalent:


is in ;


is not projective;




The equivalence of (1) and (3) follows from the definition of -cosupport and the following standard adjunction isomorphisms:

(1)(2) Let be the direct sum of a representative set of simple -modules. Since equals , Theorem 1.10 yields an equality

This justifies the first of the following equivalences:

The second one is (1)(3) applied to ; the third and the fourth are standard adjunctions, and the last one is clear.

Theorem 9.3.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . Viewed as subsets of one has for any -module .


The first of the following equivalences is Lemma 9.2:

The second one holds because and generate the same tensor ideal localizing subcategory of . This is a consequence of Theorem 8.10 because by Lemma 9.1. The final equivalence is simply the definition of cosupport.

Here is a first consequence of this result. We have been unable to verify the statement about maximal elements directly, except for closed points in the -support and -cosupport; see Lemma 1.9.

Corollary 9.4.

For any -module the maximal elements, with respect to inclusion, in and coincide. In particular, is projective if and only if .


Given Theorems 6.1 and 9.3, this is a translation of Reference 9, Theorem 4.5.

The next result describes support and cosupport for a subgroup scheme of ; this complements Proposition 6.2.

Recall that induction and coinduction are related as follows:

with the character of dual to , where is a linear character of called the modular function; see Reference 30, Proposition I.8.17.

Proposition 9.5.

Let be subgroup scheme of a finite group scheme over and the map induced by restriction.


For any -module the following equalities hold:


For any -module the following inclusions hold:

These become equalities when is a finite group or is unipotent.


(1) Since any -point of induces a -point of , the stated equalities are clear when one replaces support and cosupport by -support and -cosupport, respectively. It remains to recall Theorems 6.1 and 9.3.

(2) Since is right adjoint to restriction, the inclusion of cosupports is a consequence of Proposition 2.1 applied to the functor

where is the homomorphism of -algebras induced by restriction. By the same token, as coinduction is left adjoint to restriction one gets

By Equation Equation 9.1, there is a one-dimensional representation of such that

This yields the inclusion below,

The first equality is by Theorem 1.10 while the second one holds because the support of any one-dimensional representation is , as follows, for example, because is isomorphic to .

Concerning the equalities, the key point is that under the additional hypotheses, , which is right adjoint to , is faithful on objects.

Example 9.6.

One of many differences between finite groups and connected group schemes is that Proposition 9.5(2) may fail for the latter, because induction is not faithful on objects in general.

For example, let and be its standard Borel subgroup. Take , , and where is the half sum of all positive roots for the root system of . Let be the one-dimensional representation of given by the character . Then is the Steinberg module for ; in particular, it is projective. Hence, is not faithful on objects, and both inclusions of Proposition 9.5(2) are strict for .

10. Stratification

In this section we establish for a finite group scheme the classification of tensor ideal localizing subcategories of its stable module category and draw some consequences. The development follows closely the one in Reference 8, Sections 10 and 11. For this reason, in the remainder of the paper, we work exclusively with supports as defined in Section 2, secure in the knowledge afforded by Theorem 6.1 that the discussion could just as well be phrased in the language of -points.

Theorem 10.1.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . Then the stable module category is stratified as a tensor triangulated category by the natural action of the cohomology ring . Therefore the assignment

induces a bijection between the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of and the subsets of .


The first part of the assertion is precisely the statement of Theorem 8.10. The second part of the assertion is a formal consequence of the first; see Reference 8, Theorem 3.8. The inverse map sends a subset of to the tensor ideal localizing subcategory consisting of all -modules such that .

The result below contains the first theorem from the Introduction.

Corollary 10.2.

Let and be non-zero -modules. One can build out of if (and only if) there is an inclusion .


The canonical functor that assigns a module to itself respects tensor products and takes short exact sequences to exact triangles. It follows that is built out of in if and only if is in the tensor ideal localizing subcategory of generated by ; see also Reference 8, Proposition 2.1. The desired result is thus a direct consequence of Theorem 10.1.

Thick subcategories

As a corollary of Theorem 10.1 we deduce a classification of the tensor ideal thick subcategories of , stated already in Reference 24, Theorem 6.3. The crucial input in the proof in op. cit. is Reference 24, Theorem 5.3, which is flawed (see Remark 5.4), but the argument can be salvaged by referring to Theorem 5.3 instead. We give an alternative proof, mimicking Reference 8, Theorem 11.4.

Theorem 10.3.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . The assignment Equation 10.1 induces a bijection between tensor ideal thick subcategories of and specialization closed subsets of .


To begin with, if is a finite dimensional -module, then is a Zariski closed subset of ; conversely, each Zariski closed subset of is of this form. Indeed, given the identification of -support and cohomological support, the forward implication statement follows from Reference 24, Proposition 3.4 while the converse is Reference 24, Proposition 3.7. Consequently, if is a tensor ideal thick subcategory of , then is a specialization closed subset of , and every specialization closed subset of is of this form. It remains to verify that the assignment is one-to-one.

This can be proved as follows: is a compactly generated triangulated category, and the full subcategory of its compact objects identifies with . Thus, if is a tensor ideal thick subcategory of and the tensor ideal localizing subcategory of that it generates, then ; see Reference 33, Section 5. Since , Theorem 10.1 gives the desired result.

Localizing subcategories closed under products

The following result describes the localizing subcategories of that are closed under products.

Theorem 10.4.

A tensor ideal localizing subcategory of is closed under products if and only if the complement of its support in is specialization closed.


For the case that is the group algebra of a finite group, see Reference 8, Theorem 11.8. The argument applies verbatim to finite group schemes; the main ingredient is the stratification of , Theorem 10.1.

The telescope conjecture

A localizing subcategory of a compactly generated triangulated category is smashing if it arises as the kernel of a localization functor that preserves coproducts. The telescope conjecture, due to Bousfield and Ravenel Reference 15Reference 36, in its general form is the assertion that every smashing localizing subcategory of is generated by objects that are compact in ; see Reference 32. The following result confirms this conjecture for , at least for all smashing subcategories that are tensor ideal. Note that when the trivial -module generates as a thick subcategory (for example, when is unipotent) each localizing subcategory is tensor ideal.

Theorem 10.5.

Let be a tensor ideal localizing subcategory of . The following conditions are equivalent:


The localizing subcategory is smashing.


The localizing subcategory is generated by objects compact in .


The support of is a specialization closed subset of .


If is a finite group, this result is Reference 8, Theorem 11.12 and is deduced from the special case of Theorem 10.1 for finite groups. The proof carries over verbatim to group schemes.

The homotopy category of injectives

Let denote the triangulated category whose objects are the complexes of injective -modules and whose morphisms are the homotopy classes of degree preserving maps of complexes. As a triangulated category is compactly generated, and the compact objects are equivalent to , via the functor . The tensor product of modules extends to complexes and defines a tensor product on . This category was investigated in detail by Benson and Krause Reference 14 in case is a finite group; the more general case of a finite group scheme is analogous. Taking Tate resolutions gives an equivalence of triangulated categories from the stable module category to the full subcategory of consisting of acyclic complexes. This equivalence preserves the tensor product. The Verdier quotient of by is equivalent, as a triangulated category, to the unbounded derived category . There are left and right adjoints, forming a recollement

where and are a projective resolution and a Tate resolution of , respectively.

The cohomology ring acts on and, as in Reference 6Reference 9, the theory of supports and cosupports for extends in a natural way to . It associates to each in subsets and of . The Tate resolution of a -module is , so there are equalities

where one views as a subset of . Thus Theorem 10.1 has the following consequence.

Corollary 10.6.

The homotopy category is stratified as a tensor triangulated category by the natural action of the cohomology ring . Therefore the assignment induces a bijection between the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of and the subsets of . It restricts to a bijection between the tensor ideal thick subcategories of and specialization closed subsets of .

With this result on hand, one can readily establish analogues of Theorems 10.4 and 10.5 for . We leave the formulation of the statements and the proofs to the interested reader; see also Reference 8, Sections 10 and 11.

To wrap up this discussion, we record a proof of the following result mentioned in the Introduction.

Theorem 10.7.

If is unipotent and are -modules, then for some if and only if ; when these conditions hold, for all .


Let . Then Theorem 1.10(2) and Corollary 9.4 imply that if and only if if and only if is projective. If is projective, then for .

It remains to show that if for some , then is projective. Indeed, since is unipotent, is the only simple -module. Hence, the condition implies that for any finite dimensional -module since it has a finite filtration with all subquotients isomorphic to . Therefore, for any finite dimensional -module . We conclude that is projective and hence that is projective.

It is immediate from definitions that for any finite dimensional -module . Thus, the result above implies that when and are finite dimensional, one has

This can be verified directly, using the results from Reference 24 pertaining only to finite dimensional -modules.


The authors are grateful to Amnon Neeman for a careful reading of this paper and in particular for pointing out an error in an earlier version of Theorems 4.1 and 7.7. Part of this article is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0932078000, while DB, SBI, and HK were in residence at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, during the 2012–2013 Special Year in Commutative Algebra. The authors thank the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona, for hospitality during a visit in April 2015 that turned out to be productive and pleasant.

Mathematical Fragments

Example 1.2 (Frobenius kernels).

Let be a field of positive characteristic and its Frobenius endomorphism; thus . The Frobenius twist of a commutative -algebra is the base change over the Frobenius map. There is a -linear algebra map given by .

If is a group scheme over , then the Frobenius twist is again a Hopf algebra over and therefore defines another group scheme called the Frobenius twist of . The algebra map induces the Frobenius map of group schemes . The th Frobenius kernel of is the group scheme theoretic kernel of the -fold iteration of the Frobenius map,

The Frobenius kernel of is connected if the -algebra is finitely generated.

Let denote the additive group over . For the th Frobenius kernel there are isomorphisms of -algebras,

Example 1.3 (Quasi-elementary group schemes).

Following Bendel Reference 2, a group scheme is said to be quasi-elementary if it is isomorphic to . Thus a quasi-elementary group scheme is unipotent abelian, and its group algebra structure is the same as that of an elementary abelian -group of rank . Note that any connected quasi-elementary group scheme is isomorphic to , for some .

Remark 1.5.

For ease of reference, we list some basic properties of -points.


Let be a -point and a field extension of . Then is a -point, and it is easy to verify that .


Every -point is equivalent to one that factors through some quasi-elementary subgroup scheme. This is proved in Reference 23, Proposition 4.2.


Every -point of a subgroup scheme of is naturally a -point of .


A -point of defined over naturally gives rise to a -point of defined over a field containing and .

Example 1.6.

Let be a quasi-elementary group scheme defined over of positive characteristic . For any field extension of , the group algebra is isomorphic to the -algebra ; see Example 1.3. Since is unipotent abelian, a -point defined over is nothing but a flat map of -algebras,

What is more, flatness of is equivalent to the condition that has a linear part; see Reference 23, Proposition 2.2. The same result also yields that -points

are equivalent if and only if and have proportional linear parts.

Remark 1.7.

Fix a point in . There exists a field and a -point

such that . In fact, there is such a that is a finite extension of the degree zero part of the homogenous residue field at ; see Reference 24, Theorem 4.2. It should be emphasized that is not uniquely defined.

Lemma 1.9.

Let be a closed point of and a -module. Then is in if and only if it is in .

Theorem 1.10.

Let and be -modules. Then there are equalities





Proposition 2.1.

Let be a functor between compactly generated triangulated categories with ring actions. Let be a left adjoint of , let be a right adjoint of , and let be the map that assigns to . Then for in and in there are inclusions:




Each inclusion is an equality if the corresponding functor is faithful on objects.

Lemma 3.1.

Let be a finite group scheme with the property that for any -module with one has for . Then -support detects projectivity of -modules.

Remark 3.2.

If and are unipotent abelian group schemes such that their group algebras are isomorphic, then -support detects projectivity of -modules if and only if it detects projectivity of -modules.

Indeed, this is because projectivity of a -module does not involve the comultiplication on , and when is unipotent, abelian -points are just flat homomorphism of -algebras , for some field extension , and again have nothing to do with the comultiplication on .

Theorem 3.3.

If is a quasi-elementary group scheme, then -support detects projectivity of -modules.

Theorem 3.4.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field and a unital associative -algebra. If , then any element in is nilpotent.

Lemma 3.5.

Let be a finite group scheme and a -module. If each element in is nilpotent, then is projective.

Lemma 3.6.

Let and be -modules.


If or is projective, then so is .


is projective if and only if is projective.

Theorem 3.7.

Let be a finite group scheme over with the property that every -point for is equivalent to a -point that factors through an embedding where is a proper subgroup scheme of and is a field extension. If -support detects projectivity for all proper subgroup schemes of , then it detects projectivity for .

Example 3.8.

Let be a field of characteristic at least and the three-dimensional Heisenberg Lie algebra over , that is to say, the Lie algebra of strictly upper triangular matrices, with zero -power operation. It has generators subject to relations

Then , the restricted enveloping algebra of , is a cocommutative Hopf algebra, and hence its dual defines a group scheme over . Its support variety is with coordinate algebra . Let be the field of fractions, and let be a “generic” -point given by

Specializing to points we get all -points of defined over . Therefore cannot factor through any proper Lie subalgebra of defined over .

Theorem 4.1.

If is a connected unipotent finite group scheme over a field , then -support detects projectivity.

Theorem 5.1.

Let be an embedding of connected finite group schemes over . If -support detects projectivity for , then it detects projectivity for .

Equation (5.1)
Theorem 5.2.

Let be a connected reductive algebraic group over , and let be its th Frobenius kernel. If is a -module such that for any field extension and any embedding of group schemes , the restriction of to is projective, then is projective as a -module.

Theorem 5.3.

Let be a finite group scheme over . A -module is projective if and only if .

Remark 5.4.

The implication that when the -support of a -module is empty, it is projective is the content of Reference 24, Theorem 5.3. However, the proof given in Reference 24 is incorrect. The problem occurs in the third paragraph of the proof where what is asserted translates as follows: the -support of is contained in the -support of . This is not so; see Reference 11, Example 6.4. What is true is that the -cosupport of is contained in the -support of , by Theorem 1.10. This is why it is useful to consider cosupports even if one is interested only in supports.

Corollary 5.5.

Let be a finite group scheme over . A -module is projective if for every field extension and quasi-elementary subgroup scheme of , the -module is projective.

Remark 5.6.

All the steps in the proof of Theorem 5.3 except for the one dealing with Frobenius kernels, Theorem 5.2, work equally well for -cosupport: namely, they can be used with little change to show that if , then is projective. Explicitly, the following changes need to be made:


Theorem 3.7: Simply replace -support with -cosupport.


Theorem 4.1: In the proof of Case 2, use Reference 11, Lemma 5.1 which is an analogue for cosupports of the Kronecker quiver lemma.


Theorem 5.1: The proof carries over almost verbatim. One replaces the extension with coextension and uses repeatedly that coextension commutes with induction for finite group schemes Reference 11, Lemma 2.2.

The trouble with establishing the analogue of Theorem 5.2 for cosupports can be pinpointed to the fact that the induction functor does not commute with coextension of scalars for general affine group schemes. Even worse, when is not finite and is of infinite degree, given a -module there is no natural action of on .

In Part IV we prove that -cosupport detects projectivity, taking an entirely different approach. This uses the support detection theorem in an essential way.

Theorem 6.1.

Let be a finite group scheme defined over . Viewed as subsets of one has for any -module .

Proposition 6.2.

Let be a finite group scheme over , let be an extension of fields, and let be the induced map,


for any -module ;


for any -module .

Proposition 6.3.

When is a closed point of , the tensor ideal localizing subcategory of is minimal.

Definition 7.1.

Let be a graded -module. Mimicking Reference 16, Definition 1.1.1, we say that a sequence of elements in is a weak -sequence if is not a zero divisor on , for . We drop the adjective “weak” if, in addition, holds.

Lemma 7.2.

Let be a homomorphism of graded-commutative rings and a weak -sequence. If the -module is flat for each , then is a weak -sequence for each graded -module .

Lemma 7.3.

The ideal is generated by , and the latter is a -sequence.

Equation (7.1)
Lemma 7.4.

Let be indeterminates over and the corresponding field of rational functions. Set and , for . The following statements hold:


The canonical map of -algebras induces an isomorphism


is a weak -sequence for any graded -module .

Definition 7.5.

Let be a domain and set , the graded field of fractions of . We say that elements in give a Noether normalization of if the all have the same positive degree, are algebraically independent over , and is a finitely generated module over the subalgebra . Noether normalizations exist; see, for example, Reference 16, Theorem 1.5.17, noting that, in the language of op. cit., a sequence is a system of parameters for if and only if so is the sequence , for any positive integers .

Observe that if is a Noether normalization of , then the set is a transcendence basis for the extension of fields .

Theorem 7.7.

Set . The following statements hold:


is prime ideal in and defines a closed point in .




is a weak -sequence.

Equation (7.2)
Equation (8.1)
Equation (8.2)
Notation 8.2.

Let be elements in , of the same positive degree, that are algebraically independent over . Let be the field of rational functions in indeterminates . Since there is a canonical isomorphism

as -algebras, we view as a subring of , and consider elements

in . Set . Composing the canonical map with restriction to of in from Equation 8.1, one gets a morphism

in . Let be the multiplicatively closed set defined in Equation Equation 7.1.

Theorem 8.3.

With the map defined in Equation 8.3, the following statements hold:


The morphism is an isomorphism.


The set is invertible on .


For any -module , the natural map becomes an isomorphism when localized at .

Consequently, in there are isomorphisms

Lemma 8.4.

Let be a morphism in . If are in and is an isomorphism, then so is .

Lemma 8.5.

For any element in of positive degree and -module , the natural map induces an isomorphism

Lemma 8.6.

When is a weak -sequence for some element in , the natural map , where , induces an isomorphism of graded -modules

Notation 8.7.

Fix a point , and let be elements in that give a Noether normalization of ; see Definition 7.5.

Let be the field of rational functions in indeterminates . Consider the ideal in given by

Then is a closed point in lying over , by Theorem 7.7.

Choose a finite set that generates the ideal , let , and set

The -module depends on the choice of ; however, the thick subcategory of generated by it is independent of the choice; this can be proved along the lines of Reference 29, Corollary 5.11. The next result holds for any choice of and the corresponding .

Theorem 8.8.

The -module is -local and -torsion, and , with as in Equation 8.3, induces an isomorphism . Thus in there is a commutative diagram

where the map pointing left is localization. In particular, there is an equality

Lemma 8.9.

Let be an extension of fields and a -module. If a -module is in , then is in .

Theorem 8.10.

Let be a finite group scheme over . The tensor triangulated category is minimal for each point in .

Lemma 9.1.

Fix a point in . If is a -point corresponding to , then holds.

Lemma 9.2.

Let be a -point corresponding to a point in , and a -module. The following conditions are equivalent:


is in ;


is not projective;



Theorem 9.3.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . Viewed as subsets of one has for any -module .

Corollary 9.4.

For any -module the maximal elements, with respect to inclusion, in and coincide. In particular, is projective if and only if .

Equation (9.1)
Proposition 9.5.

Let be subgroup scheme of a finite group scheme over and the map induced by restriction.


For any -module the following equalities hold:


For any -module the following inclusions hold:

These become equalities when is a finite group or is unipotent.

Theorem 10.1.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . Then the stable module category is stratified as a tensor triangulated category by the natural action of the cohomology ring . Therefore the assignment

induces a bijection between the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of and the subsets of .

Corollary 10.2.

Let and be non-zero -modules. One can build out of if (and only if) there is an inclusion .

Theorem 10.3.

Let be a finite group scheme over a field . The assignment Equation 10.1 induces a bijection between tensor ideal thick subcategories of and specialization closed subsets of .

Theorem 10.4.

A tensor ideal localizing subcategory of is closed under products if and only if the complement of its support in is specialization closed.

Theorem 10.5.

Let be a tensor ideal localizing subcategory of . The following conditions are equivalent:


The localizing subcategory is smashing.


The localizing subcategory is generated by objects compact in .


The support of is a specialization closed subset of .

Corollary 10.6.

The homotopy category is stratified as a tensor triangulated category by the natural action of the cohomology ring . Therefore the assignment induces a bijection between the tensor ideal localizing subcategories of and the subsets of . It restricts to a bijection between the tensor ideal thick subcategories of and specialization closed subsets of .

Theorem 10.7.

If is unipotent and are -modules, then for some if and only if ; when these conditions hold, for all .


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 16G10 (Representations of Artinian rings)
Secondary: 20G10 (Cohomology theory), 20J06 (Cohomology of groups)
  • Cosupport
  • finite group scheme
  • localizing subcategory
  • support
  • thick subcategory
Author Information
Dave Benson
Institute of Mathematics, University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, United Kingdom
Srikanth B. Iyengar
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Henning Krause
Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Bielefeld, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Julia Pevtsova
Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195
Additional Notes

The second author was partly supported by NSF grant DMS 1503044.

The fourth author was partly supported by NSF grant DMS 0953011.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 31, Issue 1, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/jams/887
  • MathSciNet Review: 3718455
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3718455}{article}{ author={Benson, Dave}, author={Iyengar, Srikanth}, author={Krause, Henning}, author={Pevtsova, Julia}, title={Stratification for module categories of finite group schemes}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={31}, number={1}, date={2018-01}, pages={265-302}, issn={0894-0347}, review={3718455}, doi={10.1090/jams/887}, }


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