Notations for partitions
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- by Stig Comét PDF
- Math. Comp. 9 (1955), 143-146 Request permission
- Robert L. Bivins, N. Metropolis, Paul R. Stein, and Mark B. Wells, Characters of the symmetric groups of degree $15$ and $16$, Math. Tables Aids Comput. 8 (1954), 212–216. MR 64776, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1954-0064776-8
- Stig Comét, On the machine calculation of characters of the symmetric group, Tolfte Skandinaviska Matematikerkongressen, Lund, 1953, Lunds Universitets Matematiska Institution, Lund, 1954, pp. 18–23. MR 0064507 G. H. Hardy & S. Ramanujan, “Asymptotic formulae in combinatory analysis,” London Math. Soc., Proc., s. 2, v. 17, 1918, p. 75. A series of eight papers by A. Young, “On quantitative substitutional analysis,” published in London Math. Soc., Proc., beginning in ser. 1, v. 32, 1901, p. 384, and ending in ser. 2, v. 37, 1934, p. 441.
- Tadasi Nakayama, On some modular properties of irreducible representations of symmetric groups. II, Jpn. J. Math. 17 (1941), 411–423. MR 5730, DOI 10.4099/jjm1924.17.0_{1}65 This involves shifting to the left until the most significant digit is 1, and counting the shifts; see G. Kjellberg & G. Neovius, “The BARK, a Swedish general purpose relay computer,” MTAC, v. 5, 1951, p. 29-34.
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1955 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 9 (1955), 143-146
- MSC: Primary 68.0X
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 0074954