On a lower bound for the rank of a partitioned square matrix
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- by Gene H. Golub PDF
- Math. Comp. 17 (1963), 186-188 Request permission
- Ky Fan and A. J. Hoffman, Lower bounds for the rank and location of the eigenvalues of a matrix, Contributions to the solution of systems of linear equations and the determination of eigenvalues, National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, No. 39, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1954, pp. 117–130. MR 0064732
- David G. Feingold and Richard S. Varga, Block diagonally dominant matrices and generalizations of the Gerschgorin circle theorem, Pacific J. Math. 12 (1962), 1241–1250. MR 151473
- A. S. Householder, The approximate solution of matrix problems, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 5 (1958), 205–243. MR 128607, DOI 10.1145/320932.320933
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1963 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 17 (1963), 186-188
- MSC: Primary 15.05
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-1963-0157981-9
- MathSciNet review: 0157981