Gaussian quadrature formulae for $\int _{0}^{1}-\textrm {ln}(x)f(x) dx$
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- by Donald G. Anderson PDF
- Math. Comp. 19 (1965), 477-481 Request permission
H. Mineur, Techniques de Calcul Numérique à l’Usage des Mathématiciens, Astronomes, Physiciens et Ingénieurs. Suivi de Quatre Notes Par: Mme. Henri Berthod-Zaborowski, Jean Bouzitat, et Marcel Mayot, Béranger, Paris, 1952.
M. Abramowitz & I. Stequn (Eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, v. 55, Washington, D. C., 1964; p. 920.
D. G. Anderson, Numerical Experiments in Kinetic Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., June, 1963.
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- Philip J. Davis and Philip Rabinowitz, Advances in orthonormalizing computation, Advances in Computers, Vol. 2, Academic Press, New York, 1961, pp. 55–133. MR 0138189
- F. B. Hildebrand, Introduction to numerical analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York-Toronto-London, 1956. MR 0075670
- Cornelius Lanczos, Applied analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1956. MR 0084175
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1965 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 19 (1965), 477-481
- MSC: Primary 65.55
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 0178569