Contents of Volume 25, Number 113
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- Least squares methods for $2m$th order elliptic boundary-value problems
- J. H. Bramble and A. H. Schatz PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 1-32
- On the effects of scaling of the Peaceman-Rachford method
- Olof B. Widlund PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 33-41
- An interior a priori estimate for parabolic difference operators and an application
- Magnus Bondesson PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 43-58
- The calculation of Fourier coefficients by the Möbius inversion of the Poisson summation formula. II. Piecewise continuous functions and functions with poles near the interval $[0, 1]$
- J. N. Lyness PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 59-78
- On the error in the numerical integration of Chebyshev polynomials
- D. Nicholson, P. Rabinowitz, Nira Richter-Dyn and D. Zeilberger PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 79-86
- Adjusted forms of the Fourier coefficient asymptotic expansion and applications in numerical quadrature
- J. N. Lyness PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 87-104
- Existence of quadrature formulae with almost equal weights
- K. Salkauskas PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 105-109
- An implementation of Christoffel’s theorem in the theory of orthogonal polynomials
- David Galant PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 111-113
- Practical throw-back interpolation
- F. D. Burgoyne PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 115-117
- Formulas for bivariate hyperosculatory interpolation
- Herbert E. Salzer PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 119-133
- Error analysis of the algorithm for shifting the zeros of a polynomial by synthetic division
- G. W. Stewart PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 135-139
- Whittaker’s cardinal function in retrospect
- J. McNamee, F. Stenger and E. L. Whitney PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 141-154
- Strongly asymmetric sequences generated by four elements
- František Fiala PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 155-162
- Diophantine approximation of ternary linear forms
- T. W. Cusick PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 163-180
- On Hadamard matrices constructible by circulant submatrices
- C. H. Yang PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 181-186
- Reviews and Descriptions of Tables and Books
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 187-197
- Table errata: Higher transcendental functions, Vol. I, II (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953) by A. Erdélyi, W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger, and F. G. Tricomi
- Martin Katzin PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 199
- Table Errata
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 199-201
- Table errata: Tables of integral transforms. Vol. I, II (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954) by A. Erdélyi, W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger and F. G. Tricomi
- Martin Katzin PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 199
- Table errata: Recurring sequences (second edition, Riveon Lematematika, Jerusalem, 1966) by Dov Jarden
- John Brillhart PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 200-201
- Table errata: Tables of integrals, series, and products (English translation of the fourth Russian edition, Academic Press, New York, 1965) by I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik
- Carl Muhlhausen and Daniel D. Konowalow PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 200
- Table errata: Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematical physics (third edition of English translation, Springer, New York, 1966) by W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger and R. P. Soni
- Martin Katzin PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 201
- Table errata: Formeln und Sätze für die speziellen Funktionen der mathematischen Physik (second edition, Springer, Berlin, 1948) by W. Magnus and F. Oberhettinger
- Henry E. Fettis PDF
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 201
- Corrigenda
- Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 203