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Mathematics of Computation

Published by the American Mathematical Society since 1960 (published as Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation 1943-1959), Mathematics of Computation is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in computational mathematics.

ISSN 1088-6842 (online) ISSN 0025-5718 (print)

The 2024 MCQ for Mathematics of Computation is 1.78.

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Recursive collocation for the numerical solution of stiff ordinary differential equations
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by H. Brunner PDF
Math. Comp. 28 (1974), 475-481 Request permission


The exact solution of a given stiff system of nonlinear (homogeneous) ordinary differential equations on a given interval I is approximated, on each subinterval ${\sigma _k}$ corresponding to a partition ${\pi _N}$ of I, by a linear combination ${U_k}(x)$ of exponential functions. The function ${U_k}(x)$ will involve only the "significant" eigenvalues (in a sense to be made precise) of the approximate Jacobian for ${\sigma _k}$. The unknown vectors in ${U_k}(x)$ are computed recursively by requiring that ${U_k}(x)$ satisfy the given system at certain suitable points in ${\sigma _k}$ (collocation), with the additional condition that the collection of these functions $\{ {U_k}\}$ represent a continuous function on I satisfying the given initial conditions.
    G. Bjurel et al., Survey of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations, Report NA 70.11, Dept. of Computer Science, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1970.
  • C. W. Gear, The automatic integration of stiff ordinary differential equations. , Information Processing 68 (Proc. IFIP Congress, Edinburgh, 1968) North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1969, pp. 187–193. MR 0260180
  • Wolfgang Hahn, Stability of motion, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 138, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, 1967. Translated from the German manuscript by Arne P. Baartz. MR 0223668
  • J. D. Lambert, Computational methods in ordinary differential equations, John Wiley & Sons, London-New York-Sydney, 1973. Introductory Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers. MR 0423815
  • Werner Liniger and Ralph A. Willoughby, Efficient integration methods for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 7 (1970), 47–66. MR 260181, DOI 10.1137/0707002
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Additional Information
  • © Copyright 1974 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Math. Comp. 28 (1974), 475-481
  • MSC: Primary 65L05
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 0347089