A fast Cauchy-Riemann solver
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- by Michael Ghil and Ramesh Balgovind PDF
- Math. Comp. 33 (1979), 585-635 Request permission
We present a solution algorithm for a second-order accurate discrete form of the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equations. The algorithm is comparable in speed and storage requirements with fast Poisson solvers. Error estimates for the discrete approximation of sufficiently smooth solutions of the problem are established; numerical results indicate that second-order accuracy obtains even for solutions which do not have the required smoothness. Different combinations of boundary conditions are considered and suitable modifications of the solution algorithm are described and implemented.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1979 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 33 (1979), 585-635
- MSC: Primary 65F05; Secondary 65N15
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-1979-0521278-7
- MathSciNet review: 521278