Pisot numbers in the neighborhood of a limit point. II
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- by David W. Boyd PDF
- Math. Comp. 43 (1984), 593-602 Request permission
Let S denote the set of real algebraic integers greater than one, all of whose other conjugates lie within the unit circle. In an earlier paper, we introduced the notion of "width" of a limit point $\alpha$ of S and showed that, if the width of $\alpha$ is smaller than 1.28... then there is an algorithm for determining all members of S in a neighborhood of $\alpha$. Recently, we introduced the "derived tree" in order to deal with limit points of greater width. Here, we apply these ideas to the study of the limit point ${\alpha _3}$, the zero of ${z^4} - 2{z^3} + z - 1$ outside the unit circle. We determine the smallest neighborhood ${\theta _1} < {\alpha _3} < {\theta _2}$ of ${\alpha _3}$ in which all elements of S other than ${\alpha _3}$ satisfy one of the equations ${z^n}({z^4} - 2{z^3} + z - 1) \pm A(z) = 0$, where $A(z)$ is one of ${z^3} - {z^2} + 1$, ${z^3} - z + 1$ or ${z^4} - {z^3} + z - 1$. The endpoints ${\theta _1}$, and ${\theta _2}$ are elements of S of degrees 23 and 42, respectively.References
- David W. Boyd, Pisot and Salem numbers in intervals of the real line, Math. Comp. 32 (1978), no. 144, 1244–1260. MR 491587, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1978-0491587-8
- David W. Boyd, Pisot numbers in the neighbourhood of a limit point. I, J. Number Theory 21 (1985), no. 1, 17–43. MR 804914, DOI 10.1016/0022-314X(85)90010-1
- J. Dufresnoy and Ch. Pisot, Etude de certaines fonctions méromorphes bornées sur le cercle unité. Application à un ensemble fermé d’entiers algébriques, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (3) 72 (1955), 69–92 (French). MR 0072902
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1984 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 43 (1984), 593-602
- MSC: Primary 11R06
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-1984-0758207-9
- MathSciNet review: 758207