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Mathematics of Computation

Published by the American Mathematical Society since 1960 (published as Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation 1943-1959), Mathematics of Computation is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in computational mathematics.

ISSN 1088-6842 (online) ISSN 0025-5718 (print)

The 2024 MCQ for Mathematics of Computation is 1.78.

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Contents of Volume 45, Number 172
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Stability of finite-difference models containing two boundaries or interfaces
Lloyd N. Trefethen PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 279-300
Stability of interfaces with mesh refinement
Marsha J. Berger PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 301-318
Finite difference approximations of generalized solutions
Endre Süli, Boško Jovanović and Lav Ivanović PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 319-327
On some high-order accurate fully discrete Galerkin methods for the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Vassilios A. Dougalis and Ohannes A. Karakashian PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 329-345
Analysis of the finite element variable penalty method for Stokes equations
Haroon Kheshgi and Mitchell Luskin PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 347-363
Accuracy bounds for semidiscretizations of hyperbolic problems
Rolf Jeltsch and Klaus-Günther Strack PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 365-376
Stepsize restrictions for stability of one-step methods in the numerical solution of initial value problems
M. N. Spijker PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 377-392
Deformations of the bifurcation diagram due to discretization
J. Bigge and E. Bohl PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 393-403
An improved version of Marti’s method for solving ill-posed linear integral equations
Heinz W. Engl and Andreas Neubauer PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 405-416
The numerical solution of weakly singular Volterra integral equations by collocation on graded meshes
Hermann Brunner PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 417-437
Linear multistep methods for Volterra integral and integro-differential equations
P. J. van der Houwen and H. J. J. te Riele PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 439-461
Fractional linear multistep methods for Abel-Volterra integral equations of the second kind
Ch. Lubich PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 463-469
A stable algorithm for updating triangular factors under a rank one change
R. Fletcher and S. P. J. Matthews PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 471-485
Estimation of the error in the reduced basis method solution of nonlinear equations
T. A. Porsching PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 487-496
A geometric proof of total positivity for spline interpolation
C. de Boor and R. DeVore PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 497-504
Optimal integration for functions of bounded variation
J. F. Traub and D. Lee PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 505-512
The error norm of certain Gaussian quadrature formulae
G. Akrivis PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 513-519
Recurrence relations for hypergeometric functions of unit argument
Stanisław Lewanowicz PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 521-535
A note on asymptotic evaluation of some Hankel transforms
C. L. Frenzen and R. Wong PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 537-548
Further extensions of a Legendre function integral
Henry E. Fettis PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 549-552
Aitken sequences and generalized Fibonacci numbers
J. H. McCabe and G. M. Phillips PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 553-558
Accuracy in random number generation
John F. Monahan PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 559-568
On computing the discriminant of an algebraic number field
Theresa P. Vaughan PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 569-584
On cyclic cubic fields
Veikko Ennola and Reino Turunen PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 585-589
On real cyclic sextic fields
V. Ennola, S. Mäki and R. Turunen PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 591-611
Sets in which $xy+k$ is always a square
Ezra Brown PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 613-620
A counterexample to a conjecture of Mahler on best $p$-adic Diophantine approximation constants
Alice A. Deanin PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 621-632
Reviews and Descriptions of Tables and Books
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 633-636
Corrigendum: “On the smallest $k$ such that all $k\cdot 2^ n+1$ are composite” [Math. Comp. 40 (1983), no. 161, 381–384; MR0679453 (84k:10006)]
G. Jaeschke PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 637
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), 639-648
Supplement to: “Linear multistep methods for Volterra integral and integro-differential equations”
P. J. van der Houwen and H. J. J. te Riele PDF
Math. Comp. 45 (1985), S21-S28